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The diversity of extant carnivores provides valuable opportunities for comparative research to illuminate general patterns of mammalian social evolution. Recent field studies on mongooses (Herpestidae), in particular, have generated detailed behavioural and demographic data allowing tests of assumptions and predictions of theories of social evolution. The first studies of the social systems of their closest relatives, the Malagasy Eupleridae, also have been initiated. The literature on mongooses was last reviewed over 25 years ago. In this review, we summarise the current state of knowledge on the social organisation, mating systems and social structure (especially competition and cooperation) of the two mongoose families. Our second aim is to evaluate the contributions of these studies to a better understanding of mammalian social evolution in general. Based on published reports or anecdotal information, we can classify 16 of the 34 species of Herpestidae as solitary and nine as group‐living; there are insufficient data available for the remainder. There is a strong phylogenetic signal of sociality with permanent complex groups being limited to the genera Crossarchus, Helogale, Liberiictis, Mungos, and Suricata. Our review also indicates that studies of solitary and social mongooses have been conducted within different theoretical frameworks: whereas solitary species and transitions to gregariousness have been mainly investigated in relation to ecological determinants, the study of social patterns of highly social mongooses has instead been based on reproductive skew theory. In some group‐living species, group size and composition were found to determine reproductive competition and cooperative breeding through group augmentation. Infanticide risk and inbreeding avoidance connect social organisation and social structure with reproductive tactics and life histories, but their specific impact on mongoose sociality is still difficult to evaluate. However, the level of reproductive skew in social mongooses is not only determined by the costs and benefits of suppressing each other's breeding attempts, but also influenced by resource abundance. Thus, dispersal, as a consequence of eviction, is also linked to the costs of co‐breeding in the context of food competition. By linking these facts, we show that the socio‐ecological model and reproductive skew theory share some determinants of social patterns. We also conclude that due to their long bio‐geographical isolation and divergent selection pressures, future studies of the social systems of the Eupleridae will be of great value for the elucidation of general patterns in carnivore social evolution.  相似文献   

1. It was determined if the predatory midge Corethrella appendiculata Grabham imposes a fitness cost in a native mosquito, Ochlerotatus triseriatus Say, and an invasive mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse. The hypothesis that decreased activity of immature prey in the presence of predator cues is associated with life history costs through all life cycle stages was tested. 2. In experiment 1, individual larvae of O. triseriatus or A. albopictus were raised in the presence or absence of predation cues at two resource levels. Prey were video recorded to detect behavioural responses and to measure development time, size at emergence, and adult longevity. In experiment 2, prey populations were reared in similar environments and the frequency of predator cue additions was varied. 3. Only O. triseriatus reduced its activity in the presence of predation cues. Predation cues were associated with longer immature development times and shorter adult life spans in O. triseriatus, whereas in A. albopictus, the cues were associated with a larger size of emerging adults. 4. In the present study, it was found that behavioural modifications during the larval stage can affect mosquitoes through multiple stages of their complex life cycle. The species‐specific behavioural differences are probably attributable to the longer evolutionary history O. triseriatus has with predators, relative to the invasive A. albopictus.  相似文献   

Abstract. Population history and current demographic and ecological factors determine the amount of genetic variation within and the degree of differentiation among populations. Differences in the life history and ecology of codistributed species may lead to differences in hierarchical population genetic structure. Here, we compare patterns of genetic diversity and structure of two species of spiny rats in the genus Proechimys from the Rio Jurua of western Amazonian Brazil. Based on the ecological and life-history differences between the two species, we make predictions as to how they might differ in patterns of genetic diversity and structure. We use mitochondrial sequence data from the cytochrome b gene to test these predictions. Although both species maintain nearly the same number of mitochondrial haplotypes across the sampled range, they differ in levels of genetic diversity and geographic structure. Patterns of gene flow are also different between the two species with average M-values of nearly three in P. steerei and less than one in P. simonsi . Our initial predictions are largely upheld by the genetic data and where conflicting hypotheses arise, we suggest further studies that may allow us to distinguish among evolutionary scenarios. Separating the effects of history and ongoing demography on patterns of genetic diversity is challenging. Combining genetic analyses with field studies remains essential to disentangling these complex processes.  相似文献   

