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Branchial epithelia of freshwater rainbow trout were cultured on permeable supports, polyethylene terephthalate membranes ("filter inserts"), starting from dispersed gill epithelial cells in primary culture. Leibowitz L-15 media plus foetal bovine serum and glutamine, with an ionic composition similar to trout extracellular fluid, was used. After 6 days of growth on the filter insert with L-15 present on both apical and basolateral surfaces, the cultured preparations exhibited stable transepithelial resistances (generally 1000-5000 ohms cm2) typical of an electrically tight epithelium. Under these symmetrical conditions, transepithelial potential was zero, and unidirectional fluxes of Na+ and Cl- across the epithelium and permeability to the paracellular marker polyethylene glycol-4000 (PEG) were equal in both directions. Na+ and Cl- fluxes were similar to one another and linearly related to conductance (inversely related to resistance) in a manner indicative of fully conductive passive transport. Upon exposure to apical fresh water, transepithelial resistance increased greatly and a basolateral-negative transepithelial potential developed. At the same time, however, PEG permeability and unidirectional effluxes of Na+ and Cl- increased. Thus, total conductance fell, and ionic fluxes and paracellular permeability per unit conductance all increased greatly, consistent with a scenario whereby transcellular conductance decreases but paracellular permeability increases upon dilution of the apical medium. In apical fresh water, there was a net loss of ions from the basolateral to apical surfaces as effluxes greatly exceeded influxes. However, application of the Ussing flux ratio criterion, in two separate series involving different methods for measuring unidirectional fluxes, revealed active influx of Cl- against the electrochemical gradient but passive movement of Na+. The finding is surprising because the cultured epithelium appears to consist entirely of pavement-type cells.  相似文献   

Two types of mitochondria-rich cells were identified in the gill epithelium of the freshwater-adapted rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, after selective impregnation of their tubular system with reduced osmium. A first type consisted of large cells with a poorly developed and loosely anastomosed tubular system; thus, that resembled the chloride cells commonly encountered in the gill epithelium of freshwater-adapted euryhaline fishes. A second type comprised smaller cells with an extensively developed and tightly anastomosed tubular system. These never reached the basal lamina of the gill epithelium and were adjacent to chloride cells, to which they were linked by shallow apical junctions (100-200 nm); thus, they resembled accessory cells, which are currently found in the gill epithelium of seawater-adapted fishes but are usually lacking in freshwater living fishes. Transfer of the freshwater-adapted trout into seawater induced the proliferation of the tubular system in the chloride cells and the formation of lateral plasma membrane interdigitations between accessory cells and the apical portion of the chloride cells. The length of the apical junction sealing off this extended intercellular space was reduced to 20-50 nm. The tubular system of the accessory cells was not modified. The extension of the tubular system in the chloride cells of the seawater-adapted fishes indicated that, as in most euryhaline fishes, these cells have a role in the adaptation of the rainbow trout to seawater. In contrast, the function of the presumptive accessory cells in freshwater trout remains to be established.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondria-rich (chloride) cells have been found to be present in the gill epithelia of four species of stenohaline fresh water teleosts. The cytoplasm of these chloride cells contains an extensive network of cytoplasmic tubules which communicate with intercellular spaces bordering the lateral and basal cell surfaces. Numerous vesicles with fairly electron-dense interiors are also present in the apical cytoplasm of chloride cells. The apical surface of a chloride cell forms an apical pit, but the lumen of the pit does not appear to be in continuity with the interior of the apical vesicles and tubules inside the cell.When Carassius auratus were kept in 100, 200, 300, and 400 mOsm-diluted sea water for a month, no appreciable changes occurred in the number and fine structure of the chloride cells, except for a dilation of the apical vesicles and a slight decrease in diameter of the cytoplasmic tubules in these cells in the fishes kept in 300 and 400 mOsm.These results suggest that chloride cells may be a rather common occurrence in the gill epithelia of stenohaline fresh water teleosts, and may function in ion-transport in these fishes in fresh water environments.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological and ion-transporting properties of cultured gill epithelia from freshwater (FW) rainbow trout were examined in the presence of dilute cell culture media as an environmental or physiological simulant. Gill epithelia were cultured on cell culture inserts under symmetrical conditions (L15 apical-L15 basolateral) for 6-7 d. The following experiments were then conducted. (1) To mimic a gradual lowering of environmental salinity, apical L15 medium was progressively diluted with FW (first to 2/3 L15 for 8 h and then to 1/3 L15 for 6 h) before the introduction of apical FW (FW apical-L15 basolateral, analogous to a fish in a natural FW environment). Dilute apical media had no significant effect on the electrophysiological properties of preparations compared with symmetrical culture conditions, and no evidence for active Na(+) or Cl(-) transport was observed. Preparations subsequently exposed to apical FW exhibited a negative transepithelial potential and evidence of active Cl(-) uptake and slight Na(+) extrusion. (2) To mimic the extracellular fluid dilution that occurs in euryhaline fish after abrupt transfer from saline to FW, the osmolality or ionic strength (or both) of basolateral media was reduced by 20-40% (using either FW or FW + mannitol) while simultaneously replacing apical media with FW. Under these conditions, Na(+) and Cl(-) influx rates were low compared with efflux rates, while the Ussing flux ratio analysis generally indicated active Cl(-) uptake and Na(+) extrusion. The Na(+)-K(+) adenosine triphosphatase activity was not affected by alterations in basolateral osmolality. Our studies indicate that cultured trout gill epithelia are tolerant of media dilution from both the apical and the basolateral direction; however, neither treatment alone appeared to increase ion influx rates or stimulate active Na(+) uptake in cultured trout gill epithelia.  相似文献   

