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Heme oxygenase activity was examined in the epithelial cells of the small intestine in male Sprague-Dawley rats. As with liver and spleen, the highest specific activity of this enzyme was found in the microsomal fraction of these cells. Substrate kinetics, analysis of cofactor requirements, and other biochemical characteristics suggested further similarities between heme oxygenase in the small intestine and liver. Enzyme activity was differentially localized longitudinally within the small intestine, with the highest specific activity occurring in the region approximately 15 to 30 cm beyond the pylorus. The effects of diet on the basal levels of heme oxygenase in the proximal small intestine were also examined. Although intestinal cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase activity, as determined by benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase and 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase, was greatly reduced (65-90%) in animals maintained on a semipurified control diet compared with standard cereal-based chow, there were no differences observed in heme oxygenase activity between the two dietary treatment groups. The activity of intestinal heme oxygenase could be increased, however, by oral treatment with several metal compounds that are known to affect hepatic heme metabolism when administered parenterally. The enzyme activity was also potently inhibited by tin (Sn4+) protoporphyrin administered orally or parenterally.  相似文献   

Circadian variation in migration velocity in small intestinal epithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The variation in migration rates of cells within the small intestinal epithelium was studied over a 24-hr period at 3-hr intervals (migration of cells was studied independently for the crypts and the villi using the changing distributions of [3H]TdR labelled cells as an indicator of cell migration). Clear changes in the rates of cell movement were observed during a 24-hr period for both crypt and villus epithelium. The rates of cell migration in these two compartments did not correlate well with the exception of samples taken at 18.00 hours. At this time of day there appeared to be no cell movement at all in either crypts or villi. There was not a good correlation between the migration velocity throughout the day and the changes in the number of mitoses. It is proposed that mitotic rates do not directly govern migration rates but that the converse may be true. Further, the lack of correlation between crypt and villus migration rates at any time of day suggest that the mechanisms controlling all movement in these two regions of small intestinal epithelium may be different.  相似文献   

The localization of guanylate cyclase in rat small intestinal epithelium.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H R De Jonge 《FEBS letters》1975,53(2):237-242

Summary Quantitative macroscopic, light-microscopic and electron-microscopic studies were performed on the small intestine of fasted and non-fasted adult, male Sprague-Dawley rats. In non-fasted rats the small intestine was longer than in fasted rats. Due to the presence of villi the surface area in the duodenum and the jejunum was enlarged about six times. The microvilli on the villous crests caused a surface enlargement by 13 times in the duodenum (value corrected for overestimation due to section thickness), and 19 times in the jejunum of the fasted rats. At the base of the villi these values were about 50% lower. It was calculated that, in the fasted rats, the total enlargement of the luminal surface area — due to villi and microvilli — was 63 times in the duodenum and 81 times in the jejunum (corrected for section thickness).Differences between the villous crest epithelium and the villous base epithelium were also found with regard to the mean cell height, and the volume densities of the absorptive cell nuclei, the mitochondria, and the paracellular channels.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No. 12X-2298), from the Swedish Group-Insurance Co. Förenade Liv, from Tore Nilson's Fund for Medical Research and from the Medical Faculty, University of Umeå  相似文献   

