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Sexual cannibalism is a well-known example for sexual conflict and has many facets that determine the costs and benefits for the cannibal and the victim. Here, I focus on species in which sexual cannibalism is a general component of a mating system in which males invest maximally in mating with a single (monogyny) or two (bigyny) females. Sexual cannibalism can be a male strategy to maximize paternity and a female strategy to prevent paternity monopolization by any or a particular male. Considerable variation exists between species (1) in the potential of males to monopolize females, and (2) in the success of females in preventing monopolization by males. This opens up exciting future possibilities to investigate sexually antagonistic coevolution in a largely unstudied mating system.Sexual cannibalism, the killing and consumption of potential or actual mating partners in a mating context, has been termed a “pinnacle of sexual conflict” because of the dramatic ending of the act for one mating partner, mostly the male (Elgar and Schneider 2004). This contradiction of traditional sex roles may be one reason why the phenomenon of sexual cannibalism has intrigued naturalists for a long time. In the context of sexual conflict, sexually cannibalistic behavior of females is a harmful trait, and antagonistic traits are expected to evolve in males, which can be considered the reverse of most other examples in which females respond to male harm (see Perry and Rowe 2014). I will discuss potential antagonistic traits to sexual cannibalism in males but will also show that the above view is too simplistic when it comes to spider mating systems characterized by very low male mating rates.It is important to note that there are different kinds of sexual cannibalism based on very different evolutionary scenarios (Elgar and Schneider 2004; Prenter et al. 2006; Wilder et al. 2009). The most extreme divide exists between cannibalism before sperm transfer, which can only benefit the cannibal, and sexual cannibalism during or after sperm transfer (from here on termed postinsemination sexual cannibalism), which can benefit the cannibal and the victim (Elgar and Schneider 2004). Despite a longer history of research on preinsemination sexual cannibalism, the evolutionary causes and consequences of postinsemination sexual cannibalism are generally less debated.There are reports (often anecdotal) on the occurrence of sexual cannibalism from diverse invertebrate taxa (Elgar 1992) and it may well occur in all predatory invertebrates that are potentially cannibalistic (Polis 1981). It is beyond the scope of this brief review to list and evaluate all reported occurrences. Rather, I will start with a brief account of the generally discussed causes and consequences of sexual cannibalism and will then concentrate on the conflicting interests of the sexes regarding postinsemination sexual cannibalism in mating systems that are characterized by very low male mating rates.Studies that investigate sexual cannibalism experimentally are mostly concerned with (1) nutritional aspects, (2) the importance of sexual size dimorphism and sexual selection, and, increasingly, (3) behavioral syndromes. The aggressive spillover hypothesis suggests that preinsemination sexual cannibalism is part of a behavioral syndrome in which aggression against mating partners spills over from a foraging context (Arnqvist and Henriksson 1997). There is mixed support for this idea in the few species that have been looked at. In several spider species, females consistently differ in their aggressiveness and these differences affect sexual cannibalism (for a recent debate about the evidence for this hypothesis, see Johnson 2013; Kralj-Fišer et al. 2013b; Pruitt and Keiser 2013).A majority of studies have taken a unilateral view and have been concerned with the “motivation” of the cannibal; because sexual cannibalism generally occurs in predators, hunger is a well-supported motivation (Wilder et al. 2009). Many predators are food-limited, and, assuming a trade-off between foraging and mating, the balance may tilt toward foraging under particular circumstances (modeled by Newman and Elgar 1991). Food and mate availability