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Questing Ixodes ricinus L. (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks were collected on a forest trail that had been completely cleared of shrubs and ground vegetation in winter 2002 and on a nearby control uncleared forest transect in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Samples were collected each May in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Nymphal ticks were 3.4 times, 1.9 times and 1.2 times less frequent on cleared forest than on uncleared forest trails in the three respective years, whereas adult tick abundance was 27.2 times, 4.0 times and 2.2 times lower, respectively. The ticks were examined for borreliae by dark-field microscopy: prevalence of nymphal ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (12.6% to 20.0%) did not differ significantly between the cleared and uncleared trail during the 3 years. In conclusion, the habitat modification appeared to result in a decreased abundance of I. ricinus as well as a reduced frequency of infected ticks (and thus indirectly a lower potential risk of Lyme borreliosis), which lasted, however, for only 2 years. Eight cultures of borreliae isolated from the ticks were all identified as the 'ornithophilic' genomic species Borrelia garinii, possibly indicating a greater role of forest birds than that of forest rodents as the hosts of immature I. ricinus in the tick (and borrelial) colonization of the cleared part of the forest.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the infection level of adult forms and larvae of ticks and mosquitoes with Borrelia burgdorferi in the forested areas of Szczecin. A total of 1699 ticks Ixodes ricinus, including 1422 nymphs, 277 adult forms and 2862 mosquito females representing the genera Aedes (89.6%) and Culex (10.4%) were collected between the years 2004 and 2005. A further 3746 larvae and 1596 pupae of Culex pipiens pipiens were colleted from water bodies. Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. was detected in the arthropods by the method of indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). A positive immunological reaction was detected in 16.6% of the adult forms and in 16.5% of the nymphs of Ixodes ricinus. Spirochetes were also detected in 1.7% of mosquito females, 3.2% of larvae and in 1.6% of pupae of Culex pipiens pipiens. The results of the present study confirm that contact with ticks constitutes the main risk of contracting Lyme disease, although mosquitoes play a role as vectors as well.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, shows a great ability to adapt to different environments, including the arthropod vector, and the mammalian host. The success of these microorganisms to survive in nature and complete their enzootic cycle depends on the regulation of genes that are essential to their survival in the different environments. This review describes the current knowledge of gene expression by B. burgdorferi in the tick and the mammalian host. The functions of the differentially regulated gene products as well as the factors that influence their expression are discussed. A thorough understanding of the changes in gene expression and the function of the differentially expressed antigens during the life cycle of the spirochete will allow a better control of this prevalent infection and the design of new, second generation vaccines to prevent infection with the spirochete.  相似文献   

Borrelia miyamotoi is a newly described emerging pathogen transmitted to people by Ixodes species ticks and found in temperate regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. There is limited understanding of large scale entomological risk patterns of B. miyamotoi and of Borreila burgdorferi sensu stricto (ss), the agent of Lyme disease, in western North America. In this study, B. miyamotoi, a relapsing fever spirochete, was detected in adult (n = 70) and nymphal (n = 36) Ixodes pacificus ticks collected from 24 of 48 California counties that were surveyed over a 13 year period. Statewide prevalence of B. burgdorferi sensu lato (sl), which includes B. burgdorferi ss, and B. miyamotoi were similar in adult I. pacificus (0.6% and 0.8%, respectively). In contrast, the prevalence of B. burgdorferi sl was almost 2.5 times higher than B. miyamotoi in nymphal I. pacificus (3.2% versus 1.4%). These results suggest similar risk of exposure to B. burgdorferi sl and B. miyamotoi from adult I. pacificus tick bites in California, but a higher risk of contracting B. burgdorferi sl than B. miyamotoi from nymphal tick bites. While regional risk of exposure to these two spirochetes varies, the highest risk for both species is found in north and central coastal California and the Sierra Nevada foothill region, and the lowest risk is in southern California; nevertheless, tick-bite avoidance measures should be implemented in all regions of California. This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate entomologic risk for B. miyamotoi and B. burgdorferi for both adult and nymphal I. pacificus, an important human biting tick in western North America.  相似文献   

