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Summary We present a statistical analysis of a previously published (Yen, 1983) but heretofore unanalyzed data set on the vertical distributions and diel vertical migration (DVM) of adult females of the marine planktonic copepod Euchaeta elongata in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA. Non-ovigerous females were strongly migratory on all four dates sampled, residing between 75–175 m during the day and at shallower depths during the night, commonly entering the upper 50 m of the water column. In contrast, ovigerous females were non-migratory or weakly migratory, largely remaining between 100–175 m both day and night, and entering the upper 50 m of the water column only rarely. Thus non-ovigerous females always migrated much more strongly, as measured by both amplitude of migration and the proportion of animals migrating, than did ovigerous females. These results led us to hypothesize that differential susceptibility to visually orienting predators was the cause of these differences in DVM behavior in female E. elongata, and we subsequently undertook an experimental study of the feeding selectivity of the copepod's natural predator, Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). Pacific herring exhibited a highly significant preference for ovigerous over nonovigerous adult female E. elongata. The demographic consequences of variable DVM in adult female E. elongata were investigated by way of life table analyses. Results indicated that under conditions of thermal stratification of the water column there is a distinct demographic disadvantage (reduced rate of realized population growth) incurred by non-migratory or weakly migratory ovigerous females due to delayed egg development at cooler subsurface temperatures. We conclude that ovigerous female E. elongata remain at depth both day and night to avoid visually orienting predators, and that such behavior must afford the copepod a demographic advantage of no less than a 26% reduction in adult mortality to offset the demographic cost of delayed egg development.  相似文献   

In lacustrine environments, little attention has been paid to small-scale interactions between zooplankton diel vertical migration (DVM) and feeding rhythms. Moreover, most of the information on in situ diel feeding and migratory rhythms is based on low sampling frequencies. The kinetics and the degree of coupling of these processes are thus only roughly known. Here, we present a study conducted on a diel cycle in Lake Geneva to establish the temporal and spatial relationships between DVM and grazing activity of the dominant planktonic crustaceans. Our methodological approach is based on reliable and frequent (every 30 minutes) sampling, and on gut fullness analysis. We test the hypothesis of temporal and spatial segregation in DVM and feeding activity of sympatric taxa to counteract resource competition. We also evaluate the variation in DVM and feeding activity between taxa, size and sexes. In Lake Geneva, the Daphnia complex of different species and size (D. hyalina × galeata) and the diaptomid (Eudiaptomus gracilis) have distinct DVM and diel feeding patterns which lead to temporal and spatial segregation. Differences arise from the amplitude and kinetics of DVM and diel feeding rhythms. A strong day/night contrast in depth distribution and feeding activity was observed for the large daphnids while the small daphnids and the diaptomids had lower amplitudes of DVM and weaker diel changes in feeding activity. Large Daphnia exhibited a bimodal feeding pattern coupled with dynamic interchange of individuals between the epi- and hypolimnetic layers at dusk and dawn. In contrast, little coupling between DVM and feeding patterns was found for the diaptomid. These distinct behaviours can be viewed as specific adaptive strategies developed by calanids and daphnids to limit interspecific competition and to compromise between avoidance of starvation in deep waters and avoidance of visual predators in surface layers. Our study supports the hypothesis of exogenous control of Daphnia DVM by the relative change in light intensity at dusk and dawn, but also suggests that small Daphnia (not large ones), are controlled by absolute light variations when this major stimulus is lacking. Our results also support the hypothesis that selective predation by fish is responsible for the observed differences in DVM and diel feeding patterns of sized-daphnids and diaptomids. Other factors explaining the coupling of DVM and feeding patterns are hunger, vertical temperature gradient and for daphnids, size. Thus, ecological plasticity in crustacean DVM and feeding patterns results from the interactive effect of multiple abiotic and biotic driving forces. Finally, our study also shows that large Daphnia have a marked contribution to the acceleration of downward nutrient fluxes in Lake Geneva, via their diurnal rhythm in feeding and vertical migration. Ecological implications of the study for lake management and sampling design of zooplankton grazing studies are also presented.
Résumé Dans les écosystèmes lacustres, les interactions à fine échelle temporelle entre les patrons diurnes de migration verticale et de broutage du zooplancton sont peu étudiées. En outre, jusq'à présent, les études ont généralement été réalisées selon des chroniques temporelles assez lâches. La cinétique et le degré d'interaction entre les patrons journaliers de migration verticale et de broutage sont donc encore mal connus. La présente étude, conduite au Lac Léman (Lac de Genéve) au cours d'un cycle nycthéméral, tente de préciser les liaisons spatiales et temporelles existant entre les migrations journalières et la consommation de phytoplancton chez les taxons de Crustacés les mieux représentés. Notre approche méthodologique repose sur une maille temporelle d'échantillonnage fine et sur l'analyse de la fluorescence du contenu stomacal. Nous testons l'hypothèse d'une ségrégation spatio-temporelle visant à réduire la compétition entre les taxons sympatriques et reposant sur des différences entre les patrons journaliers respectifs de migration et d'alimentation. Nous évaluons pour ces rhythmes d'activité les différences entre les espèces, les classes de tailles et les sexes. Au lac Léman, le complexe de différentes espèces et tailles de daphnies (Daphnia hyalina × galeata) et le diaptomide (Eudiaptomus gracilis) présentent des patrons journaliers de migration et d'alimentation distincts, assurant une ségrégation spatio-temporelle. Les différences proviennent de variations dans la cinétique et l'amplitude des migrations et dans les niveaux d'alimentation. Les grandes daphnies affichent un fort contraste jour/nuit dans leur répartition verticale et leur état de réplétion, tandis que les petites daphnies et les diaptomides présentent une faible amplitude de migration et de variations circadiennes de réplétion. Les grandes daphnies ont un rythme alimentaire bimodal couplé avec un relais dynamique des organismes entre l'épilimnion et l'hypolimnion au crépuscule et à l'aube. Chez le diaptomide, les interactions sont au contraire faibles entre les patrons de migration verticale et de réplétion. Ces différents comportements peuvent être perçus comme des stratégies adaptives spécifiques développées par les daphnies et les diaptomides pour limiter la compétition interspécifique et aboutir à un compromis satisfaisant entre l'évitement de la famine en eaux profondes et de la prédation par les poissons dans les eaux superficielles. Notre étude conforte l'hypothèse d'un contrôle exogène de la migration verticale de Daphnia par les changements relatifs de la lumière au crépuscule et à l'aube. En l'absence de ce stimulus, la répartition verticale des petites daphnies semble par contre contrôlée par les variations absolues de lumière. Nos observations confortent également l'hypothèse que la prédation sélective par les poissons est responsable des différences observées dans les patrons de migration des grandes daphnies et ceux des petites daphnies et des diaptomides. Les autres facteurs pouvant influencer les patrons de migration et d'alimentation des crustacés du Lac Léman sont la famine, le gradient thermique vertical et, chez les daphnies, la taille. En définitive, la plasticité écologique des patrons journaliers de migration et d'alimentation résulte des effets interactifs de daphnies ont un rôle très important dans le transfert des nutriments dans les couches profondes durant l'été, via leurs migrations verticales et les variations circadiennes d'activité alimentaire. Les implications écologiques pour l'aménagement lacustre et la planification des études portant sur le broutage du zooplancton sont aussi présentées.

