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SUMMARY. 1. Microcrustaceans were sampled during September 1990 from three microhabitats (margins, stony riffles and gravel) at thirteen stream sites in mid-Wales.
2. Patterns in the distribution, abundance and community structure of microcrustacean taxa were related to stream chemistry, physiography, substratum composition and marginal habitat structure. Patterns of distribution between microhabitats were also assessed.
3. Chemical variables were the strongest correlates with microcrustacean parameters. Total numbers of microcrustaceans and harpacticoid copepods were reduced at sites with high aluminium concentrations, and ostracods were scarce or absent at the most acidic sites. In contrast, cyclopoid copepods were more abundant and species rich at low pH.
4. Microcrustacean communities were most species rich at sites with a high percentage cover of macrophytes on the substratum. Cladoceran species richness and abundance, and the abundance of several microcrustacean species, were also positively correlated with percentage macrophyte cover.
5. Three site groupings produced by TWINSPAN classification were primarily related to percentage macrophyte cover and marginal habitat structure, with chemistry and land use also of importance.
6. Total microcrustacean abundance was highest in margins, but of all the species, only the harpacticoid Bryocamptus cuspidatus showed a strong microhabitat preference.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The results of a survey of thirty-four stream sites, differing in pH and invertebrate species richness, indicated that the pool of locally available, suitably adapted species was smaller in the acid streams. This plays a part in determining the general pattern of lower species richness at more acid sites.
2. Diversity of feeding categories increased with species richness, indicating that a greater range of food resources was available in the less acid, more species-rich communities.
3. The pattern of predation varied with pH and species richness. The numbers of large insect predators were lower in the less acid, more species-rich communities and this was correlated with the presence of fish.
4. A detailed study of the guild of detritivorous stoneflies in four streams differing in species richness provided evidence that density compensation occurs, niche width decreases and niche overlap declines as species richness increases.
5. We discuss the roles that competition and predation play in determining the structure and richness of stream invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Micro-arthropods were surveyed during October 1986 at thirty stony, stream riffle sites in the Ashdown Forest, southern England.
2. The importance of a number of physicochemical variables in determining both the distribution of micro-arthropod taxa and community structure was assessed.
3. Acidic sites had an impoverished fauna. Total micro-arthropod species richness and densities were highest under circumneutral conditions. and the same patterns were shown by the Hydrachnellae, Harpucticoida and Cladocera. A number of species seemed indifferent to acidic conditions and were widespread and, as a group, the cyclopoid copepods showed no relationship with pH.
4. Multiple regression showed that other environmental variables, in particular annual mean temperature and maximum discharge, were also important in explaining the between-site distribution of separate micro-arthropod groups and individual species.
5. Other multivariate techniques (ordination, classification and multiple discriminant analysis) showed that impoundment linkage, source distance and conductivity, along with pH, were the most important variables in explaining patterns of species composition between sites.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. There is little information on the impacts of deforestation on the fish fauna in neotropical streams, and on parameters influencing species diversity and community structure of fish. We analysed these aspects in 12 stream sites in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The stream sites represented a large gradient in canopy cover and were located in an area of fragmented forest. While some streams had been deforested, they had not suffered gross degradation of the habitat.
2. The species richness of stream fish was not related to deforestation. Local fish diversity (Fisher's Alpha) was positively related to the surface area of stream pools (m2). Beta diversity was higher among forested than deforested sites, indicating greater heterogeneity in species composition among forested than deforested sites. The percentage of rare species was positively correlated with canopy cover.
3. Total fish density increased with deforestation, and the fish community changed from dominance by omnivorous and insectivorous Characiformes at forested sites to dominance of periphyton-feeding loricariids at deforested sites.
4. Multidimensional statistical analysis of fish community structure showed that six environmental variables (the area of stream bottom covered by leaves, relative pool area, particulate organic matter, mean depth, conductivity and suspended solids) were related to the ordination axes. The presence of leaves, which was strongly correlated to canopy cover, was the variable most closely related to fish community structure, while relative pool area was the second strongest variable. Thus, fish community structure was strongly affected by deforestation.  相似文献   