Without antibiotic treatment, the Lyme-disease-causing bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi can be cultured from the peripheral blood of human patients nearly 6 wk post-tick bite. To determine if Lyme disease spirochetes can be transmitted from a spirochetemic donor mouse to a naive recipient during blood transfusion, blood taken from immunocompetent infected mice was transfused into either immunodeficient (SCID) mice, inbred immunocompetent animals (C3H/HeJ), or outbred mice. Nine of 19 (47.7%) immunodeficient mice, 7 of 15 (46.8%) inbred immunocompetent mice, and 6 of 10 (60.0%) outbred mice became infected with B. burgdorferi after transfusion. Our results indicate that it is possible to acquire B. burgdoferi infection via transfused blood in a mouse model of Lyme borreliosis.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between c-di-GMP and its only known effector protein, PlzA, in Borrelia burgdorferi during the arthropod and mammalian phases of the enzootic cycle. Using a B. burgdorferi strain expressing a plzA point mutant (plzA-R145D) unable to bind c-di-GMP, we confirmed that the protective function of PlzA in ticks is c-di-GMP-dependent. Unlike ΔplzA spirochetes, which are severely attenuated in mice, the plzA-R145D strain was fully infectious, firmly establishing that PlzA serves a c-di-GMP-independent function in mammals. Contrary to prior reports, loss of PlzA did not affect expression of RpoS or RpoS-dependent genes, which are essential for transmission, mammalian host-adaptation and murine infection. To ascertain the nature of PlzA’s c-di-GMP-independent function(s), we employed infection models using (i) host-adapted mutant spirochetes for needle inoculation of immunocompetent mice and (ii) infection of scid mice with in vitro-grown organisms. Both approaches substantially restored ΔplzA infectivity, suggesting that PlzA enables B. burgdorferi to overcome an early bottleneck to infection. Furthermore, using a Borrelia strain expressing a heterologous, constitutively active diguanylate cyclase, we demonstrate that ‘ectopic’ production of c-di-GMP in mammals abrogates spirochete virulence and interferes with RpoS function at the post-translational level in a PlzA-dependent manner. Structural modeling and SAXS analysis of liganded- and unliganded-PlzA revealed marked conformational changes that underlie its biphasic functionality. This structural plasticity likely enables PlzA to serve as a c-di-GMP biosensor that in its respective liganded and unliganded states promote vector- and host-adaptation by the Lyme disease spirochete.  相似文献   

