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Felis domesticus allergen 1(Fel d 1) is a 35 kDa tetrameric glycoprotein formed by two heterodimers which elicits IgE responses in 95% of patients with allergy to cat. We have previously established in vitro conditions for the appropriate folding of recombinant Fel d 1 using a direct linkage of chain 1 to chain 2 (construct Fel d 1 (1+2)) and chain 2 to chain 1 (construct Fel d 1 (2+1)). Although the crystal structure of Fel d 1 (2+1) revealed a striking structural similarity to that of uteroglobin, a steroid-inducible cytokine-like molecule with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties, no functional tetrameric form of Fel d 1 could be identified. Here we present the crystal structure of the Fel d 1 (1+2) tetramer at 1.6 A resolution. Interestingly, the crystal structure of tetrameric Fel d 1 reveals two different calcium-binding sites. Symmetrically positioned on each side of the Fel d 1 tetramer, the external Ca(2+)-binding sites correspond to a putative Ca(2+)-binding site previously suggested for uteroglobin. The second Ca(2+)-binding site lies within the dimerization interface, stabilizing the formation of the Fel d 1 tetramer, and inducing important local conformational changes that directly govern the shape of two water-filled cavities. The crystal structure suggests a potential portal for an unknown ligand. Alternatively, the two cavities could be used by the allergen as a conditional inner space allowing for the spatial rearrangement of centrally localized side-chains, such as Asp130, without altering the overall fold of the molecule. The striking structural similarity of the major cat allergen to uteroglobin, coupled to the identification in the present study of a common Ca(2+)-binding site, let us speculate that Fel d 1 could provoke an allergic response through the modulation of phospholipase A2, by sequestering Ca ions in a similar manner as previously suggested for uteroglobin.  相似文献   

The domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is one of the most important causes of allergic asthma worldwide. The dominating cat allergen, Fel d 1, is composed of two heterodimers. Recently, it has been shown that recombinant Fel d 1, consisting of chain 2 and chain 1 fused together without additional linker, has immunological properties indistinguishable from the natural heterodimeric protein. Herein, we report the crystal structure of recombinant monomeric Fel d 1 at 1.85-A resolution, determined by multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction using selenomethionine substituted protein. Fel d 1 is an all-helical protein and consists of eight helices. The two halves of the recombinant Fel d 1 molecule, corresponding to the wild-type Fel d 1 chains, are very similar in three-dimensional structure, despite the lack of significant sequence identity. The structure of the Fel d 1 presents a striking similarity to that of uteroglobin, a steroid-inducible cytokine-like molecule with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. An internal, asymmetric cavity is formed in the Fel d 1 that could bind an endogenous ligand. The distribution of residues lining this cavity suggests that such a ligand must be amphipathic. The structure of Fel d 1 displays the localization of three previously defined Fel d 1 IgE epitopes on the surface of the protein. The three-dimensional structure provides a framework for rational design of hypoallergenic mutants aimed for treatment of cat allergy.  相似文献   

Dander from the domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is one of the most common causes of IgE-mediated allergy. Attempts to produce tetrameric folded major allergen Fel d 1 by recombinant methods with structural features similar to the natural allergen have been only partially successful. In this study, a recombinant folded Fel d 1 with molecular and biological properties similar to the natural counterpart was produced. A synthetic gene coding for direct fusion of the Fel d 1 chain 2 N-terminally to chain 1 was constructed by overlapping oligonucleotides in PCR. Escherichia coli expression resulted in a non-covalently associated homodimer with an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa defined by size exclusion chromatography. Furthermore, each 19,177-Da subunit displayed a disulfide pattern identical to that found in the natural Fel d 1, i.e. Cys3(1) Cys73(2), Cys44(1)-Cys48(2), Cys70(1)-Cys7(2), as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry after tryptic digestion. Circular dichroism analysis showed identical folds of natural and recombinant Fel d 1. Furthermore, recombinant Fel d l reacted specifically with serum IgE, inducing expression of CD203c on basophils and lymphoproliferative responses in cat-allergic patients. The results show that the overall fold and immunological properties of the recombinant Fel d 1 are very similar to those of natural Fel d 1. Moreover, the recombinant Fel d 1 construct provides a tool for defining the three-dimensional structure of Fel d 1 and represents a reagent for diagnosis and allergen-specific immunotherapy of cat allergy.  相似文献   