1. The structure of bryophyte communities in streams in relation to habitat characteristics, especially disturbance, is described. Disturbance in rivers is quantified as movement of the stream bed, whereas in small streams water level fluctuation is used as an indicator of disturbance frequency. 2. Canonical correspondence analysis differentiated frequently disturbed sites from more stable ones. The existence of a disturbance gradient was confirmed in a subset of the study sites using long-term records of discharge variation. A parallel change was detected in the species composition of bryophyte communities with low-statured, potentially fast colonizers dominating the disturbed end and large perennial species the stable end of the gradient. 3. A consistent pattern of zonation of bryophyte species was found along the gradient from continually submersed to persistently dry conditions in small streams and lake outlets. An abrupt increase in species richness occurred at or just above the water line, where facultatively aquatic species tolerant of both conditions formed the bulk of the community. 4. The relationship between species richness and standing crop in stream bryophyte communities was consistent with the hump-backed model of Grime (1979), especially at the within-habitat scale. Quadrats of low and very high standing crop were characterized by low species richness, while peak richness was observed at intermediate standing crops. 5. A few perennial species (e.g. Fontinalis spp. and Rhynchostegium riparioides) capable of monopolizing space dominated the most stable habitats. Species composition in low biomass sites was more variable, yet only one basic growth-form (small-statured species with high allocation to spore production) seemed possible in these highly disturbed streams. In habitats of intermediate biomass, small-scale disturbances apparently allow the formation of a more varied bryophyte community. 6. A habitat templet for stream bryophyte life strategies and community structure is presented. Disturbance is proposed to be the factor filtering out traits unsuitable for a given environment. The potential of stream bryophytes for testing and developing general ecological theory is emphasized.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Micro-arthropods were sampled seasonally (January, May, August and October) during 1986 from ten, stony riffle sites on streams in the Ashdown Forest of southern England, using both standard benthic and interstitial samplers.
2. Total densities peaked at most sites in summer. Species richness reached a maximum at acid sites in summer but at cireumneutral sites in autumn, when Hydrachnellae and Cladocera were particularly species rich.
3. Individual species showed no obvious differences in seasonally between sites; the majority peaking in summer or autumn, regardless of pH. However, cyclopoid copepods were particularly numerous at acid sites in summer, a pattern not observed at circumneutral sites.
4. Multivariate ordination and classification of data sets from the separate seasons, and all four seasons combined, showed that mean site pH, conductivity, and aluminium and calcium concentrations were the most important variables explaining between-site variation in species composition. This clear distinction between the community structure at acidic and circumneutral sites was evident in all seasons except winter. Species composition was also more predictable throughout the year at low-pH sites.
5. A number of species were taken consistently in interstitial samples and the cyclopoids Diacydops languidus and D. languidoides were restricted to the hyporheos at circumneutral sites. The similar faunal composition of the hyporheos and the epibenthos indicated that the separation of these communities was not well defined in Ashdown Forest streams.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between land use and stream conditions was investigated, including physicochemistry, the availability of primary food resources and species richness, species composition and trophic structure of stream macroinvertebrate communities. The survey involved eight subcatchments of the Taieri River (New Zealand) encompassing reasonably homogeneous examples of four major land uses: native forest, native tussock grassland, plantations of introduced pine and agricultural pasture.
2. Each land use was represented by two subcatchments, each subcatchment by two to four tributaries, and each tributary by two to three sampling sites. These three sampling scales each represent typical designs for stream community studies. By recording responses at all scales, it can be determined explicitly whether the scale of sampling influences interpretation of community structure.
3. Elevation, riffle length, proportion of large substrata in the bed, total phosphorus and alkalinity were significantly related to land use, as were canopy cover and the relative abundance of leaves and wood in the streams. Principal components analysis of invertebrate density data identified nine orthogonal community types, the distributions of two of which were significantly related to land use. The role played by browsers and shredders in the stream community depended on land use.
4. Primary analysis was at the level of the tributary. When it focused on sites within tributaries, more variables were related to land use and at a higher level of significance. This was largely a result of enhanced statistical power due to increased replication. When whole subcatchments were the focus of attention, statistical power was so low, even with six to eleven subsamples to generate overall means, that few significant patterns could be identified. However, the community patterns that were revealed were similar whatever the scale of sampling.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between land use and stream conditions was investigated, including physicochemistry, the availability of primary food resources and species richness, species composition and trophic structure of stream macroinvertebrate communities. The survey involved eight subcatchments of the Taieri River (New Zealand) encompassing reasonably homogeneous examples of four major land uses: native forest, native tussock grassland, plantations of introduced pine and agricultural pasture.
2. Each land use was represented by two subcatchments, each subcatchment by two to four tributaries, and each tributary by two to three sampling sites. These three sampling scales each represent typical designs for stream community studies. By recording responses at all scales, it can be determined explicitly whether the scale of sampling influences interpretation of community structure.
3. Elevation, riffle length, proportion of large substrata in the bed, total phosphorus and alkalinity were significantly related to land use, as were canopy cover and the relative abundance of leaves and wood in the streams. Principal components analysis of invertebrate density data identified nine orthogonal community types, the distributions of two of which were significantly related to land use. The role played by browsers and shredders in the stream community depended on land use.
4. Primary analysis was at the level of the tributary. When it focused on sites within tributaries, more variables were related to land use and at a higher level of significance. This was largely a result of enhanced statistical power due to increased replication. When whole subcatchments were the focus of attention, statistical power was so low, even with six to eleven subsamples to generate overall means, that few significant patterns could be identified. However, the community patterns that were revealed were similar whatever the scale of sampling.  相似文献   

