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中国圆鳞蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new species of the ant genus Epitritus Emery, E. dayui sp. nov., is collected in Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, China. Up to date, 4 species of the genus are known in China: E. hexamerus Brown, E. formosus Terayama, Lin et Wu, E. hirashimai Ogata, and E. dayui sp. nov. A key based on worker and female castes is proposed for the 4 known species of Epitritus of East Asia.  相似文献   

中国陕西圆颚切叶蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述采自陕西太白山的圆颚切叶蚁属StrongylognathusMayr1新种瘤点圆颚切叶蚁S.tylonum,sp.n.。该新种与卡氏圆颚切叶蚁S.karawajewiPisarski相似,但前者上颚外缘具4个小的疣突,并胸腹节末端具1对非常钝的小齿,腹柄节下方不具齿突,第1腹柄节顶端水平。文中提供了该属中国已知3种的检索表。  相似文献   

云南猛蚁属四新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述云南高黎贡山自然保护区猛蚁属 4新种。至此已在中国记载猛蚁属昆虫 12种 :中华猛蚁 P. sinensis Wheeler,阿里山猛蚁 P. alisana Terayama,知本猛蚁 P. chipo-nensis Terayama,五齿猛蚁 Ponera pentodontos Xu,勐腊猛蚁 Ponera menglana Xu,南贡山猛蚁 Ponera nangongshana Xu,龙林猛蚁 Ponera longlina Xu,巴卡猛蚁 Ponera ba-ka Xu,黄色猛蚁 Ponera xantha,sp. nov.,坝湾猛蚁 Ponera bawana,sp. nov.,二齿猛蚁 Ponera diodonta,sp. nov.、片马猛蚁 Ponera pianmana,sp. nov.。编制了中国猛蚁属 12种工蚁分种检索表并附插图。模式标本保存于西南林学院资源学院昆虫标本室。新种示差鉴别特征及模式标本情况如下 :1.黄色猛蚁 Ponera xantha,新种 (图 13~ 15 )本新种近似巴卡猛蚁 P. baka Xu (图 10~ 12 ) ,但背面观腹柄结近三角形 ,长宽相等 ;侧面观腹柄下突后下缘无齿。正模 :工蚁 ,No.A97- 2 70 ,云南省腾冲县界头乡大营 ,2 0 0 0 m,1999- V- 0 2 ,付磊采于中山湿性常绿阔叶林内2.坝湾猛蚁 Ponera bawana,新种 (图 19~ 2 1)本新种近似日本猛蚁 P. japonica Wheeler(图 37~ 39) ,但头部正面观头侧缘较直 ,后头角较突出 ;并胸腹节背面长于斜面 ;腹柄下突后下缘仅具 1微小的齿 ,窗孔小而圆。正模  相似文献   

记述河南省伊川县盲蚁属Aenictus Shuckard 1新种--河南盲蚁A. henanensis, sp. nov..新种与李氏盲蚁A. lifuiae Terayama近似,但侧面观并胸腹节背面平直,腹柄结背面圆形隆起,并胸腹节背面具微细网状刻纹.新种还与锡兰盲蚁A. ceylonicus (Mayr)近似,但上颚具1个大形端齿,1个小形亚端齿和5个不明显的微小细齿;腹柄下突短且端部圆钝,前胸背板前半部具微细网状刻纹.正模工蚁,河南省伊川县高山乡郑村,254 m,2001-Ⅸ-22,李淑萍采于杨树林地面;副模5工蚁,同正模.  相似文献   

