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Modifications occurring in the plasma membrane and their relationship to newly synthesized microfibrils were examined in regenerating protoplasts of Candida albicans by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Freshly prepared protoplasts showed no residual wall material, and long invaginations covered the surface of the plasma membrane. Analysis of the external face (E-face) of the plasma membrane showed a significant decrease in the number of intramembranous particles (IMP) in comparison with the original cells. After 40 min incubation in regeneration medium, newly synthesized microfibrils which seemed to originate from protrusions in the plasma membrane were observed. The plasma membrane showed important modifications with respect to IMP. After 3 h 45 min, the cells were covered by an abnormal wall which showed isolated fibrils partially embedded in the matrix material. The plasma membrane of these partially regenerated protoplasts was similar to that of original cells. After 8 h, regeneration of the protoplasts seemed to be complete as no differences from the original cells were detected in the plasma membrane or the wall. Calcofluor white altered the deposition of wall polymers during regeneration, but did not modify the plasma membrane of the protoplasts.  相似文献   

Summary The cortical cell membranes of maize and marrow roots grown at normal, or chilling, temperatures have been studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Using computer-assisted methods to analyse intramembraneous particle (IMP) frequencies, diameters and distribution, no significant trends in differences between normal and chilled roots were found. While this result does not correspond with the findings from similar experiments on microorganisms, it is compatible with contemporary ideas concerning temperature-induced phase transitions in the lipids of higher plant cell membranes. The cortical cell membranes of barley roots that had been subjected to cold osmotic shock also showed no differences from untreated roots as demonstrable in freeze-fracture replicas.IMPs were found to cluster around plasmodesmata after chilling but the physiological significance of this, if any, remains to be investigated further.While these negative results only indirectly help towards understanding how cell membranes react to chilling, the techniques described open the way for more detailed analyses of IMP characteristics in plant cell membranes.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing is especially suitable for the investigation of membrane structures. In contrast to ultrathin sectioning, large areas of the membranes are exposed. The true surface of membranes, however, can be seen only after etching (vacuum sublimation of ice) because during fracturing the frozen membrane is split between the two lipid layers. The representation of the hydrophobic region of the membrane reveals particles representing integral membrane proteins or, exceptionally, micelles of membrane lipids. Special structures on microbial membranes are, e.g., regular particle arrangements, invaginations and lipid domains with a periodic pattern of curvatures. There are still many unsolved questions concerning these structures, but the occurrence or the alteration of such structures as well as the density of “etching holes” on the membrane fracture face can be used as indicators for membrane perturbations.  相似文献   

The combined effect of amphotericin B, a polyene antibiotic, and metacycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, on the cells of C. albicans was studied. The method of square titration followed by quantitative plating of the samples was used for estimation of the combination efficiency. An attempt was also made to investigate the characteristic features of metacycline penetration into the yeast cells under the effect of various doses of the polyene antibiotic. The capacity of metacycline for fluorescence in the yellow-green pectral region was employed for this purpose. It was shown that the drugs had a synergistic effect on C. albicans. The fluorescence research methods allowed one to demonstrate that even low subinhibitory doses of amphotericin B increased the permeability level of the cytoplasmic membrane and provided penetration of metacycline into the cytoplasm almost during the first hours of the contact. The time course of metacycline cumulation in the cells was followed up and the characteristic features of the antibiotic localization were analysed.  相似文献   

Phagocytic activity of PMN's in five healthy and five burned patients were measured in vitro. Addition of 1 microgram per millilitre of amphotericin B to the assay produced a marked inhibitory effect of the phagocytic activity of PMN against C. albicans.  相似文献   

When human erythrocyte membranes were treated with perfringolysin O (Clostridium perfringens theta-toxin) and examined by electron microscopy after freeze-fracture, two ultrastructural alterations were observed in fracture faces of membrane. (1) A random aggregation of intramembranous particles was seen in the fracture face of the protoplasmic half (PF face) of all membranes treated with the toxin, even if at a low concentration (40 hemolytic units/ml). On the other hand, the aggregation in the fracture face of the exoplasmic half (EF face) was observed only in membranes treated with a high concentration (3300 hemolytic units/ml) for 2 h. (2) Round protrusions and "cavities" with 30 nm in diameter were visible in EF and PF faces of membranes treated with a high concentration, respectively. These structures were always protruded toward cytoplasmic side, but did not appear to form holes through the membrane. Ring and arc shaped structures with a dark center of 26 nm and a distinct border of 5 nm in width were observed when the toxin alone was negatively stained at a very high concentration (170,000 hemolytic units/ml). These structures were also produced in the presence of cholesterol even if the toxin concentration was low.  相似文献   