After acclimation either to high pressure (101 ATA) or to low temperature (9°C), the number of mucous cells within gill epithelium of freshwater eel Anguilla anguilla was significantly decreased and the density of chloride cells was significantly increased when compared to control fish (1 ATA, 19°C).  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of the mitochondria-rich (MR) cells in the gills of larval (ammocoetes) and adult lampreys (Petromyzon marinus and Geotria australis) have been studied. One type of MR cell, which is found only in ammocoetes, occurs in groups on and between gill lamellae. Freeze-fracture replicas show that the apical membrane of this ammocoete MR cell contains globular particles. The second type of MR cell, which is present in both ammocoetes and adults in freshwater, is located between lamellae and at the base of the filament. This cell usually occurs singly and is typically intercalated between ammocoete MR cells in larval lampreys and between pavement cells and pavement and chloride cells in adult lampreys. It contains rod-shaped particles in either the apical membrane (subtype A) or, far less frequently, the lateral membrane (subtype B) and in membranes of cytoplasmic vesicles and tubules. These features characterize this intercalated MR cell as a member of a group of MR cells that are also found in urinary epithelia of tetrapods and the amphibian epidermis, where they are involved in H+ and HCO3 - secretion. Because this type of MR cell disappears when the young adult lamprey enters the sea and reappears immediately after the fully grown adult re-enters freshwater on its spawning run, it is presumably essential for osmoregulation in freshwater. On the basis of electrophysiological studies on frog skin, it is proposed that the subtype A of the branchial intercalated MR cell of lampreys provides the driving force for the Na+ uptake by active H+ secretion. By analogy with urinary epithelia, the subtype B cells may exchange Cl- for HCO3 -.  相似文献   

Pendrin is an anion exchanger in the cortical collecting duct of the mammalian nephron that appears to mediate apical Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange in bicarbonate-secreting intercalated cells. The goals of this study were to determine 1) if pendrin immunoreactivity was present in the gills of a euryhaline elasmobranch (Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina), and 2) if branchial pendrin immunoreactivity was influenced by environmental salinity. Immunoblots detected pendrin immunoreactivity in Atlantic stingray gills; pendrin immunoreactivity was greatest in freshwater stingrays compared with freshwater stingrays acclimated to seawater (seawater acclimated) and marine stingrays. Using immunohistochemistry, pendrin-positive cells were detected on both gill lamellae and interlamellar regions of freshwater stingrays but were more restricted to interlamellar regions in seawater-acclimated and marine stingray gills. Pendrin immunolabeling in freshwater stingray gills was more apical, discrete, and intense compared with seawater-acclimated and marine stingrays. Regardless of salinity, pendrin immunoreactivity occurred on the apical region of cells rich with basolateral vacuolar-proton-ATPase, and not in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-rich cells. We suggest that a pendrin-like transporter may contribute to apical Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange in gills of Atlantic stingrays from both freshwater and marine environments.  相似文献   

