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In these experiments we have investigated the feasibility and accuracy of recording steady-state and dynamic changes in transmembrane potential noninvasively across an intact cell-attached patch using the current-clamp mode of a conventional patch-clamp amplifier. Using an equivalent circuit mimicking simultaneous whole-cell voltage-clamp and cell-attached current-clamp recordings we have defined both mathematically and experimentally the relationship between the membrane patch resistance, the seal resistance, and the fraction of the whole-cell potential recorded across an intact membrane patch. This analysis revealed a steep increase in the accuracy of recording of steady-state membrane potential as the seal/membrane ratio increases from 0. The recording accuracy approaches 100% as the seal/membrane ratio approaches infinity. Membrane potential measurements across intact cell-attached patches in rat basophilic leukemia cells and rat megakaryocytes revealed a surprisingly high degree of accuracy and demonstrated the ability of this noninvasive technique to follow dynamic changes in potential in nonexcitable cells.  相似文献   

Neonatal and adult rat ventricular cardiac muscle cells cultured on laminin differed from similar myocytes grown on plastic in the amount and distribution of their mitochondria and transverse tubules. Point-count morphometry was used at the electron microscopic level to quantify these differences. Adult myocytes grown on laminin contained more mitochondria per unit volume than adult myocytes grown on plastic. No significant differences were observed in the volume percent of myofibrils in either adult or neonatal ventricular myocytes when grown on laminin and compared to those grown on plastic. The transverse tubule system in neonatal and adult myocytes was reduced significantly when both groups were cultured on laminin. Furthermore, neonatal and adult myocytes cultured on laminin were flatter than those cultured on plastic. This may indicate a relationship between the surface/volume ratio and transverse tubule development in cultured myocytes. These studies establish that point-count morphometry can be used to quantify changes in the organelle volume densities of cultured cardiac muscle cells.  相似文献   

Here we describe an approach for making targeted patch-clamp recordings from single neurons in vivo, visualized by two-photon microscopy. A patch electrode is used to perfuse the extracellular space surrounding the neuron of interest with a fluorescent dye, thus enabling the neuron to be visualized as a negative image ('shadow') and identified on the basis of its somatodendritic structure. The same electrode is then placed on the neuron under visual control to allow formation of a gigaseal ('shadowpatching'). We demonstrate the reliability and versatility of shadowpatching by performing whole-cell recordings from visually identified neurons in the neocortex and cerebellum of rat and mouse. We also show that the method can be used for targeted in vivo single-cell electroporation of plasmid DNA into identified cell types, leading to stable transgene expression. This approach facilitates the recording, labeling and genetic manipulation of single neurons in the intact native mammalian brain without the need to pre-label neuronal populations.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional engineered heart tissue from neonatal rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A technique is presented that allows neonatal rat cardiac myocytes to form spontaneously and coherently beating 3-dimensional engineered heart tissue (EHT) in vitro, either as a plane biconcaval matrix anchored at both sides on Velcro-coated silicone tubes or as a ring. Contractile activity was monitored in standard organ baths or continuously in a CO(2) incubator for up to 18 days (=26 days after casting). Long-term measurements showed an increase in force between days 8 and 18 after casting and stable forces thereafter. At day 10, the twitch amplitude (TA) of electrically paced EHTs (average length x width x thickness, 11 x 6 x 0.4 mm) was 0.51 mN at length of maximal force development (L(max)) and a maximally effective calcium concentration. EHTs showed typical features of neonatal rat heart: a positive force-length and a negative force-frequency relation, high sensitivity to calcium (EC(50) 0.24 mM), modest positive inotropic (increase in TA by 46%) and pronounced positive lusitropic effect of isoprenaline (decrease in twitch duration by 21%). Both effects of isoprenaline were sensitive to the muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of beta-galactosidase into EHTs reached 100% efficiency. In summary, EHTs retain many of the physiological characteristics of rat cardiac tissue and allow efficient gene transfer with subsequent force measurement.  相似文献   

