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Yuan Y  Little RJ 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):478-486
Summary .  Selection models and pattern-mixture models are often used to deal with nonignorable dropout in longitudinal studies. These two classes of models are based on different factorizations of the joint distribution of the outcome process and the dropout process. We consider a new class of models, called mixed-effect hybrid models (MEHMs), where the joint distribution of the outcome process and dropout process is factorized into the marginal distribution of random effects, the dropout process conditional on random effects, and the outcome process conditional on dropout patterns and random effects. MEHMs combine features of selection models and pattern-mixture models: they directly model the missingness process as in selection models, and enjoy the computational simplicity of pattern-mixture models. The MEHM provides a generalization of shared-parameter models (SPMs) by relaxing the conditional independence assumption between the measurement process and the dropout process given random effects. Because SPMs are nested within MEHMs, likelihood ratio tests can be constructed to evaluate the conditional independence assumption of SPMs. We use data from a pediatric AIDS clinical trial to illustrate the models.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies frequently incur outcome-related nonresponse. In this article, we discuss a likelihood-based method for analyzing repeated binary responses when the mechanism leading to missing response data depends on unobserved responses. We describe a pattern-mixture model for the joint distribution of the vector of binary responses and the indicators of nonresponse patterns. Specifically, we propose an extension of the multivariate logistic model to handle nonignorable nonresponse. This method yields estimates of the mean parameters under a variety of assumptions regarding the distribution of the unobserved responses. Because these models make unverifiable identifying assumptions, we recommended conducting sensitivity analyses that provide a range of inferences, each of which is valid under different assumptions for nonresponse. The methodology is illustrated using data from a longitudinal study of obesity in children.  相似文献   

Roy J 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):829-836
In longitudinal studies with dropout, pattern-mixture models form an attractive modeling framework to account for nonignorable missing data. However, pattern-mixture models assume that the components of the mixture distribution are entirely determined by the dropout times. That is, two subjects with the same dropout time have the same distribution for their response with probability one. As that is unlikely to be the case, this assumption made lead to classification error. In addition, if there are certain dropout patterns with very few subjects, which often occurs when the number of observation times is relatively large, pattern-specific parameters may be weakly identified or require identifying restrictions. We propose an alternative approach, which is a latent-class model. The dropout time is assumed to be related to the unobserved (latent) class membership, where the number of classes is less than the number of observed patterns; a regression model for the response is specified conditional on the latent variable. This is a type of shared-parameter model, where the shared "parameter" is discrete. Parameter estimates are obtained using the method of maximum likelihood. Averaging the estimates of the conditional parameters over the distribution of the latent variable yields estimates of the marginal regression parameters. The methodology is illustrated using longitudinal data on depression from a study of HIV in women.  相似文献   

We propose a generalization of the varying coefficient modelfor longitudinal data to cases where not only current but alsorecent past values of the predictor process affect current response.More precisely, the targeted regression coefficient functionsof the proposed model have sliding window supports around currenttime t. A variant of a recently proposed two-step estimationmethod for varying coefficient models is proposed for estimationin the context of these generalized varying coefficient models,and is found to lead to improvements, especially for the caseof additive measurement errors in both response and predictors.The proposed methodology for estimation and inference is alsoapplicable for the case of additive measurement error in thecommon versions of varying coefficient models that relate onlycurrent observations of predictor and response processes toeach other. Asymptotic distributions of the proposed estimatorsare derived, and the model is applied to the problem of predictingprotein concentrations in a longitudinal study. Simulation studiesdemonstrate the efficacy of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies investigators frequently have to assess and address potential biases introduced by missing data. New methods are proposed for modeling longitudinal categorical data with nonignorable dropout using marginalized transition models and shared random effects models. Random effects are introduced for both serial dependence of outcomes and nonignorable missingness. Fisher‐scoring and Quasi–Newton algorithms are developed for parameter estimation. Methods are illustrated with a real dataset.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation has become a widely accepted technique to deal with the problem of incomplete data. Typically, imputation of missing values and the statistical analysis are performed separately. Therefore, the imputation model has to be consistent with the analysis model. If the data are analyzed with a mixture model, the parameter estimates are usually obtained iteratively. Thus, if the data are missing not at random, parameter estimation and treatment of missingness should be combined. We solve both problems by simultaneously imputing values using the data augmentation method and estimating parameters using the EM algorithm. This iterative procedure ensures that the missing values are properly imputed given the current parameter estimates. Properties of the parameter estimates were investigated in a simulation study. The results are illustrated using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  相似文献   

