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Gliocladium virens is a common saprophytic fungus that is mycoparasitic on a large number of fungi. Responses of G. virens toward its environment were examined by monitoring the presence of extracellular proteins in culture fluid during time course experiments. Culture fluid of G. virens grown on glucose, washed cell walls of Rhizoctonia solani (one of its hosts), olive oil, or chitin contained β-glucanase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, lipase, and proteinase activities. There were relatively minor amounts of other enzymatic activities tested. Levels of extracellular enzyme activity varied with the age of the culture and the substrate used as the carbon source. Substrate-associated differences in enzyme activities were detected as early as 8 h after transfer of mycelia from stationary-phase cultures to fresh media. When G. virens was grown on host cell wall material, β-glucanase had the greatest specific activity of any enzyme tested at 8 h. This result suggests that β-glucanase may be the first enzyme important in the G. virens-R. solani interaction. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that some of the polypeptides were present in the culture fluid at relatively constant amounts and others accumulated early, at intermediate times, or late in the 8-day incubation test period. Several of the polypeptides present in the culture fluid during the first 24 h disappeared completely by 48 h. Consequently, it appears that extracellular proteins in cultures of G. virens are regulated by a combination of gene regulation and protein degradation.  相似文献   

Spores of Clostridium tetani germinated in liver broth with +580 mV as the starting Eh value, and those of Clostridium butyricum germinated in liver broth with an initial Eh of +400 mV regardless of the presence or absence of a liquid paraffin covering. Spores of Bacillus subtilis germinated in liver broth with ?100 mV as the starting Eh value. Also, it was found that there are two ranges of starting Eh values for germination and vegetative growth of Cl. tetani, Cl. butyricum, and B. subtilis. In the first range these spores germinated and grew, but in the second range they only germinated and then died without outgrowth.  相似文献   

Spermidine was the major (>95%) polyamine of Bacillus megaterium in all stages of growth, although it could be replaced completely by spermine. Log-phase cells had 40 to 50% as much spermidine, based on ribonucleic acid (RNA) content, as did either stationary-phase cells or dormant spores; similar results were obtained in three other bacilli including an asporogenous mutant. Polyamine levels were essentially the same in B. megaterium grown in rich or poor media, or in media of high or low ionic strength. Polyamine levels were elevated three- to sixfold by exogenous spermidine without a major effect on growth, sporulation, or subsequent spore germination. During germination, the absolute amount of spermidine remained constant for almost 2 h until net RNA synthesis had lowered the polyamine/RNA ratio to a value close to that in log-phase cells. At this time, the spermidine level began to rise, and thereafter spermidine and RNA increased in parallel. This parallel relationship between the spermidine and RNA levels was abolished by actinomycin D, but not by chloramphenicol.  相似文献   

Mycoparasitic activities of various isolates of Trichoderma viride, T. harzianum, T. hamatum, T. longibrachiatum, T. koningii, T. pseudokoningii, Gliocladium virens and Laetisaria arvalis were studied against a serious plant pathogen, Botryodiplodia theobromae by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Macroscopic observations of fungal growth in dual-cultures revealed that most of the isolates made hyphal contact with the pathogen within 2 days after inoculation, leading to the inhibition in pathogen growth. However, T. viride Tv-4, T. hamatum and T. pseudokoningii inhibited pathogen growth before hyphal contact and exhibited an inhibition zone between the colonies of both fungi. SEM investigations demonstrated that in case of hyphal interaction, the firm binding of antagonists (T. viride Tv-1 & Tv-3, T. harzianum Th-1 & Th-2, T. longibrachiatum and L. arvalis) to B. theobromae hyphae established either by coiling around its hyphae, or by penetrating its hyphal cells by forming hooks, haustoria and appressoria-like structures which invariably led to cell disruption. Although T. koningii and G. virens Gv-2 & Gv-3 did not interact physically by way of coiling and penetration, they produced wall lytic enzymes or antifungal substances after coming in contact with B. theobromae which caused wrinkling, bursting and collapsing of pathogen mycelium. It is, therefore, suggested that the outcome of the interaction of antagonist and pathogen was most likely determined by initial hyphal contact that triggered a series of events in pathogen degradation.  相似文献   

四霉素对稻瘟病菌丝和孢子生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了四霉素对稻瘟病菌作用机理的研究,结果表明,四霉素对稻瘟病菌菌丝生长及孢子萌发具有较强的抑制作用。四霉素处理后菌丝发生扭曲变形,粗细不一,部分菌丝内含物流出,出现空管,而正常菌丝粗细较均匀一致,原生质和核等内含物分布均匀;正常的稻瘟病菌分生孢子有明显的隔膜,产孢量较大,而四霉素处理后分生孢子隔膜模糊不清,且在边缘出现泡状突起,产孢较少。通过遗传稳定性初步试验,明确了四霉素对稻瘟病菌具有抑制作用而无杀死作用。  相似文献   

