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Underwater observations were conducted on the reproductive behavior and mating system of the lefteye flounder,Engyprosopon grandisquama, off Nagashima, southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan. Two types of males were found: large males, which defended territories against other large males, and small males, which did likewise but only against smaller males. Large males established territories which encompassed or ovelapped the home ranges of 1 or 2 cohabitant females. Territories of the small males, in which a smaller female often maintained a home range, overlapped those of large males. Pair spawning occurred around sunset. Mating of large males with cohabitant females was observed 36 times and that of a small male with a smaller female once. Pair formation was assorted by body size, paired males being larger than females in most cases. Thus, inE. grandisquama, gigamous large males were common, small males occurring within the former's erritorial boundaries mating with smaller females.  相似文献   

Males of the herbivorous cichlid fishPseudosimochromis curvifrons established mating territories 3–10 m in diameter, which included both spawning and feeding sites. Territorial males attacked conspecific males and also other species. Only conspecific males were chased out of the territories. Territorial males attacked other species at the spawning sites while courting or waiting for females and at other sites in their territories while patrolling and foraging. Attacks against herbivorous species were more frequent than against non-herbivores since herbivores were much more abundant. Territories of four abundant herbivorous cichlids largely overlapped the territories ofP. curvifrons males. Symbiotic relationships were not detected between the species. Instead, they were aggressive towards each other but coexisted by segregating feeding sites in the overlapping areas. The aggressive coexistence ofP. curvifrons males with other herbivores may have resulted from the energetic costs of defending their relatively large territories against all food competitors. Interspecific food-resource partitioning may also have facilitated the coexistence.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding site fidelity is high in willow ptarmigan: only 9% of males and 31% of females switched territories between years. Unpaired males were more likely to switch territories than paired males. For paired males, survival of their previous partner and reproductive success in year x did not influence probability of switching in year x+1. A female was more likely to switch territories if her previous partner disappeared. If her partner returned, she had a higher probability of switching if she did not produce chicks the previous year. Most hens moved to the territories of older males, although hens paired with unfamiliar older males did not have higher reproductive success than those paired with yearlings. Individuals that paired with their previous partner laid earlier and produced heavier chicks than those paired with unfamiliar partners. Excluding birds paired with familiar partners, survival and reproductive success in year x+1 was similar for males and females that did or did not switch territories. Males had a higher probability of producing chicks after switching than before, but females were more likely to lose their clutch after switching. For both sexes, birds that switched territories were as successful as the birds that replaced them on their former territories. We conclude that high site fidelity in willow ptarmigan is maintained because of the benefits of pairing with a familiar partner.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior and mating systems of the triggerfish,Sufflamen chrysopterus (Balistidae), were studied on the fringing reef of Sesoko Island, Okinawa. Both males and females maintained territories against consexual adults, feeding on benthic animals within their own territories. Each male territory overlapped one or two female territories, with mating occurring between the cohabitants. The monogamous males were smaller and foraged more frequently than the bigamous ones, suggesting that the former allocated more energy to growth rather than to improving reproductive success. Pair spawning occurred around sunrise, females only taking care of the demersal eggs until hatching, which occurred around sunset of the same day. On spawning days females foraged less frequently than usual, but as frequently as males. Females spawned at intervals of 5–7 days, usually shifting sites within their territories. Thus both feeding and spawning sites were available for females within their territories, providing males with the opportunity to monopolize females by defending their territories.  相似文献   

Animal dispersion in space and time results from environmental pressures, and affects the outcome of a species' social organization. When females are solitary, males may either roam or be pair-living. We studied possible environmental influences affecting the social organization of the round-eared sengi ( Macroscelides proboscideus ) in a semi-desert in South Africa, using trapping and radio-tracking across 2.5 yr. Adult sex ratios did not deviate from 1:1 and we found no indication of sexual dimorphism in body mass. Females maintained exclusive areas, which had little overlap (<4%) with neighbouring females (NF), and males overlapped predominately only with the home range of single females. Generally, inter- and intra-sexual overlap with neighbouring individuals was low (3–6%) for both sexes, indicating territoriality and pair-living. Pairs were perennial and territories were maintained year-round. However, males generally maintained much larger areas than females, which were sensitive to population density. Male space use appeared to be primarily limited by the presence of neighbouring males. Female home ranges were smaller-sized despite changes in population density, possibly for energetic efficiency. Some paired males attempted to take over widowed females, but shifted back to their original home range following the intrusion of an un-paired male. We conclude that social monogamy is the predominant social organization in round-eared sengis in a semi-desert that may have resulted from females living solitarily in small exclusive territories, balanced sex ratios, and from a low variation of body mass between males.  相似文献   