For analyzing longitudinal binary data with nonignorable and nonmonotone missing responses, a full likelihood method is complicated algebraically, and often requires intensive computation, especially when there are many follow-up times. As an alternative, a pseudolikelihood approach has been proposed in the literature under minimal parametric assumptions. This formulation only requires specification of the marginal distributions of the responses and missing data mechanism, and uses an independence working assumption. However, this estimator can be inefficient for estimating both time-varying and time-stationary effects under moderate to strong within-subject associations among repeated responses. In this article, we propose an alternative estimator, based on a bivariate pseudolikelihood, and demonstrate in simulations that the proposed method can be much more efficient than the previous pseudolikelihood obtained under the assumption of independence. We illustrate the method using longitudinal data on CD4 counts from two clinical trials of HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Dropouts are common in longitudinal study. If the dropout probability depends on the missing observations at or after dropout, this type of dropout is called informative (or nonignorable) dropout (ID). Failure to accommodate such dropout mechanism into the model will bias the parameter estimates. We propose a conditional autoregressive model for longitudinal binary data with an ID model such that the probabilities of positive outcomes as well as the drop‐out indicator in each occasion are logit linear in some covariates and outcomes. This model adopting a marginal model for outcomes and a conditional model for dropouts is called a selection model. To allow for the heterogeneity and clustering effects, the outcome model is extended to incorporate mixture and random effects. Lastly, the model is further extended to a novel model that models the outcome and dropout jointly such that their dependency is formulated through an odds ratio function. Parameters are estimated by a Bayesian approach implemented using the user‐friendly Bayesian software WinBUGS. A methadone clinic dataset is analyzed to illustrate the proposed models. Result shows that the treatment time effect is still significant but weaker after allowing for an ID process in the data. Finally the effect of drop‐out on parameter estimates is evaluated through simulation studies.  相似文献   

Daniels MJ  Hogan JW 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1241-1248
Pattern mixture models are frequently used to analyze longitudinal data where missingness is induced by dropout. For measured responses, it is typical to model the complete data as a mixture of multivariate normal distributions, where mixing is done over the dropout distribution. Fully parameterized pattern mixture models are not identified by incomplete data; Little (1993, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 125-134) has characterized several identifying restrictions that can be used for model fitting. We propose a reparameterization of the pattern mixture model that allows investigation of sensitivity to assumptions about nonidentified parameters in both the mean and variance, allows consideration of a wide range of nonignorable missing-data mechanisms, and has intuitive appeal for eliciting plausible missing-data mechanisms. The parameterization makes clear an advantage of pattern mixture models over parametric selection models, namely that the missing-data mechanism can be varied without affecting the marginal distribution of the observed data. To illustrate the utility of the new parameterization, we analyze data from a recent clinical trial of growth hormone for maintaining muscle strength in the elderly. Dropout occurs at a high rate and is potentially informative. We undertake a detailed sensitivity analysis to understand the impact of missing-data assumptions on the inference about the effects of growth hormone on muscle strength.  相似文献   

Summary .   Missing data, measurement error, and misclassification are three important problems in many research fields, such as epidemiological studies. It is well known that missing data and measurement error in covariates may lead to biased estimation. Misclassification may be considered as a special type of measurement error, for categorical data. Nevertheless, we treat misclassification as a different problem from measurement error because statistical models for them are different. Indeed, in the literature, methods for these three problems were generally proposed separately given that statistical modeling for them are very different. The problem is more challenging in a longitudinal study with nonignorable missing data. In this article, we consider estimation in generalized linear models under these three incomplete data models. We propose a general approach based on expected estimating equations (EEEs) to solve these three incomplete data problems in a unified fashion. This EEE approach can be easily implemented and its asymptotic covariance can be obtained by sandwich estimation. Intensive simulation studies are performed under various incomplete data settings. The proposed method is applied to a longitudinal study of oral bone density in relation to body bone density.  相似文献   

