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Hagström  J.  James  W.M.  Skene  K.R. 《Plant and Soil》2001,232(1-2):81-90
Cluster roots are adaptations for nutrient acquisition, found throughout the world in many different plant families and habitats. They arise from changes in root initiation, meristem maintenance and physiology. In Lupinus albus cluster roots form under low internal plant phosphate and low internal plant iron levels. In this study, we compare morphology, structure and physiology of cluster roots formed under –P and –Fe conditions. –Fe cluster roots had a lower density of shorter rootlets than –P roots, and were yellow in colour, probably because of increased phenolics due to down-regulation of peroxidase. Rootlet length and width was reduced in –Fe conditions. The change in exudation of citrate, over time, of –P and –Fe cluster roots shared identical temporal dynamics, with an exudative burst occurring in day 3. However, the –Fe cluster roots displayed much higher rates of exudation than the –P cluster roots. Results are discussed within the context of structural and functional control.  相似文献   

Peek  C. S.  Robson  A. D.  Kuo  J. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):237-246
The effect of phosphorus supply on the formation, morphology and anatomy of cluster roots of Lupinus albus L. cv Ultra grown in a loam and two sandy soils was examined relative to its effect on total root length, shoot weight and the phosphorus concentration of the shoots. The loam soil was most conducive to the formation of cluster roots. Cluster roots growing in the sandy soils developed to a lesser extent on plants of an equivalent phosphorus status, suggesting that some biotic or abiotic factors independent of phosphorus supply were also operating. The presence of mature cluster rootlets on a length of lateral root increased the root surface area by 14–22 times of an equal length of lateral roots not bearing cluster rootlets. The application of phosphorus decreased cluster-root length, whereas total root length showed a steady increase. There was an inverse relationship between cluster-root production and phosphorus concentration in shoots ranging from 2 to 8.5 mg g–1 with the critical phosphorus level for maximum shoot growth being around 2.5 mg g–1. Cluster roots formed in solution culture were not well developed in comparison with those grown in the loam soil or nutrient solution with added loam soil. The organisation of the cluster rootlet was similar to that of the lateral roots. Mature rootlets lacked an apical meristem and a vascular cambium with a reduced root cap and cortical tissue.  相似文献   

The mechanisms enabling plants to tolerate high concentrations of available Cu in their rhizosphere are still poorly understood. To better understand the mechanisms involved, Lupinus albus L. (white lupin) was grown over 40 days in a hydroponic system compelling roots to develop under sterile conditions in the presence of a nutrient solution containing 0.5, 20 or 62 M Cu. The following parameters were investigated in detail: low molecular weight phenols in nutrient solution (colorimetric assay), high molecular weight phenols in roots and in solution (HPLC-MS, HPLC-UV), pH, redox potential in solution (electrochemistry) and Cu distribution in the plant (AAS) as well as in apical root sections (EDX microanalysis). Finally, in vitro adsorption studies using voltammetry were conducted to evaluate the Cu adsorption behaviour of different phenolic compounds. When exposed to 62 M Cu, biomass production of white lupin was strongly reduced. Plants grown in the presence of 20 M Cu had a similar dry matter production compared to the control plants grown in a 0.5 M Cu solution. However, an increased release of soluble and high molecular weight phenols into the solution was observed. The concentration of polyphenolic compounds in the roots (particularly isoflavonoids like genistein and genistein-(malonyl)-glucoside) was significantly higher for lupins grown in a 20 M Cu solution compared to the control plants. As shown by an in vitro adsorption study, these phenolic compounds can bind Cu ions. In addition, plants exposed to 20 and 62 M Cu cumulated high Cu amounts in root cell walls whereas only low amounts reached the symplasm. Therefore, it is proposed that the complexation of Cu2+ ions in the rhizosphere and in the roots apoplasm by phenolic compounds could alleviate Cu-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   

