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心脏是由无数个独立的心肌细胞通过缝隙连接形成的一个功能性合胞体。心肌细胞间的电耦联是心脏“全或无”性动作电位传导和机械收缩的先决条件。缺氧、缺血、药物、细胞内外离子浓度的改变以及激素等因素可直接或间接地影响心肌细胞间的电耦联,从而导致心脏功能的改变。  相似文献   

Respiratory effect of the intercostal muscles in the dog   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Gap junctions were found in rat myometrium only during parturition of abortion. A comparison was made between the values of the length constants obtained from longitudinally cut strips of rat myometrium at the midterm stage of pregnancy and during parturition. No significant difference was found between these values. No significant difference was found between length constants measured in myometrium from rats near term (22 days) and those during parturition, or between midterm myometrium and myometrium taken from animals aborting at midterm following ovariectomy. It was concluded that the appearance of gap junctions in parturient myometrium does not alter the spread of passive current in the longitudinal axis of the cells in these tissues. It is suggested that gap junctions are not required for spread of passive current, and that other structures may provide an alternate path.  相似文献   

Mucosal hypertonicity produces a drop of transepithelial potential difference in isolated rat jejunum with a half time of about 15 s. The same effect is obtained when the osmorality of both bathing solutions is raised simultaneously. Serosal hypertonicity produces an increase of transepithelial potential difference an order of magnitude lower than the drop produced by mucosal hypertonicity. The change in the short circuit current parallels the one in potential difference.When the transepithelial potential difference is varied by adding different concentrations of glucose to the bathing media, the potential drop induced by mucosal hypertonicity is linearly related to the magnitude of the transepithelial potential difference just before the increase in osmolarity.The drop of potential can be explained by a decrease of the electrical resistance of the extracellular shunt pathway due to opening of the tight junctions. The results can be accounted for in terms of an equivalent electrical circuit proposed for small intestine. Using this equivalent circuit model it is possible to obtain estimates of the values of the diffusion potential and the salt gradient across the tight junction.  相似文献   

The inspiratory intercostal muscles elevate the ribs and thereby elicit a fall in pleural pressure (DeltaPpl) when they contract. In the present study, we initially tested the hypothesis that this DeltaPpl does, in turn, oppose the rib elevation. The cranial rib displacement (Xr) produced by selective activation of the parasternal intercostal muscle in the fourth interspace was measured in dogs, first with the rib cage intact and then after DeltaPpl was eliminated by bilateral pneumothorax. For a given parasternal contraction, Xr was greater after pneumothorax; the increase in Xr per unit decrease in DeltaPpl was 0.98+/-0.11 mm/cmH2O. Because this relation was similar to that obtained during isolated diaphragmatic contraction, we subsequently tested the hypothesis that the increase in Xr observed during breathing after diaphragmatic paralysis was, in part, the result of the decrease in DeltaPpl, and the contribution of the difference in DeltaPpl to the difference in Xr was determined by using the relation between Xr and DeltaPpl during passive inflation. With diaphragmatic paralysis, Xr during inspiration increased approximately threefold, and 47+/-8% of this increase was accounted for by the decrease in DeltaPpl. These observations indicate that 1) DeltaPpl is a primary determinant of rib motion during intercostal muscle contraction and 2) the decrease in DeltaPpl and the increase in intercostal muscle activity contribute equally to the increase in inspiratory cranial displacement of the ribs after diaphragm paralysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms underlying muscarinic excitation-contraction coupling in canine airway smooth muscle using organ bath, fura 2 fluorimetric, and patch-clamp techniques. Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) augmented the responses to submaximal muscarinic stimulation in both tracheal (TSM) and bronchial smooth muscles (BSM), consistent with disruption of the barrier function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. During maximal stimulation, however, CPA evoked substantial relaxation in TSM but not BSM. CPA reversal of carbachol tone persisted in the presence of tetraethylammoium or high KCl, suggesting that hyperpolarization is not involved; CPA relaxations were absent in tissues preconstricted with KCl alone or by permeabilization with beta-escin, ruling out a nonspecific effect on the contractile apparatus. Peak contractions were sensitive to inhibitors of tyrosine kinase (genistein) or Rho kinase (Y-27632). Sustained responses were dependent on Ca(2+) influx in TSM but not BSM; this influx was sensitive to Ni(2+) but not La(3+). In conclusion, there are several mechanisms underlying excitation-contraction coupling in airway smooth muscle, the relative importance of which varies depending on tissue and degree of stimulation.  相似文献   