1. Amino acid transport across the intestine of bivalve molluscs is reviewed. 2. Transport of alanine or taurine is dependent on the sodium gradient across the intestine. 3. The time course of the uptake of alanine into the brush border membrane vesicles is also sodium dependent.  相似文献   

Goldfish (Carasius auratus) primary culture cells derived from caudal fin were incubated over a temperature range of 20-35 degrees C. The population doubling time of cells cultured at 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C were 34, 29, 17 and 14 h, respectively. Interestingly, cDNA-representational difference analysis revealed type I collagen alpha chain (colalpha(I)) as a candidate for a warm temperature-specific gene. mRNA levels of colalpha(I) increased with an increase of incubation temperature and days of culture. Furthermore, the cell growth rate and colalpha(I) mRNA levels were rapidly changed following temperature shifts. To examine the effects of culture temperature shift on the cellular physiological states, mRNA levels of HSP70 were additionally investigated. HSP70 mRNA levels in the cells cultured at 30 and 35 degrees C were again 2-3 times higher than those at 20 and 25 degrees C. When the culture temperature was shifted from 20 to 35 degrees C, HSP70 mRNA levels were rapidly increased within 1 h. Subsequently, mRNA levels of the 35 degrees C-treated cells decreased, but remained doubled compared with those of the 20 degrees C-treated cells, even 4 h following the temperature shift. When the culture temperature was lowered from 35 to 20 degrees C, HSP70 mRNA levels decreased to about 70% of the original levels in 4 h. These results indicate that goldfish cells cultured at different temperatures easily develop temperature-associated steady physiological states within 4 h of temperature shifts.  相似文献   

A magnetic cell separation technique (MACS) was developed for isolating and characterizing peanut lectin agglutinin positive (PNA(+)) cells from rainbow trout gills. Percoll density separated mitochondria-rich (MR) cells were serially labeled with PNA-FITC and an anti-FITC antibody covalently coupled to a 50-nm iron particle and then applied to a magnetic column. PNA(+) MR cells were enriched to >95% purity. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of both the PNA(+) and PNA negative (PNA(-)) fraction showed that PNA binds to MR chloride cells while the PNA(-) cell fraction is comprised of MR cells with features characteristic of pavement cells. Western blotting demonstrated that both PNA(+) and PNA(-) fractions had high levels of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and Sco1 expression; however, relative expression of H(+)-ATPase in PNA(+) and PNA(-) cells demonstrated that untreated fish had twofold higher H(+)-ATPase levels in PNA(-) cells relative to the PNA(+) cells. Furthermore, hypercapnic acidosis significantly increased the relative H(+)-ATPase expression on PNA(-) cells only, whereas metabolic alkalosis had no significant effect.  相似文献   

1. Two Ca-ATPases in the gill microsomal fraction from the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) have been characterized. 2. A (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase which has a high affinity for Ca2+, requires Mg2+ for activity and may be stimulated by calmodulin. 3. A (Ca2+ + Na+)-ATPase which has a low affinity for Ca2+ requires Na+ for activity, does not require Mg2+ and is probably not stimulated by calmodulin. 4. These enzymes may play a physiological role in killifish calcium regulation.  相似文献   

