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The dynamin-related GTPase Dnm1 regulates mitochondrial fission in yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamin-related GTPase Dnm1 controls mitochondrial morphology in yeast. Here we show that dnm1 mutations convert the mitochondrial compartment into a planar 'net' of interconnected tubules. We propose that this net morphology results from a defect in mitochondrial fission. Immunogold labelling localizes Dnm1 to the cytoplasmic face of constricted mitochondrial tubules that appear to be dividing and to the ends of mitochondrial tubules that appear to have recently completed division. The activity of Dnm1 is epistatic to that of Fzo1, a GTPase in the outer mitochondrial membrane that regulates mitochondrial fusion. dnm1 mutations prevent mitochondrial fragmentation in fzo1 mutant strains. These findings indicate that Dnm1 regulates mitochondrial fission, assembling on the cytoplasmic face of mitochondrial tubules at sites at which division will occur.  相似文献   

Organelles are inherited to daughter cells beyond dynamic changes of the membrane structure during mitosis. Mitochondria are dynamic entities, frequently dividing and fusing with each other, during which dynamin-related GTPase Drp1 is required for the fission reaction. In this study, we analyzed mitochondrial dynamics in mitotic mammalian cells. Although mitochondria in interphase HeLa cells are long tubular network structures, they are fragmented in early mitotic phase, and the filamentous network structures are subsequently reformed in the daughter cells. In marked contrast, tubular mitochondrial structures are maintained during mitosis in Drp1 knockdown cells, indicating that the mitochondrial fragmentation in mitosis requires mitochondrial fission by Drp1. Drp1 was specifically phosphorylated in mitosis by Cdk1/cyclin B on Ser-585. Exogenous expression of unphosphorylated mutant Drp1S585A led to reduced mitotic mitochondrial fragmentation. These results suggest that phosphorylation of Drp1 on Ser-585 promotes mitochondrial fission in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria display a variety of shapes, ranging from small and spherical or the classical tubular shape to extended networks. Shape transitions occur frequently and include fusion, fission, and branching. It was reported that some mitochondrial shape transitions are developmentally regulated, whereas others were linked to disease or apoptosis. However, if and how mitochondrial function controls mitochondrial shape through regulation of mitochondrial fission and fusion is unclear. Here, we show that inhibitors of electron transport, ATP synthase, or the permeability transition pore (mtPTP) induced reversible mitochondrial fission. Mitochondrial fission depended on dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) and F-actin: Disruption of F-actin attenuated fission and recruitment of DRP1 to mitochondria. In contrast, uncoupling of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation caused mitochondria to adopt a distinct disk shape. This shape change was independent of the cytoskeleton and DRP1 and was most likely caused by swelling. Thus, disruption of mitochondrial function rapidly and reversibly altered mitochondrial shape either by activation of DRP1-dependent fission or by swelling, indicating a close relationship between mitochondrial fission, shape, and function. Furthermore, our results suggest that the actin cytoskeleton is involved in mitochondrial fission by facilitating mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that mitochondrial dynamics is crucial for the maintenance of cellular quality control and function in response to various stresses. However, the role of mitochondrial dynamics in cellular responses to ionizing radiation (IR) is still largely unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that IR triggers mitochondrial fission mediated by the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1). We also show IR-induced mitotic catastrophe (MC), which is a type of cell death associated with defective mitosis, and aberrant centrosome amplification in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). These are attenuated by genetic or pharmacological inhibition of Drp1. Whereas radiation-induced aberrant centrosome amplification and MC are suppressed by the inhibition of Plk1 and CDK2 in wild-type MEFs, the inhibition of these kinases is ineffective in Drp1-deficient MEFs. Furthermore, the cyclin B1 level after irradiation is significantly higher throughout the time course in Drp1-deficient MEFs than in wild-type MEFs, implying that Drp1 is involved in the regulation of cyclin B1 level. These findings strongly suggest that Drp1 plays an important role in determining the fate of cells after irradiation via the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   