在广东南岭自然保护区进行昆虫考察时发现多刺蚁属Polyrhachis 1新种,即:天井山多刺蚁P.tianjingshanensis,sp.nov.,隶属于多刺蚁属六刺多刺蚁亚属Myrmhopla。本新种与双色多刺蚁P.bicolor Smith相似,但触角、上颚和足均为黑色,前胸背板刺和并胸腹节刺粗长,远长于腹柄节刺,头、并腹胸和腹柄节具粗糙刻点。正模:工蚁,TL 11.5,HL 2.37,HW 2.23,CI 94,SL 3.43,SI 154,PW 1.83,AL4.75,ED 0.57;副模12工蚁:TL 11.4~11.7,HL 2.33~2.70,HW 2.20~2.73,CI 91~99,SL 3.37~3.65,SI 128~154,PW 1.77~2.03,AL 3.70~4.35,ED 0.53~0.63。正模:工蚁,广东南岭自然保护区天井山林场(24°41′N,112°59′E),450 m,2007-Ⅷ-18,侯占华采;副模:12工蚁,与正模同巢,侯占华采。模式标本保存于广西师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国湖北省恩施市大吉镇的臭蚁属Dolichoderus Lund 1新种:大吉臭蚁D.dajiensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述华南地区角腹蚁属 1新种 ,光亮角腹蚁 Recurvidris glabricepssp.nov.。新种与皮克氏角腹蚁 R.pickburni Bolton相似 ,但有如下不同 :头部及前胸背板光亮 ;并胸腹节刺较粗 ;结节具长的腹柄下突。文中还提供我国已知 3种角腹蚁工蚁分种检索表。新种正模标本保存于广西师范大学生物系 ,副模标本保存于嘉道理农场暨植物园和广西师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

四川省蚂蚁区系研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了四川(含重庆)蚂蚁的种类和分布,得知目前分布于四川的蚂蚁共有78种,分别隶属于5亚科27属,并发现1新种;古蔺立毛蚁Paratrechina gulinensis,sp.n。提供了新种的特征描述,根据地貌环境和气候的差异。将四川蚂蚁分为4个动物地理域,并讨论了四川蚂蚁区系的特点。  相似文献   

世界奇蚁属第三种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The third species of the ant genus Perissomyrmex in the world, P.fissus sp. nov., is collected from Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province. Perissomyrmex is a new record genus in China. Taxonomic key based on worker caste is provided for the 3 species: P.snyderi Smith, P monticola de Andrade, and P fissus sp. nov.  相似文献   

中国西北地区箭蚁属三新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了采自我国西北地区的箭蚁属3新种。光唇箭蚁Cataglyphis glabilabia sp.nov.与C.aenescens (Nylander)接近,但本种唇基前缘无一排长缘毛;头腹面无立毛;上颚基齿钝到不明显。黄胫箭蚁Cataglyphis flavitibia sp.nov.与C.aenescens(Nylander)接近,但本种上颚、触角、足腿节端半部以外均为浅黄色;头腹面无立毛;工蚁多型不明显;社群很小,仅几十头。贺兰山箭蚁Catalyphis helanensis sp.nov与C.aenescens(Ny-lander)十分接近,但本种腹部第一节背板具立毛;体具十分粗糙的细密纵刻纹;唇基仅具刻点;体黑色,暗无光泽。模式标本保存在宁夏农学院标本室。  相似文献   

The related ants Tetramorium caespitum and T. impurum mark their foraging area in a species-specific, home range and short-lasting manner. Indeed, ants reaching a new area have a slow linear speed which increases during the marking. Conspecific ants are arrested and attracted by marked areas, while heterospecific ants are reluctant to visit them. However, when the latter do visit marked areas, they move more quickly and less sinuously than conspecific ants and do not stay on the areas. The marking is performed in about 3 min by T. caespitum and in 3 to 6 min by T. impurum. If not reinforced, the marking vanishes in the same time intervals. Neither poison gland nor last sternite extracts reproduce the activity of naturally marked areas, whereas a Dufour gland extract does exactly that. Foraging ants touch the ground with the tip of their gaster. Consequently, we can postulate that the workers mark their foraging area with the contents of this gland, which is associated with the sting apparatus, and that they deposit with the extremity of the gaster. Alien conspecific ants are seldom aggressive to one another, even on marked areas. When encountering each other on unmarked areas, heterospecific ants present some aggressive reactions. On marked areas, their aggressiveness is enhanced and intruder ants are restless, while resident ones walk freely. On ground marked by T. impurum, ants of this species are more aggressive than antagonistic T. caespitum workers. The marking of foraging areas thus induces defense against heterospecifics but not against conspecific ants.  相似文献   