This study is the first to show the ability of streptomycetes to develop at a very low humidity level. All of the streptomycetes studied produced growth at low humidity (aw 0.86 and 0.67). This capacity was most markedly pronounced in Streptomyces odorifer, whose spores were capable of germinating, and mycelial germs increased in length, at the air humidity aw 0.50. The formation of lateral branches (mycelium branching) at this humidity was noted only in single S. odorifer germs and only after 72 h of incubation. Study of streptomycete growth on an agarized medium with different osmotic pressures, created by various glycerol concentrations in the medium, showed that, at aw 0.67, the spores of all the streptomycetes studied germinate, producing mycelial germs but not microcolonies. The ecological significance of mycelial prokaryotes in soil microbial communities that develop and function under conditions of extremely low humidity is discussed.  相似文献   

Alginate prills were formulated with the biomass of isolates of Gliocladium virens and Trichoderma spp. and various food bases (wheat bran, corn cobs, peanut hulls, soy fiber, castor pomace, cocoa hulls and chitin). Alginate prills with G. virens (Gl-21) biomass and all food bases except cocoa hull meal significantly reduced the damping-off of zinnia in a soil-less mix caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum. The prills with bran, soy fiber, castor pomace or chitin resulted in stands similar to those in the non-infested control. In soil, prills with all the food bases and Thrichoderma hamatum (TRI-4) biomass controlled the damping-off of cotton caused by R. solani and gave stands comparable to, or better than, those in the non-infested control soil. Prills with all the food bases resulted in a proliferation of Gl-21 in a soil-less mix and of Gl-21 and TRI-4 in soil. Prills with food bases and TRI-4 biomass reduced the survival of R. solani in infested beet seed to less than 30%, with bran and chitin being the most effective food bases; prills with Gl-21 biomass and all food bases also reduced the survival of R. solani in beet seed, but not as much as did prills with TRI-4 biomass. In prills containing wheat bran, soy fiber or chitin, the biocontrol isolate Th-58 (T. harzianum) was almost as effective as TRI-4, but isolate Gl-3 (G. virens) was less effective. There was no significant interaction between the biocontrol fungus and the food base. The results suggest that the intrinsic properties of a selected fungus isolate are more important than some formulation variables in biocontrol.  相似文献   

R. Roberti    F. Badiali    A. Pisi    A. Veronesi    D. Pancaldi    A. Cesari 《Journal of Phytopathology》2006,154(2):100-109
Clonostachys rosea 47 (CR47), Trichoderma atroviride 59 (TA59), T. atroviride 312 (TA312), Trichoderma harzianum 24 (TH24), Trichoderma longibrachiatum 9 (TL9), T. longibrachiatum 144 (TL144) and Trichoderma viride 15 (TV15) were tested to evaluate their in vitro sensitivity towards five fungicides (carboxin, guazatine, prochloraz, thiram and triticonazole) and four herbicides (chlorsulfuron, chlorotoluron, flufenacet and pendimethalin). All antagonists showed low sensitivity to carboxin and thiram and high sensitivity to prochloraz. For mycelial radial growth, TV15 was highly sensitive to guazatine, prochloraz and triticonazole and TH24 moderately insensitive to carboxin, guazatine and thiram. For conidial germination TL144 was the most sensitive to the fungicides, for mycelial radial growth and conidial germination CR47 was the least sensitive. None of the antagonists showed any mycelial radial growth inhibition in presence of the herbicides at field dose, except for TL144. Most antagonists did not show any conidial germination inhibition by the herbicides. The in vitro toxicity of prochloraz, guazatine and triticonazole towards the antagonists was confirmed by light and scanning electron microscope showing hyphal disruptions and extrusion of cytoplasmic content. A mixture of CR47 and/or TA312 with carboxin, thiram and triticonazole, applied to wheat seeds, was able to control Fusarium culmorum artificially inoculated to wheat seedlings in growth chambers. In the field, the antagonists applied along with triticonazole or thiram, at 1/10 of the field dose to seeds naturally infected by F. culmorum, gave a disease control comparable to that induced by triticonazole at full field dose. Our results demonstrate how an integration of microorganisms with pesticides makes the control of wheat foot rot possible.  相似文献   

