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Ras-GRF1 is a brain-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Ras, whose activity is regulated in response to Ca(2+) influx and G protein-coupled receptor signals. In addition, Ras-GRF1 acts as a GEF for Rac when tyrosine-phosphorylated following G protein-coupled receptor stimulation. However, the mechanisms underlying the regulation of Ras-GRF1 functions remain incompletely understood. We show here that activated ACK1, a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase that belongs to the focal adhesion kinase family, causes tyrosine phosphorylation of Ras-GRF1. On the other hand, kinase-deficient ACK1 exerted no effect. GEF activity of Ras-GRF1 toward Ha-Ras, as defined by in vitro GDP binding and release assays, was augmented after tyrosine phosphorylation by ACK1. In contrast, GEF activity toward Rac1 remained latent, implying that ACK1 does not represent a tyrosine kinase that acts downstream of G protein-coupled receptors. Consistent with enhanced Ras-GEF activity, accumulation of the GTP-bound form of Ras within the cell was shown through the use of Ras-binding domain pull-down assays. Furthermore, Ras-dependent activation of ERK2 by Ras-GRF1 was enhanced following co-expression of activated ACK1. These results implicate ACK1 as an upstream modulator of Ras-GRF1 and suggest a signaling cascade consisting of Cdc42, ACK1, Ras-GRF1, and Ras in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

The Ras-GRF exchange factor can activate Ras-dependent responses following the activation of heterotrimeric G-protein and calcium signalling. In stable lines of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts that express Ras-GRF, the agonist lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) increases the phosphorylation state and activity of Ras-GRF. The stimulation of Ras-GRF can be demonstrated in vitro, in an assay using recombinant Ras substrate, and in situ, by a selective increase in the ability of LPA to stimulate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. The increase in Ras-GRF phosphorylation state, which occurs on serine residues, and the increase in exchange factor activity are blocked by pretreatment with pertussis toxin. Activation of Ras-GRF by LPA can also be inhibited by chelation of intracellular calcium and treatment of the Ras-GRF with protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), supporting a model in which Ras-GRF serves to integrate signals from multiple transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Activation of the neuronal Ras GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) CDC25Mm/GRF1 is known to be associated with phosphorylation of serine/threonine. To increase our knowledge of the mechanism involved, we have analyzed the ability of several serine/threonine kinases to phosphorylate CDC25Mm in vivo and in vitro. We could demonstrate the involvement of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in the phosphorylation of CDC25Mm in fibroblasts overexpressing this RasGEF as well as in mouse brain synaptosomal membranes. In vitro, PKA was found to phosphorylate multiple sites on purified CDC25Mm, in contrast to protein kinase C, calmodulin kinase II, and casein kinase II, which were virtually inactive. Eight phosphorylated serines and one threonine were identified by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. Most of them were clustered around the Ras exchanger motif/PEST motifs situated in the C-terminal moiety (residues 631-978) preceding the catalytic domain. Ser745 and Ser822 were the most heavily phosphorylated residues and the only ones coinciding with PKA consensus sequences. Substitutions S745D and S822D showed that the latter mutation strongly inhibited the exchange activity of CDC25Mm on Ha-Ras. The multiple PKA-dependent phosphorylation sites on CDC25Mm suggest a complex regulatory picture of this RasGEF. The results are discussed in the light of structural and/or functional similarities with other members of this RasGEF family.  相似文献   

We used yeast "two-hybrid" screening to isolate cDNA-encoding proteins interacting with the N-terminal domain of the Ras nucleotide exchange factor CDC25(Mm). Three independent overlapping clones were isolated from a mouse embryo cDNA library. The full-length cDNA was cloned by RACE-polymerase chain reaction. It encodes a large protein (1080 amino acids) highly homologous to the human deubiquitinating enzyme hUBPy and contains a well conserved domain typical of ubiquitin isopeptidases. Therefore we called this new protein mouse UBPy (mUBPy). Northern blot analysis revealed a 4-kilobase mRNA present in several mouse tissues and highly expressed in testis; a good level of expression was also found in brain, where CDC25(Mm) is exclusively expressed. Using a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, we demonstrated an "in vitro" interaction between mUBPy and the N-terminal half (amino acids 1-625) of CDC25(Mm). In addition "in vivo" interaction was demonstrated after cotransfection in mammalian cells. We also showed that CDC25(Mm), expressed in HEK293 cells, is ubiquitinated and that the coexpression of mUBPy decreases its ubiquitination. In addition the half-life of CDC25Mm protein was considerably increased in the presence of mUBPy. The specific function of the human homolog hUBPy is not defined, although its expression was correlated with cell proliferation. Our results suggest that mUBPy may play a role in controlling degradation of CDC25(Mm), thus regulating the level of this Ras-guanine nucleotide exchange factor.  相似文献   

