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云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象对栖息地的选择   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
冯利民  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):229-236
以西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内的亚洲象种群为研究对象, 利用村寨调查、样线调查和3S(GIS、GPS、RS) 技术对该地区野生亚洲象的栖息地状况和亚洲象对栖息地选择利用进行了初步的研究。结果表明亚洲象喜欢海拔1 000 m以下的区域, 坡度小于10°的区域, 坡位为平坦的沟谷和山坡的下部, 坡向为南、北两个方向。偏好的植被类型有竹阔混交林、灌丛和高山草甸。研究还发现尚勇保护区及周边区域亚洲象栖息地的丧失和日益增加的非法盗猎活动已经严重威胁到该地区野生亚洲象种群的生存。  相似文献   

西双版纳尚勇亚洲象的食物组成与取食生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈进  邓晓保  张玲  白智林 《生态学报》2006,26(2):309-316
于1998—2000在西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区的自然生境中,通过对亚洲象取食植物调查和粪便分析,了解亚洲象的食物组成与取食习性。结果显示,野外跟踪调查共记录有106种植物被亚洲象所取食。其中有83种出现在象的粪便中,这些种类分别属于:禾本科8种(10.0%)、桑科7种(9.9%)、蝶形花科4种(8.4%)、五加科3种(6.6%)、葡萄科3种(5.7%)、夹竹桃科3种(4.6%)、芭蕉科1种(4.2%)、姜科3种(3.7%)、紫金牛科3种(3.6%)、蔷薇科3种(3.6%)、大戟科5种(3.3%)、榆科2种(3.O%)、含羞草科4种(2.9%)13个植物科。根据食物中所占的比率,桑科的榕属(Ficus)、禾本科的竹类(Bambusoideae)、小果野芭蕉(Musa acuminate)和莠竹(Microstegium ciliatum)是亚洲象的主要食物资源。在觅食过程中,亚洲象取食包括乔木、藤本灌木和草本等各种生活型的植物,其中先锋种所占比率(59%)高于后续种;选择性啃食枝条的植物种类(77种)高于牧草式取食的种类(6种)。亚洲象取食植物种类的月变化与月平均温度和月降雨量成负相关,旱季取食植物种类高于雨季。本研究对制定保护区野生动物管理策略,以及解决保护区周边日趋恶化的人象矛盾,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

2020年1—12月,采用半结构式访查法、痕迹跟踪调查法和无人机跟踪调查法相结合的方法,对拟建西双版纳勐海县勐阿水库涉及区域的亚洲象种群结构、迁移路线等进行了调查,并采用样方法和3S技术对该区域亚洲象取食植物和栖息地适宜性进行了调查和分析,以探讨拟建勐阿水库可能对亚洲象迁移活动和人—象冲突的潜在影响。结果表明:(1)拟建勐阿水库区域活动的亚洲象小种群被称为澜沧江西部种群或西双版纳勐海—普洱澜沧种群,仅由19头亚洲象(10头雄性,9头雌性)组成,有2条亚洲象迁移路线穿越该区域;(2)在研究区域共统计到亚洲象取食植物12目19科32属33种,基本能满足该象群的取食需求;(3)海拔、坡度、植被隐蔽度及食物资源等生态因子的适宜性分析结果显示,大部分区域(包括占总面积14.61%的最适生境和占总面积82.05%的相对适宜生境)都能满足该亚洲象小种群的基本生活需求;(4)2条亚洲象迁移路线中的1条将因水库建设而阻断,迫使该象群改变原来的迁移路线;(5)水库淹没区的植被将被永久破坏,原本连片的适宜栖息地也将受到进一步切割和压缩影响;(6)当食物资源无法满足亚洲象生存需求时,它们可能会选择进入可在较短时间内获得大量食物的农耕区取食农作物和经济作物,随着人流、车流大量增加,亚洲象与人相遇的概率也会大幅度增加。分析认为,拟建勐阿水库将淹没1条迁移通道,对亚洲象迁移活动造成阻碍,迫使象群改变路线,还可能导致更为严重的人—象冲突。建议在水库工程设计和建设过程中采取有效的保护管理措施,减少工程项目对亚洲象种群及其栖息地的负面影响;水库建设和管理部门、林业和草原管理部门等应加强对亚洲象活动的监测和预警,避免亚洲象肇事造成人员伤亡和更大的经济损失。  相似文献   