Ungulate mating systems vary broadly both between and within species. Studies on mating systems in different habitats can provide clues to the ecological factors determining this diversity. Despite its abundance in the European Alps and its importance as a game species, surprisingly little is known about the mating system of Alpine chamois Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra. We tested the hypothesis that adult males first defend mating territories in late spring, when females segregate from males and well before the Nov. rut. In the Gran Paradiso National Park (north‐western Italian Alps), adult males shared a winter range but occupied individual ranges in summer and early autumn. Males were more aggressive to each other in the summer than in the spring. A strong site fidelity from one year to the next was found for the summer and early autumn months. Those males that occupied the same territories both in the summer and during the rut (Nov.) appeared to be at hotspots, attractive to females during the rut because of reduced snow cover. Other males appeared to cluster around these hotspots during the rut. Territories that were first occupied during the summer were visited by more females than those that were not established until the rut began. Our results suggest that the mating system of this population of Alpine chamois consists of the early occupation of clustered mating territories. The early establishment of mating territories in areas frequented by females during the rut may lead to reproductive benefits for male chamois.  相似文献   

We intensively monitored space use and movement in Microtus californicus over a 2-year period that included 1 year of high density (maximum 618/ha) and one of low (minimum 5/ha); historically this population has exhibited cycles of 2 or 4 years. Adults of both sexes dispersed at the start of the breeding season, culminating in the establishment of intrasexually exclusive territories. In females, these territories persisted throughout life, except that many young females recruiting during the breeding season established contiguous, overlapping, or adjacent home ranges with their mothers. This female philopatry explains the conclusion of previous workers that females of this species are non-territorial. In the dry (non-breeding) season, females had smaller ranges that often overlapped and were clustered. Adult males moved breeding territories at a modal interval of 6 weeks; this is consistent with their avoidance of inbreeding with philopatric daughters. Ranges overlapped 1–4 adult females at any one time, and a cohort of 7 long-lived males overlapped an average of 16.4 females during their tenure on the grid. The period of maximum overlap with adult females varied among individual males, and did not correlate with the time of maximum body weight. Ranges of males in the dry season overlapped extensively, with persistent associations among some individuals. In the lowdensity year, ranges of some adults failed to overlap intersexually. Juvenile males dispersed gradually between 3 and 13 weeks of age (half before 9 weeks), with some leaving after reaching sexual maturity; a few remained philopatric. Of juvenile females, 47% remained philopatric with the rest disappearing before 9 weeks of age. New understanding of vole social behavior, dispersal, and space use is achieved by focusing on the seasonal dynamics of spatial relationships among individuals with respect to age, sex, and relatedness.  相似文献   

In monogamous mammals it is often unclear why males do not defend larger territories to attract more than one female. I investigated the territoriality of the monogamous Kirk's dikdik, Madoqua kirki, a dwarf antelope, in which food resources increase with territory size and some males defend enough resources for more than one female. Yet, all males are paired monogamously. When males were removed from small territories, their female partners spent more time outside of their territories than females in large ones. When females were removed, their male partners almost never left. Pairs in small territories spent more time together than pairs in large ones. Paired males left mostly together with their females, apparently not on their own initiative. Presumably because females in small territories left more often, their males spent more time outside in the female's company than males in large territories. I argue that males in smaller territories can keep better track of their females and that they can effectively reduce their females' time outside. Male intrusion pressure was unrelated to territory size, but it increased in the presence of unguarded females. If large territories decrease the ability to mate guard, and if unguarded females attract competing males, then defending large territories may be uneconomical, even it they could attract more than one female. On the other hand, territories must be large enough to satisfy the requirements of a single female.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogastermales initiated aggressive behavior toward other males and defended territories several hours after they were able to court and mate females. Males that were 3 days or more posteclosion were more successful at holding territories than younger males. Three-day-old males established territories more readily and escalated more often against territory residents than males that were 1 day old. Residents did not usually force young males from territories until they were a few hours posteclosion. The development of territorial behavior was not affected by familiarity or prior exposure to females. Males held in isolation established territories more quickly and behaved more aggressively than males held in groups. Males that previously held territories were more likely to reestablish them after a disturbance.  相似文献   

