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Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is an extremely infectious, systemic viral disease of birds that produces high mortality and morbidity. HPAI was diagnosed in the three dead magpies (Pica pica sericea) submitted to the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service. At necropsy, the prominent lesions were multifocal or coalescing necrosis of the pancreas with enlargement of the livers and spleens. Microscopically, there were severely necrotizing pancreatitis and lymphocytic meningoencephalitis. Influenza viral antigen was also detected in areas closely associated with histologic lesions. Avian influenza virus was isolated from cecal tonsils and feces of the magpies. The isolated virus was identified as a highly pathogenic H5N1, with hemagglutinin proteolytic cleavage site deduced amino acid sequence of QREKRKKR/GLFGAIAG. To determine the pathogenicity of the isolate, eight 6-wk-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated intravenously with the virus, and all birds died within 24 hr after inoculation. This is the first report of HPAI in magpies.  相似文献   

Morphometric and genetic analyses were performed to investigate the relationships between populations of the azure‐winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus). In the morphometric analysis 193 specimens were included representing seven of the nine currently accepted subspecies. Among eight characters analysed, four showed significant differences between samples from Spain and Asia. In contrast, the Asian populations/subspecies are not differentiated morphologically except Cyanopica cyanus japonica. The genetic analysis was based on two mitochondrial sequences (control region, cytochromeb gene). The results are in accordance with the morphometric analysis, showing a clear distinction between birds from the western and eastern distribution ranges. The differentiation of C. c. japonica is not found at the sequence level. Both genetic and morphological data support species status of C. cyanus and Cyanopica cooki. The magpie (Pica pica) was included in the phylogenetic study for comparing intraspecific variation. As in C. cyanus, two clearly separated groups are found, one of them containing the far‐eastern populations (Pica pica jankowskii and Pica pica sericea) and the other the remaining subspecies studied. For both the azure‐winged magpie and the magpie the sequence data imply an east–west differentiation, probably caused by long lasting isolation that may have even started in the Pliocene or repeated expansions/restrictions of distribution ranges during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wild animal and bird populations is largely unknown, with little consistency among the few published reports. We therefore examined intestinal bacteria from magpies ( Pica pica ) and rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) collected in rural west Wales. Escherichia coli isolates resistant to multiple antibiotics were grown from eight of 20 magpies trapped in spring, 1999 and one of 17 in spring, 2000; the most prevalent resistance trait among these isolates was to tetracycline, but resistances to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, sulphonamide, tetracycline and trimethoprim were also found. Tetracycline-resistant Enterococcus spp. were found in one of 20 magpies in 1999 and three of 17 in 2000. Only one resistant E. coli isolate was detected among gut bacteria from 13 rabbits, and this strain was resistant only to tetracycline. Differences in the prevalence of resistance between bacteria from rabbits and magpies may reflect differences in diet: rabbits graze field edges, whereas magpies are omnivorous and opportunistic. The resistance genes found in E. coli isolates from magpies mostly corresponded to those common among human isolates, but those conferring tetracycline resistance were unique.  相似文献   

Black-billed magpies (Pica pica) are considered as a nest predator of game and non-game birds in Europe. In rural areas of Spain magpie control is commonly used as a management tool in small game hunting estates. Cage-traps with a magpie as a decoy are the legal method most commonly used for controlling magpies in Spain although its performance has not yet been experimentally tested. We evaluated the selectivity, efficiency, and the effect of different factors on capture rate of these traps for magpie control and determine the effect of magpie removal on magpie density. Only four out of 197 captures corresponded to non-target species, which were released unharmed. Since the release of non-target captures depends on the daily checking of the trap and the trapper commitment, in order to guarantee the efficiency and selectivity of this method traps should be revised daily by full time, qualified trappers. The efficiency of this method is high during the breeding season, reducing magpie density in the area where the control is performed. Highest capture rates were obtained in the first days after cage-traps setting. Neither the gender nor the origin (local or foreign) of the decoy significantly affected the capture rate. Among male decoys, experimentally increased testosterone levels did not increase capture rates. According to our results, the tested cage-traps with a living decoy could be employed as an efficient and selective method for magpie population management in Spain, when used by full time, qualified trappers.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of magpies in an adjacent urban and rural area in the same year was compared. Breeding commenced earlier in the urban habitat. This was attributed to the earlier availability of invertebrate food in the urban habitat as a result of higher urban ambient temperature. Hatching success and the amount of nest predation were lower in the urban area than in the rural area. Low levels of nest predation in urban areas were due to reduced human predation and probably to the relatively low numbers of many natural predators. Differences in the nest tree species utilized also influenced the probability of human predation. Despite these differences in the causes of egg and chick mortality, the number of young reared to 14 days of age per nest was similar in both habitats.  相似文献   

