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Genome analysis of microbial pathogens has provided unique insights into their virulence, host adaptation and evolution. Common themes have emerged, including lateral gene transfer among enteric pathogens, genome decay among obligate intracellular pathogens and antigenic variation among mucosal pathogens. The advent of post-genomic approaches and the sequencing of the human genome will enable scientists to investigate the complex and dynamic interplay between host and pathogen. This wealth of information will catalyse the development of new intervention strategies to reduce the burden of microbial-related disease.  相似文献   

NKG2D is a major activating receptor of natural killer cells. Its ligands are major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like molecules whose expression is induced by cellular stresses such as infections and tumorigenesis. Humans have two families of NKG2D ligands (NKG2DL): MHC class I-related chains (MIC) encoded in the MHC and UL16-binding proteins (ULBP) encoded outside the MHC. By contrast, mice have only the latter family of ligands; instead, they have non-MHC-encoded MILL molecules that are closely related to MIC, but do not function as NKG2DL. To gain insights into the origin and evolution of MIC, ULBP, and MILL gene families, we conducted comparative genomic analysis of NKG2DL family genes in five mammalian species. In the opossum MHC, we identified a ULBP-like gene adjacent to a previously described MIC-like gene, suggesting that ULBP genes were originally encoded in the MHC. The opossum genome also contained a transcribed MILL-like gene in a region syntenic to the rodent regions encoding MILL molecules. These observations indicate that MIC-, ULBP-, and MILL-like genes emerged before the divergence of placental and marsupial mammals. Comparison of the human, cattle, rat, mouse, and opossum genomes indicates that after emigration from the MHC, ULBP genes underwent extensive duplications in each species. In mice, some of the ULBP genes appear to have been translocated telomerically on the same chromosome, forming a major cluster of existent NKG2DL genes.  相似文献   



Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a Gram-negative halophilic bacterium. Infections with the bacterium could become systemic and can be life-threatening to immunocompromised individuals. Genome sequences of a few clinical isolates of V. parahaemolyticus are currently available, but the genome dynamics across the species and virulence potential of environmental strains on a genome-scale have not been described before.


Here we present genome sequences of four V. parahaemolyticus clinical strains from stool samples of patients and five environmental strains in Hong Kong. Phylogenomics analysis based on single nucleotide polymorphisms revealed a clear distinction between the clinical and environmental isolates. A new gene cluster belonging to the biofilm associated proteins of V. parahaemolyticus was found in clincial strains. In addition, a novel small genomic island frequently found among clinical isolates was reported. A few environmental strains were found harboring virulence genes and prophage elements, indicating their virulence potential. A unique biphenyl degradation pathway was also reported. A database for V. parahaemolyticus (http://kwanlab.bio.cuhk.edu.hk/vp) was constructed here as a platform to access and analyze genome sequences and annotations of the bacterium.


We have performed a comparative genomics analysis of clinical and environmental strains of V. parahaemolyticus. Our analyses could facilitate understanding of the phylogenetic diversity and niche adaptation of this bacterium.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1135) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis (Xaj) is the most significant aboveground walnut bacterial pathogen. Disease management uses copper-based pesticides which induce pathogen resistance. We examined the genetic repertoire associated with adaptation and virulence evolution in Xaj. Comparative genomics of 32 Xaj strains reveal the possible acquisition and propagation of virulence factors via insertion sequences (IS). Fine-scale annotation revealed a Tn3 transposon (TnXaj417) encoding copper resistance genes acquired by horizontal gene transfer and associated with adaptation and tolerance to metal-based pesticides commonly used to manage pathogens in orchard ecosystems. Phylogenomic analysis reveals IS involvement in acquisition and diversification of type III effector proteins ranging from two to eight in non-pathogenic strains, 16 to 20 in pathogenic strains, besides six other putative effectors with a reduced identity degree found mostly among pathogenic strains. Yersiniabactin, xopK, xopAI, and antibiotic resistance genes are also located near ISs or inside genomic islands and structures resembling composite transposons.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas amygdali pv. lachrymans is currently of important plant pathogenic bacteria that causes cucumber angular leaf spot worldwide. The pathogen has been studied for its roles in pathogenicity and plant inheritance resistance. To further delineate traits critical to virulence, invasion and survival in the phyllosphere, we reported the first complete genome of P. amygdali pv. lachrymans NM002. Analysis of the whole genome in comparison with three closely-related representative pathovars of P. syringae identified the conservation of virulence genes, including flagella and chemotaxis, quorum-sensing systems, two-component systems, and lipopolysaccharide and antiphagocytosis. It also revealed differences of invasion determinants, such as type III effectors, phytotoxin (coronatine, syringomycin and phaseolotoxin) and cell wall-degrading enzyme, which may contribute to infectivity. The aim of this study was to derive genomic information that would reveal the probable molecular mechanisms underlying the virulence, infectivity and provide a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the P. syringae pathovars.  相似文献   



