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R S Lipman  M S Jorns 《Biochemistry》1992,31(3):786-791
The active form of native Escherichia coli DNA photolyase contains 1,5-dihydro-FAD (FADH2) plus 5,10-methenyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate [5,10-CH(+)-H4Pte(Glu)n]. Enzyme containing FADH2 and/or 5,10-methyltetrahydrofolate (5,10-CH(+)-H4folate) can be prepared in reconstitution experiments. Fluorescence quantum yield measurements at various wavelengths with native or reconstituted enzyme provide a simple method for detecting singlet-singlet energy transfer from pterin to FADH2, a key step in the proposed catalytic mechanism. The data satisfy the following criteria: (1) Wavelength-independent quantum yield values are observed for 5,10-CH(+)-H4folate in the absence (0.434) or presence (3.57 X 10(-2)) of FADH2, for 5,10-CH(+)-H4Pte(Glu)n in the presence of FADH2 (5.58 X 10(-2)) and for FADH2 in the absence of pterin (5.34 X 10(-3)); (2) The observed decrease in pterin fluorescence quantum yield in the presence of FADH2 can be used to estimate the efficiency of pterin fluorescence quenching (EQ = 0.918 or 0.871 with 5,10-CH(+)-H4folate or 5,10-CH(+)-H4Pte(Glu)n, respectively); (3) The fluorescence quantum yield of FADH2 is increased in the presence of pterin and varies depending on the excitation wavelength, in agreement with the predicted effect of energy transfer on acceptor fluorescence quantum yield [phi acceptor (+ donor)/phi acceptor (alone) = 1 + EET(epsilon donor/epsilon acceptor), where EET is the efficiency of the energy transfer process]. With 5,10-CH(+)-H4Pte(Glu)n in native enzyme the value obtained for EET (0.92) is similar to EQ, whereas with 5,10-CH(+)-H4folate in reconstituted enzyme the value obtained for EET (0.46) is 2-fold smaller than EQ.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We describe the results of a series of theoretical calculations of electron transfer pathways between Trp306 and *FADH. in the Escherichia coli DNA photolyase molecule, using the method of interatomic tunneling currents. It is found that there are two conformationally orthogonal tryptophans, Trp359 and Trp382, between donor and acceptor that play a crucial role in the pathways of the electron transfer process. The pathways depend vitally on the aromaticity of tryptophans and the flavin molecule. The results of this calculation suggest that the major pathway of the electron transfer is due to a set of overlapping orthogonal pi-rings, which starts from the donor Trp306, runs through Trp359 and Trp382, and finally reaches the flavin group of the acceptor complex, FADH.  相似文献   

We have determined the picosecond fluorescence of the four aromatic amino acid residues (W28, W31, Y49, and Y70) in wild-type Escherichia coli thioredoxin (wt Trx) and a mutant Trx with W31 replaced by phenylalanine, Trx-W28-W31F. The internal motions of the four aromatic side chains were also analyzed. We examined the possibility of using internal energy transfer from tyrosine to tryptophan as a measure of long-range distances. The major features of the lifetime distribution of tryptophan fluorescence were unchanged in the W31F mutation, indicating that the environment of W28 is similar in both wt Trx and Trx-W28-W31F. However, the mutation of W31F changed the mobility of W28, situated close to the active-site disulfide/dithiol, but not the mobility of two tyrosines, Y49 and Y70, situated on the other side of the molecule. The mobility of the two tyrosine residues increased upon reduction of the active-site disulfide, indicating a looser structure with reduction. This increased motion could also be seen from molecular dynamics simulations. The change in energy transfer rates, as judged by tyrosine fluorescence lifetimes, was in agreement with energy transfer rates calculated from the molecular dynamics simulations. The anisotropy of tryptophan and tyrosine fluorescence could be separated in three parts: (I) overall rotation of the protein (10(-9)s), (II) internal mobility of side chains (10(-10)s), and (III) a very fast relaxation (10(-12)s). We can only experimentally detect this very fast relaxation when the internal motion is not present.  相似文献   

