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Sapling communities in Amazonian white-water forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Structure and floristic composition of forest regeneration (trees between 1 and 10 cm diameter at breast height (d.b.h), ≥ 1 m growth height) was described in three forest types of Amazonian white‐water forests (várzea), in order to analyse whether floristic composition of saplings is related to the successional stage of the forests, whether it differs in comparision with the mature flora, and if there exists a zonation of sapling species along the gradients of flooding and irradiation. Location Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Western Brazilian Amazon. Methods The investigated forests were of the low and the high várzea type, on an annual average flooded around 4 and 1 months, respectively. The two low‐várzea forests belonged to the secondary and to the late‐successional stage, the high‐várzea forest also to the late‐successional stage. A total of 24 circular sample plots covering 1885 m2 were installed. They were nested within three rectangular 1 ha permanent sample plots where individuals ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. were formerly inventoried. Average inundation and radiation [relative photosynthetically active radiation (rPAR)] at the forest floor was recorded in all inventoried plots. The Mean spatial Distribution Center (MDC; Ebdon, 1998 ) for all sapling species was calculated. Sapling species were grouped into associations with respect to their light‐demand and their location along the flood‐level gradient. Results Average flood height and average rPAR at the forest floor was highest in the secondary stage of the low várzea and lowest in the high‐várzea forest. Overall average density and basal area of the saplings averaged 2250 individuals and 2.3 m2 ha?1 in the secondary stage, 2330 individuals and 2.6 m2 ha?1 in the late‐successional stage of the low várzea and 5000 individuals and 4.8 m2 ha?1 in the high várzea. In all forest types, species richness of saplings was lower than species richness of trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h., and amounted to 25 species in the secondary stage, to 35 species in the late‐successional stage of the low várzea and to 88 species in the high‐várzea forest. The amount of ‘immigrants’ ( Bazzaz, 1991 ) at the sapling level increased with proceeding forest succession and amounted to 24 and 29% in the low várzea and to 31% in the high várzea. Sapling species distribution, species richness and individual density was linked to both, the gradient of flooding and the gradient of irradiation. Species richness and individual density was highest in the high várzea and decreased with increasing influence of flooding. The high várzea was predominated by pronounced shade‐tolerant sapling species, whereas in the low várzea occured both, light demanding and shade‐tolerant species groups. Main conclusions Influence of flooding seems to be the main factor triggering species composition and structure of sapling communities in várzea forests. Proceeding forest succession reduces the impact of flooding because of the biogenical induced silting up of the forested sites. However, forest succession also alters forest architecture of the overstory and such the light conditions at the sapling level. Therefore, radiation is an important factor influencing species composition of sapling communities in várzea forests.  相似文献   

Fish Communities in Central Amazonian White- and Blackwater Floodplains   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In Amazonian floodplains, the flood cycle of the river is becoming the dominant seasonal factor, and fish communities are found to fluctuate greatly over the year. During inundation, fish migrate into floodplain forests to feed on fruits and seeds, in an area more than 300000km2 in size. To document patterns of species diversity, distribution, abundance and temporal dynamics and in order to describe the ecological importance of the inundated forest, floodplain fish were captured using variously sized gill nets in white and black water areas inside and outside the floodplain forests during low, rising, high and falling water level in 1990 and 1991. Dominance varies to some extent in white water between floodplain forest (0.06) and open water (0.11) while it is unchanged in black water (0.04). Black water fish communities were more diverse. Most abundant among white water fish were Liposarcus pardalis, Pygocentrus nattereri, and Pellona flavipinnis, for example, or Plagioscion squamsissimus, Serrasalmus rhombeus, and Serrasalmus manueli in black water. Among the most abundant white water fish, Colossoma macropomum, Mylossoma duriventre and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum occurred almost exclusively in inundated forests. Of the black water species there were a large number of species which were captured only in inundated forest, such as Geophagus cf. altifrons, Hoplias malabaricus, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and Uaru amphiacanthoides. Catches varied with sample site, water level and direction of water level change. The average CPUE in white and black water was 190 and 41g fishm–2 and day, respectively, with maximum yields at low water and minimum yields at high water. Comparing rising and falling water levels, a significantly higher quantity of fishes was captured at falling water level. In black water, fish catches from the floodplain forest exceeded the open water catch by 183 to 550%, depending on season. Differences in respect of white water are smaller (106–281%). Fish communities in the area under investigation seem to be stochastically assembled, with significant differences between white and black water only. Many fishes move into the floodplain forest not only to feed but probably also for other reasons – to seek shelter, for example.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the effect and relative importance of geographic and local environmental factors on species richness and turnover of ant assemblages in floodplain forests across the Amazon basin. Location Twenty‐six mature forest sites scattered along the entire extension of the Amazon River in Brazil. The study area encompassed nearly 18° of longitude and 3.5° of latitude. Methods Systematic collections of ants were performed at each site during the low‐water season (i.e. when forests are not inundated) using three complementary sampling methods. We used variance partitioning techniques to assess the relative effects of the spatial (latitude and longitude) and environmental (rainfall, length of the dry season and flood height) variables on ant species richness and composition. Results There was a twofold variation in the number of species per site, which was largely explained by inter‐site variations in rainfall seasonality and flooding intensity. In general, there were more species at sites located in the western part of the basin, where the dry season is less severe, or near the river estuary, where precipitation is also high and flooding is less intense. Ant community composition was also affected by environmental heterogeneity. For instance, some species only occurred at those sites less affected by the river’s seasonal flooding, whereas others were mostly associated with the drier or wetter regions of the basin. In addition, the turnover of species increased significantly as geographic distances increased. Nevertheless, the rate of change was small given that many species had a broad distribution across the study area. Main conclusions Ant distribution patterns along the floodplain forests of the Amazon appear to be controlled to a relatively large extent by the current gradient in flooding intensity and – most importantly – in precipitation. Altered rainfall regimes resulting from global warming and land‐use change thus have the potential to influence these patterns.  相似文献   

