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The common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) is one of three haematophagous species of bats and the only species in this genus. These New World bats prey on mammals and create significant economic impacts through transmission of rabies in areas where livestock are prevalent. Furthermore, in some portions of their range, it is not uncommon for them to prey upon humans. It is critical to the management of this species and for understanding the spread of bat rabies that detailed studies of D. rotundus population structure be conducted. To further such studies, we have characterized 12 microsatellite loci for this species.  相似文献   

This study addresses the composition of microbial flora in the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) primarily because all available data are outdated, and because of the economical significance of this bat species. Twenty-one bats were collected and their aerobic bacteria documented separately for stomach and intestine. Bacteria were identified through the Analytical Profile Index (API), and results analyzed with the APILAB software. A total of thirty bacterial species were isolated from sixteen females and five males. The most common species were Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, although other bacteria, such as Acinetobacterjohnsonii, Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus chromogenes, S. hyicus and S. xylosus were also common. The number of species found in the stomach and intestine was significantly different, and the intestine presented a higher diversity compared to the stomach. This has previously been found in other mammals and it is attributed to a reduction of acidity. Most of the species found in this study are considered normal components of the digestive tract of mammals, although other bacteria common in the skin of mammals and from aquatic environments were found. Bacteria from the skin may invade the vampire's stomach and/or intestine when the bat has contact with its prey, and may suggest that the vampire's feeding habit facilitates the invasion of other microbes not common in its digestive tract. The fact that bacteria from aquatic environments were also found suggests that D. rotundus, as previously found by other researchers, drinks free water when available, and water may be another source of microbial invasion.  相似文献   

食血蝙蝠(Desmodus rotundus)在吸食大型动物血液时能保持创口处血流的畅通。本研究根据食血蝙蝠唾液中发现的纤溶酶原激活剂(Bat-PA,另称DSPAα1)的全长基因序列(GenBank Accession No.J05082),首次在体外人工合成Bat-PA全长基因并亚克隆到巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达载体pPIC9K上;转化毕赤酵母菌株GS115后,经甲醇诱导获得DSPAα1的分泌型表达,表达条带为47kD;通过抗G418浓度梯度筛选、毕赤酵母中小量表达后SDS-PAGE电泳检测以及纤维平板法测活,筛选出高表达的DSPAα1稳定菌株,对电泳中的目的蛋白条带进行密度扫描测定,产量达到约30mg/L。目前,DSPAα1主要来自哺乳动物细胞,如中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO)、胚胎卵巢肾细胞(BHK)、非洲绿猴肾细胞(COS),代价高昂。在毕赤酵母中生产DSPAα1可以降低成本,增加产率,为探索Bat-PA作为新一代溶栓剂奠定基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of seasonal variation and fasting on fat reserves of the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus. Plasma free fatty acids (FFA), along with lipid content of the liver and muscles, and fatty acids from the carcass were obtained from bats fed bovine blood and from whom food was subsequently withheld for 24 and 48 h. Animals were caught during both dry and rainy seasons. In general, fat tissue stores were not significantly influenced by seasonal variation. Lipid content of liver, muscles, and carcass decreased during some food deprivation periods, although the concomitant increase expected in plasma FFA was not observed. Lipid metabolism is hypothesized as being continued by the tissues themselves. In addition, free access to food sources (e.g., domestic livestock) throughout the year is believed to contribute to the low seasonal variations in fat reserves observed in the common vampire bat.  相似文献   

The ‘social microbiome’ can fundamentally shape the costs and benefits of group-living, but understanding social transmission of microbes in free-living animals is challenging due to confounding effects of kinship and shared environments (e.g. highly associated individuals often share the same spaces, food and water). Here, we report evidence for convergence towards a social microbiome among introduced common vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, a highly social species in which adults feed only on blood, and engage in both mouth-to-body allogrooming and mouth-to-mouth regurgitated food sharing. Shotgun sequencing of samples from six zoos in the USA, 15 wild-caught bats from a colony in Belize and 31 bats from three colonies in Panama showed that faecal microbiomes were more similar within colonies than between colonies. To assess microbial transmission, we created an experimentally merged group of the Panama bats from the three distant sites by housing these bats together for four months. In this merged colony, we found evidence that dyadic gut microbiome similarity increased with both clustering and oral contact, leading to microbiome convergence among introduced bats. Our findings demonstrate that social interactions shape microbiome similarity even when controlling for past social history, kinship, environment and diet.  相似文献   