5-DeazaFAD bound to a hydrophobic site in apophotolyase and formed a stable reconstituted enzyme, similar to that observed with FAD. Although stoichiometric incorporation was observed, the flavin ring modification in 1-deazaFAD interfered with normal binding, decreased protein stability, and prevented formation of a stable flavin radical, unlike that observed with FAD. The results suggest that an important hydrogen bond is formed between the protein and N (1) in FAD, but not N (5), and that there is sufficient space at the normal flavin binding site near N (5) to accommodate an additional hydrogen but not near N (1). Catalytic activity was observed with enzyme containing 5-deazaFADH2 (42% of native enzyme) or 1-deazaFADH2 (11% of native enzyme) as its only chromophore, but no activity was observed with the corresponding oxidized flavins, similar to that observed with FAD and consistent with a mechanism where dimer cleavage is initiated by electron donation from excited reduced flavin to substrate. The protein environment in photolyase selectively enhanced photochemical reactivity in the fully reduced state, as evidenced by comparison with results obtained in model studies with the corresponding free flavins. Phosphorescence was observed with free or photolyase-bound 5-deazaFADH2, providing the first example of a flavin that exhibits phosphorescence in the fully reduced state. Formation of an enzyme-substrate complex resulted in a nearly identical extent of quenching of 5-deazaFADH2 phosphorescence (85.1%) and fluorescence (87.5%). The data are consistent with a mechanism involving exclusive reaction of substrate with the excited singlet state of 5-deazaFADH2, analogous to that proposed for FADH2 in native enzyme. Direct evidence for singlet-singlet energy transfer from enzyme-bound 5-deazaFADH2 to 5,10-CH(+)-H4folate was provided by the fact that pterin fluorescence was observed upon excitation of 5-deazaFADH2, accompanied by a decrease in 5-deazaFADH2 fluorescence. On the other hand, the fluorescence of enzyme-bound pterin was quenched by 5-deazaFADox, consistent with energy transfer from pterin to 5-deazaFADox. In each case, the spectral properties of the chromophores were consistent with the observed direction of energy transfer and indicated that transfer in the opposite direction was energetically unlikely. Unlike 5-deazaFAD, energy transfer from pterin to FAD is energetically feasible with FADH2 or FADox. The results indicate that the direction of flavin-pterin energy transfer at the active site of photolyase can be manipulated by changes in the flavin ring or redox state which alter the energy level of the flavin singlet.  相似文献   

Cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers generated by ultraviolet irradiation of DNA can be cleaved by DNA photolyase. The enzyme-catalysed reaction is believed to be initiated by the light-induced transfer of an electron from the anionic FADH- chromophore of the enzyme to the pyrimidine dimer. In this contribution, first infrared experiments using a novel E109A mutant of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase, which is catalytically active but unable to bind the second cofactor methenyltetrahydrofolate, are described. A stable blue-coloured form of the enzyme carrying a neutral FADH radical cofactor can be interpreted as an intermediate analogue of the light-driven DNA repair reaction and can be reduced to the enzymatically active FADH- form by red-light irradiation. Difference Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to monitor vibronic bands of the blue radical form and of the fully reduced FADH- form of the enzyme. Preliminary band assignments are based on experiments with 15N-labelled enzyme and on experiments with D2O as solvent. Difference FT-IR measurements were also used to observe the formation of thymidine dimers by ultraviolet irradiation and their repair by light-driven photolyase catalysis. This study provides the basis for future time-resolved FT-IR studies which are aimed at an elucidation of a detailed molecular picture of the light-driven DNA repair process.  相似文献   

Time-resolved polarized flavin fluorescence was used to study the active site dynamics of Escherichia coli glutathione reductase (GR). Special consideration was given to the role of Tyr177, which blocks the access to the NADPH binding-site in the crystal structure of the enzyme. By comparing wild-type GR with the mutant enzymes Y177F and Y177G, a fluorescence lifetime of 7 ps that accounts for approximately 90% of the fluorescence decay could be attributed to quenching by Y177. Based on the temperature invariance for this lifetime, and the very high quenching rate, electron transfer from Y177 to the light-excited isoalloxazine part of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is proposed as the mechanism of flavin fluorescence quenching. Contrary to the mutant enzymes, wild-type GR shows a rapid fluorescence depolarization. This depolarization process is likely to originate from a transient charge transfer interaction between Y177 and the light-excited FAD, and not from internal mobility of the flavin, as has previously been proposed. Based on the fluorescence lifetime distributions, the mutants Y177F and Y177G have a more flexible protein structure than wild-type GR: in the range of 223 K to 277 K in 80% glycerol, both tyrosine mutants mimic the closely related enzyme dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase. The fluorescence intensity decays of the GR enzymes can only be explained by the existence of multiple quenching sites in the protein. Although structural fluctuations are likely to contribute to the nonexponential decay and the probability of quenching by a specific site, the concept of conformational substates need not be invoked to explain the heterogeneous fluorescence dynamics.  相似文献   

