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The antiobiotics, diumycin, amphomycin, bacitracin, and showdomycin have been shown previously to block the synthesis of GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol and GlcNAc-GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol. In view of inconsistencies in the literature concerning the sites of inhibition, we have reinvestigated the influence of these drugs on the formation of these early intermediates of the dolichol pathway. Unexpectedly, when the individual products of the reactions were examined, instead of inhibition, showdomycin and bacitracin were found to stimulate the formation of GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol, and diumycin stimulated at low concentrations. Three derivatives of showdomycin were examined with similar results, showing stimulations of GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol formation of up to two-fold over controls. Amphomycin specifically inhibited GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol formation, an effect that was reversed by a high concentration of dolichyl phosphate. In contrast, with the exception of amphomycin, each compound directly inhibited the formation of GlcNAc-GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol. Using chemically synthesized GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol as substrate, the kinetics of inhibition of GlcNAc-GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol formation by showdomycin, bacitracin and diumycin was examined. The apparent Ki values calculated from these studies indicated that showdomycin was the most active inhibitor. These findings provide a new understanding of the action of these compounds on the GlcNAc-transferases of the dolichol pathway. © 1998 Rapid Science Ltd  相似文献   

The properties of calcium channels were studied at the period of neurogenesis in the early embryonic chick retina. The whole neural retina was isolated from embryonic day 3 (E3) chick and loaded with a Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye (Fura-2). The retinal cells were depolarized by puff application of high-K+ solutions. Increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations were evoked by the depolarization through calcium channels. The type of calcium channel was identified as l-type by the sensitivity to dihydropyridines. The Ca2+ response was completely blocked by 10 μM nifedipine, whereas it was remarkably enhanced by 5 μM Bay K 8644. Then we sought a factor to activate the calcium channel and found that GABA could activate it by membrane depolarization at the E3 chick retina. Puff application of 100 μM GABA raised intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and this Ca2+ response to GABA was also sensitive to the two dihydropyridines. Intracellular potential recordings verified clear depolarization by bath-applied 100 μM GABA. The Ca2+ response to GABA was mediated by GABAA receptors, since the GABA response was blocked by 10 μgM bicuculline or 50 μM picrotoxin, and mimicked by muscimol but not by baclofen. Neither glutamate, kainate, nor glycine evoked any Ca2+ response. We conclude that l-type calcium channels and GABAA receptors are already are already expressed before differentiation of retinal cells and synapse formation in the chick retina. A possibility is proposed that GABA might act as a trophic factor by activating l-type calcium channels via GABAA receptors during the early period of retinal neurogenesis. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that the progressive layering and differentiation of cell types during the development of the neural retina are associated with cell surface alterations we have separated distinct cell populations from the 14-day embryonic chick retina. Cells of these populations have been shown to differ in associative behavior and intramembrane particle content. We now report that these cells differ in cell surface glycoproteins. Proteins were labeled with two different extrinsic labels and one metabolic label. We used enzymatic transfer of galactose from UDP-gal to cellular acceptors, and borotritide reduction after galactose oxidation as extrinsic labels. Glucosamine incorporation was used as the metabolic label. In all these cases, we were able to identify bands on electrophoretic gels which were unique to individual populations.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of 10-day embryonic chick neural retinas were used to investigate early aspects of the mechanism of hydrocortisone action on glutamine synthetase activity. As little as 2 hr of hydrocortisone exposure served to initiate significant increases in the glutamine synthetase activity levels assayed after 24 hr culture. Time course studies indicated that the increase in glutamine synthetase activity observed after 24 hr in culture resulted from a two-phase rise in activity and that cycloheximide was effective in suppressing the second-phase rise. Additional inhibition studies demonstrated that the second-phase increase in enzyme activity required continuous protein synthesis during the initial 6 hr. The evidence suggests a mechanism of hydrocortisone action involving the production of a protein which is important for the induction of glutamine synthetase activity by hydrocortisone. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation (U.S.A.) Training Grant.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters affect neuronal development by regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. We studied spatiotemporal pattern of the development of glutamate-induced intracellular Ca2+ rise in the embryonic chick retina, where developmental changes in mitotic activity, cell death, and synapse formation have been well established. Glutamate was bath-applied to the central part of the retina dissected at embryonic day 3 (E3) to E13, and changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration were measured with Fura-2 fluorescence. The Ca2+ rise to glutamate first appeared at E6, reached a maximum at E9–10, and then declined before the appearance of synaptic structures (E12). Ca2+ rises to kainate (KA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) appeared earlier and were larger in amplitude than those to N-methyl-D -aspartic acid. The KA/AMPA receptor of the E9 chick retina was permeable for Ca2+, suggesting the functional expression of Ca2+-permeable KA/AMPA receptors at the stage of retinal cell death. The Ca2+rise to glutamate and KA occurred intensely at the inner plexiform layer, the inner part of inner nuclear layer, and the ganglion cell layer, where the cell death occurs. The Ca2+ rise to high K2+, in contrast, occurred intensely at the nerve fiber layer and the ganglion cell layer, developing continuously from E3 until E11. Our study shows that the Ca2+ rise to glutamate develops with the decline of the mitotic activity of the retinal cells and is transiently enhanced during the period of cell death in the embryonic chick retina. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 113–125, 1998  相似文献   

