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The present study has been undertaken to examine the effect of cell hybridization of Bloom syndrome (BS) B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) and various cell lines from lymphoid malignancies in order to clarify the relationship between sister-chromatoid exchange (SCE) and malignant conditions. Cell hybridization studies have shown that though BS high-SCE frequencies were completed by fusion with normal cells, fusion with various malignant cell lines did not result in complete normalization of BS SCEs, with 15-30 SCEs remaining per hybrid cell, demonstrating possibly common defects in DNA of BS and malignant cells. These findings strongly support the idea that the characteristic high SCE frequency in BS cells has some connection with the malignant condition, and that at least one step in carcinogenesis is either accompanied by the production of SCEs, or that SCEs themselves cause such a step to occur.  相似文献   

Cell hybridization and co-cultivation protocols have been used to determine whether the increased rates of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) exhibited by Bloom syndrome (BS) and a human mutant cell line (CCRF-SB-T1), originating from an X-irradiated acute leukemia-derived B-lymphoblastoid cell line, have the same or different bases. Cell fusion of CCRF-SB-T1 with each of 4 different BS B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), retaining a high-SCE character, exhibited low (normal level) numbers of SCEs, signifying complementation. Co-cultivation of CCRF-SB-T1 and BS B-LCLs also resulted in a significant reduction in SCE level, from 70 to 35, in BS cells, lowered the BrdU concentrations necessary for sister-chromatid differential staining (SCD) from 15 micrograms/ml (0.05 mM) to 2.0 micrograms/ml (0.01 mM) and resulted in a completely normal level of SCE in CCRF-SB-T1 cells. This strongly suggests that the defects in the 2 cell types are different. In the assay of cell extracts, the 4 BS cell lines appear to have lost thymidylate (TMP) synthetase activity (about 50% reduction from that of normal cells), whereas CCRF-SB-T1 cells show a 20% increase of TMP synthetase activity compared to normal cells.  相似文献   

The existence of a high frequency of spontaneous sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Bloom syndrome (BS) has thus far been supported by data on a small number of BS cell lines. To examine the cause of baseline SCEs more broadly, the frequencies of SCEs, as well as chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in 4 additional BS fibroblast strains were compared, under different assay and cell culture conditions, with those of normal cells in the range of approximately 0.9-90% 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) substitution into template DNA. SCEs at low levels of BrdUrd substitution were detected by an extremely sensitive immunofluorescent technique. From approximately 0.9% to 4.5% BrdUrd substitution, the SCE frequency in BS cells remained constant, at a level (40/cell) 8 times higher than that of normal cells. As BrdUrd substitution increased further, the SCE frequency in BS cells increased almost linearly, reaching 70-100 per cell at approximately 90% substitution, while the SCE increment in control fibroblasts was less than 5 per cell. Analysis of SCEs in 3 successive replication cycles similarly revealed that the SCE increment in BS cells depended on BrdUrd only at a high BrdUrd substitution level. In contrast to data on SCEs, CA induction by incorporated BrdUrd in BS cells was only slightly higher than that in normal cells. Thus, BS cells are extremely sensitive to BrdUrd for SCE induction, but much less so for CA induction.  相似文献   

Various carcinogens were tested with regard to the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and chromosome aberrations using 3 types of Bloom syndrome (BS) B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) (type I with normal frequency of SCEs and normal karyotype; type II with high frequency of SCEs and normal karyotype; type III with high frequency of SCEs and abnormal karyotypes) in the presence and absence of S9 mix. Three types of BS B-LCLs and normal cells showed different responses to the various carcinogens in the level of SCE induction. BS type I cells had the same SCE response as normal cells to carcinogens. Some carcinogens that require metabolic activation (S9 mix) had little effect on type II cells without S9 mix but had high SCE levels with S9 mix. BS type III cells were highly susceptible to both direct and indirect carcinogens with respect to high SCE increase without S9 mix (ca. 140 SCEs/cell), though some carcinogens produced SCEs rated in the medium (ca. 120 SCEs/cell) range, and had a high rate (more than 10%) of centromere spreading (CS), in addition to quadriradials. Therefore BS type III is a unique cell line which can be used to detect carcinogens.  相似文献   

