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Nitric oxide and vasodilation in human limbs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Joyner, Michael J., and Niki M. Dietz.Nitric oxide and vasodilation in human limbs. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6): 1785-1796, 1997.Both theskeletal muscle and skin of humans possess remarkable abilities tovasodilate. Marked vasodilation can be seen in these vascular beds inresponse to a variety of common physiological stimuli. These stimuliinclude reactive hyperemia (skin and muscle), exercise hyperemia(muscle), mental stress (muscle), and whole body heating (skin). Thephysiological mechanisms that cause vasodilation in response to thesestimuli are poorly understood, and the substance(s) responsible for itremain unclear. In this context, recent attention has been focused onthe possible contribution of nitric oxide (NO) to the regulation ofhyperemic responses in human skin and skeletal muscle. The emergingpicture is that NO is not an essential component of the dilatorresponse seen during reactive hyperemia. However, it does appear thatNO may play a modest role in exercise hyperemia. NO appears to play amajor role in the skeletal muscle vasodilation seen in response tomental stress in humans. Preliminary evidence also indicates that NO isnot essential for the normal dilator responses observed in thecutaneous circulation during body heating in humans, but this issueneeds further study. There are a number of possible mechanisms thatmight mediate NO release in humans, and the role of these mechanisms inthe various hyperemic responses is also poorly understood. The role ofaltered NO-mediated vasodilation in some disease states is alsodiscussed. Whereas NO is a potent vasodilating substance, the actionsof NO alone do not explain a variety of poorly understood vasodilatormechanisms in conscious humans. Much work remains for those interestedin the role of NO in the regulation of blood flow to the skin and skeletal muscle of humans.


In the paper we investigate how owner personality, attitude and gender influence dog behavior, dyadic practical functionality and the level of dog salivary cortisol. In three meetings, 12 female and 10 male owners of male dogs answered questionnaires including the Neo-FFI human personality inventory. Their dyadic behavior was video-taped in a number of test situations, and saliva samples were collected. Owners who scored highly in neuroticism (Neo-FFI dimension one) viewed their dogs as social supporters and spent much time with them. Their dogs had low baseline cortisol levels, but such dyads were less successful in the operational task. Owners who scored highly in extroversion (Neo-FFI dimension two) appreciated shared activities with their dogs which had relatively high baseline cortisol values. Dogs that had female owners were less sociable-active (dog personality axis 1) than dogs that had male owners. Therefore, it appears that owner gender and personality influences dyadic interaction style, dog behavior and dyadic practical functionality.  相似文献   

The author examines the merits and problems associated with full-time rotation and intermittent G stimulation as weightlessness countermeasures during prolonged space flight.  相似文献   

This study investigated the physiological reactions of companion dogs (Canis familiaris) used in animal-assisted activities and animal-assisted therapy by measuring salivary cortisol concentrations. The dog caregivers (owners) collected saliva samples (a) at 3 control days without therapeutic work, (b) directly before and after each therapeutic session during 3 consecutive months, and (c) again at 3 control days without therapeutic work. The study used an enzyme immunoassay to analyze the samples. Cortisol concentrations were significantly higher during therapy days than on control days. Dogs working during the first half of the day produced higher cortisol concentrations after therapeutic sessions than before, whereas dogs working in the afternoon produced lower cortisol concentrations. Cortisol concentrations were higher in short sessions than in long ones and increased relative to the number of therapeutic sessions done during the sampling period. The results indicate that therapeutic work was physiologically arousing for the dogs in this study. Whether these physiological responses are indicative of potentially negative stress or of positive excitement remains an open question.  相似文献   

The rate of capillary filtration after 5 minutes' ischaemia of the lower limbs was studied in man by the venous occlusive plethysmography method. The measured values were 3 times lower on an average than the control values. Comparison of the plethysmographic curves with isotope recordings after the intravenous administration of In-113m shows that volume changes induced by venous occlusion during reactive hyperaemia take place mainly intravascularly and do not allow any conclusions to be drawn on changes in blood-tissue fluid shifts.  相似文献   

