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The spectrum of herbicide resistance was determined in an annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) biotype (SLR 3) that had been exposed to the grass herbicide sethoxydim, an inhibitor of the plastidic enzyme acetylcoenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase, EC, for three consecutive years. This biotype has an 18-fold resistance to sethoxydim and enhanced resistance to other cyclohexanedione herbicides compared with a susceptible biotype (VLR 1). The resistant biotype also has a 47- to >300-fold cross-resistance to the aryloxyphenoxypropanoate herbicides which share ACCase as a target site. No resistance is evident to herbicide with a target site different from ACCase. The absorption of [4-14C]sethoxydim, the rate of metabolic degradation and the nature of the herbicide metabolites are similar in the resistant and susceptible biotypes. While the total activity of the herbicide target enzyme ACCase is similar in extracts from the two biotypes, the kinetics of herbicide inhibition differ. The concentrations of sethoxydim and tralkoxydim required to inhibit the activity of ACCase by 50% are 7.8 and >9.5 times higher, respectively, in the resistant biotype. The activity of ACCase from the resistant biotype was also less sensitive to aryloxyphenoxypropanode herbicides than the susceptible biotype. The spectrum of resistance at the whole-plant level is correlated with resistance at the ACCase level and confirms that a less sensitive form of the target enzyme endows resistance in biotype SLR 3.Abbreviations ACCase acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase - AOPP aryloxyphenoxypropanoate - CHD cyclohexanedione - GR50 dose giving 50% reduction of growth - IG50 dose giving 50% reduction of germination - LD50 lethal dose 50 This work was partially supported by The Grains Research and Development Corporation of Australia through a grant to Dr. R. Knight, Department of Plant Science, Waite Agricultural Research Institute. The encouragement and generous support of Dr. R. Knight is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This study investigates mechanisms of multiple resistance to glyphosate, acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) and acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides in two Lolium rigidum populations from Australia. When treated with glyphosate, susceptible (S) plants accumulated 4- to 6-fold more shikimic acid than resistant (R) plants. The resistant plants did not have the known glyphosate resistance endowing mutation of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3 phosphate synthase (EPSPS) at Pro-106, nor was there over-expression of EPSPS in either of the R populations. However, [14C]-glyphosate translocation experiments showed that the R plants in both populations have altered glyphosate translocation patterns compared to the S plants. The R plants showed much less glyphosate translocation to untreated young leaves, but more to the treated leaf tip, than did the S plants. Sequencing of the carboxyl transferase domain of the plastidic ACCase gene revealed no resistance endowing amino acid substitutions in the two R populations, and the ALS in vitro inhibition assay demonstrated herbicide-sensitive ALS in the ALS R population (WALR70). By using the cytochrome P450 inhibitor malathion and amitrole with ALS and ACCase herbicides, respectively, we showed that malathion reverses chlorsulfuron resistance and amitrole reverses diclofop resistance in the R population examined. Therefore, we conclude that multiple glyphosate, ACCase and ALS herbicide resistance in the two R populations is due to the presence of distinct non-target site based resistance mechanisms for each herbicide. Glyphosate resistance is due to reduced rates of glyphosate translocation, and resistance to ACCase and ALS herbicides is likely due to enhanced herbicide metabolism involving different cytochrome P450 enzymes.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of an acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) target-based resistant Lolium rigidum population (WLR 96) was studied here. The carboxyl-transferase domain of the plastidic ACCase gene from resistant individuals was amplified by PCR and sequenced. The DNA sequences were aligned and compared with a susceptible population. Six amino acid substitutions were identified in the resistant population. The substitution Ile-2041-Asn, known to confer resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) in Alopecurus myosuroides, was identified in most resistant plants but it is always linked with other amino acid substitutions. This was confirmed by a cleaved amplified polymorphism (CAP) marker and an allele-specific PCR. The sole amino acid substitution Ile-2041-Asn was not found in this population. It is likely this mutation evolved later among individuals already possessing the other substitutions. Three haplotypes were identified from the resistant population based on the six amino acid combinations, and two are linked with herbicide resistance in this population. The multiple amino acid substitutions including the Ile-2041-Asn form the molecular basis endowing a high degree of resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in this L. rigidum population.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Cairns A  Powles S 《Planta》2007,225(2):499-513
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide. A potential substitute for glyphosate in some use patterns is the herbicide paraquat. Following many years of successful use, neither glyphosate nor paraquat could control a biotype of the widespread annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), and here the world’s first case of multiple resistance to glyphosate and paraquat is confirmed. Dose–response experiments established that the glyphosate rate causing 50% mortality (LD50) for the resistant (R) biotype is 14 times greater than for the susceptible (S) biotype. Similarly, the paraquat LD50 for the R biotype is 32 times greater than for the S biotype. Thus, based on the LD50 R/S ratio, this R biotype of L. rigidum is 14-fold resistant to glyphosate and 32-fold resistant to paraquat. This R biotype also has evolved resistance to the acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibiting herbicides. The mechanism of paraquat resistance in this biotype was determined as restricted paraquat translocation. Resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides was determined as due to an insensitive ACCase. Two mechanisms endowing glyphosate resistance were established: firstly, a point mutation in the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) gene, resulting in an amino acid substitution of proline to alanine at position 106; secondly, reduced glyphosate translocation was found in this R biotype, indicating a co-occurrence of two distinct glyphosate resistance mechanisms within the R population. In total, this R biotype displays at least four co-existing resistance mechanisms, endowing multiple resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and ACCase herbicides. This alarming case in the history of herbicide resistance evolution represents a serious challenge for the sustainable use of the precious agrochemical resources such as glyphosate and paraquat.  相似文献   