Sphingobium spp. are efficient degraders of a wide range of chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons. In particular, strains which harbour the lin pathway genes mediating the degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers are of interest due to the widespread persistence of this contaminant. Here, we examined the evolution and diversification of the lin pathway under the selective pressure of HCH, by comparing the draft genomes of six newly-sequenced Sphingobium spp. (strains LL03, DS20, IP26, HDIPO4, P25 and RL3) isolated from HCH dumpsites, with three existing genomes (S. indicum B90A, S. japonicum UT26S and Sphingobium sp. SYK6).


Efficient HCH degraders phylogenetically clustered in a closely related group comprising of UT26S, B90A, HDIPO4 and IP26, where HDIPO4 and IP26 were classified as subspecies with ANI value >98%. Less than 10% of the total gene content was shared among all nine strains, but among the eight HCH-associated strains, that is all except SYK6, the shared gene content jumped to nearly 25%. Genes associated with nitrogen stress response and two-component systems were found to be enriched. The strains also housed many xenobiotic degradation pathways other than HCH, despite the absence of these xenobiotics from isolation sources. Additionally, these strains, although non-motile, but posses flagellar assembly genes. While strains HDIPO4 and IP26 contained the complete set of lin genes, DS20 was entirely devoid of lin genes (except linKLMN) whereas, LL03, P25 and RL3 were identified as lin deficient strains, as they housed incomplete lin pathways. Further, in HDIPO4, linA was found as a hybrid of two natural variants i.e., linA1 and linA2 known for their different enantioselectivity.


The bacteria isolated from HCH dumpsites provide a natural testing ground to study variations in the lin system and their effects on degradation efficacy. Further, the diversity in the lin gene sequences and copy number, their arrangement with respect to IS6100 and evidence for potential plasmid content elucidate possible evolutionary acquisition mechanisms for this pathway. This study further opens the horizon for selection of bacterial strains for inclusion in an HCH bioremediation consortium and suggests that HDIPO4, IP26 and B90A would be appropriate candidates for inclusion.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1014) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) represent a group of diverse motile prokaryotes that biomineralize magnetosomes, the organelles responsible for magnetotaxis. Magnetosomes consist of intracellular, membrane‐bounded, tens‐of‐nanometre‐sized crystals of the magnetic minerals magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4) and are usually organized as a chain within the cell acting like a compass needle. Most information regarding the biomineralization processes involved in magnetosome formation comes from studies involving Alphaproteobacteria species which biomineralize cuboctahedral and elongated prismatic crystals of magnetite. Many magnetosome genes, the mam genes, identified in these organisms are conserved in all known MTB. Here we present a comparative genomic analysis of magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria that synthesize bullet‐shaped crystals of magnetite and/or greigite. We show that in addition to mam genes, there is a conserved set of genes, designated mad genes, specific to the magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria, some also being present in Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum of the Nitrospirae phylum, but absent in the magnetotactic Alphaproteobacteria. Our results suggest that the number of genes associated with magnetotaxis in magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria is larger than previously thought. We also demonstrate that the minimum set of mam genes necessary for magnetosome formation in Magnetospirillum is also conserved in magnetite‐producing, magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria. Some putative novel functions of mad genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae (Xhc) is an economically important pathogen of carrots. Its ability to epiphytically colonize foliar surfaces and infect seeds can result in bacterial blight of carrots when grown in warm and humid regions. We used high-throughput sequencing to determine the genome sequence of isolate M081 of Xhc. The short reads were de novo assembled and the resulting contigs were ordered using a syntenic reference genome sequence from X. campestris pv. campestris ATCC 33913. The improved, high-quality draft genome sequence of Xhc M081 is the first for its species. Despite its distance from other sequenced xanthomonads, Xhc M081 still shared a large inventory of orthologous genes, including many clusters of virulence genes common to other foliar pathogenic species of Xanthomonas. We also mined the genome sequence and identified at least 21 candidate type III effector genes. Two were members of the avrBs2 and xopQ families that demonstrably elicit effector-triggered immunity. We showed that expression in planta of these two type III effectors from Xhc M081 was sufficient to elicit resistance gene-mediated hypersensitive responses in heterologous plants, indicating a possibility for resistance gene-mediated control of Xhc. Finally, we identified regions unique to the Xhc M081 genome sequence, and demonstrated their potential in the design of molecular diagnostics for this pathogen.  相似文献   



Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris (Xcc) is the causal agent of black rot disease of crucifers worldwide. The molecular genetic diversity and host specificity of Xcc are poorly understood.


