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转录起始位点的计算定位是基因转录调控研究的重要内容,但现有方法的识别性能较低。文章作者在已有原核启动子识别算法的基础上,提出了一种基于滑动窗口的原核转录起始位点计算定位方法,通过在合理限定的定位范围内对序列进行滑动扫描,来预测转录起始位点的位置。首先根据窗口序列的交迭组分特征和启动子其它特征分别建立二次判别分类器,用其计算对应位置的似然得分,再利用转录起始位点与翻译起始位点的间隔经验分布信息对似然得分进行修正,最后依照似然得分的分布情况由阈值定位算法确定预测位置。对大肠杆菌真实序列数据的测试结果表明,该定位算法可实现对真实转录起始位点位置的有效预测,与已有算法相比,当敏感性指标同为0.85左右时,特异性指标可从0.20提高至0.65,从而使得定位准确率提高了约20个百分点。  相似文献   

Trichomonads, together with diplomonads and microsporidia, emerge at the base of the eukaryotic tree, on the basis of the small subunit rRNA phylogeny. However, phylogenies based on protein sequences such as tubulin are markedly different with these protists emerging much later. We have investigated 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70), which could be a reliable phylogenetic marker. In eukaryotes, HSP70s are found in cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, and organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts). In Trichomonas vaginalis we identified nine different HSP70-encoding genes and sequenced three nearly complete cDNAs corresponding to cytosolic, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondrial-type HSP70. Phylogenies of eukaryotes were reconstructed using the classical methods while varying the number of species and characters considered. Almost all the undoubtedly monophyletic groups, defined by ultrastructural characters, were recovered. However, due to the long branch attraction phenomenon, the evolutionary rates were the main factor determining the position of species, even with the use of a close outgroup, which is an important advantage of HSP70 with respect to many other markers. Numerous variable sites are peculiar to Trichomonas and probably generated the artefactual placement of this species at the base of the eukaryotes or as the sister group of fast-evolving species. The inter-phyla relationships were not well supported and were sensitive to the reconstruction method, the number of species; and the quantity of information used. This lack of resolution could be explained by the very rapid diversification of eukaryotes, likely after the mitochondrial endosymbiosis.  相似文献   

蝗总科部分种类16S rDNA的分子系统发育关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
将自测的我国直翅目蝗总科8科8个种和从互联网GenBank中检索到相关物种的线粒体基因组:16S rDNA序列片段进行同源性比较,计算核苷酸使用频率,并构建分子系统树。在获得的480bp的序列中。A T约占70.7%,G C为29.3%,颠换取代(transversion)的速率大于或接近转换取代(transition)的速率,其中188个核苷酸位点存在变异。研究结果表明:在直翅目蝗总科有差异的188bp中,属内种间的碱基序列差异仅为1.5%,科内属间为3.5%~3.6%,科间差异为4.8%~15.8%,亚目间差异达到15.2%~25.6%。分子系统树表明:科内的属和属内的种均优先聚在一起;蝗总科8科的起源关系为:锥头蝗科→瘤锥蝗科→癞蝗科→斑翅蝗科→剑角蝗科→网翅蝗科和槌角蝗科→斑腿蝗科;锥头蝗科与瘤锥蝗科关系较近,是蝗总科内最原始的类群;槌角蝗科和网翅蝗科互为姐妹群,与最进化的斑腿蝗科关系较近;蚤蝼科为独立的一支,最先分出,似为一个亚目,与现用的分类系统有明显差别;哈螽科(螽嘶总科)和蟋蟀科聚在一起为剑瓣亚目(Ensifera),蚱科和蝗总科的8科组成短瓣亚目(Caehfera),同现用的分类系统。  相似文献   