We have used time-resolved fluorescence to study proposed conformational transitions in the Ca-ATPase in skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Resonance energy transfer was used to measure distances between the binding sites of 5-[[2-[(iodoacetyl)amino]ethyl]amino]naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS) and fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) as a function of conditions proposed to affect the enzyme's conformation. When 1.0 +/- 0.15 IAEDANS is bound per Ca-ATPase, most (76 +/- 4%) of the probes have an excited-state lifetime (tau) of 18.6 +/- 0.5 ns, and the remainder have a lifetime of 2.5 +/- 0.9 ns. When FITC is bound to a specific site on each IAEDANS-labeled enzyme, most of the long-lifetime component is quenched into two short-lifetime components, indicating energy transfer that corresponds to two donor-acceptor distances. About one-third of the quenched population has a lifetime tau = 11.1 +/- 2.5 ns, corresponding to a transfer efficiency E = 0.40 +/- 0.07 and a donor-acceptor distance R1 = 52 +/- 3 A. The remaining two-thirds exhibit lifetimes in the range of 1.2-4.2 ns, corresponding to a second distance 31 A less than or equal to R2 less than or equal to 40 A. Addition of Ca2+ (in the micromolar to millimolar range), or vanadate (to produce a phosphoenzyme analogue), had no effect on the donor-acceptor distances. Addition of decavanadate results in the quenching of IAEDANS fluorescence but has no effect on the energy-transfer distance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the bacterium Escherichia coli, selection of the division site involves pole-to-pole oscillations of the proteins MinD and MinE. Different oscillation mechanisms based on cooperative effects between Min-proteins and on the exchange of Min-proteins between the cytoplasm and the cytoplasmic membrane have been proposed. The parameters characterizing the dynamics of the Min-proteins in vivo are not known. It has therefore been difficult to compare the models quantitatively with experiments. Here, we present in vivo measurements of the mobility of MinD and MinE using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Two distinct timescales are clearly visible in the correlation curves. While the faster timescale can be attributed to cytoplasmic diffusion, the slower timescale could result from diffusion of membrane-bound proteins or from protein exchange between the cytoplasm and the membrane. We determine the diffusion constant of cytoplasmic MinD to be approximately 16 microm(2) s(-1), while for MinE we find about 10 microm(2) s(-1), independently of the processes responsible for the slower time-scale. The implications of the measured values for the oscillation mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence energy transfer is potentially a useful technique for obtaining structural and dynamic information on duplex and branched DNA molecules suitably labeled with donor and acceptor dyes. We have assessed the accuracy and limitations of FET measurements in nucleic acids with respect to the localization of the dyes and the flexibility of the dye-DNA linkages. A nine base-pair duplex oligonucleotide was synthesized with donor and acceptor dyes linked at the opposing 5' termini by alkyl chains. A careful analysis of the fluorescence decay of the donor revealed that the donor-acceptor distance in this molecule was not well defined, but was described by a rather broad distribution. The mean donor-acceptor distance and the distribution of distances have been recovered from the donor decay. Orientational effects on energy transfer have been included in the analysis. The implications of these findings for FET measurements in nucleic acids are considered.  相似文献   