Tang  C.  Cobley  B. T.  Mokhtara  S.  Wilson  C. E.  Greenway  H. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):517-519
Root growth in Lupinus angustifolius is greatly decreased when the nutrient solution has a pH above 6.0. This study examined the water relations in this species (cv. Yandee) in response to high pH in solution culture in a glasshouse.The dry weight of roots, the length of taproots and lateral roots and the number of lateral roots were significantly reduced at day 12 after transfer to solution with a pH of 7.5 compared to pH 5.2. This resulted in a marked reduction of total root surface area. However, shoot growth and total leaf area were not affected. In comparison with pH 5.2, plants grown at pH 7.5 in the nutrient solution had a 14–38% more-negative leaf water potential, and their stomatal resistance had increased by 67%.The observations indicate that the impairment of the water relations by high pH is mainly caused by decreased root growth.  相似文献   

Liang  Ruixia  Li  Chunjian 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):221-227
In contrast with the well document role of proteoid root formation and carboxylate exudation in acclimation to P deficiency in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), their role under other nutrient deficiencies and their ecological significance are still poorly understood. In the present work, differences in proteoid root formation, exudation of carboxylates by root clusters, non-proteoid and proteoid root tips by using a non-destructive method, and concentrations of organic acids in the tissues of plants grown in the absence of P, Fe or K were studied. Proton release from roots increased soon after withdrawing Fe from the medium; within three days the solution pH decreased from 6 to about 4, and this increased release in protons continued until the end of the experiment. Acidification appeared much later, on the 10th day and the 14th day after withdrawal of P and K, respectively; the extent of the acidification was also weaker than under –Fe (5.2 for –P and 5.7 for control on the 10th day; 6.0 for –K and 6.1 for control on the 14th day). Root clusters formed when plants were grown under –P and –Fe, but not under –K conditions. The root clusters developed sooner under –Fe conditions, but the number of clusters was far less than under –P. Under P deficiency, root clusters released mainly citrate, but also some malate; while the major organic acid released by root tips of both non-proteoid and proteoid roots was malate. However, under Fe deficiency, the majority of the organic acids exuded both by the root clusters and root tips was malate, whereas only a small amount of citrate was detected. The release rate of citrate by – P root clusters was greater than that by – Fe root clusters. Moreover, the release rate of malate was greater in –Fe root clusters than in –P root clusters, but the opposite was found in proteoid root tips, i.e. faster in –P than in –Fe proteoid root tips. The significances of proteoid root formation and release of organic acids in acclimation to different nutrient deficiencies for white lupin plants are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated in situ the temporal patterns and spatial extent of organic acid anion exudation into the rhizosphere solution of Lupinus albus, and its relation with the nutrient anions phosphate, nitrate and sulfate by means of a rhizobox micro suction cup method under P sufficient conditions. We compared the soil solution in the rhizosphere of cluster roots with that in the vicinity of normal roots, nodules and bulk soil. Compared to the other rhizosphere and soil compartments, concentrations of organic acid anions were higher in the vicinity of cluster roots during the exudative burst (citrate, oxalate) and nodules (acetate, malate), while concentrations of inorganic nutrient anions were highest in the bulk soil. Both active cluster roots and nodules were most efficient in taking up nitrate and phosphate. The intensity of citrate exudation by cluster roots was highly variable. The overall temporal patterns during the lifetime of cluster roots were overlaid by a diurnal pattern, i.e. in most cases, the exudation burst consisted of one or more peaks occurring in the afternoon. Multiple exudation peaks occurred daily or were separated by 1 or 2 days. Although citrate concentrations decreased with distance from the cluster root apex, they were still significantly higher at a distance of 6 to 10 mm than in the bulk soil. Phosphate concentrations were extremely variable in the proximity of cluster roots. While our results indicate that under P sufficient conditions cluster roots take up phosphate during their entire life time, the influence of citrate exudation on phosphate mobilization from soil could not be assessed conclusively because of the complex interactions between P uptake, organic acid anion exudation and P mobilization. However, we observed indications of P mobilization concurrent with the highest measured citrate concentrations. In conclusion, this study provides semiquantitative in situ data on the reactivity of different root segments of L. albus L. in terms of root exudation and nutrient uptake under nutrient sufficient conditions, in particular on the temporal variability during the lifetime of cluster roots.  相似文献   

