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Mammary epithelial cells from p53 null mice have been shown recently to exhibit an increased risk for tumor development. Hormonal stimulation markedly increased tumor development in p53 null mammary cells. Here we demonstrate that mammary tumors arising in p53 null mammary cells are highly aneuploid, with greater than 70% of the tumor cells containing altered chromosome number and a mean chromosome number of 56. Normal mammary cells of p53 null genotype and aged less than 14 wk do not exhibit aneuploidy in primary cell culture. Significantly, the hormone progesterone, but not estrogen, increases the incidence of aneuploidy in morphologically normal p53 null mammary epithelial cells. Such cells exhibited 40% aneuploidy and a mean chromosome number of 54. The increase in aneuploidy measured in p53 null tumor cells or hormonally stimulated normal p53 null cells was not accompanied by centrosome amplification. These results suggest that normal levels of progesterone can facilitate chromosomal instability in the absence of the tumor suppressor gene, p53. The results support the emerging hypothesis based both on human epidemiological and animal model studies that progesterone markedly enhances mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Spence JM  Mills W  Mann K  Huxley C  Farr CJ 《Chromosoma》2006,115(1):60-74
Chromosome engineering has allowed the generation of an extensive and well-defined series of linear human X centromere-based minichromosomes, which has been used to investigate the influence of size and structure on chromosome segregation in vertebrate cells. A clear relationship between overall chromosome size and mitotic stability was detected, with decreasing size associated with increasing loss rates. In chicken DT40, the lower size limit for prolonged mitotic stability is approximately 550 kb: at 450 kb, there was a dramatic increase in chromosome loss, while structures of approximately 200 kb could not be recovered. In human HT1080 cells, the size threshold for mitotic stability is approximately 1.6 Mb. Minichromosomes of 0.55–1.0 Mb can be recovered, but display high loss rates. However, all minichromosomes examined exhibited more segregation errors than normal chromosomes in HT1080 cells. This error rate increases with decreased size and correlates with reduced levels of CENP-A and Aurora B. In mouse LA-9 and Indian muntjac FM7 cells, the size requirements for mitotic stability are much greater. In mouse, a human 2.7-Mb minichromosome is rarely able to propagate a kinetochore and behaves acentrically. In Indian muntjac, CENP-C associates with the human minichromosome, but the mitotic apparatus appears unable to handle its segregation.  相似文献   

Summary In PHA-cultured lymphocytes, about 8% of metaphases from 32 women were aneuploid compared to 4% of metaphases from 35 men. A significant part of this aneuploidy was characterized by sex chromosome involvement: in women, the loss or gain of X chromosomes; in men, the gain of X chromosomes and the loss or gain of Y chromosomes. The incidence of this aneuploidy was positively age-related for both sexes. Premature division of the X-chromosome centromere was closely associated with X-chromosome aneuploidy in women and men, and appeared to be the mechanism of nondisjunction causing this aneuploidy. Premature centromere division (PCD) indicated a dysfunction of the X-chromosome centromere with aging, and this dysfunction was the basic cause of age-related aneuploidy. A similar mechanism of nondisjunction may operate for the Y chromosome of men, but could not be clearly demonstrated because of the low incidence of Y-chromosome aneuploidy.The balance of the aneuploidy was characterized by chromosome loss and the involvement of all chromosome groups. It was consistent with chromosome loss from metaphase cells damaged during preparation for cytogenetic examination.  相似文献   

Previous reports have implicated connexin 43 (Cx43) as a tumor suppressor in early stages of tumorigenesis and in some cases as an enhancer of cell migration in later stages. To address the role of Cx43 in melanoma tumor progression, we utilized two melanoma cell lines derived from the same patient in pre‐metastasis (WM793B) and following isolation from a lung metastasis in nude mice (1205Lu). Our results demonstrate a strikingly increased expression of Cx43 in both the pre‐metastatic and metastatic melanoma cell lines that were actively migrating compared to non‐migrating cells. To further investigate the role of Cx43 in these melanoma cells, we overexpressed wild type (wt) Cx43 as well as a mutant dominant negative Cx43 mutant that causes closed channels (T154A). The metastatic 1205Lu cells expressing Cx43‐T154A showed a twofold decrease in colony formation on soft agar while the nonmetastatic WM793B cells showed no significant change. In invasion assays through a collagen matrix, the same Cx43‐T154A 1205Lu cells demonstrated a three‐ to fourfold increase in the invasion index compared to either wt Cx43 or vector control cells. The increase in invasiveness was eliminated by migration towards media with charcoal‐stripped serum, suggesting that migration may be directed towards a lipophilic compound(s). Our findings demonstrate that a dominant negative Cx43 mutant deficient in channel formation exhibits a dual pattern of regulation in metastatic melanoma cells with a decrease in anchorage‐independent growth and an increase in invasive potential. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 853–859, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that IGFBP-3 alone had no effect on cell death, but dramatically modulated apoptosis in Hs578T IGF non-responsive cells. We investigated whether a non-IGF binding mutant of IGFBP-3 retained its intrinsic actions in this cell line, prior to investigating its actions in IGF-responsive cells (MCF-7 and MCF-10A). In the Hs578T cells, the ceramide analogue, C2-induced apoptosis, non-glycosylated, glycosylated or mutant IGFBP-3 alone had no effect but on co-incubation with C2, all forms of IGFBP-3 markedly accentuated triggered apoptosis. In MCF-7 cells, IGFBP-3 was unable to modulate C2-induced death. In the MCF-10A cells, IGFBP-3 acted as a potent survival factor. IGFBP-3 also affected cell growth in the MCF-10A cells (inhibiting at low doses but increasing growth at higher concentrations). These actions of IGFBP-3 in the MCF-10A cells were independent of IGF-1. IGFBP-3 has differential IGF-independent effects on cell death and growth in normal breast and breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