The use of vocalizations by males to attract mates and defend territories is widespread in birds but uncommon in mammals. In the greater white-lined bat, males defend small territories in tree buttresses and produce complex audible vocalizations. During the day, females roost within these territories, and males with females in their territories have higher reproductive success than males without females. To determine call function, we recorded male vocalizations on the island of Trinidad and made behavioural observations of the focal male and nearby bats at the time the calls were given. Noisy broadband calls were directed mainly at other males whereas tonal calls were used primarily in interactions with females. Two other types of calls were given independently of any observable context and may be involved in territorial defence or conspecific notification. Poisson regression showed that males with song repertoires that contained more unique types of composite syllables had more females in their territories. In addition, several acoustic features of one common call type significantly correlated with the number of females on a territory. Male vocalizations may, therefore, transfer information to colony members about male quality or fighting ability.  相似文献   

Stone martens Martes foina are common occupants of urban environments across continental Europe. We predicted that like other 'urban adapters', urban stone martens should exhibit smaller home ranges, more extensive home-range overlap and higher population densities than their rural counterparts. We radio-tracked 13 stone martens (10 females, three males) in two towns in southern Luxembourg during a 2-year period, in order to investigate nocturnal ranging behaviour. All martens maintained stable, year-round territories almost wholly within the urban perimeter of the respective study towns. Socio-spatial organization was based on intra-sexual territoriality. Territories (100% minimum convex polygon) were small in size (males: 112.6±24.8 ha; females: 37.0±22.2 ha) and population densities moderately high (4.7–5.8 adults km−2) by comparison with previous studies of rural populations. We conclude that although stone martens are clearly well adapted to urban conditions, urbanization has surprisingly little impact on their socio-spatial organization by comparison with its effects on other mesocarnivores. This apparent inflexibility in the spacing patterns of stone martens lends support to the view that spacing in martens ( Martes spp.) is a predominantly phylogenetic trait that is under limited environmental influence.  相似文献   

Female mate preference in a bower-holding cichlid, Cyathopharynx furcifer, was studied in Lake Tanganyika. Most males held territories with crater-shaped bowers in sand, but some males held territories without bowers. Territories were distributed adjacently and females visited them to spawn. After engaging in circling behaviour with the male, a female deposited eggs in the bower. Soon after spawning, the female picked the eggs up into her mouth and brooded them in places away from male territories. Female mate choice appeared to follow three steps: 1) females visited only bower-holding male territories, and more frequently visited territories of males that performed courtship displays at a higher frequency and had longer pelvic fins; 2) females preferred to start circling with males having longer and more symmetrical pelvic fins; 3) females chose males with more symmetrical pelvic fins as their mates. Less than 7% of females that visited male territories spawned eggs in the bowers. In contrast to other bower-holding species, bower size did not correlate with male reproductive success in C. furcifer. Bowers may therefore be essential as spawning sites or may function as a species recognition character for females. Female choice may be dependent instead on males having long and symmetrical pelvic fins apparent during the circling behaviour carried out in the bowers.  相似文献   

Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus has been shown to have a promiscuous copulatory pattern, to maintain social networks via frequent loud calls, to interact socially throughout the night with all age classes, and to sleep socially. Though these behaviors point towards a multimale social system, no study of their spacing system has yet been provided to support this view. From October 1997-August 1998, I conducted a study of the Mysore slender loris in Ayyalur, India. During 1,400 field hours, data were collected on range use of 3 adult females, 3 adult males, 1 subadult female, and 1 subadult male. Lorises slept in groups averaging 4 individuals, composed of an adult female, her offspring, and 1-2 adult and subadult males. Sleeping sites for three groups were located within 1.9 ha in the center of the study area. The minimum convex polygon in hectares encompassing each animal's range was determined, as well as overlap among home ranges of individual lorises. Average home range sizes were: adult males, 3.6 ha +/- 0.09; subadult/smaller males, 1.17 ha +/- 0.26; and adult and subadult females, 1.59 ha +/- 0.24. Male ranges overlapped with at least 2-3 other adult males (0.72 ha +/- 0.23). Female ranges overlapped slightly with at least 2 other female ranges (0.22 ha +/- 0.25). Male ranges overlapped those of at least 3 females (0.82 ha +/- 0.51). Patterns of home range and sleeping site support previous suggestions of a multimale social system, similar to aye ayes and some galagos.  相似文献   

