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The anatomy of Cornirostra (new genus) pellucida (Laseron),a marine Indo-West Pacific gastropod, is described and is shownto be similar to that of the northern hemisphere, freshwaterValvatidae. There are, however, several differences betweenCornirostra and valvatids, notably in details of the anatomyof the reproductive system, the morphology of the head-foot,the spawn and in radular characters that warrant family-levelseparation for Cornirostra. Tomura bicaudata (Pilsbry and McGinty) from Florida is alsoa member of the family. (Received 9 September 1989; accepted 30 December 1989)  相似文献   

Rostanga elandsia sp. nov., Rostanga aureamala sp. nov. andRostanga phepha sp. nov. are characterized by having the radulawith slender innermost lateral teeth, which lack denticles onthe inner side of the cusp and have a single denticle on theouter side. The outermost lateral teeth of these three speciesare elongate, but shorter than in other species of the genus.In addition, R. aureamala is the only species of the genus withrachidian teeth and R. phepha is unique within the genus Rostanga byvirtue of its white coloration with dark spots. A phylogenetic analysis shows that the three new species fromSouth Africa and Rostanga setidens (Odhner, 1939) are the sistergroup of the rest of the genus. The species from Japan and MarshallIslands (North Pacific Ocean) are basal in the sister cladecontaining the other species of Rostanga Bergh, 1879. The tropicalIndo-Pacific species of Rostanga are not monophyletic. The Atlanticand Eastern Pacific species form a monophyletic, derived clade,being the sister group of Rostanga australis Rudman & Avern,1989, which has a narrow range restricted to south eastern Australia.The widespread Indo-Pacific species Rostanga bifurcata Rudman& Avern, 1989, is the sister group of Rostanga dentacus Rudman& Avern, 1989, also widesprad in the tropical western Pacific. This phylogeny suggest s a viariant origin of the Sourth African, Atlantic-EasternPacific, and probably North Pacific species, whereas in thetropical Indo-Pacific most sister speceis are sympatric. (Received 16 May 1999; accepted 31 July 2000)  相似文献   

The reproductive and developmental biology of the sessile gastropodVermicularia spirata (Philippi, 1836), collected from the FloridaKeys, was studied from living and preserved material. Individualsof this species attach themselves to a variety of substrata,but were mainly found embedded in the white sponge Geodia gibberosa.Pallial reproductive structures of both sexes of V. spiratawere found greatly to resemble those of Turritella communis,a free-living member of the same family. In both species, animalsof both sexes have open pallial ducts formed by two wide, recurvedlaminae. In the female of V. spirata, the laminae of the pallialoviduct serve as a capsule gland; a pair of side pockets representa fertilization pouch (possibly doubling as a copulatory bursa)and a seminal receptacle. The functional significance of theextensive, open, pallial sperm duct is not yet clear. Vermiculariaspirata is a protandrous hermaphrodite, and small males arefree-living; they become attached at about the time they undergosex reversal. Fertilization is probably brought about by malescrawling close to the apertures of the large, sessile femalesbefore releasing sperm. Egg capsules are brooded in the females'mantle cavities. Ova of about 300 µm diameter give riseto large (about 600 µm long) swimming-crawling veligerlarvae with shells of two and a half whorls. The veligers arecapable of metamorphosis at the time of hatching, but siblingsfrom one brood metamorphosed over a two-week period in the laboratory.Juvenile snails grew rapidly by filtering phytoplankton addedto their culture water. The life history of V. spirata is welladapted to assure fertilization and recruitment in a speciesotherwise committed to a sessile, filter-feeding existence. (Received 3 February 1989; accepted 19 April 1989)  相似文献   

New information on Aegires ortizi Templado, Luque & Ortea,1987 is given, and two new species of the genus Aegires aredescribed, one from the Caribbean and one from the MediterraneanSea. A key to the North Atlantic species of Aegires is given. (Received 10 February 1989; accepted 11 July 1989)  相似文献   