Summary When embryonic retina is dissociated into a single cell suspension and maintained in stationary culture, a population of flat cells is found on the culture dish. We have carried out a morphologic and immunologic study of the emergence of this population in vitro. Ten- and fourteen-day-old chick embryo retinas were dissociated with trypsin, seeded on glass cover slips for various times, and prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunofluorescence (IF) for Vimentin, an intermediate filament protein. SEM indicates that the characteristic flat cell morphology is initiated in some cells in as little as 30 min after the start of the culture. Not all of the cells that attach flatten. As incubation proceeds, small clusters of cells that had formed in suspension attach to the substrate, and flat cells emerge from them. The flattened cells are positive for Vimentin by IF within 10 min of attachment. The percent of fluorescent cells found on the substrate is constant during the time in culture. This suggests that flat cells do not attach first, followed by neural cells, but that the neural cells and flat cells attach to the dish at the same rate. When aggregates that had formed in suspension attach to the substrate, they are anchored by flat cells that migrate out of the aggregate. Since Vimentin appears in the cultured cells within 10 min, it is unlikely that it has been newly synthesized. Thus, the same cells that contained Vimentin in the retina now express it as flat cells. this supports the hypothesis that flat cells derive from the same cells in the retina that give rise to Müller cells. We have also observed the emergence of a population of cells with short (0.5μm) microvilli that appear within 8 h of culture. They seem to be a distinct subpopulation of the cells on the upper portion of attached clusters. This research was supported in part by grant EY-04892 and RR-0715 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and a grant from the W.W. Smith Foundations  相似文献   

Stratospheroids are three-dimensional cellular spheres which develop in vitro through the proliferation and differentiation of retinal neuroepithelial precursor cells. We investigated synapse formation in stratospheroids by analyzing the development of aggregates of synapse-associated molecules and of electron microscopically identifiable synaptic specializations. Our results show that the first aggregates of the GABA(A) receptor, the glycine receptor, and gephyrin appear in the inner plexiform layer after 8 days in culture simultaneously with the development of the first active zones and postsynaptic densities. In contrast, presynaptic molecules including synaptophysin could be detected in the inner plexiform layer before synaptogenesis, suggesting functions for these molecules in addition to neurotransmitter exocytosis at mature synapses. Similar to the retina in vivo, synapses were not found in the nuclear layers of stratospheroids. We also analyzed the isoform pattern, expression, and distribution of the extracellular matrix molecule agrin, a key regulator during formation, maintenance, and regeneration of the neuromuscular junction. In stratospheroids, several agrin isoforms were expressed as highly glycosylated proteins with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 400 kDa, similar to the molecular weight of agrin in the retina in vivo. The expression specifically of the neuronal isoforms of agrin was concurrent with the onset of synaptogenesis. Moreover, the neuronal agrin isoforms were exclusively found in the synapse-containing inner plexiform layer, whereas other agrin isoforms were associated also with the inner limiting membrane and with Müller glial cells. These results show that synapse formation is very similar in stratospheroids and in the retina in vivo, and they suggest an important role for agrin during CNS development.  相似文献   