During antigen-specific T-cell activation, mitochondria mobilize towards the vicinity of the immune synapse. We show here that the mitochondrial fission factor dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) docks at mitochondria, regulating their positioning and activity near the actin-rich ring of the peripheral supramolecular activation cluster (pSMAC) of the immune synapse. Mitochondrial redistribution in response to T-cell receptor engagement was abolished by Drp1 silencing, expression of the phosphomimetic mutant Drp1S637D and the Drp1-specific inhibitor mdivi-1. Moreover, Drp1 knockdown enhanced mitochondrial depolarization and T-cell receptor signal strength, but decreased myosin phosphorylation, ATP production and T-cell receptor assembly at the central supramolecular activation cluster (cSMAC). Our results indicate that Drp1-dependent mitochondrial positioning and activity controls T-cell activation by fuelling central supramolecular activation cluster assembly at the immune synapse.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin (CL) is an atypical, dimeric phospholipid essential for mitochondrial dynamics in eukaryotic cells. Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), a cytosolic member of the dynamin superfamily of large GTPases, interacts with CL and functions to sustain the balance of mitochondrial division and fusion by catalyzing mitochondrial fission. Although recent studies have indicated a role for CL in stimulating Drp1 self-assembly and GTPase activity at the membrane surface, the mechanism by which CL functions in membrane fission, if at all, remains unclear. Here, using a variety of fluorescence spectroscopic and imaging approaches together with model membranes, we demonstrate that Drp1 and CL function cooperatively in effecting membrane constriction toward fission in three distinct steps. These involve 1) the preferential association of Drp1 with CL localized at a high spatial density in the membrane bilayer, 2) the reorganization of unconstrained, fluid-phase CL molecules in concert with Drp1 self-assembly, and 3) the increased propensity of CL to transition from a lamellar, bilayer arrangement to an inverted hexagonal, nonbilayer configuration in the presence of Drp1 and GTP, resulting in the creation of localized membrane constrictions that are primed for fission. Thus we propose that Drp1 and CL function in concert to catalyze mitochondrial division.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondrial fusion requires at least two outer membrane proteins, Fzo1p and Ugo1p. We provide direct evidence that the dynamin-related Mgm1 protein is also required for mitochondrial fusion. Like fzo1 and ugo1 mutants, cells disrupted for the MGM1 gene contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. Fragmentation of mitochondria in mgm1 mutants is rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. In zygotes formed by mating mgm1 mutants, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their contents. Introducing mutations in the GTPase domain of Mgm1p completely block mitochondrial fusion. Furthermore, we show that mgm1 mutants fail to fuse both their mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. Electron microscopy demonstrates that although mgm1 mutants display aberrant mitochondrial inner membrane cristae, mgm1 dnm1 double mutants restore normal inner membrane structures. However, mgm1 dnm1 mutants remain defective in mitochondrial fusion, indicating that mitochondrial fusion requires Mgm1p regardless of the morphology of mitochondria. Finally, we find that Mgm1p, Fzo1p, and Ugo1p physically interact in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Our results raise the possibility that Mgm1p regulates fusion of the mitochondrial outer membrane through its interactions with Fzo1p and Ugo1p.  相似文献   

The c-Myc (Myc) oncoprotein regulates numerous phenotypes pertaining to cell mass, survival and metabolism. Glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and mitochondrial biogenesis are positively controlled by Myc, with myc−/− rat fibroblasts displaying atrophic mitochondria, structural and functional defects in electron transport chain (ETC) components, compromised OXPHOS and ATP depletion. However, while Myc influences mitochondrial structure and function, it is not clear to what extent the reverse is true. To test this, we induced a state of mitochondrial hyper-fission in rat fibroblasts by de-regulating Drp1, a dynamin-like GTPase that participates in the terminal fission process. The mitochondria from these cells showed reduced mass and interconnectivity, a paucity of cristae, a marked reduction in OXPHOS and structural and functional defects in ETC Complexes I and V. High rates of abortive mitochondrial fusion were observed, likely reflecting ongoing, but ultimately futile, attempts to normalize mitochondrial mass. Cellular consequences included reduction of cell volume, ATP depletion and activation of AMP-dependent protein kinase. In response to Myc deregulation, apoptosis was significantly impaired both in the absence and presence of serum, although this could be reversed by increasing ATP levels by pharmacologic means. The current work demonstrates that enforced mitochondrial fission closely recapitulates a state of Myc deficiency and that mitochondrial integrity and function can affect Myc-regulated cellular behaviors. The low intracellular ATP levels that are frequently seen in some tumors as a result of inadequate vascular perfusion could favor tumor survival by countering the pro-apoptotic tendencies of Myc overexpression.  相似文献   