This paper provides new data on chromosomes of Brazilian vampire bats Desmodus rotundus and Diphylla ecaudata. These species were analyzed by GTG, CBG- and CB-DAPI banding, AgNO3/CMA3 sequential staining, base-specific fluorochrome dyes and in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA probe. C-banding (CBG) revealed constitutive heterochromatin in the pericentromeric regions in all autosomes and the X and Y chromosomes appeared entirely heterochromatic in both species. CB-DAPI revealed a coincident banding pattern to that obtained by CBG. Triple staining CMA3/DA/DAPI revealed an R-banding and a weak G-banding pattern in the karyotypes. Sequential AgNO3/CMA3 staining showed a NOR located interstitially on the long arm of pair 8 in D. rotundus and on the short arm of pair 13 in D. ecaudata. FISH with a rDNA probe confirmed the location and number of NORs; a difference neither in intensity nor in size of hybridization signal was detected between homologues for both species.  相似文献   

Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae; Desmodontinae) is the most common vampire bat and has a broad distribution, ranging from southern Mexico to central Chile in the west, and Paraguay and northern Argentina in the east of South America ( Koopman 1988 ). Because of its feeding habit, this bat is considered the main source of rabies transmission to cattle. Although this species has a large spectrum of morphological variability throughout its range, thus far no study has examined the distribution of genetic lineages over its geographic range. Four geographically circumscribed clades of D. rotundus were described in the Brazilian territory on the basis of mitochondrial sequence analyses: southern Atlantic forest (SAF), northern Atlantic forest (NAF), Pantanal (PAN) and Amazon plus Cerrado (AMC) clade. The differentiation among these clades is strongly supported statistically, although the phylogenetic relationship between them remains uncertain. The extremely high levels of sequence divergence that were found between clades (ranging from 6% to 11%) are the highest ever described for a Neotropical bat species and cannot be explained by female philopatry alone. This indicates that D. rotundus comprises two or more distinct, possibly cryptic species. The biogeographic pattern described for this bat is similar to those described for other bats and terrestrial mammals, suggesting geographical congruence between historical vicariant processes, including likely vicariant events between north and south Atlantic Forest and between the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon.  相似文献   

Studies on metabolic responses to fasting in common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) have demonstrated the susceptibility of this species when subjected to long-term fasting. We investigated the effects of short-term fasting (12 h), a period similar to what they face in the field, on their energy reserves. Blood glucose (BG) levels in fed bats were similar to other mammals, but after 12 h without food, these levels were reduced. Plasma lactate and free fatty acids levels in fed bats were higher than in other mammals, although no changes in these levels were detected in response to fasting. Liver glycogen content decreased significantly following fasting. Muscle glycogen, as well as liver and muscle lipid and protein levels, remained unaltered for up to 12 h of fasting. Although BG levels decreased after short-term fasting, body energy reserves do not seem to play an important role for maintenance of glycemic homeostasis during fasting. Despite the decrease in liver glycogen, this small reserve seems insufficient to maintain adequate levels of BG, even during short periods of fasting. Because other reserves were not decreased after fasting, it is possible that the main source of glucose for common vampire bats might be the glucose content of their blood diet.  相似文献   

The Neotropical broad-nosed bats, genus Platyrrhinus, represent a well-defined monophyletic group of 14 recognized species. A recent study of morphological characters confirmed Platyrrhinus monophyly and species diagnosis, but offered little support to their intra-specific relationships. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of the genus, using dense taxonomic sampling in combination with four gene sequences representing both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA transmission systems. Our aim was to elucidate the phylogenetic structure among species, using the resulting 3341 bp of DNA. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses produced similar topologies that confirm the monophyly of the genus Platyrrhinus and strongly support many previously unrecognized groups. Paraphyly of Platyrrhinus helleri and the unclear position of P. brachycephalus in the clades were also apparent in the data. Our biogeographical analysis suggests a Brazilian Shield origin for Platyrrhinus, followed by subsequent radiations of lineages in the Amazon Basin and Andes. Secondary dispersal from Amazonian and Andean centers is responsible for the Platyrrhinus inhabiting the Guianan Shield and the Pacific lowlands and Central America, respectively.  相似文献   

The common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, feeds on mammalian blood and is a major agricultural pest in Latin America. One way to prevent bats from biting livestock is to understand how the bats locate the livestock. We confirmed the role of olfaction in foraging with a modified cafeteria trial. Bats significantly favored blood meals associated with scent (fur, feces) over meals lacking these olfactory cues. These results confirm earlier observations on the role of olfaction during prey location by this species, and have potential to facilitate eradication measures without extensive loss of other bat species.  相似文献   

