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Summary. Plants that parasitise other plants have been among the most difficult plant groups to fit into classification systems due to their modified biology and their often highly reduced morphology. They are now considered to be found in about 16 families of flowering plants. Here we summarise current ideas about their relationships and provide information about their characteristics and utilisation. A major consequence of the revised classification of Orobanchaceae and related families has been the break-up of the traditional Scrophulariaceae, and here we summarise the new classification, focusing on genera of horticultural interest.  相似文献   

方宗杰 《古生物学报》1999,38(2):147-154
燕海扇(Aviculopecten)由McCoy(1851)创立,是燕海扇科和燕海扇超科的模式属,故地位十分重要.它是石炭-二叠纪海扇类中最为常见的属名之一.由于它的模式种Aviculopecten planoradiatus McCoy只有左壳,而右壳和铰部构造的特征不明,在实际应用中,其含义被不适当地扩大,从而导致在燕海扇类研究中的混乱.1986年,笔者在大英博物馆发现4块燕海扇模式种Aviculopecten planoradiatus的右壳标本,其中包括一块双壳铰合在一起的标本,另有2块标本显示了铰合构造.这些标本的发现为系统修订燕海扇属的属征创造了条件.最近,Newell和Boyd(1995)根据Pecten flexuosus (McCoy,1844,p.93,pl.18,fig.1)和Aviculopecten americanus Newell et Boyd(1995,p.60,Fig.44)的特征,推测燕海扇属的特征为两壳相等或几乎相等,这一推测显然与燕海扇模式种的特征不符,因此,他们对燕海扇和燕海扇科所作的定义不能成立.我们认为,对任何属征的修订都应基于对模式标本进行充分研究的基础之上,应避免建立在假设基础上的修订.燕海扇属的主要特征是左壳膨凸,右壳近平;两壳壳饰相同,均由简单的射褶组成,插入仅见于个体发育的早期.与之相似的属有Deltopecten和Hayasakapecten.这次发现的2块右壳标本在壳顶下显示了三角形弹体窝的存在,表明它和Deltopecten属确实不同.Hayasakapecten和Aviculopecten的区别在于双壳近等,同心饰在脊间沟下伸为刺;Newell和Boyd(1995)定义的"燕海扇"似应归入Hayasakapecten属的范畴.Newell (1938)修订燕海扇属时所依据的北美石炭纪标本和燕海扇属的模式种差异甚大,不宜继续归在燕海扇属内,本文将它们归入异海扇属(Heteropecten).异海扇的左壳特征和埃赛海扇属(Etheripecten)颇为相近,但埃赛海扇左壳的首级射饰特强,脊间沟颇宽,其中插入多条细弱得多的次级射饰,次级射饰间的级间差异不甚明显.异海扇左壳的射饰虽然也是间生式,但其各级射脊依次插入,强度依次顺序减弱,据此不难区分.这两个属右壳间的差别比较明显,埃赛海扇为间生式,而异海扇是分叉式.  相似文献   

From a study of the morphology of spore forms and teliospore germination the genus Entorrhiza Weber is considered to be a synonym of Melanotaenium deBary, and Schroeteria Winter is synonymous with the earlier described genus Schizonella.  相似文献   

本文报道了新疆子囊菌小圆孔壳属(Amphisphaerella),锥毛壳属(Coniochaeta)和座坚壳属(Rosellinia)的7个种及1个变种,即:忍冬小圆孔壳(A.xylostei),梭梭锥毛壳(C.haloxylonis),木生锥毛壳(C.ligniaria),粉被锥毛壳(C.pulveracea),毛锥毛壳(C.sordaria),附孢座坚壳(R.aquila),乳头座坚壳(R.thelena)及尖孢座坚壳大孢变种(R.apiculata var.macrospora)。其中,梭梭锥毛壳为新组合种。忍冬小圆孔壳,木生锥毛壳,乳头座坚壳及尖孢座坚壳大孢变种为我国新记录(属)种。这3个属的真菌新疆过去均未报道过,为新疆新记录属。  相似文献   