Current agronomic cultivars of white lupin (Lupinus albus) are intolerant of calcareous or limed soils. In these soils, high pH, bicarbonate (HCO3?), and calcium (Ca) concentrations are the major chemical stresses to the root system. To determine the responses of the root system to these factors, evaluate root architecture, and compare genotypes for tolerance, a series of liquid culture experiments was completed using root chambers that allowed the study of the root system in two dimensions. Each stress condition caused changes in different parts of the root system and there was no generalised stress response. HCO3? (5 mM) had the greatest effect on cultivars intolerant of calcareous soil; it decreased the dry weight of the shoot and caused the highest percentage of tap root deaths. HCO3? also discriminated between short (determinate) and long (indeterminate) roots, as it decreased the number and density of the determinate roots only. Calcium (3 mM) affected all parts of the root system. The tap root was shortened and showed an increased tortuousness in its path compared with 1 mM Ca, although no plants suffered tap root death. The numbers and densities of the two lateral root forms were also decreased, as were the lengths of the indeterminate roots. Stress from alkaline pH (7.5) media caused a lower number and density of determinate lateral roots to be produced than at pH 6.5. The experiments demonstrated that each culture condition elicited a definable stress response. Stress conditions altered the root architecture of genotypes reported to be tolerant of calcareous soil less than in intolerant genotypes. Although soil is more complex than liquid culture, it is possible that in a calcareous or limed soil each stress condition examined may affect the overall stress of the plant, and increased tolerance may result from tolerance to a single stress.  相似文献   

Shen  J.  Rengel  Z.  Tang  C.  Zhang  F. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):199-206
The present study examined the effect of phosphorus (P) limitation on cluster root formation and exudation of carboxylates by N2-fixing white lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv. Kiev) grown in a P-deficient sandy soil. Plants received 10 (limited P) or 200 g P g–1 soil as FePO4 (adequate P) and were grown in a phytotron at 20/12 °C (12/12 h) for 76 days in soil columns. Cluster root formation was assessed and root exudates were collected at 9-day intervals. Shoot and root dry weights were higher in plants grown in the adequate-P compared to the limited-P treatment for 67 days. No clear difference in the total root length was observed between two P treatments before day 58. However, the specific root length increased rapidly from 17 m g–1 DW at day 40 to 28 m g–1 at day 49 in the P-limited plants, but decreased in the P-adequate plants. The effect of P limitation on enhancement of cluster root formation was observed from day 40 and reached the maximum at day 58. The number of cluster roots was negatively correlated with the P concentration in both roots and shoots. Phosphorus limitation increased exudation of citrate from day 40. The exudation of citrate displayed a cyclic pattern throughout the experiment, and appeared related to internal P concentration in plants, particularly P concentration in shoots. The sorption of exogenously added citrate in the soil was also examined. The amount of extractable citrate remained unchanged for 2 h, but decreased thereafter, suggesting that the soil had a low capacity to sorb citrate, and the rate of its decomposition by microorganisms was slow. Collecting solution leached through a soil column is a simple and reliable method to acquire root exudates from white lupin grown in soil. The results suggest that formation of cluster roots and exudation of citrate in white lupin are regulated by P concentration in shoots.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated by an agar film technique thatL. albus can cause the breakdown of colloids of iron/silicate, iron/phosphate, aluminium/silicate and aluminium phosphate and destabilise suspensions of manganese dioxide, calcium mono-hydrogen phosphate and ferric hydroxide. Dissolution of these compounds was most marked in areas adjacent to proteoid roots (dense clusters of secondary laterals of limited growth which develop on lateral roots) and parts of the tap root. Soil associated with these regions of the root system contained more reductants and chelating agents than the bulk soil. Soil from around the roots ofL. albus exhibited much greater reducing and chelating activity than that associated with the roots of rape and buckwheat.  相似文献   