It has been thought that spinal dorsal horn neurons receive convergent inputs from not only somatosensory but also visceral pathways. For instance, the referred pain is presumed to be due to the convergence of sensory inputs from cardiac and shoulder receptive fields. However, precise investigation has not been made from dorsal horn neurons yet, because of difficulty in studying the pathways from those regions by means of conventional electrophysiology. The purpose of this study is to clarify the convergent inputs to single dorsal horn neurons from wide receptive fields using an in vivo patch-clamp recording technique from the superficial spinal dorsal horn and an intracellular recording from dorsal root ganglion neurons that keep physiological connections with the peripheral sites. Identified dorsal root ganglion neurons received an input from a quite small area, about 1 x 1 mm in width of the skin. In contrast, substantia gelatinosa neurons in the spinal cord received inputs from an unexpectedly wide area of the skin. Previous extracellular recordings have, however, revealed that substantia gelatinosa neurons have small receptive field. This discrepancy is probably due mainly to an availability of the in vivo patch-clamp method to analyze sub-threshold synaptic responses. In contrast, the extracellular recording technique allows us to analyze predominantly the firing frequency of neurons. Thus, the in vivo patch-clamp recordings from dorsal horn neurons and the intracellular recordings from DRG neurons will be useful for well understanding the sensory processing in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the influx and efflux of radioactive l-glycine was studied in slices of rat cerebral cortex. The influx showed saturation kinetics and was inhibited by l-alanine. Influx was dependent on the presence of Na(+) ions and a metabolizable substrate. The efflux of glycine was accelerated by alanine. It was concluded that carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion was the mechanism of glycine uptake by, and efflux from, cerebral slices.  相似文献   

The release of histamine from tissue slices of rat hypothalamus   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Abstract— The efflux of endogenous histamine from small slices of rat hypothalamus has been studied. Histamine release was temperature dependent and could be increased 50 % after depolarization of the brain slices by 15 mm potassium. The presence of EDTA in the incubating media inhibited the release of histamine and blocked the effect of potassium. Theophylline and reserpine markedly increased release of histamine, whereas phenoxybenzamine inhibited release and blocked the effects of theophylline and reserpine. Efflux of histidine from hypothalamic tissue slices was not temperature-dependent and was unaffected by the addition of potassium or any of the drugs studied.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) exists in many tissues, and its expression has been identified in rat cardiac tissue. However, the physiological importance and pathophysiological involvement of CaSR in homeostatic regulation of cardiac function are unclear. To investigate the relation of CaSR and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes, we examined the role of the CaSR activator gadolinium chloride (GdCl(3)) in rat neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes. Expression of the CaSR protein was observed by Western blot. The apoptotic ratio of rat neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes was measured with flow cytometry and immunofluorescence techniques. A laser scan confocal microscope was used to detect the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) in rat neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes using the acetoxymethyl ester of fluo-3 (fluo-3/(AM)) as a fluorescent dye. The results showed that GdCl(3) increased the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK), c-Jun NH(2)-terminal protein kinases (JNK), and p38. GdCl(3) also activated caspase 9 and increased apoptosis in myocyte by increasing [Ca(2+)](i). In conclusion, these results suggest that CaSR promotes cardiomyocyte apoptosis in rat neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes through activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and caspase 9 signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The effect of the Na/K-ATPase inhibitor ouabain on phosphoinositide (Ptdlns) hydrolysis was studied in rat brain cortical slices. Ouabain induced a dose-dependent accumulation of inositol phosphates (InsPs) which was much higher in neonatal rats (1570±40% of basal) than in adult animals (287±18% of basal). For this reason, all experiments were conducted with 7 day-old rats. Strophantidin caused a similar stimulation of Ptdlns hydrolysis, although it was less potent than ouabain. The order of potency for ouabain-stimulated InsPs accumulation in brain areas was hippocampus>cortex>brainstem>cerebellum. The effect of ouabain was not blocked by antagonists for the muscarinic, alpha1-adrenergic and glutamate receptors. Also ineffective were the K+ channel blockers 4-aminopyridine and tetraethylammonium, the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin, and the calcium channel blocker verapamil, whereas the Na/Ca exchanger blocker amiloride partially antagonized the effect of ouabain. The accumulation of InsPs induced by ouabain was additive to that of carbachol and norepinephrine, as well as to that induced by high K+ and veratrine, but not to that of glutamate. Removal of Na+ ions from the incubation buffer completely prevented the accumulation of InsPs induced by ouabain. The effect of ouabain was also dependent upon extracellular calcium and was under negative feedback control of protein kinase C. Despite the higher effect of ouabain on Ptdlns hydrolysis of immature rats, the density of [3H]ouabain binding sites, as well as the activity of Na/K-ATPase were higher in adult animals. Furthermore, a poor correlation was found between ouabain-stimulated Ptdlns hydrolysis and [3H]ouabain binding in brain regions. These results suggest an involvement of Na+ pump in the hydrolysis of Ptdlns, possibly related to an effect on Na+ and Ca2+ homeostasis. The immature rat appear to be an useful model for studying the relationship between Na/K-ATPase and inositol metabolism.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes play a critical role in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. At least three different phorbol ester-sensitive PKC isoenzymes are expressed in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs): PKC-alpha, -delta, and -epsilon. Using replication-defective adenoviruses (AdVs) that express wild-type (WT) and dominant-negative (DN) PKC-alpha together with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which is a hypertrophic agonist and activator of all three PKC isoenzymes, we studied the role of PKC-alpha in signaling-specific aspects of the hypertrophic phenotype. PMA induced nuclear translocation of endogenous and AdV-WT PKC-alpha in NRVMs. WT PKC-alpha overexpression increased protein synthesis and the protein-to-DNA (P/D) ratio but did not affect cell surface area (CSA) or cell shape compared with uninfected or control AdV beta-galactosidase (AdV betagal)-infected cells. PMA-treated uninfected cells displayed increased protein synthesis, P/D ratio, and CSA and elongated morphology. PMA did not further enhance protein synthesis or P/D ratio in AdV-WT PKC-alpha-infected cells. To assess the requirement of PKC-alpha for these PMA-induced changes, AdV-DN PKC-alpha or AdV betagal-infected NRVMs were stimulated with PMA. Without PMA, AdV-DN PKC-alpha had no effects on protein synthesis, P/D ratio, CSA, or shape vs. AdV betagal-infected NRVMs. PMA increased protein synthesis, P/D ratio, and CSA in AdV betagal-infected cells, but these parameters were significantly reduced in PMA-stimulated AdV-DN PKC-alpha-infected NRVMs. Overexpression of DN PKC-alpha enhanced PMA-induced cell elongation. Neither WT PKC-alpha nor DN PKC-alpha affected atrial natriuretic factor gene expression. Insulin-like growth factor-1 also induced nuclear translocation of endogenous PKC-alpha. PMA but not WT PKC-alpha overexpression induced ERK1/2 activation. However, AdV-DN PKC-alpha partially blocked PMA-induced ERK activation. Thus PKC-alpha is necessary for certain aspects of PMA-induced NRVM hypertrophy.  相似文献   