The correct formation of stable but dynamic links between chromosomes and spindle microtubules (MTs) is essential for accurate chromosome segregation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which kinetochores bind MTs and checkpoints monitor this binding remain poorly understood. In this paper, we analyze the functions of six kinetochore-bound MT-associated proteins (kMAPs) using RNAi, live-cell microscopy and quantitative image analysis. We find that RNAi-mediated depletion of two kMAPs, the adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC) and its binding partner, EB1, are unusual in affecting the movement and orientation of paired sister chromatids at the metaphase plate without perturbing kinetochore-MT attachment per se. Quantitative analysis shows that misorientation phenotypes in metaphase are uniform across chromatid pairs even though chromosomal loss (CIN) during anaphase is sporadic. However, errors in kinetochore function generated by APC or EB1 depletion are detected poorly if at all by the spindle checkpoint, even though they cause chromosome missegregation. We propose that impaired EB1 or APC function generates lesions invisible to the spindle checkpoint and thereby promotes low levels of CIN expected to fuel aneuploidy and possibly tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Cellulose synthase catalytic subunits (CesAs) have been implicated in catalyzing the biosynthesis of cellulose, the major component of plant cell walls. Interactions between CesA subunits are thought to be required for normal cellulose synthesis, which suggests that incorporation of defective CesA subunits into cellulose synthase complex could potentially cause a dominant effect on cellulose synthesis. However, all CesA mutants so far reported have been shown to be recessive in terms of cellulose synthesis. In the course of studying the molecular mechanisms regulating secondary wall formation in fibers, we have found that a mutant allele of AtCesA7 gene in the fra5 (fragile fiber 5) mutant causes a semidominant phenotype in the reduction of fiber cell wall thickness and cellulose content. The fra5 missense mutation occurred in a conserved amino acid located in the second cytoplasmic domain of AtCesA7. Overexpression of the fra5 mutant cDNA in wild-type plants not only reduced secondary wall thickness and cellulose content but also decreased primary wall thickness and cell elongation. In contrast, overexpression of the fra6 mutant form of AtCesA8 did not cause any reduction in cell wall thickness and cellulose content. These results suggest that the fra5 mutant protein may interfere with the function of endogenous wild-type CesA proteins, thus resulting in a dominant negative effect on cellulose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix is a key regulator of normal homeostasis and tissue phenotype. Important signals are lost when cells are cultured ex vivo on two-dimensional plastic substrata. Many of these crucial microenvironmental cues may be restored using three-dimensional (3D) cultures of laminin-rich extracellular matrix (lrECM). These 3D culture assays allow phenotypic discrimination between nonmalignant and malignant mammary cells, as the former grown in a 3D context form polarized, growth-arrested acinus-like colonies whereas the latter form disorganized, proliferative and nonpolar colonies. Signaling pathways that function in parallel in cells cultured on plastic become reciprocally integrated when the cells are exposed to basement membrane-like gels. Appropriate 3D culture thus provides a more physiologically relevant approach to the analysis of gene function and cell phenotype ex vivo. We describe here a robust and generalized method for the culturing of various human breast cell lines in three dimensions and describe the preparation of cellular extracts from these cultures for molecular analyses. The procedure below describes the 3D 'embedded' assay, in which cells are cultured embedded in an lrECM gel (Fig. 1). By lrECM, we refer to the solubilized extract derived from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm mouse sarcoma cells. For a discussion of user options regarding 3D matrices, see Box 1. Alternatively, the 3D 'on-top' assay, in which cells are cultured on top of a thin lrECM gel overlaid with a dilute solution of lrECM, may be used as described in Box 2 (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).  相似文献   

