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The DNA of three cloned lines of hamster kidney cells transformed by human papovavirus BK DNA was examined by reassociation kinetics for viral sequences and found to contain 2.7 to 5.3 equivalents of viral DNA per diploid genome. In the one line examined with the four R-HindIII fragments of the human papovavirus BK genome, the entire viral genome was uniformly represented.  相似文献   

A tumorigenic line of mouse cells transformed by the nononcogenic murine K papovavirus was established and characterized. Tumor-bearing animals produced antibody specific for K virus-transformed cells; the K virus T antiserum did not react with polyomavirus-transformed cells. Immunoprecipitation of the T antigen in the transformed cells revealed large T antigen (molecular weight 84,000). About 10 to 15 copies of K virus DNA were found to be integrated in the cellular DNA.  相似文献   

A plaque morphology mutant (pm-522) of BK virus (BKV) with a small deletion at map unit 0.72 can readily transform rat 3Y1 cells, but wild-type BKV (wt-501) cannot. We examined the expression of the viral early functions in BKV (wt-501 or pm-522)-infected 3Y1 cells within a 2-week period after infection, before foci of transformed cells became detectable, to know how the difference between the two BKVs occurs. After a high-multiplicity infection, comparable amounts of free viral DNA (forms I and II) were found by Southern blotting analyses to persist in the nuclei of the cells infected with wt and pm BKVs. Whereas the proportion of T antigen-positive cells, as revealed by the indirect immunofluorescence method with complement, remained at a level of 60% in pm BKV infection, the level of T antigen-positive cells in wt BKV infection decreased from the initial 45% to 1% on day 9. The results obtained by the immunoprecipitation analyses of radiolabeled proteins from the infected cells were consistent with the immunofluorescence data. Viral early mRNA was detectable on day 2 and increased on day 9 in pm BKV infection, but in wt BKV infection, the low level of early mRNA detected on day 2 disappeared on day 9. Cell DNA synthesis and cell growth were enhanced more in pm BKV infection than in wt BKV infection. The low level of viral DNA synthesis that occurred in the infected rat cells was more prominent in pm BKV infection than in wt BKV infection. These data indicate that the expression of viral early functions continued much longer in pm BKV-infected rat cells than in wt BKV-infected rat cells, where the expression was probably repressed soon after infection. Continued T antigen production directed by the unintegrated viral genomes appears to be required for efficient transformation of rat cells by BKV.  相似文献   

Supercoiled BK papovavirus DNA was shown to transform hamster kidney cells using the calcium phosphate co-precipitation technique. The transformed cells contained intranuclear T-antigen(s) and rescuable virus and produced progressively growing tumors when inoculated into hamsters. A novel finding was the production in tumor-bearing animals of antinuclear antibody, which reacted against normal, untransformed cells; in addition, tumor serum contained antibody against virus-specific T-antigen(s).  相似文献   

The subnuclear distribution of simian virus 40 large T antigen within nuclei of transformed Cos and C6 monkey cells was examined. Cos cells express wild-type T antigen but lack viral sequences required for DNA replication, whereas C6 cells contain a functional viral origin but express a replication-defective mutant T antigen which is unable to bind specifically to viral DNA. Discrete subpopulations of T antigen were isolated from the soluble nucleoplasm, chromatin, and nuclear matrix of both cell lines. Although only a small quantity (2 to 12%) of the total nuclear T antigen from Cos cells was associated with the nuclear matrix, a high proportion (25 to 50%) of C6 T antigen was bound to this structure. Results obtained from lytically infected monkey cells showed that early in infection, before viral replication was initiated, a higher proportion (22%) of T antigen was found associated with the nuclear matrix compared with amounts found associated with this structure later in infection (5 to 8%). These results suggest that an increased association of T antigen with this structure is not correlated with viral replication. T antigen isolated from the C6 nuclear matrix was more highly phosphorylated than was soluble C6 T antigen and was capable of binding to the host p53 protein. C6 DNA contains three mutations: two corresponding to N-terminal changes at amino acid positions 30 and 51 and a third located internally at amino acid position 153. By analysis of the subnuclear distribution of T antigen from rat cells transformed by C6 submutant T antigens, it was determined that one or both of the mutations at the NH2 terminus are responsible for the increased quantity of C6 T antigen associated with the nuclear matrix. These results suggest that neither a functional viral DNA replication origin nor the origin binding property of T antigen is required for association of this protein with the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Characterization of human papovavirus BK DNA.   总被引:21,自引:21,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA of the BK virus (BKV) human papovavirus was found to be heterogeneous, consisting of at least four discrete species of DNA. Only the largest of these four species, BKV DNA (i), which has a molecular weight calculated to be 96% that of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, was infectious. Homogeneous preparations of BKV DNA were obtained, however, from virions purified after low multiplicity infections of human embryonic kidney cells. BKV DNA (i) was shown to contain a single R-Eco RI and four R-Hind cleavage sites. The R-Eco RI site was localized in the largest R-Hind cleavage fragment. Radiolabeled BKV DNA reassociated slightly faster than SV40 DNA; 20 to 30% polynucleotide sequence homology was demonstrated between the genomes of BKV and SV40 when the reaction was monitored by chromatography on hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   

