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The nuclear orphan receptor CAR (constitutively active receptor or constitutive androstane receptor) can be activated in response to xenochemical exposure, such as activation by phenobarbital of a response element called NR1 found in the CYP2B gene. Here various steroids were screened for potential endogenous chemicals that may activate CAR, using the NR1 enhancer and Cyp2b10 induction in transfected HepG2 cell and/or in mouse primary hepatocytes as the experimental criteria. 17beta-Estradiol and estrone activated NR1, whereas estriol, estetrol, estradiol sulfate, and the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol did not. On the other hand, progesterone and androgens repressed NR1 activity in HepG2 cells, and the repressed NR1 activity was fully restored by estradiol. Moreover, estrogen treatment elicited nuclear accumulation of CAR in the mouse livers, as well as primary hepatocytes, and induced the endogenous Cyp2b10 gene. Ovariectomy did not affect either the basal or induced level of CAR in the nucleus of the female livers, while castration slightly increased the basal and greatly increased the induced levels in the liver nucleus of male mice. Thus, endogenous estrogen appears not to regulate CAR in female mice, whereas endogenous androgen may be the repressive factor in male mice. Estrogen at pharmacological levels is an effective activator of CAR in both female and male mice, suggesting a biological and/or toxicological role of this receptor in estrogen metabolism. In addition to mouse CAR, estrogens activated rat CAR, whereas human CAR did not respond well to the estrogens under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Yueh MF  Li T  Evans RM  Hammock B  Tukey RH 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e37705
Triclocarban (3,4,4'-trichlorocarbanilide, TCC) is used as a broad-based antimicrobial agent that is commonly added to personal hygiene products. Because of its extensive use in the health care industry and resistance to degradation in sewage treatment processes, TCC has become a significant waste product that is found in numerous environmental compartments where humans and wildlife can be exposed. While TCC has been linked to a range of health and environmental effects, few studies have been conducted linking exposure to TCC and induction of xenobiotic metabolism through regulation by environmental sensors such as the nuclear xenobiotic receptors (XenoRs). To identify the ability of TCC to activate xenobiotic sensors, we monitored XenoR activities in response to TCC treatment using luciferase-based reporter assays. Among the XenoRs in the reporter screening assay, TCC promotes both constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) activities. TCC treatment to hUGT1 mice resulted in induction of the UGT1A genes in liver. This induction was dependent upon the constitutive active/androstane receptor (CAR) because no induction occurred in hUGT1Car(-/-) mice. Induction of the UGT1A genes by TCC corresponded with induction of Cyp2b10, another CAR target gene. TCC was demonstrated to be a phenobarbital-like activator of CAR in receptor-based assays. While it has been suggested that TCC be classified as an endocrine disruptor, it activates ERα leading to induction of Cyp1b1 in female ovaries as well as in promoter activity. Activation of ERα by TCC in receptor-based assays also promotes induction of human CYP2B6. These observations demonstrate that TCC activates nuclear xenobiotic receptors CAR and ERα both in vivo and in vitro and might have the potential to alter normal physiological homeostasis. Activation of these xenobiotic-sensing receptors amplifies gene expression profiles that might represent a mechanistic base for potential human health effects from exposure to TCC.  相似文献   

The constitutive androstane receptor CAR is a xenosensing nuclear receptor that can be activated by natural polyphenols such as flavonoids and catechins. We examined alcoholic beverage phytochemicals for their ability to activate CAR. HepG2 cells were transfected with CAR expression vector and its reporter gene, and then treated with trans-resveratrol, ellagic acid, β-caryophyllene, myrcene, and xanthohumol. A luciferase assay revealed that ellagic acid and trans-resveratrol activated both human and mouse CAR. Since CAR regulates many genes involved in energy metabolism, the possibility exists that these polyphenols would reduce the risk of certain alcohol-induced metabolic disorders with the help of CAR.  相似文献   