A total of 237 rodents was collected in 4 regions of South Carolina from July 1994 through December 1995. Eight species were collected, including cotton mouse, hispid cotton rat, eastern woodrat, marsh rice rat, white-footed mouse, eastern harvest mouse, golden mouse, and black rat. Of the 1,514 ticks recovered from these hosts, Ixodes minor Neumann, including larvae, nymphs, and adults, was the most abundant species, representing 54% of the total. Only immature stages of other tick species were found, including larvae and nymphs of Dermacentor variabilis (Say), Amblyomma maculatum Koch, Ixodes affinis Neumann, and Ixodes scapularis Say. All 5 tick species parasitized cotton mice, cotton rats, and woodrats, which were the most important small mammal hosts for ticks at the localities studied. Rice rats were hosts of A. maculatum, D. variabilis, and L. minor. Amblyomma maculatum was more strongly associated with cotton rats than other rodent species. Ixodes scapularis was most strongly associated with cotton mice, and I. minor was more strongly associated with both woodrats and cotton mice than other species of rodents. Ixodes minor parasitized hosts in the Coastal Zone only, where among spirochete-infected hosts, it was present in significantly greater numbers than other ticks. Furthermore, I. minor was the only tick species that showed a statistically significant positive association with spirochetal infection in rodents. More I. affinis parasitized spirochete-infected hosts than I. scapularis, but fewer than I. minor. The findings discussed herein provide evidence that implicates I. minor as the possible primary enzootic vector of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi Johnson, Schmid, Hyde, Steigerwalt and Brenner in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina. They also indicate that the high level of B. burgdorferi infection in rodents from this region may be a function of the combined involvement of I. minor, I. affinis, and I. scapularis in the enzootic transmission of the spirochete.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of S, Ca and N were examined at the Huntington Forest, a northern hardwood ecosystem in the central Adirondacks of New York for a period of 34 months (1985–1988). Solute concentrations and fluxes in bulk precipitation, throughfall (TF) and leachates from the forest floor, E horizon and B horizon were quantified. Both above and below-ground elemental fluxes mediated by vegetation (e.g. uptake, litter inputs, and fine roots production) were also determined. The roles of abiotic and biotic processes were ascertained based on both changes in solute concentrations through the strata of the ecosystem as well as differences between dormant and growing seasons. Concentrations of SO4 2−, NO3 , NH4 + and Ca2+ were greater in TF than precipitation. Forest floor leachates had greater concentrations of SO4 2−, NO3 + NH4 + and Ca2+ (9, 6 and 77 μeq L−1, respectively) than TF. There were differences in concentrations of ions in leachates from the forest floor between the dormant and growing seasons presumably due to vegetation uptake and microbial immobilization. Concentrations and fluxes of NO3 and NH; were greatest in early spring followed by a rapid decline which coincided with a demand for N by vegetation in late spring. Vegetation uptake (44.7 kg N ha−1 yr−1 ) could account for the low leaching rates of N03 . Within the mineral soil, changes with soil depth and the absence of seasonal patterns suggest that cation exchange (Ca+) or anion sorption (SO4 2−) are primarily responsible for regulating solute concentrations. The increase in SO4 2− concentration after leachates passed through the mineral soil may be attributed to desorption of sulfate that was adsorbed during an earlier period when SO4 2− concentrations would have been greater due to elevated S inputs.  相似文献   

The Rambouillet Forest, a Lyme disease-endemic area near Paris, France, was surveyed from September 1994 to October 1995 to determine the risk periods and zones for humans. Firstly, during the period of Ixodes ricinus activity, abundance of nymphs is greater in spring than in autumn. Secondly, we observed significant variation in nymphal abundance between zones according to the density of cervids. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect DNA of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in 461 unfed nymphs. DNA was detected in 38 nymphs (8.2%). By genospecific PCR based on the OspA gene, we detected the three pathogenic spirochetes with occurrences of 10.3, 31.1 and 58.6 for B. burgdorferi s.s., Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii, respectively, indicating that B. afzelii is probably the main Borrelia species in the Rambouillet Forest. Finally, 11.5% of positive nymphs exhibited a double infection. Infection rates of I. ricinus nymphs by B. burgdorferi s.l. were not significantly different throughout the year for a given area, indicating that the risk periods of acquiring Lyme disease are mainly linked to nymph activity and correspond to spring and autumn. Likewise infection rates of nymphs were not significantly different between zones with a high density of deer (more than 100 animals per 100 ha) and zones with lower deer density (less than 20 animals per 100 ha). In addition to the role of deer as an amplifier of tick populations, these data indicate that zones with a high density of cervids should be considered as higher risk areas. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Stimulation of isolated rat Kupffer cells by viable Leptospira interrogans, Treponema pallidum and Borrelia garinii elicited cellular responses resulting in the release of different tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) levels, depending on the spirochetes. L. interrogans induced TNF-alpha levels higher than those achieved with B. garinii and T. pallidum (in this order), but lower than the levels achieved with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In contrast to L. interrogans, pretreatment of borreliae and treponemes with polymyxin B did not substantially diminish the ability of B. garinii and T. pallidum to stimulate Kupffer cells. Purified T. pallidum lipoproteins TpN47, TmpA, TpN15-TpN17, and B. garinii OspA induced TNF-alpha responses comparable to that achieved by LPS. This response was almost insensitive to the action of polymyxin B.  相似文献   