通过社区村寨访问、监测网络、痕迹追踪和生态位因子分析(ENFA)等方法对西双版纳国家级自然保护区勐腊子保护区内亚洲象的种群和栖息地状况进行研究。结果显示:2007年勐腊子保护区的亚洲象种群数量约为25—32头,2009年其数量增至35—42头;2006—2007年期间,亚洲象的分布区包含保护区东南部和东部的两片区域,面积共221 km2,占保护区总面积的19.2%;象群在分布区内开辟了固定的活动路线,总长约65 km,它们利用这些路线巡回取食天然植物和农作物并导致严重的人象冲突;栖息地评价研究表明亚洲象对栖息地具有一定的选择偏好性,保护区内亚洲象喜好的栖息地面积为328.5 km2,仅占保护区总面积的28.5%,且主要被分为两大斑块1和2,分别位于保护区的东南部和西北部。  相似文献   

建设食物源基地的目的是招引亚洲象返回保护区深处而减少周边村寨的人象冲突.2005-2010年对勐养子保护区食物源基地内亚洲象活动的监测数据进行统计,分析亚洲象在基地的活动规律,结合基地周边村寨的亚洲象肇事情况,研究了基地对亚洲象和周边村寨的影响,以探讨基地对缓解人象冲突的效应.结果表明:基地提供大量食物招引亚洲象,对缓解人象冲突有一定作用;亚洲象在基地活动的月节律和日节律与当地农作物的播种、成熟时间以及日常劳作时序基本一致;食物匮乏时,亚洲象取食引种的外来植物王草,或是进入周边村寨取食作物,并出现距离基地越近,亚洲象肇事越严重的现象.因此,认为食物源基地建设应格外关注其位置布局和更恰当的植物配置.  相似文献   

张杰京  陈飞  谢菲  张鑫  尹文萍  樊辉 《生态学报》2023,43(9):3807-3818
生境变化直接关系到物种种群维持与人类安全,揭示其长期变化规律及其对人类的影响,可为物种保护与生境恢复提供科学支撑。但因受物种活动点数据获取与位置精度的局限,鲜见濒危、危险物种的长时序生境变化研究。以人象冲突频发的西双版纳勐海—普洱澜沧地区亚洲象种群(勐海—澜沧象群)活动区为例,提出融合MaxEnt与HSI模型的亚洲象长时序生境适宜性评价方法,即基于荟萃分析筛选出的15个亚洲象生境评价因子,结合近期有限的物种活动点监测数据,利用MaxEnt得到生境评价因子的贡献率,再运用HSI模型计算生境适宜性指数;利用该方法制作出研究区1988—2020年逐年时序的亚洲象生境适宜性图,以分析亚洲象生境的时空变化,将其与亚洲象肇事数据结合,进而分析人象冲突与生境变化的关联。结果表明:(1)基于物种生境偏好不变的前提,融合MaxEnt模型与HSI模型的生境适宜性评价方法可应用于物种的长时序生境评价,且基于亚洲象活动点数据从动物对生境利用的生态学视角定量获取亚洲象对各生境评价因子的偏好程度,使生境评价结果具有良好的生态可解释性;(2)目前亚洲象适宜生境面积占研究区面积三分之一(4039.76 km...  相似文献   

袁志强  张立 《兽类学报》2006,26(4):359-367
2004 年10 月至2005 年10 月,在云南西双版纳三岔河野象谷用直接观察、拍照、摄像等方法直接记录野生亚洲象的形态学特征,通过耳、门齿、背、尾、疤痕、面部骨骼等特征对经过本地区的象群和独象进行个体识别并建立个体信息库。直接观测记录野象524 头次,通过照片资料和访问间接记录289 头次,识别为46 头个体,由7 个家族(庭)群共38 头和8 头单独活动的雄象组成;发现象群和独象的活动具有季节性;不同象群在野象谷的活动频次差异显著;象群大小和其在本地区的活动频率之间呈明显的正相关。  相似文献   