Protein secretion plays an important role in plant cells as it does in animal and yeast cells, but the tools to study molecular events of plant secretion are very limited. We have focused on the Sar1 GTPase, which is essential for the vesicle formation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in yeast, and have previously shown that tobacco and Arabidopsis SAR1 complement yeast sar1 mutants. In this study, we have established a transient expression system of GFP-fusion proteins in tobacco and Arabidopsis cultured cells. By utilizing confocal laser scanning microscopy, we demonstrate that a dominant negative mutant of Arabidopsis Sar1 inhibits the ER-to-Golgi transport of Golgi membrane proteins, AtErd2 and AtRer1B, and locates them to the ER. The same mutant Sar1 also blocks the exit from the ER of a vacuolar storage protein, sporamin. These results not only provide the first evidence that the Sar1 GTPase functions in the ER-to-Golgi transport in plant cells, but also prove that conditional expression of dominant mutants of secretory machinery can be a useful tool in manipulating vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated a role for caveolin in regulating cholesterol-dependent signaling events. In the present study we have analyzed the role of caveolins in intracellular cholesterol cycling using a dominant negative caveolin mutant. The mutant caveolin protein, cav-3(DGV), specifically associates with the membrane surrounding large lipid droplets. These structures contain neutral lipids, and are accessed by caveolin 1-3 upon overexpression. Fluorescence, electron, and video microscopy observations are consistent with formation of the membrane-enclosed lipid rich structures by maturation of subdomains of the ER. The caveolin mutant causes the intracellular accumulation of free cholesterol (FC) in late endosomes, a decrease in surface cholesterol and a decrease in cholesterol efflux and synthesis. The amphiphile U18666A acts synergistically with cav(DGV) to increase intracellular accumulation of FC. Incubation of cells with oleic acid induces a significant accumulation of full-length caveolins in the enlarged lipid droplets. We conclude that caveolin can associate with the membrane surrounding lipid droplets and is a key component involved in intracellular cholesterol balance and lipid transport in fibroblasts.  相似文献   

PA63, a proteolytically activated 63-kDa form of anthrax protective antigen (PA), forms heptameric oligomers and has the ability to bind and translocate the catalytic moieties, lethal factor (LF), and edema factor (EF) into the cytosol of mammalian cells. Acidic pH triggers oligomerization and membrane insertion by PA63. A disordered amphipathic loop in domain II of PA (2beta2-2beta3 loop) is involved in membrane insertion by PA63. Because conditions required for membrane insertion coincide with those for oligomerization of PA63 in mammalian cells, residues constituting the 2beta2-2beta3 loop were replaced with the residues of the amphipathic membrane-inserting loop of its homologue iota-b toxin secreted by Clostridium perfringens. It was hypothesized that such a molecule might assemble into hetero-heptameric structures with wild-type PA ultimately leading to the inhibition of cellular intoxication. The mutation blocked the ability of PA to mediate membrane insertion and translocation of LF into the cytosol but had no effect on proteolytic activation, oligomerization, or binding LF. Moreover, an equimolar mixture of purified mutant PA (PA-I) and wild-type PA showed complete inhibition of toxin activity both in vitro on J774A.1 cells and in vivo in Fischer 344 rats thereby exhibiting a dominant negative effect. In addition, PA-I inhibited the channel-forming ability of wild-type PA on the plasma membrane of CHO-K1 cells thereby indicating protein-protein interactions between the two proteins resulting in the formation of mixed oligomers with defective functional activity. Our findings provide a basis for understanding the mechanism of translocation and exploring the possibility of the use of this PA molecule as a therapeutic agent against anthrax toxin action in vivo.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a pleiotropic Ser/Thr kinase, evolutionary conserved in eukaryotes. Studies performed in different organisms, from yeast to humans, have highlighted the importance of CK2 in cell growth and cell-cycle control. However, the signalling pathways in which CK2 is involved have not been fully identified. In plants, the phytohormone auxin is a major regulator of cell growth. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that differential distribution of within auxin plant tissues is essential for developmental processes, and that this distribution is dependent on polar auxin transport. We report here that a dominant-negative mutant of CK2 (CK2mut) in Arabidopsis thaliana shows phenotypic traits that are typically linked to alterations in auxin-dependent processes. However, CK2mut plants exhibit normal responses to exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) indicating that they are not affected in the perception of the hormone but upstream in the pathway. We demonstrate that mutant plants are not deficient in IAA but are impaired in its transport. Using genetic and pharmacological tools we show that CK2 activity depletion hinders correct formation of auxin gradients and leads to widespread changes in the expression of auxin-related genes. In particular, members of the auxin efflux carrier family (PINs), and the protein kinase PINOID, both key regulators of auxin fluxes, were misexpressed. PIN4 and PIN7 were also found mislocalized, with accumulation in endosomal bodies. We propose that CK2 functions in the regulation of auxin-signalling pathways, particularly in auxin transport.  相似文献   

