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Orchiopexy was performed upon 152 patients. Follow-up observation was inadequate, but of known results 14 per cent were poor.As an increasing number of investigators have observed spontaneous descent of undescended testes, this possibility should be considered in weighing indications for operation on boys before the age of puberty. Coexisting clinically demonstrable hernia (59 per cent in this series) is an indication for early operation. Otherwise, orchiopexy may be best delayed, perhaps until the twelfth year. This was done in 25 per cent of the cases in this series.Three methods of operation were used, the Torek, the Cabot-Nesbit, and the Bevan. There were fewer poor results with the Torek than with the Cabot-Nesbit procedure. The greatest number of poor results was in cases in which the Bevan technique was used.  相似文献   

Of 560 prostatectomies in an 11-year period on patients with benign or malignant disease of the prostate gland, almost 98 per cent were done transurethrally.Although many of the patients were considered to be in poor condition preoperatively, results achieved by the transurethral operation were excellent or good in 91 per cent of those who had benign disease of the prostate and in 84 per cent of those with malignant invasion. The rate of deaths attributable to the operation was 3.1 per cent in the group of patients with benign disease, 5.3 per cent in patients who had cancer.Complications, such as urinary incontinence, persistent pyuria, epididymitis, strictures of the urethra and of the meatus, and contracture of the neck of the bladder, arose in a surprising number of cases.  相似文献   

Studies by eminent surgeons to reevaluate the place of radical operations in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix-now that extensive procedures have become less hazardous-apparently have led to confusion in some minds as to choice between surgical and radiation therapy. Pending outcome of the studies, general employment of surgical treatment is unwarranted. Radiation is the treatment of choice in most cases, particularly if the lesion is in an early stage, although radical operation is indicated in certain rare early cases in which delivery of an effective dose of radiation to involved areas is technically difficult. Elsewise it appears at present that operation should be used only in cases of stages III or IV carcinoma-in which results by either means of treatment are poor.One hundred and seven patients were treated with a combination of x-ray and radium irradiation. X-ray was used first to reduce the hazard of implanting the radium. The "five-year arrest" rates were as follows: For 22 patients with stage I lesion, 70 per cent; for 31 with stage II, 55.7 per cent; 33 with stage III, 39.7 per cent; 21 with stage IV, 0. Eighteen patients with diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix who had had subtotal hysterectomy were treated. The stage of the disease could not be determined. In this group the five-year arrest rate was 52 per cent.  相似文献   

Studies by eminent surgeons to reevaluate the place of radical operations in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix—now that extensive procedures have become less hazardous—apparently have led to confusion in some minds as to choice between surgical and radiation therapy. Pending outcome of the studies, general employment of surgical treatment is unwarranted. Radiation is the treatment of choice in most cases, particularly if the lesion is in an early stage, although radical operation is indicated in certain rare early cases in which delivery of an effective dose of radiation to involved areas is technically difficult. Elsewise it appears at present that operation should be used only in cases of stages III or IV carcinoma—in which results by either means of treatment are poor.One hundred and seven patients were treated with a combination of x-ray and radium irradiation. X-ray was used first to reduce the hazard of implanting the radium. The “five-year arrest” rates were as follows: For 22 patients with stage I lesion, 70 per cent; for 31 with stage II, 55.7 per cent; 33 with stage III, 39.7 per cent; 21 with stage IV, 0. Eighteen patients with diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix who had had subtotal hysterectomy were treated. The stage of the disease could not be determined. In this group the five-year arrest rate was 52 per cent.  相似文献   

One hundred and three cases of acute cholecystitis in patients ranging in age from 19 to 88 years were reviewed. Operation was done in all cases. Seventy per cent of the patients were women.Primary cholecystectomy was done in 72.8 per cent of the series. Primary cholecystostomy was performed in the remainder, and one-fourth of these patients had a secondary cholecystectomy. No specific time, with relation to interval after onset of symptoms, was chosen for operation.Jaundice was present in 14.5 per cent of patients at the time of admittance to hospital. Serum amylase was above normal in five of 27 patients on whom this determination was carried out. All five were women.The gallbladder was perforated in 13 cases. Common duct exploration was done in 25 cases and in 12 of them stones were found.The morbidity rate for the series was 11.6 per cent; the mortality rate 9.7 per cent.  相似文献   