A wide range of xenobiotic compounds are metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, and the genes that encode these enzymes are often induced in the presence of such compounds. Here, we show that the nuclear receptor CAR can recognize response elements present in the promoters of xenobiotic-responsive CYP genes, as well as other novel sites. CAR has previously been shown to be an apparently constitutive transactivator, and this constitutive activity is inhibited by androstanes acting as inverse agonists. As expected, the ability of CAR to transactivate the CYP promoter elements is blocked by the inhibitory inverse agonists. However, CAR transactivation is increased in the presence of 1,4-bis[2-(3, 5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP), the most potent known member of the phenobarbital-like class of CYP-inducing agents. Three independent lines of evidence demonstrate that TCPOBOP is an agonist ligand for CAR. The first is that TCPOBOP acts in a dose-dependent manner as a direct agonist to compete with the inhibitory effect of the inverse agonists. The second is that TCPOBOP acts directly to stimulate coactivator interaction with the CAR ligand binding domain, both in vitro and in vivo. The third is that mutations designed to block ligand binding block not only the inhibitory effect of the androstanes but also the stimulatory effect of TCPOBOP. Importantly, these mutations do not block the apparently constitutive transactivation by CAR, suggesting that this activity is truly ligand independent. Both its ability to target CYP genes and its activation by TCPOBOP demonstrate that CAR is a novel xenobiotic receptor that may contribute to the metabolic response to such compounds.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is involved in activation of the innate immune response in a large number of different diseases. Despite numerous studies, the role of separate domains of TLR4 in the regulation of receptor activation is poorly understood. Replacement of the TLR4 ectodomain with LPS-binding proteins MD-2 or CD14 resulted in a robust ligand-independent constitutive activation comparable with the maximal stimulation of the receptor with LPS. The same effect was achieved by the replacement of the ectodomain with a monomeric fluorescent protein or a 24-kDa gyrase B fragment. This demonstrates an intrinsic dimerization propensity of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of TLR4 and reveals a previously unknown function of the ectodomain in inhibiting spontaneous receptor dimerization. Constitutive activation was abolished by the replacement of the ectodomain by a bulkier protein ovalbumin. N-terminal deletion variants of TLR4 revealed that the smallest segment of the ectodomain that already prevents constitutive activity comprises only 90 residues (542 to 631) of the total 608 residues. We conclude that TLR4 represents a receptor with a low threshold of activation that can be rapidly activated by the release of inhibition exerted by its ectodomain. This is important for the sensitivity of TLR4 to activation by different agonists. The TLR4 ectodomain has multiple roles in enabling ligand regulated activation, providing proper localization while serving as an inhibitor to prevent spontaneous, ligand-independent dimerization.  相似文献   

Retinoid X receptor (RXR) serves as a promiscuous heterodimerization partner for many nuclear receptors through the identity box, a 40-amino acid subregion within the ligand binding domain. In this study, we randomly mutated two specific residues within the human RXRalpha identity box region previously identified as important determinants in heterodimerization (i.e. Ala(416) and Arg(421)). Interestingly, most of these mutants still retained wild type interactions with thyroid hormone receptor (TR), retinoic acid receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, small heterodimer partner, and constitutive androstane receptor. However, RXR-A416D and R421L were specifically impaired for interactions with TR, whereas RXR-A416K lost both TR and retinoic acid receptor interactions. Accordingly, RXR-A416D did not support T3 transactivation in mammalian cells, whereas RXR-A416K was not supportive of transactivation by retinoids or T3. These results provide a basis upon which to further design mutant RXRs highly selective in heterodimerization, potentially useful tools to probe nuclear receptor function in vivo.  相似文献   