will influence the costs and benefits of sexual cannibalism for females and have been one focus of a recent review on sexual cannibalism (Wilder et al. 2009).In all predatory and cannibalistic animals, mating partners impose selection on each other’s abilities to avoid or resist aggression. This selection pressure is asymmetrical if one sex is physically dominant. Indeed, the differences in size between females and males often determine the frequency of sexual cannibalism, perhaps because the potential to resist a cannibalistic attack is size-dependent (Elgar 1992; Wilder and Rypstra 2008). Usually, males are the victims and females are the cannibals. Yet, reversed sexual cannibalism has also been reported and appears to be associated with the reversed pattern in sexual size dimorphism. Examples are the water spider, Arygoneta aquatica (Schutz and Taborsky 2005, 2011) and role-reversed wolf spiders (Aisenberg et al. 2011). In the gnaphosid spider, Micaria sociabilis, large, young males cannibalize old and relatively smaller females (Sentenska and Pekar 2013). These examples further support the notion that the relative size differences of a mating pair play a part in determining the likelihood of sexual cannibalism. Patterns can be found both on a between-species comparative scale and on a within-species scale (Wilder and Rypstra 2008; Wilder et al. 2009), and they are also reported as an underlying pattern in cannibalism outside a mating context (Bleakley et al. 2013). Furthermore, there is anecdotal evidence for the same pattern in hermaphrodites (e.g., Goto and Yoshida 1985; Michiels et al. 2003), which may constitute a particularly interesting case to study, as the power asymmetries are less obviously related to the male or female role.In asymmetric encounters, the costs and risks of aggressive behavior toward potential mating partners are low for the dominant partner. Toward smaller males, females could use aggressiveness as a means of partner choice. Indeed, many studies suggest that sexual selection in addition to gaining a meal may be the adaptive value of sexual cannibalism (Prenter et al. 2006). From the female perspective, aggressive behavior directed toward males may serve as a general screening of partner quality, a mechanism often described as indirect mate choice (Elgar and Nash 1988; Prenter et al. 2006; Kralj-Fišer et al. 2012). A screening method implies that females attack every male, and suitors that cannot withstand and persist an attack will be killed and consumed; alternatively, females may differentiate between males and attack and consume only those males that do not meet certain quality criteria (reviewed in Prenter et al. 2006). The latter has been found in wolf spiders (Wilgers and Hebets 2012). The latter mechanism of direct choice is more complex than the indirect one as it requires perception and assessment of quality cues, and large enough benefits of choosiness are expected to match the costs. Mate rejection via sexual cannibalism is considered a particularly extreme case of sexual conflict mostly because rejection can lead to death. Although this may be true for the individual male that loses all future reproductive success, frequencies of preinsemination sexual cannibalism might be rather low (Kralj-Fišer et al. 2013b). Please note that in almost every species, a certain proportion of individuals will be excluded from the mating market and will have no mating success. The claim that prevention of mating success via sexual cannibalism results in more intense sexual conflict than exclusion from mating with less drastic measures has, to my knowledge, never been tested. Because of the scarcity of data on natural frequencies of preinsemination cannibalism, a meta-analysis would not reveal a realistic picture at this stage. Hence, to date, it is not feasible to compare the relative strength of selection imposed by a cannibalistic mate choice strategy against a strategy with less drastic consequences of mate rejection. More studies are needed to unravel the exact nature of sexual selection under the threat of ending as a meal. Below, I will briefly sketch possible responses to selection imposed by sexually cannibalistic females before or during insemination.  相似文献   

