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Synopsis Razorback suckers in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada, are suffering recruitment failure. Concomitantly, lake zooplankton levels are low and variable. We test, under laboratory conditions, the possibility that starvation is a cause of low recruitment. Razorback sucker larvae that were starved, received food too late, or were provided with insufficient food died between 20 and 30 d after hatching. Yolk absorption was at 8d after hatching, the critical period during which larvae must feed or most will die lies between 8 and 19d, and the point of irreversible starvation for individuals is between 19 and 23 d after hatching. Results support food-related mortality as a contributor to year-class failure of razorback sucker in Lake Mohave.  相似文献   

For the past several decades the Lake Mohave population of the federally endangered razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus, has had no natural recruitment because of intensive predation on larvae by non-native fishes. In response to impending extirpation, a repatriation program was implemented where larval razorbacks are collected from the wild following natural spawning, reared in protective custody, and then repatriated at a much larger size. In this study, we estimated annual (N bf) and generational female effective size (N ef) of the spawning stock by characterizing temporal genetic changes in mtDNA among larval cohorts, and then compared these estimates to the estimated number of reproductively capable (adult) females in Lake Mohave (N f). Razorback suckers have life history and mortality schedules that could yield values of N ef/N f as low as 10−5 due to match–mismatch recruitment (or the “Hedgecock effect”) that increases variance in reproductive success. Average N bf was estimated to be 160, N ef was 706, and the ratio N ef/N f was 0.29 and 0.38 for arithmetic and harmonic mean N f, respectively. Our findings indicate that (i) larval sampling in Lake Mohave sufficiently encompasses temporal and spatial variation within annual larval cohorts as to be representative of the spawning stock, (ii) roughly 3–16% (about 8% on average) of adult females contribute genetically to larval cohorts each year, and (iii) repatriated fishes appear to be contributing genetically to larval cohorts. Simultaneous genetic and demographic monitoring offers insights that neither approach can provide alone into effects of population decline and management practices in this species.  相似文献   

Razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) was once common and widely distributed throughout the Colorado River drainage of western North America. Water development and predation by non-native species led to significant decrease in the species’ range, and dramatic reduction in size of remaining populations. Previous analyses of mtDNA variation determined that most variation was found within locations and that haplotypes were randomly distributed relative to geography, indicating these samples represent remnants of a single, basin-wide population. In addition, both diversity and number of haplotypes declined progressively down- to upstream, consistent with geologically-recent expansion into the northern portions of the basin. Analyses of variation at 13 microsatellite loci also identified a decrease in genetic variation from down- to upstream, also consistent with the hypothesis of recent expansion. Analyses of population structure identified three distinct groups, but the majority of microsatellite variation was found within populations. Most individuals from the upper Colorado River were identified as a discrete unit. These individuals exhibited high levels of relatedness, indicating this represented an isolated group of closely related individuals. There also were significant differences between populations above and below the Grand Canyon; however, estimates of Θ were relatively low. Given nothing is known of local adaptation in this species, populations above and below the canyon should be managed as independent units; however, if numbers become too low it will be possible to translocate individuals from southern populations northward to increase levels of genetic variability and decrease relatedness within units. These results also illustrate the need for careful consideration of all available information when using molecular data in identifying units for management.  相似文献   