1. The phospholipid composition of hepatic microsomal fractions from different developmental stages of embryonic chick was established. The major components were phosphatidylcholine (approx. 66%), phosphatidylethanolamine plus phosphatidylserine (approx. 21%) and sphingomyelin (approx. 9%). 2. There were no significant changes in the phospholipid composition during embryonic development from 9 to 20 days. 3. When microsomal subfractions were prepared it was found that the smooth-microsomal fractions (Ia and Ib) had a significantly greater sphingomyelin content than the rough-microsomal fraction (II). This was compensated by a lower phosphatidylcholine content in fractions Ia and Ib and an increase of phosphatidylcholine in fraction II. 4. The significance of the differences in the phospholipid composition of smooth and rough microsomes is discussed with particular reference to the origin and interrelation of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The effect of light exposure on the protein patterns of optic lobe and forebrain of the chick embryo was analysed by a high-resolution micro-two-dimensional polyacryamide gel electrophoresis and computerized quantitation. Experiments were done on three groups of eggs: control group was incubated in the dark; simultaneously, in the same incubator, one group of eggs was illuminated by constant light, another by intermittent light (3 sec interval) from day 10 to day 16 of incubation. In embryos exposed to intermittent light the relative amount of tubulins was significantly increased in the optic lobe. In the frontal lobe no effect of light exposure on the concentration of tubulins was seen. The rise of tubulins in the optic lobe was only caused by intermittant light. Continuous illumination of the eggs for the same period under otherwise identical incubation conditions was ineffective.Abbreviations used BSA Bovine serum albumin - CBB Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 - 2D-PAGE Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - IEF Isoelectric focusing - Mr Molecular weight - pI Isoelectric point - SDS Sodium dodecyl sulfate - TEMED N,N,N,N-Tetramethylethyenediamine  相似文献   

During long-term cell culture of 8-day embryonic chick neural retina, lentoid bodies containing lens crystallins are developed. Although very low levels of crystallin can be detected in the embryonic neural retina, gross synthesis of each major crystallin class (α, anodal β, cathodal β, and δ) begins only after 12–16 days in culture. This occurs at least 10 days before lentoid bodies can be distinguished by eye. The concentration of each crystallin class was determined during lentoid development in cultures of both neural retina and lens epithelium. The proportions of crystallins in lentoid-containing cultures do not resemble those of embryonic lens fibres. Comparisons between two chick strains (N and Hy-1) differing in their growth rates revealed several differences in the crystallin compositions of lentoid bodies. These differences imply independent quantitative regulation for most or all of the crystallins.  相似文献   

Chick embryo retinas contain a peptide factor that inhibits DNA synthesis in explants of chick embryo retina. The inhibitory factor, obtained by acid/ethanol extraction from 15-day-old chick embryo retinas, was partially purified by affinity chromatography on heparin-sepharose CL-6B and gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The inhibitor reduced DNA synthesis with maximal effects observed in retinal explants from 7 to 8-day-old chick embryos. The inhibitory effect became apparent after 10 h of incubation and reached the maximum levels after 16 h. DNA-inhibiting activity was heat and acid-stable and was destroyed by trypsin and alkaline treatments. The inhibitory effect was observed in retinal explants incubated in a medium free froml-glutamine, and the addition of this compound to the medium reduced the inhibitory effect in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Gap junction (GJ) channels couple adjacent cells, allowing transfer of second messengers, ions, and molecules up to 1 kDa. These channels are composed by a multigene family of integral membrane proteins called connexins (Cx). In the retina, besides being essential circuit element in the visual processing, GJ channels also play important roles during its development. Herein, we analyzed Cx43, Cx45, Cx50, and Cx56 expression during chick retinal histogenesis. Cx exhibited distinct expression profiles during retinal development, except for Cx56, whose expression was not detected. Cx43 immunolabeling was observed at early development, in the transition of ventricular zone and pigmented epithelium. Later, Cx43 was seen in the outer plexiform and ganglion cell layers, and afterwards also in the inner plexiform layer. We observed remarkable changes in the phosphorylation status of this protein, which indicated modifications in functional properties of this Cx during retinal histogenesis. By contrast, Cx45 showed stable gene expression levels throughout development and ubiquitous immunoreactivity in progenitor cells. From later embryonic development, Cx45 was mainly observed in the inner retina, and it was expressed by glial cells and neurons. In turn, Cx50 was virtually absent in the chick retina at initial embryonic phases. Combination of PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot indicated that this Cx was present in differentiated cells, arising in parallel with the formation of the visual circuitry. Characterization of Cx expression in the developing chick retina indicated particular roles for these proteins and revealed similarities and differences when compared to other species.  相似文献   