After infection of permissive human fetal brain cells by BK human papovavirus (BKV), the vast majority of the cells were killed by the virus, but rare survivors were recovered after frequent medium changes. These surviving cells grew and formed visible colonies after 5 to 6 weeks and were thereafter established as permanent cell lines. These cells, designated as BK-HFB cells, were persistently infected and shed BKV. Morphologically, they were small polygonal cells and had transformed growth properties. Their plating efficiency on solid substrates or in semisolid medium was high, and they were tumorigenic in athymic nude mice. Cloning experiments in medium containing BKV antiserum revealed that BKV did not persist in the cultures in a simple carrier state. All cloned cell lines were initially T-antigen negative and virus-free. However, every clone began to release BKV and again became persistently infected within 3 weeks after removal of BKV antiserum. After rigorous antibody treatment, four of seven clones still released virus spontaneously upon removal of antiserum; three clones have remained virus-free and are apparently cured. Although these cloned cell lines are T- and V-antigen negative when grown in antiserum-containing medium, they retain "free" or episomal BKV genomes; integrated viral DNA was not detected in any of the clones. These free genomes are indistinguishable from prototype BKV DNA and are found in much larger amounts in virus-shedding cell lines.  相似文献   

Associated with the middle T antigen of polyomavirus is a novel phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) kinase activity which phosphorylates PtdIns at the D-3 position of the inositol ring. We have undertaken an analysis of myo-[3H]inositol-containing compounds in a panel of NIH 3T3 cell lines stably transfected with transforming and nontransforming middle T antigen mutants. All cell lines from which PtdIns 3-kinase activity coprecipitated with middle T antigen exhibited modestly elevated levels of PtdIns(3)P and compounds with predicted PtdIns(3,4)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 structures. Complex formation between middle T antigen and PtdIns 3-kinase correlated not with an increase in total inositol phosphate levels but rather with elevated levels of InsP2 and InsP4. A specific increase in the level of an InsP2 species which comigrated in high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis with Ins(3,4)P2 was observed. These results suggest that association of the polyomavirus middle T antigen with PtdIns 3-kinase activates a distinct inositol metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

We have begun to characterize the genomic structure and replication of the baboon papovavirus simian agent 12 (SA12). We have defined a wild-type clone of SA12 (SA12 wt100) by plaque purification from a heterogeneous stock. The functional map of SA12 wt100 can be aligned with those of the other primate papovaviruses by assigning one of the two EcoRI sites as 0/1.0 map units. The origin of bidirectional viral DNA replication maps near 0.67 map units, consistent with the limits of sequences homologous to origin sequences in the other papovaviruses. DNA sequence analysis shows that the organization of the SA12 genome is similar to that of the other primate papovaviruses studied. The arrangement and sequence of functional elements in the origin of replication region, as well as the sequences of the N-terminal regions of early protein products, indicate that SA12 is most closely related to the human virus BK, next most closely related to JC virus, and less closely related to simian virus 40. Unlike BK virus, SA12 is capable of productive infection of African green monkey kidney cells.  相似文献   