The Native Fishes Work Group, formed in 1991, developed and implemented a protocol to enhance the dwindling razorback sucker population in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada. This large, genetically diverse population is severely reduced in size as a result of recruitment failure associated with predation on larvae. To circumvent this problem, wild larvae are captured, reared in protective custody until they are large enough to escape predation, and then released back into the lake. We present results of a monitoring program designed to assess the effectiveness of the sampling design in transmitting the high genetic diversity found in wild adults. Variation in a fragment from the mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome b was examined by analysis of single-stranded polymorphisms and direct sequencing. Samples were characterized from three life history stages. Characterization of wild adults verified previous results that identified considerable diversity and provided baseline data. Samples of larvae from several temporal collections from throughout the spawning season and four geographical areas were characterized for 7 years (1997-2003) to assess the transmission of genetic variation from wild adults to larvae. Several analyses identified significant differences among temporal collections, resulting from sampling errors associated with finite number of females spawning at a given time and place. Comparisons among areas and years failed to identify significant variation, indicating that pooled collections for each year possess the same levels and patterns of genetic variation. Examination of repatriates representing 11 years (1992-2002) also failed to identify significant differences among cohorts; however, some sample sizes were small and the amova may lack sufficient power to detect differences. Contrasts of wild adults, larvae, and repatriates identified statistically significant differences among collections within these three groups; however, levels of variation are small and not biologically meaningful. More importantly, this analysis failed to detect significant differences among adults, larvae, and repatriates indicating that the program has been achieving its goal of transmitting variation from adults through the larvae and into the repatriate population. The reproductive capability of repatriates has not been examined, so it is unknown if the program will maintain genetic variation found in the original adult population. This will be most easily achieved by periodic monitoring of genetic variation in larval samples. If levels of variation become reduced in repatriates, levels and patterns of diversity in larvae are also expected to become reduced, and deviations in estimates of genetic diversity may become larger and more frequent. If this is the case, intervention may be necessary to ensure that certain individuals are not over-represented in the repatriate population.  相似文献   

The razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) is disappearing throughout its native range in the Colorado River basin of western North America. The largest remaining wild population in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada, has shown no recruitment since the 1950s. Although annual spawning is successful and larvae are seasonally abundant, no juveniles have been collected in recent decades. To evaluate the potential role of food availability in determining fate of larvae, fish and zooplankton samples were taken in 1985 from the reservoir and an adjacent, isolated backwater in which larvae were naturally produced. Food availability and primary dietary constituents were similar in both habitats. Reservoir larvae selectedBosmina spp. (Cladocera) and apparently avoided Copepoda, while larvae from the backwater selectedBosmina, but avoided Rotifera. Larvae from both places showed evidence of selection for certain sizes of zooplankters, but preferred sizes differed between habitats. These differences were neither attributable to larval size nor zooplankton community structure. Nutritional factors such as type, number, or size of available foods do not explain disappearance of larval razorback suckers from Lake Mohave, since larvae survive to far greater ages and size in the backwater. Predation by introduced fishes appears a significant cause of larval mortality.  相似文献   

Twenty-five polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis). The number of alleles ranged from two to five and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.036 to 0.750. These loci should be useful tools for conducting research towards the management and conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Crayfish are not native to the Colorado River basin (CRB), however they are now established in portions of the mainstem and in many tributaries. I used density manipulation experiments in a laboratory setting to determine intra- and interspecific competition for food between Orconectes virilis, an aggressive polytrophic crayfish now common in the CRB, and two native fishes: Gila chub, Gila intermedia, and flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis. I tested each fish species in separate trials. Growth of Gila chub decreased when animal densities increased, however they were more affected by intraspecific competition than by crayfish presence. In contrast, growth of flannelmouth suckers was more affected by crayfish than by intraspecific competition. Crayfish growth was not significantly altered by presence of either fish. Crayfish thus reduced fish growth by competition for food, but the effect differed markedly between the two species. An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