A new member of the dynamin GTPase family (OPA1) was recently identified in humans and shown to be mutated in patients with dominant optic atrophy. To understand better the function of mammalian OPA1, we isolated a mouse ortholog (mOPA1) from brain and raised a specific antibody against its C terminus. The subcellular distribution of mOPA1 overexpressed in COS-7 cells largely overlapped that of endogenous cytochrome c, a well known mitochondrial marker, and dramatically affected mitochondrial morphology, altering it from tubular to vesicular. Mitochondrial targeting was mediated by the N-terminal region of mOPA1 as follows: deletion of the 124 N-terminal amino acids eliminated mitochondrial targeting, although fusion of the N-terminal 60 or 90 amino acids of mOPA1 with green fluorescent protein resulted in its mitochondrial targeting. mOPA1 was expressed widely in the mouse brain, especially in neurons of olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, piriform cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, red nucleus, cochlear nucleus, motor trigeminal nucleus, facial nucleus, cerebellar nucleus, and Purkinje cells. Within dissociated cerebellar cells, mOPA1 protein was clearly observed in the dendrites and somas of neuronal cells, as well as in astrocytes and meningeal cells. In each case, it was distributed in the vesicular pattern seen in other cell types.  相似文献   

In healthy cells, fusion and fission events participate in regulating mitochondrial morphology. Disintegration of the mitochondrial reticulum into multiple punctiform organelles during apoptosis led us to examine the role of Drp1, a dynamin-related protein that mediates outer mitochondrial membrane fission. Upon induction of apoptosis, Drp1 translocates from the cytosol to mitochondria, where it preferentially localizes to potential sites of organelle division. Inhibition of Drp1 by overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant counteracts the conversion to a punctiform mitochondrial phenotype, prevents the loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c, and reveals a reproducible swelling of the organelles. Remarkably, inhibition of Drp1 blocks cell death, implicating mitochondrial fission as an important step in apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial outer- and inner-membrane fusion events are coupled in vivo but separable and mechanistically distinct in vitro, indicating that separate fusion machines exist in each membrane. Outer-membrane fusion requires trans interactions of the dynamin-related GTPase Fzo1, GTP hydrolysis, and an intact inner-membrane proton gradient. Inner-membrane fusion also requires GTP hydrolysis but distinctly requires an inner-membrane electrical potential. The protein machinery responsible for inner-membrane fusion is unknown. Here, we show that the conserved intermembrane-space dynamin-related GTPase Mgm1 is required to tether and fuse mitochondrial inner membranes. We observe an additional role of Mgm1 in inner-membrane dynamics, specifically in the maintenance of crista structures. We present evidence that trans Mgm1 interactions on opposing inner membranes function similarly to tether and fuse inner membranes as well as maintain crista structures and propose a model for how the mitochondrial dynamins function to facilitate fusion.  相似文献   

Dnm1p belongs to a family of dynamin-related GTPases required to remodel different cellular membranes. In budding yeast, Dnm1p-containing complexes assemble on the cytoplasmic surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane at sites where mitochondrial tubules divide. Our previous genetic studies suggested that Dnm1p's GTPase activity was required for mitochondrial fission and that Dnm1p interacted with itself. In this study, we show that bacterially expressed Dnm1p can bind and hydrolyze GTP in vitro. Coimmunoprecipitation studies and yeast two-hybrid analysis suggest that Dnm1p oligomerizes in vivo. With the use of the yeast two-hybrid system, we show that this Dnm1p oligomerization is mediated, in part, by a C-terminal sequence related to the GTPase effector domain (GED) in dynamin. The Dnm1p interactions characterized here are similar to those reported for dynamin and dynamin-related proteins that form higher order structures in vivo, suggesting that Dnm1p assembles to form rings or collars that surround mitochondrial tubules. Based on previous findings, a K705A mutation in the Dnm1p GED is predicted to interfere with GTP hydrolysis, stabilize active Dnm1p-GTP, and stimulate a rate-limiting step in fission. Here we show that expression of the Dnm1 K705A protein in yeast enhances mitochondrial fission. Our results provide evidence that the GED region of a dynamin-related protein modulates a rate-limiting step in membrane fission.  相似文献   

