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The binding of nonspecific DNA to the C-terminal negative regulatory domain (CTD) of p53 modulates its activity. The CTD is a natively unfolded region, which is subject to acetylation and phosphorylation at several residues as part of control. To measure the effect of covalent modification on binding to DNA, we synthesized a series of fluorescein-labeled CTD peptides with single and multiple acetylations at lysine residues that we had identified by NMR as making contact with DNA, and developed an analytical ultracentrifugation method to study their binding to DNA. Binding depended on ionic strength, indicating an electrostatic contribution. Monoacetylation weakened DNA binding at physiological ionic strength 2- to 3-fold, diacetylations resulted in further 2- to 3-fold decrease in the affinity, and tri- and tetraacetylations rendered DNA binding undetectable. Phosphorylation at S392 did not affect DNA binding. NMR spectroscopy showed binding to DNA did not induce significant structure into CTD, apart possibly from local helix formation.  相似文献   

Azurin is bacterial protein, which was been reported to promote cancer cell death in vitro. The interaction of azurin and p53 is important for the cytotoxic effect of azurin towards cancer cells. In this study, it was found that nucleic acids mediated the interaction of azurin and the C-terminal domain of p53 (residues 352-393). The results provide novel insight into the interaction, and raising the possibility that the allosteric regulation of C-terminus of p53 by nucleic acids play an important role in the interaction of p53 with azurin. Meanwhile an elongated expressed product of azurin was cloned and purified, which was found to have stronger interaction with C-terminal domain of p53. Cytotoxicity studies showed that the cytotoxic effect of this elongated expressed product of azurin was stronger than wild-type azurin. The difference found in the cytotoxic effect of azurin with various sequence may provide valuable insight for finding more effective anticancer peptides.  相似文献   

In addition to binding DNA in a sequence-specific manner, the p53 tumour suppressor protein can interact with damaged DNA. In order to understand which structural features in DNA the C-teminal domain recognises we have studied the interaction of p53 protein with different types of DNA oligonucleotides imitating damaged DNA. Here we show that one unpaired nucleotide within double-stranded (ds)DNA is sufficient for recognition by the p53 C-terminus, either as a protruding end or as an internal gap in dsDNA. C-terminal interaction with DNA ends facilitated core domain binding to DNA, whereas interaction with gaps prevented core domain–DNA complexing, implying that p53 might adopt distinct conformations upon binding to different DNA lesions. These observations suggest that both single-strand and double-strand breaks can serve as a target for p53 C-terminal recognition in vivo and indicate that p53 might recruit different repair factors to the sites of damaged DNA depending on the type of lesion.  相似文献   

It was shown previously that the p53 protein can recognize DNA modified with antitumor agent cisplatin (cisPt-DNA). Here, we studied p53 binding to the cisPt-DNA using p53 deletion mutants and via modulation of the p53-DNA binding by changes of the protein redox state. Isolated p53 C-terminal domain (CTD) bound to the cisPt-DNA with a significantly higher affinity than to the unmodified DNA. On the other hand, p53 constructs involving the core domain but lacking the C-terminal DNA binding site (CTDBS) exhibited only small binding preference for the cisPt-DNA. Oxidation of cysteine residues within the CD of posttranslationally unmodified full length p53 did not affect its ability to recognize cisPt-DNA. Blocking of the p53 CTDBS by a monoclonal antibody Bp53-10.1 resulted in abolishment of the isolated CTD binding to the cisPt-DNA. Our results demonstrate a crucial role of the basic region of the p53 CTD (aa 363-382) in the cisPt-DNA recognition.  相似文献   