Diel vertical migration ofEudiaptomus gracilis during a short summer period   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several aspects of a diel vertical migration (DVM) of adultEudiaptomus gracilis in Lake Maarsseveen (The Netherlands) are described. The period of DVM lasted from the end of May until the middle of August. On May 21, 1989, the population was found divided into a deep dwelling part and a part in the upper five meter. Large shoals of juvenile perch were observed in the open water for the first time. On June 7, the whole population was down below 10 m and concentrated in a zone of high chlorphyll-a concentrations. One week later, a regular DVM was performed. The amplitude of this migration gradually decreased towards the end of the migration period. The ascent in the evening and the descent in the morning took place after sunset and before sunrise, respectively. The movements coincided with high relative changes in light intensity. Population size increased rapidly during the period of DVM but decreased again before the end of this period.  相似文献   

Six genera of Clad ocera (Diaphanosoma, Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Moina, Bosmina, Bosminopsis), each of them usually with only one species were found in Lake D. Helvecio, a natural valley lake located in the eastern part of Brazil. Diurnal migratory movements of the organisms observed in this lake showed a different pattern in different species. Closely related species, which explore the same food source, live in different layers, thus avoiding interspecific competition. The migratory behaviour of the species was studied mainly in relation to temperature and oxygen distribution in the lake. Thus, analyses were made in the summer (January, 1978) when a strong stratification occurs with the establishment of a thermocline and an oxycline. Comparisons were made also with the data obtained in winter (July, 1978), when a complete mixing of water occurs.  相似文献   