The effects of lipid-phase separation on the filipin action on pellicle membranes of ergosterol-replaced Tetrahymena pyriformis cells were studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The pellicle membranes with phase separations induced by chilling from 34 degrees C (growth temperature) to lower temperatures (30, 22 and 15 degrees C) were treated with filipin. This produced filipin-induced lesions ("pits") only in the particulated (liquid) regions along the margin between solid and liquid domains, while they were produced in the particle-free (solid) areas when membranes were chilled to 15 degrees C. The pellicle membranes with lesions induced by filipin at 34 degrees C were chilled to 22 degrees C. This chilling raised larger particle-free areas and more condensed particle-aggregations on the membranes than on the membranes without the filipin treatment. These results suggest that the membrane fluidity affects induction and development of the ergosterol-filipin complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

Freeze-etch electron microscopy demonstrated that filipin induces the formation of aggregates 150–250Åin diameter, in the membranes of rat erythrocytes, in cholesterol-containing membranes ofAcholeplasma laidlawii cells and in egg lecithin-cholesterol liposomes. No change in fracture faces was observed when cholesterol was absent in the membranes ofA. laidlawii, and lecithin liposomes.Amphotericin B does not visibly affect the freeze-etch morphology of erythrocytes, cholesterol-containingA. laidlawii cells and lecithin-cholesterol liposomes.  相似文献   

When human erythrocyte membranes were treated with perfringolysin O (Clostridium perfringens θ-toxin) and examined by electron microscopy after freeze-fracture, two ultrastructural alterations were observed in fracture faces of membrane. (1) A random aggregation of intramembranous particles was seen in the fracture face of the protoplasmic half (PF face) of all membranes treated with the toxin, even if at a low concentration (40 hemolytic units/ml). On the other hand, the aggregation in the fracture face of the exoplasmic half (EF face) was observed only in membranes treated with a high concentration (3300 hemolytic units/ml) for 2 h. (2) Round protrusions and ‘cavities’ with 30 nm in diameter were visible in EF and PF faces of membranes treated with a high concentration, respectively. These structures were always protruded toward cytoplasmic side, but did not appear to form holes through the membrane.Ring and are shaped structures with a dark center of 26 nm and a distinct border of 5 nm in width were observed when the toxin alone was negatively stained at a very high concentration (170 000 hemolytic units/ml). These structures were also produced in the presence of cholesterol even if the toxin concentration was low.  相似文献   

The effects of lipid-phase separation on the filipin action on pellicle membranes of ergosterol-replaced Tetrahymena pyriformis cells were studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The pellicle membranes with phase separations induced by chilling from 34°C (growth temperature) to lower temperatures (30, 22 and 15°C) were treated with filipin. This produced filipin-induced lesions (“pits”) only in the particulated (liquid) regions along the margin between solid and liquid domains, while they were produced in the particle-free (solid) areas when membranes were chilled to 15°C. The pellicle membranes with lesions induced by filipin at 34°C were chilled to 22°C. This chilling raised larger particle-free areas and more condensed particle-aggregations on the membranes than on the membranes without the filipin treatment. These results suggest that the membrane fluidity affects induction and development of the ergosterol-filipin complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-N-D-fructosyl amphotericin B methyl ester (MFAME) is a semisynthetic derivative of the antifungal antibiotic amphotericin B (AMB). In contrast to the parent antibiotic, the derivative is characterised by low toxicity to mammalian cells and good solubility in water of its salts. Comparative studies on biological properties of free MFAME, AMB and their liposomal formulations were performed. To obtain liposomal forms, the antibiotics were incorporated into small unilamellar vesicles composed of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and DMPC:cholesterol or ergosterol, 8:2 molar ratio. The effectivity of the liposomal and free forms of AMB and MFAME were compared by determination of fungistatic and fungicidal activity against Candida albicans ATCC 10261, potassium release from erythrocytes, and haemolysis. The results obtained indicate that in contrast to AMB, incorporation of MFAME into liposomes did not further improve its selective toxicity. Studies on the antagonistic effect of ergosterol and cholesterol on the antifungal activity of the antibiotics indicated that sterol interference was definitely less pronounced in the case of MFAME than in the case of AMB.  相似文献   

The mechanism of amphotericin B action was studied with the aid of cytochemical methods providing determination of the activity of the 4 main enzymes characterizing the cell energetics, i. e. succinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inside the cell. With an increase in the concentration of amphotericin B in the medium the activity of all the 4 enzymes decreased, the percentage of the inactive cells being regularly increased. Changes in the fermentative activity of C. albicans as dependent on the incubation time with the antibiotic were studied. Only the respiration activity decreased in 2 hours. As a result of a 4-hour exposure to the polyen in the cells of C. albicans the activity of the lactic acid fermentation, respiration through succinate dehydrogenase and activity of the pentose shunt decreased 1.5--2 times. In 24 hours of incubation the activity of the above decreased 80--90 per cent as compared to the activity of the initial culture.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cultured under anaerobiosis in semi-complete medium to which either palmitoleic or oleic acid was added. Cells were grown at 20 °C or 30 °C. The levels of total lipids, total sterols, and phospholipids were higher in cells grown at 20 °C than at 30 °C. The effects of nystatin (NYS), amphotericin B (AMB), and amphotericin B methyl ester (AME) were evaluated by determining cell viability and liberation of intracellular compounds. The loss of cell viability is higher in the first 30 minutes of incubation with the drugs and is the same regardless of the type of cells obtained. Low molecular weight compounds and ions such as K+ are liberated a few minutes after incubation with the drugs whereas proteins and substances absorbing at 260 nm are liberated later. Phosphate liberation comes after K+ and before compounds of higher molecular weights.  相似文献   