A method of assessing body condition of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) is presented. The method uses visual assessment to assign numerical scores to six different regions of the body, which are totaled to give a numerical index ranging from 0–11. The relationship between the index and morphometric variables is compared for a sample of 119 juvenile and young adult elephants from southern India, Nepal, and Myanmar. Mean ages of males and females were similar. Mean index of body condition (with standard error [SE]) was 7.3±0.2 points. No significant correlation was found between index of body condition and age over both sexes (r=0.01, n=50). Results were equivalent when sexes were treated separately (females: r=0.03, n=24; males: r=0.01, n=26). Sexes did not differ in height of the shoulder or body condition in our sample, but there was significant sexual dimorphism in breadth of the zygomatic arch and three measures of subcutaneous fat: girth of neck, thickness of cervical fold, and thickness of anal flap. These three measures were also significantly correlated with each other. Our assessment method should prove a practical tool for ecologic studies, but the relationship of the index to percentage of body fat should be determined using heavy water dilution methodology. Zoo Biol 25:187–200, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Historically, the Asian elephant has never bred well in captivity. We have carried out demographic analyses of elephants captured in the wild or born in captivity and kept in forest timber camps in southern India during the past century. The average fecundity during this period was 0.095/adult female/year. During 1969–89, however, the fecundity was higher at 0.155/adult female/year, which compares favorably with wild populations. There was seasonality in births with a peak in January. The sex ratio of 129 male to 109 female calves at birth is not significantly different from equality, although the excess of male calves born mainly to mothers 20–40 years old may have biological significance. Mortality rates were higher in females than in males up to age 10, but much lower in females than in males above age 10 years. The population growth rate, based on the lower secundity over the century, was 0.5% per year, and based on the higher secundity during 1969–89, was 1.8% per year. The analyses thus showed that timber camp elephants in southern India could potentially maintain a stationary or increasing population without resorting to captures from the wild. Breeding efforts for elephants in zoos can thus profitably learn from the experience of traditional management systems in part of Asia. Zoo Biol 16:263–272, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Musth is an important male phenomenon affecting many aspects of elephant society including reproduction. During musth, the temporal gland secretions (as well as the urine and breath) of adult male Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) discharge a variety of malodorous compounds together with the bicyclic ketal, frontalin. In contrast, teenage male elephants in musth release a sweet-smelling exudate from their facial temporal gland. We recently demonstrated that the concentration of frontalin becomes increasingly evident as male elephants mature. In the present study, we demonstrate that behaviors exhibited towards frontalin are consistent and dependent on the sex, developmental stage and physiological status of the responding conspecific individual. To examine whether frontalin functions as a chemical signal, perhaps even a pheromone, we bioassayed older and younger adult males, and luteal- and follicular-phase and pregnant females for their chemosensory and behavioral responses to frontalin. Adult males were mostly indifferent to frontalin, whereas subadult males were highly reactive, often exhibiting repulsion or avoidance. Female chemosensory responses to frontalin varied with hormonal state. Females in the luteal phase demonstrated low frequencies of responses, whereas pregnant females responded significantly more frequently, with varied types of responses including those to the palatal pits. Females in the follicular phase were the most responsive and often demonstrated mating-related behaviors subsequent to high chemosensory responses to frontalin. Our evidence strongly suggests that frontalin, a well-studied pheromone in insects, also functions as a pheromone in the Asian elephant: it exhibits all of the determinants that define a pheromone and evidently conveys some of the messages underlying the phenomenon of musth.  相似文献   

针对北京动物园2头圈养雌性亚洲象从未动情的现象,本研究于2003年12月至2005年3月,采用放射性免疫分析法测定了2只不动情象与另一只已受孕象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇的变化,并结合国内外研究探讨圈养亚洲象不动情的原因,为圈养象机构提供相应的繁殖管理建议。研究结果表明,受孕雌象在分娩前一周左右孕酮含量突然升高,后在很短时间内降低,分娩后也维持在较低水平;雌二醇含量分娩前维持在较高水平,分娩前一周骤降,并保持较低水平至本研究结束。非动情象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇水平都显著低于受孕象相应的激素水平,且无明显的波动,推测其卵巢不具活性,导致孕酮与雌二醇水平不具波动性,是这2头圈养雌象未见动情现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

Circulating levels of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) were examined via high-performance liquid chromatography in four female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at the New York Zoological Park between 1983 and 1987. Plasma vitamin E averaged 0.08 μg/ml in 1983, and was considered deficient. Over a four-year period of dietary supplementation ranging from 0.7 to 3.7 IU vitamin E/kg body mass (approximately 50 to 250 IU/kg diet as fed), mean plasma α-tocopherol increased to 0.6 μg/ml. Plasma and dietary vitamin E were found to be significantly correlated (p < 0.025) in these animals. Serum or plasma vitamin E measured in an additional 20 elephants from eight other zoological institutions in the United States and Canada averaged 0.5 μg/ml, but values were not significantly correlated (p > 0.05) with calculated dietary levels of the vitamin. To achieve the mean value for circulating α-tocopherol in captive elephants (0.5 μg/ml), feed must provide at least 1.0, and more likely 2.0 to 2.5 IU vitamin E/kg body mass (approximately 130 to 167 IU/kg diet).  相似文献   