Summary Although the intestinal epithelium is one of the most rapidly renewing tissues, little is known about the major growth factors that control the rate of cell replacement and migration. Recently, a primary culture model has been described for the developing rat small intestinal epithelium, which permits epithelial growth while maintaining interactions with associated stromal cells, thereby possessing several contextual advantages over established cell lines (Evans et al., 1992). We have used this model to begin to determine the factors that may be involved in controlling intestinal epithelial cell proliferation. Under the conditions examined, no single growth factor promoted exclusive proliferation of epithelial cells; stromal cell proliferation was also apparent. The most potent stimulators of epithelial proliferation were insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). These factors also appeared to inhibit migration of the epithelial cells. 5–10 ng/ml EGF, 5–20 ng/ml TGFα, and 10–20 ng/ml PDGF also slightly increased epithelial cell numbers. Cell proliferation was inhibited by 0.1 ng/ml TGFβ-1. In Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing 0.25 IU/ml insulin, glucose levels of 2–3 g/liter permitted epithelial growth with limited expansion of the stromal cell population. Higher levels of glucose further stimulated the nonepithelial cell types. Transferrin was also a potent stimulator of both cell types.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies have shown apoptosis in the villus tip cells of the monkey small intestinal epithelium. Because mitochondria have been implicated in the apoptotic process, this study looked at the function and lipid composition of mitochondria isolated from apoptotic villus tip cells and compared it with middle and crypt cells. Decreased MTT reduction and respiratory control ratio, increased swelling and altered mitochondrial enzyme activities were seen in the villus tip cell mitochondria when compared to other cells. The lipid composition of the villus tip mitochondria were different from the other mitochondria. A decrease in phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidyl-inositol and an increase in phosphatidic acid was seen in these mitochondria. Fatty acid composition analysis showed more unsaturated fatty acids in the free fatty acid and phospholipid fraction in villus tip cell mitochondria as compared to other cells. These studies suggest that in the monkey small intestinal epithelium, apoptotic process is associated with functional and structural alterations in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Isolated rat intestinal mitochondria showed a considerable capacity to convert hexamethylmelamine to its monodemethylated metabolite pentamethylmelamine. Mitochondrial turnover rate is about the same as compared with microsomal preparations. Only in mitochondrial incubations N-hydroxymethylpentamethylmelamine could be identified as a metabolic intermediate. The known chemical reactivity of carbinolamines means that this activation pathway in mitochondria could be involved in the pharmacological or toxic effects of hexamethylmelamine.  相似文献   

