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In order to assess the functional roles of heat stress-induced class B-heat shock factors in Arabidopsis, we investigated T-DNA knockout mutants of AtHsfB1 and AtHsfB2b. Micorarray analysis of double knockout hsfB1/hsfB2b plants revealed as strong an up-regulation of the basal mRNA-levels of the defensin genes Pdfl.2a/b in mutant plants. The Pdfexpression was further enhanced by jasmonic acid treatment or infection with the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria brassicicola. The single mutant hsfB2b and the double mutant hsfB 1/B2b were significantly improved in disease resistance after A. brassicicola infection. There was no indication for a direct interaction of Hsf with the promoter of Pdf1.2, which is devoid of perfect HSE consensus Hsf-binding sequences. However, changes in the formation of late HsfA2-dependent HSE binding were detected in hsfB1/B2b plants. This suggests that HsfB1/B2b may interact with class A-Hsf in regulating the shut-off of the heat shock response. The identification of Pdfgenes as targets of Hsf-dependent negative regulation is the first evidence for an interconnection of Hsf in the regulation of biotic and abiotic responses.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the BEL1-like TALE homeodomain protein family consists of 13 members that form heterodimeric complexes with the Class 1 KNOX TALE homeodomain proteins, including SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) and BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP). The BEL1-like protein BELLRINGER (BLR) functions together with STM and BP in the shoot apex to regulate meristem identity and function and to promote correct shoot architecture. We have characterized two additional BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN (BLH) proteins, SAWTOOTH1 (BLH2/SAW1) and SAWTOOTH2 (BLH4/SAW2) that, in contrast with BLR, are expressed in lateral organs and negatively regulate BP expression. saw1 and saw2 single mutants have no obvious phenotype, but the saw1 saw2 double mutant has increased leaf serrations and revolute margins, indicating that SAW1 and SAW2 act redundantly to limit leaf margin growth. Consistent with this hypothesis, overexpression of SAW1 suppresses overall growth of the plant shoot. BP is ectopically expressed in the leaf serrations of saw1 saw2 double mutants. Ectopic expression of Class 1 KNOX genes in leaves has been observed previously in loss-of-function mutants of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES (AS1). Overexpression of SAW1 in an as1 mutant suppresses the as1 leaf phenotype and reduces ectopic BP leaf expression. Taken together, our data suggest that BLH2/SAW1 and BLH4/SAW2 establish leaf shape by repressing growth in specific subdomains of the leaf at least in part by repressing expression of one or more of the KNOX genes.  相似文献   

The developmental roles of AGL15 and AGL18, members of the AGL15-like clade of MADS domain regulatory factors, have not been defined previously. Analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed that overexpression of AGL18 produces the same phenotypic changes as overexpression of AGL15, and the two genes have partially overlapping expression patterns. Functional redundancy was confirmed through analysis of loss-of-function mutants. agl15 agl18 double mutants, but not single mutants, flower early under non-inductive conditions, indicating that AGL15 and AGL18 act in a redundant fashion as repressors of the floral transition. Further genetic analyses and expression studies were used to examine the relationship between AGL15 and AGL18 activity and other regulators of the floral transition. AGL15 and AGL18 act upstream of the floral integrator FT, and a combination of agl15 and agl18 mutations partially suppresses defects in the photoperiod pathway. agl15 agl18 mutations show an additive relationship with mutations in genes encoding other MADS domain floral repressors, and further acceleration of flowering is seen in triple and quadruple mutants under both inductive and non-inductive conditions. Thus, flowering time is determined by the additive effect of multiple MADS domain floral repressors, with important contributions from AGL15 and AGL18.  相似文献   

The HUA2 gene acts as a repressor of floral transition. Lesions in hua2 were identified through a study of natural variation and through two mutant screens. An allele of HUA2 from Landsberg erecta (Ler) contains a premature stop codon and acts as an enhancer of early flowering 4 (elf4) mutants. hua2 single mutants, in the absence of the elf4 lesion, flower earlier than wild type under short days. hua2 mutations partially suppress late flowering in FRIGIDA (FRI )-containing lines, autonomous pathway mutants, and a photoperiod pathway mutant. hua2 mutations suppress late flowering by reducing the expression of several MADS genes that act as floral repressors including FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC ) and FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM ).  相似文献   