Few studies have successfully monitored community‐wide phenological patterns in seasonally flooded Amazonian várzea forests, where a prolonged annual flood pulse arguably generates the greatest degree of seasonality of any low‐latitude ecosystem on Earth. We monitored the vegetative and reproductive plant phenology of várzea (VZ) floodplain and adjacent terra firme (TF) forests within two contiguous protected areas in western Brazilian Amazonia, using three complementary methods: monthly canopy observations of 1056 individuals (TF: 556, VZ: 500), twice monthly collections from 0.5‐m2 litterfall traps within two 100‐ha plots (1 TF, 1 VZ; 96 traps per plot), and monthly ground surveys of residual fruit‐fall along transect‐grids within each 100‐ha plot (12 km per plot). Surveys encompassed the entire annual flood cycle and employed a floating trap design to cope with fluctuating water levels. Phenology patterns were generally similar in both forest types. Leaffall peaked during the aquatic phase in várzea forest and the dry season in terra firme. Flowering typically followed leaffall and leaf flush, extending into the onset of the terrestrial phase and rainy season in várzea and terra firme, respectively. Abiotic seed dispersal modes were relatively more prevalent in várzea than terra firme; the main contrast in fruiting seasonality was more likely a result of differences in community composition and relative abundance of seed dispersal modes than differences within individual genera. We emphasize the difficulty in distinguishing the role of the flood pulse from other seasonal environmental variables without multiannual data or spatially replicated studies across the spectrum of Amazonian forest types.  相似文献   

Lowland Amazon is climatically one of the least seasonal regions on the planet, but little is known about how this is reflected in ecological seasonality. The central objective of this study was to determine whether seasonal fluctuations in the availability of fruit resources in Neotropical forests are sufficiently marked to affect the ecology and physiology of frugivorous bats. Seasonal variations in the overall bat abundance and in the captures, body condition, and reproductive activity of the two most abundant species, Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus planirostris, were studied within a region of central Brazilian Amazonia dominated by a mosaic of nonflooded (terra firme) and seasonally flooded forests (várzea and igapó). Concurrent seasonal changes in fruit availability were measured. The abundance of fruits was markedly seasonal, with far fewer resources available during the low-water season. There was a positive correlation between fruit and bat abundance. Overall, bats did not increase the consumption of arthropods during the period of fruit shortage. In A. planirostris, the body condition declined when fruits were scarcer. In both C. perspicillata and A. planirostris, foraging and reproductive activity were positively correlated with fruit availability. Consequently, the results suggest that resource seasonality is sufficiently marked to affect frugivorous bats and force them to make important eco-physiological adjustments.  相似文献   