Y Yogo  A Furuno  A Nozawa    S Uchida 《Journal of virology》1981,38(2):556-563
We analyzed by blot hybridization the state and structure of the viral DNA in an exceptional BK virus-induced hamster tumor (choroid plexus papilloma Vn-324) that contains about one copy of the BK virus genome per cell, but no intranuclear T antigen as assayed by indirect immunofluorescence. The BK viral DNA was found to be integrated into cellular DNA at a site in the middle of the early region of the viral genome (between 0.32 and 0.41 map units). The structure of the inserted viral DNA shows that it cannot encode a full-size large T antigen, but may encode small T antigen and an N-terminal portion of large T antigen.  相似文献   

In the course of study of the transformed cells of line 63 the phenomenon of cyclically repeated transitory infection of the level of separate cells accompanied by the periodically isolated DNA-containing virus has been shown. Virus reproduction was judged by the determination of the infectious and hemagglutinating activities and radioactivity. The application of activation methods (co-culturing, somatic hybridization and cells treatment with mytomycin C) led to the increase of virus synthesis in the transformed cells of line 63 during spontaneous production of it. We failed to express viral genome in refractor phase.  相似文献   

The cellular proteins that interact with simian virus 40 large T antigen (T-ag) must be identified in order to understand T-ag effects on cellular growth control mechanisms. A protein extraction procedure utilizing single-phase concentrations of 1-butanol recovered a complex composed of T-ag, p53, and other Mr 35,000-60,000 proteins from suspension cultures of the simian virus 40-transformed mouse cell line mKSA. Partial protease mapping showed each of the associated proteins to be unique. Automated microsequence analysis of the NH2-terminal 30 amino acids of the Mr 56,000 protein purified after coprecipitating with T-ag and p53 identified it as the beta subunit of mouse tubulin. The existence of a complex containing tubulin, T-ag, and p53 was confirmed by reciprocal immunoblotting experiments. Both T-ag and p53 were coprecipitated by three different monoclonal antibodies directed against tubulin, and conversely, monoclonal antibodies specific for T-ag or p53 coprecipitated tubulin. Mixing experiments and extractions in the presence of purified tubulin indicated that the complex existed in situ prior to cell lysis. Both p53 and T-ag copurified with microtubules through two cycles of temperature-dependent disassembly and assembly. Both T-ag and p53 were localized to microtubules in the cytoplasm of mKSA cells by immunoelectron microscopy. Treatment of mKSA cells with 10 microM colchicine followed by lysis in 0.1% Nonidet P-40 resulted in increased amounts of solubilized T-ag and p53. Both T-ag and p53 were also associated with microtubules in three other simian virus 40-transformed mouse cell lines growing as monolayers, confirming the generality of the association. An interaction of T-ag and p53 with microtubules may be important in the intracellular transport of these proteins and may affect cellular signal transduction or growth control.  相似文献   

Stable neoplastic transformation of cells by polyoma virus requires the participation of two viral genes, designated ts-a and hr-t. The effects of mutations in these two genes on the patterns of T-antigen synthesis during productive infection have been previously described: ts- a mutants are affected in the “large” (100K) nuclear T antigen, and hr-t mutants are affected in the “middle” (36K, 56K, 63K) and “small” (22K) T agtigens. The latter are associated predominantly with the plasma membrane (56K) and cytosol fractions, rrespectively. Here we examine the expression of the various forms of polyoma T antigen in nonproductive infection (abortive transformation) as well as in stably transformed cell lines of different species. The results on abortive transformation are essentially the same as those described above for productive infection. In stably transformed cells, the middle and small T antigens are seen to various extents. The large T antigen, however, is often absent or present below the level of detection. Clones lacking the large T antigen are found most often among mouse transformants, but are also seen among rat transformants. Retention of the 100K species in transformed cells therefore appears to be, at least in part, an inverse function of the level of permissivity of the host toward productive viral infection. These findings indicate that the induction of the transformed phenotype in both abortively and stably transformed cells generally does not require the large T antigen, but rather the products of the hr-t gene.  相似文献   