Human-cat dyads may be similar in interaction structure to human dyads because many humans regard their cats as being social companions. Consequently, we predict that dyadic structure will be contingent on owner and cat personalities, sex, and age as well as duration of cohabitation of the partners. Forty owner-cat dyads were visited in their homes, on four occasions, during which their behaviours and interactions were video-taped. Behaviour was coded from tape and was analysed for temporal (t)-patterns using Theme® (Noldus; Magnusson, 1996). Owner personality was assessed using the NEO-FFI. Five cat personality axes were identified by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on observer-rated items and on coded behaviours. We found that the higher the owner in neuroticism, the fewer t-patterns occurred per minute. The higher the owner in extraversion, the higher was the number of non-overlapping patterns per minute. The more “active” the cat, the fewer non-overlapping patterns occurred per minute, but the higher was the event type complexity. The older the cat, the lower was dyadic event type complexity. We suggest that basic temporal structures similar to those of human-cat dyads may also be found in other long-term and complex dyadic relationships, including those between humans.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is capable of blunting alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in contracting skeletal muscles of experimental animals (functional sympatholysis). We therefore tested the hypothesis that exogenous NO administration can blunt alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in resting human limbs by measuring forearm blood flow (FBF; Doppler ultrasound) and blood pressure in eight healthy males during brachial artery infusions of three alpha-adrenergic constrictors (tyramine, which evokes endogenous norepinephrine release; phenylephrine, an alpha1-agonist; and clonidine, an alpha2-agonist). To simulate exercise hyperemia, the vasoconstriction caused by the alpha-agonists was compared during adenosine-mediated (>50% NO independent) and sodium nitroprusside-mediated (SNP; NO donor) vasodilation of the forearm. Both adenosine and SNP increased FBF from approximately 35-40 to approximately 200-250 ml/min. All three alpha-adrenergic constrictor drugs caused marked reductions in FBF and calculated forearm vascular conductance (P < 0.05). The relative reductions in forearm vascular conductance caused by the alpha-adrenergic constrictors during SNP infusion were similar (tyramine, -74 +/- 3 vs. -65 +/- 2%; clonidine, -44 +/- 6 vs. -44 +/- 6%; P > 0.05) or slightly greater (phenylephrine, -47 +/- 6 vs. -33 +/- 6%; P < 0.05) compared with the responses during adenosine. In conclusion, these results indicate that exogenous NO sufficient to raise blood flow to levels simulating those seen during exercise does not blunt alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in the resting human forearm.  相似文献   

Studies of whole limb blood flow have shown that static handgrip elicits a vasodilatation in the resting forearm and vasoconstriction in the resting leg. We asked if these responses occur in the skeletal muscle vascular bed, and if so, what is the relative contribution of local metabolic versus other mechanisms to these vascular responses. Blood flow recordings were made simultaneously in the skeletal muscle of the resting arm and leg using the Xenon-washout method in ten subjects during 3 min of isometric handgrip at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction. In the arm, skeletal muscle vascular resistance (SMVR) decreased transiently at the onset of exercise followed by a return to baseline levels at the end of exercise. In the leg SMVR remained unchanged during the 1st min of handgrip, but had increased to exceed baseline levels by the end of exercise. During exercise electromyography (EMG) recordings from nonexercising limbs demonstrated a progressive 20-fold increase in activity in the arm, but remained at baseline in the leg. During EMG-signal modelled exercise performed to mimic the inadvertent muscle activity, decreases in forearm SMVR amounted to 57% of the decrease seen with controlateral handgrip. The present study would seem to indicate that vascular tone in nonexercising skeletal muscle in the arm and leg are controlled differently during the early stages of static handgrip. Metabolic vasodilatation due to involuntary contraction could significantly modulate forearm skeletal muscle vascular responses, but other factors, most likely neural vasodilator mechanisms, must make major contributions. During the later stages of contralateral sustained handgrip, vascular adjustments in resting forearm skeletal muscle would seem to be the final result of reflex sympathetic vasoconstrictor drive, local metabolic vasodilator forces and possibly neurogenic vasodilator mechanisms.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks and their use in quantitative pathology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A brief general introduction to artificial neural networks is presented, examining in detail the structure and operation of a prototype net developed for the solution of a simple pattern recognition problem in quantitative pathology. The process by which a neural network learns through example and gradually embodies its knowledge as a distributed representation is discussed, using this example. The application of neurocomputer technology to problems in quantitative pathology is explored, using real-world and illustrative examples. Included are examples of the use of artificial neural networks for pattern recognition, database analysis and machine vision. In the context of these examples, characteristics of neural nets, such as their ability to tolerate ambiguous, noisy and spurious data and spontaneously generalize from known examples to handle unfamiliar cases, are examined. Finally, the strengths and deficiencies of a connectionist approach are compared to those of traditional symbolic expert system methodology. It is concluded that artificial neural networks, used in conjunction with other nonalgorithmic artificial intelligence techniques and traditional algorithmic processing, may provide useful software engineering tools for the development of systems in quantitative pathology.  相似文献   