The allocation of resources to different life‐history traits should represent the best compromise in fitness investment for organisms in their local environment. When resources are limiting, the investment in a specific trait must carry a cost that is expressed in trade‐offs with other traits. In this study, the relative investment in the fitness‐related traits, growth, reproduction and defence were compared at central and range‐edge locations, using the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum as a model system. Individual growth rates were similar at both sites, whereas edge populations showed a higher relative investment in reproduction (demonstrated by a higher reproductive allocation and extended reproductive periods) when compared to central populations that invested more in defence. These results show the capability of A. nodosum to differentially allocate resources for different traits under different habitat conditions, suggesting that reproduction and defence have different fitness values under the specific living conditions experienced at edge and central locations. However, ongoing climate change may threaten edge populations by increasing the selective pressure on specific traits, forcing these populations to lower the investment in other traits that are also potentially important for population fitness.  相似文献   

We tested whether the early‐life environment can influence the extent of individual plasticity in a life‐history trait. We asked: can the early‐life environment explain why, in response to the same adult environmental cue, some individuals invest more than others in current reproduction? Moreover, can it additionally explain why investment in current reproduction trades off against survival in some individuals, but is positively correlated with survival in others? We addressed these questions using the burying beetle, which breeds on small carcasses and sometimes carries phoretic mites. These mites breed alongside the beetle, on the same resource, and are a key component of the beetle's early‐life environment. We exposed female beetles to mites twice during their lives: during their development as larvae and again as adults during their first reproductive event. We measured investment in current reproduction by quantifying average larval mass and recorded the female's life span after breeding to quantify survival. We found no effect of either developing or breeding alongside mites on female reproductive investment, nor on her life span, nor did developing alongside mites influence her size. In post hoc analyses, where we considered the effect of mite number (rather than their mere presence/absence) during the female's adult breeding event, we found that females invested more in current reproduction when exposed to greater mite densities during reproduction, but only if they had been exposed to mites during development as well. Otherwise, they invested less in larvae at greater mite densities. Furthermore, females that had developed with mites exhibited a trade‐off between investment in current reproduction and future survival, whereas these traits were positively correlated in females that had developed without mites. The early‐life environment thus generates individual variation in life‐history plasticity. We discuss whether this is because mites influence the resources available to developing young or serve as important environmental cues.  相似文献   

Species with fast life‐histories typically prioritize current over future reproductive events, compared to species with slow life‐histories. These species therefore require greater energetic input into reproduction, and also likely have less time to realize their reproductive potential. Hence, behaviors that increase access to both resources and mating opportunities, at a cost of increased mortality risk, could coevolve with the pace of life‐history. However, whether this prediction holds across species, remains untested under standardized conditions. Here, we test how risky behaviors, which facilitate access to resources and mating opportunities (i.e., activity, boldness, and aggression), along with metabolic rate, coevolve with the pace of life‐history across 20 species of killifish that present remarkable divergences in the pace of life‐history. We found a positive association between the pace of life‐history and aggression, but interestingly not with other behavioral traits or metabolic rate. Aggression is linked to interference competition, and in killifishes is often employed to secure mates, while activity and boldness are more relevant for exploiting energetic resources. Our results suggest that the trade‐off between current and future reproduction plays a more prominent role in shaping mating behavior, while behaviors related to energy acquisition may be influenced by ecological factors.  相似文献   