Species of Cedrela with a high economic value from Northwest and Northeastern Argentina are severely exploited. This work evaluates whether 51 nuclear SSRs, developed to study phylogenetically close species in the Meliaceae family (Cedrela odorata, Cedrela fissilis, Swietenia humilis and Swietenia macrophylla), can be used to study C. fissilis, Cedrela balansae, Cedrela saltensis and Cedrela angustifolia. A 62.8% of the total of 194 SSRs/species combinations showed a successful, homologous and cross-species amplification. As expected, a great success in SSRs transferability among Cedrela species was observed. Twenty-one screened SSRs showed a successful amplification pattern in all target species and many of them were polymorphic (9, 13, 13 and 7 SSRs for C. fissilis, C. balansae, C. saltensis and C. angustifolia, respectively). The high number of evaluated SSRs from the Cedrela genus and Meliaceae family, allowed us to obtain a suitable set of validated markers that are highly variable and easily scored, and also identify those which were less sturdy. We were able to retain a useful set of markers for three of the target species, but not for C. angustifolia. This could be due to its greater phylogenetic and morphological distances to the other three species. The lack of SSRs developed for our target species, transforms the transferred SSRs reported here in a valuable tool to monitor the genetic consequences of forest overexploitation on Cedrela species.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae was investigated along a south–north European transect spanning from southern France to The Netherlands. Mites were collected on Urtica dioica in 6 sampling zones. Microsatellite variation at 5 loci revealed considerable genetic variation with an average heterozygozity of 0.49. Significant heterozygote deficiency was found in 7 populations out of the 18 samples analyzed and one of them was completely monomorphic. Tetranychus urticae populations show some level of genetic structuring. First, genetic differentiation between localities (F ST estimates) was significant for all comparisons. Second, the analysis of molecular variance, AMOVA, indicates that there is an effect, albeit low (9%), of the locality in accounting for allele frequency variance. Geographic distance emerges as a factor responsible for this genetic structure. The results are discussed in relation to the biological features of the species and the known patterns of migration. Related agronomical issues are addressed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning of razorback suckers,Xyrauchen texanus, in Lake Mohave occurred from 10–22°C and larvae were collected at water temperatures from 10–15°C in 1982 and 1983. In the laboratory, hatching success was similar from 12–20°C, but reduced hatching success was found at 10°C while none hatched a 8°C. Development rate and oxygen consumption were positively related to incubation temperature. Direct effects of ambient Lake Mohave water temperatures on hatching success of razorback sucker embryos are considered minimal. Historical spawning temperatures for the species are hypothesized based upon successful incubation temperatures and comparison to the white sucker,Catostomus commersoni.  相似文献   

Hucho taimen are listed as endangered in China. The population size has declined recently, prompting an increase in the level of listing from grade three in 2002 to grade five in 2006. We analyzed the genetic diversity of wild populations using 17 microsatellite markers to establish a scientific basis for conservation of this species. We collected tissue samples from four populations in the Heilongjiang River basin: Huma River (HM), Hutou (HT), Haiqing (HQ), and Zhuaji (ZJ). A total of 21 loci were amplified, 18 of which were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 9 (mean: 4.1905). There were 13 highly polymorphic loci and 5 moderately polymorphic loci. Analysis of five genetic diversity parameters (Na, Ne, Ho, He, and PIC) suggested moderate levels of diversity within the populations. The populations were ranked HT > HQ > ZJ > HM, but the differences in diversity were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A comparison of variation among all four populations suggested Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium at 20% of the loci. Genetic differentiation (Fst) was 0.0644 and the gene flow among populations was estimated at 3.36 individuals per generation. The majority of diversity (93.88%) occurred among individuals within a population. In contrast, relatively little (6.12%) of the genetic diversity was distributed between the populations. An analysis of genetic differentiation and genetic distance between pairs of populations revealed that both parameters were higher in comparisons of the HM population to the HT, HQ, and ZJ populations than among the three latter populations. This suggests that the HM population has a distinct genetic structure. We hypothesize that habitat degradation and excessive fishing, not low genetic diversity, has caused the decline in H. taimen populations. However, this species should be protected from further declines in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Glyptosternum maculatum populations from Nyang River, Lhasa River, and Shetongmon Reach of Yarlung Zangbo River was assessed using six microsatellite markers. Overall, the genetic diversity across the three populations was low. The Shetongmon population exhibited the highest level of genetic diversity in terms of number of alleles and effective alleles, heterozygosity, and polymorphic information content value, followed by the Nyang population and Lhasa population. The analysis of molecular variance demonstrated that almost the variation (86.64%) occurred within populations. The differentiation among populations was not significant, and population structure was weak. These results revealed that three natural populations of G. maculatum are not genetically differentiated and the large disparity of living altitude did not caused genetic differentiation between different populations. Our observations will help identify the genetic relationship among populations to understand the genetic diversity of G. maculatum.  相似文献   

