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Murine monoclonal antibodies to membrane antigens were generated by immunization with a crude cellular membrane preparation from suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana glutinosa L. From a panel of thirteen monoclonal antibodies, seven were found to be directed against antigens present on the plasma-membrane by immunofluorescence visualization of antibody binding to the surface of isolated protoplasts. The corresponding set of plasma-membrane antigen(s) were present in root, shoot and leaf tissue and some but not all of these antigens were of wide species distribution, being found in Nicotiana tabacum L., N. plumbaginifolia L., Glycine max L., Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Triticum aestivum L. Topologically specific labeling of intact protoplasts with a monoclonal antibody reactive with an epitope present on the plasma-membrane specifically labeled a membrane fraction which equilibrated at a density of 1.14 kg/l following centrifugation in a sucrose gradient. In addition to use as biochemical markers for fractionation and molecular characterization of plasma-membranes, these monoclonal antibodies provide the basis for new selection tools in plant cell and gene manipulations.  相似文献   

Effects of anti-microbule drugs on tubulin polymerizationin vitro were investigated using purified mung bean (Vigna radiata) tubuli. Colchicine induced the formation of macrotubules at the relatively low concentration of 10 μM. and the appearance of corkscrew-like filaments from the ends of the macrotubules at concentrations of more than 100 μM. Vinblastine substantially inhibited polymerization at 1 μM and caused the formation of paracrystals at concentrations greater than 10 μM. Oryzalin inhibited polymerization at 1 μM partially and at 10 μM completely. Paracrystal formation was also induced by cremart at 10 μM, but these paracrystals appeared to be more rigid than those induced by vinblastine. Amiprophos methyl (APM), with a chemical configuration similar to cremart, substantially inhibited polymerization at 1 μM, but the formation of paracrystals was weak. Griseofulvin at 10 μMalso inhibited the polymerization of tubulin while at higher concentrations aggregates of helices were formed. Inhibition of polymerization by phenylcarbamate herbicides was more effective than that caused by benzimidazoylcarbamate fungicides. The effects of drugs onin vitro preformed (MTs) were also investigated. Colchicine and vinblastine showed identical effects to those on the polymerization process. Griseofulvin, cremart and APM induced only macrotubule formation while the other drugs tested had no major effects  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies specific to - and β-tubulin were used to examine the expression of tubulin isofoms in the intestine, reproductive tract and body wall muscle of A. suum. The tubulins were found to be different in their isoelectric points, number of isoforms and peptide maps with Western blot analysis of one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel confirming the presence of -, β1- and β2- tubulin. Commercial cross-reactive anti- and anti-β MAbs 356 and 357 recognized tubulin from A. suum tissues as well as from pig brain, whereas anti-A. suum β-tubulin specific MAb P3D6 recognized tubulin from the A. suum tissues only. Two-dimensional gel analysis showed different isoform patterns in different A. suum tissues with anti-A. suum β-tubulin MAb P3D6 and cross-reactive β-tubulin MAb 357 recognizing 2–4 β- tubulin isoforms and anti--tubulin MAb 356 recognizing 1–6 -tubulin isoforms. Different peptide maps of tubulin were observed in the three tissues, when subjected to limited proteolysis followed by SDS-PAGE. The data indicate that different tubulins are found in different tissues of adult A. suum.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against spore antigens of Bacillus anthracis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract A murine monoclonal antibody produced against heat inactivated spores of Bacillus anthracis Ames, reacted with live or inactivated spores of several anthrax strains in indirect immunofluorescence (IF) tests. The reactive anthrax strain gave only a moderate degree of reaction. No staining of anthrax vegetative cells was observed. The monoclonal did not react with spores of non-anthrax Bacillus strains that gave cross reactions with mouse hyperimmune antiserum raised against Ames spores. The staining of individual spores in B. anthracis preparations was more heterogeneous with the monoclonal antibody than with the hyperimmune serum. Evidence is produced that the epitope for this monoclonal is not stable during long-term storage of inactivated spore preparations, and is not fully available for reaction with antibody until late in spore maturation. The monoclonal did not react by immunoblotting (Western blotting) of spore extracts.  相似文献   

Sixteen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to 2 urochordate genera (Botryllus schlosseri and Botrylloides) intracellular epitopes were generated in mice immunized with a mixture of fresh and paraformaldehyde-fixed cells obtained from animal's blood and cells from dissociated organs. Hybridoma clones were selected by ELISA tests and immunohistochemistry assays on paraffin-embedded animal tissues. Five MAbs were tested for reactions with different zooidal organs and cell compartments; 7 MAbs were tested, separately, on 5 different botryllid colonies (3 Botryllus and 2 Botrylloides). The results revealed high polymorphism. Whereas some of the MAbs recognized, specifically, only part of the botryllid genotypes tested, others recognized only part of the cellular compartments. These MAbs will be used as an important tool in the study of botryllid ascidian immunology and developmental biology, revealing the first wide panel of MAbs specific to urochordate intracellular antigens.  相似文献   

Tubulin has been purified from mung bean seedling by Zn2+-induced polymerization. Both α- and β-subunits of mung bean tubulin are different from those of brain tubulin in electrophoretic mobility, colchicine binding and peptide map. Heterogeneity of mung bean tubulin has also been documented suggesting diversification of tubulin despite its conserved nature in general.  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies able to recognize single antigenic determinants are a powerful tool for the study of immunological heterogeneity of antigens. In this paper we have used a monoclonal antibody against the -subunit of pig brain tubulin (TU-01) to investigate the immunoreactivity of tubulins from mammals, avians, amphibia, echinodermata, plathelmints, slime moulds and protozoa. Immunoreactivity was detected using immunoblotting and indirect immunofluorescence of isolated cells. Our results show that the antigenic determinant recognized by the TU-01 antibody is present in all metazoan tubulin tested and among the eukaryotic microorganisms only in the flagellateTrichomonas vaginalis. Indirect immunofluorescence also reveals that not allTrichomonas microtubules are stained by TU-01 antibody indicating the presence of different tubulins within a single cell. This results are consistent with the multitubulin hypothesis (Fulton andSimpson 1976).  相似文献   