Although the pentobarbital-anesthetized dog is often used as a model in studies of respiratory muscle activity during spontaneous breathing, there is no information regarding the stability of the pattern of breathing of this model over time. The electromyograms of several inspiratory and expiratory muscle groups were measured in six dogs over a 4-h period by use of chronically implanted electrodes. Anesthesia was induced with pentobarbital sodium (25 mg/kg iv), with supplemental doses to maintain constant plasma pentobarbital concentrations. Phasic electrical activity increased over time in the triangularis sterni, transversus abdominis, and external oblique muscles (expiratory muscles). The electrical activity of the costal diaphragm, crural diaphragm, and parasternal intercostal muscles (inspiratory muscles) was unchanged. These changes in electrical activity occurred despite stable plasma levels of pentobarbital and arterial PCO2. They were associated with changes in chest wall motion and an increased tidal volume with unchanged breathing frequency. We conclude that expiratory muscle groups are selectively activated with time in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs lying supine. Therefore the duration of anesthesia is an important variable in studies using this model.  相似文献   

The abdominal muscles expand the rib cage when they contract alone. This expansion opposes the deflation of the lung and may be viewed as pressure dissipation. The hypothesis was raised, therefore, that alterations in rib cage elastance should affect the lung deflating action of these muscles. To test this hypothesis and evaluate the quantitative importance of this effect, we measured the changes in airway opening pressure (Pao), abdominal pressure (Pab), and rib cage transverse diameter during isolated stimulation of the transversus abdominis muscle in anesthetized dogs, first with the rib cage intact and then after rib cage elastance was increased by clamping the ribs and the sternum. Stimulation produced increases in Pao, Pab, and rib cage diameter in both conditions. With the ribs and sternum clamped, however, the change in Pab was unchanged but the change in Pao was increased by 77% (P < 0.001). In a second experiment, the transversus abdominis was stimulated before and after rib cage elastance was reduced by removing the bony ribs 3-8. Although the change in Pab after removal of the the ribs was still unchanged, the change in Pao was reduced by 62% (P < 0.001). These observations, supported by a model analysis, indicate that rib cage elastance is a major determinant of the mechanical coupling between the abdominal muscles and the lung. In fact, in the dog, the effects of rib cage elastance and Pab on the lung-deflating action of the abdominal muscles are of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Summary There is a predictable and well defined variation in numbers of plasmodesmata in roots ofAzolla. As the apical cell of the root ages, it lays down walls with progressively fewer plasmodesmata, thereby gradually cutting itself off from the rest of the root (Gunning 1978). Electrical coupling was examined between the apical cell and an adjacent merophyte in roots of various lengths. The apical cell becomes increasingly electrically isolated from the rest of the root as it ages. Electrical coupling is strongly correlated with the number of the plasmodesmata between the coupled cells. The resistance of a plasmodesma, as estimated from equivalent electrical circuits, was 150–600 times more resistive than a value based on theoretical considerations. No evidence was found for a change in the physiology of plasmodesmata as the root ages. Coupling experiments, both on root hairs and at the apex, gave some suggestion that plasmodesmata may be less resistive towards the apical cell than away from it.  相似文献   