Human replication protein A (RP-A) (also known as human single-stranded DNA binding protein, or HSSB) is a multisubunit complex involved in both DNA replication and repair. Potentially important to both these functions, it is also capable of complex formation with the tumor suppressor protein p53. Here we show that although p53 is unable to prevent RP-A from associating with a range of single-stranded DNAs in solution, RP-A is able to strongly inhibit p53 from functioning as a sequence-specific DNA binding protein when the two proteins are complexed. This inhibition, in turn, can be regulated by the presence of various lengths of single-stranded DNAs, as RP-A, when bound to these single-stranded DNAs, is unable to interact with p53. Interestingly, the lengths of single-stranded DNA capable of relieving complex formation between the two proteins represent forms that might be introduced through repair and replicative events. Increasing p53 concentrations can also overcome the inhibition by steady-state levels of RP-A, potentially mimicking cellular points of balance. Finally, it has been shown previously that p53 can itself be stimulated for site-specific DNA binding when complexed through the C terminus with short single strands of DNA, and here we show that p53 stays bound to these short strands even after binding a physiologically relevant site. These results identify a potential dual role for single-stranded DNA in the regulation of DNA binding by p53 and give insights into the p53 response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Histone H1 preferentially binds and aggregates scaffold-associated regions (SARs) via the numerous homopolymeric oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts present within these sequences. Here we show that the mammalian somatic subtypes H1a,b,c,d,e and H1° and the male germline-specific subtype H1t, all preferentially bind to the Drosophila histone SAR. Experiments with the isolated domains show that whilst the C-terminal domain maintains strong and preferential binding, the N-terminal and globular domains show weak binding and poor specificity for the SAR. The preferential binding of SAR by the H1 molecule thus appears to be determined by its highly basic C-terminal domain. Salmine, a typical fish protamine, which could have its evolutionary origin in histone H1, also shows preferential binding to the SAR. The interaction of distamycin, a minor groove binder with high affinity for homopolymeric oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts, abolishes preferential binding of the C-terminal domain of histone H1 and protamine to the SAR, suggesting the involvement of the DNA minor groove in the interaction.  相似文献   

Kumar S  Zhou Y  Plamann M 《EMBO reports》2001,2(10):939-944
Dynactin has been proposed to link the microtubule-associated motor cytoplasmic dynein with membranous cargo; however, the mechanism by which dynactin–membrane interaction is regulated is unknown. Here we show that dynein and dynactin exist in discrete cytosolic and membrane-bound states in the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Results from in vitro membrane-binding studies show that dynein and dynactin–membrane interaction is co-dependent. p150Glued of dynactin has been shown to interact with dynein intermediate chain and dynactin Arp1 filament; however, it is not known to play a direct role in membrane binding. In this report we describe our analysis of 43 p150Glued mutants, and we show that C-terminal deletions which remove the terminal coiled-coil (CC2) and basic domain (BD) result in constitutive dynactin–membrane binding. In vitro addition of recombinant p150Glued CC2+BD protein blocks dynactin–membrane binding. We propose that the C-terminal domains of p150Glued regulate dynactin–membrane binding through a steric mechanism that controls accessibility of the Arp1 filament of dynactin to membranous cargo.  相似文献   

Discrimination of DNA binding sites by mutant p53 proteins.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Critical determinants of DNA recognition by p53 have been identified by a molecular genetic approach. The wild-type human p53 fragment containing amino acids 71 to 330 (p53(71-330)) was used for in vitro DNA binding assays, and full-length human p53 was used for transactivation assays with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, we defined the DNA binding specificity of the wild-type p53 fragment by using systematically altered forms of a known consensus DNA site. This refinement indicates that p53 binds with high affinity to two repeats of PuGPuCA.TGPyCPy, a further refinement of an earlier defined consensus half site PuPuPuC(A/T).(T/A) GPyPyPy. These results were further confirmed by transactivation assays of yeast by using full-length human p53 and systematically altered DNA sites. Dimers of the pentamer AGGCA oriented either head-to-head or tail-to-tail bound efficiently, but transactivation was facilitated only through head-to-head dimers. To determine the origins of specificity in DNA binding by p53, we identified mutations that lead to altered specificities of DNA binding. Single-amino-acid substitutions were made at several positions within the DNA binding domain of p53, and this set of p53 point mutants were tested with DNA site variants for DNA binding. DNA binding analyses showed that the mutants Lys-120 to Asn, Cys-277 to Gln or Arg, and Arg-283 to Gln bind to sites with noncanonical base pair changes at positions 2, 3, and 1 in the pentamer (PuGPuCA), respectively. Thus, we implicate these residues in amino acid-base pair contacts. Interestingly, mutant Cys-277 to Gln bound a consensus site as two and four monomers, as opposed to the wild-type p53 fragment, which invariably binds this site as four monomers.  相似文献   

