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The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that aromatization is involved in the maintenance by testosterone of the appetitive component of male sexual behavior. We measured appetitive sexual behavior by administering behavioral tests in bilevel chambers and quantifying anticipatory level changes during a 5-min period prior to introduction of a stimulus female. In addition, we recorded standard measures of consummatory male sexual behavior after the female was introduced. Following 3 weekly tests, level-changing behavior reached a plateau and remained stable for up to 10 weeks. After 10 bilevel tests, rats were given subcutaneous testosterone capsules to clamp circulating androgen at physiological levels. Rats were tested and divided into two groups that were matched for measures of sexual behavior. One group was then treated with the nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, Fadrozole (2.5 mg/kg/day), given subcutaneously in beta-cyclodextrin and the other group was treated with vehicle. Within 1 week of Fadrozole treatment, the number of anticipatory levels changes was significantly reduced, but not the latency to begin searching. Fadrozole treatment also significantly reduced all measures of copulatory behavior over the period of treatment and increased latencies to first mount, intromission, and ejaculation. After 8 weeks, both treatment groups were given an additional Silastic capsule filled with estradiol and tested for 4 additional weeks. Estrogen treatment partially restored level-changing behavior, mounts, and intromissions but had little effect on ejaculations. These results support the view that aromatization is important for maintaining both the appetitive and the consummatory aspects of sexual behavior in male rats.  相似文献   

Estradiol-17β (E2) synthesized in the brain plays a critical role in the activation of sexual behavior in many vertebrate species. Because E2 concentrations depend on aromatization of testosterone, changes in aromatase enzymatic activity (AA) are often utilized as a proxy to describe E2 concentrations. Utilizing two types of stimuli (sexual interactions and acute restraint stress) that have been demonstrated to reliably alter AA within minutes in opposite directions (sexual interactions = decrease, stress = increase), we tested in Japanese quail whether rapid changes in AA are paralleled by changes in E2 concentrations in discrete brain areas. In males, E2 in the pooled medial preoptic nucleus/medial portion of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (POM/BST) positively correlated with AA following sexual interactions. However, following acute stress, E2 decreased significantly (approximately 2-fold) in the male POM/BST despite a significant increase in AA. In females, AA positively correlated with E2 in both the POM/BST and mediobasal hypothalamus supporting a role for local, as opposed to ovarian, production regulating brain E2 concentrations. In addition, correlations of individual E2 in POM/BST and measurements of female sexual behavior suggested a role for local E2 synthesis in female receptivity. These data demonstrate that local E2 in the male brain changes in response to stimuli on a time course suggestive of potential non-genomic effects on brain and behavior. Overall, this study highlights the complex mechanisms regulating local E2 concentrations including rapid stimulus-driven changes in production and stress-induced changes in catabolism.  相似文献   

Drugs of abuse comprise several pharmacological classes, including psychomotor stimulants, such as amphetamine and cocaine, and CNS depressants, such as morphine and alcohol. Few studies have examined the effects of those drugs systematically on human sexual behavior, although substantial clinical and epidemiological literatures suggest that drugs in both classes either inhibit sexual responding or can be “prosexual” in certain situations, thereby increasing the potential of risky sexual activity and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. This paper reviews original data in rats showing that both classes of drug inhibit or disinhibit sexual behavior depending on the animal's baseline level of sexual responding, hormonal status, whether the drug is given acutely or chronically, and whether the animal has learned to inhibit sexual responding toward nonreceptive partners or in the presence of conditioned olfactory cues that predict sexual nonreward.  相似文献   

