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In the 2 weeks before estrus, pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) females on the National Bison Range in northwestern Montana, USA usually move actively among several widely spaced, mature, site‐faithful males in a mate search process that identifies vigorous mates. Typically, at least 90% of females practice this active sampling each year; each of the remaining females moves, before the rut begins, to a peripheral, isolated location with a single male and mates there without sampling. In 2001 and 2002, 90 and 100% of females, respectively, used the sampling strategy. The summer of 2003 was unusually hot and dry in western Montana. By September, when the pronghorn rut occurs, many pronghorn females were in visibly poor condition. In the winter that followed, 38% of females and 79% of males died, and in the following spring, only 17% of the surviving females gave birth. In the rut of 2003, 19% of females practiced the active sampling strategy. In 2004, 68% of females attempted to sample, even though there were only three mature males in the population. Among females that sampled, the number of switches away from harems and the number of males visited did not vary across years, except in 2004. The proportion of samplers in 2003 that died over winter was not different from the proportion of non‐samplers that died over winter, and among the survivors, the proportion of samplers that completed gestation was not different from the proportion of non‐samplers that completed gestation. The data suggest that pronghorn females have a strong motivation to sample potential mates, that sampling is abandoned when energy stores are low, and that yearly variation in the percent of females that sample is explained by variation in female condition.  相似文献   

Amount of calling activity (calling effort) is a strong determinant of male mating success in species such as orthopterans and anurans that use acoustic communication in the context of mating behaviour. While many studies in crickets have investigated the determinants of calling effort, patterns of variability in male calling effort in natural choruses remain largely unexplored. Within-individual variability in calling activity across multiple nights of calling can influence female mate search and mate choice strategies. Moreover, calling site fidelity across multiple nights of calling can also affect the female mate sampling strategy. We therefore investigated the spatio-temporal dynamics of acoustic signaling behaviour in a wild population of the field cricket species Plebeiogryllus guttiventris. We first studied the consistency of calling activity by quantifying variation in male calling effort across multiple nights of calling using repeatability analysis. Callers were inconsistent in their calling effort across nights and did not optimize nightly calling effort to increase their total number of nights spent calling. We also estimated calling site fidelity of males across multiple nights by quantifying movement of callers. Callers frequently changed their calling sites across calling nights with substantial displacement but without any significant directionality. Finally, we investigated trade-offs between within-night calling effort and energetically expensive calling song features such as call intensity and chirp rate. Calling effort was not correlated with any of the calling song features, suggesting that energetically expensive song features do not constrain male calling effort. The two key features of signaling behaviour, calling effort and call intensity, which determine the duration and spatial coverage of the sexual signal, are therefore uncorrelated and function independently.  相似文献   

Older males often have a mating advantage, either resulting from the fact that they live longer or resulting from the fact that they both live longer and signal this to females. Male field crickets signal acoustically to attract potential mates. Some field cricket mating signals provide cues about male age while others do not. We explored whether male Jamaican field crickets, Gryllus assimilis, mating signals change with age. Our results show that older males produce chirps with longer pulses, more pulses, at higher pulse and chirp rates, and their chirps are both longer and louder than those produced by younger males. Our findings suggest that Jamaican field cricket mating signals provide cues about male age, explaining between 10% and 54% of the variation in signaling traits. Females might be able to use these mating signal differences to distinguish between older and younger mates.  相似文献   

Mate choosiness by males has been documented in many taxa but we still do not know how it varies with age even though such variation can be important for our understanding of sexual selection on females. Theory provides conflicting predictions: young males, who are less attractive to females than older males, may be less choosy, or older males, who face fewer expected future mating opportunities, may be less choosy. In our experiments with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), young (1‐d‐old) males spent relatively less time courting recently mated females than did mature (4‐d‐old) males. Overall, there was a gradual decline in male mate choosiness from age 1–7 d. As male age was correlated with the duration of deprivation from females, we tested for the effect of deprivation and found that same‐age males previously exposed to females were choosier than female‐deprived males. We also assessed key male parameters that could affect choosiness and found that, compared to mature males, young males were less attractive to females, less competitive in intramale interactions and less fertile. Although the lesser attractiveness and competitiveness should select for lesser mate choosiness in young males, their limited fertility and more expected future mating opportunities seem to override the other factors and lead to high mate choosiness in young males. Overall, our data indicate that young males just after reaching sexual maturity are choosy and that subsequent exposure to females can maintain high levels of male mate choosiness with age. Hence, males can contribute much more to sexual selection than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Mate guarding–a behaviour prevalent in odonates–is a post copulatory association during which males prevent females from re-mating. Some species use two forms of guarding: contact mate guarding, which is energetically costly but highly effective and non-contact mate guarding, which is less costly but less effective. This study aimed to determine if male Sympetrum internum (Odonata:Libellulidae) adjust the duration of contact mate guarding according to environmental, temporal and physiological factors. There was a significant interaction between male density and season on duration of contact mate guarding. Early in the season males increased the duration of contact guarding as the density of rivals increased. Later in the season males guarded mates longer irrespective of male density. Wind and temperature did not detectabiy alter the duration of contact mate guarding, suggesting that the trade-off between current and future reproductive success was more important than were physiological costs.  相似文献   