We have used a retroviral vector (RCAS) to overexpress wild-type chicken c-Jun or a deletion mutant of chicken c-Jun (JunΔ7) lacking the DNA binding region to investigate the possible role of c-Jun in lens epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Both constructs were efficiently expressed in primary cultures of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells. Overexpression of c-Jun increased the rate of cell proliferation and greatly delayed the appearance of “lentoid bodies,” structures which contain differentiated cells expressing fiber cell markers. Excess c-Jun expression also significantly decreased the level of βA3/A1-crystallin mRNA, without affecting αA-crystallin mRNA. In contrast, the mutated protein, JunΔ7, had no effect no proliferation or differentiation but markedly increased the level of αA-crystallin mRNA in proliferating cell cultures. These results suggest that c-Jun or Jun-related proteins may be negative regulators of αA- and βA3/A1-crystallin genes in proliferating lens cells.  相似文献   

Although Src transformation of NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts has been shown to be dependent on Ras function, the signaling mechanism whereby Src induces malignant transformation of human epithelial cells still remains unclear. In the present study, we analyzed the functional role of Ras, which acts downstream of Src in intracellular signaling, in the acquisition of fully neoplastic potentials by v-Src-transformed human gallbladder epithelial cells (HAG/src3-1) by infecting these cells with replication-defective adenovirus vector expressing dominant negative H-Ras (AdCARasY57). High efficiency of gene transduction was demonstrated with the adenovirus vector containing beta-gal gene insert (AdCALacZ). On infection with AdCARasY57, the activity of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, a major downstream event triggered by Ras, was markedly inhibited over 7 days, indicating that the inhibition of Ras function by AdCARasY57 remains active during this period. AdCARasY57 did not inhibit the monolayer growth of HAG-1 cells transfected with activated H-ras, but inhibited the HAG/src3-1 cells by 30%, as compared with cells infected with AdCALacZ as a control. This growth inhibition by AdCARasY57 was strengthened nearly twofold on surfaces coated with an antiadhesive polymer (poly 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) that can quantitate anchorage-independent growth, and was much more pronounced up to 95% when assayed in soft agar. The HAG/src3-1 cells transfected with beta-gal gene produced tumors in nude mice within 4 weeks after implantation, whereas cells infected with AdCARasY57 failed to form tumors during this period. These findings show that Ras function is essential for v-Src-induced anchorage-independent growth in vitro as well as tumorigenesis in vivo, and that mitogenic activity driven by v-Src is not solely dependent on MAP kinase pathway. Because anchorage-independent growth correlates with tumor growth in vivo as well as metastatic potential, targeting Ras would be potentially useful for the treatment of human tumors with elevated Src tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant, designated ts85, was isolated from a mouse mammary carcinoma cell line, FM3A. The ts85 cells grew at 33 °C (permissive temperature) with a doubling time of 18 h, which was almost the same as with wild-type cells, whereas the cell number scarcely increased at all at 39 °C (non-permissive temperature). When the ts85 cells were shifted from 33 to 39 °C, their DNA synthesis fell to below 1% of the initial value in 14 h. RNA or protein synthesis, however, was maintained at the initial levels for at least 14 h at 39 °C. Cytofluorometric analysis of asynchronous cultures and studies with synchronous cultures suggested that the bulk of the cells cultured at 39 °C for 12–18 h were arrested in late S and G2 phases. Electron microscopic observations revealed that chromatin was abnormally condensed into fragmented and compact forms, particularly around nucleoli, in about 80% of cells of an asynchronous culture incubated at 39 °C for 16 h. Cells in mitosis were not detected in such cultures and nuclear membrane and nucleoli were still intact. Such abnormal chromosome condensation was not observed in the ts85 cells at 33 °C or in wild-type cells at either temperature. Since these findings suggest that a ts gene product of ts85 cells is necessary for chromosome condensation, ts85 cells may represent a useful tool for establishing the mechanisms of chromosome condensation. The interrelationship between abnormal chromosome condensation and reduction in DNA synthesis of the ts85 cells is discussed.  相似文献   

We found that 82- and 76-kDa proteins in the outer-membrane fractions were overproduced in the hfq::cat mutant cells when grown in synthetic media. Expression of these proteins was repressed by addition of FeCl(3) in the mutant as well as in the wild type. It was revealed that these are FepA and FhuE proteins involved in iron transport. The hfq::cat mutant was more susceptible to killing by hydrogen peroxide, probably due to the excess incorporation of iron, which potentially generates hydroxyl radicals. Increased incorporation of iron in the hfq::cat mutant was also confirmed by the suppressive effect on the ftsH1 mutation. These results suggest that the hfq gene product is involved in the defense mechanism against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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