Ras proteins are small GTPases playing a pivotal role in cell proliferation and differentiation. Their activation depends on the competing action of GTPase activating proteins and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF). The properties of two dominant-negative mutants within the catalytic domains of the ras-specific GEF, CDC25(Mm), are described. In vitro, the mutant GEF(W1056E) and GEF(T1184E) proteins are catalytically inactive, are able to efficiently displace wild-type GEF from p21(ras), and strongly reduce affinity of the nucleotide-free ras x GEF complex for the incoming nucleotide, thus resulting in the formation of a stable ras.GEF binary complex. Consistent with their in vitro properties, the two mutant GEFs bring about a dramatic reduction in ras-dependent fos-luciferase activity in mouse fibroblasts. The stable ectopic expression of the GEF(W1056E) mutant in smooth muscle cells effectively reduced growth rate and DNA synthesis with no detectable morphological changes.  相似文献   

Serum stimulates cells to increase their proportion of Ras protein in the active GTP-bound state. We have recently identified four types (I to IV) of apparently full-length cDNAs from a single mammalian gene, called CDC25Mm or GRF, which is homologous to the Ras-specific exchange factor CDC25 of S. cerevisiae. The largest cDNA (type IV) is brain specific, with the other three classes, although they have distinct 5' ends, essentially representing progressive N-terminal deletions of this cDNA. When placed in a retroviral expression vector, all four types of cDNAs induced morphologic transformation of NIH 3T3 cells and an increase in the basal level of GTP.Ras. Serum stimulation of these transformants lead to a further increase in GTP.Ras only in cells expressing the type IV cDNA. Each type of GRF protein was found in cytosolic and membrane fractions, and the protein in each fraction could stimulate guanine nucleotide release from GDP.Ras in vitro. When NIH 3T3 cells and cells expressing the type IV protein were transfected with two versions of a mutant ras gene, one encoding membrane-associated Ras protein and the other encoding a cytosolic Ras protein, the basal levels of GTP bound to both forms of the mutant Ras protein were significantly higher in the cells expressing the type IV protein. However, serum increased the level of GTP bound to the membrane-associated mutant Ras protein in NIH 3T3 cells and in cells expressing the type IV protein but not in cells expressing the cytosolic version of the Ras protein. We conclude that each type of CDC25Mm induces cell transformation via the ability of its C terminus to stimulate guanine nucleotide exchange on Ras, the presence of N-terminal sequences is associated with a serum-dependent change in GTP.Ras, and the serum-dependent increase in GTP.Ras by exogenous CDC25Mm or by endogenous exchange factors probably requires membrane association of both Ras and the exchange factor.  相似文献   

Frk/rak belongs to a novel family of Src kinases with epithelial tissue-specific expression. Although developmental expression patterns and functional overexpression in vitro have associated these kinases with growth suppression and differentiation, their physiological functions remain largely unknown. We therefore generated mice carrying a null mutation in iyk, the mouse homolog of Frk/rak. We report here that frk/rak(-/-) mice are viable, show similar growth rates to wild-type animals, and are fertile. Furthermore, a 2-year study of health and survival did not identify differences in the incidence and spectrum of spontaneous tumors or provide evidence of hyperplasias in frk/rak(-/-) epithelial tissues. Histological analysis of organs failed to reveal any morphological changes in epithelial tissues that normally express high levels of Frk/rak. Ultrastructural analysis of intestinal enterocytes did not identify defects in brush border morphology or structural polarization, demonstrating that Frk/rak is dispensable for intestinal cytodifferentiation. Additionally, frk/rak-null mice do not display altered sensitivity to intestinal damage induced by ionizing radiation. cDNA microarray analysis revealed an increase in c-src expression and identified subtle changes in the expression of genes regulated by thyroid hormones. Significant decreases in the circulating levels of T3 but not T4 hormone are consistent with this observation and reminiscent of euthyroid sick syndrome, a stress-associated clinical condition.  相似文献   