An isolate of Trichoderma harzianum which is less effective than G. virens in suppressing S. rolfsii and R. solani was compared with G. virens for various mechanisms of antagonism in vitro, viz., antagonism in dual culture/hyphal parasitism, parasitism of sclerotia and antibiosis. G. virens and T. harzianum were equally effective in parasitizing the hyphae of R. solani. Only T. harzianum parasitized the hyphae of S. rolfsii, and the two antagonists were comparable with respect to antibiosis on the test pathogens. However, G. virens readily parasitized the sclerotia of the test pathogens and was found to be more effective than T. harzianum in destroying the sclerotia. Under SEM, G. virens was found to colonize, penetrate, and sporulate inside the sclerotia of the test pathogens.Parasitism of sclerotia is suggested as the principal mechanism of biological control of S. rolfsii and R. solani by G. virens.  相似文献   

The influence of water potential on linear mycelial growth, secretion, and the in vitro activities of enzymes β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, β-xylosidase, exochitinase, and chymotrypsin of Trichoderma harzianum strain T66 was studied at different temperatures. Nearly linear correlation was found between water potential and colony growth rate at both 25°C and 10°C, with higher growth rates at the higher temperature and higher water potentials. The amounts of enzyme secretion depended on the water potential and not on the quality of salt (NaCl or KCl) used as osmoticum. Enzyme activities were significantly affected by water potential. Significant enzyme activities were measured for most of the enzymes even at −14.800 megapascal (MPa), which is below the water potential where mycelial growth ceased. These results suggest the possibility of using mutants with improved xerotolerance for biocontrol purposes in soils with lower water potentials. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 22 November 1999  相似文献   

Extruded granular formulations containing rice flour, gluten, Pyrax, vermiculite, canola oil, and fermentor-produced biomass of isolates of Gliocladium virens (Gl-3, Gl-21 and Gl-32), Trichoderma hamatum (TRI-4 and 31-3), T. harzianum (Th-32 and Th-87) and T. viride (Tv-101) were evaluated for their effect on the reduction of eggplant damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani, reduction of pathogen inoculum and proliferation of the isolates in a soil-less mix. Granules with all isolates except 31-3 significantly (P < 0.01) reduced damping-off, and granules with Gl-3, Gl-21, Gl-32, TRI-4 and Th-87 yielded stands comparable to that (90%) of the non-infested control. Granules with isolates Gl-21 and TRI-4 were the most effective in the reduction of saprophytic growth of R. solani, and there was a significant inverse correlation (r 2 = - 0.82) between eggplant stand and saprophytic growth of the pathogen over all treatments. Isolate propagules proliferated to about 107 colony-forming units (CFU) g?1 of soil-less mix after a 6-week incubation, but there was no correlation between the number of CFU and eggplant stand or saprophytic growth reduction of the pathogen. Granules with Gl-21 and TRI-4 amended to pathogen-infested soil-less mix at a rate as low as 0.06% significantly (P < 0.05) reduced damping-off and pathogen saprophytic growth, and a rate of 0.25% of Gl-21 granules resulted in an eggplant stand comparable to that of the non-infested control. There was no significant correlation between the rate of granule amendment and the proliferation of Gl-21 and TRI-4. Granules of Gl-21 and TRI-4 also significantly prevented the spread of R. solani in flats of eggplant seedlings when the biocontrol granules were applied to the soil-less mix 1 day before the pathogen inoculum.  相似文献   

研究了3种植物生长调节剂苯基噻二唑基脲(TDZ)、6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、萘乙酸(NAA)对密叶绢藓[Entodon challengeri(Paris)Cardot]孢子萌发、原丝体发育及芽体发生的影响,并对整个发育过程进行了显微观察和照相,结果表明:(1)3种植物生长调节剂对密叶绢藓孢子萌发影响不显著;(2)在原丝体发育阶段,1.0 mg/LNAA对原丝体初期的发育促进效果显著,0.4 mg/L TDZ对原丝体发育中期分枝的形成促进效果显著,6-BA处理效果不显著;(3)3种植物生长调节剂单独处理均促进芽体的发生,但0.4 mg/L TDZ效果最佳。而1.5 mg/L 6-BA+TDZ组合处理效果更加显著;(4)芽体的发生数量与芽体的长势无正相关性。  相似文献   