Many biotypes of Lolium rigidum Gaud, (annual ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides; however, few have developed resistance to phenylurea herbicides. Two biotypes with different histories of herbicide selection pressure were six to eight times less sensitive to the phenylurea herbicide, chlorotoluron, than a susceptible biotype. Resistance was not due to differences in the herbicide target site as oxygen evolution by thylakoids isolated from resistant and susceptible biotypes was similarly inhibited by diuron and chlorotoluron. There was no difference in the uptake and distribution of chlorotoluron into resistant and susceptible plants. There was a twofold greater rate of chlorotoluron detoxification in resistant plants with N-demethylation being a major detoxification reaction. Resistant plants treated with a 3-h pulse of 120 M chlorotoluron recovered net carbon fixation after 42 h, half the time taken by susceptible plants. The mixed-function oxidase inhibitor 1-aminobenzotriazole (70 M) intensified the effects of chlorotoluron in resistant plants when applied in combination with the herbicide for 7 d. 1-Aminobenzotriazole also inhibited the metabolism of chlorotoluron in both resistant and susceptible plants. The cytochrome P-450 inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide piperonyl butoxide, interacted with chlorotoluron when applied to plants growing in soil. Chlorotoluron applied with reduced plant dry weight to a greater extent than chlorotoluron alone. It appears, therefore, that enhanced detoxification is the major mechanism of resistance to chlorotoluron in the resistant biotypes studied.Abbreviations ABT 1-aminobenzotriazole - VLR1 Victorian L. rigidum biotype 1 — herbicide susceptible - VLR69 Victorian L. rigidum biotype 69 — herbicide resistant - WLR2 Western Australian L. rigidum biotype 2 — herbicide resistant M.W.M.B, was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Research Award and a supplementary scholarship from the Grains Research and Development Corporation. We are very grateful to Dr. E. Ebert, Ciba Geigy, Basal, Switzerland for providing [14C]chlorotoluron and standards of chlorotoluron metabolites. We express our gratitude to Dr. John Huppatz of the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry for providing ABT. We also thank Ciba Geigy Australia for providing technical-grade chlorotoluron and formulated phenylurea herbicides.  相似文献   

Summary The modifying effect of calcium (Ca) on the salinity tolerance of Wimmera ryegrass during germination and early seedling growth was studied. Pretreatment of seeds with Ca has no significant effect on germination under NaCl or MgCl2 salinity. The addition of Ca to the germination medium increased the germination percentage significantly, especially with MgCl2. Significant increases in seedling shoot and root growth also occurred with Ca addition to the growth medium under MgCl2 salinity.  相似文献   