Reproductive success in many avian populations declines throughout the breeding season. Two hypotheses have gained attention to explain such a decline: the "timing" hypothesis proposes that deteriorating food availability causes the decline in reproductive success (causal effect of breeding time), whereas the "quality" hypothesis proposes that individuals of lower phenotypic quality reproduce at the end of the breeding season, causing the correlation between breeding time and breeding success. We tested both of these hypotheses in a monogamous single breeder, the magpie Pica pica , by experimentally inducing some pairs to lay a replacement clutch, after removal of the first clutch. The first clutch was left in the nest of another magpie pair (matched by laying date and clutch size), and incubated and raised by these foster parents. In this way we obtained two clutches from the same magpie pair with full siblings raised in conditions of the first and second reproductive attempts. High quality pairs (with laying dates in the first half of the breeding season) reached similar breeding success in replacement clutches as compared to first clutches of the same female. In addition, experimental pairs reared significantly more offspring of similar quality in their replacement clutches as compared to late-season first clutches, thereby suggesting that late season first clutches were produced by pairs of lower phenotypic quality. Results indicate that high quality pairs trade-off clutch size for larger eggs in replacement clutches, which could help magpie pairs to partly compensate for poorer environmental conditions associated with a delayed breeding attempt.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of species and subspecies of the cosmopolitan genus Pica using 813 bp of the mitochondrial genome (including portions of 16s rDNA, tRNA-Leu, and ND1). The phylogenetic relationships within the genus Pica revealed in our molecular analyses can be summarized as follows: (1). the Korean magpie (Pica pica sericea) appears basal within the genus Pica; (2). the European magpie (Pica pica pica) shows a close relationship to the Kamchatkan magpie (Pica pica camtschatica); (3). two North American species (Pica hudsonia and Pica nuttalli) shows a sister-group relationship; (4). most importantly, the European+Kamchatkan clade appears more closely related to the North American clade than to Korean magpies. Based on these results and genetic distance data, it is possible that members of an ancestral magpie lineage in East Asia initially moved north to form Kamchatkan magpies and then crossed the Bering land bridge to found North American taxa. At a later date, a group might have split off from Kamchatkan magpies and migrated west to form the Eurasian subspecies. The divergence between the two North American taxa appears to have happened no later than the divergence of Eurasian subspecies and both processes appear to have been relatively rapid. Rather than the formation of P. hudsonia by re-colonization from an Asian magpie ancestor, as suggested by, our data suggest a shared ancestry between P. hudsonia and P. nuttalli. Based on the above findings, including phylogenetic placement of P. hudsonia and P. nuttalli as nested within the larger Pica pica clade, and the lack of evidence suggesting reproductive isolation within the genus Pica, we believe that the current classification may be inaccurate. A more conservative classification would recognize one monophyletic species (i.e., P. pica) and treat P. nuttalli and P. hudsonia as subspecies (i.e., P. p. nuttalli and P. p. hudsonia). More extensive studies on the population genetics and biogeography of magpies should be conducted to better inform any taxonomic decisions.  相似文献   