The aeolid nudiberanch species Protaeolidiella atra Baba, 1955and Pleurolidia juliae Burn, 1966, sole species of the familiesProtaeolidiellidae and pleurolidiidae respectively, are shownto be conspecific. The apparent ‘primitive’ featuresof their morphology are re-examined and reinterpreted and itis suggested that the species is a member of the Fomily Aeolidiidae.Unlike other members of the family, which all feed on anthozoans,this species is highly specialised for feeding on the hydroidSolanderia fusca. The single species is shown to have a wideIndo-west Pacific distribution. Functional extra-ceratal lobesof the digestive gland are reported for the first time, froman aeolid without zooxanthellae symbiosis. (Received 4 October 1989; accepted 23 December 1989)  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the cephalic tentaclesand eye (optic vesicle) of some patellid and a fissurellid limpetspecies are described. The epithelium of the tentacle bearsciliated cells which have neural connections suggesting a sensoryfunction. In patellid limpets the density of these cells variesbetween species, with the greatest density (18 ciliated tufts.100 µm–2) being recorded in the territorial limpet,Patella cochlear. The surface of the tentacle of a fissurellidlimpet, Fissurella mutabilis, is papillate, which contrastswith the smooth surface of a patellid tentacle. Ciliated tuftsare borne at the tip of most papillae. Movement of the tentacleis controlled by longitudinal muscle and a radial muscle-collagentissue association, which function as a muscular hydrostat.The eye of a patellid consists of a simple open vesicle anda retina which is comprised of one type of cell. By contrastthe optic vesicle of a fissurellid contains a lens, enclosedby a cornea and a retina which is composed of two types of cell,pigmented and photoreceptive. The ultrastructural features ofthe cells resemble those described for other molluscan eyes. (Received 5 June 1989; accepted 16 August 1989)  相似文献   

The alimentary tract is a major site of interaction betweenan animal's ecosystem and its physiology. It may be intermittentlyor permanently populated by microorganisms from its environmentthat could be beneficial or pathogenic in their influence. Thebacterial populations of the snail (H. aspersa) and the woodlouse(O. asellus) have therefore been estimated in terms of colonyforming units. gm body weight–1. The bacteria in the snailappear to be similar to those found in soil and show wide resistanceto antibiotics. The main types are gram negative rods tentativelyidentified as belonging to Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Acinobacter,Vibrio and Enterobacteriaceae. Some gram positive and endosporeforming bacteria of Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Micrococcusspp were also present. The numbers of bacteria increase towardsthe posterior of the alimentary tract although the numbers inthe digestive gland are more constant. An artificial diet is described that can be used to feed snailsand study the effects of known amounts of additives. When starvedor kept under clean conditions the bacterial population of thesnail gut falls and the thickness of the alimentary tract decreases.All the indications are that the bacteria in the alimentarytract of the snail are indiscriminately accumulated from thenatural environment and are transient populations. (Received 7 June 1989; accepted 24 July 1989)  相似文献   

The presence of non-target molluscs (nine species tested) resultedin a significant enhancement of the growth of Biomphalaria glabratainfected with Schistosoma mansoni. A positive significant correlationwas found between the mean final shell diameter of B. glabrataand the total cercarial production of S. mansoni. Two hypotheseson the mechanisms implied in these interactions are proposed. (Received 6 October 1989; accepted 5 December 1989)  相似文献   

The new species Spurilla columbina differs from its Europeancongeners in coloration and the shape of its cerata. Comparativedata derived from S. norvegica (Odhner, 1939), S. coerulescens(Laurillard, 1830) and S. verrucicornis (Costa, 1864) are tabulated. * T. E. Thompson died in a car accident 1 January 1990 (Received 10 January 1989; accepted 4 July 1989)  相似文献   