JANI HEINO 《Freshwater Biology》2009,54(9):1947-1959
1. Describing species distribution patterns and the underlying mechanisms is at the heart of ecological research. A number of recent studies have used null model approaches to explore mechanisms behind spatial variation in community structure.
2. However, unexplored questions are the degree to which single guilds of potentially competing stream macroinvertebrate species show: (i) interspecific segregation among-stream sites (i.e. occur together less often than expected by chance), suggesting competitive interactions; (ii) interspecific aggregation (i.e. occur together more often than expected by chance), suggesting similar responses to the environment; (iii) comply with nestedness, suggesting the existence of selective extinctions or colonisations and (iv) show similar environmental relationships.
3. The present analyses showed that guilds of stream macroinvertebrates exhibit non-random co-occurrence patterns that were generally contingent on the weighting of sites by stream size. Despite significant segregation of species, each guild also showed significantly nested patterns. Species richness was correlated with different environmental factors between the guilds, although these correlations were relatively low. By contrast, correlations between the major ordination axes and key environmental variables were slightly stronger in canonical correspondence analysis, and generally the same factors were most strongly correlated with variation in the species composition of each guild.
4. The present findings are the first to show that species within each stream macroinvertebrate guild show significant negative co-occurrence at the among-stream riffle scale. These findings present challenges for future studies that aim to disentangle whether these patterns comply with the habitat checkerboard or the competitive checkerboard explanations.  相似文献   

The bacterial community composition in small streams and a river in central Germany was examined by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) with PCR products of 16S rRNA gene fragments and sequence analysis. Complex TGGE band patterns suggested high levels of diversity of bacterial species in all habitats of these environments. Cluster analyses demonstrated distinct differences among the communities in stream and spring water, sandy sediments, biofilms on stones, degrading leaves, and soil. The differences between stream water and sediment were more significant than those between sites within the same habitat along the stretch from the stream source to the mouth. TGGE data from an entire stream course suggest that, in the upper reach of the stream, a special suspended bacterial community is already established and changes only slightly downstream. The bacterial communities in water and sediment in an acidic headwater with a pH below 5 were highly similar to each other but deviated distinctly from the communities at the other sites. As ascertained by nucleotide sequence analysis, stream water communities were dominated by Betaproteobacteria (one-third of the total bacteria), whereas sediment communities were composed mainly of Betaproteobacteria and members of the Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria group (each accounting for about 25% of bacteria). Sequences obtained from bacteria from water samples indicated the presence of typical cosmopolitan freshwater organisms. TGGE bands shared between stream and soil samples, as well as sequences found in bacteria from stream samples that were related to those of soil bacteria, demonstrated the occurrence of some species in both stream and soil habitats. Changes in bacterial community composition were correlated with geographic distance along a stream, but in comparisons of different streams and rivers, community composition was correlated only with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

