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Photoactivable phospholipids containing either α-diazo-β-trifluoropropionyloxy or m-diazirinophenoxyl groups in the ω-positions of sn-2 fatty acyl chains were synthesized and incorporated into sonicated vesicles containing 33 mol% of cholesterol. Photolysis of the vesicles at 350 nm produced covalent cross-links between the synthetic phospholipids and cholesterol. The cross-linked products obtained using [14C]cholesterol were characterized by their chromatographic behavior, cleavage on phospholipase A2 treatment, base-catalyzed transesterification and mass spectral measurements. The cross-linking was shown not to involve the 3-β-hydroxyl group of cholesterol, and it was concluded that the reactive carbene intermediates formed from the photolabels inserted into the hydrocarbon skeleton of cholesterol in the bilayer. The extent of cross-linking obtained was comparable to that observed previously using phospholipids alone, indicating that no lateral phase separation occurred. The present approach is promising for further precise studies of the molecular interactions between cholesterol and phospholipids in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Sulfo-N-succinimidyl derivatives of the long-chain fatty acids, oleic and myristic, were synthesized and covalently reacted with isolated rat adipocytes. The plasma membrane proteins labeled by these compounds and the effect of labeling on the transport of long-chain fatty acids were investigated. Sulfo-N-succinimidyl oleate (SSO) and myristate (SSM) inhibited the transport of fatty acids (by about 70%). Inhibition of fatty acid transport was not a result of alterations in cell integrity, as intracellular water volume was not changed. It did not reflect effects on fatty acid metabolism, since it was observed under conditions where greater than 90% of the fatty acid taken up was recovered in the free form. The inhibitory effect was specific to the fatty acid transport system, as the transport of glucose and the permeation of retinoic acid, a substance with structural similarities to long-chain fatty acids, were unaffected. Sulfosuccinimidyl oleate reacted exclusively with a plasma membrane protein with an apparent size of 85 kDa while sulfosuccinimidyl myristate also labeled a 75-kDa while sulfosuccinimidyl myristate also labeled a 75-kDa protein. These proteins were among the ones labeled by diisothiocyanodisulfonic acid (DIDS) which also inhibits fatty acid transport irreversibly. The data suggest that the 85-kDa protein, which is the only one labeled by all three inhibitors is involved in facilitating membrane permeation of long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

cGMP secretion from cells can be mediated by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCC4, ABCC5, and ABCC11. Indirect evidence suggests that ABCC4 and ABCC5 contribute to cGMP transport by erythrocytes. We have re-investigated the issue using erythrocytes from wild-type and transporter knockout mice. Murine wild-type erythrocyte vesicles transported cGMP with an apparent Km that was 100-fold higher than their human counterparts, the apparent Vmax being similar. Whereas cGMP transport into human vesicles was efficiently inhibited by the ABCC4-specific substrate prostaglandin E1, cGMP transport into mouse vesicles was inhibited equally by Abcg2 and Abcc4 inhibitors/substrates. Similarly, cGMP transport into vesicles from Abcc4-/- and Abcg2-/- mice was 42% and 51% of that into wild-type mouse vesicles, respectively, whereas cGMP transport into vesicles from Abcc4(-/-)/Abcg2(-/-) mice was near background. The knockout mice were used to show that Abcg2-mediated cGMP transport occurred with lower affinity but higher Vmax than Abcc4-mediated transport. Involvement of Abcg2 in cGMP transport by Abcc4-/- erythrocyte vesicles was supported by higher transport at pH 5.5 than at pH 7.4, a characteristic of Abcg2-mediated transport. The relative contribution of ABCC4/Abcc4 and ABCG2/Abcg2 in cGMP transport was confirmed with a new inhibitor of ABCC4 transport, the protease inhibitor 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzenesulfonyl fluoride.  相似文献   