Light and nutrient availability change throughout dinoflagellate diel vertical migration (DVM) and/or with sub-population location in the water column along the west Florida shelf. Typically, the vertical depth of the shelf is greater than the distance a sub-population can vertically migrate during a diel cycle, limiting the ability of a sub-population to photosynthetically fix carbon toward the surface and access nutrients sub-surface. This project investigated changes of Karenia brevis (C.C. Davis) G. Hansen et Moestrup intracellular carbon, nitrogen, internal nitrate (iNO3), free amino acid (FAA), and total lipid concentrations in high-light, nitrate-replete (960 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, 80 μM NO3), and high-light, nitrate-reduced (960 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, <5 μM NO3) mesocosms. The nitrate-reduced mesocosm had a slowed cell division rate when compared to the nitrate-replete mesocosm. Minimum intracellular carbon, nitrogen, iNO3, FAA, and total lipid concentrations during the largest surface sub-population aggregations led to the conclusion that daughter cells resulting from cell division received unequal shares of the parental resources and that this inequality influenced migration behavior. Nutrient reduced daughter cells were more strongly influenced by light and phototaxis for carbon production than their replete same cell division sister cells during vertical migration thus rapidly increasing the fulfillment of constituents through photosynthesis. Vertical migration was consistent with an optimization scheme based on threshold limits through utilization or formation of photosynthate. We propose a simplified conceptual model describing how K. brevis is transported along the benthos of the west Florida shelf from off-shore to on-shore. Dynamic carbon thresholds are also suggested for future DVM modeling efforts on K. brevis populations transported between nitrogen replete and nitrogen reduced environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The pelagic amphipod, Hyalella montezuma, migrates vertically into the surface waters at twilight in Montezuma Well, Arizona, USA despite the absence of fish predators or thermal stratification. We suggest that a persistent, dense, neustonic algal assemblage may provide a food resource incentive for the twilight ascent.  相似文献   

The diel vertical migration (DVM) of three genera of the stomiid subfamily Malacosteinae (Photostomias, Aristostomias and Malacosteus) was analysed from capture records of nearly 300 specimens in the Atlantic Ocean. To account for broad temporal and geographic scales encountered in this study, local time of capture was transformed to a corrected time representing position in a solar day. Species of Photostomias and Aristostomias undertake asynchronous DVMs characterized by a residence in the mesopelagic zone during the day and separate migrating and non‐migrating subpopulations at night. Species of Photostomias displayed an asynchronous DVM pattern characterized by a residence in the lower mesopelagic zone (>500 m) during the day and a segregated distribution at night. Specimens of Photostomias guernei captured at night in the mesopelagic were nearly identical in size to those captured in the epipelagic; however, day epipelagic specimens were stratified by size. In species of Aristostomias, few specimens were caught in the mesopelagic zone during the day and only small specimens were captured in the mesopelagic zone at night, indicating that sampling depth may not have been adequate to capture the bulk of mesopelagic daytime residents and the entire size range of the non‐migrating night‐time residents. In contrast, Malacosteus niger was distributed below 600 m, did not regularly migrate to the epipelagic zone and was stratified across the 700 m isobath. From these data, relationships between DVM patterns, morphology and foraging ecology are inferred and biases and applications of this method are discussed.  相似文献   

Caridina nilotica (Decapoda: Atyidae) in offshore waters of Lake Victoria were investigated with both day and night sampling over a period of two years. Offshore populations are mainly planktonic rather than benthic, and the animals exhibit diel vertical migrations into near-surface waters at night. These changes in diel abundance as well as the size-frequency distribution of the migrating shrimp suggest that the migratory behavior is in response to visual planktivory, because only the very smallest individuals (2–4 mm) remain in surface waters during the day. During October 1992, abundances were estimated both by vertical net sampling and by underwater video transect methods. Concordance was established between abundances estimated by the two methods. Only about 9% (night) to 14% (day) of the Caridina population appeared to be epibenthic. We suggest that the behavior of the animal is consistent with the hypothesis that it is not a strict detritivore as previously reported; rather it may engage in facultative planktivory, especially at night.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration (DVM) and diel feeding rhythm of two cladocerans, Daphnia longispina and Bosmina coregoni were investigated at the pelagic area of Lake Toya (Hokkaido, Japan) in May, August and October 1992. Both species performed nocturnal DVM. The amplitude of DVM, however, became smaller from May to October. Such seasonal variations in DVM could not be explained by light penetration and/or water temperature. The two species had a clear feeding rhythm; they fed at night in May and October but also after sunrise in August. These feeding rhythms appeared to be related to the light-dark cycle, but were not necessarily associated with their DVM. We suggest that the diel feeding rhythm and DVM are regulated independently by light cues.  相似文献   

