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Summary We determined the effects of a host-specific moth, Heliodines nyctaginella (Lepidoptera: Heliodinidae), upon growth and seed production in Mirabilis hirsuta (Nyctaginaceae), by comparing in one season naturally infested plants with experimentally protected neighbors. In addition, we monitored infestation, growth, and yield of a single cohort over ten years. Plants fed upon by H. nyctaginella larvae grew less, and more slowly and produced fewer propagules than did their uninfested neighbors. Propagules from moth-infested plants were smaller and were formed 4–6 weeks later in the season. Thus, because successful colonization of suitable sites by M. hirsuta depends upon plant size and on the number and sizes of propagules produced, H. nyctaginella potentially can exert an enormous selection pressure upon its host. However, periodic escape from the herbivore greatly reduced its impact: plants that escaped infestation for as little as one growing season showed increased growth and propagule production over several years. Large, old plants often partially escape by flowering before the herbivore population becomes dense.  相似文献   

Simmondsia chinensis is unique in many ways. Endemic to the Sonoran Desert of Mexico and the United States, its broad, persistent, heavy leaves are unlike any of its associates. Its large edible seeds contain about 50% oil, which is directly used as a cooking oil and as a hair oil. The oil has excellent qualities for many industrial and medicinal uses. Chemically it is a liquid wax and by hydrogenation is easily converted to a hard white wax. Jojoba’s singular characteristics as a desert shrub, however, present many problems facing its development as a cultivated plant.  相似文献   

Mirabilis, a primarily American genus of 50?C60 species almost restricted to the New World, is the most diverse within Nyctaginaceae. It not only has the greatest number of species, but also many life forms, with annual herbaceous, suffrutescent and shrubby species and with prostrate, decumbent to erect stems that are sometimes clambering. Stem anatomy has been studied only for M. jalapa, and its characteristics extrapolated to the entire genus. In this study we evaluated the taxonomic significance of stem anatomical characters from 24 species of Mirabilis, as well as their potential relation to habit evolution. Qualitative and quantitative characters of transverse and longitudinal sections were evaluated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Stem anatomy varies in several features. The phloem is arranged in short tangential spreading bands or in large tangential bands forming semi-complete rings; the conjunctive tissue is fibrous, with thin-walled sclereids and fibres, or parenchymatous; the vessels are solitary or grouped in radial multiples or clusters; the xylem fibres are very thin-walled or thin- to thick-walled with simple to minutely bordered pits; most species are raylessness; the pith has parenchyma or thin-walled sclereids or brachysclereids. The distribution of anatomical characters in Mirabilis does not correspond with the current infrageneric classification. We suggest that some stem anatomical characters are correlated with habit and that the vascular cylinder and pith characters are related to an increase in mechanical strength. This study provides new information and novel characters about the stem anatomy not only of Mirabilis, but of the family.  相似文献   

Mirabilis antiviral protein (MAP) is a single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from Mirabilis jalapa L. It depurinates the 28S-like rRNAs of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A specific modification in the 25S rRNA of M. jalapa was found to occur during isolation of ribosomes by polyacrylamide/agarose composite gel electrophoresis. Primer extension analysis revealed the modification site to be at the adenine residue corresponding to A4324 in rat 28S rRNA. The amount of endogenous MAP seemed to be sufficient to inactivate most of the homologous ribosomes. The adenine of wheat ribosomes was also found to be removed to some extent by an endogenous RIP (tritin). However, the amount of endogenous tritin seemed to be insufficient for quantitative depurination of the homologous ribosomes.Endogenous MAP could shut down the protein synthesis of its own cells when it spreads into the cytoplasm through breaks of the cells. Therefore, we speculate that MAP is a defensive agent to induce viral resistance through the suicide of its own cells.  相似文献   

Summary 600,000 seedlings ofAlnus crispa were inoculated with a 111 mixture of theFrankia strains ACN1 AG , AGN1 exo AG and MGP10i. After 3 successive inoculations and screenings, one individual, AC-4, was selected as non-nodulating (Nod) with Frankiae. This selected individual AC-4 (Nod) and two other clones ofA. crispa, AC-2 and AC-5, known for their ability to nodulate (Nod+) and two other clones ofA. crispa, AC-2 and AC-5, known for their ability to nodulate (Nod+) withFrankia werein vitro propagated. The different clones ofA. crispa in culture required different kinds and concentrations of sugar during the in vitro multiplication and rooting stages. Nodulation tests using 7Frankia strains indicated that the clone AC-4 (Nod) was non-nodulating with 6 of the 7Frankia strains tested. One strain,Frankia ANNI, isolated from one unique nodule produced on the mother-plant AC-4, induced 38% of the AC-4 plantlets to nodulate but with a number of nodules 10 to 20 times less than the clones AC-2 (Nod+) and AC-5 (Nod+). Morphological observations of the roots of AC-4 (Nod) indicated that this clone had few and abnormally short root hairs.  相似文献   