The social organization of the sexually dimorphic and dichromatic Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera (Latham 1801) was studied at Wilsons Promontory National Park between January 1994 and January 1997. All breeding attempts at one site were followed during the spring and summer of 1996. Most pairs were multibrooded, with pair-bonds maintained throughout the study. Breeding males held well-defined territories. Females, although generally restricting their activities to within their mate’s territory, visited other males’ territories more frequently than did their mates and did so close to the time of egg laying. Males aggressively chased intruding males, but appeared to permit intrusions by non-mate females. Circumstantial evidence suggests some males may kill neighbour’s nestlings. Female Crescent Honeyeaters are solely responsible for nest construction and incubation. While both sexes attended nestlings, males contributed to parental care significantly less than females. Males also provided significantly less parental care than has been reported for monomorphic species of honeyeater. Single syllable calls are given throughout the year. Peaks in the rate of double and multisyllable calls corresponded with peaks in breeding activity. Only males were observed uttering loud multisyllable calls. In contrast to predictions arising from sexual selection theory and observations of the mating system of sexually dimorphic hummingbirds, the population of Crescent Honeyeaters studied exhibited a socially monogamous mating system. However, the very limited male role in parental care and non-observance of male territory boundaries by females suggest the genetic mating system may not be one of monogamy.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of tundra-nesting Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus tundrius was studied over 7 years on a 450 km2 study area in the Keewatin District of Canada's Northwest Territories. Peregrines showed strong fidelity to nest sites; none of 25 males ringed changed territories, while five of 38 females ringed were recorded changing territories. Such changes usually occurred after nesting failure. Annual turnover of territorial adults was estimated to be 22% (15% for males and 26% for females). Annual mortality of adults was estimated to be 17% (15% for males and 19% for females). If we assumed that territory vacancies, in addition to mate replacements, were indicative of mortality, then maximum annual mortality was estimated at 24% for each sex. Territories were held only by adult Peregrines. The oldest male on territory was at least 7 years old, the youngest was 2. The oldest female on territory was at least 7 years old, the youngest was 3. Territories were held by individuals of each sex for at least 6 years. One pair remained together for at least 4 years. Less than 4% of all young Peregrines produced on the study area in the first 5 years of the study were recruited into the breeding population. More male than female young were recruited despite an even sex ratio among nestlings. Peregrines did poorly in their first breeding attempts. The single young female recruited into the study population dispersed more than three times the median dispersal distance of six recruited males, suggesting that other females probably dispersed beyond the boundaries of the study area.  相似文献   

Faeces may be ideal substances for scent marking because they have a minimal energetic cost to the signaller. However, marking with faeces is also constrained by the animal's ability to produce faeces. This study examined whether limits on the volume of faeces produced by oribi Ourebia ourebi, in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, caused territorial males to regulate their output and prioritize the placement of faecal marks. Territorial males marked with faeces more often, and with a smaller volume per defecation, than did juvenile males and females. Territorial males also defecated only on established dung middens along borders shared with other territorial males or on top of a female's urine and faeces. In contrast, juvenile males and females defecated randomly with regard to their location in territories. Territorial males with larger harems marked with faeces at higher rates and less volume than males with few or no females. This difference suggests that when males overmark female excretions they reduce the amount of faeces available for marking other preferred sites, such as along territory borders shared with other males. Dominant males with adult subordinates marked with faeces less often, and with a greater volume per mark, than males that defended territories without the aid of subordinates. Dominant males also reduced the volume of marks less as the number of females on their territory increased than did males without subordinates. Territories occupied by more than one adult male also were marked with faeces at higher rates, and with marks of greater volume, than territories held by single males. These results suggest that the presence of subordinate males reduced the demand on dominant males to regulate the volume and placement of faecal marks. Overall, these results suggest that territorial male oribi regulate their faecal marking behaviour in response to a limited supply of faeces. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   