1. We set out to evaluate the reliability of bacterial communities as an indicator of freshwater ecological health.
2. Samples of epilithic biofilm were taken over a 1-year period from four streams, each impacted by varying degrees of human modification. The bacteria within each sample were characterised using a whole community DNA fingerprinting technique (automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis). Spatial and temporal differences in community structure between samples were visualised using multi-dimensional scaling and quantified using permutational multivariate anova . Macrobenthic invertebrates, which are commonly used as indicators of stream ecological health, were also sampled for comparison.
3. Multivariate analysis revealed a clear gradient in macroinvertebrate community structure between sites exposed to increased human impact. Bacterial communities, however, could only distinguish the most impacted site from the remainder.
4. Additional research is required to increase the sensitivity of bacterial community analyses before endorsing their use as an indicator of freshwater ecological health.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Filamentous algae in flowing freshwaters can represent a spatially and temporally distinct sub-habitat for epiphytic diatom communities. This sub-habitat is described in a low discharge, spring-fed stream with extensive filamentous green algal mats, and in a tuft of Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kützing from a large river.
2. Oxygen micro-electrodes, a thermistor current velocity probe, a standard pH probe and water chemistry were employed to assess spatial heterogeneity. Temporal patterns of epiphyte colonization were evaluated on filamentous artificial substrates.
3. There were steep spatial gradients in the low discharge stream. At mid-day, O2 ranged from 0–1.5 times air-saturated O2 concentrations, pH varied from 7.25–8.0, and current velocity spanned 0–0.5 m s−1. Areas near the surface of algal mats had high O2, pH and current velocity. These patterns were correlated with epiphyte community structure.
4. In the interior of C. glomerata tufts O2 concentration was raised and current velocity depressed compared to the surrounding water, even when external current velocity was as high as 0.4 m s−1.
5. After thirty-five days of colonization of artificial substrate in the low discharge environment, epiphyte communities were similar to those on filamentous atgae. Epiphyte diversity on artificial substrates subsequently decreased compared to natural substrates as did the similarity between the types on substrates, suggesting that microscale renewal of epiphyte habitat (growth of filamentous algae) maintains high epiphytic diversity.  相似文献   

Fishes were sampled in riffle and pool habitats at 74 upland localities in the Little River system, southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas, U.S.A. I asked how these two habitat-defined communities differed with regard to species abundance and incidence patterns, and how these differences varied along othree environmental gradients: elevation, stream gradient, and stream size. Riffle and pool communities showed distinct and significant differences when ordinated in multivariate space defined by species abundance patterns. Sites with similar pool communities did not have similar riffle communities, and riffle and pool communities responded to environmental gradients in different ways. Elevation was the best predictor of pool community structure, whereas stream size was the best predictor of riffle communities. Overall, riffle habitats had fewer species than pool habitats and formed significant subsets of pool communities at 12 of 74 sites. I predicted that at small stream localities where riffles were unstable, riffle species would form subsets of the pool species communities, and both community types should show high similarities. The presence of faunal subsets was not associated with stream size, but faunal similarities were significantly higher at small stream localities. At the species level, 14 species were significantly associated with pool habitats, while only two were associated with riffle habitats. Riffle and pool communities, although linked by a continuous habitat gradient at the local scale, responded differently to large-scale environmental gradients. Local differences between these communities were predictable based on stream size.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Patterns of simuliid species richness were examined over a variety of scales at 532 stream sites in the Nearctic (394) and Neotropical (138) regions. In Nearctic streams, species richness of immature blackflies both within and across ecoregions and over two seasons was examined. Stream variables at each site included seston, width, depth, velocity, discharge, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, dominant streambed-particle size, canopy cover, and riparian vegetation. These variables were subjected to a principal component analysis and derived principal components were related back to richness, using regression analysis. At the level of the stream reach, richness was not highly correlated with single-point measurements of stream conditions.
2. Using data from both Nearctic and Neotropical sites, the effect of regional richness on local richness was examined. As regional richness increased, local diversity reached an asymptote in which further increases in regional richness were not matched by increases in local richness. Hence, simuliid communities are best described as saturated (type II) communities, consistent with the current view of lotic communities as non-equilibrium systems.
3. The well-established pattern of greater species richness in tropical regions was not observed in this study. To the contrary, blackfly richness is higher in temperate streams than in tropical streams at both local and regional scales.  相似文献   