In order to study hybridisation, taxonomic boundaries and phylogeography in the genus Pseudopanax (Araliaceae), we developed seven novel microsatellite loci from enriched genomic libraries of P. lessonii and P. crassifolius. These loci were characterised in 16 individuals from a single population of P. crassifolius, and displayed 2–11 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.063 to 0.688. Most loci were polymorphic in the closely related Pseudopanax species, and several loci amplified widely across the Araliaceae.  相似文献   

Seven microsatellite primer pairs were isolated and characterized in the endangered Australian northern corroboree frog (Pseudophryne pengilleyi). All seven were polymorphic (2–14 alleles) and displayed high heterozygosity (0.036–0.964) in 28 sampled individuals. We also tested the microsatellites on two closely related species. Four were polymorphic in the southern corroboree frog (P. corroboree) and Bibron’s toadlet (P. bibronii). These primers will be useful in studies of conservation genetics and mating systems in Pseudophryne species.  相似文献   

The five recognized endemic pamphagid species (Orthoptera) of the Canary Islands have restricted and fragmented ranges due to habitat decline. Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers have been developed for Acrostira tamarani, and the performance of primer pairs amplifying these loci in related taxa has been tested. The number of alleles in A. tamarani samples taken from two distant localities in the island of Gran Canaria ranged from two to eight per locus. Observed heterozygosities were from 0.151 to 0.559. Up to four primer pairs amplified in related species with moderate heterozigosities (maximum of 0.687 and 10 alleles for Ata67 locus in Purpuraria erna). These markers could be useful tools to study the population structure and management of endemic threatened pamphagids of the Canary archipelago.  相似文献   

The direct microsatellite-primed PCR and the RAMPO techniques were applied to detect inter-specific polymorphisms in Tuber species and to select species specific fragments. A T. borchii marker was identified and specific primers were selected.  相似文献   

We developed and optimized five new microsatellite markers for the genetic management of the endangered June sucker. We report the cross‐amplification of these markers, and seven microsatellites previously developed for Klamath Basin suckers, in seven catostomid species of western North America. No linkage disequilibrium was detected between pairs of loci. Since most of these loci exhibited conserved priming sites, they may be useful for landscape‐scale studies of speciation and patterns of gene flow among multiple sucker lineages.  相似文献   

The blue chaffinch, Fringilla teydea, is an endemic species of the Canary Islands. This species is formed by two subspecies: The Teneriffean blue chaffinch (F. t. teydea), and the endangered Gran Canarian blue chaffinch, (F. t. polatzeki). Here we report the isolation and characterization of nine tetranucleotide microsatellites (AAAG and AAAT) from the Gran Canarian subspecies, using an enrichment protocol. An average of 7.8 alleles per locus and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.773 were found (n = 28). The loci were tested for their ability to cross amplify in the Teneriffean subspecies and in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). These microsatellites will be used to manage a captive breeding programme for the endangered Gran Canarian subspecies.  相似文献   

Recent anthropogenic habitat perturbationsrelated to the unsustainable development of thetwo areas of distribution of Androcymbiumgramineum in Almería (South of Spain) andthe Atlantic coast of Morocco are outweighingthe intrinsic biological survival assets ofthis narrow Ibero-Moroccan endemic. We usedpopulation genetic data on 18 isozyme loci for13 populations to design a comprehensivesampling strategy for ex-situ conservation thatstraddles the results of independenttheoretical developments and the indications ofseveral genetic polymorphism parameters.Regressions based on the probabilities of lossestimate that sampling one population would beinsufficient to represent the variationattributable to the rare alleles found in thepopulations surveyed from Almería orMorocco and suggest that the relationshipbetween the number of populations sampled ineither area should conform to the proportion0.6:0.4, respectively. The estimate of thenumber of populations that need be targeted torepresent 99% of the genetic variationdetected indicates that it would be necessaryto sample eight populations intensively. Fivepopulations from Almería and three fromMorocco were selected through the ranked valuesof the average number of alleles per locus andthe expected heterozygosity on the grounds thatthese parameters provide unambiguousindications of polymorphism that, in the caseof heterozygosity, are less likely to beinfluenced by sampling error. Spatialautocorrelation surveys in the largestpopulation known indicate that seeds should becollected at a minimum separation of 15 m toavoid the sampling of close relatives.  相似文献   

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