Germination of Bacillus subtilis spores is normally initiated when nutrients from the environment interact with germinant receptors (GRs) in the spores'' inner membrane (IM), in which most of the lipids are immobile. GRs and another germination protein, GerD, colocalize in the IM of dormant spores in a small focus termed the “germinosome,” and this colocalization or focus formation is dependent upon GerD, which is also essential for rapid GR-dependent spore germination. To determine the fate of the germinosome and germination proteins during spore germination and outgrowth, we employed differential interference microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy to track germinating spores with fluorescent fusions to germination proteins and used Western blot analyses to measure germination protein levels. We found that after initiation of spore germination, the germinosome foci ultimately changed into larger disperse patterns, with ≥75% of spore populations displaying this pattern in spores germinated for 1 h, although >80% of spores germinated for 30 min retained the germinosome foci. Western blot analysis revealed that levels of GR proteins and the SpoVA proteins essential for dipicolinic acid release changed minimally during this period, although GerD levels decreased ∼50% within 15 min in germinated spores. Since the dispersion of the germinosome during germination was slower than the decrease in GerD levels, either germinosome stability is not compromised by ∼2-fold decreases in GerD levels or other factors, such as restoration of rapid IM lipid mobility, are also significant in germinosome dispersion as spore germination proceeds.  相似文献   

Three isolates of Gliocladium virens (G1, G2 and G3) and two of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (T1 and T2) were screened against isolates of three soilborne plant pathogens namely Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Pythium aphanidermatum. G. virens exhibited stronger hyperparasitism and wider biological spectrum than T. longibrachiatum. Further, similarities as well as variation was observed in the ability of the various isolates to invade the test pathogens in dual culture. For the hyperparasites, acidic pH range (5.0 to 5.5) favoured both growth and spore germination. The hyperparasites made direct contact with the pathogens followed by varied modes of attack invariably leading to cell disruption. Antagonists, G1 and G3 revealed strong antibiosis while T2 showed moderate effect. All the isolates produced enhanced levels of lytic enzymes adaptively and there were marked differences among them. However, no correlation was observed between these attributes and the hyperparasitic potential of the various isolates in dual culture. The relevance and the role of enzymes and toxic metabolite(s) in the antagonism of G. virens and T. longibrachiatum to these pathogens are discussed.  相似文献   

Spore Germination Patterns in the Ferns, Cyathea and Dicksonia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell division patterns during germination of spores of Cyatheaaustralis, C. cooperi and Dicksonia antarctica were examinedby light microscopy of sectioned materials and by the scanningelectron microscope. In C. australis and C. cooperi the rhizoidwas traced to a small cell formed by an asymmetric divisionof the spore by a wall parallel to its equatorial plane. Incontrast, the rhizoid was formed by a division of the sporeparallel to its polar axis in D. antarctica. In spores of bothgenera, a second division wall oriented in a plane perpendicularto the first gave rise to the protonemal cell. Certain aspectsof germination described here in spores of Cyathea and Dicksoniaare in conflict with the published accounts of spore germinationin these genera. Cyathea, Dicksonia, spore germination, cell division pattern  相似文献   

Chaetomium globosum, Gliocladium virens and Trichoderma viride, isolated from soil samples from the Kivu-region of Zaire, are antagonistic and mycoparasitic to four soil-borne Phytophthora spp. Radial growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi, P. cactorum, P. fragariae or P. nicotianae mycelia was inhibited in all antagonist-pathogen combinations; mycelial mats of Phytophthora colonies were overgrown by the antagonists and hyphae lysed. Samples of mycoparasited mycelium, plated on benlateamended PDA to inhibit the development of antagonists, showed severely reduced vitality after 77 days of dual culture.  相似文献   

Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on Germination and Early Seedling Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) from filtered and unfiltered FS-40 fluorescent sunlamps on germination and early seedling growth was examined for a range of vegetables (tomato, radish, cucumber, lettuce, and bean) and field crops (wheat, cotton, soybean, and millet). Continuous exposure of seeds for 3 days to 26.9 × 10−2 W × m−2 UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) at 25°C, had a slight effect on fresh weight of seedlings but no appreciable influence on germination percentage, or dry weight of seedlings. Extending the time of exposure to 6 days, however, resulted in abnormal seedling growth in all species but wheat. Typical responses were short, stubby roots, bronzing of the cotyledons, increased pigmentation, and abnormal curvature of the shoots.  相似文献   

Spores of Dryopteris marginalis were germinated on a definednutrient medium at varying pH levels (3.2–8.2). Sporegermination in all treatments ranged from 65.5 to 75.0 per centand the effect of pH on germination is concluded to be minimal.Normal gametophyte development, as determined by the numberof cells produced and the pattern of development, is stronglyaffected by the pH of the medium and developmental abnormalitieswere observed below pH 5.8. The usefulness of the system asa biological indicator for acidic precipitation is discussed. Acidic precipitation, Dryopteris marginalis, gametophyte culture, leather wood fern, reproductive development  相似文献   

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