1.  The evaluation of restoration measures is an important task of conservation biology. Inland sand dunes and dry, oligotrophic grasslands have become rare habitat types in large parts of Central Europe and their restoration and management is of major importance for the preservation of many endangered plant and insect species. Within such habitats, it is important to restore key ecosystem services, such as pollination networks. As wild bees are the most important pollinators in many ecosystems, they represent a suitable key group to evaluate restoration measures. Furthermore, the recent decline of many bee species and the potential ecological and economic consequences are currently topics of strong scientific interest.
2.  We studied the succession of bee communities in response to restoration measures of sand dunes and sand grasslands and compared these communities with those of old sand dune complexes.
3.  Our results show that wild bees respond rapidly to restoration measures indicated by a high species richness and abundance. The community structure of bees at restoration sites converged only slightly to those of the target sites. A higher similarity was found between bee communities at the restoration sites (sand dunes and grasslands), indicating that their close proximity was an important determinant of species overlap. Environmental factors such as the number of entomophilous plant species and moisture had a strong influence on wild bee species composition.
4.   Synthesis and applications . The restoration of inland sand dune complexes provides opportunities for colonization by a diverse wild bee community. Although it is difficult to establish a given target community, restoration measures gave rise to a high pollinator diversity and abundance, suggesting that community function can be re-established.  相似文献   

Vis  M.L.  Miller  E.J.  & Hall  M.M. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):68-68
Over the course of 3 years (1997–1999), 72 stream sites were sampled for epilithic diatom communities. The analysis of these samples has led to the identification of over 325 species of diatoms. In addition to sampling the diatom community, selected physical and chemical parameters were recorded from each stream reach. These parameters included pH, specific conductance, current velocity, SRP, nitrate, silica, and total alkalinity. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to identify influential environmental parameters and to assess the response of the diatom community to prominent anthropogenic inputs in the region (i.e. coal mine drainage, eutrophication). The initial analyses indicate that pH was the most influential environmental parameter along the first CCA axis. This shift was not unexpected, as acid mine drainage (AMD) in the region leads to a wide range of pH values (2.8–7.93). The highly acidic sites were characterized by species of the genus Eunotia (specifically E. exigua and E. steineckei ), Frustulia rhomboides , and Pinnularia subcapitata. Furthermore, Achnanthidium minutissimum was the most widely distributed of the diatom species encountered, being found at 94% of the sites sampled. Streams that fluctuated between acidic and circumneutral pH (termed "teeter-totter") had greater abundances of Brachysira vitrea than other streams in this survey. Further implications for the use of these diatom communities as biomonitoring tools and the distribution of assemblages within the Western Allegheny Plateau will be discussed.  相似文献   

1. We used a recently developed Index of Centres of Density (ICD) to assess conservation value of thirty-nine sites in the upper Clinch River drainage of Virginia and Tennessee, U.S.A. The ICD incorporates information on the population density of each species at a site relative to sites throughout the region.
2. Value assessments based on the ICD were compared to those based on species richness. Species richness at sites was not related to ICD scores, but collective species lists from high-ranking sites were similar for both approaches. All sites with rare species had either a high ICD score or high species richness.
3. Four community types (defined by physiography and stream size) were better represented in sites with high-ranking ICDs than in sites with high-ranking species richness. Sites with high ICD scores were distributed uniformly throughout the region.
4. The ICD is a more powerful tool than species richness for assessing conservation value because the ICD identifies areas with regionally rare species, especially viable populations, or distinctive communities, all of which are key components of a region's biodiversity.  相似文献   