We have synthesized spin-labeled (SL) and fluorescently labeled diacyl, 1-alkyl-2-acyl-, and di-alkyl glycerophospholipids. The sn-2 chain was a short chain with either a nitroxide group or a 7-nitro-2, 1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl (NBD). After incorporation in the exoplasmic leaflet of human erythrocytes, we found that SL-phosphatidylcholine (PC) redistributed very slowly across the plasma membrane, less than 20% reaching the cytoplasmic leaflet in 3 h at 37 degrees C. In contrast, SL-phosphatidylserine (PS) accumulated on the cytoplasmic leaflet with the same plateau corresponding to 90% of the probes inside. The characteristic times for inward redistribution were different for the three PS analogues: at 37 degrees C, the t(1/2) for the diacyl, alkyl-acyl, and dialkyl compounds were 2.3, 3.5, and 41 min, respectively. ATP depletion or incubation with N-ethylmaleimide inhibited the rapid translocation of the PS derivatives. The diether PS bearing an NBD group translocated very slowly in human erythrocytes and no acceleration by ATP could be measured. On the other hand, in human fibroblasts, the diether NBD-PS and SL-PS were both transported from the exoplasmic to the cytoplasmic monolayer of the plasma membrane as it is the case for the transport of the respective diester PS analogues. These results prove that the ether bonds do not prevent completely PS binding and translocation by the aminophospholipid translocase despite a probable hindrance due to the ether linkage on the sn-2 chain. Because of the high stability of the ether linkage, SL and NBD diether analogues should be useful to investigate lipid traffic in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Quantitative aspects of the binding of free fatty acid to human erythrocytes were studied by measuring the distribution of various amounts of [1-(14)C]lauric acid between washed human erythrocytes and defatted human plasma albumin. Incubations were done at 37 degrees C in an isotonic phosphate-buffered salt solution. Laurate uptake approached a steady state value within 1 hr of incubation over the range of laurate-albumin molar ratios that were tested. Uptake was due primarily to a transfer of laurate from albumin to the cell, not to incorporation of the intact laurate-albumin complex. The fatty acid binding sites of the erythrocyte are located predominantly on or within the cell membrane. The binding model which best fitted the laurate uptake data consisted of two classes of erythrocyte binding sites. This model contains a small number of sites, 2.0 x 10(-13) moles/10(6) cells, that have an average apparent association constant of 1.8 x 10(6) m(-1) for laurate. Thus, the average strength of these sites is of the same order of magnitude as the stronger laurate binding sites of albumin. The binding model also contains a relatively large number of weaker fatty acid binding sites, 1.3 x 10(-11) moles/10(6) cells, that have an average apparent association constant of 1.3 x 10(4) m(-1) for laurate. These sites are too weak to bind appreciable amounts of laurate unless the fatty acid-albumin molar ratio is elevated.  相似文献   

Microscopic vesicles enclosed by membranes formed entirely of oleic or linoleic acids (ufasomes) were studied by the freeze-etching and birefringence techniques. The results suggest the presence of one or more membranes around the particles, in which the fatty acid chains lie perpendicular to the surface. Comparison with results obtained with phospholipid liposomes shows that both types of particles are basically similar, although ufasomes have a less regular structure.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the mechanisms of long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake by human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC). The time course revealed the presence of an early, carrier-mediated uptake component and a later component mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles (CCV) and caveolae, as evidenced by three different experimental approaches: 1) significant reduction of [3H]oleate uptake over 5 min by either inhibition of CCV formation by potassium depletion or hypertonic medium, or disruption of caveolae by filipin III or cyclodextrin. 2) Co-localization of intracellular 12-(N-methyl)-N-[(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino]octadecanoic acid with CCV and caveolae using confocal laser scanning microscopy. 3) Enrichment of [3H]oleate in a subcellular fraction containing CCV and caveolae. Within 10 min, more than 75% of intracellular [3H]oleate remained unmetabolized, suggesting that HMEC preferentially shuttle LCFA through the cell using CCV and caveolae as carriers. The uptake of albumin paralleled that of oleate within the first 10 min, suggesting internalization of at least some LCFA bound to albumin. Compared to oleate and albumin, the uptake of sucrose and dextran was low, indicating a potential minor contribution of fluid-phase endocytosis to the total vesicular LCFA uptake. The data indicate a previously unrecognized role of both CCV and caveolae for the uptake of LCFA by HMEC.  相似文献   

