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All living organisms communicate with the external environment for their survival and existence. In prokaryotes, communication is achieved by two-component systems (TCS) comprising histidine kinases and response regulators. In eukaryotes, signalling is accomplished by serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases. Although TCS and serine/threonine kinases coexist in prokaryotes, direct cross-talk between these families was first described in Group B Streptococcus (GBS). A serine/threonine kinase (Stk1) and a TCS (CovR/CovS) co-regulate toxin expression in GBS. Typically, promoter binding of regulators like CovR is controlled by phosphorylation of the conserved active site aspartate (D53). In this study, we show that Stk1 phosphorylates CovR at threonine 65. The functional consequence of threonine phosphorylation of CovR in GBS was evaluated using phosphomimetic and silencing substitutions. GBS encoding the phosphomimetic T65E allele are deficient for CovR regulation unlike strains encoding the non-phosphorylated T65A allele. Further, compared with wild-type or T65A CovR, the T65E CovR is unable to bind promoter DNA and is decreased for phosphorylation at D53, similar to Stk1-phosphorylated CovR. Collectively, we provide evidence for a novel mechanism of response regulator control that enables GBS (and possibly other prokaryotes) to fine-tune gene expression for environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

In this study, we carried out a detailed structural and functional analysis of a Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) two-component system which is orthologous to the CovS/CovR (CsrS/CsrR) regulatory system of Streptococcus pyogenes. In GBS, covR and covS are part of a seven gene operon transcribed from two promoters that are not regulated by CovR. A DeltacovSR mutant was found to display dramatic phenotypic changes such as increased haemolytic activity and reduced CAMP activity on blood agar. Adherence of the DeltacovSR mutant to epithelial cells was greatly increased and analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence at its surface of a fibrous extracellular matrix that might be involved in these intercellular interactions. However, the DeltacovSR mutant was unable to initiate growth in RPMI and its viability in human normal serum was greatly impaired. A major finding of this phenotypic analysis was that the CovS/CovR system is important for GBS virulence, as a 3 log increase of the LD(50) of the mutant strain was observed in the neonate rat sepsis model. The pleiotropic phenotype of the DeltacovSR mutant is in full agreement with the large number of genes controlled by CovS/CovR as seen by expression profiling analysis, many of which encode potentially secreted or cell surface-associated proteins: 76 genes are repressed whereas 63 were positively regulated. CovR was shown to bind directly to the regulatory regions of several of these genes and a consensus CovR recognition sequence was proposed using both DNase I footprinting and computational analyses.  相似文献   

Type VII secretion systems (T7SS) have been identified in Actinobacteria and Firmicutes and have been shown to secrete effector proteins with functions in virulence, host toxicity, and/or interbacterial killing in a few genera. Bioinformatic analysis indicates that isolates of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) encode at least four distinct subtypes of T7SS machinery, three of which encode adjacent putative T7SS effectors with WXG and LXG motifs. However, the function of T7SS in GBS pathogenesis is unknown. Here we assessed the role of the most abundant GBS T7SS subtype during GBS pathogenesis. In a murine model of hematogenous meningitis, mice infected with GBS lacking a functional T7SS or lacking the secreted WXG100 effector EsxA exhibited less mortality, lower bacterial burdens in tissues, and decreased inflammation in the brain compared to mice infected with the parental GBS strain. We further showed that this T7SS induces cytotoxicity in brain endothelium and that EsxA contributes to these cytotoxicity phenotypes in a WXG motif-dependent manner. Finally, we determined that EsxA is a pore-forming protein, thus demonstrating the first role for a non-mycobacterial EsxA homolog in pore formation. This work reveals the importance of a T7SS in host–GBS interactions and has implications for T7SS effector function in other Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

New mechanisms for beta-lactam resistance independent on the target penicillin-binding proteins were detected in beta-lactam-resistant laboratory mutants of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The link between mutations in the histidine protein kinase CiaH and phenotypic expression of cefotaxime resistance suggests that the cell is able to monitor the integrity of the cell wall and in emergency cases such as during the action of beta-lactams can counteract such danger. At least one ciaH mutation Thr230 > Pro is likely to affect its phosphatase activity resulting in elevated phosphorylation of CiaR, the cognate response regulator, but other CiaH-independent signaling pathways may also result in CiaR phosphorylation. Mutants in CiaH, either alone or in combination with a mutated penicillin-binding protein 2x(PBP2x) fail to develop genetic competence. In all cases complementation of this phenotype was observed upon addition of the competence inducing pheromone peptide CSP, the processed product of the comC gene. This indicates that the cia system is part of a regulatory network that includes another two component system comDE. The DNA binding property of CiaR and ComE were exploited to isolate specifically interacting DNA fragments as a first step to identify genes targeted by individual response regulators.  相似文献   