An architecture of the solid phase of chitin gel was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of the xerogel was microporous with parallel channels surrounded with membranous walls. The pore shapes at cross section were polyhedral with three walls at the junctions. The pore was 30–50 μm in diameter and 80–300 μm in length, and the thickness of the walls was less than 1.5 μm. The gel is considered to be a polyphasic gel, consisting of small droplets of water held up in these pores.  相似文献   

The delimiting membranes of isolated autophagosomes from rat liver had extremely few transmembrane proteins, as indicated by the paucity of intramembrane particles in freeze-fracture images (about 20 particles/microm2, whereas isolated lysosomes had about 2000 particles/microm2). The autophagosomes also appeared to lack peripheral surface membrane proteins, since attempts to surface-biotinylate intact autophagosomes only yielded biotinylation of proteins from contaminating damaged mitochondria. All the membrane layers of multilamellar autophagosomes were equally particle-poor; the same was true of the autophagosome-forming, sequestering membrane complexes (phagophores). Isolated amphisomes (vacuoles formed by fusion between autophagosomes and endosomes) had more intramembrane particles than the autophagosomes (about 90 particles/microm2), and freeze-fracture images of these organelles frequently showed particle-rich endosomes fusing with particle-poor or particle-free autophagosomes. The appearence of multiple particle clusters suggested that a single autophagic vacuole could undergo multiple fusions with endosomes. Only the outermost membrane of bi- or multilamellar autophagic vacuoles appeared to engage in such fusions.  相似文献   

A mixture of enzymes (mycolase) capable of lysing yeast cell walls was prepared from culture filtrates of Physarum polycephalum. The enzymes present in mycolase included chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanases and exo-glycosidases. The pH optima of these enzymes were in the range 3.5-5.0 and they had low activities at pH 7.0. Mycolase produced spheroplasts from Candida pseudotropicalis and, unlike commercial enzyme preparations such as L1, chitinase, beta, 1,3-glucanase and beta-glucosidase, had some candicidal activity in vitro against C. pseudotropicalis and C. albicans. Mycolase potentiated the antifungal activity of amphotericin B against C. pseudotropicalis grown in shake flask culture but did not potentiate the antifungal activity of the antibiotic against similar cultures of C. albicans; indeed antagonism between mycolase and amphotericin B was sometimes observed with the latter yeast. Mycolase caused an approximately two-fold increase in the total and viable counts of cultures of C. albicans inoculated with stationary phase cells. These increases, which were observed within about 30 min, were attributed to mycolase inducing the premature release of viable buds from 'lag' phase cells. Mycolase also increased the rate at which C. albicans formed germ tubes when the yeast was cultured in a medium containing serum. Mycolase alone or in combination with amphotericin B did not appreciably enhance phagocytosis or intracellular killing of the yeasts by unstimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages. Studies on mice infected systemically with C. albicans showed that mycolase only slightly enhanced amphotericin B therapy.  相似文献   

When human erythrocytes are osmotically stressed or chemically treated, they hemolyze on cooling below 10 degrees C (called cold shock). We have studied the effects of osmotic stress and cooling on the state of membrane by the spin-probe method and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. At room temperature, the membrane fluidity detected by 12-doxyl stearate spin probe showed a steady decrease with osmolality in hypertonic NaCl solutions up to 900 mOsm/kg, above which it remained unchanged. In hypertonic sucrose solutions, the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra showed an additional pair of absorptions, indicating development of regions, in the membrane, further immobilized than in NaCl solutions. Mobility of a cholesterol analogue probe, androstane, did not show change by hypertonicity, but the spectral intensity dropped at 1,200 mOsm/kg, probably due to formation of loose aggregates in the cholesterol phase. On cooling the osmotically stressed cells in NaCl solution, the isotropic rotational correlation time vs. inverse temperature plot of 12-doxyl stearate probe exhibited a step-wise discontinuity at approximately 10 degrees C, suggestive of a drastic transition in the state of the membrane. At about the same temperature, the freeze-fracture pattern of osmotically stressed cells revealed the development of large wrinkles and aggregation of membrane particles, in contrast to the case of the cells in isotonicity. Significance of these findings in understanding cold shock hemolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

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