姚康 《昆虫学报》1953,(2):299-310
引言 1941年作者搜集各方面有关国内仓库害虫分布的文献和根据亲身在川、湘、黔等省的调查的结果,曾编成“中国仓库及益虫一览”一表,在“推广通讯”杂志上发表,表中列举国内已经记载的仓库害虫84种和益虫7种,不久钱念曾氏又把这81  相似文献   

The delimitation of Bignoniaceae and Scrophulariaceae has long been a taxonomic problem. Several genera, including Paulownia, Schlegelia, Gibsoniothamnus, and Synapsis, have been variously placed in one or the other family. Differences between these two families have been noted with regard to the presence of endosperm, embryo and seed morphology, and placentation; however, the lack of comprehensive data on the distribution of such characters within these two families left the delimitation problem unsolved. A comprehensive study of floral anatomy confirmed a basic difference in the placentation of these two families, as well as a basic difference in gynoecial vascularization. Paulownia has a floral anatomy, embryo morphology, and seed morphology consistent with placement in Scrophulariaceae. While reminiscent of Bignoniaceae, Paulownia is not an intermediate genus linking the two families. Schlegelia and Gibsoniothamnus have a floral anatomy consistent with placement in Scrophulariaceae. Schlegelia also has a scrophulariaceous seed morphology. Considered anomalous in the Bignoniaceae, the Schlegelieae similarly are distinct in the Scrophulariaceae.  相似文献   

小麦族植物的属间亲缘和系统发育的探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  

The genus Catriona Winckworth (1941) is synonymous with TrinchesiaPruvot-Fol (1951) but not with Trinchesia von Jhering (1879). It has priority over Trinchesia Pruvot-Fol. The genus Cratena Bergh (1864) is valid and synonymous withRizzolia Trinchese (1877) but not with Hervia Bergh (1871). The genus Hervia Bergh (1871) is synonymous with Facelina Alderand Hancock (1855), but not all species of Hervia can be includedin the latter genus, and these should, therefore, be distributedamong other genera, some of which are listed. (Received 8 October 1954;  相似文献   

栓菌属和它的亲缘属属界划分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栓菌属(Trametes) 自Fries(1835)建立迄今已有近150年的历史。Fries(1835),Patouillard(1900),Kotlaba & Pouzar(1957),的工作代表了对本属研究的三个比较重要的发展阶段。许多分类学家都认为栓菌属是多孔菌科(Polyporaceae,Basidiomycetes)中最混乱、最不易划清属间界限的一个类群。研究清楚这一属和它的亲缘属的属界以及它们之间的相互关系是研究多孔菌科分类中十分重要的课题。作者多年来在研究这一类群的过程中,常常遇到属界不清,它们之间的相互关系也不易搞清楚等问题。从文献中可以看出,有的种类似乎可以随便地从一个属转移到另一个属,正确与否不易确定。因此,感到搞清楚本属的属界是十分重要的。作者即是在这一情况下进行这一课题研究的。首先搞清楚栓菌属的发展历史,各分类学家对它的不同概念,最后提出作者对本属的概念。然后再搞清楚各亲缘属的属界与其相互关系。凡是作者承认的属都提出自己的概念。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Assuming all else is equal, an allele for selfing should spread when rare in an outcrossing population and rapidly reach fixation. Such an allele will not spread, however, if self‐fertilization results in inbreeding depression so severe that the fitness of selfed offspring is less that half that of outcrossed offspring. Here we consider an ecological force that may also counter the spread of a selfing allele: coevolution with parasites. Computer simulations were conducted for four different genetic models governing the details of infection. Within each of these models, we varied both the level of selfing in the parasite and the level of male‐gamete discounting in the host (i.e., the reduction in outcrossing fitness through male function due to the selfing allele). We then sought the equilibrium level of host selfing under the different conditions. The results show that, over a wide range of conditions, parasites can select for host reproductive strategies in which both selfed and outcrossed progeny are produced (mixed mating). In addition, mixed mating, where it exits, tends to be biased toward selfing.  相似文献   

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