In a series of 240 cases of perforated peptic ulcer prior to 1952 there was a total mortality of 17 per cent. This included cases treated conservatively as a planned procedure or because of other morbid conditions and undiagnosed cases, all ending in death.In cases treated by simple suture, mortality was 2.6 per cent for patients under 50 years of age and 17 per cent for those over 50, the rate rising very steeply with each decade over 50.From 1953 through 1959 selective gastric resection was carried out, the operation being done in all cases of perforated gastric ulcers, of chronic duodenal ulcers and of perforations associated with hemorrhage.During this period 303 perforated ulcers were treated, with a mortality of 15.5 per cent. Patients with associated morbid conditions and those admitted moribund and died, or died undiagnosed were again included.In this series also the mortality increased steeply from age 50 onward.Gastric resection was carried out in 148 cases of perforated peptic ulcer with a mortality of 6 per cent. In 105 cases under 60 years of age there were no deaths but in those over 60 the mortality rate was 21.8 per cent. Results in the patients who had resection, as determined after three years of observation, compared favorably with the results in patients who were treated by suture.The mortality of perforated ulcers in females was higher than in males.Emergency gastric resection has a definite place in the treatment of perforated peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

Needle biopsy of the liver provides concrete diagnostic information that cannot be as readily obtained in any other way. This report reviews 401 liver biopsies in 312 patients.The major indications for use of this procedure are: To determine the cause of an obscure liver enlargement; to establish the cause of jaundice; to distinguish between malignant disease and cirrhosis of the liver; to determine when hepatitis has subsided; and to evaluate the results of treatment. At times, systemic disease that has not been recognized by other means may be diagnosed by this technique. There is risk in performing this test, and the 0.25 per cent mortality in this series compares favorably with that reported from other clinics. Where the diagnosis by biopsy could be compared with observations at operation or autopsy, the correct diagnosis was made by biopsy in 85 per cent of cases. Greater accuracy was obtained by two or more biopsic examinations in one case then by single biopsy.In several cases in which surgical operation was considered, biopsic information made it unnecessary, and vice versa.  相似文献   

In 73 cases of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers in which operation was done at St. Joseph's Hospital, San Francisco, during the ten-year period July 1939 to July 1949, the death rate was 13.7 per cent. In all but three of the cases, simple closure of the perforation was carried out. In 46 cases there were postoperative complications. Of this number, peritonitis and its sequelae comprised 35 per cent and pulmonary complications, 37 per cent. The mortality rate in the group in which these complications occurred was 35 per cent.  相似文献   

Two methods for antibiotic prophylaxis in scheduled surgical treatment were studied comparatively. In the main group antibiotic prophylaxis with respect to 621 operations was started simultaneously with premedication, the duration of the course being defined by the operation type. With respect to 252 pure operations antibiotics were not used in 69.8 per cent of the cases or used for 2-3 days in 27.8 per cent of the cases. With respect to 253 conditionally pure operations shorter courses of antibiotic prophylaxis, i.e. for 2-3 days were used in 50.2 per cent of the cases. In the control group the antibiotics were used after operations in mean therapeutic doses, the duration of the course being defined by the clinical findings. The number of purulent complications in the main group decreased, while the amounts of the antibiotics used were much lower.  相似文献   

Needle biopsy of the liver provides concrete diagnostic information that cannot be as readily obtained in any other way. This report reviews 401 liver biopsies in 312 patients. THE MAJOR INDICATIONS FOR USE OF THIS PROCEDURE ARE: To determine the cause of an obscure liver enlargement; to establish the cause of jaundice; to distinguish between malignant disease and cirrhosis of the liver; to determine when hepatitis has subsided; and to evaluate the results of treatment. At times, systemic disease that has not been recognized by other means may be diagnosed by this technique. There is risk in performing this test, and the 0.25 per cent mortality in this series compares favorably with that reported from other clinics. Where the diagnosis by biopsy could be compared with observations at operation or autopsy, the correct diagnosis was made by biopsy in 85 per cent of cases. Greater accuracy was obtained by two or more biopsic examinations in one case then by single biopsy. In several cases in which surgical operation was considered, biopsic information made it unnecessary, and vice versa.  相似文献   

In a series of 400 cases of subtotal gastric resection for the treatment of benign ulceration of the stomach and duodenum, the mortality, morbidity and recurrence rate was acceptably low. Fifty-six per cent of the patients had a perfect result, 38 per cent satisfactory, and 6 per cent unsatisfactory. However, the postoperative nutritional status was sufficiently interfered with in a number of patients whose preoperative weight was subnormal that the routine adoption of 75 per cent gastric resection must be questioned. Vagotomy with either pyloroplasty or partial resection may prove to be the most valuable procedure for patients of this type. In properly selected patients, however, gastric resection is a rewarding procedure for both patient and surgeon.  相似文献   