A J Ramsey  M S Jorns 《Biochemistry》1992,31(36):8437-8441
DNA photolyase from Escherichia coli contains 1,5-dihydroFAD (FADH2) plus 5,10-methenyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate. The action spectrum observed for apoenzyme reconstituted with 5-deazaFADH2 (EdFADH2) matched its absorption spectrum after correction for the presence of a small amount of inactive 5-deazaFADox. The quantum yield for dimer repair with EdFADH2 (phi EdFADH2 = 0.110) was 6-fold lower than that observed with apoenzyme reconstituted with FADH2. Excited-state redox potential calculations indicate that 5-deazaFADH2 singlet is a better one-electron donor (E = -3.5 V) than FADH2 singlet (E = -2.7 V). Other studies indicate that the quantum yield for electron transfer from reduced flavin singlet to pyrimidine dimer (0.88) is unaffected when FADH2 is replaced by 5-deazaFADH2. Enhanced back electron transfer from pyrimidine dimer radical to flavin radical may account for the decreased quantum yield observed with EdFADH2 since, in the ground state, 5-deazaFADH. is a better oxidant than FADH.. The action spectrum observed for apoenzyme reconstituted with 5-deazaFADH2 plus 5,10-CH(+)-H4folate (EPtedFADH2) matched the absorption spectrum determined for enzyme-bound 5-deazaFADH2, indicating that the pterin chromophore was inactive as a sensitizer. This differs from results obtained with native enzyme, where pterin acts as a sensitizer via efficient singlet-singlet energy transfer to FADH2. The quantum yield for dimer repair by 5-deazaFADH2 bound to EPtedFADH2 (phi EPtedFADH2 = 0.0318) was 28.9% of that observed for EdFADH2. Spectroscopic studies indicate that singlet-singlet energy transfer in EPtedFADH2 is very efficient but only occurs in the "wrong" direction, i.e., from excited 5-deazaFADH2 to pterin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ching E  Gennis R  Larsen R 《FEBS letters》2002,527(1-3):81-85
In this report we describe the activation volumes associated with the heme-heme electron transfer (ET) and CO rebinding to the binuclear center subsequent to photolysis of the CO-mixed-valence derivative of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo(3) (Cbo). The activation volumes associated with the heme-heme ET (k=1.2 x 10(5) s(-1)), and CO rebinding (k=57 s(-1)) are found to be +27.4 ml/mol and -2.6 ml/mol, respectively. The activation volume associated with the rebinding of CO is consistent with previous Cu X-ray absorption studies of Cbo where a structural change was observed at the Cu(B) site (loss of a histidine ligand) due to a change in the redox state of the binuclear center. In addition, the volume of activation for the heme-heme ET was found to be quite distinct from the activation volumes obtained for heme-heme ET in bovine heart Cytochrome c oxidase. Differences in mechanisms/pathways for heme b/heme o(3) and heme a/heme a(3) ET are suggested based on the associated activation volumes and previously obtained Marcus parameters.  相似文献   

Photolyase is an enzyme that catalyses photorepair of thymine dimers in UV damaged DNA by electron transfer reaction. The structure of the photolyase/DNA complex is unknown at present. Using crystal structure coordinates of the substrate-free enzyme from E. coli, we have recently built a computer molecular model of a thymine dimer docked to photolyase catalytic site and studied molecular dynamics of the system. In this paper, we present analysis of the electronic coupling and electron transfer pathway between the catalytic cofactor FADH(-) and the pyrimidine dimer by the method of interatomic tunneling currents. Electronic structure is treated in the extended Hückel approximation. The root mean square transfer matrix element is about 6 cm(-1), which is consistent with the experimentally determined rate of transfer. We find that electron transfer mechanism responsible for the repair utilizes an unusual folded conformation of FADH(-) in photolyases, in which the isoalloxazine ring of the flavin and the adenine are in close proximity, and the peculiar features of the docked orientation of the dimer. The tunneling currents show explicitly that despite of the close proximity between the donor and acceptor complexes, the electron transfer mechanism between the flavin and the thymine bases is not direct, but indirect, with the adenine acting as an intermediate. These calculations confirm the previously made conclusion based on an indirect evidence for such mechanism.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors transduce their signals through G-protein subunits which in turn are subject to modulation by other intracellular proteins such as the regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins. We have developed a cell-free, homogeneous (mix and read format), time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay to monitor heterotrimeric G-protein subunit interactions and the interaction of the G alpha subunit with RGS4. The assay uses a FRET pair consisting of a terbium cryptate chelate donor spectrally matched to an Alexa546 fluor acceptor, each of which is conjugated to separate protein binding partners, these being G alpha(i1):beta4gamma2 or G alpha(i1):RGS4. Under conditions favoring specific binding between labeled partners, high-affinity interactions were observed as a rapid increase (>fivefold) in the FRET signal. The specificity of these interactions was demonstrated using denaturing or competitive conditions which caused significant reductions in fluorescence (50-85%) indicating that labeled proteins were no longer in close proximity. We also report differential binding effects as a result of altered activation state of the G alpha(i1) protein. This assay confirms that interactions between G-protein subunits and RGS4 can be measured using TR-FRET in a cell- and receptor-free environment.  相似文献   