The composition and systematic position of the family Cardiniidaeare discussed, and the conclusion is reached that, while Cardiniaitself was an early representative of the order Heterodontida,other genera which were included in the family by Zittel, itsauthor, were unrelated forms belonging to a different order,the Naiadida. The amily Cardiniidae is, therefore, emended toinclude only Cardinia of its original members, together witha few other taxa of which Nidarica, gen.nov., is founded forthe English Liassic species Cardinia slatteri Wilson & Crick.Pseudocardinia nom. nov., proposed to replace Cardiniopsis Tornquist,1898, a homonym, is doubtfully included in the family. It ispointed out that in external morphology ome members of the Cardiniidae,including Nidarica, are remarkably like some Astartidae, andit is shown that early growth-stages of the species Cardinialaevis (Young & Bird) have been mistaken for the peciesAstarte striatosulcata Roemer. Of the other genera includedbyZittel in the Cardiniidae, the Carboniferous and Permian freshwaterbivalves are considered to belong to a distinct family, AnthracosiidaeAmalitsky, while Trigonodus is included in a new family Pachycardiidae.It is considered that the disregarded name Unionites Wissmannin Münster, 1841, should be revived to replace its juniorsubjective synonym AnoplophoraAlberti, 1864, an invalid homonym.he systematic position of this genus is discussed and its provisionalreference to the Pachycardiidae advocated. (Received 14 April 1961;  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa is examinedfor the first time in the heterogastropod family Mathildidae(Mathilda brevicula Bavay and Mathilda sp.). Mathildid spermatozoaexhibit the following features: (1) an ovoid acrosomal vesicleshowing curved dense layers basally and underlain by a thincurved plate; (2) a solid, rod-shaped nucleus showing a shallowbasal invagination (nucleus helically keeled in Mathilda sp.);(3) a midpiece composed of a 9+2 axoneme, 9 thick and periodicallybanded coarse fibres (associated with the axonemal doublets)and a continuous mitochondrial derivative; (5) glyco-gen piececomposed of the axoneme surrounded by dense granules; (6) andend piece (paddle-shaped terminally). Results of the study demonstratethat mathildids share the same key sperm and spermi-ogenic featuresobserved in the Architectonicidae. The monophyly of the Architectonicoidea,established by previous authors on anatomical grounds, is thereforeconfirmed using sperm morphology. Spermatozoa of the two mathildidsinvestigated lack the periodically banded midpiece structuresseen in investigated species of Architectonica (A. pcrspectiva(Linnaeus), A. perdix (Hinds)), Heliacus (H. (Heliacus) variegatus(Gmelin)) and Pseudotorinia (P. laseronorum (Iredale)) therebyresembling most closely the spermatozoaof Philippia lutea (Lamarck)and Psilaxis oxytropis (A. Adams) which also lack suchbandedstructures. Given the widely accepted primitive status of theMathildidae within the Architectonicoidea, the genera Philippiaand Psilaxis may prove to be relatively basal rather than advancedgenera within the Architectonicidae. Thi: view needs to be testedby examination of sperm morphology in other genera of the Architectonicidaeand also the basal mathildid genus Tuba sensu lato (= Gegania+ Tubena). Such information will be vital in any future cladisticstudy of the Architectonicoidea. (Received 16 June 1994; accepted 6 February 1995)  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the rectum of the marine prosobranch gastropod,Littorina saxatilis suggests that it may have an additionalrole to the voiding of faecal pellets. It consists of two epitheliallayers, separated by a blood space. The inner epithelial layeris greatly folded and consists of metabolically highly activecells containing a wide variety of inclusions, and showing evidenceof secretory activity at their luminal surfaces. The outer epitheliumcontains a greater diversity of cell types, also with a largenumber of different inclusions present. Unlike some other prosobranchgastropods, a distinct rectal gland is absent in L. saxatilis.The entire rectal epithelium is glandular, and it appears thatthe rectal epithelial cells produce a number of secretions.This may indicate a role in absorption, the removal of materialfrom the blood, or the addition of a final covering to the faecalpellets. (Received 6 February 1989; accepted 6 March 1989)  相似文献   

The anatomy of Pachydermia laevis Warén & Bouchet,1989 is investigated. It is a deep-sea gastropod and restrictedto hydrothermal vents of the East Pacific Rise. Its anatomyresembles that of Melanodrymia aurantiaca Hickman, 1984 (Melanodrymiidae)in most respects, except that its gonopericardial duct opensinto the renopericardial duct, not into the peri-cardial chamber,and that it lacks a copulatory organ. Examination of M. aurantiacamain confirms earlier work. The two species have a cerebralbuccal connective fused with the cerebral ganglion (not freefrom it), a synapomorphy that has not been described for anyother archaeogastropod. The investigation suggests that Melanodrymiaand Pachydermia are closely related and together with Cyathermiidaeand Neomphalidae form a monophyletic group within the Neomphalina.No evidence was found to support earlier speculations aboutclose relations of Neomphalina to Viviparoidea. (Received 10 January 1996; accepted 3 April 1997)  相似文献   

利用新疆塔城1989~1996年8年的麦双尾蚜Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)发生程度与16个气象因子进行相关性分析,通过逐步回归筛选因子,确定麦双尾蚜发生量预测模型:logY=84100-0.1033RH5-0.0253R5,其中:Y为麦双尾蚜发生百株蚜量;RH5为5月份的相对湿度(%);R5为5月份的降水量(mm)。应用该模型预测1997~1998年麦双尾蚜的发生程度,与实际发生情况基本吻合。  相似文献   

Aspects of the physiology and feeding behaviour of the scavengingsnails, Babylonia lutosa and Nassarius festivus have been studiedand compared. N. festivus has a wider physiological tolerancethan B. lutosa; upper lethal temperatures being 31.5°C and28.5°C respectively and lower lethal salinities 15.5 and11.5. N. festivus was also more resistant to desiccation. N.festivus is adapted to an intertidal environment that is morevariable than the subtidal habitat of B. lutosa. The metabolicrate of adult N. festivus was two to three times higher thanthat of adult B. lutosa, the specific oxygen consumption rateof the former being 7.91±0.49x10–6 mol of O2.g–1wet wt.hr–1. This correlates with estimates of consumptionobtained for the two animals, B. lutosa eating, on average,6.57% of its wet tissue weight per day, N. festivus 15.33%.Standardization of the data for 2 g animals of both species,however, reveals no significant difference in terms of oxygenconsumption and thus the enhanced consumption by N. festivussimply reflects its smaller size. Both species are opportunisticfeeders and can survive long periods of starvation (>100days). The feeding strategies of the two are also different,N. festivus eating faster than B. lutosa, possibly because ofthe more ephemeral nature of carrion in the intertidal. Starvationaffected the feeding behaviour of N. festivus more than B. lutosaand N. festivus was able to perceive carrion from greater relativedistances than B. lutosa. (Received 27 February 1989; accepted 24 July 1989)  相似文献   