Roy J  Daniels MJ 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):538-545
Summary .   In this article we consider the problem of fitting pattern mixture models to longitudinal data when there are many unique dropout times. We propose a marginally specified latent class pattern mixture model. The marginal mean is assumed to follow a generalized linear model, whereas the mean conditional on the latent class and random effects is specified separately. Because the dimension of the parameter vector of interest (the marginal regression coefficients) does not depend on the assumed number of latent classes, we propose to treat the number of latent classes as a random variable. We specify a prior distribution for the number of classes, and calculate (approximate) posterior model probabilities. In order to avoid the complications with implementing a fully Bayesian model, we propose a simple approximation to these posterior probabilities. The ideas are illustrated using data from a longitudinal study of depression in HIV-infected women.  相似文献   

Roy J  Lin X 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1047-1054
Multiple outcomes are often used to properly characterize an effect of interest. This paper proposes a latent variable model for the situation where repeated measures over time are obtained on each outcome. These outcomes are assumed to measure an underlying quantity of main interest from different perspectives. We relate the observed outcomes using regression models to a latent variable, which is then modeled as a function of covariates by a separate regression model. Random effects are used to model the correlation due to repeated measures of the observed outcomes and the latent variable. An EM algorithm is developed to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters. Unit-specific predictions of the latent variables are also calculated. This method is illustrated using data from a national panel study on changes in methadone treatment practices.  相似文献   

Yi GY  He W 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):618-625
Summary .  Recently, median regression models have received increasing attention. When continuous responses follow a distribution that is quite different from a normal distribution, usual mean regression models may fail to produce efficient estimators whereas median regression models may perform satisfactorily. In this article, we discuss using median regression models to deal with longitudinal data with dropouts. Weighted estimating equations are proposed to estimate the median regression parameters for incomplete longitudinal data, where the weights are determined by modeling the dropout process. Consistency and the asymptotic distribution of the resultant estimators are established. The proposed method is used to analyze a longitudinal data set arising from a controlled trial of HIV disease ( Volberding et al., 1990 , The New England Journal of Medicine 322, 941–949). Simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method under various situations. An extension to estimation of the association parameters is outlined.  相似文献   

We consider inference for the treatment-arm mean difference of an outcome that would have been measured at the end of a randomized follow-up study if, during the course of the study, patients had not initiated a nonrandomized therapy or dropped out. We argue that the treatment-arm mean difference is not identified unless unverifiable assumptions are made. We describe identifying assumptions that are tantamount to postulating relationships between the components of a pattern-mixture model but that can also be interpreted as imposing restrictions on the cause-specific censoring probabilities of a selection model. We then argue that, although sufficient for identification, these assumptions are insufficient for inference due to the curse of dimensionality. We propose reducing dimensionality by specifying semiparametric cause-specific selection models. These models are useful for conducting a sensitivity analysis to examine how inference for the treatment-arm mean difference changes as one varies the magnitude of the cause-specific selection bias over a plausible range. We provide methodology for conducting such sensitivity analysis and illustrate our methods with an analysis of data from the AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) study 002.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Davidian M 《Biometrics》2001,57(3):795-802
Normality of random effects is a routine assumption for the linear mixed model, but it may be unrealistic, obscuring important features of among-individual variation. We relax this assumption by approximating the random effects density by the seminonparameteric (SNP) representation of Gallant and Nychka (1987, Econometrics 55, 363-390), which includes normality as a special case and provides flexibility in capturing a broad range of nonnormal behavior, controlled by a user-chosen tuning parameter. An advantage is that the marginal likelihood may be expressed in closed form, so inference may be carried out using standard optimization techniques. We demonstrate that standard information criteria may be used to choose the tuning parameter and detect departures from normality, and we illustrate the approach via simulation and using longitudinal data from the Framingham study.  相似文献   

The main advantage of longitudinal studies is that they can distinguish changes over time within individuals (longitudinal effects) from differences among subjects at the start of the study (baseline characteristics, cross-sectional effects). Often, especially in observational studies, longitudinal trends are studied after correction for many potentially important baseline differences between subjects. We show that, in the context of linear mixed models, inference for longitudinal trends is in general biased if a wrong model for the baseline characteristics is used. However, we will argue that this bias is small in most practical situations and completely vanishes in the special case of a growth curve model for complete balanced data. In the latter case, inference for longitudinal trends is completely independent of additional baseline covariates that might have been omitted from the model.  相似文献   

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