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Embryos (8-16 cell) were obtained from random bred albino mice (6-8 weeks old) that were induced to superovulate by injections of 5 I.U. PMSG and 5 I.U. hCG given 48 hr apart. Embryos were exposed to intracellular cryoprotecting medium (glycerol 10%, 1-2 propanediol 20% in PBS) for 10 min and then transferred to extracellular vitrification medium (25% glycerol, 25% 1-2 propanediol in PBS). Vitrification medium containing embryos, and diluent (1 M sucrose) were loaded in a straw and immediately plunged into liquid N2. After thawing at 20 degrees C, the contents of the straw were mixed by shaking (1 step dilution) and emptied in a petri dish. After 3 washings in culture medium the embryos were kept in CO2 incubator for further development. In 3-step dilution procedure the dilution of cryoprotectants was done in 0.5 and 0.25 M sucrose before culture. Embryos in 3-step dilution of cryoprotectants exhibited high survival as compared to 1-step dilution (20.23% vs 6.55%).  相似文献   

An inexpensive and very simple device is described for low-temperature difference absorption spectra of biological preparations. The spectra recorded from 380 to 650 nm have a sufficient resolution without “noise”.  相似文献   

The effect of the rate of rewarming on the survival of 8-cell mouse embryos and blastocysts was examined. The samples were slowly cooled (0.3--0.6 degrees C/min) in 1.5 M-DMSO to temperatures between -10 and -80 degrees C before direct transfer to liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C). Embryos survived rapid thawing (275--500 degrees C/min) only when slow cooling was terminated at relatively high subzero temperatures (-10 to -50 degrees C). The highest levels of survival in vitro of rapidly thawed 8-cell embryos were obtained after transfer to -196 degrees C from -35 and -40 degrees C (72 to 88%) and of rapidly thawed blastocysts after transfer from -25 to -50 degrees C (69 to 74%). By contrast, for embryos to survive slow thawing (8 to 20 degrees C/min) slow cooling to lower subzero temperatures (-60 degrees C and below) was required before transfer to -196 degrees C. The results indicate that embryos transferred to -196 degrees C from high subzero temperatures contain sufficient intracellular ice to damage them during slow warming but to permit survival after rapid warming. Survival of embryos after rapid dilution of DMSO at room temperature was similar to that after slow (stepwise) dilution at 0 degrees C. There was no difference between the viability of rapidly and slowly thawed embryos after transfer to pseudopregnant foster mothers. It is concluded that the behaviour of mammalian embryos subjected to the stresses of freezing and thawing is similar to that of other mammalian cells. A simpler and quicker method for the preservation of mouse embryos is described.  相似文献   

The penetrating cryoprotective glycerol dissolved in different concentrations in buffer medium effectively protects skin tissue against freeze-thaw injury when progressively cooled to ?196 °C followed by a fast warming-up rate. Upon incubation of the tissue after storage, the incorporation of [2-14C]glycine into the proteins, of [6-3H]thymidine into DNA, and α-[1-14C]aminoisobutyric acid transport through the cell membrane are reduced compared to freshly incubated skin. An essential loss in metabolic activity occurs during exposure of the skin to the preserving buffer. Although the length of storage does not seem to affect the final viability, the actual freezing and thawing procedures are particularly damaging to tissue already injured by previous exposure to buffer containing cryoprotective agents.  相似文献   

S Ogawa  S Tomoda 《Jikken dobutsu》1976,25(4):273-282
Preimplantation stage (16-celled and morula) rabbit embryos were successfully frozen to -196 degrees C. The cooling rate (from a room temperature to 0 degrees C), the presence of the mucin layer surrounding embryos, the ice-seeding treatment and the thawing procedure were examined to determine their effects on the survival of the frozen embryos of Japanese white, New Zealand white and Dutch-Belted rabbits. A high proportion (51%; 16-celled, 69%; morula) of Dutch-Belted rabbit embryos developed in vitro, when they were frozen to -196 degrees C, applying the ice-seeding at -4 degrees C in the presence of 12.5% DMSO, after being cooled to 0 degrees C at the rate of 7-9 degrees C/min, and were diluted by a stepwise addition of 4 different strength PBS on thawing. The highest rate of in vitro development (81%; Japanese white, 75%; New Zealand white, 82%; Dutch Belted embryos) was obtained when the morula stage embryos were frozen to -196 degrees C applying seeding at -4 degrees C after being cooled to 0 degrees C at the rate of 1 degrees C/2.5 min and were diluted, on thawing, by stepwise addition of 6, 3 and 1% DMSO solution and a culture medium. No great difference was found in the survival rate between the embryos covered with the mucin layer and those which had not the coat. All the embryos frozen without applying seeding treatment failed to develop in vitro after being thawed and diluted. Nine out of 27 does each of which received 6 reimplantations of the embryos frozen-thawed became pregnant and were found to be carrying 37 normal fetuses on the 12th day of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Some damaging effects that occur during cryopreservation by freezing to -196 degrees C have been evaluated in rabbit taenia coli by analyzing the proportional recovery of acetylcholine- and histamine-induced maximal contractions. Dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) 10 v/v% was used as the cryoprotectant; it reversibly abolishes spontaneous contractility even after incubation at 37 degrees C during 2 hr. Programmed freezing at 0.6 degrees C/min with compensation for the latent heat of fusion and warming at 35 degrees C/min proved to be slightly superior to programmed cooling without compensation and slower warming. The degree of functional recovery was comparable after either abrupt or stepwise removal of Me2SO. Freeze-thawing resulted in a significant reduction of contractile force in each buffer solution tested, and acetylcholine-induced contractility was always better preserved than histamine-induced contractility. The best preservation (approximately 65%) was obtained in a potassium-rich buffer solution. The absence of calcium and magnesium from the incubating medium had no influence, whereas the presence of EDTA significantly affected functional recovery. It is difficult to compare our results with those reported by others because of multiple methodological differences. However, it seems that previous results can be improved by changing the freezing rate and the composition of the incubating and cryoprotecting medium.  相似文献   