Fel d 1 is a major cat allergen inducing allergic rhinitis and asthma in sensitized individuals. It has a more complex structure when compared with other allergens and therefore expression of recombinant Fel d 1 has been considered a challenge. The present study shows for the first time that a Baculovirus expression system is able to produce an intact rFel d 1 molecule that is glycosylated and structurally equivalent to the natural cat allergen, nFel d 1. Enzymatic digestion of rFel d 1 and further analysis by use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) resulted in a complete coverage of the amino acid sequence of rFel d 1. In addition, the three disulfide bridges at the positions alpha70-beta7, alpha44-beta48, and alpha3-beta73 were verified. The N-glycan structure of rFel d 1 was investigated by a combination of MALDI-TOF MS and monosaccharide analysis by high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAC). The N-glycosylation analyses of rFel d 1 refer to a pattern of glycoforms including core alpha1.3-fucosylation that is different from nFel d 1. Further characterization by use of human serum IgE, histamine release, and lymphocyte proliferation assays demonstrated that the immunological characteristics of rFel d 1 are similar to those of nFel d 1. Detailed characterization of both natural and recombinant allergens provides tools to explore immunological mechanisms associated with allergen sensitization and desensitization.  相似文献   

The mannose receptor (MR) binds foreign and host ligands through interactions with their carbohydrates. Two portions of MR have distinct carbohydrate recognition properties. One is conferred by the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Cys-MR), which plays a critical role in binding sulfated glycoproteins including pituitary hormones. The other is achieved by tandemly arranged C-type lectin domains that facilitate carbohydrate-dependent uptake of infectious microorganisms. This dual carbohydrate binding specificity enables MR to bind ligands by interacting with both sulfated and non-sulfated polysaccharide chains. We previously determined crystal structures of Cys-MR complexed with 4-SO(4)-N-acetylglucosamine and with an unidentified ligand resembling Hepes (N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-ethanesulfonic acid]). In continued efforts to elucidate the mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR, we characterized the binding affinities between Cys-MR and potential carbohydrate ligands using a fluorescence-based assay. We find that Cys-MR binds sulfated carbohydrates with relatively high affinities (K(D)=0.1 mM to 1.0 mM) compared to the affinities of other lectins. Cys-MR also binds Hepes with a K(D) value of 3.9 mM, consistent with the suggestion that the ligand in the original Cys-MR crystal structure is Hepes. We also determined crystal structures of Cys-MR complexed with 3-SO(4)-Lewis(x), 3-SO(4)-Lewis(a), and 6-SO(4)-N-acetylglucosamine at 1.9 A, 2.2 A, and 2.5 A resolution, respectively, and the 2.0 A structure of Cys-MR that had been treated to remove Hepes. The conformation of the Cys-MR binding site is virtually identical in all Cys-MR crystal structures, suggesting that Cys-MR does not undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding. The structures are used to rationalize the binding affinities derived from the biochemical studies and to elucidate the molecular mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR.  相似文献   

We previously reported that CR-Fc, an Fc chimeric protein containing the cysteine-rich (CR) domain of the mannose receptor, binds to marginal zone metallophilic macrophages (Mo) and B cell areas in the spleen and to subcapsular sinus Mo in lymph nodes of naive mice (CR-Fc(+) cells). Several CR-Fc ligands were found in spleen and lymph node tissue lysates using ligand blots. In this paper we report the identification of two of these ligands as sialoadhesin (Sn), an Mo-specific membrane molecule, and the leukocyte common antigen, CD45. CR-Fc bound selectively to Sn purified from spleen and lymph nodes and to two low molecular weight isoforms of CD45 in a sugar-dependent manner. CR-Fc binding and non-binding forms of Sn, probably derived from CR-Fc(+) and CR-Fc(-) cells respectively, were selected from spleen lysates. Analysis of the glycan pool associated with the CR-Fc-binding form revealed the presence of charged structures resistant to sialidase, absent in the non-binding form, that could correspond to sulfated structures. These results confirm the identification of the CR region of the mannose receptor as a lectin. We also demonstrate that the same glycoprotein expressed in different cells of the same organ can display distinct sugar epitopes that determine its binding properties.  相似文献   