Werner’s syndrome (WS) and Bloom’s syndrome (BS) are rare autosomal genetic diseases that predispose to cancer and are associated with genomic instability. To characterize the genomic instability of WS and BS, we analyzed and compared the cytogenetics of B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from WS and BS patients and healthy donors. Although, similar spontaneous frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were observed in LCLs from WS patients and healthy donors, they were much higher in BS-LCLs. We also examined the cells’ cytotoxic and cytogenetic formation (MN) response to camptothecin (CAM), etoposide (ETO), 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO), and mitomycin C (MMC). Compared to healthy donor LCLs, BS-LCLs but not WS-LCLs tended to be resistant to cytotoxicity and sensitive to MN induction by 4NQO and MMC. Spectrum karyotyping analysis revealed that most WS- and BS-LCLs generated “variegated translocation mosaicism” at high frequencies during cell culture. These findings support the idea that the basis of genomic instability in WS is different from that in BS.  相似文献   

The chromosomal sensitivity to mitomycin-C (MMC) and cell-cycle kinetics in cells from patients with Klinefelter syndrome, a sex chromosomal disorder giving a high risk of malignant tumor, were studied by techniques of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs). The frequencies of MMC-induced SCEs increased in proportion to the increase in MMC concentration in both patient and normal control cells. At low levels of MMC there were no significant differences in SCE frequencies between the patient and normal control cells, but at MMC concentrations of 3 X 10(-8) M (p less than 0.05) and 1 X 10(-7) M (p less than 0.01), significant increases in the frequency of MMC-induced SCEs were observed in cells from patients compared to cells from normal controls. Although the analysis of cell-cycle kinetics both after various culture times and after treatment with MMC revealed that there were no significant differences between the patient and normal control cells, patients with Klinefelter syndrome showed a tendency to cell-cycle delays after treatment with MMC in comparison with normal controls.  相似文献   

From an X-irradiated human B-lymphoblastoid cell line (CCRF-SB), we have isolated a unique mutant clone (CCRF-SB-T1) which reveals high frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and chromosomal fragilities in the C-band regions of chromosomes Nos. 1, 9 and 16, when exposed to high concentrations of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). A clear BrdU dose-dependent increase of SCEs (9.6 SCEs/cell at 0.05 mM, 40 SCEs/cell at 0.37 mM on average) in this mutant was observed. Relative contributions of nucleoside and a thymidine (dT) analog of BrdU to high SCEs were studied, since an unusual SCE response to BrdU led us to suspect the significance of BrdU incorporation into DNA and dT pool disturbances. Addition of deoxycytidine (dC), dT or both dC and dT causes an increase of SCEs. On the other hand, deoxyadenosine (dA) and deoxyguanosine (dG) did not have significant effects on SCEs in SB-T1 cells. These results suggest that disturbances of pyrimidine-nucleotide synthesis, including gross imbalance of nucleotide pools, play a pivotal role in the high SCE induction of SB-T1 cells by BrdU.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase, benzamide (Bam) and m-aminobenzamide (m-AB), on sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and cell growth, was examined in lymphoblastoid cell lines from a normal adult (KS-64) and from a Bloom syndrome patient (BS1-2). The presence of Bam and m-AB increased the levels of SCEs in KS-64 and BS1-2 lymphoblastoid cells. Though the net increase was similar in the two types of cell, the relative increase was much lower in the BS1-2 cells. Bam and m-AB increased the number of SCEs in BS1-2 cells to levels of 95.4 +/- 3.24 and 98.1 +/- 3.23 per cell, respectively, as compared with the baseline level of 75.5 +/- 2.16. On the other hand, when KS-64 cells were treated with Bam and m-AB, the number of SCEs increased to 27.1 +/- 1.98 and 28.6 +/- 2.71 per cell, respectively, compared with the baseline number of 6.7 +/- 0.41 per cell. These inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase also inhibited cell growth at concentrations which induced SCEs in KS-64 as well as in BS1-2 cells. No significant decrease in the poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase activity or in the amount of poly-(ADP-ribose) was detected in BS1-2 cells as compared with KS-64 cells. The mechanism by which SCEs are increased in BS1-2 cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Z Zhang  J Yang 《Mutation research》1992,280(4):279-283
The effects of 10 amino acids on sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and six amino acids on the SCE frequency in root tip cells of Hordeum vulgare were studied. Alanine (Ala), glycine (Gly), phenylalanine (Phe), valine (Val), histidine (His) and serine (Ser) induced a significant increase in SCE in PBL but threonine (Thr), isoleucine (Ile), lysine (Lys) and arginine (Arg) did not. Ala, Gly, Thr, Ile and Val induced a significant increase in SCE in root tip cells of Hordeum vulgare but Lys did not. The effect of Lys and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) on SCE levels in PBL and the interaction between them were also studied. The results show that Lys can inhibit the SCE induced by BrdU.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) were studied in allium cepa L. meristematic cells at the second and third divisions after BrdUrd-substitution during just the first or during the second and third cycles, respectively. The observed SCE nonreciprocal/reciprocal ratios detected at the third division in both experiments, as well as comparison of the lowest SCE frequency observed per cycle and expressed per picogram of DNA with data from different species expressed accordingly, strongly suggest that most of the exchanges detected in BrdUrd-substituted chromosomes are BrdUrd-dependent events. Hypotheses suggesting some different mechanisms are discussed to explain the formation of these BrdUrd-dependent SCEs.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light and mitomycin C (MMC) induced sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) were investigated in 6 diploid fibroblast strains derived from 3 patients with deletion 13 and retinoblastoma, one patient with a hereditary form of retinoblastoma, one patient with trisomy 13, and one normal control. Two fibroblast strains with del(13)(q14q22) showed a significant increase in SCEs compared to the control after UV and MMC treatments. In contrast, cell strains with del(13)(q12q14) and trisomy 13 did not show increased SCEs. The frequency of SCEs in fibroblasts from a patient with autosomal dominant retinoblastomas (no deletions) was significantly increased by UV, but not by MMC. The results suggest that cell strains with different deletions of chromosome 13 have different SCE responses to UV and MMC inductions. The cells with del(13)(q14q22) may have a DNA-repair defect.  相似文献   