In a series of 400 cases of subtotal gastric resection for the treatment of benign ulceration of the stomach and duodenum, the mortality, morbidity and recurrence rate was acceptably low. Fifty-six per cent of the patients had a perfect result, 38 per cent satisfactory, and 6 per cent unsatisfactory. However, the postoperative nutritional status was sufficiently interfered with in a number of patients whose preoperative weight was subnormal that the routine adoption of 75 per cent gastric resection must be questioned. Vagotomy with either pyloroplasty or partial resection may prove to be the most valuable procedure for patients of this type. In properly selected patients, however, gastric resection is a rewarding procedure for both patient and surgeon.  相似文献   

The preoperative and postoperative data on 500 cases in which cataracts were removed from the eyes were reviewed to correlate the results with the preoperative prognosis as determined by light identification and macular function tests. Another purpose was to consider the adequacy of various methods of preoperative appraisal.The vision was improved to better than 20/200 in 89.4 per cent of the cases. In 5.6 per cent (28 cases) vision was improved but was 20/200 or less. In 5 per cent (25 cases) the operation was a failure, for various causes.There was wide variation in methods used to determine the condition of the retina preoperatively by means of light identification and macular function tests, and there was no uniformity of terms used to describe degree of function.A standardized method of estimating retinal function in the presence of cataract was used in 60 cases. The equipment used is simple and inexpensive. From analysis of preoperative determination of prognosis and the operative results, it would appear that this simple inexpensive procedure is more reliable in arriving at a preoperative prognosis than some of the methods frequently employed.  相似文献   

Factors influencing survival in a group of 318 cases of acute myocardial infarction were analyzed. The mortality rate for the entire series was 41 per cent. Among the men it was 39.5 per cent; among women, 44.4 per cent. The mortality rate increased with the age of the patient. Twenty-six per cent of all deaths occurred within the first 24 hours, 44 per cent within 72 hours, and 71 per cent within the first week following hospital admission. Increased mortality rate was associated with previous history of congestive failure, myocardial infarction, hypertension or cardiomegaly. As to circumstances immediately preceding an infarction, the only ones that seemed to be related to a high mortality rate were hemorrhage and the postoperative state. Not only the presence but the degree of shock, congestive failure, cyanosis and dyspnea adversely influenced chances for survival. Duration, location, radiation and number of attacks of pain did not appear to be associated with extraordinary mortality rates. Anterior was slightly more common than posterior infarctions, and the mortality rate was much higher. Thromboembolic complications and certain disorders of rhythm and of conduction definitely worsen prognosis. Comparison of average mortality data as reported in different studies on acute myocardial infarction is improper and misleading because of the great differences between the kinds of patients included in various series reported upon. A standard method of grading the severity of acute myocardial infarction would help toward sounder comparisons.  相似文献   

The records of 2,377 patients with Laennec''s cirrhosis were reviewed for the period 1947-1957. The chief presenting symptom was ascites in 46 per cent, bleeding in 23 per cent, coma in 18 per cent, jaundice in 9 per cent, and both jaundice and ascites in 4 per cent. Nearly half of the patients died during the period under study—one-third from hepatic failure, one-third from gastrointestinal bleeding, and one-third from other causes, most of which were related to alcoholism.Massive gastrointestinal bleeding occurred in 21 per cent of the patients at some time in their clinical course, and in the 10 per cent of these in whom ulcer was demonstrated, one-fifth died as a result of the hemorrhage. Of those presumed to be bleeding from esophageal varices, 64 per cent died at the first hemorrhage and 10 per cent at subsequent hemorrhages; 85 per cent of all those who bled from varices were dead at the end of one year, and 91 per cent were dead at the end of three years.The survival curve of a group of patients who bled once and were good operative risks but had received no operative treatment was compared to the survival curve for entire group who survived the first hemorrhage. The three-year survival in the good risk group was 47 per cent; for the group as a whole it was 30 per cent. The difference in mortality rate was primarily due to an increased number of deaths from hepatic failure in the combined group, whereas 60 per cent of the good risk group died of recurrent gastrointestinal hemorrhage.As 86 per cent of those who were to die of gastrointestinal bleeding did so at the first hemorrhage, it was concluded that any decided improvement in the salvage rate achievable by operation must come from some means of diagnostic forecast of the likelihood of bleeding, with resort to prophylactic operation in such cases.  相似文献   

