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Cellular strategies for controlling protein aggregation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aggregation of misfolded proteins is associated with the perturbation of cellular function, ageing and various human disorders. Mounting evidence suggests that protein aggregation is often part of the cellular response to an imbalanced protein homeostasis rather than an unspecific and uncontrolled dead-end pathway. It is a regulated process in cells from bacteria to humans, leading to the deposition of aggregates at specific sites. The sequestration of misfolded proteins in such a way is protective for cell function as it allows for their efficient solubilization and refolding or degradation by components of the protein quality-control network. The organized aggregation of misfolded proteins might also allow their asymmetric distribution to daughter cells during cell division.  相似文献   

A variety of mutant polypeptides that are associated with human disease are targeted for degradation by an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control system. In addition, physiological signals and viral gene products can target the degradation of several ER resident proteins and secreted proteins passing through the ER. Although the mechanism of protein quality control and the site of degradation were obscure, recent data indicate that degradation requires the cytosolic proteasome. Biochemical and genetic analyses have indicated that both lumenal and integral membrane proteins are selected for proteolysis and exported to the cytosol by a process that in several cases requires ER associated molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Recent work on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) suggests a role for protein quality-control mechanisms in both prion protein aggregation and pathogenesis. Cytosolic accumulation of prion protein seems to be neurotoxic and might occur when proteasome function is compromised and quality control is overwhelmed. These findings are discussed in the light of other studies linking proteasome inhibition and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Chaperone-mediated autophagy in protein quality control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chaperone-mediated autophagy is a selective mechanism for degradation of soluble cytosolic proteins in lysosomes that distinguishes itself from other autophagic pathways by the selectivity with which CMA substrates are targeted for degradation. The recent molecular dissection of this autophagic pathway and the development of experimental models with compromised CMA have unveiled the important contribution of this pathway to protein quality control. In fact, CMA activation seems to be a common mechanism of cellular defense against proteotoxicity.  相似文献   

Proteins must fold into their correct three-dimensional conformation in order to attain their biological function. Conversely, protein aggregation and misfolding are primary contributors to many devastating human diseases, such as prion-mediated infections, Alzheimer's disease, type II diabetes and cystic fibrosis. While the native conformation of a polypeptide is encoded within its primary amino acid sequence and is sufficient for protein folding in vitro, the situation in vivo is more complex. Inside the cell, proteins are synthesized or folded continuously; a process that is greatly assisted by molecular chaperones. Molecular chaperones are a group of structurally diverse and mechanistically distinct proteins that either promote folding or prevent the aggregation of other proteins. With our increasing understanding of the proteome, it is becoming clear that the number of proteins that can be classified as molecular chaperones is increasing steadily. Many of these proteins have novel but essential cellular functions that differ from that of more "conventional" chaperones, such as Hsp70 and the GroE system. This review focuses on the emerging role of molecular chaperones in protein quality control, i.e. the mechanism that rids the cell of misfolded or incompletely synthesized polypeptides that otherwise would interfere with normal cellular function.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins account for a quarter of cellular proteins, and most are synthesised at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Insertion and folding of polypeptides in the membrane environment is prone to error, necessitating diverse quality control systems. Recent discoveries have demonstrated how forces act on the nascent chain during insertion, and revealed new translocon components and accessories that facilitate the correct biogenesis of substrates. Our understanding of one of the best studied quality control systems—ER-associated degradation—has been advanced through new structural and functional studies of the core Hrd1 complex, and through the discovery of a new branch of this degradative pathway. New data also reveal how cells resolve clogged translocons, which would otherwise be unable to function. Finally, new work elucidates how mitochondrial tail-anchored proteins that have been mistargeted to the ER are identified and destroyed. Overall, we describe an emerging picture of an increasingly complex quality control network.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and protein quality control   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Bukau B  Weissman J  Horwich A 《Cell》2006,125(3):443-451
In living cells, both newly made and preexisting polypeptide chains are at constant risk for misfolding and aggregation. In accordance with the wide diversity of misfolded forms, elaborate quality-control strategies have evolved to counter these inevitable mishaps. Recent reports describe the removal of aggregates from the cytosol; reveal mechanisms for protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum; and provide new insight into two classes of molecular chaperones, the Hsp70 system and the AAA+ (Hsp100) unfoldases.  相似文献   