A synthetic 22-mer peptide (peptide 46) derived from the p53 C-terminal domain can restore the growth suppressor function of mutant p53 proteins in human tumor cells (G. Selivanova et al., Nat. Med. 3:632-638, 1997). Here we demonstrate that peptide 46 binds mutant p53. Peptide 46 binding sites were found within both the core and C-terminal domains of p53. Lys residues within the peptide were critical for both p53 activation and core domain binding. The sequence-specific DNA binding of isolated tumor-derived mutant p53 core domains was restored by a C-terminal polypeptide. Our results indicate that C-terminal peptide binding to the core domain activates p53 through displacement of the negative regulatory C-terminal domain. Furthermore, stabilization of the core domain structure and/or establishment of novel DNA contacts may contribute to the reactivation of mutant p53. These findings should facilitate the design of p53-reactivating drugs for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Xenopus p53 has biological and biochemical properties similar to those of human p53, except for optimal temperature. The frog protein is fully active at 30 degrees C and inactive at 37 degrees C, leading to a temperature-sensitive behavior similar to that of the human mutant p53Ala(143) and the murine mutant p53Val(135). Using hybrid proteins between human and Xenopus expressed from artificial p53 minigenes, we have been able to demonstrate that change of conformation of the DNA-binding domain is the major determinant of this heat sensitivity. It has been reported that some human tumor-derived p53 mutants can engage in a physical association with p73, thus inhibiting its transactivating properties. The mechanism of this association remains to be elucidated. The nature of the mutant p53 that can engage in this association also remains controversial. Using the unique opportunity of the temperature sensitivity of Xenopus p53, we demonstrate that binding of and interference with p73 require a change of conformation in the p53 protein. This interaction occurs through the DNA-binding domain of p53 only when it is in a denatured state. These results reinforce the notion that mutant p53 with a conformational change can act as a down-regulator of the p73 pathway in human cancer and could confer a selective advantage to the tumor.  相似文献   

In vitro, the S100B protein interacts with baculovirus recombinant p53 protein and protects p53 from thermal denaturation. This effect is isoform-specific and is not observed with S100A1, S100A6, or calmodulin. Using truncated p53 proteins in the N-terminal (p53(1-320)) and C-terminal (p53(73-393)) domains, we localized the S100B-binding region to the C-terminal region of p53. We have confirmed a calcium-dependent interaction of the S100B with a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of p53 (residues 319-393 in human p53) using plasmon resonance experiments on a BIAcore system. In the presence of calcium, the equilibrium affinity of the S100B for the C-terminal region of p53 immobilized on the sensor chip was 24 +/- 10 nM. To narrow down the region within p53 involved in S100B binding, two synthetic peptides, O1(357-381) (residues 357-381 in mouse p53) and YF-O2(320-346) (residues 320-346 in mouse p53), covering the C-terminal region of p53 were compared for their interaction with purified S100B. Only YF-O2 peptide interacts with S100B with high affinity. The YF-O2 motif is a critical determinant for the thermostability of p53 and also corresponds to a domain responsible for cytoplasmic sequestration of p53. Our results may explain the rescue of nuclear wild type p53 activities by S100B in fibroblast cell lines expressing the temperature-sensitive p53val135 mutant at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain of the tumor suppressor protein p53 is the site of non-specific DNA binding. Purified p53 produced from baculovirus-infected insect cells binds preferentially to supercoiled DNA, forming bands with lower electrophoretic mobility. This non-covalent binding does not change the linking number of the DNA. An anti-p53 antibody targeting the C-terminal domain partially competes with supercoiled DNA in binding to p53, while antibodies targeted to the N terminus of p53 supershift the complex bands. A synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 319-393 of human p53 also displays preferential binding to supercoiled DNA, while a mutant peptide, which is unable to form tetramers, is inactive. The center of the equilibrium distribution of topoisomers formed by relaxation with topoisomerase I is not shifted in the presence of p53 although the distribution is broadened. The preferential binding of p53 is exhibited toward both positively and negatively supercoiled DNA. These observations are consistent with a model in which p53 binds to right-handed or left-handed strand crossings.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that wild-type p53 can bind single-stranded (ss) DNA ends and catalyze renaturation of ss complementary DNA molecules. Here we demonstrate that p53 can also bind to internal segments of ss DNA molecules via a binding site (internal DNA site) distinct from the binding site for DNA ends (DNA end site). Using p53 deletion mutants, the internal DNA site was mapped to the central region (residues 99-307), while the DNA end site was mapped to the C-terminal domain (residues 320-393) of the p53 protein. The internal DNA site can be activated by the binding of ss DNA ends to the DNA end site. The C-terminal domain alone was sufficient to catalyze DNA renaturation, although the central domain was also involved in promotion of renaturation by the full-length protein. Our results suggest that the interaction of the C-terminal tail of p53 with ss DNA ends generated by DNA damage in vivo may lead to activation of non-specific ss DNA binding by the central domain of p53.  相似文献   

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