This study addressed the mechanisms by which dietary zinc affects diarrhoea and aimed to study possible interactions between zinc status and the presence of zinc in vitro on secretagogue-induced secretion from piglet intestinal epithelium in Ussing chambers. In addition, it was studied from which side of the epithelium zinc would perform an effect and if copper caused similar effects. Twenty-four piglets (28 days of age) were weaned and fed diets containing 100 or 2500 mg zinc/kg (as ZnO) for 5 or 6 days (12 piglets per group). Intestinal epithelium underwent the following 5 treatments: zinc at the mucosal side (M(Zn)), zinc at the serosal side (S(Zn)), zinc at both sides (MS(Zn)), copper at both sides (MS(Cu)) or water at both sides (control). Provoked secretion in terms of short circuit responses to serotonin (5-HT) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were measured. Zinc at the serosal or both sides of the epithelium reduced the 5-HT induced secretion (P<0.001); however, due to interactions (P=0.05) the effect of zinc in vitro was only present in the ZnO(100) group. The secretion caused by VIP was not affected by the diet (P=0.33), but zinc at the serosal side or both sides reduced the response to VIP (P<0.001). Copper reduced the 5-HT and VIP induced secretion to a larger extent than zinc. However, copper also disturbed intestinal barrier function as demonstrated by increased transepithelial conductance and increased short circuit current, which was unaffected by zinc. In conclusion, zinc at the serosal side of piglet small intestinal epithelium attenuated 5-HT and VIP induced secretion in vitro. These in vitro studies indicate that in vivo there will be no positive acute effect of increasing luminal Zn concentration on secretagogue-induced chloride secretion and that zinc status at the serosal side of the epithelium has to be increased to reduce secretagogue-induced chloride secretion and thereby diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that intracellular oxidants are involved in the induction of apoptosis and this type of cell death can be inhibited by various antioxidants. In our accompanying paper, we have shown apoptosis in the villus tip cells of the monkey small intestinal epithelium. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible relationship between oxidative stress, antioxidant levels and the apoptotic process in the monkey small intestinal epithelium. Monkey small intestinal epithelial cells were isolated into different fractions consisting of villus, middle and crypt cells. Mitochondrial function was assessed by the reduction of the tetrazolium dye, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), with and without succinate. The extent of lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring the formation of conjugated diene, depletion of polyunsaturated fatty acids and α-tocopherol. Level of antioxidant enzymes like, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase were also quantitated in various cell fractions. MTT reduction was significantly decreased in villus cells as compared to the cells from other fractions and this was evident even in presence of the respiratory substrate, succinate. Increased formation of conjugated diene and depletion of polyunsaturated fatty acids were seen in villus and crypt cells as compared to middle fraction cells. The α-tocopherol level was decreased in both villus and crypt cells as compared to cells from middle region. Significant decrease of SOD activity was seen in the villus tip cells and a slight decrease was seen in the crypt fractions. Glutathione dependent enzymes like GST, GPx and GSH reductase showed higher activity in the villus fractions. A similar observation was also seen in the catalase activity. This study has shown that although oxidative stress is seen in both villus and crypt cells, decreased mitochondrial function was seen in villus tip cells which may be responsible for apoptotic process in the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation of membrane proteins from rabbit small intestinal epithelium was investigated following incubation of membranes with [32P]NAD and cholera toxin. Cholera toxin catalyzes incorporation of 32P into three proteins of 40 kDA, 45 kDa and 47 kDa located in the brush-border membrane. In contrast, basal lateral membranes do not contain any protein which becomes labeled in a toxin-dependent manner when incubated with cholera toxin and [32P]NAD. The modification of membrane proteins from brush border occurred in spite of the virtual absence in these membranes of adenylate cyclase activatable either by cholera toxin, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) or fluoride. The three agents activated adenylate cyclase when crude plasma membrane were used. Cholera toxin activated fivefold at 10 micrograms/ml. Vasoactive intestinal peptide activated at concentrations from 10-300 nM, the maximal stimulation being sixfold. Fluoride activated 10-fold at 10 mM. When basal lateral membranes were assayed for adenylate cyclase it was found that, with respect to the crude membranes, the specific activity of fluoride-activated enzyme was 3.3-fold higher, VIP stimulated enzyme was maintained while cholera-toxin-stimulated enzyme showed half specific activity. Moreover, while fluoride stimulated ninefold and VIP stimulated fivefold, cholera toxin only stimulated twofold at the highest concentration. The results suggest that the activation by cholera toxin of adenylate cyclase located at the basal lateral membrane requires ADPribosylation of proteins in the brush border membrane.  相似文献   

This study addressed the mechanisms by which dietary zinc affects diarrhoea and aimed to study possible interactions between zinc status and the presence of zinc in vitro on secretagogue-induced secretion from piglet intestinal epithelium in Ussing chambers. In addition, it was studied from which side of the epithelium zinc would perform an effect and if copper caused similar effects. Twenty-four piglets (28 days of age) were weaned and fed diets containing 100 or 2500 mg zinc/kg (as ZnO) for 5 or 6 days (12 piglets per group). Intestinal epithelium underwent the following 5 treatments: zinc at the mucosal side (M(Zn)), zinc at the serosal side (S(Zn)), zinc at both sides (MS(Zn)), copper at both sides (MS(Cu)) or water at both sides (control). Provoked secretion in terms of short circuit responses to serotonin (5-HT) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were measured. Zinc at the serosal or both sides of the epithelium reduced the 5-HT induced secretion (P<0.001); however, due to interactions (P=0.05) the effect of zinc in vitro was only present in the ZnO(100) group. The secretion caused by VIP was not affected by the diet (P=0.33), but zinc at the serosal side or both sides reduced the response to VIP (P<0.001). Copper reduced the 5-HT and VIP induced secretion to a larger extent than zinc. However, copper also disturbed intestinal barrier function as demonstrated by increased transepithelial conductance and increased short circuit current, which was unaffected by zinc. In conclusion, zinc at the serosal side of piglet small intestinal epithelium attenuated 5-HT and VIP induced secretion in vitro. These in vitro studies indicate that in vivo there will be no positive acute effect of increasing luminal Zn concentration on secretagogue-induced chloride secretion and that zinc status at the serosal side of the epithelium has to be increased to reduce secretagogue-induced chloride secretion and thereby diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Explants of small intestinal tissue have been cultured from fetal and young rats (from 13-day fetuses to 3-week-old rats). Growth of morphologically typical epithelial cells was obtained from explants of tissue from 14–20 day fetuses. Optimal growth was obtained using tissue from 17-day fetuses with outgrowth from the explant being observed 1-day after explant. Eighty per cent of explants developed epithelial growth by 11 days in culture. Initially, the epithelial outgrowth showed no morphological evidence of differentiation but after 5–10 days in culture differentiation into goblet or elongated cells with alkaline phosphatase activity occurred. Cells with brush borders and goblet cells were identified using electron microscopy. No differentiation occurred if the explant was removed even though growth continued.It was very difficult to culture tissue from fetuses older than 20 days' gestation, and when small intestine of 18–20-day fetuses was divided into two parts (proximal and distal) and cultured separately, growth of epithelial cells from explants of the proximal segment was less successful than that of the distal segment, indicating that the growth ability of these epithelial cells in vitro was closely related to tissue maturation in vivo. In contrast to the apparent relationship between fetal age and successful growth of intestinal epithelial cells, squamous epithelial cells of the esophagus could be grown from explants of 14-day fetus through newborn and 3-week-old rats.  相似文献   