We constructed a microarray based on the complete genome sequence of Xcc strain 8004 and investigated the genetic diversity and host specificity of Xcc by array-based comparative genome hybridization analyses of 18 virulent strains. The results demonstrate that a genetic core comprising 3,405 of the 4,186 coding sequences (CDSs) spotted on the array are conserved and a flexible gene pool with 730 CDSs is absent/highly divergent (AHD). The results also revealed that 258 of the 304 proved/presumed pathogenicity genes are conserved and 46 are AHD. The conserved pathogenicity genes include mainly the genes involved in type I, II and III secretion systems, the quorum sensing system, extracellular enzymes and polysaccharide production, as well as many other proved pathogenicity genes, while the AHD CDSs contain the genes encoding type IV secretion system (T4SS) and type III-effectors. A Xcc T4SS-deletion mutant displayed the same virulence as wild type. Furthermore, three avirulence genes (avrXccC, avrXccE1 and avrBs1) were identified. avrXccC and avrXccE1 conferred avirulence on the hosts mustard cultivar Guangtou and Chinese cabbage cultivar Zhongbai-83, respectively, and avrBs1 conferred hypersensitive response on the nonhost pepper ECW10R.


About 80% of the Xcc CDSs, including 258 proved/presumed pathogenicity genes, is conserved in different strains. Xcc T4SS is not involved in pathogenicity. An efficient strategy to identify avr genes determining host specificity from the AHD genes was developed.  相似文献   

We report the complete and annotated genome sequence of the animal pathogen Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii strain PAM 55 (serotype 5), isolated in 1997 in Spain from an outbreak of abortion in sheep. The sequence and its analysis are available at an interactive genome browser at the Institut Pasteur (http://genolist.pasteur.fr/LivaList/).  相似文献   



Clostridium difficile and C. sordellii are two anaerobic, spore forming, gram positive pathogens with a broad host range and the ability to cause lethal infections. Despite strong similarities between the two Clostridial strains, differences in their host tissue preference place C. difficile infections in the gastrointestinal tract and C. sordellii infections in soft tissues.


In this study, to improve our understanding of C. sordellii and C. difficile virulence and pathogenesis, we have performed a comparative genomic and phenomic analysis of the two. The global phenomes of C. difficile and C. sordellii were compared using Biolog Phenotype microarrays. When compared to C. difficile, C. sordellii was found to better utilize more complex sources of carbon and nitrogen, including peptides. Phenotype microarray comparison also revealed that C. sordellii was better able to grow in acidic pH conditions. Using next generation sequencing technology, we determined the draft genome of C. sordellii strain 8483 and performed comparative genome analysis with C. difficile and other Clostridial genomes. Comparative genome analysis revealed the presence of several enzymes, including the urease gene cluster, specific to the C. sordellii genome that confer the ability of expanded peptide utilization and survival in acidic pH.


The identified phenotypes of C. sordellii might be important in causing wound and vaginal infections respectively. Proteins involved in the metabolic differences between C. sordellii and C. difficile should be targets for further studies aimed at understanding C. difficile and C. sordellii infection site specificity and pathogenesis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1663-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Plasmid profiling can be used for quick molecular characterization of bacteria. In the study reported here, this method was used to compare the plasmid profiles of strains of Gluconacetobacter europaeus, one of the dominant species in industrial vinegar production. Further analysis of three selected strains by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis showed that the plasmid profiles are composed of different forms of plasmids of the same size. One of these plasmids, pJK2-1, was introduced into Gluconacetobacter oboediens JK3 as a chimeric plasmid (pJT2) with pUC18. The recombinant strain showed a shorter lag phase in a medium with 3 and 5 % (v/v) acetic acid. Deletion of a part of plasmid pJK2-1 allowed a region that contributes to this novel phenotype of G. oboediens JK3 pJT2 to be identified. Non-problematic handling of G. oboediens JK3 warrants further study in elucidating the function of plasmids involved in the production of vinegar.  相似文献   