Previous models have predicted that when mortality increases with age, older individuals should invest more of their resources in reproduction and produce less dispersive offspring, as both their future reproductive value and their prospect of competing with their own sib decline. Those models assumed stable population sizes. We here study for the first time the evolution of age‐specific reproductive effort and of age‐specific offspring dispersal rate in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization dynamics and juvenile dispersal. Our model explores the evolutionary consequences of disequilibrium in the age structure of individuals in local populations, generated by disturbances. Life‐history decisions are then shaped both by changes with age in individual performances, and by changes in ecological conditions, as young and old individuals do not live on average in the same environments. Lower juvenile dispersal favours the evolution of higher reproductive effort in young adults in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization compared with a well‐mixed population. Contrary to previous predictions for stable structured populations, we find that offspring dispersal should generally increase with maternal age. This is because young individuals, who are overrepresented in recently colonized populations, should allocate more to reproduction and less to dispersal as a strategy to exploit abundant recruitment opportunities in such populations.  相似文献   

Species' functional traits may help determine rates of carbon gain, with physiological and morphological trade-offs relating to shade tolerance affecting photosynthetic capacity and carbon allocation strategies. However, few studies have examined these trade-offs from the perspective of whole-plant biomass gain of adult trees. We compared tree-level annual diameter increments and annual above-ground biomass (AGB) increments in eight long-term plots in hyper-diverse northwest Amazonia to wood density (rho; a proxy for shade tolerance), whilst also controlling for resource supply (light and soil fertility). rho and annual diameter increment were negatively related, confirming expected differences in allocation associated with shade tolerance, such that light-demanding species allocate a greater proportion of carbon to diameter gain at the expense of woody tissue density. However, contrary to expectations, we found a positive relationship between rho and annual AGB increment in more fertile sites, although AGB gain did not differ significantly with rho class on low-fertility sites. Whole-plant carbon gain may be greater in shade-tolerant species due to higher total leaf area, despite lower leaf-level carbon assimilation rates. Alternatively, rates of carbon loss may be higher in more light-demanding species: higher rates of litterfall, respiration or allocation to roots, are all plausible mechanisms. However, the relationships between rho and AGB and diameter increments were weak; resource availability always exerted a stronger influence on tree growth rates.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of environmental change on ecological and evolutionary dynamics is inherently problematic because of the complex interplay between them. Using invertebrates in microcosms, we characterise phenotypic, population and evolutionary dynamics before, during and after exposure to a novel environment and harvesting over 20 generations. We demonstrate an evolved change in life‐history traits (the age‐ and size‐at‐maturity, and survival to maturity) in response to selection caused by environmental change (wild to laboratory) and to harvesting (juvenile or adult). Life‐history evolution, which drives changes in population growth rate and thus population dynamics, includes an increase in age‐to‐maturity of 76% (from 12.5 to 22 days) in the unharvested populations as they adapt to the new environment. Evolutionary responses to harvesting are outweighed by the response to environmental change (~ 1.4 vs. 4% change in age‐at‐maturity per generation). The adaptive response to environmental change converts a negative population growth trajectory into a positive one: an example of evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

While it is a truism that species rarity is non-randomly distributed across regions, habitats, and taxa, there is little consensus on which factors are the best predictors of low abundances and restricted geographical ranges. In this study, we evaluate the effects of ecological and life-history traits, as well as phylogeny, on rarity in the abundance and distribution of land birds inhabiting forest habitats in the Mediterranean and temperate regions of Chile. We use data on abundance collected at 16 sites and data on latitudinal distribution obtained from a literature compilation. Statistical analyses were based on multiple regression and multivariate models. We used Signed Mantel test to analyse the relationship between species ecological and life-history traits and rarity, taking into account the effect of phylogenetic relatedness. We found that rarity, in terms of distribution, is associated with a low investment in reproduction, non-migratory status, and degree of habitat specialization. These ecological and life-history traits, in association with forest loss due to climatic changes and human impacts, may explain the narrow distribution of most endemic forest birds species. Rarity in abundance, on the other hand, is more difficult to explain. However, the fact that large species with an insectivorous diet showed low density in the assemblages studied suggests that abundance is mostly regulated by energy (resource) requirements and availability. Finally, our study shows that there is no phylogenetic influence in the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Expansion of the host range in phytophagous insects depends on their ability to form an association with a novel plant through changes in host‐related traits. Phenotypic plasticity has important effects on initial survival of individuals faced with a new plant, as well as on the courses of evolutionary change during long‐term adaptation to novel conditions. Using experimental populations of the seed beetle that evolved on ancestral (common bean) or novel (chickpea) host and applying reciprocal transplant at both larval and adult stage on the alternative host plant, we studied the relationship between the initial (plastic) phases of host‐shift and the subsequent stages of evolutionary divergence in life‐history strategies between populations exposed to the host‐shift process. After 48 generations, populations became well adapted to chickpea by evolving the life‐history strategy with prolonged larval development, increased body mass, earlier reproduction, shorter lifespan and decreased plasticity of all traits compared with ancestral conditions. In chickpea‐adapted beetles, negative fitness consequences of low plasticity of pre‐adult development (revealed as severe decrease in egg‐to‐adult viability on beans) exhibited mismatch with positive effects of low plasticity (i.e. low host sensitivity) in oviposition and fecundity. In contrast, beetles adapted to the ancestral host showed high plasticity of developmental process, which enabled high larval survival on chickpea, whereas elevated plasticity in adult behaviour (i.e. high host sensitivity) resulted in delayed reproduction and decreased fecundity on chickpea. The analysis of population growth parameters revealed significant fluctuation during successive phases of the host‐shift process in A. obtectus.  相似文献   