Crustaceans present a very interesting model system to study the process of calcification and calcium (Ca2+) transport because of molting-related events and the deposition of CaCO3 in the new exoskeleton. Dilocarcinus pagei, a freshwater crab endemic to Brazil, was studied to understand Ca2+ transport in whole gill cells using a fluorescent probe. Cells were dissociated, all of the gill cell types were loaded with fluo-3 and intracellular Ca2+ change was monitored by adding Ca as CaCl2 (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0 and 5 mM), with a series of different inhibitors. For control gill cells, Ca2+ transport followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics with K m = 0.42 ± 0.04 mM and V max = 0.50 ± 0.02 μM (Ca2+ change × initial intracellular Ca−1 × 180 s−1; N = 14, r 2 = 0.99). Verapamil (a Ca2+ channel inhibitor) and amiloride (a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger [NCX] inhibitor) completely reduced intracellular Ca2+ transport, while nifedipine, another Ca2+ channel inhibitor, did not. Vanadate, a plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor (PMCA), increased intracellular Ca2+ in gill cells through a decrease in the efflux of Ca2+. Ouabain increased intracellular Ca2+, similar to the effect of KB-R, a specific NCX inhibitor for Ca2+ in the influx mode. Alterations in extracellular [Na] in the saline did not affect intracellular Ca2+ transport. Caffeine, responsible for inducing Ca release from sarcoplasmic reticulum in vertebrate muscle, increased intracellular Ca2+ compared to control, suggesting an effect of this inhibitor in gill epithelial cells of Dilocarcinus pagei, probably through release of intracellular stores. We also demonstrate here that intracellular Ca2+ in gill cells of Dilocarcinus pagei was kept relatively constant in face of an extracellular Ca concentration of 50-fold, suggesting that crustaceans are able to display Ca2+ homeostasis through various Ca2+ intracellular sequestration mechanisms and/or plasma membrane Ca2+ influx and outflux that are highly regulatory. In summary, studies using whole gill cells are an interesting approach for working with real regulatory Ca2+ mechanisms in intact cells under physiological Ca levels (mM range), compared to earlier work using isolated vesicles of various epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We previously found that RBE4.B brain capillary endothelial cells (BCECs) form a layer with blood-brain barrier (BBB) properties if co-cultured with neurons for at least one week. As astrocytes are known to modulate BBB functions, we further set a culture system that included RBE4.B BCECs, neurons and astrocytes. In order to test formation of BBB, we measured the amount of 3H-sucrose able to cross the BCEC layer in this three-cell type model of BBB. Herein we report that both neurons and astrocytes induce a decrease in the permeability of the BCEC layer to sucrose. These effects are synergic as if BCECs are cultured with both neurons and astrocytes for 5 days, permeability to sucrose decreases even more. By Western analysis, we also found that, in addition to the canonical 60 kDa occludin, anti-occludin antibodies recognize a smaller protein of 48 kDa which accumulates during rat brain development. Interestingly this latter protein is present at higher amounts in endothelial cells cultured in the presence of both astrocytes and neurons, that is in those conditions in which sucrose permeation studies indicate formation of BBB.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence microscopy and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we compared the cytoskeletal proteins expressed by human amnion epithelium in situ, obtained from pregnancies of from 10-wk to birth, with the corresponding proteins from cultured amnion epithelial cells and cultures of cells from the amniotic fluid of 16 week pregnancies. Epithelia of week 16 fetuses already display tissue-specific patterns of cytokeratin polypeptides which are similar, although not identical, to those of the corresponding adult tissues. In the case of the simple amnion epithelium, a complex and characteristic complement of cytokeratin polypeptides of Mr 58,000 (No. 5), 56,000 (No. 6), 54,000 (No. 7), 52,500 (No. 8), 50,000 (No. 14), 46,000 (No. 17), 45,000 (No. 18), and 40,000 (No. 19) is present by week 10 of pregnancy and is essentially maintained until birth, with the addition of cytokeratin No. 4 (Mr 59,000) and the disappearance of No. 7 (Mr 54,000) at week 16 of pregnancy. In full-term placentae, the amnion epithelium displays two morphologically distinct regions, i.e., a simple and a stratified epithelium, both of which express the typical amnion cytokeratin polypeptides. However, in addition the stratified epithelium also synthesizes large amounts of special epidermal cytokeratins such as No. 1 (Mr 68,000), 10 (Mr 56,500), and 11 (Mr 56,000). In culture amnion epithelial cells obtained from either 16-wk pregnancies or full-term placentae will continue to synthesize the amnion-typical cytokeratin pattern, except for a loss of detection of component No. 4. This pattern is considerably different from the cytokeratins synthesized by cultures of cells from amniotic fluids (cytokeratins No. 7, 8, 18, and 19, sometimes with trace amounts of No. 17) and from several so-called "amnion epithelial cell lines." In addition, amnion epithelial cells in situ as well as amnion epithelial cell cultures appear to be heterogeneous in that they possess some cells that co-express cytokeratins and vimentin. These observations lead to several important conclusions: In contrast to the general concept of recent literature, positively charged cytokeratins of the group No. 4-6 can be synthesized in a simple, i.e., one-layered epithelium. The change from simple to stratified amnion epithelium does not require a cessation of synthesis of cytokeratins of the simple epithelium type, but in this case keratins characteristic of the terminally differentiated epidermis (No. 1, 10, and 11) are also synthesized.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The basal apparatus, consisting of an array of interconnected basal bodies bearing bifurcating striated rootlets encompassing a nucleus, has been isolated from hypertonically deciliated columnar gill epithelial cells of the bay scallop Aequipecten irradians through gentle lysis with Triton X-100. The rootlets, 8-10 mum in length, were not easily preserved with conventional electron microscope fixatives, suggesting that the extent of their contribution to cellular architecture has been somewhat underestimated, even though Englemann described many of the structural details of the basal apparatus in 1880. The striated rootlets were soluble at high but not at low pH, in 2 M solutions of sodium azide and potassium thiocyanate but not sodium or potassium chloride, in 1% deoxycholate but not digitonin, and in the denaturing solvents 6 M guanidine-HC1, 8 M urea, and 1% sodium dodecylsulfate at 100 degrees C. The protein found consistently when rootlets were solubilized migrated on SDS-polyacrylamide gels as a closely spaced doublet with apparent molecular weights of 230,000 and 250,000 daltons. This unique protein, distinct from tropocollagen or various muscle components, has been named ankyrin because of the rootlet's anchor-like function in the cell.  相似文献   