Simon Alberti 《朊病毒》2012,6(5):437-442
Evidence is now accumulating that damaged proteins are not randomly distributed but often concentrated in microscopically visible and functionally distinct inclusion bodies. How misfolded proteins are organized into these compartments, however, is still unknown. We have recently begun to investigate stress-inducible protein quality control (PQC) bodies in yeast cells. Surprisingly, we found that protein misfolding and aggregation were not sufficient to trigger body formation under mild heat stress conditions. Rather, compartment assembly also required the concerted action of molecular chaperones, protein-sorting factors and protein-sequestration factors, thus defining a minimal machinery for spatial PQC. Expression of this machinery was limited to times of acute stress through rapid changes in mRNA abundance and a proteasomal feedback mechanism. These findings demonstrate that yeast cells can control the amount of soluble misfolded proteins through regulated phase transitions in the cytoplasm, thus allowing them to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Evidence is now accumulating that damaged proteins are not randomly distributed but often concentrated in microscopically visible and functionally distinct inclusion bodies. How misfolded proteins are organized into these compartments, however, is still unknown. We have recently begun to investigate stress-inducible protein quality control (PQC) bodies in yeast cells. Surprisingly, we found that protein misfolding and aggregation were not sufficient to trigger body formation under mild heat stress conditions. Rather, compartment assembly also required the concerted action of molecular chaperones, protein-sorting factors and protein-sequestration factors, thus defining a minimal machinery for spatial PQC. Expression of this machinery was limited to times of acute stress through rapid changes in mRNA abundance and a proteasomal feedback mechanism. These findings demonstrate that yeast cells can control the amount of soluble misfolded proteins through regulated phase transitions in the cytoplasm, thus allowing them to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

蛋白质聚集在生物医药生产中是一个关键问题。在蛋白质的生产、运输和储存的过程中,多种因素都能导致蛋白质发生聚集。随着对蛋白质聚集这一现象的深入研究,发现蛋白质聚集的产生存在不同途径和各种影响因素,如理化因素、翻译修饰和蛋白质结构等。由于蛋白质的聚集对于蛋白质的活性和均一性具有重大影响,因此了解蛋白质聚集的途径以及研究如何控制聚集对获得均质蛋白是十分有意义的。本文主要阐述了3D结构域交换、盐桥的形成、氧化应激3种蛋白质的聚集途径,以及在蛋白质生产、运输、储存过程中控制蛋白质聚集的方法,这有助于减少由于蛋白质聚集体形成而造成的损失,并提高实验研究和商业生产中的蛋白质纯度和均质性。  相似文献   

Gardner RG  Nelson ZW  Gottschling DE 《Cell》2005,120(6):803-815
Protein quality control degradation systems rid the cell of aberrant proteins, preventing detrimental effects on normal cellular function. Although such systems have been identified in most subcellular compartments, none have been found in the nucleus. Here, we report the discovery of such a system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is defined by San1p, a ubiquitin-protein ligase that, in conjunction with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes Cdc34p and Ubc1p, targets four distinct mutant nuclear proteins for ubiquitination and destruction by the proteasome. San1p has exquisite specificity for aberrant proteins and does not target the wild-type versions of its mutant substrates. San1p is nuclear localized and requires nuclear localization for function. Loss of SAN1 results in a chronic stress response, underscoring its role of protein quality control in the cell. We propose that San1p-mediated degradation acts as the last line of proteolytic defense against the deleterious accumulation of aberrant proteins in the nucleus and that analogous systems exist in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Hsp90-Cdc37 chaperone pair has special responsibility for folding of protein kinases. This function has made Hsp90 a target for new chemotherapeutic approaches, and several compounds are currently being tested for their ability to inhibit many different kinases simultaneously. Not all kinases are sensitive to these inhibitors, however, and this difference might depend on how each kinase interacts with Hsp90 and Cdc37 during folding of the nascent chain and thereafter. Indeed, several kinases require the persistent presence of both chaperones after initial folding and some of these kinases seem to be particularly sensitive to Hsp90 inhibitors. This requirement might relate to conformational changes that take place during the protein kinase activity cycle.  相似文献   

Mitochondria represent both a major source for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and a target for oxidative macromolecular damage. Increased production of ROS and accumulation of oxidized proteins have been associated with cellular ageing. Protein quality control, also referred as protein maintenance, is very important for the elimination of oxidized proteins through degradation and repair. Chaperone proteins have been implicated in refolding of misfolded proteins while oxidized protein repair is limited to the catalyzed reduction of certain oxidation products of the sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine and methionine, by specific enzymatic systems. In the mitochondria, oxidation of methionine residues within proteins can be catalytically reversed by the methionine sulfoxide reductases, an ubiquitous enzymatic system that has been implicated both in ageing and protection against oxidative stress. Irreversibly oxidized proteins are targeted to degradation by mitochondrial matrix proteolytic systems such as the Lon protease. The ATP-stimulated Lon protease is believed to play a crucial role in the degradation of oxidized proteins within the mitochondria and age-related declines in the activity and/or expression of this proteolytic system have been previously reported. Age-related impairment of mitochondrial protein maintenance may therefore contribute to the age-associated build-up of oxidized proteins and impairment of mitochondrial redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

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