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益生菌是具有生物活性,摄入适当量时可以对宿主产生有益作用的微生物,益生菌产品为含有益生菌的制品,主要有酸奶、奶酪等。益生菌在口腔环境中可以抑制多种病原菌的生长,包括致龋菌和牙周病原菌,本文就益生菌产品的现况、益生菌对龋病牙周病影响的临床研究做一综述。  相似文献   

在病原菌、病毒、应激等因素的影响下,畜禽肠道功能容易紊乱失调。抗生素可以预防或治疗由病原菌引起的感染,但抗生素的滥用会给畜牧产品、生态环境带来一系列危害,对人类的健康造成巨大威胁,因此无抗养殖的趋势已成必然。益生菌在畜禽养殖中具有很重要的作用,乳酸菌作为益生菌的重要组成部分,它具有促进机体生长、改善胃肠道功能、提高机体免疫力、维持动物肠道菌群平衡等作用,故乳酸菌可以作为抗生素替代品引入畜禽养殖。本文主要概述乳酸菌在畜禽养殖中发挥益生功效的作用机制和应用范围,着重讲述乳酸菌相较于其他主要畜禽养殖益生菌的优势与劣势,阐述乳酸菌在种养结合的运用,对乳酸菌的未来发展和应用前景提出展望。  相似文献   

益生菌作为饲料添加剂,可用来代替饲用抗生素,增强免疫力促进动物的健康和生长,提高饲养效率,降低饲养成本,用其代替饲用抗生素,可降低动物产品抗生素残留,抑制耐药性病原菌的发展.本文对益生菌饲料的菌种、制法及其使用效果作了介绍,并对如何利用酶制剂和乳酸发酵生产的大量废菌体作为益生菌来源提出了建议.  相似文献   

近年来,国外许多学者已经把一种称为竞争排斥(Competitive Exclusion,CE)理论的微生态防治方法引入对禽副伤寒沙门氏菌感染的控制。把一个或多个无沙门氏菌感染的成年鸡肠道菌群(通常是盲肠菌群)经口引入新生小鸡就可使小鸡肠道菌群得以改善,从而提高小鸡对沙门氏菌感染的抵抗力。1982年,Pivnick等对CE理论作了进一步阐述,要点如下:新生小鸡可被单个沙门氏菌感染,而年龄较大的鸡对沙门氏菌感染有抵抗力。如果把成年鸡的肠菌群引入几日龄小鸡,可加速其肠道菌群的演替过程,沙门氏菌被迅速排斥从而提高了鸡对沙门氏菌感染的抵抗力。导入的菌群中必须无沙门氏杆菌,否则就不能起到控制沙门氏菌感染的作用。  相似文献   

肠益生菌临床应用新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨国内益生菌制剂临床应用进展。从中国生物医学文献数据库和CHKD期刊全文数据库检索相关文献,选择临床应用类的论文进行总结分析。结果提示肠益生菌抑制有害病原菌生长,保护肠屏障功能的作用。可以认为益生菌制剂在国内外已用于多种疾病的治疗,取得积极的疗效。  相似文献   

罗佳  李薇  段云峰  王沥  金锋 《微生物学通报》2014,41(7):1368-1375
【目的】大量的证据表明机体正常的免疫活动在很大程度上依赖于免疫系统和肠道菌群的相互作用,具体表现为免疫系统对病原菌进行免疫清除而对益生菌耐受。其中,免疫系统的Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)和来自肠道菌群的微生物相关的分子模型(Microorganism associated molecular patterns,MAMPs)被认为在宿主免疫系统对病原菌和益生菌的区分中发挥了重要作用,因为TLRs对MAMPs的识别能够激活先天性和获得性免疫反应。在TLRs对MAMPs的识别中,只有TLR5对细菌鞭毛蛋白的识别是基于蛋白-蛋白的相互作用,比较容易对其结合方式进行研究。因此,我们研究的主要目的就是要确定TLR5与鞭毛蛋白的相互作用是如何影响宿主区分病原菌和益生菌的。【方法】构建了多种肠道细菌(包括益生菌和病原菌)鞭毛蛋白的系统发育树,并比对了鞭毛蛋白的TLR5识别序列。【结果】发现病原菌和益生菌的鞭毛蛋白序列有所不同,尤其是TLR5结合并识别的鞭毛蛋白位点。【结论】病原菌和益生菌不同的鞭毛蛋白识别区域可能是鞭毛细菌适应TLR5识别下生存的结果,据此宿主能够对病原菌和益生菌进行区分。此外,相关研究表明TLRs在肠上皮细胞的分布具有基底侧和顶端的两极性,能够分别引发对病原菌的免疫反应和对益生菌的免疫耐受,从而抵御病原菌的入侵感染、与益生菌和平共处。鞭毛蛋白和TLR5蛋白的相互作用反映了肠道菌群和免疫系统在分子层面的相互作用和共同进化,是宿主区分病原菌和益生菌的分子机制之一。  相似文献   