Costs of resistance are predicted to reduce plant productivity in herbicide-resistant weeds. Lolium rigidum herbicide-susceptible individuals (S), individuals possessing cytochrome P450-based herbicide metabolism (P450) and multiple resistant individuals possessing a resistant ACCase and enhanced cytochrome P450 metabolism (ACCase/P450) were grown in the absence of mutual plant interaction to estimate plant growth traits. Both P450 and ACCase/P450 resistant phenotypes produced less above-ground biomass than the S phenotype during the vegetative stage. Reduced biomass production in the resistant phenotypes corresponded to a reduced relative growth rate and a lower net assimilation rate and rate of carbon fixation. There were no significant differences between the two resistant phenotypes, suggesting that costs of resistance are associated with P450 metabolism-based resistance. There were no differences in reproductive output among the three phenotypes, indicating that the cost of P450 resistance during vegetative growth is compensated during the production of reproductive structures. The P450-based herbicide metabolism is shown to be associated with physiological resistance costs, which may be manipulated by agronomic management to reduce the evolution of herbicide resistance.  相似文献   

The increasing demands being placed on natural grasslands in the era following the appearance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis require that forage crops provide a reliable extended season of growth, combined with good winter survival to ensure sward longevity. The ability to tolerate sub-zero temperatures is integral to the survival of perennial forages. Since the development of freezing tolerance is crucial to the survival and productivity of over-wintering crops, forage breeding programmes require an improved understanding of the individual characteristics that contribute to tolerance to sub-zero temperatures. Photosynthesis, carbohydrate content and changes in protein composition were investigated in two varieties of Lolium perenne which differ in their response to growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

A biotype of Sonchus oleraceus L. (Compositae) has developed resistance to herbicides inhibiting acetolactate synthase (ALS) following field selection with chlorsulfuron for 8 consecutive years. The aim of this study was to determine the inheritance and mechanism of resistance in this biotype. Determination of ALS activity and inhibition kinetics revealed that Km and Vmax did not vary greatly between the resistant and susceptible biotypes. ALS extracted from the resistant biotype was resistant to five ALS-inhibiting herbicides in an in vitro assay. ALS activity from the resistant biotype was 14 19, 2, 3 and 3 times more resistant to inhibition by chlorsulfuron, sulfometuron, imazethapyr, imazapyr and flumetsulam, respectively, than the susceptible biotype. Hybrids between the resistant and a susceptible biotype were produced, and inheritance was followed through the F1, F2 and F3 generations. F1 hybrids displayed a uniform intermediate level of resistance between resistant and susceptible parents. Three distinct phenotypes, resistant, intermediate and susceptible, were identified in the F2 generation following chlorsulfuron application. A segregation ratio of 121 was observed, indicative of the action of a single, nuclear, incompletely dominant gene. F3 families, derived from intermediate F2 individuals, segregated in a similar manner. Resistance to herbicides inhibiting ALS in this biotype of S. oleraceus is due to the effect of a single gene coding for a resistant form of the target enzyme, ALS.  相似文献   

Factors affecting parasitism of stem-boring larvae which attack Italian ryegrass were studied. Stem-boring larvae dissected out of tillers from a range of Italian ryegrass cultivars showed parasitism of between 10–65%. However, the level of attack by Chasmodon apterus Nees, a ground-dwelling braconid which dominated the parasitoid complex, did appear to be affected by the plant cultivar, independently of the level of stem-borer infestation.Italian ryegrass cultivars, newly-sown on land previously sown to barley and which had received conventional seed-bed cultivations showed low levels of attack by C. apterus, but increased levels of attack by Halticoptera circulus Walker. The use of the pesticide phorate adversely affected parasitism by c. apterus.
Résumé L'étude porte sur les facteurs influençant le parasitisme par des hyménoptères des larves mineuses des tiges du ray-gras Italien. Le niveau du parasitisme dans les larves extraites des talles de 13 cultivars différents du ray-gras Italien est identique. Toutefois, le niveau d'attaque par Chasmodon apterus, majoritaire dans le complexe des parasites, semble être affecté par le cultivar, quel que soit le niveau d'infestation par les mineuses des tiges. Les effectifs des larves de mineuses des tiges et de C. apterus semblent augmenter parallèlement, le maximum étant atteint avec le cultivar Tiara. Bien que la densité des mineuses soit plus importante pour d'autres cultivars, le niveau de parasitisme y est moindre. Les cultivars de ray-gras Italiens semées après une culture d'orge, et recevant une fertilisation conventionnelle au semis, sont peu attaqués par C. apterus, probablement parce que ce parasite colonise les champs lentement; par contre le niveau d'attaque dû à Halticoptera circulus est accru. Les traitements pesticides à base de phorate affectent négativement le parasitisme par C. apterus.