Lymphosarcoma cells isolated from the spleens of tumor-bearing mice were used to study the effect of a low dose of X-rays (5 Gy) on the incorporation of [3H]palmitate and [14C]arachidonate into the lipids of the tumor cells. Palmitate and arachidonate were rapidly incorporated especially into the phospholipids of the cells. Between one and three hours after the start of the incubation with radiactive palmitate 80–90% of the label of the total lipids was found in the phospholipid fraction. Already after a few minutes of incubation with radioactive arachidonate, about 95% of the label was incorporated in the phospholipids. Irradiation caused a small but significant increase in the rate of fatty acid incorporation for both fatty acids. Concomitantly, a significantly increased amount of fatty acid was removed from the medium by the cells as a result of the irradiation, and the specific radioactivity of the free fatty acids in the cells was found to be enhanced. The radiation effect on the tumor cells could be mimicked by a hypotonic treatment. The magnitude of the radiation-induced stimulation of the fatty acid incorporation was similar to that of the hypotonically induced effect. Cells which had received a hypotonic treatment before the irradiation, did not show an additional radiation-induced enhancement of fatty acid incorporation into the cellular lipids. When the cells were incubated with serum albumin loaded with a relatively large (non-physiological) amount of complexed fatty acids (fatty acid: albumin molar ratio, ν = 3.7), no radiation effect on the fatty acid incorporation could be detected. It is concluded that hypotonic treatment, irradiation, and increased supply of exogenous fatty acids all lead to an enhanced flux of fatty acids into the cells. These results confirm our previous suggestion that the uptake of fatty acids through the plasma membrane is the rate-limiting step in the fatty acid incorporation into the phospholipids and that ionizing radiation is one of the means to enhance fatty acid uptake through the plasma membrane leading to an increased incorporation into the phospholipids.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms have been proposed for maintenance of transbilayer phospholipid asymmetry in the erythrocyte plasma membrane, one involving specific interactions between the aminophospholipids of the inner leaflet of the bilayer and the cytoskeleton, particularly spectrin, and the other involving the aminophospholipid translocase. If the former mechanism is correct, then erythrocytes which have lost their asymmetric distribution of phospholipids should display altered bilayer/cytoskeleton interactions. To test this possibility, normal erythrocytes, erythrocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia or sickle disease, and lipid-symmetric and -asymmetric erythrocyte ghosts were labeled with the radioactive photoactivable analogue of phosphatidylethanolamine, 2-(2-azido-4-nitrobenzoyl)-1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho[14C]ethanolamine ([14C]AzPE), previously shown to label cytoskeletal proteins from the bilayer. The labeling pattern of cytoskeletal proteins in pathologic erythrocytes and lipid-asymmetric erythrocyte ghosts was indistinguishable from normal erythrocytes, indicating that the probe detects no differences in bilayer/cytoskeleton interactions in these cells. In contrast, in lipid-symmetric erythrocyte ghosts, labeling of bands 4.1 and 4.2 and actin, and to a lesser extent ankyrin, by [14C]AzPE was considerably reduced. Significantly, however, labeling of spectrin was unaltered in the lipid-symmetric ghosts, suggesting that its relationship with the bilayer is normal in these lipid-symmetric cells. These results do not support a model in which spectrin is involved in the maintenance of an asymmetric distribution of phospholipids in erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Stable preparations of microscopic particles were obtained from long-chain fatty acids by mechanical agitation of evaporated films in presence of buffer solutions. Oleic and linoleic acids were used. Studies of osmotic swelling and shrinking of the particles indicated that they are enclosed by semipermeable membranes. The particles, which were named ufasomes, are also capable of entrapping glucose in spaces inaccessible to enzymes. It was concluded that the ufasomes closely resemble phospholipid liposomes in their structure and properties.  相似文献   

