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The adenylyl cyclases of both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe are associated with related proteins named CAP. In S. cerevisiae, CAP is required for cellular responses mediated by the RAS/cyclic AMP pathway. Both yeast CAPs appear to be bifunctional proteins: the N-terminal domains are required for the proper function of adenylyl cyclase, while loss of the C-terminal domains results in morphological and nutritional defects that appear to be unrelated to the cAMP pathways. Expression of either yeast CAP in the heterologous yeast suppresses phenotypes associated with loss of the C-terminal domain of the endogenous CAP but does not suppress loss of the N-terminal domain. On the basis of the homology between the two yeast CAP proteins, we have designed degenerate oligonucleotides that we used to detect, by the polymerase chain reaction method, a human cDNA fragment encoding a CAP-related peptide. Using the polymerase chain reaction fragment as a probe, we isolated a human cDNA clone encoding a 475-amino-acid protein that is homologous to the yeast CAP proteins. Expression of the human CAP protein in S. cerevisiae suppresses the phenotypes associated with loss of the C-terminal domain of CAP but does not suppress phenotypes associated with loss of the N-terminal domain. Thus, CAP proteins have been structurally and, to some extent, functionally conserved in evolution between yeasts and mammals.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification of Ras protein has been shown to be critical for interaction with its effector molecules, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenylyl cyclase. However, the mechanism of its action was unknown. In this study, we used a reconstituted system with purified adenylyl cyclase and Ras proteins carrying various degrees of the modification to show that the posttranslational modification, especially the farnesylation step, is responsible for 5- to 10-fold increase in Ras-dependent activation of adenylyl cyclase activity even though it has no significant effect on their binding affinity. The stimulatory effect of farnesylation is found to depend on the association of adenylyl cyclase with 70-kDa adenylyl cyclase-associated protein (CAP), which was known to be required for proper in vivo response of adenylyl cyclase to Ras protein, by comparing the levels of Ras-dependent activation of purified adenylyl cyclase with and without bound CAP. The region of CAP required for this effect is mapped to its N-terminal segment of 168 amino acid residues, which coincides with the region required for the in vivo effect. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect is successfully reconstituted by in vitro association of CAP with the purified adenylyl cyclase molecule lacking the bound CAP. These results indicate that the association of adenylyl cyclase with CAP is responsible for the stimulatory effect of posttranslational modification of Ras on its activity and that this may be the mechanism underlying its requirement for the proper in vivo cyclic AMP response.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification, in particular farnesylation, of Ras is crucial for activation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenylyl cyclase (CYR1). Based on the previous observation that association of CYR1 with cyclase-associated protein (CAP) is essential for its activation by posttranslationally modified Ras, we postulated that the associated CAP might contribute to the formation of a Ras-binding site of CYR1, which mediates CYR1 activation, other than the primary Ras-binding site, the leucine-rich repeat domain. Here, we observed a posttranslational modification-dependent association of Ras with a complex between CAP and CYR1 C-terminal region. When CAP mutants defective in Ras signaling but retaining the CYR1-binding activity were isolated by screening of a pool of randomly mutagenized CAP, CYR1 complexed with two of the obtained three mutants failed to be activated efficiently by modified Ras and exhibited a severely impaired ability to bind Ras, providing a genetic evidence for the importance of the physical association with Ras at the second Ras-binding site. On the other hand, CYR1, complexed with the other CAP mutant, failed to be activated by Ras but exhibited a greatly enhanced binding to Ras. Conversely, a Ras mutant E31K, which exhibits a greatly enhanced binding to the CYR1-CAP complex, failed to activate CYR1 efficiently. Thus, the strength of interaction at the second Ras-binding site appears to be a critical determinant of CYR1 regulation by Ras: too-weak and too-strong interactions are both detrimental to CYR1 activation. These results, taken together with those obtained with mammalian Raf, suggest the importance of the second Ras-binding site in effector regulation.  相似文献   