Three species in the Littorina saxatilis complex (the ovoviviparousL. saxatilis and the two oviparous species L. arcana and L.nigrolineata) were screened for the products of up to 22 lociusing gel elec-trophoresis. Analysis of allele frequencies andderived genetic distances showed that, with rare exceptionsin L. saxatilis and L. arcana, conspecific populations clusteredtogether. Sympatric pairs of populations showed significantdifferentiation at many polymorphic loci. The results confirmedthe biological reality of the three taxa, and did not suggestthe existence of any previously unrecognized species. The speciesare genetically closely related to each other, with Nei geneticdistances ranging from 0.035 to 0.083. (Received 24 October 1989; accepted 18 April 1990)  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy reveals that spermatozoa ofthe marine gastropods Cornirostra peleucida (Laseron) (Cornirostridate—genusand family newly proposed by Ponder, 1990a) and Orbitestellasp. (Orbitestellidae) closely resemble those of the freshwaterfamily valvatidae. In particular, spermatozoa of Cornirostra,Orbitestella and Valvata share a unique arrangement of helicalridges or channels within the glycogen piece. The sperm midpieceof Orbitestella and Valvata has a lamellar substructure, whilein Cornirostra thus region exhibits a single, continuous mitochondrialsheath around the axoneme. An acrosome could not be positivelyidentified in either Valvata or Orbitestella but appears tobe present in Cornirostra in the form of a hollow, irregularvesicle. Mature sperm nuclei of the three taxa are long, filiformand almost totally penetrated by the axoneme. Nuclei of Orbitestellapossess one or more helical keels (keels absent in Cornirostraand Valvata). The pattern of spermiogenesis observed suportsthe view expressed by recent authors that the Valvatoidea areclosely related to heterobrach gastropods, and should be formallytransferred to the Heterobranchia. (Received 9 September 1989; accepted 30 December 1989)  相似文献   

Cymbulia peroni produces forward propulsion only on the upstrokeof its ‘wingbeat’ the downstroke opposing slightnegative buoyancy. The species' torpedo-shaped pseudoconchaprovides stability as well as buoyancy. Corolla ovata producespropulsive power on the downstroke of its ’wings‘and shows periods of active upward swimming alternating withpassive downward gliding/parachuting. Both cymbuliid speciesare gelatinous slow movers, close to neutral buoyancy, and areincapable of effective diurnal vertical migration. Two cavoliniidspecies were also studied; Cilo pyramida and Cuvierina columnella.Both were dense and sank quickly if they ceased active swimming.Both had postural responses to slow sinking, but vigorous activitywas required to hover in the water column. Clio could not climbrapidly enough to carry out effective diurnal vertical migration,but was capable of fast horizontal swimming during which thetriangular shell appeared to act as a hydrofoil. The smallerCuvierina could not swim quickly in a horizontal direction,but was capable of swimming vertically at rates sufficient tomaintain station with moving isolumes and may therefore carryout significant diurnal vertical migrations. (Received 28 September 1989; accepted 12 December 1989)  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis, ploidy level, and, to a lesser extent,anatomy and shell morphology were used to characterize snailsof the Bulinus truncatus/tropicus complex in Cameroon. Starchgel electrophoresis revealed no intrapopulation variation within20 populations examined for 14 allozyme loci in 12 enzyme systems.Interpopulation differences in allozyme patterns were used todivide the populations studied into five groups. Each groupis distinguished by a unique combination of zymograms for hydroxybutyratedehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase. Four of these groupsare tetraploids and are identified as B. truncatus. Populationsof the most commonly found B. truncatus group are generallyaphallic, are frequently associated with transmission of S.haematobium, and generally occur at altitudes below 800 m abovesea-level. Populations of B. truncatus belonging to the otherthree groups are usually euphallic, not associated with S. haematobiumtransmision, and generally occur at altitudes above 1000 m.These four groups may represent distinct biotypes of B. truncatus.Populations belonging to the fifth group are diploid, euphallic,not associated with S. haematobium transmission, and occur inhabitats above 1000 m. This is the first confirmed report ofdiploid B. truncatus/tropicus-complex snails from this regionof Africa. They are tentatively identified as B. natalensis,a species previously thought to be limited to East and SouthernAfrica. (Received 31 October 1988; accepted 20 February 1989)  相似文献   

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