Effects of ovarian hormones on sex and ingestive behavior are well studied, and yet, their role in diverting attention from food to sex has not been examined directly, possibly because these functions are masked under conditions of excessive food abundance typical of the laboratory. Female Syrian hamsters were either fed ad libitum or food-restricted to 75% of their ad libitum intake for 8 days and then tested every day of the estrous cycle for their preference for males versus food, food hoarding and food intake in an apparatus designed to mimic aspects of their natural habitat. The food-restricted, but not the fed females, varied significantly over the estrous cycle in appetitive behaviors, which included their preference for males versus food and in the amount of food hoarded, with low food hoarding and high male preference on the night of ovulation. In contrast, there were no significant differences between restricted and ad libitum-fed females in the consummatory behaviors, namely, food intake or lordosis duration. In ovariectomized females, estradiol plus progesterone treatment delayed food restriction-stimulated hoarding and hastened feeding-inhibited hoarding without affecting food intake or lordosis duration. In summary, energy restriction and the presence of males unmasked an effect that was obscured in the normal laboratory conditions characterized by isolation and an over abundance of readily available food. These results are consistent with the idea that ovarian hormones orchestrate appetites for food and sex to optimize reproductive success under fluctuating energetic conditions.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test whether testicular hormones secreted during puberty masculinize and defeminize the expression of adult reproductive behavior. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty masculinize behavioral responses to testosterone (T) in adulthood. Male hamsters were castrated either before puberty (noTduringP) or after puberty (TduringP). All males were implanted with a 2.5-mg T pellet 6 weeks following castration and tested once for masculine reproductive behavior 7 days after the onset of T replacement. TduringP males displayed significantly more mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations than noTduringP males. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty defeminize behavioral responses to estrogen (EB) and progesterone (P). Eight weeks following castration, noTduringP and TduringP males were primed with EB and P and tested for lordosis behavior with a stud male. Behavioral responses of males were compared to that of ovariectomized (OVX) and hormone primed females. NoTduringP males and OVX females displayed significantly shorter lordosis latencies than TduringP males. Experiment 3 investigated whether prolonged T treatment or sexual experience could reverse the deficits in masculine behavior caused by the absence of T during puberty. Extending the T treatment from 7 to 17 days did not ameliorate the deficits in masculine behavior caused by absence of T during puberty. Similarly, when the level of sexual experience was increased from one to three tests, the deficits in masculine behavior persisted. These studies demonstrate that gonadal hormones during puberty further masculinize and defeminize neural circuits and behavioral responsiveness to steroid hormones in adulthood.  相似文献   

Japanese quail eggs were injected with 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane o,p'-DDT(1-10 mg),1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane p,p'-DDT (1-10 mg), or, in one study, 0.5 mg chlordecone dissolved in 50 microliters of corn oil on day 1 of incubation. Hatchability was not decreased by o,p'-DDT or p,p'-DDT, as compared to corn-oil-injected controls, but was reduced in progeny of parents injected in ovo with either isomer. Tremor was observed for up to 4 days posthatching only in birds injected with 1.75-10 mg p,p'-DDT or chlordecone. Survivability to 5 weeks posthatch was reduced (less than or equal to 50%) in birds injected in ovo with 6.25-7.5 mg, o,p'-DDT or 1.75-5 mg p,p'-DDT as compared to corn oil (96%). Reproductive behaviors were attenuated in birds injected during development with o,p'-DDT, both DDT isomers decreased the total number of ovipositions, and o,p'-DDT increased the total number of eggshell malformations. Neither body weights nor reproductive organ weights at 12 weeks were affected by injection of either isomer. Exposure to DDT did not affect acquisition of a matched-to-sample food-reinforced response or subsequent responding on a random interval schedule of reinforcement. In another experiment, total circulating erythrocyte numbers were reduced in females after injection in ovo with o,p'-DDT but not after injection with p,p'-DDT. A primary humoral immune response was not affected by in ovo exposure to either isomer of DDT. In ovo exposure to o,p'-DDT but not to p,p'-DDT had long-term and estrogen-like effects on behavior and hematology in Japanese quail. Posthatch primary feather morphology was also altered by embryonic exposure to o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT, and chlordecone.  相似文献   

In three genuses and four species of rodents, housing in winter-like short days (8L:16D) increases male aggressive behavior. In all of these species, males undergo short-day induced regression of the reproductive system. Some studies, however, suggest that the effect of photoperiod on aggression may be independent of reproductive responses. We examined the effects of photoperiod on aggressive behavior in California mice (Peromyscus californicus), which do not display reproductive responsiveness to short days. As expected, short days had no effect on plasma testosterone. Estrogen receptor alpha and estrogen receptor beta immunostaining did not differ in the lateral septum, medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, or medial amygdala. However, males housed in short days were significantly more aggressive than males housed in long days. Similar to previous work in beach mice (Peromyscus polionotus), estradiol rapidly increased aggression when male California mice were housed in short days but not when housed in long days. These data suggest that the effects of photoperiod on aggression and estrogen signaling are independent of reproductive responses. The rapid action of estradiol on aggression in short-day mice also suggests that nongenomic mechanisms mediate the effects of estrogens in short days.  相似文献   