Phonemic restoration, a form of temporal induction, occurs when the human brain compensates for masked or missing portions of speech by filling in obscured or nonexistent sounds. We tested for temporal induction and related abilities in females of the Gray Treefrog Hyla versicolor. The number of pulses in calls is used by females for assessment of males. Accordingly, an ability to “restore” or interpolate between masked or otherwise sonically degraded portions of calls could help females during mate choice in noisy choruses. In phonotaxis experiments, we employed unmodified calls and those that had a centrally placed gap, a region overlapped by a portion of another call or filtered noise, or replaced with filtered noise. When offered call alternatives with equivalent numbers of clear pulses, we found that females discriminated against calls with gaps two or more times greater than the natural 25 ms interpulse interval. When a gap was replaced with a zone of call overlap or noise (so, again the call durations of the alternatives were unequal), females discriminated either in favour (overlap) of the modified stimuli or failed to discriminate (noise). However, when the unmodified and modified stimuli were the same duration, females discriminated against the latter. Normal calls were also chosen when paired against calls with multiple noise sections. Pulses formed from noise bursts were attractive, but less so than normal pulses. In single speaker tests, standardized rates of movement did not differ between calls containing noise segments of different duration. Our results therefore do not indicate that females of the Gray Treefrog employ a form of temporal induction that is fully restorative. However, the data indicate that acoustically anomalous sections of calls can retain attractive potential provided acoustic energy and pulses are present.  相似文献   

Males of many species of anurans alternate calls with those of their neighbors in a chorus. This pattern of calling reduces signal interference and may: 1) facilitate intermale spacing because males can better gauge the intensity of neighbors' calls if these calls do not overlap with their own; 2) help preserve species-specific temporal information in calls required to attract females; and/or 3) make it easier for females to localize males in the chorus. I tested these hypotheses with three species that exhibit call alternation, Hyla crucifer, H. versicolor, and H. microcephala. Males of all three species gave more aggressive calls to high-intensity synthetic stimuli that alternated with their calls than to those that overlapped their calls. These results support the first hypothesis. Results of four-speaker female choice experiments using alternating and overlapping calls indicate that preservation of signal integrity also is important in H. versicolor and H. microcephala, species that have fine-scale temporal information in their calls. However, the third hypothesis was not supported; females failed to discriminate among alternating and overlapping calls if the problem of signal disruption was eliminated or irrelevant.  相似文献   


At Trounson Kauri Park, we monitored the movements of 21 feral cats (Felis catus), 11 stoats (Mustela erminea) and one male ferret (Mustelafuro). In feral cats, the average minimum home range was 446 ha (±82 SE) for 14 males, significantly larger than the average minimum of 117 ha (±40 SE) for seven females. In stoats the average minimum home range was 107 ha (±20 SE), for nine males compared with 81 ha (±31 SE) for two females. The single male ferret had a minimum home range of 197 ha. Adult male feral cats lived on apparently separate, non‐overlapping home ranges; females occupied exclusive home ranges which were overlapped by adult males; home ranges of sub‐adult male feral cats overlapped those of other sub‐adult male, adult male and female feral cats. The home ranges of two neighbouring male stoats overlapped, although their core ranges did not; both these and the ferret's home ranges overlapped those of the neighbouring feral cats. The feral cats were often located in cover in pastureland or near the edge of larger tracts of forest within their home ranges; stoats near waterways in the larger tracts of forest; and the ferret near the forest/pasture margins of Trounson Kauri Park. Our results suggest that control devices targeting all these species should be set at a minimum spacing of 800 m in order to put the majority of the resident and immigrant predators at risk.  相似文献   

Coexistence mechanisms of permanently territorial fishes proposed hitherto have been mainly based on interspecific competition. To test the hypothesis of the coexistence through male-mating aggression (Kohda, 1995a), spacing patterns of feeding territories of three coexisting herbivorous cichlids, Petrochromis polyodon, P. trewavasae and P. famula, were investigated in a homogeneous habitat at a shallow rocky shore in Lake Tanganyika. All three species maintained individual feeding territories that were defended against both conspecifics and congenerics and rarely overlapped either intra- or interspecifically. Territories of three species were scattered and covered almost all rocky bottoms. Territorial attacks usually occurred near the border of feeding territories. But male P. polyodon, the largest and socially most dominant fish, attacked conspecific males far beyond their feeding territories, which were widely separated. Removal of some territory owners suggested that such attacks result in the separate distribution of male P. polyodon territories. The interstitial space between P. polyodon feeding territories resulting from their mating aggression can be occupied by subordinate congeneric fishes. Male-mating attack of dominant males of Petrochromis will facilitate the coexistence of other congeners.  相似文献   

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