The day-time vertical distribution of different size classes ofLeptodora kindtii in Tjeukemeer was studied during two contrasting years: 1978 and 1979. During the first year (1978) the predation pressure exerted by the planktivorous fish was rather high, whilst this was ca. 15 times lower during 1979. The diel vertical migration of different size classes ofLeptodora, was studied twice during 1979. Both studies support the predator avoidance hypothesis and also emphasize the idea that diel vertical migration is a dynamic rather than a fixed behaviour trait within a population.  相似文献   

The timing and magnitude of diel migration in two daphnid assemblages were determined from a series of vertical profiles of daphnid size distribution. Animals were collected concurrently for gut fullness determination. Only large daphnids (> 1.4 mm) migrated, but these animals could account for substantial vertical and diel differences in phosphorus excretion rate. Gut fullness measurements and time courses of diel vertical migration suggested that large Daphnia can cause a net downward flux of phosphorus during summer in thermally stratified lakes.  相似文献   

The diel vertical distributions of two small copepods, Oithona similis and Oncaea curvata, were investigated at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period under fast ice near Syowa Station during continuous daylight conditions in the Antarctic mid-summer, December 1993. Oithona similis and O. curvata exhibited small-scale diel vertical migrations during the study period, in a way opposite to what is expected, i.e., remaining mostly in the upper layer during the day and moving into deeper layers at night. The nighttime descent of both species coincided with the time of disappearance of a high algal concentration at the ice–water interface during the day and an increase of the algal concentration in the mid-water layer at night. This suggests the migration behavior of the copepods was responsible for the change of food availability. The daily grazing impact of these copepods was estimated to remove one-third of the algae daily released from ice during mid-summer at Syowa Station.  相似文献   

The diel vertical distribution patterns of a migratory alga Cryptomonas marssonii in a small, steeply stratified humic lake were investigated during a summer season (10 diurnal experiments between May and September) using a close-interval Blakar-type sampler. The results indicate that the cells were phototactic; they were typically concentrated at the surface or subsurface during daylight, while in darkness the highest densities were recorded in deeper water, usually near the upper limit of anoxia. During a dense blue-green bloom in August the cells of C. marssonii were also concentrated by day into the same water layer, where oxygen was depleted. However, the cells seemed to avoid totally anoxic water. Because the vertical distribution pattern of C. marssonii had special diurnal and seasonal characteristics, care is needed when designing a sampling programme for a phytoplankton population dominated by this species.  相似文献   

Tang  K. W.  Chen  Q. C.  Wong  C. K. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):389-396
Diel vertical migration and gut pigment rhythm of calanoid copepods were studied in the highly eutrophic waters of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong in summer between July 30 and August l, 1991 and in winter between January 24 and 25, 1992. Paracalanus parvus and P. crassirostris showed neither diel vertical migration nor diel gut pigment rhythm during the summer study. Acartia erythraea and Eucalanus subcrassus exhibited prominent diel vertical migration and diel gut pigment rhythm. Diel changes in gut pigment content of surface dwelling individuals and increase of gut pigment content before the onset of nocturnal upward migration suggest that gut pigment rhythm in E. subcrassus was not the result of animals moving in and out of a food-rich surface layer. During the winter study, the harbour was affected by a bloom of Noctiluca scintillans. P. parvus and P. crassirostris resided in deeper waters presumably to avoid the dense populations of N. scintillans at the surface. P. crassirostris remained non-migratory during the winter study. There was a nocturnal increase in the number of P. parvus in the surface waters, although no diel change in the mean depth of the population was observed. Both Paracalanus species showed diel gut pigment rhythm. The presence of diel gut pigment rhythm in the non-migratory P. crassirostris during the winter study suggested the presence of an independent feeding rhythm.  相似文献   