Previous molecular phylogeny algorithms mainly rely onmulti-sequence alignments of cautiously selected characteristic sequences,thus not directly appropriate for whole genome phylogeny where eventssuch as rearrangements make full-length alignments impossible. Weintroduce here the concept of Complete Information Set (CIS) and itsmeasurement implementation as evolution distance without reference tosizes. As method proof-test, the 16s rRNA sequences of 22 completelysequenced Bacteria and Archaea species are used to reconstruct aphylogenetic tree, which is generally consistent with the commonlyaccepted one. Based on whole genome, our further efforts yield a highlyrobust whole genome phylogenetic tree, supporting separate monophyleticcluster of species with similar phenotype as well as the early evolution ofthermophilic Bacteria and late diverging of Eukarya. The purpose of thiswork is not to contradict or confirm previous phylogeny standards butrather to bring a brand-new algorithm and tool to the phylogeny researchcommunity. The software to estimate the sequence distance and materialsused in this study are available upon request to corresponding author.  相似文献   

基于叶绿体trnL_F序列单独分析以及trnL_F和rbcL序列联合分析重建了木通科的分子系统发育。本研究的系统发育拓扑结构与覃海宁和塔赫他间的族划分系统非常一致。猫儿屎族和串果藤族在系统发育树上位于本科的基部。由分布于南美的勃奎拉藤属和拉氏藤属组成的拉氏藤族得到了trnL_F序列分析 (10 0 % )和联合序列分析 (99% )的很好支持。木通族在两个分析里都得到了 10 0 %的靴带支持率。新建立的长萼木通属在trnL_F树上嵌套在木通属内 ;然而 ,在联合分析的树上 ,它与木通属形成姐妹群并得到很高的支持率。在系统发育上关系密切的 3个属 :牛藤果属、八月瓜属和野木瓜属之间的关系仍未解决。牛藤果与八月瓜在两个分析里都形成姐妹群 ,但支持率低。小花鹰爪枫嵌套在野木瓜属内 ,并与西南野木瓜形成姐妹群。木通族内这 3个属可能都不是单系 ,它们的属间界限和属的界定需要更多的分子和形态数据的进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于叶绿体 trn L-F 序列单独分析以及 trn L-F 和 rbc L 序列联合分析重建了木通科的分子系统发育.本研究的系统发育拓扑结构与覃海宁和塔赫他间的族划分系统非常一致.猫儿屎族和串果藤族在系统发育树上位于本科的基部.由分布于南美的勃奎拉藤属和拉氏藤属组成的拉氏藤族得到了 trn L-F 序列分析(100%)和联合序列分析(99%)的很好支持.木通族在两个分析里都得到了100%的靴带支持率.新建立的长萼木通属在 trn L-F 树上嵌套在木通属内;然而,在联合分析的树上,它与木通属形成姐妹群并得到很高的支持率.在系统发育上关系密切的3个属: 牛藤果属、八月瓜属和野木瓜属之间的关系仍未解决.牛藤果与八月瓜在两个分析里都形成姐妹群,但支持率低.小花鹰爪枫嵌套在野木瓜属内,并与西南野木瓜形成姐妹群.木通族内这3个属可能都不是单系,它们的属间界限和属的界定需要更多的分子和形态数据的进一步研究.  相似文献   

大白蚁属Macrotermes是等翅目白蚁科大白蚁亚科(Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae)中的一类高等培菌白蚁。本文综述了1996年来有关大白蚁属分子研究的文章,提供了截止目前大白蚁属Macrotermes 生物学信息,并分析了目前大白蚁属的分子研究现状,含等翅目系统关系,大白蚁属种间关系,大白蚁拟工蚁与食性演变,大白蚁属与其共生菌关系,及其分子研究的发展方向,特别是中国大白蚁属分子研究现状。  相似文献   