We examined cluster root formation and root exudation by white lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv. Kiev Mutant) in response to growth medium and phosphorus supply in a sand/solution split-root system. The split-root system consisted of a nutrient solution compartment and a siliceous sand compartment. Phosphorus was applied at 1 (low-P plants) or 50 (high-P plants) μM as KH2PO4 to the solution compartment and at 10, 50 or 250 mg P kg−1 as hydroxyapatite (Ca-P) to the sand compartment. In contrast to the high-P plants, P concentration and P uptake in the low-P plants increased with increasing P supply to the sand compartment. The NaHCO3-extractable P was lower in the rhizosphere of the low-P plants than the high-P ones. The proton extrusion rate by the solution-grown roots of the low-P plants was higher than that of the high-P plants at the early growth stage. For the low-P plants, the proportion of dry root biomass allocated to cluster roots was higher in the solution compartment than that in the sand compartment. The citrate exudation increased in the sand compartment and decreased in the solution compartment with time, showing a lack of synchronization in citrate exudation by two root halves grown in different media. The cluster root proportion and citrate exudation in both compartments decreased with increasing shoot P concentration. An additional experiment with no P added to either root compartment showed that the proportion of cluster roots was about 9% lower in the sand than solution compartments. The results suggest that cluster root formation and citrate exudation can be significantly affected by the root growth medium in addition to being regulated by shoot P status. More P can be exploited from sparingly available Ca-P by the low-P plants than the high-P ones due to greater citrate exudation under P deficiency.  相似文献   

Meng ZB  Chen LQ  Suo D  Li GX  Tang CX  Zheng SJ 《Annals of botany》2012,109(6):1055-1064

Background and Aims

Formation of cluster roots is one of the most specific root adaptations to nutrient deficiency. In white lupin (Lupinus albus), cluster roots can be induced by phosphorus (P) or iron (Fe) deficiency. The aim of the present work was to investigate the potential shared signalling pathway in P- and Fe-deficiency-induced cluster root formation.


Measurements were made of the internal concentration of nutrients, levels of nitric oxide (NO), citrate exudation and expression of some specific genes under four P × Fe combinations, namely (1) 50 µm P and 10 µm Fe (+P + Fe); (2) 0 P and 10 µm Fe (–P + Fe); (3) 50 µm P and 0 Fe (+P–Fe); and (4) 0 P and 0 Fe (–P–Fe), and these were examined in relation to the formation of cluster roots.

Key Results

The deficiency of P, Fe or both increased the cluster root number and cluster zones. It also enhanced NO accumulation in pericycle cells and rootlet primordia at various stages of cluster root development. The formation of cluster roots and rootlet primordia, together with the expression of LaSCR1 and LaSCR2 which is crucial in cluster root formation, were induced by the exogenous NO donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) under the +P + Fe condition, but were inhibited by the NO-specific endogenous scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4, 4, 5, 5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl- 3-oxide (cPTIO) under –P + Fe, +P–Fe and –P–Fe conditions. However, cluster roots induced by an exogenous supply of the NO donor did not secrete citrate, unlike those formed under –P or –Fe conditions.


NO plays an important role in the shared signalling pathway of the P- and Fe-deficiency-induced formation of cluster roots in white lupin.  相似文献   