Cbl-associated protein (CAP) is an adaptor protein that interacts with both signaling and cytoskeletal proteins. Here, we characterize the expression, localization and potential function of CAP in striated muscle. CAP is markedly induced during myoblast differentiation, and colocalizes with vinculin during costamerogenesis. In adult mice, CAP is enriched in oxidative muscle fibers, and it is found in membrane anchorage complexes, including intercalated discs, costameres, and myotendinous junctions. Using both yeast two-hybrid and proteomic approaches, we identified the sarcomeric protein filamin C (FLNc) as a binding partner for CAP. When overexpressed, CAP recruits FLNc to cell-extracellular matrix adhesions, where the two proteins cooperatively regulate actin reorganization. Moreover, overexpression of CAP inhibits FLNc-induced cell spreading on fibronectin. In dystrophin-deficient mdx mice, the expression and membrane localization of CAP is increased, concomitant with the elevated plasma membrane content of FLNc, suggesting that CAP may compensate for the reduced membrane linkage of the myofibrils due to the loss of the dystroglycan-sarcoglycan complex in these mice. Thus, through its interaction with FLNc, CAP provides another link between the myofibril cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane of muscle cells, and it may play a dynamic role in the regulation and maintenance of muscle structural integrity.  相似文献   

Cyclase-associated proteins (CAPs) are widely distributed and highly conserved proteins that regulate actin remodeling in response to cellular signals. The N termini of CAPs play a role in Ras signaling and bind adenylyl cyclase; the C termini bind to G-actin and thereby alter the dynamic rearrangements of the microfilament system. We report here the X-ray structure of the core of the N-terminal domain of the CAP from Dictyostelium discoideum, which comprises residues 51-226, determined by a combination of single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS). The overall structure of this fragment is an alpha helix bundle composed of six antiparallel helices. Results from gel filtration and crosslinking experiments for CAP(1-226), CAP(255-464), and the full-length protein, together with the CAP N-terminal domain structure and the recently determined CAP C-terminal domain structure, provide evidence that the functional structure of CAP is multimeric.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, adenylyl cyclase forms a complex with the 70-kDa cyclase-associated protein (CAP). By in vitro mutagenesis, we assigned a CAP-binding site of adenylyl cyclase to a small segment near its C terminus and created mutants which lost the ability to bind CAP. CAP binding was assessed first by observing the ability of the overproduced C-terminal 150 residues of adenylyl cyclase to sequester CAP, thereby suppressing the heat shock sensitivity of yeast cells bearing the activated RAS2 gene (RAS2Val-19), and then by immunoprecipitability of adenylyl cyclase activity with anti-CAP antibody and by direct measurement of the amount of CAP bound. Yeast cells whose chromosomal adenylyl cyclase genes were replaced by the CAP-nonbinding mutants possessed adenylyl cyclase activity fully responsive to RAS2 protein in vitro. However, they did not exhibit sensitivity to heat shock in the RAS2Val-19 background. When glucose-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) was measured in these mutants carrying RAS2Val-19, a rapid transient rise indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells was observed and a high peak level and following persistent elevation of the cAMP concentration characteristic of RAS2Val-19 were abolished. In contrast, in the wild-type RAS2 background, similar cyclase gene replacement did not affect the glucose-induced cAMP response. These results suggest that the association with CAP, although not involved in the in vivo response to the wild-type RAS2 protein, is somehow required for the exaggerated response of adenylyl cyclase to activated RAS2.  相似文献   

Cyclase-associated proteins (CAPs) are highly conserved, ubiquitous actin binding proteins that are involved in microfilament reorganization. The N-termini of CAPs play a role in Ras signaling and bind adenylyl cyclase; the C-termini bind to G-actin. We report here the NMR characterization of the amino-terminal domain of CAP from Dictyostelium discoideum (CAP(1-226)). NMR data, including the steady state (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear NOE experiments, indicate that the first 50 N-terminal residues are unstructured and that this highly flexible serine-rich fragment is followed by a stable, folded core starting at Ser 51. The NMR structure of the folded core is an alpha-helix bundle composed of six antiparallel helices, in a stark contrast to the recently determined CAP C-terminal domain structure, which is solely built by beta-strands.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that chronic morphine induces a change in G protein coupling by the mu opioid receptor (MOR) from Gi/o to Gs, concurrent with the instatement of an interaction between Gbetagamma and adenylyl cyclase types II and IV. These two signaling changes confer excitatory effects on the cell in place of the typical inhibition by opioids and are associated with morphine tolerance and dependence. Both signaling changes and these behavioral manifestations of chronic morphine are attenuated by cotreatment with ultra-low-dose naloxone. In the present work, using striatum from chronic morphine-treated rats, we isotyped the Gbeta within Gs and Go heterotrimers that coupled to MOR and compared these to the Gbeta isotype of the Gbetagamma that interacted with adenylyl cyclase II or IV after chronic morphine treatment. Isotyping results show that chronic morphine causes a Gs heterotrimer associated with MOR to release its Gbetagamma to interact with adenylyl cyclase. These data suggest that the switch to Gs coupling by MOR in response to chronic morphine, which is attenuated by ultra-low-dose opioid antagonist cotreatment, leads to a two-pronged stimulation of adenylyl cyclase utilizing both Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits of the Gs protein novel to this receptor.  相似文献   