The aim was to study as to how biometric and life‐history traits of endemic lacertids in the Canary Islands (genus Gallotia) may have evolved, and possible factors affecting the diversification process of this taxon on successively appearing islands have been deduced. To that end, comparative analyses of sexual dimorphism and scaling of different body, head and life‐history traits to body size in 10 species/subspecies of Gallotia have been carried out. Both Felsenstein's independent contrasts and Huey and Bennett's ‘minimum evolution’ analyses show that male and female snout‐vent length (SVL) changed proportionally (sexual size dimorphism not changing with body size) throughout the evolution of these lizards and all within‐sex biometric traits have changed proportionally to SVL. Life‐history traits (size at sexual maturity, clutch size, hatchling SVL and mass, and life span) are highly correlated with adult female body size, the first two being the only traits with a positive allometry to female SVL. These results, together with the finding that the slope of hatchling SVL to female SVL regression was lower than that of SVL at maturity to female SVL, indicates that larger females reach maturity at a larger size, have larger clutches and, at the same time, have relatively smaller hatchlings than smaller females. There was no significant correlation between any pair of life‐history traits after statistically removing the effect of body size. As most traits changed proportionally to SVL, the major evolutionary change has been that of body size (a ca. threefold change between the largest and the smallest species), that is suggested to be the effect of variable ecological conditions faced by founder lizards in each island.  相似文献   

Changing environments have the potential to alter the fitness of organisms through effects on components of fitness such as energy acquisition, metabolic cost, growth rate, survivorship, and reproductive output. Organisms, on the other hand, can alter aspects of their physiology and life histories through phenotypic plasticity as well as through genetic change in populations (selection). Researchers examining the effects of environmental variables frequently concentrate on individual components of fitness, although methods exist to combine these into a population level estimate of average fitness, as the per capita rate of population growth for a set of identical individuals with a particular set of traits. Recent advances in energetic modeling have provided excellent data on energy intake and costs leading to growth, reproduction, and other life‐history parameters; these in turn have consequences for survivorship at all life‐history stages, and thus for fitness. Components of fitness alone (performance measures) are useful in determining organism response to changing conditions, but are often not good predictors of fitness; they can differ in both form and magnitude, as demonstrated in our model. Here, we combine an energetics model for growth and allocation with a matrix model that calculates population growth rate for a group of individuals with a particular set of traits. We use intertidal mussels as an example, because data exist for some of the important energetic and life‐history parameters, and because there is a hypothesized energetic trade‐off between byssus production (affecting survivorship), and energy used for growth and reproduction. The model shows exactly how strong this trade‐off is in terms of overall fitness, and it illustrates conditions where fitness components are good predictors of actual fitness, and cases where they are not. In addition, the model is used to examine the effects of environmental change on this trade‐off and on both fitness and on individual fitness components.  相似文献   