The genus Perithreticus is recorded for the first time from Central America and the Caribbean. Two new species are described and figured: P. arboscandens Kvifte & Andersen, n. sp. from Zurquí, San José Province, Costa Rica and P. guantanamera Kvifte & Andersen, n. sp. from Alexander von Humboldt National Park, Guantánamo Province, Cuba. The generic diagnosis is emended to accommodate the newly described species, and a key to the males of the Perithreticus species of the world is presented.  相似文献   

中国猛蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
记述中国猛蚁属PoneraLatreille昆虫8种,其中在云南省西双版纳自然保护区发现并描述5新种,模式标本保存于西南林学院资源学院昆虫标本室。中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)分布于香港;阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)和知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~20)分布于台湾省。提供了8个种的工蚁分种检索表。新种模式标本和示差鉴别特征如下 1.五齿猛蚁Ponerapentodontos,新种(图1~3)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模1工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2028;8工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2089。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但上颚具5个近等大的齿;头部较宽,头比CI95-98;腹柄结较窄,腹柄结比PNI76-81;腹柄下突前下角圆钝。 2.勐腊猛蚁Poneramenglana,新种(图7~9)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模4工蚁,2雄蚁,同正模;3工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2024;9工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2029;7工蚁,1脱翅雌蚁,No.A97-1134,660m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇翠屏峰,1997-Ⅷ-10,何云峰;6工蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1153,柳太勇;9工蚁,2雌蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1162,徐正会。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但身体较大,头长HL0.65-0.68,头宽HW0.58-0.60;侧面观腹柄结后上角较隆起;腹柄下突后下角仅具1微小齿。 3.南贡山猛蚁Poneranangongshana,新种(图13~15)   正模工蚁,No.A98-824,1620m,云南省勐腊县南贡山,1998-Ⅲ-15,何云峰。副模3工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A98-819;6工蚁,同正模但Nos.A97-2184,A97-2186,1525m。本新种与阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)接近,但柄节末端不到达后头缘;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;腹柄下突后下角不具齿。 4.龙林猛蚁Poneralonglina,新种(图16~18)   正模工蚁,No.A97-1315,1050m,云南省勐腊县龙林,1997-Ⅷ-11,何云峰。本新种与分布于菲律宾的女山神猛蚁P.oreasWheeler(图25~27)接近,但复眼仅具1个小眼;腹柄结较窄,腹柄宽DPW0.25,腹柄结比PNI71;侧面观腹柄下突后下角齿较小,指向后方。 5.巴卡猛蚁Ponerabaka,新种(图22~24)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2990,840m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇巴卡小寨,1997-XII-08,杨比伦。本新种与知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~21)接近,但头前部与后部等宽;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;上颚只具3个端齿;侧面观腹柄结较薄,腹柄下突具小窗斑,前下角钝角状,后下角只具1个小齿。  相似文献   

Crematogaster sp. is a dominant arboreal ant species that captures and retrieves very large prey. Hunting workers forage collectively thanks to short-range recruitment. They detect prey by contact, then rapidly attack, seizing small prey by the body and large prey by a leg. In this study, almost all the active prey were spread-eagled by several workers, even when small enough to permit a single worker to easily master them. While certain workers spread-eagled the prey, others deposited venom on the prey body using their spatulated sting (topical action of the venom). The well-developed arolia on the pretarsus of workers' legs have crucial importance for the success of prey capture (spread-eagling) and transport in an arboreal habitat. These results are compared with those known for other arboreal-dwelling generalist predator ant species.  相似文献   