Comparative studies suggest that at least some bird species have evolved mental skills similar to those found in humans and apes. This is indicated by feats such as tool use, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use one's own experience in predicting the behavior of conspecifics. It is, however, not yet clear whether these skills are accompanied by an understanding of the self. In apes, self-directed behavior in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-recognition. We investigated mirror-induced behavior in the magpie, a songbird species from the crow family. As in apes, some individuals behaved in front of the mirror as if they were testing behavioral contingencies. When provided with a mark, magpies showed spontaneous mark-directed behavior. Our findings provide the first evidence of mirror self-recognition in a non-mammalian species. They suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Food availability is an important factor affecting breeding success in birds. Food supplementation experiments in birds have in general focused on the effects on reproductive success in terms of female investment (laying date, clutch size, egg size), however, it is also known that the estimation of mate quality based on sexually selected signals influences female reproductive investment. In the particular case of magpies, females use nest size, a post-mating sexually selected signal, to assess male's likelihood to invest in reproduction, and accordingly adjust reproductive investment (clutch size). Then, the possible effects of food supplementation on female reproductive investment could be mediated by other variables related to parental quality, such as nest size in magpies. In the present study, we explore if higher food availability in a magpie territory affected both male sexually selected traits (i.e. nest size) and female reproductive investment (laying date, egg size, clutch size). We performed a food supplementation experiment in which we experimentally increased food availability in several magpie territories, keeping others as controls. In food-supplemented territories, males built significantly larger nests and females significantly increased egg size by 4.1% compared to control females. Results suggest that the continuous provisioning of protein rich food allowed magpie females to increase egg size. However, laying date and clutch size did not differ between control and food-supplemented magpie pairs. Food availability also affected the relationship between female reproductive investment and nest size. In control territories, females decreased their egg size in response to a larger nest, whereas a tendency for the opposite relationship was revealed in food-supplemented territories. We discuss the possibility that magpie females adopt different strategies for reproductive investment according to food availability.  相似文献   

We studied how the ratio K of the internal to external diameter of gas- and marrow-filled avian long bones follows the biomechanical optima derived for tubular bones with minimum mass designed to fulfil various mechanical requirements. We evaluated radiographs of numerous humeri, femora and tibiotarsi in Corvus corone cornix and Pica pica. The K-values of the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.03) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.79+/-0.02) in Corvus are practically the same, while K of the marrow-filled tibiotarsus (K=0.71+/-0.04) is significantly smaller. The same is true for the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.02) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.77+/-0.02) and tibiotarsus (K=0.67+/-0.05) in Pica. K in Corvus is slightly larger than K in Pica, but the differences are statistically not significant. The standard deviation DeltaK of the tibiotarsi (DeltaK=0.04-0.05) is approximately two times as large as that of the humeri (DeltaK=0.02-0.03) and femora (DeltaK=0.02) in both species. Accepting the assumption of earlier authors that the ratio Q of the marrow to bone density is 0.5, our data show that the marrow-filled tibiotarsi of Corvus and Pica are optimized for stiffness, while the marrow-filled femora are far from any optimum. The relative wall thickness W=1-K of the gas-filled avian humeri studied is much larger than the theoretical optimum W*=1-K*=0.07, and thus these bones are thicker-walled than the optimal gas-filled tubular bone with minimum mass.  相似文献   

Laying date is one of the most important determinants of reproductive success and recruitment probability in birds. Late breeders usually fledge fewer chicks than individuals with earlier breeding dates, and fledglings produced late in the season have high mortality rates. Food availability and nestling mass have been evoked as the principal mechanistic links between laying date and offspring survival. Here we suggest that another factor may actually account for the difference in survival rate between early and late offspring: immunocompetence. We predicted that nestlings produced later in the season or in replacement clutches should have lower immune responses when challenged with an antigen, than early nestlings or nestlings produced in first clutches. This hypothesis was tested in a population of magpies (Pica pica), in which we experimentally induced breeding failure in a group of nests and compared the immune response of nestlings in replacement clutches with the immune response of first clutch nestlings. Cellular immune response, as measured by wing web swelling (a correlate of T-lymphocyte production after injection of phytohaemagglutinin-P), significantly decreased with hatching date and was significantly lower in nestlings of replacement clutches. Furthermore, coefficients of intraclutch variation in immune response were higher in nestlings of replacement clutches. This experiment demonstrates an inverse relationship between immune responsiveness and breeding date, and reduced recruitment probability of late nestlings may be a direct consequence of their inability to cope with parasites.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die durch Kartierung 1973–1975 ermittelte Siedlungsdichte der Elster(Pica pica) in Nordost-Bayern betrug 0,18 Nester/km2. Die höchste Dichte wurde in Ortschaften mit Baumbestand erreicht (bis 4,5 Nester/km2). 39,9 % aller Nester befanden sich in, 60,1 % außerhalb von Ortschaften; ihre Dichte und Verteilung zeigen Tab. und Abb.
Abundance and habitat selection of the magpie(Pica pica) in northern Bavaria
Summary By mapping 1972/73 and 1974/75 in 23 study areas from 43,8 to 550 km2 (= 9649 km2) the abundance of the magpie amounted 0,18 nests/km2. Magpies reached highest densities within villages with many trees (up to 4,5 nests/km2). 39,9 percent of all nests were recorded within villages and 60,1 percent in the country side. For details about magpie's density and distribution within their habitats see table and fig.