R Gieselmann  K Mann 《FEBS letters》1992,298(2-3):149-153
A new 56 kDa actin-binding protein (ASP-56) was isolated from pig platelet lysate. In falling ball viscosimetry it caused a reduction in viscosity that could be attributed to a decrease in the concentration of polymeric actin. Fluorescence measurements with NBD-labelled actin showed reduction of polymeric actin, too. These results could be explained by sequestering of actin in a non-polymerizable 1:1 ASP-56/actin complex. Sequencing of about 20 tryptic peptides of ASP-56 and comparison with known sequences revealed about 60% homology to the adenylate cyclase-associated protein (CAP) from yeast.  相似文献   

HAP1 (Huntingtin-associated protein 1) consists of two alternately spliced isoforms (HAP1A and HAP1B, which have unique C-terminal sequences) and participates in intracellular trafficking. The C terminus of HAP1A is phosphorylated, and this phosphorylation was found to decrease the association of HAP1A with kinesin light chain, a protein involved in anterograde transport in cells. It remains unclear how this phosphorylation functions to regulate the association of HAP1 with trafficking proteins. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we found that HAP1 also interacts with 14-3-3 proteins, which are involved in the assembly of protein complexes and the regulation of protein trafficking. The interaction of HAP1 with 14-3-3 is confirmed by their immunoprecipitation and colocalization in mouse brain. Moreover, this interaction is specific to HAP1A and is increased by the phosphorylation of the C terminus of HAP1A. We also found that expression of 14-3-3 decreases the association of HAP1A with kinesin light chain. As a result, there is less HAP1A distributed in neurite tips of PC12 cells that overexpress 14-3-3. Also, overexpression of 14-3-3 reduces the effect of HAP1A in promoting neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. We propose that the phosphorylation-dependent interaction of HAP1A with 14-3-3 regulates HAP1 function by influencing its association with kinesin light chain and trafficking in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that chronic morphine induces a change in G protein coupling by the mu opioid receptor (MOR) from Gi/o to Gs, concurrent with the instatement of an interaction between Gβγ and adenylyl cyclase types II and IV. These two signaling changes confer excitatory effects on the cell in place of the typical inhibition by opioids and are associated with morphine tolerance and dependence. Both signaling changes and these behavioral manifestations of chronic morphine are attenuated by cotreatment with ultra‐low‐dose naloxone. In the present work, using striatum from chronic morphine‐treated rats, we isotyped the Gβ within Gs and Go heterotrimers that coupled to MOR and compared these to the Gβ isotype of the Gβγ that interacted with adenylyl cyclase II or IV after chronic morphine treatment. Isotyping results show that chronic morphine causes a Gs heterotrimer associated with MOR to release its Gβγ to interact with adenylyl cyclase. These data suggest that the switch to Gs coupling by MOR in response to chronic morphine, which is attenuated by ultra‐low‐dose opioid antagonist cotreatment, leads to a two‐pronged stimulation of adenylyl cyclase utilizing both Gα and Gβγ subunits of the Gs protein novel to this receptor. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