It is frequently assumed that population fluctuations are largely independent within a community of trophically‐similar species, but this need not be so. If population fluctuations are partly synchronized or concordant, this will produce interannual variability in the community's aggregate abundance and generate temporal variance in ecosystem structure. We studied the community of Lepidoptera inhabiting northern hardwood forests in New Hampshire, USA, to evaluate the hypothesis that fluctuations in consumer communities can arise from concordant dynamics of constituent populations. Interannual comparisons of moth abundances for >75 species sampled at three sites over four years revealed that concordant dynamics contribute strongly to interannual variability in the abundance of consumers. A conspicuous decline in community abundance from 2004 to 2005 was the result of predominantly negative population growth rates of the component species, while an increase in community abundance from 2006 to 2007 was the result of predominantly positive population growth rates. Population dynamics most strongly linked species that feed in the early season (perhaps due to shared responses to climatic effects), but not species that might share natural enemies or host plants. The observed concordant dynamics introduced conspicuous temporal variation in the abundance of primary consumers relative to plants and secondary consumers, thereby altering the forest's trophic structure. Such variance in the aggregate abundance of forest primary consumers could generate time‐lagged fluctuations in abundances of secondary consumers and will generally have important consequences for ecosystem properties and processes that are nonlinear functions of consumer abundance, such as plant community structure and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Lyme borreliosis caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is now the most common vectorborne disease in North America, Europe and Asia. It is a multisystemic infection which may cause skin, neurological, cardiac or rheumatologic disorders. The aims of the present thesis were: (i) to develop a PCR assay for direct detection of B. burgdorferi DNA and to evaluate the diagnostic utility of PCR in clinical specimens from patients with Lyme borreliosis and (ii) to study the taxonomic classification of B. burgdorferi isolates and its implications for epidemiology and clinical presentation. Laboratory diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis by direct demonstration of B. burgdorferi in clinical specimens would compared to current serology allow (i) optimal specificity, (ii) increased sensitivity during the first weeks of infection, when the antibody response is not yet detectable and (iii) discrimination between ongoing and past infection. Due to the extreme paucity of spirochetes in clinical specimens neither in vitro culture nor antigen detection had yielded a sufficient diagnostic sensitivity. Thus the recently introduced highly sensitive PCR methodology could be a solution and was thus studied. Assays for PCR amplification and subsequent identification of B. burgdorferi specific sequences were established and used. For all assays the analytical sensitivity was a few genome copies using purified DNA as template. The efficacy of PCR was initially evaluated using tissue samples from experimentally infected gerbils in order to start with biological samples a priori known to contain B. burgdorferi. B. burgdorferi DNA was detectable in 88% of the specimens. Thus the diagnostic sensitivity of PCR was comparable to and even higher than in vitro culture. PCR was significantly more sensitive than a histological B. burgdorferi specific immunophosphatase-staining method. The utility of the PCR was then tested for identification of B. burgdorferi DNA in skin biopsies from 31 patients with erythema migrans. The sensitivity of PCR was 71%, which was superior to culture and serology. Based on own and otherwise published results there is clear evidence for PCR being the most sensitive and specific test for detection of B. burgdorferi in skin biopsies from patients with both early and late dermatoborreliosis. However, since the clinical diagnosis of dermatoborreliosis in most instances is easy, an invasive procedure as a skin biopsy, will only be justified in patients with an atypical clinical presentation. The most frequent and serious manifestation of disseminated Lyme borreliosis is neuroborreliosis. PCR was applied to 190 patients with untreated and confirmed neuroborreliosis. B. burgdorferi DNA was detectable in 17-21% of CSF samples from patients with neuroborreliosis. In patients with very early neuroborreliosis (< 2 weeks), still being negative for specific intrathecal antibody synthesis, a positive PCR was more frequent than in patients with longer disease duration. PCR can be used as a diagnostic aid in these patients. However, in general the measurement of specific intrathecal antibody production in patients with neuroborreliosis was superior to PCR. In urine samples from patients with Lyme borreliosis the diagnostic sensitivity varied, generally showing a low reproducibility. Urine is thus not regarded as a suitable sample source for B. burgdorferi PCR. The reason may be the variable presence of Taq polymerase inhibitors. Based on a semi-quantitative detection system for amplicons, reflecting the input amount of specific DNA and thus the density of spirochetes in the clinical samples high amounts of DNA were found in skin biopsies whereas especially in urine the amount of DNA was low. When the present study was initiated there was no accepted classification of B. burgdorferi. A heterogeneity among B. burgdorferi strains might have important implications for understanding the epidemiology and different clinical presentations (dermatoborreliosis versus neuroborreliosis) and courses (self-limiting versus chronic disease). Furthermore, strain differences were of importance for selection of suitable antigens for diagnostic assays and for vaccine development. Since then, B. burgdorferi isolates have been studied by phenotypic and genotypic traits and have been shown to be highly heterogeneous. Our first approach was to genotype a panel of human B. burgdorferi isolates by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of three genes. Thereafter, sequencing and dideoxy fingerprinting of ospA was applied. By RFLP the strains could be differentiated into two to five groups. The RFLP classification was compared with four different phenotypic and genotypic methods including the rRNA typing. Results obtained with the different methods correlated highly and confirmed the meanwhile accepted taxonomic classification by Baranton et al., According to this the term B. burgdorferi sensu lato comprises three different human pathogenic genospecies B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. garinii and B. afzelii. All three genospecies have been isolated among Danish patients with Lyme borreliosis and are thus prevalent in Denmark. Since isolation of B. burgdorferi from patients with Lyme borreliosis is laborious and often unsuccessful molecular typing methods based on PCR are recommended obviating the need for isolation by prior culture. Of special interest was to study a possible association of neuroborreliosis to certain B. burgdorferi genospecies, indicating species depended organotropism. By RFLP all six CSF isolates tested belonged to B. garinii and that 6 out of 7 isolates from patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans belonged to B. afzelii. Due to the low culture yield of B. burgdorferi from CSF, the association of B. garinii and neuroborreliosis was further studied by sequence analysis and dideoxyfingerprinting analysis of ospA PCR amplicons obtained from CSF samples from patients with neuroborreliosis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that in 11 out of 13 patients B. garinii DNA was found in CSF. These data strongly supports the hypothesis that B. garinii is the principal agent of Lyme neuroborreliosis in Europe. Similarly it was shown that B. afzelii is associated with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans and thus dermatoborreliosis. Due to a strain dependent different selection pressure in culture only PCR based methods can be used to answer whether mixed infection in patients specimens occur. Our data indicate that mixed infections in humans if ever are rare.  相似文献   