Mate choice copying as public information   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We outline a framework that views mate choice copying as public information. In this framework, all individuals assess the quality of potential mates. Individuals can benefit by copying when they cannot discriminate differences in potential mates, as copying can result in better discrimination. This framework predicts that the discrimination ability of individuals will strongly determine the frequency of copying behaviour observed: individuals with poor discrimination ability should often copy, whereas individuals with superior discrimination ability should rarely copy. Copying behaviour may occur in a wide variety of taxa but only be observed when individuals are presented with difficult discrimination tasks.  相似文献   

Mate choice is mediated by many components with the criteria varying across the animal kingdom. Chemical cues used for mate attractiveness can also reflect mate quality. Regarding the gregarious species Armadillidium vulgare (isopod crustacean), we tested whether individuals can discriminate conspecifics at two different levels (between sex and physiological status) based on olfactory perception. Tested conspecifics were individuals of the same or opposite sex, with the females at different moult stages. We found that the attractiveness of individuals was mediated by short-distance chemical cues and tested individuals were able to discriminate and prefer individuals of the opposite sex. Moreover, male preference to female increased during their moulting status as they matured. Males were particularly more attracted by females with appearing white calcium plates, which corresponds to the beginning of their higher receptivity period. These differences in attractiveness due to sex and physiological status are likely to shape the composition of aggregates and facilitate mate finding and optimize the reproductive success for both males and females. Thus aggregation pheromones could be linked to sex pheromones in terrestrial isopods.  相似文献   

Search costs can have profound influences on female choice, causing females to become less choosy or sample less of the diversity of available mates. Predator foraging strategies, however, determine exactly how search time affects predator encounter rates. Ambush predators are more likely to be encountered by females traveling longer distances to evaluate males, but evaluation time is unlikely to influence encounter‐rate with this type of predator. Actively searching predators, however, may be more likely to be encountered by females employing longer travel times and evaluation times. In this study, we examine the effects of perceived search costs on both temporal and spatial aspects of the search behavior of female túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus. Females were collected from natural choruses and presented with conspecific calls at a distance of 50, 115, or 180 cm from their release point. Assays were conducted in either darkness or simulated full moon light levels. Longer starting distances caused longer choice latencies, but choice latency was considerably lowered under higher light conditions. Females spent considerably less time moving under higher light conditions; however, light levels did not affect path length. Females were more likely to leave the release point with more accurate orientation to the sound source under higher light conditions. We demonstrate that females can respond to perceived search costs by altering spatial and temporal aspects of female search behavior. The overall emphasis of females on reducing time spent moving and increasing movement speed indicates that predation by actively searching predators represents a stronger cost to females than ambush predators.  相似文献   

We propose a novel deception detection system based on Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP). One motivation for the new method is to present stimuli on the fringe of awareness, such that it is more difficult for deceivers to confound the deception test using countermeasures. The proposed system is able to detect identity deception (by using the first names of participants) with a 100% hit rate (at an alpha level of 0.05). To achieve this, we extended the classic Event-Related Potential (ERP) techniques (such as peak-to-peak) by applying Randomisation, a form of Monte Carlo resampling, which we used to detect deception at an individual level. In order to make the deployment of the system simple and rapid, we utilised data from three electrodes only: Fz, Cz and Pz. We then combined data from the three electrodes using Fisher''s method so that each participant was assigned a single p-value, which represents the combined probability that a specific participant was being deceptive. We also present subliminal salience search as a general method to determine what participants find salient by detecting breakthrough into conscious awareness using EEG.  相似文献   

Mate recognition in fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Casselton LA 《Heredity》2002,88(2):142-147