Two mAb were used to develop new techniques for the purification and quantitation of the major feline salivary allergen, Felis domesticus allergen I (Fel d I). The allergen was purified from aqueous house dust extract with a high Fel d I content by affinity chromatography over a monoclonal immunosorbent and elution with 4 mM HCl, pH 2.5. This single step procedure gave 40 to 50% recovery of 90% pure allergen which, following final purification by size exclusion HPLC, showed a single line on immunodiffusion and crossed immunoelectrophoresis against monospecific anti-Fel d I and polyclonal anti-cat dander antibodies. The m.w. of native Fel d I was 39,000 on size exclusion HPLC, and 17,000 under nonreducing conditions on gel electrophoresis. The N-terminal amino acid sequence (33 residues) showed no homology with other known protein sequences. The combination of the SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequence data suggests that Fel d I is a non-covalently linked homodimer. A two-site RIA was developed using mAb directed against different epitopes on Fel d I. This assay was species-specific, highly sensitive (0.0004 U/ml), and showed an excellent correlation with a polyclonal inhibition RIA (n = 27, r = 0.93, p less than 0.001). Cat allergen extracts used for immediate skin tests showed marked differences in Fel d I content (from 0.1 to 30 U/ml). Consistently high Fel d I levels were found at monthly intervals in six dust samples from four houses with cats (10 to 100 U/g of dust). Comparisons of Fel d I and mite and pollen allergen levels showed that house dust can contain greater than 100 micrograms/g of either of these allergens and is a potent source of foreign environmental antigens. Monoclonal affinity chromatography provides a major breakthrough in the purification of Fel d I, from a source material that would otherwise have been considered impossible (house dust). The mAb assay for Fel d I is both more sensitive and more easily standardized than existing techniques. These techniques will allow full structural and antigenic analysis of Fel d I and more detailed studies on the relationship between cat antigen exposure and the development of asthma.  相似文献   

The major apple allergen Mal d 1 is the predominant cause of apple (Malus domestica) allergies in large parts of Europe and Northern America. Allergic reactions against this 17.5 kDa protein are the consequence of initial sensitization to the structurally homologous major allergen from birch pollen, Bet v 1. Consumption of apples can subsequently provoke immunologic cross-reactivity of Bet v 1-specific antibodies with Mal d 1 and trigger severe oral allergic syndroms, affecting more than 70 % of all individuals that are sensitized to birch pollen. While the accumulated immunological data suggest that Mal d 1 has a three-dimensional fold that is similar to Bet v 1, experimental structural data for this protein are not available to date. In a first step towards structural characterization of Mal d 1, backbone and side chain 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of the isoform Mal d 1.0101 were assigned. The NMR-chemical shift data show that this protein is composed of seven β-strands and three α-helices, which is in accordance with the reported secondary structure of the major birch pollen allergen, indicating that Mal d 1 and Bet v 1 indeed have similar three-dimensional folds. The next stage in the characterization of Mal d 1 will be to utilize these resonance assignments in solving the solution structure of this protein.  相似文献   

Pollen of the European and Asian white birch (Betula pendula and B. platyphylla) causes hay fever in humans. The allergenic potency of other birch species is largely unknown. To identify birch trees with a reduced allergenicity, we assessed the immunochemical characteristics of 15 species and two hybrids, representing four subgenera within the genus Betula, while focusing on the major pollen allergen Bet v 1. Antigenic and allergenic profiles of pollen extracts from these species were evaluated by SDS-PAGE and Western blot using pooled sera of birch-allergic individuals. Tryptic digests of the Bet v 1 bands were analyzed by LC-MS(E) to determine the abundance of various Bet v 1 isoforms. Bet v 1 was the most abundant pollen protein across all birch species. LC-MS(E) confirmed that pollen of all species contained a mixture of multiple Bet v 1 isoforms. Considerable differences in Bet v 1 isoform composition exist between birch species. However, isoforms that are predicted to have a high IgE-reactivity prevailed in pollen of all species. Immunoblotting confirmed that all pollen extracts were similar in immune-reactivity, implying that pollen of all birch species is likely to evoke strong allergic reactions.  相似文献   