基于matK基因的松属白皮松组分子系统发育分析(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于matK基因对松属(Pinus L.)白皮松组(sect.Parrya Myre)进行了分子系统发育分析。白皮松组为一个并系类群,因为白松组的成员与该组(包括越南的扁叶松(P.krempfii Lecomte))的亚洲成员形成一个强烈支持的分支(靴带值92%)。在这个分支中,白松组的3个代表种形成一个稳定的单系,而白皮松组的亚洲成员之间系统发育关系不明确。扁叶松和西藏白皮松(P.gerardiana Wall.ex D.Don)聚在一起,但只有61%的支持率。虽然在以前4个cpDNA基因序列分析时五针白皮松(P.squamata X.W.Li)与白皮松(P.bungeana Zucc.ex Loud.)和西藏白皮松形成一个单系,但在本文的分析中三者的关系不明确。在邻接树和多数一致简约树上,北美的白皮松组成员形成一个支持率低的分支。北美的subsect.Balfourianae Engelm.亚组(包括P.aristata Engelm.)是一个单系,但支持率较低。美洲另外两个亚组subsect.Cembroides Englem.和subsect.Rzedowskianae Carv.的组间和组内关系不确定,它们在严格一致简约树上形成一个多歧分支。  相似文献   

Abstract: Nepenthaceae are an exceptional family with regard to carnivory and the uniformity of characters. This makes it difficult to resolve phylogenetic relationships due to convergent evolution of morphological features. Using comparative sequencing of the chloroplast trnK intron, the monophyly of this complex family and hypotheses of infrageneric relationships were tested. Sequences from 71 Nepenthes taxa, representing all groups and two taxa of the closely related Ancistrocladaceae and Dioncophyllaceae as outgroup, were determined and analysed using maximum parsimony methods. Results of this analysis show that the isolated taxa N. distillatoria (Sri Lanka) and N. pervillei (Seychelles) are the most basal, clearly separated from the Madagascan taxa N. madagascariensis and N. masoalensis which are placed in a distinct subclade. This corresponds with some plesiomorphic characters shared by these taxa. N. khasiana (North India) has an intermediate position between these relic Western species and the remaining taxa. The species of the Malay Archipelago can be referred to three distinct lineages which indicate a correlation to biogeography. Thus the recent disjunct distribution of Nepenthes is interpreted as a result of an incisive extinction of progenitors, a process of migration and a subsequent diversification on the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi and New Guinea. Based on our molecular data, two interpretations concerning the origin of Nepenthes are possible: i) evolution in the Northern Tethys which is supported by fossil pollen records from the European Focene, or, ii) a Gondwanaland origin at a time when the Indian plate was separated from Madagascar. Molecular data indicate that colonization of SE Asia started from an ancient Indian stock. Subsequently, in the Malay Archipelago a new secondary centre of diversity developed. Madagascar, the Seychelles and New Caledonia were probably reached by migration via land bridges, starting from widespead common ancestors with subsequent extinction leaving the current taxa. There is no evidence for long‐distance dispersal. Current infragenic classification of Nepenthes is only partly in accordance with the phylogeny inferred from trnK intron data.  相似文献   

基于matK基因对松属(Pinus L.)白皮松组(sect.Parrya Myre)进行了分子系统发育分析.白皮松组为一个并系类群,因为白松组的成员与该组(包括越南的扁叶松(P.krempfii Lecomte))的亚洲成员形成一个强烈支持的分支(靴带值92%).在这个分支中,白松组的3个代表种形成一个稳定的单系,而白皮松组的亚洲成员之间系统发育关系不明确.扁叶松和西藏白皮松(P. gerardiana Wall.ex D.Don)聚在一起,但只有61%的支持率.虽然在以前4个cpDNA基因序列分析时五针白皮松(P.squamata X.W.Li)与白皮松(P.bungeana Zucc.ex Loud.)和西藏白皮松形成一个单系,但在本文的分析中三者的关系不明确.在邻接树和多数一致简约树上,北美的白皮松组成员形成一个支持率低的分支.北美的subsect.Balfourianae Engelm.亚组(包括P.aristata Engelm.)是一个单系,但支持率较低.美洲另外两个亚组subsect.Cembroides Englem.和subsect.Rzedowskianae Carv.的组间和组内关系不确定,它们在严格一致简约树上形成一个多歧分支.  相似文献   