The guarding of females approaching a limited period of sexual receptivity is a common mating tactic of males. In many decapod crustaceans, such as the shrimp Palaemonetes pugio , females can only copulate during a short period after a reproductive molt. It has been predicted that mate guarding by males (pre-copula) evolves in such species if sex ratios are not highly female-biased and if males can detect the molt stage of the female. The mating tactics of males were investigated in P. pugio . Time-lapse video observations were made on interactions among two males, a pre-molt female, and an inter-molt female (20 replicates). There was no evidence that males recognized a pre-molt female until 24 h before its molt. Significant numbers of male contacts with pre-molt females occurred 1 h before and after the female molt. Copulation took place within 1–3 min of the molt. No behavior commonly associated with mate guarding in decapods was observed – no clasping, agonistic behavior, or close association. It is concluded that the male's mating tactic is pure searching, wherein males haphazardly contact many females in order to find a receptive one. The high encounter rate in nature of these very mobile, aggregated shrimps is proposed as the factor responsible for the evolution of pure searching. It is hypothesized that pure searching is the male tactic of the many species of decapod shrimps with small males, sexually monomorphic cheliped weapons, and aggregated populations.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that in human mate choice, females directly select males based on male display of both physical and behavioral traits. In non-humans, there is additionally a growing literature on indirect mate choice, such as choice through observing and subsequently copying the mating preferences of conspecifics (mate choice copying). Given that humans are a social species with a high degree of sharing information, long-term pair bonds, and high parental care, it is likely that human females could avoid substantial costs associated with directly searching for information about potential males by mate choice copying. The present study was a test of whether women perceived men to be more attractive when men were presented with a female date or consort than when they were presented alone, and whether the physical attractiveness of the female consort affected women’s copying decisions. The results suggested that women’s mate choice decision rule is to copy only if a man’s female consort is physically attractive. Further analyses implied that copying may be a conditional female mating tactic aimed at solving the problem of informational constraints on assessing male suitability for long-term sexual relationships, and that lack of mate choice experience, measured as reported lifetime number of sex partners, is also an important determinant of copying.  相似文献   

Mate choice in Darwin's Finches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Female Geospiza conirostris on Isla Genovesa, Galapagos, pair preferentially with males who have had previous breeding experience. They choose mates on the basis of courtship behaviour and black adult plumage. By mating with experienced black males, they gain a fitness advantage in terms of fledgling production and recruitment of young into the breeding population. Behavioural signs of past breeding experience and black plumage are reliable age- and condition-dependent traits. We suggest that females use conspicuous black plumage to identify old males at a distance, then interactions through courtship to modify initial assessments. Females paired with inferior males may increase the genetic quality of their offspring by extra-pair copulations; results of heritability analysis of morphology are consistent with this suggestion. Females change mates at a frequency of 12–27% per breeding season. They re-pair with males who are generally old, experienced, and hold territories adjacent to the deserted male. Females that re-pair gain a benefit, whereas males who are deserted within a breeding season incur a cost of more than 50% of their future potential production for that season. We conclude that females in choosing males seek reliable indicators of potential parental care, and in addition they may seek indicators of genetic quality.  相似文献   

D-Amino Acids as Putative Neurotransmitters: Focus on D-Serine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Of the twenty amino acids in the mammalian body, only serine and aspartate occur in D-configuration as well as L-configuration in significant amount. D-serine is selectively concentrated in the brain, localized to protoplasmic astrocytes that ensheath synapses and distributed similarly to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptors. D-serine has been found to function as an endogenous ligand for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor. Evidences for this include the greater potency of D-serine to activate this site than glycine, and D-amino acid oxidase, which degrades D-serine as well as other neutral D-amino acids, markedly attenuates NMDA neurotransmission. D-serine is also formed by serine racemase, a recently cloned enzyme that converts L-serine to D-serine. Thus, in many ways D-serine fulfills criteria for defining its functionality as a neurotransmitter and challenges the dogma relating to neurotransmission, for it is the unnatural isomeric form of an amino acid derived from glia rather than neurons.  相似文献   

Most research on mate choice in modern societies is based on data that may or may not reflect actual mating behavior (e.g., stated preferences, personal advertisements). In the present study, real-life matings were reported by a large representative sample of men and women (N = 1,133). These data were used to test an evolutionary model in which mate choice is hypothesized to depend on resources potentially contributed to reproduction by each sex. Consistent with the model, it was found that (a) men (but not women) of higher social status acquire more mating partners, suggesting that male status is an important criterion in female choice; (b) women’s (but not men’s) number of partners decreases linearly with age, suggesting that female reproductive potential is an important criterion in male choice; and (c) women (but not men) display a significant relationship between marital dissolution and promiscuity, suggesting that female sexual exclusivity is an important criterion in male choice. These results are discussed in relation to understanding mate choice mechanisms from behavioral data. Daniel Pérusse is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Université de Montréal. His research interests include the evolutionary biology of human social and reproductive behavior, sexual selection theory, and biocultural evolution. His current research bears on human socialization processes and psychosocial development from an evolutionary and behavior-genetic perspective. Recent publications include “Cultural and Reproductive Success in Industrial Societies: Testing the Relationship at the Proximate and Ultimate Levels” (Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16(2):267–322, 1993) and “Human Parental Behavior: Evidence for Genetic Influence and Potential Implications for Gene-Culture Theory” with M. C. Neale, A. Heath, and L. J. Eaves (Behavior Genetics, in press).  相似文献   

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