Summary No type of junction has yet been recognized between the two entities of the retinal double cone. In the present study, a junction-like structure was observed in serial sections of the double cone of the chick retina. It is recognized from the slightly outer part of the double cone to the outer limiting membrane. The apposing membranes are virtually parallel and separated by 5 to 7 nm of extracellular space. Dense material is associated on the cytoplasmic side of the opposing membranes. The structure resembles a gap junction, but there are no cross striations between the two membranes. Further experiments are required to establish this as a new type of junction.  相似文献   

Possible distortions of images of an object by the layer of nerve cells have been analyzed. It has been shown that, based on microoscillations of the visual apparatus, it is possible to propose the procedures of processing the arising diffraction scattering spectra and isolating from these spectra initial images that do not contradict the available morphological and neurophysiological data.  相似文献   

The action of acetylcholine on cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was studied in early embryonic chick retinae. Whole neural retinae were isolated from embryonic day 3 (E3) chicks and loaded with a Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye (Fura-2). Increases in [Ca2+]i were evoked by the puff application of acetylcholine at concentration than 0.1 μM. The Ca2+ response became larger in dose–dependant manner up to 10 μM of acetylcholine applied. The rise in [Ca2+]i was not due to the influx of Ca+2 through calcium channels, but to the release of Ca2+ from internal stores. A calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine, which completely blocks the Ca2+ rise caused by depolarization with 100 mM K+, had no effects on the acetylcholine response and the Ca2+ response to acetylcholine occurred even in a Ca2+-free medium. The Ca2+ response to acetylcholine was mediated by muscarinic receptors. Atropine of 1 μM abolished the response to 10 μM acetylcholine, whereas d-tubocurarine of 100 μM had no effects. Two muscarinic agonists, muscarine and carbamylcholine (100 μM each), evoked comparable responses with that to 10 μM acetylcholine. The developmental change of the muscarinic response was examined from E3 to E13. The Ca2+ response to 100 μM carbamylcholine was intense at E3-E5, then rapidly declined until E8. The muscarinic Ca2+ mobilization we found in the early embryonic chick retina may be regarded as a part of the “embryonic muscarinic system” proposed by Drew's group, which appears transiently and ubiquitously at early embryonic stages in relation to organogenesis. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation of cells and synapses in explants of 9-day-old chick embryo retina has been studied by light and electron microscopy over a period of 35 days in vitro, and samples of retina from the 9-day chick foetus were directly fixed and prepared for study.At the time of explantation the retinae were poorly differentiated and no lamination was apparent. From day 14 onwards, (i) outer and inner nuclear layers (ONL, INL) separated by a layer of neuropil corresponding to the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and (ii) a layer of scattered large ganglion cells separated from the INL by a zone of neuropil resembling the inner plexiform layer (IPL) were apparent, and (iii) a well-differentiated outer limiting membrane was established close to the surface of the explants. In the oldest cultures some development of photoreceptor outer segments occurred but a distinct optic nerve fibre layer did not form.Although cell identification presented problems even in the oldest cultures, the major retinal cell types described in vivo could be identified. Photoreceptor cells developed pedicles in the OPL which became filled with synaptic vesicles and synaptic ribbons and established ribbon synapses (including triads) with and were commonly invaginated by processes from horizontal and bipolar cells. Processes of bipolar cells in the IPL formed simple and dyad synapses. At least two types of presynaptic amacrine cells were also identified in the INL, one of which contained large numbers of dense-core vesicles. The ganglion cells, though sparse, were large and well differentiated.These findings show that all the major neuronal types of the retina are capable of developing and differentiating in vitro, lagging behind the time-table of development and differentiation in vivo by approximately 7 days, but resulting in a histotypically organised retina with synaptic neuropil showing many similarities to the corresponding neuropil in vivo.  相似文献   

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