目的:研究孕期低氧应激对子代雄性大鼠的繁殖行为及相关激素分泌的影响。方法:实验将配对获得的怀孕第14天的母鼠随机分为3组:对照组(Control)、3300m模拟高原低氧应激组和5000m模拟高原低氧应激组,实验组母鼠放入低氧舱中进行持续7天的模拟低氧应激处理,对照组在实验条件下常规饲养。结果:孕期经低氧应激子代雄性性成熟个体具有与雌性个体交配的能力,但是行为能力有不同程度的下降。同时,应激组个体肛阴距变短,血浆睾酮水平下降而皮质酮水平显著升高,而3组动物睾酮、附睾以及肾上腺指数间无显著差异。结论:出生前受到低氧应激对子代雄性个体的性行为能力产生持久的抑制影响。  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior is sexually differentiated in quail: The male-typical copulatory behavior is never observed in females even after treatment with high doses of testosterone (T). This sex difference in behavioral responsiveness to T is organized during the embryonic period by the exposure of female embryo to estrogens. We showed recently that the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus (POM), a structure that plays a key role in the activation of male copulatory behavior, is innervated by a dense steroid-sensitive network of vasotocin-immunoreactive (VT-ir) fibers in male quail. This innervation is almost completely absent in the female POM and is not induced by a chronic treatment with T, suggesting that this neurochemical difference could be organizational in nature. This idea was tested by injecting fertilized quail eggs of both sexes on day 9 of incubation with either estradiol benzoate (EB) (25 μg, a treatment that suppresses the capacity to show copulatory behavior in adulthood) or the aromatase inhibitor R76713 (10 μg, a treatment that makes adult females behaviorally responsive to T), or with the solvents as a control (C). At 3 weeks posthatch, all subjects were gonadectomized and later implanted with Silastic capsules filled with T. Two weeks later, all birds were perfused and brain sections were processed for VT immunocytochemistry. Despite the similarity of the adult endocrine conditions of the subjects (all were gonadectomized and treated with T Silastic implants providing the same plasma level of steroid to all subjects), major qualitative differences were observed in the density of VT-ir structures in the POM of the different groups. Dense immunoreactive structures (fibers and a few cells) were observed in the POM of C males but not females; EB males had completely lost this immunoreactivity (and lost the capacity to display copulatory behavior); and, conversely, R76713 females displayed a male-typical VT-ir system in the nucleus (and also high levels of copulatory behavior). Similar changes in immunoreactivity were seen in the nucleus of the stria terminalis and in the lateral septum (VT-ir fibers only in this case) but not in the magnocellular vasotocinergic system. These neurochemical changes closely parallel the effects of the embryonic treatments on male copulatory behavior. The vasotocinergic system of the POM can therefore be considered an accurate marker of the sexual differentiation of brain circuits mediating this behavior. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 684–699, 1998  相似文献   

Pleiotropy between male signals and female preferences can facilitate evolution of sexual communication by maintaining coordination between the sexes. Alternatively, it can favor variation in the mating system, such as a reproductive polymorphism. It is unknown how common either of these scenarios is in nature. In Pacific field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) on Kauai, Hawaii, a mutation (flatwing) that segregates as a single locus is responsible for the rapid loss of song production in males. We used outbred cricket colonies fixed for male wing morph to investigate whether homozygous flatwing and normal-wing (wild-type) females differ in responsiveness to male calling song and propensity to mate when paired with either a flatwing or normal-wing male in the presence or absence of courtship song. Flatwing females were less likely to mount a male than normal-wing females. Females of both genotypes showed a preference for normal-wing males and were more likely to mate in the presence of courtship song; normal-wing females were particularly likely to mate with song. Our results show that negative pleiotropy between obligate male silence and female mating behavior can constrain the evolution of sexual signal loss and contribute to the maintenance of a male reproductive polymorphism in the wild.  相似文献   

Some aspects of sociosexual behavior and the age at which maturing females experienced their first evident pregnancy and at which maturing males caused their first evident pregnancy were recorded in Saguinus fuscicolliscohabiting from 6 months of age with either an adult or a maturing sex partner. The following pair combinations and trios were studied: young male -young female, young male-adult female, adult male-young female, and adult male-young male-young female. The most frequent type of social interaction between young animals was rough and tumble play, while huddling was the most frequent interaction between young animals and their adult partners. Grooming and sexual interactions were very infrequent and there were no differences in the frequencies of these interactions among subject groups. Maturing females cohabiting with an adult male conceived significantly earlier than maturing females cohabiting with a male of their own age. Maturing males cohabiting with adult females sired offspring at a significantly earlier age than males cohabiting with a female of their own age. Some possible behavioral and physiological processes involved in the causation of early reproductive success in young tamarins cohabiting with adults are discussed. Saguinus fuscicollis fuscicollis andSaguinus fuscicollis illigeri.  相似文献   