After an intraluminal injection of horseradish peroxidase into the small intestine, the localization of peroxidase was studied in neonatal developing and adult rats by means of electron microscopy. Until around the 14th day of the neonatal period absorbed peroxidase granules in the duodenal and jejunal epithelium were abundant in the microvillous membrane, the apical tubulo-vacuolar system, and the Golgi apparatus, and on the lateral cell and basal membranes, and the luminal surfaces of the capillary cells. At the weaning period the tubulo-vacuolar system was absent in the duodenal and jejunal epithelial cells, and at that point absorbed peroxidase was observed in the same sites as in the adult rats: the microvillous membrane, the lateral cell and basal membranes, the Golgi apparatus, and the vesicles and vacuoles of the cytoplasm. During the suckling period, in the ileal epithelial cells exogenous peroxidase was found on the microvilli, in the tubulo-vacuolar system, in the supranuclear vacuole, in the Golgi apparatus, on the lateral cell and basal membranes, and also on the luminal surface of the endothelial cells of blood capillaries. When the tubulo-vacuolar system and the supranuclear vacuole were lost from the ileal cells at the weaning period, no exogenous peroxidase uptake was observed in the absorptive cell of the ileal epithelium.  相似文献   

Isoenzymes of glutathione transferase in rat small intestine.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The role of plasminogen activators (PAs) as potential mediators of involution of the rat ventral prostate was investigated by using an approach involving the administration in vivo of anti-PA drugs. The prostates of castrated rats, which had been injected daily for 7 days with the anti-PA drugs 6-aminohexanoic acid, tranexamic acid, aprotinin and cortisol, were assayed for PA activity, weight and cell number. In the prostates from the castrated controls, there was a 10-fold increase in the mean PA activity and a 7-fold decrease in cell number relative to that of the non-castrated animals. Although this rise in enzyme activity could be decreased to some extent by all the drugs except aprotinin, only treatment with high doses of tranexamic acid or cortisol had a statistically significant effect. A similar pattern was observed with respect to the relative potency of the drugs in preventing the loss of prostatic weight and cell number after castration. The effects of cortisol were dose-dependent, with complete inhibition of both the rise in PA activity and cell loss occurring at a dose of about 15 mg/day. Since the concentration of the principal intranuclear androgen, dihydrotestosterone, was the same in the prostates from treated and untreated castrated rats, the effects of cortisol are not due to increased retention of this androgen. Rather, the high inverse correlation (r = 0.86) between the cellular concentration of PA activity and the cell population of the prostate implies that PAs are directly associated with prostatic involution and that cortisol, and to a lesser extent tranexamic acid, blocks the involution process through inhibition of PAs.  相似文献   

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