Kato Y  Tsunoda Y 《Theriogenology》1996,45(5):1029-1035
Mouse fetal germ cells(FGCs) isolated or within genital ridges from male fetuses at 15.5 d post coitum were preserved at 4 degrees C for 3-15 d with TCM-199 medium supplemented with 10, 50 or 100% fetal bovine serum (FCS) and 0.1, 0.6 or 1.0 M sucrose. The viability of FGCs was assessed by the dye exclusion test with trypan blue and nuclear transfer into enucleated oocytes and then into enucleated 2-cell embryos. Forty-one to 45 % of FGCs survived for 5 d after preservation in the medium containing 50% FCS and 0.1 M sucrose according to the results of the dye exclusion test. But significant good effect of sucrose was not observed regardless of its concentration. When genital ridges were preserved, 15-22% of FGCs survived even 10 d after preservation. The efficiency of the in vitro development of FGCs to blastocysts was similar when they were fused with enucleated oocytes and 2-cells blastomeres after 2 to 4 d storage(27-33%) compared with that of control FGCs(56%).  相似文献   

Platelet concentrates from ACD-blood were stored with and without agitation at +12 degrees C for 3 days. pH-values, hypotonic shock response, serotonin uptake and adenine nucleotides were investigated. In addition platelet shape was morphologically differentiated in discs with and without pseudopods, in spheres and irregular platelets. In accordance with platelet storage at +22 degrees C an optimum platelet number and gentle agitation were essential to maintain in vitro vitality at +12 degrees C for 3 days. The number of discoid platelets declined from 76% in fresh platelet concentrates to 25% after 3 days at +12 degrees C although pH-values did not fall below 6.8 in the agitated concentrates. A diminished post-transfusion survival could result from this, unless the shape change reverses in the circulation.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans, and contamination of poultry has been implicated in illness. The bacteria are fastidious in terms of their temperature requirements, being unable to grow below ca. 31 degrees C, but have been found to be physiologically active at lower temperatures and to tolerate exposure to low temperatures in a strain-dependent manner. In this study, 19 field isolates of C. jejuni (10 of clinical and 9 of poultry origin) were studied for their ability to tolerate prolonged exposure to low temperature (4 degrees C). Although substantial variability was found among different strains, clinical isolates tended to be significantly more likely to remain viable following cold exposure than poultry-derived strains. In contrast, the relative degree of tolerance of the bacteria to freezing at -20 degrees C and freeze-thawing was strain specific but independent of strain source (poultry versus clinical) and degree of cold (4 degrees C) tolerance.  相似文献   

A reported loss in the binding capacity to ConA of thawed human peripheral blood lymphocytes has been investigated using two methods. With acetyl-3H ConA there was an apparent loss in the total binding of ConA to 2 × 105 dye-excluding cells thawed from liquid nitrogen, after cooling with a two-step procedure of 10 min at ?26 °C in 5% DMSO. Using the same cooling method, this apparent loss of binding capacity was not confirmed when a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter was used to measure the binding of fluorescent labelled ConA to thawed cells that are shown to be within the light scatter range of unfrozen lymphocytes. This second method, therefore, shows that a large population of lymphocytes can be recovered after thawing without any loss of receptors for ConA. The loss of binding measured by the radioactive method may be due to damaged lymphocytes and also to the loss of the small numbers of residual granulocytes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of in vitro development of reconstructed bovine embryos activated at various time after electrofusion was studied. The in vitro mature oocytes without zona pellucida enucleated using the blind method were taken as cytoplasts. Fetal fibroblasts were used as the nuclei source. Approximately 40% of embryos activated between 3 and 3.2 hours after electrofusion developed to blastocysts. The efficiency of in vitro development of cloned embryo of cloned embryo did not decrease when the time between electrofusion and activation was extended up to 4–5 hours. The pattern of more successful development of in vitro reconstructed embryos was found using enucleated oocytes, extrusion the first polar body to 18 hours in comparison with oocytes matured in vitro afterwards, as cytoplasts.  相似文献   

The lipoprotein lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was modified with 2,4-bis(O-methoxypolyethylene glycol)-6-chloro-s-triazine. The modified lipase in which 55% of the amino groups in the enzyme molecule were coupled with polyethylene glycol was found to be soluble in benzene and catalyzed the reactions of ester synthesis, ester exchange, aminolysis and ester hydrolysis in benzene. The modified lipase had an extraordinary temperature-dependency: enzymic activity for methyl laurate synthesis from methyl alcohol and lauric acid increased with decreasing temperature and attained the maximum at the extremely low temperature of -3 degrees C. The optimum temperature for hydrolysis of methyl laurate was as low as -4 degrees C.  相似文献   

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