Signals triggered by diverse receptors modulate the activity of Rho family proteins, although the regulatory mechanism remains largely unknown. On the basis of their biochemical activity as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), Dbl family proteins are believed to be implicated in the regulation of Rho family GTP-binding proteins in response to a variety of extracellular stimuli. Here we show that GEF activity of full-length proto-Dbl is enhanced upon tyrosine phosphorylation. When transiently coexpressed with the activated form of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase ACK1, a downstream target of Cdc42, Dbl became tyrosine-phosphorylated. In vitro GEF activity of Dbl toward Rho and Cdc42 was augmented following tyrosine phosphorylation. Moreover, accumulation of the GTP-bound form of Rho and Rac within the cell paralleled ACK-1-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Dbl. Consistently, activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase downstream of Rho family GTP-binding proteins was also enhanced when Dbl was tyrosine-phosphorylated. Collectively, these findings suggest that the tyrosine kinase ACK1 may act as a regulator of Dbl, which in turn activates Rho family proteins.  相似文献   

GRK2 is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family, which phosphorylates the activated form of a variety of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and plays an important role in GPCR modulation. It has been recently reported that stimulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade by GPCRs involves tyrosine phosphorylation of docking proteins mediated by members of the Src tyrosine kinase family. In this report, we have investigated the possible role of c-Src in modulating GRK2 function. We demonstrate that c-Src can directly phosphorylate GRK2 on tyrosine residues, as shown by in vitro experiments with purified proteins. The phosphorylation reaction exhibits an apparent K(m) for GRK2 of 12 nM, thus suggesting a physiological relevance in living cells. Consistently, overexpression of the constitutively active c-Src Y527F mutant in COS-7 cells leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of co-expressed GRK2. In addition, GRK2 can be detected in phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitates from HEK-293 cells transiently transfected with this Src mutant. Interestingly, phosphotyrosine immunoblots reveal a rapid and transient increase in GRK2 phosphorylation upon agonist stimulation of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors co-transfected with GRK2 and wild type c-Src in COS-7 cells. This tyrosine phosphorylation is maximal within 5 min of isoproterenol stimulation and reaches values of approximately 5-fold over basal conditions. Furthermore, GRK2 phosphorylation on tyrosine residues promotes an increased kinase activity toward its substrates. Our results suggest that GRK2 phosphorylation by c-Src is inherent to GPCR activation and put forward a new mechanism for the regulation of GPCR signaling.  相似文献   

Cdc25Mm is a mammalian Ras-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). By homology modeling we show that it shares with Sos-GEF the structure of the putative catalytic HI hairpin where the dominant negative T1184E mutation is located. Similarly to Cdc25MmT1184E, the isolated wild-type and mutant hairpins retain the ability to displace Ras-bound nucleotide, originate a stable Ras/GEF complex and downregulate the Ras pathway in vivo. These results indicate that nucleotide re-entry and Ras/GEF dissociation--final steps in the GEF catalytic cycle--require GEF regions different from the HI hairpin. GEF down-sizing could lead to development of novel Ras inhibitors.  相似文献   

Modulation of TRPV1 by nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, c-Src kinase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 is a nonselective cation channel that is expressed in sensory neurons. In this study, we examined the role of the nonreceptor cellular tyrosine kinase c-Src kinase in the modulation of the rat TRPV1. Capsaicin-induced currents in identified colonic dorsal root ganglion neurons were blocked by the c-Src kinase inhibitor PP2 and enhanced by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor sodium orthovandate. PP2 also abolished currents in human embryonic kidney-293 cells transfected with rat TRPV1, whereas cotransfection of TRPV1 with v-Src resulted in fivefold increase in capsaicin-induced currents. In cells transfected with dominant-negative c-Src and TRPV1, capsaicin-induced currents were decreased by approximately fourfold. TRPV1 co-immunoprecipitated with Src kinase and was tyrosine phosphorylated. These studies demonstrate that TRPV1 is a potential target for cellular tyrosine kinase-dependent phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the Ras-dependent activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases p44 and p42, also termed extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK)1 and 2 (ERK1/2), mediated through Gs-coupled serotonin receptors transiently expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Whereas Gi- and Gq-coupled receptors have been shown to activate Ras through the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) called Ras-GRF1 (CDC25Mm) by binding of Ca2+/calmodulin to its N-terminal IQ domain, the mechanism of Ras activation through Gs-coupled receptors is not fully understood. We report the endogenous expression of Ras-GRF1 in HEK293 cells. Serotonin stimulation of HEK293 cells transiently expressing Gs-coupled 5-HT7 receptors induced protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of the endogenous human Ras-GRF1 on Ser927 and of transfected mouse Ras-GRF1 on Ser916. Ras-GRF1 overexpression increased basal and serotonin-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Mutations of Ser916 inhibiting (Ser916Ala) or mimicking (Ser916Asp/Glu) phosphorylation did not alter these effects. However, the deletion of amino acids 1-225, including the Ca2+/calmodulin-binding IQ domain, from Ras-GRF1 reduced both basal and serotonin-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, serotonin treatment of HEK293 cells stably expressing 5-HT7 receptors increased [Ca2+]i, and the serotonin-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation was Ca2+-dependent. Therefore, both cAMP and Ca2+ may contribute to the Ras-dependent ERK1/2 activation after 5-HT7 receptor stimulation, through activation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor with activity towards Ras.  相似文献   