益生菌抑制致病菌作用的机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
致病菌引起的各种胃肠道疾病对人类健康造成危害,应用益生菌制剂防治致病菌感染,具有安全和减少耐药性等优点,为控制致病菌感染性疾病提供了新的途径。主要从益生菌与致病菌竞争黏附位点、与致病菌的共聚作用及其产生的抗菌物质三个方面综述益生菌抑制致病菌的作用机制。  相似文献   

【目的】大量的证据表明机体正常的免疫活动在很大程度上依赖于免疫系统和肠道菌群的相互作用,具体表现为免疫系统对病原菌进行免疫清除而对益生菌耐受。其中,免疫系统的Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)和来自肠道菌群的微生物相关的分子模型(Microorganism associated molecular patterns,MAMPs)被认为在宿主免疫系统对病原菌和益生菌的区分中发挥了重要作用,因为TLRs对MAMPs的识别能够激活先天性和获得性免疫反应。在TLRs对MAMPs的识别中,只有TLR5对细菌鞭毛蛋白的识别是基于蛋白-蛋白的相互作用,比较容易对其结合方式进行研究。因此,我们研究的主要目的就是要确定TLR5与鞭毛蛋白的相互作用是如何影响宿主区分病原菌和益生菌的。【方法】构建了多种肠道细菌(包括益生菌和病原菌)鞭毛蛋白的系统发育树,并比对了鞭毛蛋白的TLR5识别序列。【结果】发现病原菌和益生菌的鞭毛蛋白序列有所不同,尤其是TLR5结合并识别的鞭毛蛋白位点。【结论】病原菌和益生菌不同的鞭毛蛋白识别区域可能是鞭毛细菌适应TLR5识别下生存的结果,据此宿主能够对病原菌和益生菌进行区分。此外,相关研究表明TLRs在肠上皮细胞的分布具有基底侧和顶端的两极性,能够分别引发对病原菌的免疫反应和对益生菌的免疫耐受,从而抵御病原菌的入侵感染、与益生菌和平共处。鞭毛蛋白和TLR5蛋白的相互作用反映了肠道菌群和免疫系统在分子层面的相互作用和共同进化,是宿主区分病原菌和益生菌的分子机制之一。  相似文献   

生物被膜是细菌的一种特殊生存方式。生物被膜感染在临床中的高耐药性问题、反复性问题、迁延性问题等是临床中亟待解决的问题。益生菌作为机体共生微生物的一部分,能够通过多种方式对抗病原菌。本文就临床生物被膜治疗中亟待解决的问题做出了部分总结,归纳总结了部分益生菌生物被膜对抗病原菌生物被膜的作用机制,而且还从改进益生菌生物被膜研究方法、增强益生菌生物被膜稳定性和开发新型生物被膜态益生菌的角度出发,就如何开发生物被膜态益生菌的策略方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

我国益生乳酸菌研究与产业化现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳酸菌(lactic acid bacteria,LAB)作为人和动物的有益菌或称为益生菌(probiotic)广泛用于发酵乳制品(益生菌酸奶、益生菌发酵乳饮料、益生菌奶酪)、发酵豆乳制品、功能性食品配料和食品添加剂(如在婴儿配方乳粉、中老年乳粉、果汁等产品中的添加)、膳食补充剂(片剂、胶囊等)、饲料微生态制剂。2007年.世界乳酸菌产业规模已达3000亿美元(约合20482.02亿元人民币),年增长速度为20%左右。  相似文献   