Increased dispersal propensity often evolves on expanding range edges due to the Olympic Village effect, which involves the fastest and fittest finding themselves together in the same place at the same time, mating, and giving rise to like individuals. But what happens after the range's leading edge has passed and the games are over? Although empirical studies indicate that dispersal propensity attenuates following range expansion, hypotheses about the mechanisms driving this attenuation have not been clearly articulated or tested. Here, we used a simple model of the spatiotemporal dynamics of two phenotypes, one fast and the other slow, to propose that dispersal attenuation beyond preexpansion levels is only possible in the presence of trade‐offs between dispersal and life‐history traits. The Olympic Village effect ensures that fast dispersers preempt locations far from the range's previous limits. When trade‐offs are absent, this preemptive spatial advantage has a lasting impact, with highly dispersive individuals attaining equilibrium frequencies that are strictly higher than their introduction frequencies. When trade‐offs are present, dispersal propensity decays rapidly at all locations. Our model's results about the postcolonization trajectory of dispersal evolution are clear and, in principle, should be observable in field studies. We conclude that empirical observations of postcolonization dispersal attenuation offer a novel way to detect the existence of otherwise elusive trade‐offs between dispersal and life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Baboons are the most successful and ubiquitous African primates, renowned for their behavioral and reproductive flexibility, which enable them to inhabit a wide variety of habitat types. Owing to a number of long‐term field studies, comparative behavioral, developmental, demographic, and life‐history data are available from several populations, but study sites show a heavy bias toward South and East African savannahs, with little research in West or Central Africa. Life‐history data from such areas are important if we are fully to understand the nature of the environmental factors that limit baboon distribution. Here, we present demographic data for olive baboons at Gashaka‐Gumti National Park (GGNP), Nigeria, collected from December 2000–February 2006, and use these data to test comparative models of baboon life‐history. The GGNP habitat, which includes large areas of rainforest, is an environment in which baboons are little studied, and rainfall is much higher than at previous study sites. GGNP troop size data are presented from censuses, as well as life‐history data for two troops, one of which is within the park and wild‐feeding (Kwano troop), whereas the other dwells at the park edge, and supplements its diet by crop‐raiding (Gamgam troop). Troop sizes at GGNP are small compared with other field sites, but fit within previously suggested ranges for baboons under these climatic conditions. Inter‐birth intervals in Kwano troop were long compared with most studied populations, and values were not as predicted by comparative models. Consistent with known effects of food enhancement, Gamgam troop experienced shorter inter‐birth intervals and lower infant mortality than Kwano troop. We indicate some possible factors that exclude baboons from true rainforest, and suggest that the clearing of forests in Central and West Africa for agricultural land may allow baboons to extend their range into regions from which they are currently excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:293–304, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The majority of animal species are ontogenetic omnivores, that is, individuals of these species change or expand their diet during life. If small ontogenetic omnivores compete for a shared resource with their future prey, ecological persistence of ontogenetic omnivores can be hindered, although predation by large omnivores facilitates persistence. The coupling of developmental processes between different life stages might lead to a trade‐off between competition early in life and predation later in life, especially for ontogenetic omnivores that lack metamorphosis. By using bioenergetic modeling, we study how such an ontogenetic trade‐off affects ecological and evolutionary dynamics of ontogenetic omnivores. We find that selection toward increasing specialization of one life stage leads to evolutionary suicide of noncannibalistic ontogenetic omnivores, because it leads to a shift toward an alternative community state. Ontogenetic omnivores fail to re‐invade this new state due to the maladaptiveness of the other life stage. Cannibalism stabilizes selection on the ontogenetic trade‐off, prevents evolutionary suicide of ontogenetic omnivores, and promotes coexistence of omnivores with their prey. We outline how ecological and evolutionary persistence of ontogenetic omnivores depends on the type of diet change, cannibalism, and competitive hierarchy between omnivores and their prey.  相似文献   

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