Rho family small GTPases (Rho) regulate various cell motility processes by spatiotemporally controlling the actin cytoskeleton. Some Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RhoGEFs) are regulated via tyrosine phosphorylation by Src family tyrosine kinase (SFK). We also previously reported that PLEKHG2, a RhoGEF for the GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42, is tyrosine-phosphorylated by SRC. However, the details of the mechanisms by which SFK regulates RhoGEFs are not well understood. In this study, we found for the first time that PLEKHG1, which has very high homology to the Dbl and pleckstrin homology domains of PLEKHG2, activates Cdc42 following activation by FYN, a member of the SFK family. We also show that this activation of PLEKHG1 by FYN requires interaction between these two proteins and FYN-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of PLEKHG1. We also found that the region containing the Src homology 3 and Src homology 2 domains of FYN is required for this interaction. Finally, we demonstrated that tyrosine phosphorylation of Tyr-720 and Tyr-801 in PLEKHG1 is important for the activation of PLEKHG1. These results suggest that FYN is a regulator of PLEKHG1 and may regulate cell morphology through Rho signaling via the interaction with and tyrosine phosphorylation of PLEKHG1.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) regulates a wide range of physiological and pathological cellular processes, including cell migration, mesenchymal transition, extracellular matrix synthesis, and cell death. Cas (Crk-associated substrate, 130 kDa), an adaptor protein localized at focal adhesions and stress fibers, is also known to have important functions in cell migration and the induction of immediate-early gene expression. Here, we report that a rapid and transient tyrosine phosphorylation of Cas is induced by TGF-beta 1 and that E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell interaction and the Src kinase pathway are involved in this early TGF-beta signaling. The addition of TGF-beta 1 to epithelial cells rapidly induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cas and promoted the formation of complexes between focal adhesion molecules. Cas phosphorylation required the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton but was not dependent on cell adhesion, implying that Cas-dependent signaling may be distinct from integrin signaling. TGF-beta 1 also stimulated Src kinase activity, and specific inhibitors of Src completely blocked the induction of Cas phosphorylation by TGF-beta 1. The Cas phosphorylation and Src kinase activation seen in our results were induced in an epithelial phenotype-specific manner. Stable transfection of E-cadherin to L929 cells and L cells as well as E-cadherin blocking assay revealed that E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell interactions were essential for both Cas phosphorylation and Src kinase activation. Taken together, our data suggest that rapid Cas phosphorylation and Src kinase activation may play a novel role in TGF-beta signal transduction.  相似文献   

The function of the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor Ras-GRF/cdc25(Mn) is subject to tight regulatory processes. We have recently shown that the activation of the Ras/MAPK pathway by Ras-GRF is controlled by the Rho family GTPase Cdc42 through still unknown mechanisms. Here, we report that retaining Cdc42 in its GDP-bound state by overexpressing Rho-GDI inhibits Ras-GRF-mediated MAPK activation. Conversely, Ras-GRF basal and LPA- or ionomycin-stimulated activities were unaffected by a constitutively active GTP-bound Cdc42. Moreover, the Cdc42 downstream effectors MLK3, ACK1, PAK1, and WASP had no detectable influence on Ras-GRF-mediated MAPK activation. In contrast, promoting GDP release from Cdc42 with the Rho family GEF Dbl or with ionomycin suppressed the restraint exerted by Cdc42 on Ras-GRF activity. We conclude that Cdc42-GDP inhibits Ras-GRF-induced MAPK activation, but neither Cdc42-GTP nor the Cdc42 downstream effectors affect Ras-GRF performance. Interestingly, the loss of the GDP-bound state by Cdc42 abolishes its inhibitory effects on Ras-GRF function. These results suggest that the Cdc42 mechanism of action may not be solely restricted to activation of downstream signaling cascades when GTP-loaded. Furthermore, the GDP-bound form may be acting as an inhibitory molecule down-modulating parallel signaling routes such as the Ras/MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