Bacterial wilt caused by Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis (Xtg) is a major disease of economically important forage crops such as ryegrasses and fescues. Targeted breeding based on seedling inoculation has resulted in cultivars with considerable levels of resistance. However, the mechanisms of inheritance of resistance are poorly understood and further breeding progress is difficult to obtain. This study aimed to assess the relevance of the seedling screening in the glasshouse for adult plant resistance in the field and to investigate genetic control of resistance to bacterial wilt in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). A mapping population consisting of 306 F1 individuals was established and resistance to bacterial wilt was assessed in glasshouse and field experiments. Highly correlated data (r = 0.67–0.77, P < 0.01) between trial locations demonstrated the suitability of glasshouse screens for phenotypic selection. Analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on a high density genetic linkage map consisting of 368 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers revealed a single major QTL on linkage group (LG) 4 explaining 67% of the total phenotypic variance (Vp). In addition, a minor QTL was observed on LG 5. Field experiments confirmed the major QTL on LG 4 to explain 43% (in 2004) to 84% (in 2005) of Vp and also revealed additional minor QTLs on LG 1, LG 4 and LG 6. The identified QTLs and the closely linked markers represent important targets for marker-assisted selection of Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   

Summary Cultures of Nicotiana tabacum cells homozgous for a mutation (S4) at the SuRB locus that confers resistance to the sulfonylurea herbicides chlorsulfuron and sulfometuron methyl (Chaleff and Ray 1984; Chaleff and Bascomb 1987) were used to isolate a doubly mutant cell line (S4 Hra/S4+) resistant to even higher herbicide concentrations. Growth of cells homozygous for both the S4 and Hra mutations (S4 Hra/S4 Hra) was uninhibited by a herbicide concentration 500-fold higher than a concentration by which growth of S4+/S4+ callus was inhibited by 75%. Plants homozygous for both mutations were at least five-fold more resistant to foliar applications of chlorsulfuron than were singly mutant S4+/S4+ plants. This enhanced resistance was inherited as a single, semidominant, nuclear trait that is genetically linked to the S4 mutation. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity in extracts of leaves of doubly mutant (S4 Hra/S4 Hra) plants was approximately 20-fold more resistant to inhibition by chlorsulfuron and sulfometuron methyl than was ALS activity in singly mutant (S4+/ S4+) leaf extracts, which was in turn more resistant to inhibition by these compounds than was the normal enzyme. Extracts prepared from plants of these three genotypes possessed the same ALS specific activities. Therefore, Hra represents a second independent mutation at or near the SuRB locus that reduces the sensitivity of tobacco ALS activity to inhibition by sulfonylurea herbicides.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Dormancy in Lolium rigidum (annual ryegrass) seeds can be alleviated by warm stratification in the dark or by application of fluridone, an inhibitor of plant abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis via phytoene desaturase. However, germination and absolute ABA concentration are not particularly strongly correlated. The aim of this study was to determine if cytokinins of both plant and bacterial origin are involved in mediating dormancy status and in the response to fluridone.Methods Seeds with normal or greatly decreased (by dry heat pre-treatment) bacterial populations were stratified in the light or dark and in the presence or absence of fluridone in order to modify their dormancy status. Germination was assessed and seed cytokinin concentration and composition were measured in embryo-containing or embryo-free seed portions.Key Results Seeds lacking bacteria were no longer able to lose dormancy in the dark unless supplied with exogenous gibberellin or fluridone. Although these seeds showed a dramatic switch from active cytokinin free bases to O-glucosylated storage forms, the concentrations of individual cytokinin species were only weakly correlated to dormancy status. However, cytokinins of apparently bacterial origin were affected by fluridone and light treatment of the seeds.Conclusions It is probable that resident microflora contribute to dormancy status in L. rigidum seeds via a complex interaction between hormones of both plant and bacterial origin. This interaction needs to be taken into account in studies on endogenous seed hormones or the response of seeds to plant growth regulators.  相似文献   