Kerley  S. J.  Leach  J. E.  Swain  J. L.  Huyghe  C. 《Plant and Soil》2000,222(1-2):241-253
In calcareous soils, genotypes of Lupinus albus L. generally grow poorly, resulting in stunted plants that often develop lime-induced chlorosis. In contrast, some genotypes of L. pilosus Murr. occur naturally in calcareous soils without developing any visible symptoms of stress. Some genotypic variation for tolerance to calcareous soil does exist in L. albus and the tolerance mechanisms need to be determined. The adaptation through root system morphological plasticity of L. albus and L. pilosus, to heterogeneous limed soil profiles (pH 7.8) containing either patches of acid (non-limed) soil, or vertically split between acid and limed soil, was investigated. When grown in the presence of patches of acid soil, L. albus had a 52% greater shoot dry weight and visibly greener leaves compared with plants grown in the homogeneous limed soil. Total root dry matter in the acid-soil patches was greater than in the control limed-soil patches. This was due to a four-fold increase in the cluster root mass, accounting for 95% of the root dry matter in the acid-soil patch. Although these cluster roots secreted no more citric acid per unit mass than those in the limed soil did, their greater mass resulted in a higher citrate concentration in the surrounding soil. L. pilosus responded to the patches of acid soil in a manner comparable with L. albus. When grown in the homogeneous limed soil, L. pilosus had a greater maximum net CO2 assimilation rate (Pmax) than L. albus, however, the Pmax of both species increased after they had accessed a patch of acid soil. Differences were apparent between the L. albus genotypes grown in soil profiles split vertically into limed and acid soil. A genotype by soil interaction occurred in the partitioning between soils of the cluster roots. The genotype La 674 was comparable with L. pilosus and produced over 11% of its cluster roots in the limed soil, whereas the other genotypes produced only 1–3% of their cluster roots in the limed soil. These results indicate L. pilosus is better adapted to the limed soil than L. albus, but that both species respond to a heterogeneous soil by producing mainly cluster roots in an acid-soil patch. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Hansen  J.P.  Vinther  F.P. 《Plant and Soil》2001,237(2):257-266
Aiming at estimating the spatial variability in N2 fixation, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the 15N isotope dilution (ID) method and the natural15N abundance (NA) method in reflecting spatial variability under the influence of cattle grazing, the symbiotic N2 fixation in grass–white clover mixture was studied. At the Foulum site, where the ID method was used, differences in the climatic conditions between the two years of investigations caused a considerable difference in plant growth rates and proportion of clover. Consequently, the total N2 fixation in ungrazed reference plots was significantly less in 1998 than in 1997, being 5.9 and 12.5 g N m–2, respectively. In both years there was a wide range in concentration of inorganic N in the soil with coefficients of variance of approximately 60–190% for ammonium and 70–340% for nitrate. Significant negative correlations between pNdfa, determined by the ID method, and the log-transformed values of inorganic N and total N in grass were found. The NA method was applied on three nearby commercial dairy farms. They also showed high coefficients of variation. The coefficient of variance for NO3 -N ranged from 37 to 282% and for NH4 +-N from 29 to 237%. Average estimates of pNdfa values, which in the NA method were calculated using apparent B values ranging from –2.10 to –2.59, were generally lower (0.7–0.87) for these farms than for the Foulum site (0.89–0.95) using the ID method. For the NA method the 15N values, i.e. deviation in 15N concentration from atmospheric N2, ranged from –7.0 to 5.7 for the grass N, which in several cases was lower than for clover N. Due to this high variability of the 15N values, probably caused by deposition and plant assimilation of 15N depleted urinary N in the pastures, the NA method was marginal for accurate determination of pNdfa. Consequently no significant correlation between the pNdfa determined by this method, and the log-transformed values of inorganic N in soil or total N in grass were found.  相似文献   

A lime-pellet around seeds of lucerne significantly increased crown nodulation in an acid soil. To investigate whether neutralization or calcium were of importance when lime was supplied, experiments with plants were done either in pots or in rhizotrons. Crown nodulation was used to quantify the effect of these two parameters.For the neutralization of the soil, KOH (in pots) or K2CO3 (in rhizotrons) was added. The crown nodulation of pot-grown plants increased from 31% to 53%. In rhizotrons, the number of crown-nodulated seedlings increased from 9% to 53%. If calcium was supplied additionally (as CaCl2 or CaSO4), 63% crown nodulation was found in pots, and 68% in rhizotrons. These numbers are close to the crown nodulation with lime (CaCO3) alone: 70% in pots and 71% in rhizotrons. In the soil studied, the beneficial effect of lime is largely due to neutralization (80%), and only a minor part (20%) is due to the input of calcium.Using rhizotrons, the dynamics of the pH in the rhizosphere of lime-treated and untreated seedlings was followed during a period of 12 days. It was found that, even in the absence of lime, the pH along the taproot increased from 5.1 to 5.7. However, this did not result in the formation of root nodules. Nodulation was obtained only by adding neutralizing chemicals, which increased the pH during the initial 3 days, the acid sensitive period of the process.  相似文献   