Brk (breast tumor kinase) is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase that is most closely related to the Frk family of kinases, and more distantly to Src family kinases. Brk was originally identified in a screen for tyrosine kinases that are overexpressed in human metastatic breast tumors. To shed light on the activity and regulation of Brk and related tyrosine kinases, we expressed and purified Brk using the Sf9/baculovirus system. We characterized the substrate specificity of Brk using synthetic peptides, and we show that the kinetic parameters K(m) and k(cat) both play a role in specificity. We carried out mass spectrometry experiments to show that Brk autophosphorylates within the predicted kinase activation loop and at additional sites in the N terminus. Autophosphorylation increases enzyme activity of wild-type Brk but not of a Y342A mutant form of Brk. We also carried out experiments to address the possible involvement of the Src homology (SH) 2 and SH3 domains of Brk in enzyme regulation. Mutation of a C-terminal tyrosine (Tyr-447) increases enzyme activity and SH2 domain accessibility, consistent with a role for this residue in autoinhibition. A proline-rich peptide activates Brk, suggesting that the SH3 domain is also involved in maintaining an inactive form of Brk. These biochemical results for Brk may aid in the understanding of other tyrosine kinases in the Frk family.  相似文献   

3-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) appears to play a central regulatory role in many cell signalings between phosphoinositide-3 kinase and various intracellular serine/threonine kinases. In resting cells, PDK1 is known to be constitutively active and is further activated by tyrosine phosphorylation (Tyr(9) and Tyr(373/376)) following the treatment of the cell with insulin or pervanadate. However, little is known about the mechanisms for this additional activation of PDK1. Here, we report that the SH2 domain of Src, Crk, and GAP recognized tyrosine-phosphorylated PDK1 in vitro. Destabilization of PDK1 induced by geldanamycin (a Hsp90 inhibitor) was partially blocked in HEK 293 cells expressing PDK1-Y9F. Co-expression of Hsp90 enhanced PDK1-Src complex formation and led to further increased PDK1 activity toward PKB and SGK. Immunohistochemical analysis with anti-phospho-Tyr(9) antibodies showed that the level of Tyr(9) phosphorylation was markedly increased in tumor samples compared with normal. Taken together, these data suggest that phosphorylation of PDK1 on Tyr(9), distinct from Tyr(373/376), is important for PDK1/Src complex formation, leading to PDK1 activation. Furthermore, Tyr(9) phosphorylation is critical for the stabilization of both PDK1 and the PDK1/Src complex via Hsp90-mediated protection of PDK1 degradation.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction between the serine/threonine kinase proto-oncogene product Raf-1 and the tyrosine kinase PDGF beta-receptor. Raf-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity were increased by PDGF treatment of 3T3 cells or CHO cells expressing wild-type PDGF receptors but not mutant receptors defective in transmitting mitogenic signals, suggesting that the increase in Raf-1 kinase activity is a significant event in PDGF-induced mitogenesis. Concurrent with these increases, Raf-1 associated with the ligand-activated PDGF receptor. Furthermore, both mammalian Raf-1 and Raf-1 expressed using a recombinant baculoviral vector, associated in vitro with baculoviral-expressed PDGF receptor. This association was markedly decreased by prior phosphatase treatment of the receptor. Following incubation of partially purified baculoviral-expressed PDGF receptor with partially purified Raf-1, Raf-1 became phosphorylated on tyrosine and its serine/threonine kinase activity increased 4- to 6-fold. This is the first demonstration of the direct modulation of a protein activity by a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

RACK1 regulates G1/S progression by suppressing Src kinase activity   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Cancer genes exert their greatest influence on the cell cycle by targeting regulators of a critical checkpoint in late G(1). Once cells pass this checkpoint, they are fated to replicate DNA and divide. Cancer cells subvert controls at work at this restriction point and remain in cycle. Previously, we showed that RACK1 inhibits the oncogenic Src tyrosine kinase and NIH 3T3 cell growth. RACK1 inhibits cell growth, in part, by prolonging G(0)/G(1). Here we show that RACK1 overexpression induces a partial G(1) arrest by suppressing Src activity at the G(1) checkpoint. RACK1 works through Src to inhibit Vav2, Rho GTPases, Stat3, and Myc. Consequently, cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 2 (CDK4 and CDK2, respectively) are suppressed, CDK inhibitor p27 and retinoblastoma protein are activated, E2F1 is sequestered, and G(1)/S progression is delayed. Conversely, downregulation of RACK1 by short interference RNA activates Src-mediated signaling, induces Myc and cyclin D1, and accelerates G(1)/S progression. RACK1 suppresses Src- but not mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent platelet-derived growth factor signaling. We also show that Stat3 is required for Rac1 induction of Myc. Our results reveal a novel mechanism of cell cycle control in late G(1) that works via an endogenous inhibitor of the Src kinase.  相似文献   

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