M Criado  B U Keller 《FEBS letters》1987,224(1):172-176
Membranes of cellular organelles and plasma membranes of some type of cells are not accessible to the high-resolution recordings that the conventional patch-clamp technique allows. However, when these purified membranes are dehydrated together with small lipid vesicles and hydrated again, cell-size vesicles (5-100 micron diameter) are obtained, on which single-channel recordings are possible. This approach, which has been proven successful with about ten different membrane preparations of varied origin, is further illustrated with two examples. First, a known conductivity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane is compared with data obtained by using other techniques. Second, a new sodium current, present at purified postsynaptic membranes from the Torpedo electric organ, is described.  相似文献   

Calcium current was recorded from ventricular cardiomyocytes of rats at various stages of postnatal development using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. In cultured 3-day-old neonatal cells, the current carried by Ca(2+) or Ba(2+) (5 mM) was not completely inhibited by 2 microM nifedipine. A residual current was activated in the same voltage range as the L-type, nifedipine-sensitive Ca(2+) current, but its steady-state inactivation was negatively shifted by 16 mV. This nifedipine-resistant calcium current was not further inhibited by other organic calcium current antagonists such as PN200-110, verapamil, and diltiazem nor by nickel, omega-conotoxin, or tetrodotoxin. It was completely blocked by cadmium and increased by isoproterenol and forskolin. This current was >20% of total calcium current in ventricular myocytes freshly isolated from neonatal rats, and it decreased during postnatal maturation, disappearing at the adult stage. This suggests that this current could be caused by an isoform of the L-type calcium channel expressed in a way that reflects the developmental stage of the rat heart.  相似文献   