Mitochondria in cells comprise a tubulovesicular reticulum shaped by dynamic fission and fusion events. The multimeric dynamin-like GTPase Drp1 is a critical protein mediating mitochondrial division. It harbors multiple motifs including GTP-binding, middle, and GTPase effector (GED) domains that are important for both intramolecular and intermolecular interactions. As for other members of the dynamin superfamily, such interactions are critical for assembly of higher-order structures and cooperative increases in GTPase activity. Although the functions of Drp1 in cells have been extensively studied, mechanisms underlying its regulation remain less clear. Here, we have identified cAMP-dependent protein kinase-dependent phosphorylation of Drp1 within the GED domain at Ser(637) that inhibits Drp1 GTPase activity. Mechanistically, this change in GTPase activity likely derives from decreased interaction of GTP-binding/middle domains with the GED domain since the phosphomimetic S637D mutation impairs this intramolecular interaction but not Drp1-Drp1 intermolecular interactions. Using the phosphomimetic S637D substitution, we also demonstrate that mitochondrial fission is prominently inhibited in cells. Thus, protein phosphorylation at Ser(637) results in clear alterations in Drp1 function and mitochondrial morphology that are likely involved in dynamic regulation of mitochondrial division in cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission is mediated by the dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p, which assembles on the mitochondrial outer membrane into punctate structures associated with sites of membrane constriction and fission. We have identified additional nuclear genes required for mitochondrial fission, termed MDV (for mitochondrial division). MDV1 encodes a predicted soluble protein, containing a coiled-coil motif and seven COOH-terminal WD repeats. Genetic and two-hybrid analyses indicate that Mdv1p interacts with Dnm1p to mediate mitochondrial fission. In addition, Mdv1p colocalizes with Dnm1p in fission-mediating punctate structures on the mitochondrial outer membrane. Whereas localization of Mdv1p to these structures requires Dnm1p, localization of Mdv1p to mitochondrial membranes does not. This indicates that Mdv1p possesses a Dnm1p-independent mitochondrial targeting signal. Dnm1p-independent targeting of Mdv1p to mitochondria requires MDV2. Our data indicate that MDV2 also functions separately to regulate the assembly of Dnm1p into punctate structures. In contrast, Mdv1p is not required for the assembly of Dnm1p, but Dnm1p-containing punctate structures lacking Mdv1p are not able to complete division. Our studies suggest that mitochondrial fission is a multi-step process in which Mdv2p regulates the assembly of Dnm1p into punctate structures and together with Mdv1p functions later during fission to facilitate Dnm1p-dependent mitochondrial membrane constriction and/or division.  相似文献   

Heparanase, an endo-β-d-glucuronidase, is involved in numerous normal physiological and pathological processes, such as inflammation, wound healing and tumour metastasis/angiogenesis, through its ability to mediate the degradation of heparan sulfate, a key structural component of the extracellular matrix and on the surface of cells. Identifying endogenous molecules that can regulate heparanase activity will aid the understanding of its molecular function in health and disease and provide the potential for development of novel anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory therapeutics. The ability of the extracellular heparanase to tether onto cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans and other receptor(s), such as the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor, is key to its activation, function and uptake into intracellular compartments. Here we describe experiments demonstrating that a relatively abundant plasma glycoprotein, histidine-rich glycoprotein, directly interacts with platelet-derived heparanase and enhances its enzymatic activity. The findings in this study also show that histidine-rich glycoprotein interferes with heparanase binding to cell surface receptors, particularly heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Thus, the interaction between histidine-rich glycoprotein and heparanase can potentially regulate the role of heparanase in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Over a hundred proteins in eukaryotic cells carry a C-terminal CaaX box sequence, which targets them for posttranslational isoprenylation of the cysteine residue. This modification, catalyzed by either farnesyl or geranylgeranyl transferase, converts them into peripheral membrane proteins. Isoprenylation is usually followed by proteolytic cleavage of the aaX tripeptide and methylation of the carboxyl group of the newly exposed isoprenylcysteine. The C-terminal modification regulates the cellular localization and biological activity of isoprenylated proteins. We have established a strategy to produce and purify recombinant farnesylated guanylate-binding protein 1 (hGBP1), a dynamin-related large GTPase. Our system is based on the coexpression of hGBP1 with the two subunits of human farnesyltransferase in Escherichia coli and a chromatographic separation of farnesylated and unmodified protein. Farnesylated hGBP1 displays altered GTPase activity and is able to interact with liposomes in the activated state.  相似文献   

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