The vanilloid receptor (VR1 or TRPV1) is a capsaicin (CAP)-sensitive non-selective cation channel. Although its channel activity is reportedly modulated through protein-protein interactions, to date very few VR1 interacting proteins have been identified. To address this issue, a yeast two-hybrid screening technique using the C-terminus of rVR1 as bait was employed. Upon interrogation of a mouse brain library, one gene product that interacts with VR1 and is highly homologous to human eferin was found. Its interaction with VR1 was confirmed by GST-pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation. When cotransfected into HEK cells, VR1 and eferin largely colocalize. Furthermore, in rat dorsal root ganglion cells, the rat eferin homologue also colocalizes with rVR1. However, this protein had no significant effect on VR1 channel activity in response to CAP. This was determined by two-electrode recording of oocytes and whole cell recording of HEK cells that were cotransfected with VR1 and human eferin.  相似文献   



The 14-3-3 proteins are structurally conserved throughout eukaryotes and participate in protein kinase signaling. All 14-3-3 proteins are known to bind to evolutionally conserved phosphoserine-containing motifs (modes 1 and/or 2) with high affinity. In Trypanosoma brucei, 14-3-3I and II play pivotal roles in motility, cytokinesis and the cell cycle. However, none of the T. brucei 14-3-3 binding proteins have previously been documented.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Initially we showed that T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins exhibit far lower affinity to those peptides containing RSxpSxP (mode 1) and RxY/FxpSxP (mode 2) (where x is any amino acid residue and pS is phosphoserine) than human 14-3-3 proteins, demonstrating the atypical target recognition by T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins. We found that the putative T. brucei protein phosphatase 2C (PP2c) binds to T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins utilizing its mode 3 motif (–pS/pTx1-2-COOH, where x is not Pro). We constructed eight chimeric PP2c proteins replacing its authentic mode 3 motif with potential mode 3 sequences found in Trypanosoma brucei genome database, and tested their binding. As a result, T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins interacted with three out of eight chimeric proteins including two with high affinity. Importantly, T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins co-immunoprecipitated with an uncharacterized full-length protein containing identified high-affinity mode 3 motif, suggesting that both proteins form a complex in vivo. In addition, a synthetic peptide derived from this mode 3 motif binds to T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins with high affinity.


Because of the atypical target recognition of T. brucei 14-3-3 proteins, no 14-3-3-binding proteins have been successfully identified in T. brucei until now whereas over 200 human 14-3-3-binding proteins have been identified. This report describes the first discovery of the T. brucei 14-3-3-binding proteins and their binding motifs. The high-affinity phosphopeptide will be a powerful tool to identify novel T. brucei 14-3-3-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe serves as a model system for studying role of actin cytoskeleton, since it has simple actin cytoskeletons and is genetically tractable. In contrast, biochemical approaches using this organism are still developing; fission yeast actin has so far not been isolated in its native form and characterized, and therefore, biochemical assays of fission yeast actin-binding proteins (ABPs) or myosin have been performed using rabbit skeletal muscle actin that may interact with the fission yeast ABPs in a manner different from fission yeast actin. Here, we report a novel method for isolating functionally active actin from fission yeast cells. The highly purified fission yeast actin polymerized with kinetics somewhat different from those of muscle actin and forms filaments that are structurally indistinguishable from skeletal muscle actin filaments. The fission yeast actin was a significantly weaker activator of Mg(2+)-ATPase of HMM of skeletal muscle myosin than muscle actin. The fission yeast profilin Cdc3 suppressed polymerization of fission yeast actin more effectively than that of muscle actin and showed an affinity for fission yeast actin higher than for muscle actin. The establishment of purification of fission yeast actin will enable reconstruction of physiologically relevant interactions between the actin and fission yeast ABPs or myosins and contribute to clarification of function of actin cytoskeleton in various cellular activities.  相似文献   