The macrophage mannose receptor is the prototype for a family of receptors each having an extracellular region consisting of an N-terminal cysteine-rich domain related to the R-type carbohydrate-recognition domain of ricin, a fibronectin type II domain and eight to ten domains related to C-type carbohydrate-recognition domains. The mannose receptor acts as a molecular scavenger, clearing harmful glycoconjugates or micro-organisms through recognition of their defining carbohydrate structures. Cell-adhesion assays, as well as collagen-binding assays, have now been used to show that the mannose receptor can also bind collagen and that the fibronectin type II domain mediates this activity. Neither of the two types of sugar-binding domain in the receptor is involved in collagen binding. Fibroblasts expressing the mannose receptor adhere to type I, type III and type IV collagens, but not to type V collagen, and the adherence is inhibited by isolated mannose receptor fibronectin type II domain. The fibronectin type II domain shows the same specificity for collagen as the whole receptor, binding to type I, type III and type IV collagens. This is the first activity assigned to the fibronectin type II domain of the mannose receptor. The results suggest additional roles for this multifunctional receptor in mediating collagen clearance or cell-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   

Androgen-binding protein (ABP) is found in the salivas of a wide variety of rodents and it has been proposed that ABP functions in sex and/or subspecies recognition (Karn and Dlouhy,J. Hered. 82, 453, 1991). This is a report of significant identity between the alpha subunit of mouse salivary ABP and Chain 1 of cat allergen Fel dI (50% identity), as well as with two other proteins that share identity with Chain 1 of Fel dI, rabbit uteroglobin (27% identity with ABP alpha) and human lung Clara 10 (27% identity with ABP alpha). The secondary structure predicted for the mouse ABP alpha subunit is a very good fit with the secondary structure determined by X-ray crystallography for rabbit uteroglobin, a protein that shares with mouse ABP the capability of binding steroid. Fel dI is found in cat saliva, sebaceous glands, and pelt. Its function is not known but it has been proposed to be involved in protecting dry epithelia, a parallel to uteroglobin protecting wet epithelia. Since mice, like cats, lick themselves and each other extensively, coating their pelts with ABP may be part of this or another biological function.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that various neurotransmitters regulate the immune system via their receptors expressed on the immune cells. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a sensory nerve C-fiber neuropeptide, is also known to have the ability to modulate the functions of immune cells in vitro. However, the contribution of CGRP to the immune regulation in vivo remains to be fully elucidated. Here we report that mice deficient in receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), which is a subunit of the CGRP receptor, showed a significantly lower incidence of diarrhea compared with wild-type (WT) mice in the ovalbumin (OVA)-induced food allergic model. Serum OVA-specific IgE levels and the differentiation of T helper cells was comparable in WT mice and RAMP1-deficient mice. Moreover, there were no significant differences between recruitment and degranulation of mast cells in the small intestine of these mice. In contrast, significantly diminished intestinal peristalsis was observed by the allergy induction in RAMP1-deficient mice compared with WT mice. These results suggest that this suppression of allergic diarrhea is due to the diminished intestinal peristalsis in RAMP1-deficient mice.  相似文献   

CHFR has been implicated as a tumor suppressor in a multitude of cancers. It was originally identified as a major component of the antephase checkpoint. Recently, CHFR was reported to interact with MAD2, an important component of the spindle assembly checkpoint, where CHFR knockdown resulted in mislocalization of MAD2 and disruption of the MAD2/CDC20 interaction. To further understand how CHFR interacts with MAD2, we deleted key functional domains of CHFR, and investigated the effect on MAD2 binding and function. Here we show that deletion of the cysteine-rich domain of CHFR is required for the CHFR/MAD2 interaction as well as proper localization of MAD2 in the cell. Furthermore, the cysteine-rich domain deletion exhibits impaired ability to promote the MAD2/CDC20 interaction, leading to an increase in mitotic defects relative to wild type CHFR. These data support a critical role for CHFR in the MAD2 spindle checkpoint. Furthermore, these data establish the cysteine-rich domain of CHFR as the essential domain for the CHFR/MAD2 interaction and for promoting interaction between MAD2 and CDC20 to inhibit the anaphase-promoting complex.  相似文献   