Frugivorous birds vary in seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) depending on their body mass. It has been suggested that large birds are more effective dispersers than small ones because they consume a large number of fruits, disperse seeds of distinct sizes, and transport seeds over long distances. Yet, few studies have evaluated the impact of body mass on SDE of birds. In this study, we compiled one database for the quantity (i.e., frequency of visits to plants and number of seeds removed per visit) and quality (i.e., germination of seeds after gut passage and gut retention time of seeds) of seed dispersal by frugivorous birds to evaluate the impact of body mass on SDE. In addition, we compiled data on plant characteristics such as life‐form, fruit type, number of seeds per fruit, and size of seed to evaluate their influence on the quantity and quality of seed dispersal. Data were analyzed with linear mixed effects models and quantile regressions to evaluate the relationship between body mass of birds and quantity, quality, and SDE, in addition to the influence of plant characteristics on SDE. The body mass of birds was negatively related to the frequency of visits to plants. Furthermore, it was positively related to the number of seeds removed per visit, although negatively related to seed size. The life‐form of plants was the only factor explaining the germination of seeds after gut passage. Yet, the body mass of birds was positively related to the gut retention time of seeds. Small and medium birds have a relatively higher SDE than large birds. These results differ from the assertion that large birds are more effective dispersers of plants. Small and medium birds are also effective dispersers of plants that should be preserved and protected from the impact of human activities.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits of encephalization are a major topic of debate in the study of primate and human evolution. Comparative studies provide an opportunity to test the validity of a hypothesis as a general principle, rather than it being a special case in primate or hominid evolution. If a population evolves a larger brain, the metabolic costs of doing so must be paid for by either an increased energy turnover (direct metabolic constraint) or by a trade-off with other energetically expensive costs of body maintenance, locomotion, or reproduction, here referred to as the energy trade-off hypothesis, an extension of the influential Expensive Tissue Hypothesis of Aiello and Wheeler (1995, Curr. Anthropol. 36, 199-221). In the present paper, we tested these hypotheses on birds using raw species values, family means, and independent contrasts analysis to account for phylogenetic influences. First, we tested whether basal metabolic rates are correlated with brain mass or any other variable of interest. This not being the case, we examined various trade-offs between brain mass and the mass of other expensive tissues such as gut mass, which is approximated by gut length or diet quality. Only weak support was found for this original Expensive Tissue Hypothesis in birds. However, other energy allocations such as locomotor mode and reproductive strategy may also be reduced to shunt energy to an enlarged brain. We found a significantly negative correlation between brain mass and pectoral muscle mass, which averages 18% of body mass in birds and is indicative of their relative costs of flight. Reproductive costs, on the other hand, are positively correlated with brain mass in birds. An increase in brain mass may allow birds to devote more energy to reproduction, although not through an increase in their own energy budget as in mammals, but through direct provisioning of their offspring. The trade-off between locomotor costs and brain mass in birds lets us conclude that an analogous effect could have played a role in the evolution of a larger brain in human evolution.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia is one of the metabolic characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Considering that GDM is able to cause changes in the gut bacterial community and function in the mother’s intestine compared with healthy pregnant women, we aimed to clarify the correlation between hyperglycemia and gut microbiota in a GDM mouse model. Mice were divided into four groups: CE0, GDME0, CE18, and GDME18. C and GDM represent the control (C) and GDM groups, while E0 and E18 represent early or late trimesters of embryo day 0 or 18, respectively. GDM mouse models were created by injecting streptozocin on embryo day 0. The gut microbiota was characterized using the Illumina MiSeq platform targeting the V3–4 region of the 16S rRNA. Operational taxonomic unit analysis revealed a significant difference between CE18 and CE0, in which Akkermansia and Prevotellaceae were more abundant in the early trimester group, CE0. Moreover, the Clostridiales_vadinBB60 group was more abundant, while Parasutterella was much lower in GDME18 than in CE18. The gut microbiota community structure correlated with the GDM state, and LEfSe and molecular ecological network analysis further confirmed these diversities. Our research shows that changes in the community structure of the gut microbiota from the early to late trimester correlate with the GDM state. Changes in the abundance of the probiotic bacteria Akkermansia, Prevotellaceae, and Parasutterella may be involved in the GDM state.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a bacterium which preys upon and kills Gram-negative bacteria, including the zoonotic pathogens Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Bdellovibrio has potential as a biocontrol agent, but no reports of it being tested in living animals have been published, and no data on whether Bdellovibrio might spread between animals are available. In this study, we tried to fill this knowledge gap, using B. bacteriovorus HD100 doses in poultry with a normal gut microbiota or predosed with a colonizing Salmonella strain. In both cases, Bdellovibrio was dosed orally along with antacids. After dosing non-Salmonella-infected birds with Bdellovibrio, we measured the health and well-being of the birds and any changes in their gut pathology and culturable microbiota, finding that although a Bdellovibrio dose at 2 days of age altered the overall diversity of the natural gut microbiota in 28-day-old birds, there were no adverse effects on their growth and well-being. Drinking water and fecal matter from the pens in which the birds were housed as groups showed no contamination by Bdellovibrio after dosing. Predatory Bdellovibrio orally administered to birds that had been predosed with a gut-colonizing Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis phage type 4 strain (an important zoonotic pathogen) significantly reduced Salmonella numbers in bird gut cecal contents and reduced abnormal cecal morphology, indicating reduced cecal inflammation, compared to the ceca of the untreated controls or a nonpredatory ΔpilA strain, suggesting that these effects were due to predatory action. This work is a first step to applying Bdellovibrio therapeutically for other animal, and possibly human, infections.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of birds: 35 years of progress. Birds are dinosaurs – specifically, small feathered and flighted theropod dinosaurs that probably originated in Laurasia during the Late Jurassic over 140 million years ago. They are most closely related to other small theropods such as dromaeosaurs and troodontids, terrestrial predators that were fleet-footed hunters. The origin of birds is a classic example of two kinds of macroevolution: the phylogenetic origin of the group, and the sequential assembly of adaptations such as flight that are indelibly associated with birds. These adaptations were not assembled all at once. Rather, a great many characteristics associated with birds and flight first appeared in non-avian dinosaurs, where they were used for many purposes other than flight. These included insulation, brooding, and probably display and species recognition. Birds diversified steadily but gradually after their origin, which is identified with the origin of flight (Archaeopteryx); forelimb and other flight-associated features evolved more rapidly than features associated with the posterior skeleton. The first birds grew more slowly than extant birds do, and more like other small Mesozoic dinosaurs; like them, they probably matured sexually well before they completed their active skeletal growth. The origin of flight is not a problem of “trees down” or “ground up,” but rather an examination of the order in which diagnostic flight characters evolved, and what each stage can reveal about the functions and habits of bird outgroups at those evolutionary junctures.  相似文献   