The physiological responses to intravenous diazepam and oral local analgesia for conservative dentistry have been assessed in 16 patients. Apart from a transient tachycardia during actual administration of the drug, no clinically significant changes occurred in the haemodynamic, respiratory, or metabolic status of the patients. In some patients there was a period of incompetence of the laryngeal closure reflex.  相似文献   

Tinea Nigra     
Resumen Se presenta una somera descripción e historia de la Tiña nigra palmaris y se describen dos casos de la misma enfermedad que los autores consideran ser los primeros en Colombia, Sur América.Trabajo Presentado al IV Congreso Nacional de Dermatología, Bucaramanga 1964.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict appears to be a powerful force in evolution. We suggest that selection theory can readily be adapted for cases of sexual conflict and illustrate how it can provide a new perspective on what traits cause conflict and might respond to its presence. Use of selection theory resolves some terminological confusion, provides operational measures of conflict and generates a conceptual tool for parsing the causes and consequences of conflict in complex systems of male–female interactions.  相似文献   

Benzoctamine (Tacitin) was given by mouth as night sedation to patients admitted to hospital with respiratory failure. Fourteen patients had chronic obstructive bronchitis and six had acute severe asthma. One patient with asthma needed intravenous sedation with benzoctamine. No adverse effects were observed, and there was no significant change of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), or Pco2 in any patient after benzoctamine. Nevertheless, further clinical experience of the drug is required before its use can be safely recommended in respiratory failure.  相似文献   

Salix Heimerli     
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Workers in both animal communication and behavioral ecology have long been interested in animal signals. Animal-communication researchers often have a background in ethology or comparative psychology, and place priority on signal analysis, whereas modern behavioral ecologists are concerned with the effects of natural selection on the exaggeration or development of a trait. Although the two fields examine the same problems, this division has hindered the solution of the problems themselves. Recent theoretical and empirical work has started to bridge the gap, but several important questions, particularly regarding sexual selection, have remained unanswered. Here I examine the differences in these two approaches to the study of animal signals, and suggest additional areas that would benefit by combining the two viewpoints.  相似文献   

Sex distribution in a neotropical willow,Salix martiana Leybold, has long escaped the attention of botanists. Its catkins are regularly composed of female, hermaphrodite and male flowers. The present paper discusses some aspects of its possible morphological and/or evolutionary significance.  相似文献   

Posturographic changes in motivational conditions remain largely unexplored in the context of embodied cognition. Over the last decade, sexual motivation has been used as a good canonical working model to study motivated social interactions. The objective of this study was to explore posturographic variations in response to visual sexual videos as compared to neutral videos. Our results support demonstration of a freezing-type response in response to sexually explicit stimuli compared to other conditions, as demonstrated by significantly decreased standard deviations for (i) the center of pressure displacement along the mediolateral and anteroposterior axes and (ii) center of pressure’s displacement surface. These results support the complexity of the motor correlates of sexual motivation considered to be a canonical functional context to study the motor correlates of motivated social interactions.  相似文献   

Effects of dehydration, storage temperature and humidificationon germination of Salix alba andS. matsudana seeds were studied.Newly released seeds showed 100% germination before and afterdehydration to 11–12% moisture content. Germination ofthe high vigour lot (100% initial normal germination) was notaffected by dehydration to 6.7% moisture content but germinationdecreased with further dehydration to 4.3%. The lower vigourlot (75% initial normal germination) was more susceptible todehydration and germination decreased following dehydrationto 6.7% moisture content. Dry seeds of both species survivedimmersion in liquid nitrogen without loss of viability. Thegermination of seeds stored with 9% moisture content decreasedto 35–40% in 5 months at -20°C or in 2 months at 5°C.However, at 25°C seeds entirely lost viability within 2weeks. Seeds showed improved performance when stored at -70°C> - 20°C > 5°C > 25°C and tolerated dehydrationto a moisture content in equilibrium with 15% relative humidity.Results suggest that they are orthodox in storage behaviouralthough they are short-lived. Humidification treatment of lowvigour seed lots resulted in a remarkable increase in germinationpercentage. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Salix alba, Salix matsudana, willow, seed storage behaviour, dehydration, humidification, cryopreservation  相似文献   