One hundred cases of common bile duct explorations were reviewed in an attempt to obtain information that might give insight into the diagnosis and definitive treatment of choledocholithiasis. Fifty of the hundred patients had common duct stones. Correlations were made between the incidence of choledocholithiasis as proved at operation, and the following factors: Kind and number of choledochal exploratory criteria used, the clinical diagnosis of common duct stones, and the pathologic features of gallbladders removed. The incidence of stones was statistically related to aging. The most frequent choledochal exploratory criteria were common duct dilatation or thickening (63 cases) and history of jaundice (50 cases). The most reliable single criterion in "diagnosing" common duct stones was palpable common or hepatic duct stones, the diagnosis having been correct in 15 of 17 such cases. The most reliable combination of criteria was a history of jaundice, plus palpable stones, with correct diagnosis in all such cases. The clinical diagnosis of choledocholithiasis was correct in only 17 per cent of cases. The correlation of the incidence of common duct stones with the degree of gallbladder disease-that is, acute or chronic-did not provide information that might be helpful in diagnosing choledocholithiasis. The incidence of proven retained common duct stones was 3 per cent, the non-fatal postoperative complication rate was 21 per cent and operative mortality was 1 per cent.  相似文献   

Fifty-six cases of bacterial meningitides, other than tuberculous, observed in a period of one year on an active children''s hospital medical service were reviewed. All age groups were involved but most commonly infected were patients in the first year of life. There was no inordinate incidence of infection with any one kind of organism in any specific age bracket, except possibly for infection with enteric organisms which in the present series occurred preponderantly in infants less than six months old. Meningococcus and H. influenza type B were the most common organisms; they were the infecting agents in 71 per cent of cases. Of the immediate complications noted, subdural effusions were the most common (23 per cent of this series). In all except two cases, effusion was resolved by multiple aspirations. In two cases craniotomy was done with good results. Ten electroencephalograms were made and all were abnormal. In most of the patients, multiple antibiotic and chemotherapeutic drugs were used, parenterally during the first few days of hospitalization and then orally as tolerated. Intraspinal therapy was not given. Four of the 56 patients died.  相似文献   

Fifty-six cases of bacterial meningitides, other than tuberculous, observed in a period of one year on an active children's hospital medical service were reviewed. All age groups were involved but most commonly infected were patients in the first year of life. There was no inordinate incidence of infection with any one kind of organism in any specific age bracket, except possibly for infection with enteric organisms which in the present series occurred preponderantly in infants less than six months old. Meningococcus and H. influenza type B were the most common organisms; they were the infecting agents in 71 per cent of cases. Of the immediate complications noted, subdural effusions were the most common (23 per cent of this series). In all except two cases, effusion was resolved by multiple aspirations. In two cases craniotomy was done with good results. Ten electroencephalograms were made and all were abnormal. In most of the patients, multiple antibiotic and chemotherapeutic drugs were used, parenterally during the first few days of hospitalization and then orally as tolerated. Intraspinal therapy was not given. Four of the 56 patients died.  相似文献   

One hundred cases of common bile duct explorations were reviewed in an attempt to obtain information that might give insight into the diagnosis and definitive treatment of choledocholithiasis. Fifty of the hundred patients had common duct stones. Correlations were made between the incidence of choledocholithiasis as proved at operation, and the following factors: Kind and number of choledochal exploratory criteria used, the clinical diagnosis of common duct stones, and the pathologic features of gallbladders removed.The incidence of stones was statistically related to aging.The most frequent choledochal exploratory criteria were common duct dilatation or thickening (63 cases) and history of jaundice (50 cases).The most reliable single criterion in “diagnosing” common duct stones was palpable common or hepatic duct stones, the diagnosis having been correct in 15 of 17 such cases.The most reliable combination of criteria was a history of jaundice, plus palpable stones, with correct diagnosis in all such cases.The clinical diagnosis of choledocholithiasis was correct in only 17 per cent of cases.The correlation of the incidence of common duct stones with the degree of gallbladder disease—that is, acute or chronic—did not provide information that might be helpful in diagnosing choledocholithiasis.The incidence of proven retained common duct stones was 3 per cent, the non-fatal postoperative complication rate was 21 per cent and operative mortality was 1 per cent.  相似文献   

In a review of a series of 248 salivary gland tumors, seen over a 28-year period, all pathologic material was brought up to date by reclassification according to more recent criteria and nomenclature. In parotid tumors, a probable lowered recurrence rate and a definite decrease in incidence of permanent facial nerve paralysis was found in the more recent cases in which the "Y" incision was used, with identification of the seventh nerve as it leaves the stylomastoid foramen. The five-year recurrence rate for primary mixed tumor was 8.3 per cent, and in recurrent cases it was found to be 18.1 per cent. Of 44 patients with malignant salivary gland tumors in all sites who were observed for five years or more, 32 or 72.7 per cent survived five years.  相似文献   

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