王慧娟  张志敏  刘中来  熊国梅 《遗传》2006,28(10):1237-1264
神农架白熊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。文章测定了神农架白熊一个个体的Cyt b基因从423~1 140共718 bp的序列, 结合亚洲黑熊(Selenarctos thibetanus)、美洲黑熊(Euarctos americanus)、马来熊(Helarctos malayanus)、棕熊(Ursus arctos)、北极熊(Thalarctos maritimus)、懒熊(Melursus ursinus)、眼镜熊(Tremarctos ornatus)、大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)、小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)、浣熊(Procyon lotor)同源DNA序列进行比较, 分析了碱基组成频率、替代数、变异位点、简约信息位点数、转换/颠换比率、相似指数和分化指数。用邻接法( NJ)和最大节约法(MP)构建了分子系统树, 得到了基本相同的拓扑结构。结果显示, 神农架白熊与亚洲黑熊的亲缘关系最近, 与大熊猫的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Recent mtDNA phylogenies of Australasian agamid lizards are highly incongruent with existing morphological views. To resolve this discrepancy we sequenced two nuclear gene regions, c- mos and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). These were highly concordant with each other and the mtDNA phylogeny, but not the morphology. A combined molecular analysis reveals substantial hidden support (additional phylogenetic signal that emerges only when the data sets interact in a combined analysis). Bayesian posteriors, and a partitioned bootstrap procedure introduced here, indicate strong support for most nodes. The resultant tree implies extensive morphological homoplasy, with many genera emerging as non-monophyletic ( Amphibolurus , Rankinia , Ctenophorus , Physignathus , Diporiphora ). The water and forest dragons ( Physignathus and Hypsilurus ) form a paraphyletic basal assemblage to the more derived Australian forms such as Amphibolurus and Ctenophorus , which include almost all the xeric taxa. However, the thorny devil Moloch horridus is a basal lineage and not closely related to the other arid forms. Tree topology, inferred divergence dates, palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic data are all consistent with Miocene immigration into Australia from the north by mesic forest ecomorphs, followed by initial diversification in mesic habitats before radiation into xeric habitats facilitated by increasing aridity.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 343–358.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intrageneric relationships in the genus Nicotiana were investigated by comparison of DNA sequences of the matK gene of the chloroplast genome. A total of 40 taxa were examined in this study, representing 39 of the approximately 70 wild species of this genus. We obtained the full sequences of the 1530 bp matK ORFs; no variations in length due to insertions or deletions were found. The phylogenetic trees obtained from maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbour-joining (NJ) methods were fundamentally consistent. The genus Nicotiana formed a clade in these trees. The traditional classification of this genus was mostly in agreement with the molecular phylogeny. However, all three subgenera and some sections did not form a monophyletic group. Character-state mappings were used to infer a centre of origin, biogeographic history, and transition of chromosome number. The results support the previous hypothesis that this genus originated in South America and subsequently spread to other continents. The suggestion that the ancestral basic chromosome number is x = 12 and that polyploidy and aneuploidy have occurred independently several times during the evolution of Nicotiana species is also discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the recent hypothesis on the origin of eukaryotic phototrophs, red algae, green plants, and glaucophytes constitute the primary photosynthetic eukaryotes (whose plastids may have originated directly from a cyanobacterium-like prokaryote via primary endosymbiosis), whereas the plastids of other lineages of eukaryotic phototrophs appear to be the result of secondary or tertiary endosymbiotic events (involving a phototrophic eukaryote and a host cell). Although phylogenetic analyses using multiple plastid genes from a wide range of eukaryotic lineages have been carried out, some of the major phylogenetic relationships of plastids remain ambiguous or conflict between different phylogenetic methods used for nucleotide or amino acid substitutions. Therefore, an alternative methodology to infer the plastid phylogeny is needed. Here, we carried out a cladistic analysis of the loss of plastid genes after primary endosymbiosis using complete plastid genome sequences from a wide range of eukaryotic phototrophs. Since it is extremely unlikely that plastid genes are regained during plastid evolution, we used the irreversible Camin-Sokal model for our cladistic analysis of the loss of plastid genes. The cladistic analysis of the 274 plastid protein-coding genes resolved the 20 operational taxonomic units representing a wide range of eukaryotic lineages (including three secondary plastid-containing groups) into two large monophyletic groups with high bootstrap values: one corresponded to the red lineage and the other consisted of a large clade composed of the green lineage (green plants and Euglena) and the basal glaucophyte plastid. Although the sister relationship between the green lineage and the Glaucophyta was not resolved in recent phylogenetic studies using amino acid substitutions from multiple plastid genes, it is consistent with the rbcL gene phylogeny and with a recent phylogenetic study using multiple nuclear genes. In addition, our analysis robustly resolved the conflicting/ambiguous phylogenetic positions of secondary plastids in previous phylogenetic studies: the Euglena plastid was sister to the chlorophycean (Chlamydomonas) lineage, and the secondary plastids from the diatom (Odontiella) and cryptophyte (Guillardia) were monophyletic within the red lineage.  相似文献   