Previous reports have described a decrease in retinal temperature and clinical improvement of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) after vitrectomy. We hypothesized that the retinal temperature decrease after vitrectomy plays a part in the suppression of wet AMD development. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the temperature dependence of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and in vitro angiogenesis in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).


We cultured ARPE-19 cells at 37, 35, 33 and 31°C and measured the expression of VEGF-A, VEGF-A splicing variants, and pigment epithelium–derived factor (PEDF). We performed an in vitro tube formation assay. The dehydrogenase activity was also evaluated at each temperature. Expression of VEGF-A significantly decreased with decreased temperature while PEDF expression did not. VEGF165 expression and in vitro angiogenesis also were temperature dependent. The dehydrogenase activity significantly decreased as the culture temperature decreased.


RPE cultured under hypothermia that decreased cellular metabolism also had decreased VEGF-A and sustained PEDF expression, creating an anti-angiogenic environment. This mechanism may be associated with a beneficial effect after vitrectomy in patients with wet AMD.  相似文献   

To study the size and structure of the Na,K-pump molecule, the ultrastructure of phospholipid vesicles was examined after incorporation of purified Na,K-ATPase which catalyzes active coupled transport of Na+ and K+ in a ratio close to 3Na/2K. The vesicles were analyzed by thin sectioning and freeze-fracture electron microscopy after reconstitution with different ratios of Na,K-ATPase protein to lipid, and the ultrastructural observations were correlated to the cation transport capacity. The purified Na,K-ATPase reconstituted with phospholipids to form a very uniform population of vesicles. Thin sections of preparations fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide showed vesicles limited by a single membrane which in samples stained with tannic acid appeared triple-layered with a thickness of 70 A. Also, freeze-fracture electron microscopy demonstrated uniform vesicles with diameters in the range of 700-1,100 A and an average value close to 900 A. The vesicle diameter was independent of the amount of protein used for reconstitution. Intramembrane particles appeared only in the vesicle membrane after introduction of Na,K-ATPase and the frequency of intramembrane particles was proportional to the amount of Na,K-ATPase protein used in the reconstitution. The particles were evenly distributed on the inner and the outer leaflet of the vesicle membrane. The diameter of the particles was 90 A and similar to our previous values for the diameter of intramembrane particles in the purified Na,K-ATPase. The capacity for active cation transport in the reconstituted vesicles was proportional to the frequency of intramembrane particles over a range of 0.2-16 particles per vesicle. The data therefore show that active coupled Na,K transport can be carried out by units of Na,K-ATPase which appear as single intramembrane particles with diameters close fo 90 A in the freeze-fracture micrographs.  相似文献   

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