The vitamin D receptor (VDR), initially identified as a nuclear receptor for 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1alpha,25(OH)2D3], regulates calcium metabolism, cellular proliferation and differentiation, immune responses, and other physiological processes. Recently, secondary bile acids such as lithocholic acid (LCA) were identified as endogenous VDR agonists. To identify structural determinants required for VDR activation by 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and LCA, we generated VDR mutants predicted to modulate ligand response based on sequence homology to pregnane X receptor, another bile acid-responsive nuclear receptor. In both vitamin D response element activation and mammalian two-hybrid assays, we found that VDR-S278V is activated by 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 but not by LCA, whereas VDR-S237M can respond to LCA but not to 1alpha,25(OH)2D3. Competitive ligand binding analysis reveals that LCA, but not 1alpha,25(OH)2D3, effectively binds to VDR-S237M and both 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and LCA bind to VDR-S278V. We propose a docking model for LCA binding to VDR that is supported by mutagenesis data. Comparative analysis of the VDR-LCA and VDR-1alpha,25(OH)2D3 structure-activity relationships should be useful in the development of bile acid-derived synthetic VDR ligands that selectively target VDR function in cancer and immune disorders without inducing adverse hypercalcemic effects.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (PB) induction of CYP2B genes is mediated by translocation of the constitutively active androstane receptor (CAR) to the nucleus. Interaction of CAR with p160 coactivators and enhancement of CAR transactivation by the coactivators have been shown in cultured cells. In the present studies, the interaction of CAR with the p160 coactivator glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) was examined in vitro and in vivo. Binding of GRIP1 to CAR was shown by glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down and affinity DNA binding. N- or C-terminal fragments of GRIP1 that contained the central receptor-interacting domain bound to GST-CAR, but the presence of ligand increased the binding to GST-CAR of only the fragments containing the C-terminal region. In gel shift analysis, binding to CAR was observed only with GRIP1 fragments containing the C-terminal region, and the binding was increased by a CAR agonist and decreased by a CAR antagonist. Expression of GRIP1 enhanced CAR-mediated transactivation in cultured hepatic-derived cells 2-3-fold. In hepatocytes transfected in vivo, expression of exogenous GRIP1 alone induced transactivation of the CYP2B1 PB-dependent enhancer 15-fold, whereas CAR expression alone resulted in only a 3-fold enhancement in untreated mice. Remarkably, CAR and GRIP1 together synergistically transactivated the enhancer about 150-fold, which is approximately equal to activation by PB treatment. In PB-treated mice, expression of exogenous CAR alone had little effect, expression of GRIP1 increased transactivation about 2-fold, and with CAR and GRIP, a 4-fold activation was observed. In untreated mice, expression of GRIP resulted in nuclear translocation of green fluorescent protein-CAR. These results strongly suggest that a p160 coactivator functions in CAR-mediated transactivation in vivo in response to PB treatment and that the synergistic activation of CAR by GRIP in untreated animals results from both nuclear translocation and activation of CAR.  相似文献   

The NR1I subfamily of nuclear receptors contains a phylogenetically diverse array of receptors related to the mammalian pregnane X receptor (PXR) (NR1I2) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) (NR1I3). We have carried out an extensive comparative analysis of this subgroup with representatives from fish, birds, amphibians, and mammals. Four novel receptors were isolated from fish, dog, pig, and monkey for this study and combined with a previously reported set of related receptors including human PXR, rabbit PXR, mouse PXR, chicken CXR, frog benzoate X receptors (BXRalpha, BXRbeta), and human and mouse CAR. A broad range of xenobiotics, steroids, and bile acids were tested for their ability to activate the ligand binding domain of each receptor. Three distinct groups of receptors were identified based on their pharmacological profiles: 1) the PXRs were activated by a broad range of xenobiotics and, along with the mammalian PXRs, included the chicken and fish receptors; 2) the CARs were less promiscuous, had high basal activities, and were generally repressed rather than activated by those compounds that modulated their activity; and 3) the BXRs were selectively activated by a subset of benzoate analogs and are likely to be specialized receptors for this chemical class of ligands. The PXRs are differentiated from the other NR1I receptors by a stretch of amino acids between helices 1 and 3, which we designate the H1-3 insert. This insert was present in the mammalian, chicken, and fish PXRs but absent in the CARs and BXRs. Modeling studies suggest that the H1-3 insert contributes to the promiscuity of the PXRs by facilitating the unwinding of helices-6 and -7, thereby expanding the ligand binding pocket.  相似文献   

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