Pyelonephritic isolates of Escherichia coli commonly express P-pili, which mediate bacterial attachment to glycolipids on epithelial cell surfaces. Three classes of P-pili have been defined, based on varying specificity for galabiose-containing glycolipids. Variation in adhesive capacity is correlated with a shift in preferred host, suggesting that host tropism depends largely on detailed specificity for the globoseries glycolipids. In this study we examined the importance of the PapG adhesin in determining receptor specificity. Translational fusions were constructed between the ammo-terminus of the PapG adhesin from each of the three pilus classes and a reporter protein. The binding specificity of the purified fusion proteins in vitro was identical to that seen with whole bacteria. Adherence of intact bacteria to cultured kidney cells was markedly reduced by a monoclonal antibody specific for the Class III adhesin (previously denoted PrsG), confirming the importance of the ammo-terminus of PapG in mediating attachment to a receptor when presented on the eukaryotic cell surface. These results suggest that the detailed receptor specificity resides solely within the amino-terminus of the PapG adhesin and is independent of the complex pilus architecture.  相似文献   

The in vitro binding of the macrophage mannose receptor to a range of different bacterial polysaccharides was investigated. The receptor was shown to bind to purified capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae and to the lipopolysaccharides, but not capsular polysaccharides, from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Binding was Ca(2+)-dependent and inhibitable with d-mannose. A fusion protein of the mannose receptor containing carbohydrate recognition domains 4-7 and a full-length soluble form of the mannose receptor containing all domains external to the transmembrane region both displayed very similar binding specificities toward bacterial polysaccharides, suggesting that domains 4-7 are sufficient for recognition of these structures. Surprisingly, no direct correlation could be made between polysaccharide structure and binding to the mannose receptor, suggesting that polysaccharide conformation may play an important role in recognition. The full-length soluble form of the mannose receptor was able to bind simultaneously both polysaccharide via the carbohydrate recognition domains and sulfated oligosaccharide via the cysteine-rich domain. The possible involvement of the mannose receptor, either cell surface or soluble, in the innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial polysaccharides is discussed.  相似文献   

Pol-Fachin L  Verli H 《Glycobiology》2012,22(6):817-825
Art v 1 is the major allergen of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) pollen. It is formed by an N-terminal globular defensin-like part and a C-terminal proline-rich domain. As the structure and the dynamics of Art v 1 have been mostly described for its recombinant, non-glycosylated form, which does not occur in normal plant physiology, the present work intends to obtain a three-dimensional model for Art v 1 native O-glycosylation structure and to evaluate the influence of such glycans over the protein dynamics and allergenicity through molecular dynamics simulations in triplicates. Structural insights into the mutual recognition of Art v 1 protein and carbohydrate moieties recognition by antibodies were obtained, in which glycan chains remained close to the previously identified epitopes in the defensin-like domain, thus pointing to potential interferences with antibodies recognition. To our knowledge, this is the first structural report of an entire furanose-containing glycoprotein. As well, together with the previously determined NMR structures, the obtained results contribute in the comprehension of the effect of glycosylation over both proline-rich and defensin-like domains, providing an atomic representation of such alterations.  相似文献   

The mannose receptor of macrophages and liver endothelium mediates clearance of pathogenic organisms and potentially harmful glycoconjugates. The extracellular portion of the receptor includes eight C-type carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs), of which one, CRD-4, shows detectable binding to monosaccharide ligands. We have determined the crystal structure of CRD-4. Although the basic C-type lectin fold is preserved, a loop extends away from the core of the domain to form a domain-swapped dimer in the crystal. Of the two Ca(2+) sites, only the principal site known to mediate carbohydrate binding in other C-type lectins is occupied. This site is altered in a way that makes sugar binding impossible in the mode observed in other C-type lectins. The structure is likely to represent an endosomal form of the domain formed when Ca(2+) is lost from the auxiliary calcium site. The structure suggests a mechanism for endosomal ligand release in which the auxiliary calcium site serves as a pH sensor. Acid pH-induced removal of this Ca(2+) results in conformational rearrangements of the receptor, rendering it unable to bind carbohydrate ligands.  相似文献   