In Amazonia, the assemblages of several taxa differ significantly between upland terra firme and white‐water flooded várzea forests, but little is known about the diversity and distribution of bats in these two forest types. We compare the spatio‐temporal patterns of bat assemblage composition and structure in adjacent terra firme and várzea forests in the lower Purus River region of central Brazilian Amazonia. Bats were sampled using mist nets at five sites in each forest type during 40 nights (2400 net‐hours). We captured 1069 bats representing 42 species and Phyllostomidae bats comprised 99.3 percent of all captures. The bat assemblages in várzea and terra firme forests were significantly different, mainly due to a marked dissimilarity in species composition and in the number of captures during high‐water season. In addition, bat assemblages within forest types differed significantly between seasons for both terra firme and várzea. Frugivores dominated the bat assemblages in both forest types. Overall guild structure did not change between várzea and terra firme or between seasons, but frugivore and animalivore abundance increased significantly in várzea forest during the inundation. The difference in assemblage structure observed in the high‐water season is probably caused by the annual várzea flooding, which provides an effective barrier to the persistence of many understory bats. We also hypothesize that some bat species may undertake seasonal movements between forest types in response to fruit abundance, and our results further underline the importance of floodplain habitats for the conservation of species in the Amazon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Despite being endangered, little is known about the natural history and habitat use of Wattled Curassows (Crax globulosa). From September 2008 to March 2009, we examined habitat associations of this species on three islands in the lower Caquetá River, Colombia. Observations of curassows were made during line‐transect walks, and habitat variables were measured at points where curassows were and were not observed along those transects to assess potential habitat preferences. A total of 182 sightings yielded encounter rates ranging from 0.1 to 0.89 observations/km across transects. Curassows were more likely to be observed close to the river and to lakes on the islands. Additionally, the importance of the river increased as the distance to internal water sources increased. Other habitat characteristics, including tree density, tree diameter, understory density, and canopy cover, did not differ between areas where Wattled Curassows were and were not observed. Flock size ranged from 1 to 9 individuals; most solitary individuals were males and flocks (>2 individuals) generally consisted of more females than males. The association of Wattled Curassows with water sources during the low‐water season may have conservation implications because it could increase their vulnerability to anthropogenic activities such as agricultural activities, fishing, and hunting. As a result, conservation of these curassows on islands in the lower Caquetá River will likely depend on local support.  相似文献   

Most phenological studies to date have taken place in upland forest above the maximum flood level of nearby streams and rivers. In this paper, we examine the phenological patterns of tree assemblages in a large Amazonian forest landscape, including both upland (terra firme) and seasonally flooded (várzea and igapó) forest. The abundance of vegetative and reproductive phenophases was very seasonal in all forests types. Both types of flooded forest were more deciduous than terra firme, shedding most of their leaves during the inundation period. Pulses of new leaves occurred mainly during the dry season in terra firme, whereas those in the two floodplain forests were largely restricted to the end of the inundation period. Flowering was concentrated in the dry season in all forest types and was strongly correlated with the decrease in rainfall. The two floodplain forests concentrated their fruiting peaks during the inundation period, whereas trees in terra firme tended to bear fruits at the onset of the wet season. The results suggest that the phenological patterns of all forest types are largely predictable and that the regular and prolonged seasonal flood pulse is a major determinant of phenological patterns in várzea and igapó, whereas rainfall and solar irradiance appear to be important in terra firme. The three forest types provide a mosaic of food resources that has important implications for the conservation and maintenance of wide‐ranging frugivore populations in Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