Workers of the related ants Tetramorium impurum and T. caespitum mark the vicinity of their nest entrances in a species-specific manner, as seen by similarities between the behavior of nestmates and that of alien conspecifics (e.g., concerning aggregation, locomotion, orientation, tendency to move, and agonistic behavior). Additionally, they mark the inside of their nest entrances in a colony-specific manner, as seen by the following differences in behavior. Nestmates aggregate on these areas, walk rather slowly, but freely and essentially in the middle of the areas, come toward and very near such areas, are not inclined to escape, and are ready to attack possible intruders. Alien conspecifics do not aggregate, walk quickly, and are reluctant to stay on the areas, come neither toward nor very near the areas, are inclined to escape, and often open their mandibles, mainly when in front of a resident. The marking of the nest entrances is performed by T. impurum in 30 min and by T. caespitum in 15 min. If not reinforced, the marking by both species vanishes in 60 and 50 min, respectively. Extracts of hindlegs, metathorax, or metapleural glands produce in unmarked areas the ethological effect of marked entrances. It may be hypothesized that the marking factor is produced by the workers' metapleural glands and deposited onto the ground, via the hindlegs of ants leaving the nest. A worker's head has a species- but not a colony-specific ethological effect. An isolated alien conspecific's head is never attacked, whereas a thorax with abdomen is. This explains why, by opening its mandibles (and then presumably emitting a mandibular gland pheromone), a conspecific ant momentarily inhibits the attack of a nonnestmate. According to Hölldobler and Wilson (1990), the marking of the inside of T. impurum and T. caespitum nest entrances is a territorial and nest-entrance marking, whereas the marking of the close vicinity of the entrances is a home-range marking, as is the marking of the foraging area. These markings are in accordance with the fact that T. impurum foragers deposit their trail pheromone as far as the opening of the nest entrance.  相似文献   

记述采臬宁夏和甘肃地区的斜结蚁属1新种:心头斜结蚁Plagiolepis cardio-carenis,sp.nov.。新种与P.alluaudi Emery近似,但新种后头缘仅具1根短立毛;后头缘微凹,致使头稍成心形;后腹部第1、2节背板中部约全长的1/2缺立毛。模式标本保存在宁夏大学农浓缩标本室。  相似文献   

甘肃省毛蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述采自甘肃临夏地区的毛蚁属1新种-长须毛蚁Lasius longicirrus,sp.nov。模式标本保存在宁夏农学院标本室。  相似文献   

We present a detailed behavioral analysis of the signals involved in recruitment of 11 syntopic Polyrhachis species from West Malaysia. We found a considerable variety of recruitment techniques, including social carrying behavior, tandem running, group recruitment, and a technique which we call leader-independent trail communication. The latter mode superficially resembles chemical mass communication (sensu Wilson, 1962). All these recruitment techniques involve mechanical invitation behavior inside the nest, comprising back-and-forth jerking or pulling movement often combined with a sideways waggling. However, not in all cases of leader-independent trail communication is a mechanical invitation behavior obligatory. The trail pheromone of all investigated Polyrhachis species originates from the hindgut. Only in the tandem running P. proxima do additional secretions from the poison gland appear to be involved in tandem calling.  相似文献   

The present catalogue of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Bulgaria is made on a base of critical reconsideration of literature (covering the period from 1892 till 2009 and part of 2010) as well as on examination of the authors' and several museum's collections. A lot of data were omitted in the previous Bulgarian monograph on ants, lots of new data were recently added and many important additions and alterations were made due to taxonomic revisions of Eurasian Formicidae during the last three decades. Two new species are reported for the country [Temnothorax graecus (Forel, 1911) and Temnothorax cf. korbi (Emery, 1924)].This catalogue contains a list of 163 ant species belonging to 40 genera of 6 subfamilies now known from Bulgaria. Synonyms and information on the previously reported names in relevant publications are given. Known localities of the species are grouped by geographic regions. Maps with concrete localities or regions for each species were prepared. The conservation status of 13 ant species is given as they are included in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Bulgarian Biodiversity Act. In comparison with adjacent Balkan regions the ant fauna of Bulgaria is quite rich and its core is composed of South European elements.  相似文献   

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