Thirty-five strains of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (B. burgdorferi s. l.) were isolated from the blacklegged tick vector Ixodes scapularis in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Rhode Island. They were characterized by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of rrf (5S)-rrl (23S) intergenic spacer amplicons. PCR-RFLP analysis indicated that the strains represented at least 3 genospecies (including a possible novel genospecies) and 4 different restriction patterns. Thirty strains belonged to the genospecies B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (B. burgdorferi s. s.), 4 southern strains were identified as B. bissettii, and strain SCCH-5 from South Carolina exhibited MseI and DraI restriction patterns different from those of previously reported genospecies. Complete sequences of rrf-rrl intergenic spacers from 14 southeastern and northeastern strains were determined and the phylogenetic relationships of these strains were compared. The 14 strains clustered into 3 separate lineages on the basis of sequence analysis. These results were confirmed by phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Measuring and estimating biodiversity patterns is a fundamental task of the scientist working to support conservation and inform management decisions. Most biodiversity studies in temperate regions were often carried out over a very short period of time (e.g., a single season) and it is often-at least tacitly-assumed that these short-term findings are representative of long-term general patterns. However, should the studied biodiversity pattern in fact contain significant temporal dynamics, perhaps leading to contradictory conclusions. Here, we studied the seasonal diversity dynamics of arboreal spider communities dwelling in 216 European beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) to assess the spider community composition in the following seasons: two cold seasons (I: November 2005-January 2006; II: February-April) and two warm seasons (III: May-July; IV: August-October). We show that the usually measured diversity of the warm season community (IV: 58 estimated species) alone did not deliver a reliable image of the overall diversity present in these trees, and therefore, we recommend it should not be used for sampling protocols aimed at providing a full picture of a forest's biodiversity in the temperate zones. In particular, when the additional samplings of other seasons (I, II, III) were included, the estimated species richness nearly doubled (108). Community I possessed the lowest diversity and evenness due to the harsh winter conditions: this community was comprised of one dominant species together with several species low in abundance. Similarity was lowest (38.6%) between seasonal communities I and III, indicating a significant species turnover due to recolonization, so that community III had the highest diversity. Finally, using nonparametric estimators, we found that further sampling in late winter (February-April) is most needed to complete our inventory. Our study clearly demonstrates that seasonal dynamics of communities should be taken into account when studying biodiversity patterns of spiders, and probably forest arthropods in general.  相似文献   

The distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato , the Lyme borreliosis agent, was surveyed in British ticks in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London. Alcohol-preserved specimens of eight species of ticks known to attack humans were studied: Ixodes ricinus , I. hexagonus , I. uriae , I. trianguliceps , Dermacentor reticulatus , Haemaphysalis punctata , Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Argas vespertilionis. The sample comprised all life stages and originated from a wide range of host species, collection dates (1896–1994) and geographical localities in England, Scotland and Wales.
Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. DNA, detected by a polymerase chain reaction that targeted the outer surface protein A gene, was found in all eight species. The overall proportion of PCR-positive specimens ranged from 7.8% for I. hexagonus (mostly from mustelids and hedgehogs) to 98.3% for I. uriae (mostly from seabirds). Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. DNA was found for the first time in the bat parasite A. vespertilionis (85.3%). The spirochaete is newly recorded in British populations of I. trianguliceps (97.4%, mostly from voles, mice and shrews), D. reticulatus (12.5% from dog and man) and R. sanguineus (30% from dogs and human dwellings). Of the four tick species with larvae available for testing, examples of I. ricinus, I. uriae and A. vespertilionis were PCR positive, as were significantly more nymphs than adults of I. ricinus, I. hexagonus and A. vespertilionis. Analyses showed that B. burgdorferi s. l. has been consistently present in British tick populations since at least 1897. Ticks positive for B. burgdorferi s. l. DNA were collected in all months of the year, throughout Britain, and were found on a wide range of mammal and bird species. PCR positivity does not prove vector or reservoir competence, but the use of archived material has demonstrated an extensive range of host–tick relationships involving B. burgdorferi s.l. in Britain for >100 years.  相似文献   

Two different genetic loci, flaB and ospC, were employed to assign genospecies and OspC phylogenetic type to 18 strains isolated from ticks collected in Pisárky, a suburban park in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. The RFLP analysis revealed three different genospecies (B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. valaisiana). Three samples from the collection contained more than one genospecies. In the other 15 strains, nucleotide sequences of flaB and ospC were determined. The following phylogenetic analysis assigned 12 isolates to genospecies B. garinii and three to B. afzelii. These isolates were further subdivided into seven distinct ospC groups. The most related OspC types were G2, G4, and G5 (B. garinii) and A3 and A8 (B. afzelii).  相似文献   

We studied 48 Borrelia isolates that were associated with Lyme borreliosis or were isolated from ticks and identified three DNA relatedness groups by using the S1 nuclease method. The three DNA groups (genospecies) were associated with specific rRNA gene restriction patterns, protein electrophoresis patterns, and patterns of reactivity with murine monoclonal antibodies. Genospecies I corresponded to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto since it contained the type strain of this species (strain ATCC 35210); this genospecies included 28 isolates from Europe and the United States. Genospecies II was named Borrelia garinii sp. nov. and included 13 isolates from Europe and Japan. Genospecies III (group VS461) included seven isolates from Europe and Japan.  相似文献   

Medinets  Sergiy  Gasche  Rainer  Kiese  Ralf  Rennenberg  Heinz  Butterbach-Bahl  Klaus 《Plant and Soil》2019,445(1-2):335-348
Plant and Soil - Soils are known to be significant sources of atmospheric nitric oxide (NO), a key compound in atmospheric chemistry. NO is a key regulating substance for inter- and intra-species...  相似文献   

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