Community persistence in Broadstone Stream (U.K.) over three decades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Few detailed long-term data sets exist for fresh waters with which to examine large-scale temporal changes in community composition. Consequently, insight into community persistence has been restricted to a few, contingent case studies. We collated and analysed data for the aquatic macroinvertebrate community of Broadstone Stream in south-east England, spanning three decades. The pH of this naturally acid stream has risen progressively since the 1970s, and we sought to examine the potential effects of this environmental change upon the community.
2. Persistence within Broadstone was high when compared with other systems that have been analysed using similar methods. The stream was characterised by a `core' community of eight taxa that were always present, and contributed 75–97% of total invertebrate abundance, with a trailing limb of progressively rarer and more acid-sensitive taxa. There was little species turnover, although the time-series exceeded 20 generations for most species.
3. Despite this high persistence, a long-term response to rising pH was detected: species indicating profound acidity (identified a priori from independent studies) have declined since the 1970s, whereas indicators of moderate acidity increased. The structure of the community food web has also changed since the 1970s, with increased predator diversity and abundance, and a lengthening of food chains following the invasion of a new top predator.
4. These changes in the community appeared to be driven by an interaction between pH and climate. The unusually hot, dry summers characteristic of the 1990s may have raised pH during the more sensitive (i.e. early) stages of the life-cycle, and thus provided a window of opportunity for less acid-tolerant taxa to colonise and become established. Changes in pH appeared to set the boundaries of the available local species pool, within which biotic interactions ultimately shaped the community.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Natural aquatic communities or habitats cannot be fully replicated in the wild, so little is known about how initially identical communities might change over time, or the extent to which observed changes in community structure are caused by internal factors (such as interspecific interactions or traits of individual species) versus factors external to the local community (such as abiotic disturbances or invasions of new species).
2. We quantified changes in seven initially identical fish assemblages, in habitats that were as similar as possible, in seminatural artificial streams in a 388-day trial (May 1998 to May 1999), and compared the change to that in fish assemblages in small pools of a natural stream during a year. The experimental design excluded floods, droughts, immigration or emigration. The experimental fish communities diverged significantly in composition and exhibited dissimilar trajectories in multivariate species space. Divergence among the assemblages increased from May through August, but not thereafter.
3. Differences among the experimental assemblages were influenced by differences that developed during the year in algae cover and in potential predation (due to differential survival of sunfish among units).
4. In the natural stream, fish assemblages in small pools changed more than those in the experimental units, suggesting that in natural assemblages external factors exacerbated temporal variation.
5. Our finding that initially identical assemblages, isolated from most external factors, would diverge in the structure of fish assemblages over time suggests a lack of strong internal, deterministic controls in the assemblages, and that idiosyncratic or stochastic components (chance encounters among species; vagaries in changes in the local habitat) even within habitat patches can play an important role in assemblage structure in natural systems.  相似文献   

A mesocosm experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of reduced pH and elevated temperature on an intact marine invertebrate community. Standardised faunal communities, collected from the extreme low intertidal zone using artificial substrate units, were exposed to one of eight nominal treatments (four pH levels: 8.0, 7.7, 7.3 and 6.7, crossed with two temperature levels: 12 and 16°C). After 60 days exposure communities showed significant changes in structure and lower diversity in response to reduced pH. The response to temperature was more complex. At higher pH levels (8.0 and 7.7) elevated temperature treatments contained higher species abundances and diversity than the lower temperature treatments. In contrast, at lower pH levels (7.3 and 6.7), elevated temperature treatments had lower species abundances and diversity than lower temperature treatments. The species losses responsible for these changes in community structure and diversity were not randomly distributed across the different phyla examined. Molluscs showed the greatest reduction in abundance and diversity in response to low pH and elevated temperature, whilst annelid abundance and diversity was mostly unaffected by low pH and was higher at the elevated temperature. The arthropod response was between these two extremes with moderately reduced abundance and diversity at low pH and elevated temperature. Nematode abundance increased in response to low pH and elevated temperature, probably due to the reduction of ecological constraints, such as predation and competition, caused by a decrease in macrofaunal abundance. This community‐based mesocosm study supports previous suggestions, based on observations of direct physiological impacts, that ocean acidification induced changes in marine biodiversity will be driven by differential vulnerability within and between different taxonomical groups. This study also illustrates the importance of considering indirect effects that occur within multispecies assemblages when attempting to predict the consequences of ocean acidification and global warming on marine communities.  相似文献   

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