Afforestation resulting from fire suppression, modified grazing, plantation establishment and climate change poses a threat to northern prairie ecosystems. Trees alter the composition and function of plant and soil fauna communities and can compromise the restoration of afforested prairies. To evaluate the hypothesis that legacies of afforestation persist in restored prairie communities and decrease the potential for restoration, we examined the composition, structure, and diversity of plant and seed bank communities along a 20 year chronosequence of plantation tree removal from a northern fescue prairie in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. Tree removal increased the abundance of weedy species in the plant and seed bank communities of restored prairies and plant diversity peaked and declined over the 20 year period of passive restoration. As a result, time since tree removal and the encroachment of invasive species were key in explaining the composition of restored prairie communities. Low correlation between the species composition of plant and seed bank communities, including the complete absence of Festuca hallii in restored treatments, demonstrated that legacies of afforestation compromised the potential of seed banks to facilitate prairie restoration. We conclude that tree removal alone is insufficient for the restoration of northern fescue prairies and that, in the absence of active management, the persistence of low-diversity plant and seed bank communities constitutes an important legacy of afforestation and an important barrier to future restoration.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of the native prairies in the Midwestern United States have resulted in isolated and smaller habitats and populations. The populations remaining in these prairies are expected to show a decline in the extent of genetic variation and an increase in genetic drift load (accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles due to genetic drift) in fitness‐related traits. Using complementary greenhouse experiments, we tested whether these expected changes have occurred in the native annual prairie plant Chamaecrista fasciculata. In the first experiment, open pollinated C. fasciculata seeds from 12 prairie fragments representing a range in area of habitat were grown in competition with Schizachyrium scoparium to determine if there are changes in plant vigour with changes in fragment size and corresponding changes in population size. Plants from smaller prairie fragments exhibited a slight but significant decline in biomass, suggesting an increase in genetic drift load. In the second experiment, a formal genetic crossing design of four prairie fragment populations was used to estimate quantitative genetic diversity and genetic drift load. We did not find extensive quantitative genetic variation, but we did find a strong effect of genetic drift load on five traits in this experiment. Our overall conclusion is that a decline in relative‐fitness traits in smaller prairie fragments is probably associated with fixation of deleterious alleles due to more isolated and smaller populations, i.e. genetic drift load. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Disappearance of dead plant material in a mixed grass prairie   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Disappearance of dead plant material was studied in ungrazed mixed grass prairie in Western North Dakota. Disappearance rates varied both within and between years as well as with method used. The highest rates (2.07 to 3.15 g/m2/day) were recorded early in the season and disappearance continued during the winter but at a slower rate (0.99 g/m2/day). Some differences were found in rates of disappearance of dead material of different species during the first two months. Annual decomposition rates ranged from 400 g/m2 to 526 g/m2. The ash content of dead material showed generally increasing values with advancing decomposition. The turnover time of above-ground biomass appeared to be approximately three years.Financial support was provided by the North Dakota Agriculture Exp. StationThis research work is part of a thesis submitted by the senior author for the degree of M. Sc.  相似文献   

  • 1 Three species of phoretic Sphaeroceridae kleptoparasitize the dung caches of scarab beetles in north Florida. Ceroptera sivinskii Marshall intercepts beetles under dung, then accompanies them into their burrows. Borborillus frigipennis (Spuler) rides on ball rolling and tunnelling scarabs. It perches on beetles both underground and in flight. B.singularis (Spuler) is similar in habits but is principally nocturnal.
  • 2 Kleptoparasitism is probably a means of escaping environmental decay and competition in‘parent’faeces. Nonscarab competitors and predators are less abundant in beetle stored dung, and Borborillus spp. are among the few spaerocerids that flourish when large, rapidly developing calypterate flies are abundant.
  • 3 Since oviposition in B.frigipennis occurs only underground, phoresy is an inexpensive and safe means to maintain contact with hosts. Males ride in order to find mates.

Abstract The leaves of Berberis aquifolium (Pursh.) exhibit either diffuse or specular (shiny) reflection, depending on the variety, but in no case are the leaves obviously glaucous. The dull-surfaced leaves were less wettable than the glossy ones. Using scanning electron microscopy it was determined that the diffuse reflection was due to tubular crystals of wax 250 nm in diameter. The crystals were primarily composed of 19-nonacosanol, a 29-carbon secondary alcohol, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chemical constituents of the wax underlying the tubes appeared to be the same as those of the wax from glossy leaves, with 29-carbon and 31-carbon n-alkanes and n-heptacosanol as major constituents. The reflection spectra of dull-surfaced (diffuse reflection) or glossy (specular reflection) leaves were the same, as were those of leaves with different amounts of epicuticular wax. Removing the epicuticular wax with chloroform did not change the spectrum.  相似文献   

The life-history and phenology of T. pennyi, regarded as the only species of Turnerella in the north Atlantic Ocean, are described on the basis of culture, cytology and field investigations.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, heteromorphic phases occur: tetraspores from an encrusting tetrasporophyte resembling Cruoria arctica/rosea give rise to a similar perennial sterile phase from which the foliose T. pennyi phase arises directly. These foliose plants are dioecious gametophytes. The male gametophyte, reported for the first time, bears spreading spermatangial sori over most of its surface. Old cystocarpic plants may exhibit in situ germination of carpospores. Chromosome counts show that n = 18–20; 2n = 36–40.

The indications are that the life-history of the species is similar in other parts of its range, although the longevity of the foliose stage may vary with geographical location and depth. Regeneration of old loose-lying plants readily occurs.  相似文献   

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