Hydrochory was investigated in the seeds of the Amazonian floodplain tree, Swartzia polyphylla, in which pods open on the tree to release one large seed. Seeds collected from beach drift along the Rio Negro showed a high percentage of floaters (82%). Yet most seeds sank following collection from: adult trees (89%), unflooded ground under adults (96%), and flooded ground under adults (86%). The specific gravity of the seeds was near that of water, 1.04 ± 0.03 for sinkers and 0.98 ± 0.02 for floaters. The ability to float was correlated directly with the volume of the air pocket between the two cotyledons, which varied from 5.6 to 20.5 percent of the total seed volume. In a long-term floatation test lasting 81 days, 45 percent of the seeds never floated, 33 percent always floated, and 22 percent first sank for one week and then floated for at least one month. Seeds that never floated eventually rotted, but not until days 63-73. Seeds that were floating at day 81, regardless of how long they had been floating, were placed on moistened filter paper for 18 days during which time 36 percent germinated, 45 percent rotted, and 19 percent did neither but remained viable. These results suggest that S. polyphylla achieves dimorphism in flotation of its seeds, some sinking and some floating, by producing seeds of continuous variation in specific gravity around a mean close to 1.00. Seeds that float can be dispersed long distances along river margins, while those that sink may be moved only marginally from the parent tree.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Wattled Curassow (Crax globulosa) is a globally threatened species restricted to humid várzea forest (seasonally flooded forest along white‐water rivers) in low‐lying regions of Amazonia. The Wattled Curassow were thought to have been extirpated from the Beni area of Bolivia, but were rediscovered near the Río Negro River in 2001. Our objectives were to determine the size of this population, examine habitat use, and based on our results, assess the conservation status of the Wattled Curassow. During July and August 2006, we used distance sampling to estimate the population density in our study area. We estimated the density of Wattled Curassows at 3.4 (95% CI: 1.4–8.1) individuals/km2 and all were observed within 300 m of the river. Based on the availability of suitable habitat (18 km2 of riparian várzea habitat within 300 m of the river), we estimated that the breeding population of Wattled Curassows in our study area consisted of 61 individuals. The specialized habitat requirements of the Wattled Curassow has important conservation implications because previous population estimates were based on the availability of várzea forest rather than the availability of water edge habitat within várzea forest. As a result, the current global population estimate (2500–9999) is higher than our estimate (500–2500) that takes the specialized habitat requirements of the Wattled Curassow into account. Given this low estimated population, along with the severely fragmented state of the few remaining populations and their dependence on a specialized and vulnerable habitat, we recommend that the status of the Wattled Curassow be upgraded from Vulnerable to Endangered.  相似文献   

The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) is a small dolphin endemic to the Amazon River basin. Because the abundance and trends are currently unknown for the species, this study aimed to estimate its abundance in a lake system of the Central Amazon. A total of 10 two‐day sampling periods were carried out from March to June of 2013 throughout a 13.5 km2 area in the Mamirauá Reserve. In the 104 encounters with the species, a minimum number of 389 dolphins were sighted and photographed, which allowed the positive identification of 49 individuals. Mark‐recapture models were used to estimate an abundance of 119 individuals (95% CI = 105–150) (corrected for the proportion of identifiable individuals). This is the first estimation of S. fluviatilis abundance using mark‐recapture analyses and, together with the photo‐id catalog made available, provides a useful reference for future studies regarding tucuxi dolphins.  相似文献   

Edge structure is one of the principal determinants of the extent and magnitude of edge effects in forest fragments. In central Amazonia, natural succession at forest edges typically produces a dense wall of vegetation dominated by Cecropia spp. that buffers the forest interior. Fire encroachment into forest edges, however, eliminates the soil seed bank, enhances plant mortality, and promotes succession to an open, Vismia–dominated edge that does not buffer the forest interior. Contrasting open, fire–encroached forest edges and closed, non–fire–encroached edges were examined in central Amazonia to assess the effects of edge structure on microclimate and vegetation structure in tropical forest fragments. Edge penetration distances for most microclimate and vegetation structure variables were as much as two to five times greater at open edges than at closed edges. The magnitude of these differences suggests that edge structure is one of the main determinants of microclimate and vegetation structure within tropical forest fragments. Edge effects also varied systematically with fragment area. For a given edge type, 100–ha fragments had consistently lower canopy height, higher foliage density, higher temperature, a higher rate of evaporative drying, lower leaf litter moisture content, and lower litter depth than continuous forest, at all distances from the forest edge. These differences, however, were relatively minor compared to the striking differences in edge penetration between open and closed forest edges. For organisms in small fragments, the difference between open and closed edges may be the difference between total edge encroachment on one hand and an effective nature reserve on the other, relatively independent of absolute fragment area.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to use compositional changes in tree species along the Amazon River floodplain in Brazil to identify and characterize biogeographic regions that would serve as broad surrogates for conservation planning. Location The main course of the Amazon River in Brazil, covering a river distance of approximately 2800 km. Methods Two sampling methods were employed at specific sites: standardized transects and/or individual‐based samples. Seventy‐three samples were collected from 26 sites at approximately 100‐km intervals along the floodplain. Biogeographic regions were identified by non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination and by a hierarchical cluster analysis. The relative influence of environmental components (flood depths, annual rainfall, and length of the dry season) on tree species composition and one spatial component (longitude) were analysed by multiple regressions against a one‐dimensional NMDS ordination axis. Results Based on tree species composition, three main biogeographic regions were identified: a western region between Tabatinga and the Negro River confluence; a central region from the Negro River confluence to the Xingu confluence; and an estuarine region from the Xingu confluence to Santana. The regions identified were consistent using different data sets and analytical techniques. Mixed environmental and spatial effects explained most of the variation, but the spatial effect alone had a greater influence on species composition than environmental effects alone. Main conclusions The regions delimited in the analyses differed from those based on geomorphology or World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ecoregions. These results reinforce the need for surrogates to be tested against biological data before they are used to shape approaches to conservation planning. Although a protected area coverage of 25% gives the impression of extensive conservation management on the floodplain, less than 1% of the Amazon’s floodplain in Brazil is strictly protected. The significant compositional differences between regions and the strong spatial variation along the Amazon indicate that strict protection areas should be distributed much more evenly within and between regions.  相似文献   