The 300-kDa cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) and the 46-kDa cation-dependent MPR (CD-MPR) are type I integral membrane glycoproteins that play a critical role in the intracellular delivery of newly synthesized mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P)-containing acid hydrolases to the lysosome. The extracytoplasmic region of the CI-MPR contains 15 contiguous domains, and the two high affinity ( approximately 1 nm) Man-6-P-binding sites have been mapped to domains 1-3 and 9, with essential residues localized to domains 3 and 9. Domain 5 of the CI-MPR exhibits significant sequence homology to domains 3 and 9 as well as to the CD-MPR. A structure-based sequence alignment was performed that predicts that domain 5 contains the four conserved key residues (Gln, Arg, Glu, and Tyr) identified as essential for carbohydrate recognition by the CD-MPR and domains 3 and 9 of the CI-MPR, but lacks two cysteine residues predicted to form a disulfide bond within the binding pocket. To determine whether domain 5 harbors a carbohydrate-binding site, a construct that encodes domain 5 alone (Dom5His) was expressed in Pichia pastoris. Microarray analysis using 30 different oligosaccharides demonstrated that Dom5His bound specifically to a Man-6-P-containing oligosaccharide (pentamannosyl 6-phosphate). Frontal affinity chromatography showed that the affinity of Dom5His for Man-6-P was approximately 300-fold lower (K(i) = 5.3 mm) than that observed for domains 1-3 and 9. The interaction affinity for the lysosomal enzyme beta-glucuronidase was also much lower (K(d) = 54 microm) as determined by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the CI-MPR contains a third Man-6-P recognition site that is located in domain 5 and that exhibits lower affinity than the carbohydrate-binding sites present in domains 1-3 and 9.  相似文献   

Brassica self-incompatibility, a highly discriminating outbreeding mechanism, has become a paradigm for the study of plant cell-cell communications. When self-pollen lands on a stigma, the male ligand S cysteine-rich (SCR), which is present in the pollen coat, is transmitted to the female receptor, S-locus receptor kinase (SRK). SRK is a membrane-spanning serine/threonine receptor kinase present in the stigmatic papillar cell membrane. Haplotype-specific binding of SCR to SRK brings about pollen rejection. The extracellular receptor domain of SRK (eSRK) is responsible for binding SCR. Based on sequence homology, eSRK can be divided into three subdomains: B lectin-like, hypervariable, and PAN. Biochemical analysis of these subdomains showed that the hypervariable subdomain is responsible for most of the SCR binding capacity of eSRK, whereas the B lectin-like and PAN domains have little, if any, affinity for SCR. Fine mapping of the SCR binding region of SRK using a peptide array revealed a region of the hypervariable subdomain that plays a key role in binding the SCR molecule. We show that residues within the hypervariable subdomain define SRK binding and are likely to be involved in defining haplotype specificity.  相似文献   

Using isogenic recombinant murine coronaviruses expressing wild-type murine hepatitis virus strain 4 (MHV-4) or MHV-A59 spike glycoproteins or chimeric MHV-4/MHV-A59 spike glycoproteins, we have demonstrated the biological functionality of the N-terminus of the spike, encompassing the receptor binding domain (RBD). We have used two assays, one an in vitro liposome binding assay and the other a tissue culture replication assay. The liposome binding assay shows that interaction of the receptor with spikes on virions at 37 degrees C causes a conformational change that makes the virions hydrophobic so that they bind to liposomes (B. D. Zelus, J. H. Schickli, D. M. Blau, S. R. Weiss, and K. V. Holmes, J. Virol. 77: 830-840, 2003). Recombinant viruses with spikes containing the RBD of either MHV-A59 or MHV-4 readily associated with liposomes at 37 degrees C in the presence of soluble mCEACAM1(a), except for S(4)R, which expresses the entire wild-type MHV-4 spike and associated only inefficiently with liposomes following incubation with soluble mCEACAM1(a). In contrast, soluble mCEACAM1(b) allowed viruses with the MHV-A59 RBD to associate with liposomes more efficiently than did viruses with the MHV-4 RBD. In the second assay, which requires virus entry and replication, all recombinant viruses replicated efficiently in BHK cells expressing mCEACAM1(a). In BHK cells expressing mCEACAM1(b), only viruses expressing chimeric spikes with the MHV-A59 RBD could replicate, while replication of viruses expressing chimeric spikes with the MHV-4 RBD was undetectable. Despite having the MHV-4 RBD, S(4)R replicated in BHK cells expressing mCEACAM1(b); this is most probably due to spread via CEACAM1 receptor-independent cell-to-cell fusion, an activity displayed only by S(4)R among the recombinant viruses studied here. These data suggest that the RBD domain and the rest of the spike must coevolve to optimize function in viral entry and spread.  相似文献   

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