2012年6月,对湖南省石门县壶瓶山国家级自然保护区神景洞短嘴金丝燕的回声定位叫声进行研究,在黑暗山洞内使用录音仪器录制其自由飞行状态的声音后使用声音软件进行分析.短嘴金丝燕捕食归巢时,快速飞入洞口,在洞内有光区域不发声,到达洞内黑暗区域后开始发出回声定位叫声,且飞行速度减慢.声音分析结果表明其回声定位叫声为双脉冲组的噪声脉冲串型(noise burst),组内脉冲间隔很短[(6.6±0.42)ms],组间脉冲间隔较长[(99.3±3.86) ms],两者差异显著(P<0.01).对比第一、第二脉冲声音参数发现,主频和脉冲时程差异不显著,第一、第二脉冲主频分别为(6.2±0.08) kHz和(6.2±0.10) kHz (P>0.05);脉冲时程分别为(2.9±0.12) ms和(3.2±0.17) ms (P>0.05);最高和最低频率差异显著,第一、第二脉冲最高频率分别为(20.1±1.10) kHz和(15.4±0.98) kHz (P<0.01),最低频率分别为(3.7±0.12) kHz和(4.0±0.09)kHz (P<0.05);第一脉冲频宽((16.5±1.17) kHz)宽于第二脉冲((11.4±1.01) kHz) (P<0.01);且第一脉冲能量[(-32.5±0.60) dB]高于第二脉冲[(-35.2±0.94) dB] (P<0.05).另外,短嘴金丝燕在黑暗山洞内的回声定位叫声还包含了部分超声波,最高频率可达33.2 kHz.  相似文献   

We studied the ectoparasitic bat flies of three phyllostomid vampire bat species. Bats were collected monthly from April 2004-March 2005 in caves within the Cafuringa Environmental Protection Area in the Federal District of Brazil. A total of 1,259 specimens from six species in the Streblidae family were collected from 332 bats. High host affinity from the sampled bat fly species and high prevalence of bat flies confirms the primary fly-host associations (Strebla wiedemanni, Trichobius parasiticus and Trichobius furmani with Desmodus, Trichobius diaemi and Strebla diaemi with Diaemus and T. furmani with Diphylla). Male flies outnumbered females in several associations. Some of the observed associations (e.g., Strebla mirabilis with Desmodus and S. mirabilis, Trichobius uniformis and S. wiedemanni with Diphylla) were inconclusive and the causes of the associations were unclear. There are several explanations for these associations, including (i) accidental contamination during sampling, (ii) simultaneous capture of several host species in the same net or (iii) genuine, but rare, ecological associations. Although various species of vampire bats share roosts, have similar feeding habits and are close phylogenetic relatives, they generally do not share ectoparasitic streblid bat flies. T. diaemi and S. diaemi associations with Diaemus youngi have not been previously reported in this region.  相似文献   

Bats are a diverse radiation of mammals of enduring interest for understanding the evolution of sensory specialization. Colour vision variation among species has previously been linked to roosting preferences and echolocation form in the suborder Yinpterochiroptera, yet questions remain about the roles of diet and habitat in shaping bat visual ecology. We sequenced OPN1SW and OPN1LW opsin genes for 20 species of leaf‐nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae; suborder Yangochiroptera) with diverse roosting and dietary ecologies, along with one vespertilionid species (Myotis lavali). OPN1LW genes appear intact for all species, and predicted spectral tuning of long‐wavelength opsins varied among lineages. OPN1SW genes appear intact and under purifying selection for Myotis lavali and most phyllostomid bats, with two exceptions: (a) We found evidence of ancient OPN1SW pseudogenization in the vampire bat lineage, and loss‐of‐function mutations in all three species of extant vampire bats; (b) we additionally found a recent, independently derived OPN1SW pseudogene in Lonchophylla mordax, a cave‐roosting species. These mutations in leaf‐nosed bats are independent of the OPN1SW pseudogenization events previously reported in Yinpterochiropterans. Therefore, the evolution of monochromacy (complete colour blindness) has occurred in both suborders of bats and under various evolutionary drivers; we find independent support for the hypothesis that obligate cave roosting drives colour vision loss. We additionally suggest that haematophagous dietary specialization and corresponding selection on nonvisual senses led to loss of colour vision through evolutionary sensory trade‐off. Our results underscore the evolutionary plasticity of opsins among nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

The penises of bats are taxonomically distinctive in size and shape. In addition, they are variable in microscopic anatomy, indicating that histomorphological studies of copulatory organs of bats may help understanding their successful reproductive strategies. We studied adult males of 13 species of vespertilionid and phyllostomid bats. Both families exhibited the basic structure of the vascular penis of mammals: the hydrostatic elements of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum surrounding the urethra, as well as accessory cavernous tissue. Variation in the position and amount of the tissues were observed in these families. Vespertilionid bats have a small glans penis with abundant accessory cavernous tissue on the prepuce and a highly variable baculum. The baculum varied in size and morphology, even among congeneric species, such as the three Lasiurus species and the two Myotis species. Phyllostomid species possess no bacula, but vascular structures are present to produce penile stiffening, particularly on the glans. Variation in the microscopic anatomy of the phyllostomid prepuce was observed, for example, Artibeus species had accessory cavernous tissue surrounded by a tunica albuginea, but Carollia perspicillata had two bundles of striated musculature and some adipose tissue; abundant pigments were present in the prepuce of most species.  相似文献   

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