High resolution palynological and geochemical data of sediment core GeoB 3910‐2 (located offshore Northeast Brazil) spanning the period between 19 600 and 14 500 calibrated year bp (19.6–14.5 ka) show a land‐cover change in the catchment area of local rivers in two steps related to changes in precipitation associated with Heinrich Event 1 (H1 stadial). At the end of the last glacial maximum, the landscape in semi‐arid Northeast Brazil was dominated by a very dry type of caatinga vegetation, mainly composed of grasslands with some herbs and shrubs. After 18 ka, considerably more humid conditions are suggested by changes in the vegetation and by Corg and C/N data indicative of fluvial erosion. The caatinga became wetter and along lakes and rivers, sedges and gallery forest expanded. The most humid period was recorded between 16.5 and 15 ka, when humid gallery (and floodplain) forest and even small patches of mountainous Atlantic rain forest occurred together with dry forest, the latter being considered as a rather lush type of caatinga vegetation. During this humid phase erosion decreased as less lithogenic material and more organic terrestrial material were deposited on the continental slope of northern Brazil. After 15 ka arid conditions returned. During the humid second phase of the H1 stadial, a rich variety of landscapes existed in Northeast Brazil and during the drier periods small pockets of forest could probably survive in favorable spots, which would have increased the resilience of the forest to climate change.  相似文献   

Fungi (17 species), oomycetous organisms (four species of Pythium) and a plasmodiophorid (Polymyxa graminis) were recorded in wheat roots analysed by cloning of the total ITS1/2 rDNA and sequencing of representative clones. Roots of a fourth successive wheat crop were inhabited mostly by fungal pathogens including Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Monographella nivalis var. nivalis, Ophiosphaerella sp. and Helgardia anguioides. Roots of a first wheat crop were inhabited mostly by P. graminis and saprotrophic Pythium species. Results on fungal diversity and density were compared with those obtained by pure culture isolation and morphotyping. Only M. nivalis var. nivalis and H. anguioides were identifed in wheat roots by both the molecular and the pure culture isolation methods. New and additional evidence for the ecological roles of the species recorded is discussed.  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands store a significant portion of the global soil carbon (C) pool. However, tropical mountain peatlands contain extensive peat soils that have yet to be mapped or included in global C estimates. This lack of data hinders our ability to inform policy and apply sustainable management practices to these peatlands that are experiencing unprecedented high rates of land use and land cover change. Rapid large‐scale mapping activities are urgently needed to quantify tropical wetland extent and rate of degradation. We tested a combination of multidate, multisensor radar and optical imagery (Landsat TM/PALSAR/RADARSAT‐1/TPI image stack) for detecting peatlands in a 2715 km2 area in the high elevation mountains of the Ecuadorian páramo. The map was combined with an extensive soil coring data set to produce the first estimate of regional peatland soil C storage in the páramo. Our map displayed a high coverage of peatlands (614 km2) containing an estimated 128.2 ± 9.1 Tg of peatland belowground soil C within the mapping area. Scaling‐up to the country level, páramo peatlands likely represent less than 1% of the total land area of Ecuador but could contain as much as ~23% of the above‐ and belowground vegetation C stocks in Ecuadorian forests. These mapping approaches provide an essential methodological improvement applicable to mountain peatlands across the globe, facilitating mapping efforts in support of effective policy and sustainable management, including national and global C accounting and C management efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation zonation in salt marshes has traditionally been attributed largely to altitudinal differences, since altitude determines the temporal pattern of tidal flooding and is thus closely related to proximate determinants of the distribution of species and plant communities. We investigated the distribution of vascular plants and plant communities along a series of altitudinal transects in two salt marshes in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Our results indicate that altitudinal range varies significantly both among species and among communities, and confirm that salt-marsh vegetation characteristics (species cover and composition) can be predicted on the basis of altitude, particularly at the lower levels of the profile.  相似文献   

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