We constructed a phylogeny of the ground beetle subgenus Nialoe ( s. lat. ), genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear (28S ribosomal DNA) gene sequences. Thirty-three representative species of the group and three outgroup species were analyzed. The resultant trees (maximum parsimonious, maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees of the combined data of the three gene sequences) indicated that there are two large and three small lineages in the group, some of which were supported by a previous morphology-based phylogeny. In all the analyses, the small lineage composed of two Korean species is sister to the rest of the subgenus, but relationships of other four lineages differed among the analyses and remained unresolved. The implications of the present results are discussed in terms of taxonomy and biogeography of the group.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Little research has been done at the molecular level on the tribe Fumarieae (Papaveraceae). Papaveraceae is a model plant group for studying evolutionary patterns despite the lack of a reference phylogeny for this tribe. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe to complete the molecular data for this family in order to help understand its character evolution and biogeographic pattern. ? Methods: We used maximum-parsimony and Bayesian approaches to analyze five DNA regions for 25 species representing 10 of the 11 Fumarieae genera and five outgroups. Evolutionary pathways of four characters (habit, life span, type of fruit, and number of seeds per fruit) were inferred on the phylogeny using parsimony. The ancestral distribution areas were reconstructed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. ? Key Results: Fumarieae is monophyletic and includes three groups that agree with the morphology-based subtribes: Discocapninae, Fumariinae, and Sarcocapninae. Within subtribes, the relationships among genera were different from those obtained with morphological data. Annual life span, nonchasmophytic habit, and a several-seeded capsule were the basal character states for the tribe. The ancestor occupied a continuous area between West Eurasia and Africa. Vicariances explain the divergence between lineages Discocapninae (South Africa) and Fumariinae-Sarcocapninae (Mediterranean), and the disjunction of Fumariinae (Mediterranean-Central Asia). ? Conclusions: Molecular phylogeny confirms the subtribal classification of Fumarieae based on morphology. However it provides different results regarding the relationships among genera within each subtribe, which affects the inference of the evolutionary pathway followed by the four selected characters. The disjunct distribution of the tribe is explained by different vicariance scenarios.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the phylogeny of the holarctic carabid subtribe Carabina (= Carabus s . l. ; Coleoptera, family Carabidae, supertribe Carabitae, tribe Carabini) using sequence data from two nuclear DNA loci: wingless ( Wg ) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase ( PepCK ). The analysis of the combined data resulted in a well-resolved tree, although Wg and PepCK had partially conflicting phylogenetic signals. The tree topology did not support the reciprocal monophyly of some previously proposed major divisions, whereas all but one of eight other previously proposed subdivisions were recovered as monophyletic clades; the exception was paraphyletic. When two key life-history traits, seasonal life cycle and larval diet, were mapped onto the combined tree, spring breeding (with no larval overwintering) and insectivorous were ancestral traits. Malacophagy has apparently evolved at least twice: once in a small basal group (ten species) and again in a large derived group ( c . 340 species) that accounts for 42% of the species of Carabina. A third type of larva, earthworm feeders, appeared in two related, derived clades and represented moderate species diversity (12%). From the ancestral spring-breeder type with no larval overwintering, autumn-breeder types with larval overwintering apparently evolved repeatedly in insectivorous and malacophagous species, but not in earthworm feeders. Therefore, the extant diversity of the Carabina depends on the high rate of differentiation in the most derived group of malacophagous species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 135–149.  相似文献   