Klang-Westin  Erika  Eriksson  Jan 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(1):127-137
Biomass production and Cd uptake in Salix (willow) is generally high. The aim of this study was to quantify the amounts of Cd in different plant and soil compartments in commercial Salix stands grown on different soil types and to use these data for estimation of the long-term effects of Cd removal by Salix at stem harvest on the soil Cd content by calculating Cd balances. Ten commercial short rotation willow coppice stands, planted with clone 78183 of Salix viminalis (L.) were investigated in order to include three different soil types with respect to pH. Stands with high stem biomass production generally had lower Cd concentrations in the plant and grew on more alkaline soils with low Cd availability when compared to stands with low stem biomass production. The highest output of Cd by Salix is therefore not necessarily achieved by stands with the highest yields or the highest Cd concentrations, as both these parameters have to be considered. The net removal of Cd from the plough layer by the Salix crop under different conditions varied between 2.6 and 16.5 g Cd ha–1 year–1. The long-term effects of Salix cultivation on soil Cd content, i.e. after 6–7 cutting cycles (25 years), were calculated and we reached the conclusion that there is a high potential in Salix to remove significant amounts of Cd at stem harvest. Salix can therefore presumably be used to counteract Cd pollution of agricultural soils in Sweden provided that the Cd in furnace ashes is taken care of.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, visual communication is expected in animals that inhabit clear, shallow waters. Here, we investigate variation in the colorful traits of bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus, to elucidate their possible function. Bluegills use alternative mating tactics whereby males develop into one of two irreversible phenotypes termed parental and cuckolder. Parentals build and defend nests and care for offspring whereas cuckolders obtain matings by sneaking copulations. We hypothesized that bluegill coloration might function as a sexual ornament in parental males and that ornamental coloration might serve as an honest indicator of male quality. We predicted that coloration should be more pronounced in parental males than in females and immature males and should be more pronounced during the breeding season. We also predicted that males in better condition should be more intensely colored than fish in poor condition. To test our predictions, we sampled 510 bluegills during the breeding and post‐breeding seasons at nine lakes in southern Ontario, Canada, in 2007. We used reflectance spectrometry to quantify the coloration of five body regions, aged and sexed each fish, and calculated Fulton’s condition factor from morphological measurements. A separate experiment showed that color did not fade several minutes post capture, suggesting that coloration could be measured reliably and consistently. We found that color was influenced by maturity, sex, and season, in the predicted direction, for three body regions (breast, cheek, and opercular flap). We also found that color varied with the condition of males such that males in better condition were darker for the sexually dichromatic ventral and facial regions. Our findings therefore suggest that some colorful traits in bluegills may serve as condition‐dependent sexual signals during the breeding season. Our research contributes to a growing appreciation of the importance of visual signaling in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic inference has typically relied on analyses of data from one or a few genes to provide estimates of demography and population histories. While much has been learned from these studies, all phylogeographic analysis is conditioned on the data, and thus, inferences derived from data that represent a small sample of the genome are unavoidably tenuous. Here, we demonstrate one approach for moving beyond classic phylogeographic research. We use sequence capture probes and Illumina sequencing to generate data from >400 loci in order to infer the phylogeographic history of Salix melanopsis, a riparian willow with a disjunct distribution in coastal and the inland Pacific Northwest. We evaluate a priori phylogeographic hypotheses using coalescent models for parameter estimation, and the results support earlier findings that identified post‐Pleistocene dispersal as the cause of the disjunction in S. melanopsis. We also conduct a series of model selection exercises using IMa2, Migrate‐n and ?a?i. The resulting ranking of models indicates that refugial dynamics were complex, with multiple regions in the inland regions serving as the source for postglacial colonization. Our results demonstrate that new sources of data and new approaches to data analysis can rejuvenate phylogeographic research by allowing for the identification of complex models that enable researchers to both identify and estimate the most relevant parameters for a given system.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of a new sedative/analgesic (medetomidine) as a preanaesthetic drug in the dog. A study was carried out to investigate the possible usefulness of medetomidine (Farmos Group, Turku, Finland) for premedication prior to general anaesthesia with thiopental sodium and halothane. The main emphasis was laid on the circulatory and respiratory effects of medetomidine. Dogs treated with xylazine (2 mg/kg) or placebo (physiological saline solution) served as controls. Medetomidine caused a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate at all dose levels tested. These decreases were essentially dose -dependent, but there were great individual variations. It is concluded that the drug can be useful for premedication at the lowest dose level tested (10 μ/kg). The sedative effect, however, is so strong that an even lower dose might be sufficient for the present purpose.  相似文献   

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