In Staphylococcus aureus, ClpP proteases were previously shown to be essential for virulence and stress tolerance in strains derived from NCTC8325. Because these strains exhibit a severely reduced activity of the alternative sigma factor, SigB, we here reassessed the role of ClpP in SigB-proficient clinical strains. To this end, clpP was deleted in strains COL, Newman, and SA564, and the strains were characterized phenotypically. The proteomic changes accomplished by the clpP deletion in the different strains were analyzed using the 2-D DIGE technique. The proteomic analyses revealed mostly conserved changes in the protein profiles of the ClpP-deficient strains. Among the strain-specific changes were the up-regulation of prophage proteins that coincided with an increased spontaneous release of prophages and the relatively poorer growth of the clpP mutants in some strain backgrounds. Interestingly, the effect of ClpP on the expression of selected virulence genes was strain-dependent despite the fact that the expression of the global virulence regulators RNAIII, mgrA, sarZ, sarR, and arlRS was similarly changed in all clpP mutants. ClpP affected the expression of sarS in a strain-dependent manner, and we propose that the differential expression of sarS is central to the strain-dependent effect of ClpP on the expression of virulence genes.  相似文献   

Brown spot disease, caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus, is currently considered to be one of the most important yield reducers of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Despite its agricultural importance, little is known about the virulence mechanisms deployed by the fungus. Therefore, we set out to identify novel virulence factors with a role in disease development. This article reports, for the first time, the production of tentoxin by C. miyabeanus as a virulence factor during brown spot disease and the identification of the non‐ribosomal protein synthetase (NRPS) CmNps3, responsible for tentoxin biosynthesis. We compared the chemical compounds produced by C. miyabeanus strains differing in virulence ability using ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to high‐resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry (HRMS). The production of tentoxin by a highly virulent strain was revealed by principal component analysis of the detected ions and confirmed by UHPLC coupled to tandem‐quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The corresponding NRPS was identified by in silico genome analysis and confirmed by gene deletion. Infection tests with wild‐type and Cmnps3 mutants showed that tentoxin acts as a virulence factor and is correlated with chlorosis development during the second phase of infection. Although rice has previously been classified as a tentoxin‐insensitive plant species, our data demonstrate that tentoxin production by C. miyabeanus affects symptom development.  相似文献   

Induction and secretion of acid phosphatases (APases) is thought to be an adaptive mechanism that helps plants survive and grow under phosphate (Pi) deprivation, in Arabidopsis, there are 29 purple acid phosphatase (AtPAP) genes. To systematically investigate the roles of different AtPAPs, we first identified knockout or knock-down T-DNA lines for all 29 AtPAP genes. Using these atpap mutants combined with in-gel and quantitative APase enzyme assays, we demonstrated that AtPAP12 and AtPAP26 are two major intracellular and secreted APases in Arabidopsis while AtPAPlo is mainly a secreted APase. On Pi-deficient (P-) medium or P- medium supplemented with the organophosphates ADP and fructose-6-phosphate (Fru-6-P), growth of atpaplo was significantly reduced whereas growth of atpap12 was only moderately reduced, and growth of atpap26 was nearly equal to that of the wild type (WT). Overexpression of the AtPAP12 or AtPAP26 gene, however, caused plants to grow better on P- or P- medium supplemented with ADP or Fru-6-P. Interest-ingly, Pi levels are essentially the same for the WT and overexpressing lines, although these two types of plants have significantly different growth phenotypes. These results suggest that the APases may have other roles besides enhancing internal Pi recycling or releasing Pi from external organophosphates for plant uptake.  相似文献   

Induction and secretion of acid phosphatases(APases) is thought to be an adaptive mechanism that helps plants survive and grow under phosphate(Pi) deprivation. In Arabidopsis, there are 29 purple acid phosphatase(AtPAP)genes. To systematically investigate the roles of different AtPAPs, we first identified knockout or knock‐down T‐DNA lines for all 29 AtPAP genes. Using these atpap mutants combined with in‐gel and quantitative APase enzyme assays,we demonstrated that AtPAP12 and AtPAP26 are two major intracellular and secreted APases in Arabidopsis while AtPAP10is mainly a secreted APase. On Pi‐deficient(P) medium or Pmedium supplemented with the organophosphates ADP and fructose‐6‐phosphate(Fru‐6‐P), growth of atpap10 was significantly reduced whereas growth of atpap12 was only moderately reduced, and growth of atpap26 was nearly equal to that of the wild type(WT). Overexpression of the AtPAP12 or AtPAP26 gene, however, caused plants to grow better on Por P medium supplemented with ADP or Fru‐6‐P. Interestingly, Pi levels are essentially the same for the WT and overexpressing lines, although these two types of plants have significantly different growth phenotypes. These results suggest that the APases may have other roles besides enhancing internal Pi recycling or releasing Pi from external organophosphates for plant uptake.  相似文献   

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