In mid 1988 a 3-yr-old Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) from a circus in Switzerland died following generalized manifestation of a herpesvirus infection. In an effort to determine prevalence of infection with the herpesvirus, and due to lack of a corresponding virus isolate, it was decided to evaluate contact animals and elephants from a second herd for antibody to bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) and bovine herpesvirus 2 (BHV2). Of 15 sera tested four displayed low neutralizing antibody titers to BHV2. None of the sera neutralized BHV1. However, as evidenced by protein A-mediated immunoprecipitation of metabolically radio-labeled virus-infected and mock-infected cell antigens, followed by separation of precipitation products in SDS-polyacrylamide gels, the 15 sera precipitated multiple antigens from both viruses. Similar results were obtained when using BHV4 antigens. The extent of reaction was most distinct with respect to BHV2 antigens, less prominent with BHV1 antigens, and least with BHV4 antigens. The respective protein patterns, although less marked, matched well with those obtained with bovine reference sera. Additional evaluation of sera from six elephants from two zoos in the Federal Republic of Germany gave essentially identical results. It was concluded that at least one herpesvirus, immunologically related to BHV2, may be widely distributed among captive Asian elephants, and that this virus apparently does not cause overt disease in the majority of animals.  相似文献   

Juvenile mortality is a key factor influencing population growth rate in density-independent, predation-free, well-managed captive populations. Currently at least a quarter of all Asian elephants live in captivity, but both the wild and captive populations are unsustainable with the present fertility and calf mortality rates. Despite the need for detailed data on calf mortality to manage effectively populations and to minimize the need for capture from the wild, very little is known of the causes and correlates of calf mortality in Asian elephants. Here we use the world''s largest multigenerational demographic dataset on a semi-captive population of Asian elephants compiled from timber camps in Myanmar to investigate the survival of calves (n = 1020) to age five born to captive-born mothers (n = 391) between 1960 and 1999. Mortality risk varied significantly across different ages and was higher for males at any age. Maternal reproductive history was associated with large differences in both stillbirth and liveborn mortality risk: first-time mothers had a higher risk of calf loss as did mothers producing another calf soon (<3.7 years) after a previous birth, and when giving birth at older age. Stillbirth (4%) and pre-weaning mortality (25.6%) were considerably lower than those reported for zoo elephants and used in published population viability analyses. A large proportion of deaths were caused by accidents and lack of maternal milk/calf weakness which both might be partly preventable by supplementary feeding of mothers and calves and work reduction of high-risk mothers. Our results on Myanmar timber elephants with an extensive keeping system provide an important comparison to compromised survivorship reported in zoo elephants. They have implications for improving captive working elephant management systems in range countries and for refining population viability analyses with realistic parameter values in order to predict future population size of the Asian elephant.  相似文献   

西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用亚洲象种群野外调查数据,结合3S技术,应用生态位因子分析(Ecological Niche Factor Analysis,ENFA)模型对西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地状况进行评价,并对适宜栖息地做出预测。结果表明:ENFA分析的边界值M=1.375>1,耐受值T=0.478,说明亚洲象对环境条件有一定选择性和耐受性,但生态位仍不宽,专化程度较高;影响亚洲象栖息地质量的最重要因素为植被因素,尤其是竹林和竹阔混交林;在本研究中,象群在农地中的分布点占所有分布点的45.2%,它们对栖息地预测结果的影响显著,与有农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地相比,无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象总栖息地面积共减少2652.5 km2,其中农地面积减少最大,共计1788 km2,所占比例由35.7%降低至6.3%,因此,有农地象分布点所预测得到的亚洲象栖息地分布是人为干扰模式下的亚洲象栖息地状况,而无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地是真正适宜亚洲象生存的栖息地;这些栖息地主要分布在西双版纳国家级自然保护区的勐养、勐仑、勐腊、尚勇子保护区和纳板河流域国家级自然保护区内及其周边地区,且已呈现岛屿化,因此急需在勐养子保护区和普洱之间、勐腊和尚勇子保护区之间以及中国-老挝边境地区建立生态廊道以保护亚洲象种群的长期维持和健康发展。  相似文献   

Modern zoos strive to improve standards of animal management, husbandry and welfare of their animals as part of a continual evaluation process. Elephants (Elephantidae) have received particular attention in recent years due to the challenge of providing environments which promote natural behavior and opportunities for social interaction. A number of measures have been proposed to measure wellbeing, with sleep quality increasingly being used. Sleep is a vital aspect of life for cell replenishment as well as optimal development of young. Sleep deprivation can lead to immunosuppression and illness; therefore animal managers have a responsibility to ensure they reduce the potential for disturbance through noise, light, or other environmental factors. The social environment also plays an essential role in wellbeing, particularly for species that live in multi-generational family units. In this study the nocturnal behavior of a multi-generational captive herd was observed to determine impacts of husbandry changes on sleep duration and bout length (measured as recumbent rest). As expected, average total duration of sleep was higher in younger elephants and rates were comparable to those reported in other studies of Asian elephants. Overnight access to an outdoor paddock in warmer weather increased overall average bout length of sleep in the herd. Average total duration of sleep also increased for the herd following the movement of an unrelated adult female who had previously shown weak bonds with other herd members. This indicates that social compatibility is a vital component of elephant welfare, impacting not only behavioral interactions but sleep quality and duration.  相似文献   

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