We review digestion and osmoregulation in the avian gut, with an emphasis on the ways these different functions might interact to support or constrain each other and the ways they support the functioning of the whole animal in its natural environment. Differences between birds and other vertebrates are highlighted because these differences may make birds excellent models for study and may suggest interesting directions for future research. At a given body size birds, compared with mammals, tend to eat more food but have less small intestine and retain food in their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) for shorter periods of time, despite generally higher mass‐specific energy demands. On most foods, however, they are not less efficient at digestion, which begs the question how they compensate. Intestinal tissue‐specific rates of enzymatic breakdown of substrates and rates of active transport do not appear higher in birds than in mammals, nor is there a demonstrated difference in the extent to which those rates can be modulated during acclimation to different feeding regimes (e.g. diet, relative intake level). One compensation appears to be more extensive reliance on passive nutrient absorption by the paracellular pathway, because the avian species studied so far exceed the mammalian species by a factor of at least two‐ to threefold in this regard. Undigested residues reach the hindgut, but there is little evidence that most wild birds recover microbial metabolites of nutritional significance (essential amino acids and vitamins) by re‐ingestion of faeces, in contrast to many hindgut fermenting mammals and possibly poultry. In birds, there is some evidence for hindgut capacity to breakdown either microbial protein or protein that escapes the small intestine intact, freeing up essential amino acids, and there is considerable evidence for an amino acid absorptive capacity in the hindgut of both avian and mammalian hindgut fermenters. Birds, unlike mammals, do not excrete hyperosmotic urine (i.e. more than five times plasma osmotic concentration). Urine is mixed with digesta rather than directly eliminated, and so the avian gut plays a relatively more important role in water and salt regulation than in mammals. Responses to dehydration and high‐ and low‐salt loads are reviewed. Intestinal absorption of ingested water is modulated to help achieve water balance in one species studied (a nectar‐feeding sunbird), the first demonstration of this in any terrestrial vertebrate. In many wild avian species the size and digestive capacity of the GIT is increased or decreased by as much as 50% in response to nutritional challenges such as hyperphagia, food restriction or fasting. The coincident impacts of these changes on osmoregulatory or immune function of the gut are poorly understood.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and origins of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the gut and pancreas of the turkey were studied by radioimmunoassay of tissue extracts and by immunocytochemistry. Several antisera were used that vary in their specificity for different regions of porcine or chicken VIP. Radioimmunoassays using NH2-terminal specific antisera that react almost equally with porcine and chicken VIP's revealed significant amounts of immunoreactive VIP in extracts of pancreas, brain and all regions of the gastrointestinal tract from crop to colon. Highest concentrations (300pmol/g) were found in the colon muscle, and concentrations were generally low (< 20 pmol/g) in the mucosal layers of the small intestine. After ion exchange chromatography of extracts on CM-Sephadex three immunoreactive forms of VIP were separated corresponding to the three molecular forms previously found in mammalian gut extracts. In immunocytochemical studies nerve fibres were found throughout the gut, and in the pancreas. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were also identified in the submucous plexus throughout the gut, but were particularly prominent in the oesophagus and pancreas. It has previously been shown that VIP is a strong stimulant of the flow of pancreatic juice in birds whereas the structurally related hormone secretin, which is known to control the flow of pancreatic juice in mammals, is a weak stimulant. It is proposed that in birds VIP might regulate the pancreas, and other aspects of gut function, as a neurotransmitter or neurohormone.  相似文献   