The roles of Ca2+ in excitation--contraction coupling in vascular smooth muscle have been difficult to delineate, primarily because unambiguous association of specific Ca2+ components with morphologically defined cellular structures could not be attained. More recent use of washouts in La3+-substituted solutions at low temperature (to remove superficial Ca2+ and retain cellular Ca2+), Scatchard-coordinate plots (to identify incubation conditions appropriate for examining predominantly high or low affinity Ca2+ components), and high concentrations of Sr2+ (to remove high but not low affinity Ca2+) have facilitated qualitative and quantitative separation of different Ca2+ fractions. The release of high affinity Ca2+ elicited with norepinephrine and the increase in uptake of low affinity Ca2+ obtained with high K+ have been clearly demonstrated, and may directly measure or indirectly reflect changes in the level of intracellular free Ca2+. In other types of vascular smooth muscle (e.g., renal vessels, coronary arteries), similar Ca2+ components also appear to be present, but their relative size and functional importance for regulation of contractile responsiveness can differ.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cultures are composed of flat, polygonal monolayer cells which retain many of the growth, metabolic and physiological characteristics of the intimal endothelium. However, intercellular gap and tight junctions, which are thought to perform important roles in normal intimal physiology, are reduced in complexity and extent in culture. We have used electrophysiological techniques to test confluent (3- to 5-day) primary cultures of calf aortic (BAEC) and umbilical cord vein (BVEC) endothelium for junctional transfer of small ions. Both cell types are extensively electrically coupled. The passive electrical properties of the cultured cells were calculated from the decrease in induced membrane potential deflections with distance from an intracellular, hyperpolarizing electrode. Data analyses were based on a thin-sheet model for current flow (Bessel function). The generalized space constants (lambda) were 208.6 microns (BAEC) and 288.9 microns (BVEC). The nonjunctional (6.14 and 8.72 X 10(8) omega) and junctional (3.67 and 3.60 X 10(6) omega) resistances were similar for the BAEC and BVEC, respectively. We detected no statistically significant differences in the resistance estimates for the two cell types. In vivo ultrastructural studies have suggested that aortic endothelium has more extensive gap junctions than venous endothelium. We have found that these ultrastructural differences are reduced in culture. The lack of any significant difference in electrical coupling capability suggests that cultured BAEC and BVEC have functionally similar junctional characteristics.  相似文献   

De Giorgi F  Lartigue L  Ichas F 《Cell calcium》2000,28(5-6):365-370
Kinetic fluorescence imaging and the potentiometric probe tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) were used to evoke and detect changes in membrane potential (delta Psi(m)) of individual mitochondria in living cells. As a combined effect of preferential TMRM accumulation in mitochondria, and of TMRM photoactivation, individual organelles displayed sharp transient depolarizations caused by local reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated gatings of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP). In COS-7 cells, such directed repetitive gatings of the PTP gave rise to stochastic delta Psi(m)flickering at the level of individual organelles, but also to prominent synchronous delta Psi(m)transitions in whole subgroups of the mitochondrial population, indicative of the existence of an underlying electrically coupled mitochondrial network. In single cells, this network could comprise as much as 65% of the total mitochondrial population, a nd exhibited a high plasticity with mitochondrial units spontaneously connecting to and disconnecting from the coupled structure within seconds. These results indicate that in resting cells, the mitochondrial network is a dynamic proton-conducting structure capable to commute and coordinate electrical signals generated by the PTP.  相似文献   

Electrical coupling and neuronal synchronization in the Mammalian brain   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Bennett MV  Zukin RS 《Neuron》2004,41(4):495-511
Certain neurons in the mammalian brain have long been known to be joined by gap junctions, which are the most common type of electrical synapse. More recently, cloning of neuron-specific connexins, increased capability of visualizing cells within brain tissue, labeling of cell types by transgenic methods, and generation of connexin knockouts have spurred a rapid increase in our knowledge of the role of gap junctions in neural activity. This article reviews the many subtleties of transmission mediated by gap junctions and the mechanisms whereby these junctions contribute to synchronous firing.  相似文献   

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