At rest and after cycle ergometry the elastic properties of the large arteries of limbs of healthy men were examined using an original non-invasive quantitative oscillometric method. It has been shown that in response to muscle work performed with the legs there is a decrease of the effective inner radius, and an increase of the characteristic impedance modulus and bulk modulus and of the elastic resistance of the intact and relaxed wall in the large arteries in the upper limbs. All these changes testify to an increase of vascular tension in the upper limbs. In response to work performed with the hands, there is an increase of the effective inner radius of large arteries of the upper limbs, a large increase of the pulsatile blood volume increment of the intact vessels and a decrease of the characteristic impedance modulus, of the bulk modulus and of the elastic resistance of the intact arterial wall. These changes indicate a decrease of the vascular tension of these arteries. In response to work performed either with the legs or with the hands a decrease of the effective inner radius of large arteries and an increase of the elastic resistance of the relaxed arterial wall were observed in the lower limbs, all these changes indicating relatively small changes in tone of these vessels. It is concluded that the wall tension of large arteries supplying blood to the muscles of non-working limbs is increased. Vascular tension changes in the arteries in working limbs are accounted for by the superimposition of centrally originating vasoconstriction with local vasodilatation, which also affects large arteries.  相似文献   

When walking at normal and fast speeds, humans swing their upper limbs in alternation, each upper limb swinging in phase with the contralateral lower limb. However, at slow and very slow speeds, the upper limbs swing forward and back in unison, at twice the stride frequency of the lower limbs. The change from “single swinging” (in alternation) to “double swinging” (in unison) occurs consistently at a certain stride frequency for agiven individual, though different individuals may change at different stride frequencies. To explain this change in the way we use our upper limbs and individual variations in the occurrence of the change, the upper limb is modelled as a compound pendulum. Based on the kinematic properties of pendulums, we hypothesize that the stride frequency at which the change from “single swinging” to “double swinging” occurs will be at or slightly below the natural pendular frequency (NPF) of the upper limbs. Twenty-seven subjects were measured and then filmed while walking at various speeds. The mathematically derived NPF of each subject's upper limbs was compared to the stride frequency at which the subject changed from “single swinging” to “double swinging.” The results of the study conform very closely to the hypothesis, even when the NPF is artificially altered by adding weights to the subjects' hands. These results indicate that the pendulum model of the upper limb will be useful in further investigations of the function of the upper limbs in human walking. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Durophagy arose in the Cambrian and greatly influenced the diversification of biomineralized defensive structures throughout the Phanerozoic. Spinose gnathobases on protopodites of Cambrian euarthropod limbs are considered key innovations for shell-crushing, yet few studies have demonstrated their effectiveness with biomechanical models. Here we present finite-element analysis models of two Cambrian trilobites with prominent gnathobases—Redlichia rex and Olenoides serratus—and compare these to the protopodites of the Cambrian euarthropod Sidneyia inexpectans and the modern American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Results show that L. polyphemus, S. inexpectans and R. rex have broadly similar microstrain patterns, reflecting effective durophagous abilities. Conversely, low microstrain values across the O. serratus protopodite suggest that the elongate gnathobasic spines transferred minimal strain, implying that this species was less well-adapted to masticate hard prey. These results confirm that Cambrian euarthropods with transversely elongate protopodites bearing short, robust gnathobasic spines were likely durophages. Comparatively, taxa with shorter protopodites armed with long spines, such as O. serratus, were more likely restricted to a soft food diet. The prevalence of Cambrian gnathobase-bearing euarthropods and their various feeding specializations may have accelerated the development of complex trophic relationships within early animal ecosystems, especially the ‘arms race'' between predators and biomineralized prey.  相似文献   

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