Theoretical models predict that a cost is necessary to guarantee honesty in begging displays given by offspring to solicit food from their parents. There is evidence for begging costs in the form of a reduced growth rate and immunocompetence. Moreover, begging implies vigorous physical activity and attentiveness, which should increase metabolism and thus the releasing of pro-oxidant substances. Consequently, we predict that soliciting offspring incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress, and growth rate and immune response (processes that generate pro-oxidants substances) are reduced in order to maintain oxidative balance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We test whether magpie (Pica pica) nestlings incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress when experimentally forced to beg intensively, and whether oxidative balance is maintained by reducing growth rate and immune response. Our results show that begging provokes oxidative stress, and that nestlings begging for longer bouts reduce growth and immune response, thereby maintaining their oxidative status.


These findings help explaining the physiological link between begging and its associated growth and immunocompetence costs, which seems to be mediated by oxidative stress. Our study is a unique example of the complex relationships between the intensity of a communicative display (begging), oxidative stress, and life-history traits directly linked to viability.  相似文献   

S. F. EDEN 《Ibis》1989,131(1):141-153
The social behaviour of non-breeding individuals in a colour-marked population of Magpies was studied. In early autumn most non-breeders began to forage in a common area, the 'Non-breeding Flock Area'. A few individuals remained on their natal territories away from the flock area as solitary non-breeders. Most non-breeders were first-year birds, but some were second years or adults which no longer held a territory. Birds foraged in groups, their food intake rate differing with both group size and location. It appeared that the area in which birds foraged had a significant effect on food intake rate; foraging groups tended to form at sites rich in food. There was a dominance hierarchy amongst non-breeders; an individual's foraging behaviour, survivorship and chances of breeding were status dependent, with subordinates feeding less in groups and being less likely to survive and breed. Solitary individuals' chances of breeding were similar to those of high status birds, although their survivorship to breeding age may have been lower. Non-breeding Magpies are compared with non-breeders of other species and the factors which may influence their social behaviour are discussed. It is suggested that remaining as a solitary non-breeder is a viable alternative to becoming a low-status flock member for some birds.  相似文献   

Body component growth and composition of the magpie Pica pica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paul  Tatner 《Journal of Zoology》1984,203(3):397-410
Magpie nestling growth is documented as increments in body mass, tarsus length, and tenth primary length. A sample of 41 nestlings and eight adults was used to provide comparative data on changes in water content, lean dry mass, and fat content for 14 body components.
Changes in the composition of various components implicate water index (water content/ lean dry mass) as an indicator of tissue and nestling maturity. Lipid index (fat content/lean dry mass) for the whole body exhibited a sustained linear increase during the first two-thirds of the nestling period. About 80% of nestling body fat was located in the skin, body shell, and alimentary canal.
The state of development of particular components appeared to be related to the current functional requirements of the nestling. Thus the food processing components assumed an early significance, while the development of insulative and locomotory components was somewhat curtailed by comparison.  相似文献   

Energy metabolizability (ME) and nutrient digestibility were investigated in a captive colony of nine adult Black-billed Magpies Pica pica over a 12-day period. The mean digestibility coefficients ranged from 0.84 for protein to 0.94 for fat and were generally close to those of other birds. Mean daily protein intake was 10.5 g/bird which was relatively high compared with the values reported for other species. Raptor studies have also reported high protein intakes which not only reflects the diet composition but may suggest that meat-eating birds have a high protein requirement. The magpies exhibited an energy metabolizability of 324.3 kJ ME/100 g wet mass intake which corresponded well with the value of 328.8 Id ME/100 g calculated using the standard poultry equation. The measured ME intakes of the magpies were all higher than the values predicted using published allometric equations. The data from the magpies were combined with those of other studies on raptorial birds to derive an equation to predict daily ME requirement: ME (kJ) = 15.16M0.65 We propose that this equation predicts the daily ME requirements of birds of 100–1500 g.  相似文献   

Paul Tatner 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):227-234
Urban Magpie distribution was compared against various habitat characteristics, and found to correlate best with numbers and variety of trees available. Urban tree planting is thought to have aided colonisation, though the Magpie's unspecialised diet and relative freedom from persecution must also have been important factors.  相似文献   

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