Summary Three corn (Zea mays L.) lines resistant to imidazolinone herbicides were developed by in vitro selection and plant regeneration. For all three lines, resistance is inherited as a single semidominant allele. The resistance alleles from resistant lines XA17, XI12, and QJ22 have been crossed into the inbred line B73, and in each case homozygotes are tolerant of commercial use rates of imidazolinone herbicides. All resistant selections have herbicide-resistant forms of acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS), the known site of action of imidazolinone herbicides. The herbicide-resistant phenotypes displayed at the whole plant level correlate directly with herbicide insensitivity of the AHAS activities of the selections. The AHAS activities from all three selections have normal feedback regulation by valine and leucine, and plants containing the mutations display a normal phenotype.  相似文献   

Stable transformation of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was achieved by biolistic bombardment of a non embryogenic cell suspension culture, using the hpt and gusA gene. The transformation yielded on the average 5 callus lines per bombardment (1.4×106 cells). Stable integration of the genes into the plant genome was demonstrated by Southern analysis of DNA, isolated from hygromycin-resistant callus lines. The gusA reporter gene, which was regulated by the constitutive promoter of the rice gene GOS2, was expressed in both transient and stable transformation assays, indicating that this promoter is suitable for expression of a transferred gene in perennial ryegrass. Long-term GUS expression was observed in ca. 40% of the callus lines, whereas the other callus lines showed instability after 6 months and 1 year of culture.  相似文献   

Rapid and widespread evolution of multiple herbicide resistance in global weed species endowed by increased capacity to metabolize (degrade) herbicides (metabolic resistance) is a great threat to herbicide sustainability and global food production. Metabolic resistance in the economically damaging crop weed species Lolium rigidum is well known but a molecular understanding has been lacking. We purified a metabolic resistant (R) subset from a field evolved R L. rigidum population. The R, the herbicide susceptible (S) and derived F2 populations were used for candidate herbicide resistance gene discovery by RNA sequencing. A P450 gene CYP81A10v7 was identified with higher expression in R vs. S plants. Transgenic rice overexpressing this Lolium CYP81A10v7 gene became highly resistant to acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase- and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides (diclofop-methyl, tralkoxydim, chlorsulfuron) and moderately resistant to hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-inhibiting herbicide (mesotrione), photosystem II-inhibiting herbicides (atrazine and chlorotoluron) and the tubulin-inhibiting herbicide trifluralin. This wide cross-resistance profile to many dissimilar herbicides in CYP81A10v7 transgenic rice generally reflects what is evident in the R L. rigidum. This report clearly showed that a single P450 gene in a cross-pollinated weed species L. rigidum confers resistance to herbicides of at least five modes of action across seven herbicide chemistries.  相似文献   

Many herbicide-resistant weed species are polyploids, but far too little about the evolution of resistance mutations in polyploids is understood. Hexaploid wild oat (Avena fatua) is a global crop weed and many populations have evolved herbicide resistance. We studied plastidic acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicide resistance in hexaploid wild oat and revealed that resistant individuals can express one, two or three different plastidic ACCase gene resistance mutations (Ile-1781-Leu, Asp-2078-Gly and Cys-2088-Arg). Using ACCase resistance mutations as molecular markers, combined with genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches, we found in individual resistant wild-oat plants that (1) up to three unlinked ACCase gene loci assort independently following Mendelian laws for disomic inheritance, (2) all three of these homoeologous ACCase genes were transcribed, with each able to carry its own mutation and (3) in a hexaploid background, each individual ACCase resistance mutation confers relatively low-level herbicide resistance, in contrast to high-level resistance conferred by the same mutations in unrelated diploid weed species of the Poaceae (grass) family. Low resistance conferred by individual ACCase resistance mutations is likely due to a dilution effect by susceptible ACCase expressed by homoeologs in hexaploid wild oat and/or differential expression of homoeologous ACCase gene copies. Thus, polyploidy in hexaploid wild oat may slow resistance evolution. Evidence of coexisting non-target-site resistance mechanisms among wild-oat populations was also revealed. In all, these results demonstrate that herbicide resistance and its evolution can be more complex in hexaploid wild oat than in unrelated diploid grass weeds. Our data provide a starting point for the daunting task of understanding resistance evolution in polyploids.  相似文献   

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