Using a cloning technique, we revealed the existence of three phototactically distinct types in Daphnia magna, viz. negatives, positives, and gipsies. The latter migrate continuously between a low and a high light intensity. The expression of this behaviour is genetically determined, although positives and negatives can reversibly switch into gipsies.It is proposed that two opposite genotypes exist, with the gipsy behaviour epigenetically induced. All juveniles behave more or less uniformly, irrespective of their origin. The phototactic responses develop rather late during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Ringelberg  Joop  Van Gool  Erik 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):85-90
Although evolutionary ecologists agree that proximate and ultimate aspects are two sides of one coin, they are seldom interested in studies on physiological and behavioural mechanisms at the base of ecological phenomena. Nevertheless, these mechanisms are objects of selection and evolved to realise adaptive significances. This paper is a plea to bring both fields closer together, and, by means of an example of Diel Vertical Migration of Daphnia, some proximate and ultimate aspects are discussed. It is argued that light changes, not fish kairomone, is the primary cause for an individual to swim downwards at dawn and upwards at dusk. However, what is called a causal factor might differ when ecosystems or individuals are studied. In addition, causality in ecology is not simple, and has the character of a `set of necessary conditions'. To illustrate the importance of proximate analyses in DVM, two basic response mechanisms are discussed: Photobehaviour system 1 and 2. The physiological character of these systems leads to a fixed type of migration or to a phenotypically induced DVM, respectively. The adaptive significance of the first might be a reduction of the hazardous effects of UV radiation and of the second a lowering of mortality due to visually hunting predators.  相似文献   

Edward B. Reed 《Hydrobiologia》1986,139(2):127-133
Weekly mean lenghts of adult female Acanthocyclops robustus ranged between 1.14 and 1.41 mm in a Colorado alpine lake during the summer of 1966. The smallest animals occurred in late September and the largest in mid-August, corresponding to development in warm and cool water, respectively. The males also declined in mean length during the course of the summer and were about 70% of the length of the females on any date. About 75% of the females possessed a spine formula; 8%, and 17% an anomalous formula. Eight-one percent of the males had a formula; 7%, and 12% were anomalous. Morphological variation, and breeding experiments performed by Price (1958) suggest that A. robustus and A. vernalis as defined by Kiefer (1976) are likely species complexes, rather than just two species.  相似文献   

We studied vertical distribution patterns of three invertebrate predators – Leptodora kindtii, Mesocyclopssp., and Thermocyclops taihokuensis– in a shallow eutrophic lake, Lake Suwa , Japan. From June to October in 2000 and 2001, we collected samples in the lake center in order to examine the vertical distribution patterns and the densities of the predators in the water column during the day (0900) and at night (2330). We also examined phototactic behavior of Leptodora in the laboratory. The three invertebrate predators showed clear migration patterns. Leptodora and Thermocyclops displayed a typical migration, avoiding the surface and maintaining a high abundance in deeper water during the day, and being distributed uniformly during the night. Mesocyclops, on the other hand, showed no clear vertical distribution pattern in the water column. However, Mesocyclops showed higher densities in the water column during the night than during the day. It suggests that they stayed just above the bottom during the day and migrated upward during the night. Leptodora also showed such a density difference between day and night. In the laboratory, Leptodora showed strong negative phototactic behavior. The observed density changes between day and night in Leptodora and Mesocyclops suggests the possible underestimation of their population density by usual sampling methods, and thus the impact of predation on populations of prey zooplankton species may also be underestimated in shallow water bodies.  相似文献   

Angel  M.V.  Pugh  P.R. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):161-179
Analyses of day/night changes in the bathymetric distribution of micronektonic biomass at 16 stations in the northeastern Atlantic, sampled between 1978 and 1994, provided quantitative estimates of the organic carbon fluxes associated with diel vertical migration of individual taxa of micronekton. Gelatinous taxa contributed 50–80% of the integrated standing crop by volume but, apart from tunicates, contributed relatively little to the active migratory fluxes when expressed in terms of carbon. Total micronektonic migratory fluxes into the upper 200 m ranged from 12.5 to 58 mgC per m2. At 15 stations, fish and pteropods provided 50–80% of the fluxes into the upper 100, 200 and 400 m. At one station, tunicates (pyrosomes) contributed substantially. Wherever tunicates or the medusa Pelagia were swarming, migrations by other taxa appear to be suppressed. The mean proportions of the stock (in terms of biomass) of each of the dominant migratory taxa entering and leaving the upper 100 m were 23% for tunicates, 18% for fish, 22% for pteropods, 8% for decapod crustaceans and 23% for euphausiids. The maximum proportions for these five taxa were 90%, 60%, 75%, 25% and 75%, respectively. Similar estimates of the mean fluxes into and out of the upper 400 m were generally higher: 19% for tunicates, 39% for fish, 28% for pteropods, 49% for decapods and 55% for euphausiids; the respective maxima were 99%, 74%, 99%, 72% and 91%. It is estimated for fish that if these migrations occur throughout the year, they will result in an active carbon export (both POC and DOC) from the wind-mixed layer and immediate sub-thermocline depths of about 500% of the mean annual standing stock. If this estimate can be extended to other taxa, then the material fluxes resulting from these active migrations will be quantitatively similar to those resulting from the deposition of phytodetritus at temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

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