A Photosystem two (PS II) core preparation containing the chlorophyll a binding proteins CP 47, CP 43, D1 and D2, and the non-chlorophyll binding cytochrome-b559 and 33 kDA polypeptides, has been isolated from PS II-enriched membranes of peas using the non-ionic detergent heptylthioglucopyranoside and elevated ionic strengths. The primary radical pair state, P680+Pheo-, was studied by time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, under conditions where quinone reduction and water-splitting activities were inhibited. Charge recombination of the primary radical pair in PS II cores was found to have lifetimes of 17.5 ns measured by fluorescence and 21 ns measured by transient decay kinetics under anaerobic conditions. Transient absorption spectroscopy demonstrated that the activity of the particles, based on primary radical pair formation, was in excess of 70% (depending on the choice of kinetic model), while time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that the particles were 91% active. These estimates of activity were further supported by steady-state measurements which quantified the amount of photoreducible pheophytin. It is concluded that the PS II core preparation we have isolated is ideal for studying primary radical pair formation and recombination as demonstrated by the correlation of our absorption and fluorescence transient data, which is the first of its kind to be reported in the literature for isolated PS II core complexes from higher plants.Abbreviations CP 43 and CP 47 chlorophyll binding proteins of PS II having apparent molecular weights on SDS-PAGE of 43 kDa and 47 kDa, respectively - D1 and D2 polypeptides PS II reaction centre polypeptides encoded by the psbA and psbD genes, respectively - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - PS II Photosystem two - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - P680 primary electron donor of PS II - Pheo phenophytin a - SPC single photon counting - PBQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - DPC 1,5-diphenylcarbazide AFRC Photosynthesis Research Group, Department of Biochemistry  相似文献   

DNA photolyase catalyzes the photoreversal of pyrimidine dimers. The enzymes from Escherichia coli and yeast contain a flavin chromophore and a folate cofactor, 5,10-methenyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate. E. coli DNA photolyase contains about 0.3 mol of folate/mol flavin, whereas the yeast photolyase contains the full complement of folate. E. coli DNA photolyase is reconstituted to a full complement of the folate by addition of 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate to cell lysates or purified enzyme samples. The reconstituted enzyme displays a higher photolytic cross section under limiting light. Treatment of photolyase with sodium borohydride or repeated camera flashing results in the disappearance of the absorption band at 384 nm and is correlated with the formation of modified products from the enzyme-bound 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate. Photolyase modified in this manner has a decreased photolytic cross section under limiting light. Borohydride reduction results in the formation of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, both of which are released from the enzyme. Repeated camera flashing results in photodecomposition of the enzyme-bound 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate and release of the decomposition products. Finally, it is observed that photolyase binds 10-formyltetrahydrofolate and appears to cyclize it to form the 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate chromophore.  相似文献   

The morphology and dynamics of DNA in a bacterial nucleoid affects the kinetics of such major processes as DNA replication, gene expression. and chromosome segregation. In this work, we have applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to assess the structure and internal dynamics of isolated Escherichia coli nucleoids. We show that structural information can be extracted from the amplitude of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy correlation functions of randomly labeled nucleoids. Based on the developed formalism we estimate the characteristic size of nucleoid structural units for native, relaxed, and positively supercoiled nucleoids. The degree of supercoiling was varied using the intercalating agent chloroquine and evaluated from fluorescence microscopy images. The relaxation of superhelicity was accompanied by 15-fold decrease in the length of nucleoid units (from approximately 50 kbp to approximately 3 kbp).  相似文献   

Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) was used to study the properties of uranium complexes (emission spectra and fluorescence lifetimes) formed by the cells of the three recently described eco-types of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The results demonstrated that these complexes have different lifetimes which increase in the same order as the capability of the strains to accumulate uranium. The complexes built by the cells of the eco-type II were the strongest, whereas, those of the eco-types I and III were significantly weaker. The emission spectra of all A. ferrooxidans complexes were almost identical to those of the uranyl organic phosphate compounds. The latter finding was confirmed by infrared spectroscopic analysis.  相似文献   

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