王娟  高泽中  蒋一婷  万冬梅 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7939-7945
肠道微生物是庞大而多样的微生物群落,通过促进营养摄取、宿主防御、免疫调节等,在维持机体健康方面起着至关重要的作用。宿主外部或内部环境的任何变化都会影响肠道微生物的组成,鸟类具有复杂的生活史和多样化的食性,飞翔生活使它们的生理活动面临更大的选择性压力,导致肠道微生物菌群的变化更加复杂。近年来,随着基因测序技术的发展以及对鸟类肠道微生物研究的日益重视,导致了鸟类肠道微生物研究呈指数增长。但目前的研究主要以家禽为主,野生鸟类肠道微生物报道则相对较少。野生鸟类肠道微生物结构变化及其维持机制等的研究仍处于起步阶段,有较大的研究空间。从植食性、肉食性、杂食性三种食性的鸟类肠道微生物组成及特点、影响因素等方面对前人的文献进行了全面梳理,以期为野生鸟类肠道微生物研究提供参考。总的来说,植食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最低,以高丰度的变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为主;而杂食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最高。遗传、生活史特征、人类活动、城市化、圈养行为等对鸟类肠道微生物的组成具有显著性的影响。  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis spores are being used for oral bacteriotherapy and bacterioprophylaxis of gastrointestinal disorders in both humans and animals. Since B. subtilis is an aerobic saprophyte, how spores may benefit the gut microbiota is an intriguing question, since other probiotics such as Lactobacillus spp. which colonize the gut are anerobes. As a first step in understanding the potential effects of ingesting spores, we have characterized five commercial products. An extensive biochemical, physiological, and phylogenetic analysis has revealed that four of these products are mislabeled. Moreover, four of these products showed high levels of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

The importance of wild birds as potential vectors of disease has received recent renewed empirical interest, especially regarding human health. Understanding the spread of bacterial pathogens in wild birds may serve as a useful model for examining the spread of other disease organisms, both amongst birds, and from birds to other taxa. Information regarding the normal gastrointestinal bacterial flora is limited for the majority of wild bird species, with the few well-studied examples concentrating on bacteria that are zoonotic and/or relate to avian species of commercial interest. However, most studies are limited by small sample sizes, the frequent absence of longitudinal data, and the constraints of using selective techniques to isolate specific pathogens. The pathogenic genera found in the gut are often those suspected to exist in the birds' habitat, and although correlations are made between bacterial pathogens in the avian gut and those found in their foraging grounds, little is known about the effect of the pathogen on the host, unless the causative organism is lethal. In this review, we provide an overview of the main bacterial pathogens isolated from birds (with particular emphasis on enteropathogenic bacteria) which have the potential to cause disease in both birds and humans, whilst drawing attention to the limitations of traditional detection methods and possible study biases. We consider factors likely to affect the susceptibility of birds to bacterial pathogens, including environmental exposure and heterogeneities within the host population, and present probable avenues of disease transmission amongst birds and from birds to other animal taxa. Our primary aim is to identify gaps in current knowledge and to propose areas for future study.  相似文献   

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