Activation of Rho GTPases by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) mediates a broad range of cytoskeletal alterations that determine cell shape. In the nervous system, Rho GTPases are essential for establishing highly asymmetrical neuronal forms and may fine-tune the shape of dendrites in differentiated neurons. p190RhoGEF is a brain-enriched, RhoA-specific GEF whose highly interactive C-terminal domain provides potential linkage to multiple pathways in the cell. In the present study, a yeast two-hybrid screen was used to identify 14-3-3eta and 14-3-3epsilon as additional binding partners of p190RhoGEF. Interactions between p190RhoGEF and 14-3-3eta were confirmed biochemically and by colocalization of the respective proteins when fused to fluorescent markers and transfected in neuronal cells. We also mapped a unique phosphorylation-independent binding site (I(1370)QAIQNL) in p190RhoGEF. Deletion of the binding site abolished interactions in vitro as well as the ability of 14-3-3eta to alter the cytoplasmic aggregation of p190RhoGEF in cotransfected cells. The findings suggest a potential role for 14-3-3 in modulating p190RhoGEF activity or in linking p190RhoGEF to the activities of other pathways in the neuron.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2623-2632
Through a series of label transfer experiments, we have identified a HeLa cell nuclear protein that interacts with nuclear localization signals (NLSs). The protein has a molecular weight of 66,000 and an isoelectric point of approximately 6. It associates with a synthetic peptide that contains the SV-40 T antigen NLS peptide but not with an analogous peptide in which an asparagine is substituted for an essential lysine (un-NLS peptide). In addition to these peptides, several proteins have been tested as label donors. With the proteins, there is a correlation between nuclear localization (assayed with lysolecithin-permeabilized cells) and label transfer to the 66-kD protein. The NLS peptide (but not the un-NLS peptide) competes with the proteins in label transfer experiments, but neither wheat germ agglutinin nor ATP has an effect. These results suggest that the 66-kD protein functions as an NLS receptor in the first step of nuclear localization. In the course of this work, we have observed that the Staphylococcus aureus protein A is a strongly karyophilic protein. Its dramatic nuclear localization properties suggest that it may have multiple copies of an NLS.  相似文献   

目的 探讨香菇C91-3菌丝发酵液提取蛋白对小鼠宫颈癌的作用.方法 观察香菇C91-3菌丝发酵液提取蛋白对小鼠宫颈癌U14荷瘤小鼠生存期的影响和对体外培养的小鼠宫颈癌U14细胞的抑杀作用.结果 香菇C91-3菌丝发酵液提取蛋白能明显延长小鼠宫颈癌U14荷瘤小鼠的生存期并能对体外培养的小鼠宫颈癌U14细胞有直接抑杀作用.结论 香菇C91-3菌丝发酵液提取蛋白对机体有调节、增强机体免疫系统功能的作用.  相似文献   

The Ssp1 calmodulin kinase kinase (CaMKK) is necessary for stress-induced re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton and initiation of growth at the new cell end following division in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In addition, it regulates AMP-activated kinase and functions in low glucose tolerance. ssp1 cells undergo mitotic delay at elevated temperatures and G2 arrest in the presence of additional stressors. Following hyperosmotic stress, Ssp1-GFP forms transient foci which accumulate at the cell membrane and form a band around the cell circumference, but not co-localizing with actin patches. Hyperosmolarity-induced localization to the cell membrane occurs concomitantly with a reduction of its interaction with the 14-3-3 protein Rad24, but not Rad25 which remains bound to Ssp1. The loss of rad24 in ssp1 cells reduces the severity of hyperosmotic stress response and relieves mitotic delay. Conversely, overexpression of rad24 exacerbates stress response and concomitant cell elongation. rad24 does not impair stress-induced localization of Ssp1 to the cell membrane, however this response is almost completely absent in cells overexpressing rad24.  相似文献   

Cyclase-associated protein (CAP) is an actin binding protein that has been initially described as partner of the adenylyl cyclase in yeast. In all vertebrates and some invertebrate species, two orthologs, named CAP1 and CAP2, have been described. CAP1 and CAP2 are characterized by a similar multidomain structure, but different expression patterns. Several molecular studies clarified the biological function of the different CAP domains, and they shed light onto the mechanisms underlying CAP-dependent regulation of actin treadmilling. However, CAPs are crucial elements not only for the regulation of actin dynamics, but also for signal transduction pathways. During recent years, human genetic studies and the analysis of gene-targeted mice provided important novel insights into the physiological roles of CAPs and their involvement in the pathogenesis of several diseases. In the present review, we summarize and discuss recent progress in our understanding of CAPs’ physiological functions, focusing on heart, skeletal muscle and central nervous system as well as their involvement in the mechanisms controlling metabolism. Remarkably, loss of CAPs or impairment of CAPs-dependent pathways can contribute to the pathogenesis of different diseases. Overall, these studies unraveled CAPs complexity highlighting their capability to orchestrate structural and signaling pathways in the cells.  相似文献   

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