HCN1 channel subunits, which contribute to the hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih), are selectively targeted to distal apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Here, we addressed the importance of the brain-specific auxiliary subunit of HCN1, TRIP8b, in regulating HCN1 expression and localization. More than ten N-terminal splice variants of TRIP8b exist in brain and exert distinct effects on HCN1 trafficking when overexpressed. We found that isoform-wide disruption of the TRIP8b/HCN1 interaction caused HCN1 to be mistargeted throughout CA1 somatodendritic compartments. In contrast, HCN1 was targeted normally to CA1 distal dendrites in a TRIP8b knockout mouse that selectively lacked exons 1b and 2. Of the two remaining hippocampal TRIP8b isoforms, TRIP8b(1a-4) promoted HCN1 surface expression in dendrites, whereas TRIP8b(1a) suppressed HCN1 misexpression in axons. Thus, proper subcellular localization of HCN1 depends on its differential additive and subtractive sculpting by two isoforms of a single auxiliary subunit.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana MAP65-1 and MAP65-2 genes are members of the larger eukaryotic MAP65/ASE1/PRC gene family of microtubule-associated proteins. We created fluorescent protein fusions driven by native promoters that colocalized MAP65-1 and MAP65-2 to a subset of interphase microtubule bundles in all epidermal hypocotyl cells. MAP65-1 and MAP65-2 labeling was highly dynamic within microtubule bundles, showing episodes of linear extension and retraction coincident with microtubule growth and shortening. Dynamic colocalization of MAP65-1/2 with polymerizing microtubules provides in vivo evidence that plant cortical microtubules bundle through a microtubule-microtubule templating mechanism. Analysis of etiolated hypocotyl length in map65-1 and map65-2 mutants revealed a critical role for MAP65-2 in modulating axial cell growth. Double map65-1 map65-2 mutants showed significant growth retardation with no obvious cell swelling, twisting, or morphological defects. Surprisingly, interphase microtubules formed coaligned arrays transverse to the plant growth axis in dark-grown and GA(4)-treated light-grown map65-1 map65-2 mutant plants. We conclude that MAP65-1 and MAP65-2 play a critical role in the microtubule-dependent mechanism for specifying axial cell growth in the expanding hypocotyl, independent of any mechanical role in microtubule array organization.  相似文献   

This is an addendum to our recent paper published in The Plant Journal (52:352–61). The major findings were: (1) trichomes on the leaves of gl3-sst sim double mutants developed as large multi-cellular clusters whereas wild type trichomes are composed of single cells; (2) ectopic CYCD3;1 expression in gl3-sst trichomes also resulted in trichome cluster formation; and (3) that GL1 expression is prolonged in the gl3-sst sim trichome clusters. This addendum shows that ectopic CYCD3;1 expression in gl3-sst also enhanced GL1 expression. An analysis of the GL1 promoter found two overlapping potential E2F binding sites in a region of the promoter known to be essential for GL1 function. This finding indicates that GL1 may be directly regulated by the activity of a CYCD3/CDKA complex that phosphorylates E2F-RB bound to the GL1 promoter.Key words: plant cell cycle, endoreduplication, glabra1, plant development  相似文献   

Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of evolutionarily conserved polypeptides whose expression is induced in all organisms in response to environmental stresses and during various developmental processes. In this work, we show that the rose (Rosa hybrida) cytoplasmic 17.5-kDa Class I small HSP (sHSP17.5-CI, accession number: BQ103946) increases dramatically during flower development, and accumulates in closed bud petals and leaves only in response to heat stress. mRNA for a putative ortholog of this protein is also found in petals, but not leaves, of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants grown under optimal conditions, and it accumulates in leaves in response to heat stress. Analysis of Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion lines affected at three homologous genes revealed that their acquired thermotolerance, as measured by hypocotyl-elongation assay, is impaired. The correlation between sHSP-CI accumulation and expansion of rose petal cells, impairment of acquired thermotolerance, and defects in early embryogenesis of the double mutants (hsp17.4/hsp17.6A), all suggest that sHSP-CI proteins play a role in protecting cell proteins at various developmental stages, whereas in hypocotyl elongation they have a non-redundant function in acquired thermotolerance but have a redundant function in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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