A prominent hypothesis proposes that pathogen virulence evolves in large part due to a trade‐off between infectiousness and damage to hosts. Other explanations emphasize how virulence evolves in response to competition among pathogens within hosts. Given the proliferation of theoretical possibilities, what best predicts how virulence evolves in real biological systems? Here, I show that virulence evolution in experimental populations of bacteria and self‐transmissible plasmids is best explained by within‐host competition. Plasmids evolved to severely reduce the fitness of their hosts even in the absence of uninfected cells. This result is inconsistent with the trade‐off hypothesis, which predicts that under these conditions vertically transmitted pathogens would evolve to be less virulent. Plasmid virulence was strongly correlated with the ability to superinfect cells containing competing plasmid genotypes, suggesting a key role for within‐host competition. When virulent genotypes became common, hosts evolved resistance to plasmid infection. These results show that the trade‐off hypothesis can incorrectly predict virulence evolution when within‐host interactions are neglected. They also show that symbioses between bacteria and plasmids can evolve to be surprisingly antagonistic.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogenicity to plants and animals has evolved through an arms race of attack and defense. Key players are bacterial effector proteins, which are delivered through the type III secretion system and suppress basal defenses . In plants, varietal resistance to disease is based on recognition of effectors by the products of resistance (R) genes . When recognized, the effector or in this scenario, avirulence (Avr) protein triggers the hypersensitive resistance reaction (HR), which generates antimicrobial conditions . Unfortunately, such gene-for-gene-based resistance commonly fails because of the emergence of virulent strains of the pathogen that no longer trigger the HR . We have followed the emergence of a new virulent pathotype of the halo-blight pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola within leaves of a resistant variety of bean. Exposure to the HR led to the selection of strains lacking the avirulence (effector) gene avrPphB (or hopAR1), which triggers defense in varieties with the matching R3 resistance gene. Loss of avrPphB was through deletion of a 106 kb genomic island (PPHGI-1) that shares features with integrative and conjugative elements (ICElands) and also pathogenicity islands (PAIs) in diverse bacteria . We provide a molecular explanation of how exposure to resistance mechanisms in plants drives the evolution of new virulent forms of pathogens.  相似文献   

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a common constituent of the vaginal microflora, but its transmission to newborns can cause life-threatening sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis. Energy metabolism of this opportunist pathogen has been deduced to be strictly fermentative. We discovered that GBS undergoes respiration metabolism if its environment supplies two essential respiratory components: quinone and haem. Respiration metabolism led to significant changes in growth characteristics, including a doubling of biomass and an altered metabolite profile under the tested conditions. The GBS respiratory chain is inactivated by: (i) withdrawing haem and/or quinone, (ii) treating cultures with a respiration inhibitor or (iii) inactivating the cydA gene product, a subunit of cytochrome bd quinol oxidase, in all cases resulting in exclusively fermentative growth. cydA inactivation reduced GBS growth in human blood and strongly attenuated virulence in a neonatal rat sepsis model, suggesting that the animal host may supply the components that activate GBS respiration. These results suggest a role of respiration metabolism in GBS dissemination. Our findings show that environmental factors can increase the flexibility of GBS metabolism by activating a newly identified respiration chain. The need for two environmental factors may explain why GBS respiration metabolism was not found in previous studies.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is occasionally isolated from the blood of patients with bacteremia and infective endocarditis (IE), and the possibility that it could be pathogenic for those diseases has been discussed. The initial important step for the involvement of bacterial pathogens in the virulence of IE is thought to be survival in blood for an extended period. Recently, the brpA gene encoding biofilm regulatory protein A (BrpA) of S. mutans was cloned and sequenced, after which it was shown that inactivation of brpA in an isogenic mutant strain resulted in longer chain formation than in the parental strain. In the present study, a BrpA-defective isogenic mutant strain (MT8148BRD) was constructed from strain MT8148. In an analysis of its susceptibility to phagocytosis by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), the phagocytosis rate of MT8148BRD was shown to be significantly lower than that of MT8148 (P < 0.01). Next, strains with various chain lengths were produced by culturing MT8148 in media with various initial pH levels, which revealed that there was a statistically negative correlation between phagocytosis susceptibility and chain length (P < 0.01). Further, MT8148BRD was found to possess higher platelet aggregation properties than MT8148 (P < 0.05). In addition, injection of MT8148BRD into the jugular vein of specific pathogen-free Sprague-Dawley rats resulted in a longer duration of bacteremia, which prolonged systemic inflammation for a longer period than in those infected with MT8148. These results indicate that S. mutans BrpA is associated with virulence in blood, due to its correlation to phagocytosis susceptibility and platelet aggregation properties.  相似文献   