Z. Wang  J. Shen  F. Zhang 《Plant and Soil》2006,287(1-2):247-256
The study examined the interactive effect of pH and P supply on cluster-root formation, carboxylate exudation and proton release by an alkaline-tolerant lupin species (Lupinus pilosus Murr.) in nutrient solution. The plants were exposed to 1 (P1, deficient) and 50 μM P (P50, adequate) for 34 days in nutrient solution at either pH 5.6 or 7.8. Plant biomass was not influenced by pH at P1, but at P50 shoot and root dry weights were 23 and 18% higher, respectively, at pH 7.8 than at pH 5.6. There was no significant difference in plant biomass between two P treatments regardless of medium pH. Phosphorus deficiency increased significantly the number of the second-order lateral roots compared with the P50 treatment. Both total root length and specific root length of plants grown at pH 5.6 were higher than those at pH 7.8 regardless of P supply. Cluster roots were formed at P1, but cluster-root number was 2-fold higher at pH 7.8 than pH 5.6. Roots released 16 and 31% more protons at pH 5.6 and 7.8, respectively, in P1 than in P50 treatments, and the rate of proton release followed the similar pattern. At pH 5.6, citrate exudation rate was 0.39 μmol g−1 root DW h−1 at P1, but was under the detection limit at P50; at pH 7.8, it was 2.4-fold higher in P1 than in P50 plants. High pH significantly increased citrate exudation rate in comparison to pH 5.6. The uptake of anions P and S was inhibited at P1 and high pH increased cations Na, Mg and Ca uptake. The results suggested that enhanced cluster-root formation, proton release and citrate exudation may account for the mechanism of efficient P acquisition by alkaline-tolerant L. pilosus well adapted to calcareous soils. Cluster-root formation and citrate exudation in L. pilosus can be altered by medium pH and P deficiency. Phosphorus deficiency-induced proton release may be associated with the reduced anion uptake, but high pH-induced proton release may be partly attributed to increased cation uptake.  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether previously acquired boron(B) in mature leaves in white lupin can be retranslocated intothe rapidly growing young reproductive organs, in response toshort-term (3 d) interrupted B supply. In a preliminary experimentwith white lupin in soil culture, B concentrations in phloemexudates remained at 300–500 µM, which were substantiallyhigher than those in the xylem sap (10–30 µM). Thehigh ratios of B concentrations in phloem exudates to thosein the xylem sap were close to values published for potassiumin lupin plants. To differentiate ‘old’ B in theshoot from ‘new’ B in the root, an experiment wascarried out in which the plants were first supplied with 20µM 11B (99.34% by weight) in nutrient solution for 48d after germination (DAG) until early flowering and then transferredinto either 0.2 µM or 20 µM 10B (99.47% by weight)for 3 d. Regardless of the 10B treatments, significant levelsof 11B were found in the phloem exudates (200–300 µMin 20 µM 10B and 430 µM in 0.2 µM 10B treatment)and xylem sap over the three days even without 11B supply tothe root. In response to the 0.2 µM 10B treatment, thetranslocation of previously acquired 11B in the young (the uppermostthree leaves), matured, and old leaves was enhanced, coincidingwith the rise of 11B in the xylem sap (to >15 µM) andphloem exudates (430 µM). The evidence supports the hypothesisthat previously acquired B in the shoot was recirculated tothe root via the phloem, transferred into the xylem in the root,and transported in the xylem to the shoot. In addition, somepreviously acquired 11B in the leaves may have been translocatedinto the rapidly growing inflorescence. Phloem B transport resultedin the continued net increment of 11B in the flowers over 3d without 11B supply. However, it is still uncertain whetherthe amount of B available for recirculation is adequate to supportreproductive growth until seed maturation. Key words: 10B, 11B, B recirculation, Lupinus albus L., phloem exudate, xylem sap Received 9 October 2007; Revised 28 November 2007 Accepted 30 November 2007  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) acclimates to phosphorus deficiency (–P) by the development of short, densely clustered lateral roots called proteoid (or cluster) roots. These specialized plant organs display increased exudation of citric and malic acid. The enhanced exudation of organic acids from P stressed white lupin roots is accompanied by increased in vitro phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity. Here we report the cloning of full-length white lupin PEPC and MDH cDNAs. RNA blot analysis indicates enhanced expression of these genes in –P proteoid roots, placing higher gene expression at the site of organic acid exudation. Correspondingly, macroarray analysis of about 1250 ESTs (expressed sequence tags) revealed induced expression of genes involved in organic acid metabolism in –P proteoid roots. In situ hybridization revealed that PEPC and MDH were both expressed in the cortex of emerging and mature proteoid rootlets. A C3 PEPC protein was partially purified from proteoid roots of P deficient white lupin. Native and subunit Mr were determined to be 440 kD and 110 kD, respectively. Citrate and malate were effective inhibitors of in vitro PEPC activity at pH 7. Addition of ATP partially relieved inhibition of PEPC by malate but had little effect on citrate inhibition. Taken together, the results presented here suggest that acclimation of white lupin to low P involves modified expression of plant genes involved in carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