In mouse cells transformed with the ts-a mutant of polyoma virus (ts-a-3T3), only low amounts of the virus-specific T antigen were synthesized at high temperature (39 C). After a shift-down to the permissive temperature (31 C), these cells exhibited the same level of T-antigen production as wild-type polyoma transformants. The T antigen produced by ts-a-transformed cells was inactivated at 39 C in vitro at a faster rate than that produced by wild-type-transformed cells. These observations indicate that T antigen is, or includes, a virus-coded peptide.  相似文献   

Chromosomes were prepared from mitotic munjac cells 48 to 72 h after infection with SV40 virus. When stained for SV40 T antigen by indirect immunofluorescence, all chromosomes within an infected cell were fluorescent, indicating the presence of T antigen. Furthermore, the chromosomes were not uniformly stained but appeared to have regions of high and low fluorescence intensity. A variety of controls showed that the banding patterns are specific and highly reproducible and may indeed reflect the binding sites of T antigen. The bright, fluorescent bands T antigen were found to correspond to bands visualized by trypsin-Giesma staining (G-bands) and also by quinacrine staining (Q-bands). Current knowledge of chromosome banding indicates that Q-bands reflect the distribution of AT-rich regions along the chromosome. From the DNA sequence of SV40, it is known that one of the T antigen binding sites contains AT-rich sequences; thus, T antigen banding might be due to the base-specific binding of T antigen to chromatin. In addition, these bands have been implicated as centers for chromosome condensation and units in control of DNA replication. While the functional significance of T antigen binding has yet to be determined, the SV40-muntjac system provides an unusual opportunity to study the interaction of a known regulatory protein with mammalian chromosomes.  相似文献   

A plaque morphology mutant (pm-522) of human papovavirus BK, which was rescued from a human papovavirus BK-induced hamster pineocytoma, was characterized and compared with a cloned wild-type virus (wt-501). Mutant pm-522 formed turbid plaques and grew more slowly than wt-501 in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. The immunofluorescence assay revealed that more HEK cells underwent abortive infection with pm-522 than with wt-501. Whereas wt-501 induced brain tumors and osteosarcomas, but no insulinomas, in hamsters, pm-522 induced brain tumors and insulinomas. The DNA of pm-522 was found by electrophoresis and electron microscopy to have a deletion (85 +/- 15 base pairs) and an insertion (40 +/- 10 base pairs) between map coordinates 0.708 and 0.725 from the endonuclease EcoRI cleavage site. These results demonstrate the presence of a viable deletion human papovarivus BK mutant capable of inducing insulinomas in hamsters.  相似文献   

Characterization of T antigens in polyoma-infected and transformed cells.   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
Polyoma-infected 3T6 cells contain a number of proteins precipitable by serum from rats carrying polyoma-induced tumors. The virus codes for three species having apparent molecular weights of 90,000, 60,000 and 22,000 daltons, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (90K, 60K and 22k). The 90K and 22K species produced by a large plaque and a small plaque wild-type polyoma have similar mobilities, but the 60K species produced by the large plaque wild-type. In cells infected by each of seven polyoma tsA mutants, the 90K species is unstable at the nonpermissive temperature, while the 60K and 22K species are stable. In cells infected by a mutant carrying a deletion between roughly 98 and 3 map units in the early region of the viral genome, the 22K species is present, but the 90K and 60K species are absent. Tryptic peptide analysis of the isolated 90K, 60K and 22K species shows that the three species have common N terminal regions. The 60K and 22K species contain amino acid sequences not found in the 90K species , and the 60K species has several unique, methionine-containing peptides not found in either the 22K or 90K species. Two polyoma-transformed BHK cell lines do not have detectable amounts of the 90K protein.  相似文献   

Purified virions of the GS strain of the BK group of human papovaviruses were labeled with 125I using chloramine T or lactoperoxidase or with tritium using sodium borohydride. All viral polypeptides were labeled. Tryptic digests of iodinated VP1 were analyzed.  相似文献   

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