Genistein is a phytoestrogen, particularly abundant in soybeans that can bind estrogen receptors and sex hormone binding proteins, exerting both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity. In this study we used the Japanese quail embryo as a test end-point to investigate the effects of early embryonic exposure to genistein on male copulatory behavior and on vasotocin parvocellular system. Both differentiate by the organizational effects of estradiol during development and may therefore represent an optimal model to study the effects of xenoestrogens. We injected two doses of genistein (100 and 1000 microg) into the yolk of 3-day-old Japanese quail eggs. Other eggs were treated with either 25 microg of estradiol benzoate or sesame oil as positive and negative controls. At the age of 6 weeks, behavioral tests revealed a significant decrease of all aspects of copulatory behavior (in comparison to the control group) in estradiol-treated birds. In contrast, genistein-treated animals demonstrated various degrees of decrease in the mean frequencies of some aspects of the sexual behavior. The computerized analysis of vasotocin innervation in medial preoptic, stria terminalis and lateral septum nuclei revealed a statistically significant decreased immunoreactivity in treated animals compared to control ones. These results demonstrate that genistein, similarly to estradiol, has an organizational effect on quail parvocellular vasotocin system and on copulatory behavior. In conclusion, present results confirm, in this avian model, that embryonic exposure to phytoestrogens may have life-long effects on sexual differentiation of brain structures and behaviors.  相似文献   

The current study examined acute and long-term effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) exposure during puberty on copulation, vocalizations, scent marking, and intermale aggression, both with and without tail pinch, in intact male rats. Animals received 5 mg/kg of testosterone, nandrolone, stanozolol, or vehicle, beginning at puberty. After 5 weeks, behavior tests were performed while continuing AAS injections. AAS treatment was then discontinued. Behaviors were tested during 3-5 weeks, 9-11 weeks, and 15-17 weeks of withdrawal. During AAS administration, stanozolol males showed significant reductions in all behaviors compared with controls, except aggression with tail pinch. Nandrolone treatment significantly reduced vocalizations and scent marking, and testosterone had no significant effect on behavior. During withdrawal, behaviors in stanozolol males recovered to control levels at variable rates: aggression at 4 weeks; mounts, vocalizations, and scent marking at 9 weeks; and ejaculations at 15 weeks of withdrawal. Stanozolol males showed significantly higher levels of tail pinch-induced aggression during every withdrawal test. Nandrolone-treated males scent-marked at control levels by 9 weeks withdrawal but displayed significantly fewer vocalizations and significantly more tail pinch-induced aggression than controls for the entire study. Testosterone-treated males scent-marked significantly below controls at 3 weeks withdrawal and showed significantly more tail pinch-induced aggression at 5 weeks withdrawal. All three AAS significantly increased tail pinch-induced aggression compared with corresponding nontail pinch tests, even at study endpoint. These results suggest that alterations in androgen-dependent behaviors by pubertal AAS exposure can persist long after drug exposure, and some effects may even be permanent.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a family of toxicants that persist in measurable quantities in human and wildlife tissues, despite their ban in production in 1977. Some PCB mixtures can act as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by mimicking or antagonizing the actions of hormones in the brain and periphery. When exposure to hormonally active substances such as PCBs occurs during vulnerable developmental periods, particularly prenatally or in early postnatal life, they can disrupt sex-specific patterning of the brain, inducing permanent changes that can later be manifested as improper sexual behaviors. Here, we investigated the effects of prenatal exposure to the PCB mixture Aroclor (A) 1221 on adult female reproductive behaviors in a dose-response model in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Using a paced mating paradigm that permits the female to set the timing of mating and control contact with the male during copulation, we were able to uncover significant differences in female-typical sexual activities in A1221-exposed females. Specifically, A1221 causes significant effects on mating trial pacing, vocalizations, ambulation and the female's likelihood to mate. The results further demonstrate that the intermediate treatment group has the greatest number of disrupted endpoints, suggestive of non-linear dose responses to A1221. These data demonstrate that the behavioral phenotype in adulthood is disrupted by low, ecologically relevant exposures to PCBs, and the results have implications for reproductive success and health in wildlife and women.  相似文献   

Sumner JE  Ulibarri C  Craft RM 《Life sciences》2006,79(22):2119-2127
The purpose of this study was to determine whether testosterone (T) concurrently modulates reproductive and nociceptive systems in the adult male. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were orchidectomized, and then 28 days later implanted with capsules containing T or nothing (blanks). After 2, 7, 14 or 28 days' exposure to T-filled or blank capsules, rats were tested for male sexual and nociceptive behaviors in a counter-balanced design. As the duration of T exposure lengthened, the percentage of rats showing male sexual behaviors and the weights of steroid-sensitive organs systematically increased, and latencies to show sexual behaviors decreased. T treatment did not affect basal nociception on either the hotplate or tail withdrawal tests, but significantly increased morphine's antinociceptive potency on the tail withdrawal test -- however, this effect was small, and independent of duration of T exposure. Thus, T treatment that altered male sexual behavior and reproductive physiology in a systematic, duration-dependent manner did not similarly alter basal nociception or morphine antinociception. These findings suggest that in adult male rats, although T may modulate both male sexual behaviors and opioid antinociceptive sensitivity, these T effects do not occur in concert.  相似文献   

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