Chinese hamsters were twice treated with caffeine via stomach tube. The single doses were either 20, 100, 200 or 400 mg per kg body weight. A dose-dependent increase was observed in the frequencies of SCE induced in vivo in bone-marrow cells. Two intraperitoneal injections of the chemical mutagens, cyclophosphamide or benzo[a]pyrene, led to a pronounced increase of the frequency of SCE. Simultaneous applications of the chemical mutagens and caffeine decreased the rate of SCE. The effect of caffeine per se to induce SCE, and the mechanisms by which caffeine reduces the level of SCE induced by chemical mutagens are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven lymphoblastoid cell lines were established through transformation by Epstein-Barr virus of peripheral blood lymphocytes from two patients with Bloom's syndrome (BS), the parents of a patient, and normal controls. High baseline levels of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in peripheral blood lymphocytes of BS were reduced to about 10% of their initial value in BS lymphoblastoid cell lines, and the elevation of SCE frequencies induced by ethylmethanesulfonate was the same as in controls.  相似文献   

To test whether coke oven workers, an occupational group known to be at increased cancer risk, manifest increased peripheral blood chromosomal aberration frequencies, we obtained samples from a group of 30 steelworker volunteers, who had worked several years at coke oven jobs. Exposure estimates were made using measurements of work place atmospheric coal tar pitch volatiles and work histories. No statistically significant positive regression of chromosomal aberrations on exposure estimates was found. The data from the coke oven workers were also compared with the obtained concurrently and employing precisely the same laboratory protocol from a group of male Brookhaven National Laboratory employees. The coke oven workers as a group were found to have statistically significantly elevated frequencies of chromatid aberrations and of sister-chromatid exchanges.  相似文献   

The frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) was determined on second-division metaphase of lymphocytes stimulated by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) during 9 days of culture.

By using either a continuous or a pulsed bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) treatment, cells were selected that had divided only twice, or at least twice, after different culture periods. No significant differences were observed in the SCE frequencies among the various samples. The incidence of SCE appears to be independent of the proliferation properties of cultured lymphocytes, such as length of cell cycle, fast or delayed response to PHA and number of divisions performed in vitro.  相似文献   

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