To obtain electrophysiological recordings in brain slices, sophisticated and expensive pieces of equipment can be used. However, costly microscope equipment with infrared differential interference contrast optics is not always necessary or even desirable. For instance, obtaining a randomized unbiased sample in a given preparation would be better accomplished if cells were not directly visualized before recording. In addition, some preparations require thick slices, and direct visualization is not possible. Here we describe a protocol for the 'blind patch clamp method' that we developed several years ago to perform electrophysiological recordings in mammalian brain slices using a standard patch clamp amplifier, dissecting microscope and recording chamber. Overall, it takes approximately 3-4 h to set up this procedure.  相似文献   

Ikeda K  Tojo K  Otsubo C  Udagawa T  Hosoya T  Tajima N  Nakao K  Kawamura M 《Peptides》2005,26(12):2473-2481
Urocortin (Ucn) II and III, homologous peptides of Ucn that are specific ligands for corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) type 2 receptor (CRH-R2), have recently been identified. The present study was designed to elucidate the effects of Ucn II, which is predominantly expressed in rodent heart, on neonatal rat cardiac myocytes (MCs) and cardiac non-myocytes (NMCs). Ucn II increased the incorporation of [3H]-leucine into MCs, as well as the accumulation of cAMP and the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide. However, no significant changes were demonstrated in NMCs or an MC/NMC co-culture system. The effects of Ucn II were attenuated by astressin2-B, a specific antagonist of CRH-R2, and/or H89, an inhibitor of protein kinase A (PKA). These results indicate that Ucn II may be another endogenous cardiovascular substance that acts via CRH-R2 and the cAMP-dependent PKA pathway.  相似文献   

Anisotropy can lead to unidirectional conduction block that initiates reentry. We analyzed the mechanisms in patterned anisotropic neonatal rat ventricular myocyte monolayers. Voltage and intracellular Ca (Ca(i)) were optically mapped under the following conditions: extrastimulus (S1S2) testing and/or tetrodotoxin (TTX) to suppress Na current availability; heptanol to reduce gap junction conductance; and incremental rapid pacing. In anisotropic monolayers paced at 2 Hz, conduction velocity (CV) was faster longitudinally than transversely, with an anisotropy ratio [AR = CV(L)/CV(T), where CV(L) and CV(T) are CV in the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively], averaging 2.1 ± 0.8. Interventions decreasing Na current availability, such as S1S2 pacing and TTX, slowed CV(L) and CV(T) proportionately, without changing the AR. Conduction block preferentially occurred longitudinal to fiber direction, commonly initiating reentry. Interventions that decreased gap junction conductance, such as heptanol, decreased CV(T) more than CV(L), increasing the AR and causing preferential transverse conduction block and reentry. Rapid pacing resembled the latter, increasing the AR and promoting transverse conduction block and reentry, which was prevented by the Ca(i) chelator 1,2-bis oaminophenoxy ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). In contrast to isotropic and uniformly anisotropic monolayers, in which reentrant rotors drifted and self-terminated, bidirectional anisotropy (i.e., an abrupt change in fiber direction exceeding 45°) caused reentry to anchor near the zone of fiber direction change in 77% of monolayers. In anisotropic monolayers, unidirectional conduction block initiating reentry can occur longitudinal or transverse to fiber direction, depending on whether the experimental intervention reduces Na current availability or decreases gap junction conductance, agreeing with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Important kinetic information of voltage-operated ion channels can be obtained by estimating the open probability, the availability, and the first latency, and by applying run analysis. In the case of multichannel patches, estimation of the number of available channels is a prerequisite for the above analysis. Here we describe a method for calculation of the a posteriori probability of the number of available channels in each sweep by using the Bayes formula. This probability serves as a measure for the number of channels and allows for first latency determination and run analysis. The methods described were applied to simulated and experimental data obtained from L-type Ca2+ channel recordings.  相似文献   

The release of gamma-hydroxybutyrate from preloaded rat brain striatal slices was investigated. K+-induced depolarization caused an efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate of about 50 fmol min-1 mg-1 (wet weight), but in a Ca2+-free medium containing Mg2+, the evoked release was reduced by 50-60%. The release was higher when 100 microM veratridine was used as a depolarizing agent. The efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate is related to veratridine and K+ concentration, and is strongly inhibited by 10 microM tetrodotoxin. The Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil induces a large decrease in the efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate after both K+- and veratridine-induced depolarization. These results are in favour of a possible transmitter function for gamma-hydroxybutyrate in rat striatum.  相似文献   

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