Rhus gall aphids (Fordinae : Melaphidini) have a disjunct distribution in East Asia and North America and have specific host plant relationships. Some of them are of economic importance and all species form sealed galls which show great variation in shape, size, structure, and galling‐site. We present a phylogeny incorporating ten species and four subspecies of Rhus gall aphids based on 1694 base pairs of nuclear elongation factor‐1α (EF1α) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) DNA sequence data. The results suggest that Melaphidini is monophyletic and at the genus level, Schlechtendalia, Nurudea, and Floraphis were each monophyletic. Kaburagia and Meitanaphis were not monophyletic and therefore inconsistent with the current classification. The North American sumac gall aphid, Melaphis rhois, was most closely related to the East Asian Floraphis species, although this was poorly supported. The conservation of gall morphology with respect to aphid phylogeny rather than their host plants suggests that gall morphology is largely determined by the aphids. While there is no evidence of strict co‐speciation between the aphids and their primary host plants, switching between recently diverged host plants may be involved in the speciation process in Melaphidini.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed for 44 Artemisia species (46 populations) representing all the five classical subgenera and the geographical range of the genus, 11 species from 10 genera closely related to Artemisia, and six outgroup species from five other genera of the Anthemideae. The results definitely support the monophyly of the genus Artemisia in its broadest sense (including some taxa segregated as independent genera, like Oligosporus and Seriphidium ). Eight main clades are established in this molecular phylogeny within Artemisia; they agree in part with the classical subdivision of the genus, but they also suggest that some infrageneric groups must be redefined, especially the subgenus Artemisia. The subgenera Tridentatae and Seriphidium are independent from each other. Some of the satellite genera are clearly placed within Artemisia ( Artemisiastrum, Filifolium, Mausolea, Picrothamnus, Sphaeromeria, Turaniphytum ), whereas some others fall outside the large clade formed by this genus (Brachanthemum, Elachanthemum, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria). Our results, correlated to other data such as pollen morphology, allow us to conclude that the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently defined is a very heterogeneous group. Affinities of the largest genus of the subtribe and tribe, Artemisia, and of other genera of the subtribe to some genera from other subtribes of the Anthemideae strongly suggest that subtribe Artemisiinae needs a deep revision and redefinition. Phylogenetic utility of region trnL-F of the plastid DNA in the genus Artemisia and allies was also evaluated: sequences of the trnL-F region in Artemisia do not provide phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

 Genetic and physical maps, consisting of a large number of DNA markers for Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes, represent excellent tools to determine the organization of related genomes such as those of Brassica. In this paper we report the chromosomal localization and physical analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of a well-defined gene complex of A. thaliana in the Brassica nigra genome (B genome n=8). This complex is approximately 30 kb in length in A. thaliana and contains a cluster of six genes including ABI1 (ABA-responsive), RPS2 (resistance against Pseudomonas syringae, a bacterial disease), CK1 (casein kinase I), NAP (nucleosome-assembly protein), X9 and X14 (both of unknown function). The Arabidopsis chromosomal complex was found to be duplicated and conserved in gene number at different levels in the Brassica genome. Linkage group B1 had the most-conserved arrangement carrying all six genes tightly linked. Group B4 had an almost complete complex except for the absence of RPS2. Other partial complexes of fewer members were found on three other chromosomes. Our studies demonstrate that by this approach it is possible to identify ancestrally related chromosome segments in a complex and duplicated genome, such as the genome of B. nigra, permitting one to draw conclusions as to its origin and evolution. Received: 11 July 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

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