Numerous Streptococcaceae produce an H2O-forming NADH oxidase, Nox-2, which has been generally implicated in aerobic survival. We examined the roles of Nox-2 in Group B Streptococcus (GBS), a leading agent of neonatal infections. While nox2 inactivation caused an aerobic growth arrest, no improvement was seen by addition of antioxidants to cultures, suggesting that this defect was not due to accumulation of toxic oxygen species. Using several approaches, we show that the observed inability of the nox2 mutant to grow aerobically is mainly due to an underlying defect in fatty acid (FA) biosynthesis: (i) the nox2 aerobic growth defect is fully and rapidly complemented by adding oleic acid to culture medium, and (ii) direct assimilation of this unsaturated FA in both wild type (WT) and nox2 GBS membranes is demonstrated and correlated with mutant growth rescue. We propose that NAD+ depletion in the nox2 mutant results in reduced acetyl-CoA production, which perturbs FA biosynthesis and hence blocks growth in aerobiosis. The nox2 aerobic growth defect was also complemented when GBS respiration metabolism was activated by exogenous haem and menaquinone. The membrane NADH oxidase activity generated by the functional respiratory chain thus compensates the cytoplasmic NADH oxidase deficiency. The nox2 mutant was attenuated for virulence, as assessed in lung, intraperitoneal and intravenous murine infection models. As the nox2 defect seems only to affect aerobic growth of GBS, its reduced virulence supports the suggestion that aerobic conditions and NADH oxidase activities are relevant to the GBS infection process.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a metabolically versatile bacterium that is found in a wide range of biotic and abiotic habitats. It is a major human opportunistic pathogen causing numerous acute and chronic infections. The critical traits contributing to the pathogenic potential of P. aeruginosa are the production of a myriad of virulence factors, formation of biofilms and antibiotic resistance. Expression of these traits is under stringent regulation, and it responds to largely unidentified environmental signals. This review is focused on providing a global picture of virulence gene regulation in P. aeruginosa. In addition to key regulatory pathways that control the transition from acute to chronic infection phenotypes, some regulators have been identified that modulate multiple virulence mechanisms. Despite of a propensity for chaotic behaviour, no chaotic motifs were readily observed in the P. aeruginosa virulence regulatory network. Having a ‘birds-eye’ view of the regulatory cascades provides the forum opportunities to pose questions, formulate hypotheses and evaluate theories in elucidating P. aeruginosa pathogenesis. Understanding the mechanisms involved in making P. aeruginosa a successful pathogen is essential in helping devise control strategies.  相似文献   

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a pathogen that has developed some strategies to resist host immune defenses. Because phagocytic killing is an important pathogenetic mechanism for bacteria, we investigated whether GBS induces apoptosis in murine macrophages. GBS type III strain COH31 r/s (GBS-III) first causes a defect in cell membrane permeability, then at 24 h, apoptosis. Apoptosis was confirmed by several techniques based on morphological changes and DNA fragmentation. Cytochalasin D does not affect apoptosis, suggesting that GBS-III needs not be within the macrophage cytoplasm to promote apoptosis. Inhibition of host protein synthesis prevents apoptosis, whereas inhibition of caspase-1 or -3, does not. Therefore, GBS can trigger an apoptotic pathway independent of caspase-1 and -3, but dependent on protein synthesis. Inhibition of apoptosis by EGTA and PMA, and enhancement of apoptosis by calphostin C and GF109203X suggests that an increase in the cytosolic calcium level and protein kinase C activity status are important in GBS-induced apoptosis. Neither alteration of plasma membrane permeability nor apoptosis were induced by GBS grown in conditions impeding hemolysin expression or when we used dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, which inhibited GBS beta-hemolytic activity, suggesting that GBS beta-hemolysin could be involved in apoptosis. beta-Hemolysin, by causing membrane permeability defects, could allow calcium influx, which initiates macrophage apoptosis. GBS also induces apoptosis in human monocytes but not in tumor lines demonstrating the specificity of its activity. This study suggests that induction of macrophage apoptosis by GBS is a novel strategy to overcome host immune defenses.  相似文献   

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