Monosaccharide transporter (MST) genes of Lupinus polyphyllus and L. albus were cloned, expressed and characterised. The isolation and functional characterisation of a cDNA clone and its corresponding genomic clone of a sugar transporter from L. polyphyllus (LpSTP1) is reported. Phylogenetic comparison of the nucleic and amino acid sequences showed the highest similarity to the AtSTP1 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, which encodes a high affinity sugar transporter. The similar topology as well as the substrate specificity and expression pattern of LpSTP1 encoded protein additionally support the high similarity to the AtSTP1 gene product. The 1,590 bp LpSTP1 cDNA clone was heterologously expressed in yeast resulting in a fully functional specific sugar transporter. This transformation restored the viability of a yeast deletion mutant, which is devoid of all intrinsic MSTs and thus unable to take up and grow on hexose-containing media. The LpSTP1 protein is postulated to be a high-affinity MST since it supported growth best on media containing 0.2% hexose. Tissue-specific expression of LaSTP1 in L. albus was assayed by real-time PCR, which revealed that the lupin STP1 is mainly expressed in flower buds, flowers and young leaves. The results suggest that the main role of LaSTP1 is to catalyse monosaccharide import in sink tissues to meet increased carbohydrate demand during plant development. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A study on globulins, major storage proteins in yellow lupin seeds, called conglutins, was conducted using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In this paper, an extensive and not yet published list of yellow lupin conglutins is presented. The patterns of subunits of major conglutins in seeds of three yellow lupin cultivars were similar to each other, varying only in the level of some polypeptides. Investigations of seeds of cultivar Parys showed considerable quantitative differences in major subunits. Some minor subunits occurred only in some seeds and were absent in the others. Great differences were shown between single individuals in the amount of subunits of conglutin which is of the most nutritional value due to high content of methionine.  相似文献   

An aluminium (Al) tolerant genotype of white clover was compared with an Al susceptible genotype in artificial soil profiles in which exchangeable Al increased with depth. The tolerant genotype had a greater proportion of its root mass deeper in the soil than the susceptible genotype. Nitrogenase activity showed a similar pattern. Shoot Al concentration did not vary between the genotypes but root Al in the susceptible line was twice that in the tolerant genotype. Plant potassium content in the susceptible line was relatively less, probably in response to higher aluminium content.  相似文献   

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