The human erythrocyte membrane carriers for hexoses and nucleosides have several structural features in common. In order to assess functional similarities, the effects of adenosine derivatives on hexose transport and cytochalasin B binding sites were studied. Adenosine inhibited zero-trans uptake of 3-O-methylglucose half-maximally at 5 mM, while more hydrophobic adenosine deaminase-resistant derivatives were ten- to 20-fold more potent transport inhibitors. However, degradation of adenosine accounted for very little of this difference in potency. Hexose transport was rapidly inhibited by N6-(L-2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine at 5 degrees C in a dose-dependent fashion (EC50 = 240 microM), to lower the transport Vmax without affecting the Km. A direct interaction with the carrier protein was further indicated by the finding that N6-(L-2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine competitively inhibited [3H]cytochalasin B binding to erythrocytes (Ki = 143 microM) and decreased [3H]cytochalasin B photolabeling of hexose carriers in erythrocyte ghosts. The cross-reactivity of adenosine and several of its derivatives with the hexose carrier suggests further homologies between the carriers for hexoses and nucleosides, possibly related to their ability to transport hydrophilic molecules through the lipid core of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In previous studies an apparent transfer of (14)C-labeled fatty acid from phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine was observed in prelabeled human erythrocytes reincubated in fresh serum. These data could have been explained by direct fatty acid transfer from phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine or by an apparent transfer simulated by either demethylation of labeled phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine or base-exchange of phosphatidylcholine with ethanolamine. To explore these possibilities, RBC containing phosphatidylcholine doubly labeled with palmitic acid-9,10-(3)H and with choline-1,2-(14)C were prepared. Upon reincubation in fresh serum, incorporation of (3)H (fatty acid) into phosphatidylethanolamine was observed without incorporation of (14)C (choline). In similar experiments in which RBC labeled with (3)H-labeled fatty acid alone were used, (14)C-ethanolamine added to the incubation was not incorporated into the isolated phosphatidylethanolamine which again showed incorporation of the fatty acid-(3)H. The data indicate that direct transfer of fatty acid from phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine can occur in human erythrocytes incubated in fresh serum.  相似文献   

The work studies the content and fatty acid composition of phospholipids as well as the absorption spectra of lipid extracts from red blood cells of poikilothermal and homoiothermal animals at different evolutionary levels. The objects of study include two poikilothermal species, the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) that uses oxygen dissolved in water, and the common frog (Rana temporaria) that consumes oxygen both from water and from air. A homoithermal animal is the white rat (Rattus rattus) that inhabits the terrestrial-aerial environment. The animals are studied in winter and spring. The phospholipid content in lamprey blood plasma is found to be twice higher than that in its erythrocytes. In the frog and the rat, the ratio is reverse. Determination of the fatty acid lipid composition of red blood cell phospholipids suggests that membranes in the lamprey are denser than in the frog. As for the fatty acids in the erythrocyte fraction of rat blood, they appear to be less diverse, with a double prevalence of saturated acids over unsaturated ones and devoid of long chain (C22) ω3 fatty acids. All of this results in a lower degree of unsaturation and a denser packing of fatty acids in the membrane structures of rat erythrocytes. The mechanism of reversible binding of O2 molecules to hemoglobin in erythrocytes is discussed. Presumably, the mechanism of interaction between molecules of O2 and molecules of water prevents the exchange interaction of electrons of the hemoglobin iron atoms with an oxygen molecule. This is confirmed by our obtained absorption spectra, which show that in the lipid extract almost totally devoid of water the heme isolated from erythrocytes is converted to hemin.  相似文献   

Eight lots of reagent-grade phenol from four companies were tested for capacity to interact with Cu2+ to produce an inactivator or inactivators of the transfective RNA obtained from poliovirions; such capacity to interact with Cu2+ is referred to as cofactor activity. Six of the lots showed cofactor activity; two did not. A review of the data on the phenol lots and of the properties of the impurity or impurities conferring cofactor activity suggested that the active impurity(ies) might be a dihydric or trihydric phenol. Commercial catechol, resorcinol, hydroquinone, orcinol and pyrogallol were tested and found active. The activity of hydroquinone was outstandingly high. Upon serial recrystallization, the activity of catechol, hydroquinone, orcinol and pyrogallol remained constant, but the activity of resorcinol decreased markedly, in stepwise fashion, showing the most of the activity of the commercial resorcinol was due to impurity(ies). Each of catechol, hydroquinone, orcinol, pyrogallol, and the commercial resorcinol was shown to react with Cu2+ to produce inactivator(s). The effective target for inactivator(s) was the RNA and not the transfection process. The kinetics of inactivator(s) production varied for the different phenols, and the inactivator activity of the incubated mixture of pyrogallol and Cu2+ was notably labile.  相似文献   

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