Summary Changing patterns of tubulin immunofluorescence as onion root meristematic cells progress from a mature pre-prophase band (PPB) stage into mitosis are reported here. The PPB reaches its narrowest profile at maturity and then remains the same width throughout the rest of the transition. Concomitant with continuation of chromatin condensation and nucleolar breakdown, both initiated earlier in pre-prophase, alignment of fluorescent fibers along the nuclear envelope (NE) changes. Perinuclear microtubules (MTs), which were parallel to the PPB or randomly arranged when first seen at earlier stages of pre-prophase, assume the orientation of spindle MTS at late preprophase. They lie close to the NE and follow the nuclear contour, ultimately converging upon two focal points directly at the NE surface. MTs also can be seen traversing the cytoplasm between nucleus and cell periphery.As spindle initiation proceeds, PPB fluorescence intensity decreases and eventually is exceeded by the NE-associated fluorescence. PPB and spindle arrays co-exist briefly in the transition period, with spindle MTs typically aligned perpendicular to both the axis of the PPB and its constituent MTs. Total disappearance of the PPB occurs only after chromosome condensation is complete and the nucleus is contained within a spherical or ellipsoid cage of fluorescent fibers comprised of two non-overlapping half-spindles. Like the fully formed prophase spindle which follows, the incipient spindle is neither barrel-shaped nor fusiform, but rather displays MTs radiating from the poles in a smooth arc.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ten distinct monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens were produced by the fusion of SP2/O with spleen cells of mice immunized with alpha toxoid, and alpha toxin mixed with or without ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (EDTA). The antibody activity was evaluated by antigen-binding activity in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), by phospholipase C (PLC)-neutralizing activity using both egg yolk lecithin and p-nitrophenylphosphoryl-choline (PNPPC) hydrolysis reactions and by anti-lethal activity in mice. Since the toxin-neutralizing activities of each MAb were not parallel, it has been suggested that the three biological activities may not be located in the same site in the toxin molecule. This report also describes the development of a simple purification of the toxin by affinity chromatography and a sensitive immunoassay for quantitation of the toxin using the monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies specific to α- and β-tubulin were used to examine the expression of tubulin isofoms in the intestine, reproductive tract and body wall muscle of A. suum. The tubulins were found to be different in their isoelectric points, number of isoforms and peptide maps with Western blot analysis of one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel confirming the presence of α-, β1- and β2- tubulin. Commercial cross-reactive anti-α and anti-β MAbs 356 and 357 recognized tubulin from A. suum tissues as well as from pig brain, whereas anti-A. suum β-tubulin specific MAb P3D6 recognized tubulin from the A. suum tissues only. Two-dimensional gel analysis showed different isoform patterns in different A. suum tissues with anti-A. suum β-tubulin MAb P3D6 and cross-reactive β-tubulin MAb 357 recognizing 2–4 β- tubulin isoforms and anti-α-tubulin MAb 356 recognizing 1–6 α-tubulin isoforms. Different peptide maps of tubulin were observed in the three tissues, when subjected to limited proteolysis followed by SDS-PAGE. The data indicate that different tubulins are found in different tissues of adult A. suum.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to search for uncharacterized components of the plant cytoskeleton using monoclonal antibodies raised against spermatozoids of the fernPteridium (Marc et al. 1988). The cellular distribution of crossreacting immunoreactive material during the division cycle in wheat root tip cells was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy and compared to the fluorescence pattern obtained with antitubulin. Five antibodies are of special interest. Pas1D3 and Pas5F4 detect a diffuse cytoplasmic material, which, during mitosis, follows the distribution of microtubules (MTs) at the nuclear surface and in the preprophase band (PPB), spindle and phragmoplast. The immunoreactive material codistributes specifically with MT arrays of the mitotic apparatus and does not associate with interphase cortical MTs. Pas5D8 is relevant to the PPB and spatial control of cytokinesis. It binds in a thin layer at the cytoplasmic surface throughout the cell cycle, except when its coverage is transiently interrupted by an exclusion zone at the PPB site and later at the same site when the phragmoplast fuses with the parental cell wall.Pas2G6 reacts with a component of basal bodies and the flagellar band in thePteridium spermatozoid and recognizes irregularly shaped cytoplasmic vesicles in wheat cells. During interphase these particles form a cortical network.Pas6D7 binds to dictyosomes and dictyosome vesicles. At anaphase the vesicles accumulate at the equator and subsequently condense into the cell plate.Abbreviations MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for cell culture mycoplasmas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Mycoplasma infection of cell cultures is still a major problem in some laboratories. Although several methods can be used for their detection, identification is normally by serological procedures. As no commercial source for the necessary antibodies is available we have prepared monoclonal antibodies to the five mycoplasma species that account for the majority of cell culture infections. These antibodies have been characterized by the growth inhibition test (GIT), immunofluorescence, and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and have shown perfect correlation in all tests when compared to conventional antisera raised in rabbits or donkeys. In addition, a monoclonal antibody toMycoplasma pneumoniae was produced.M. pneumoniae is an infrequent cell culture contaminant but is a human pathogen, and the monoclonal antibody described here could be useful in the clinical diagnosis ofM. pneumoniae infection in man. These studies were supported by Grants Al-15748 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and GM20138-07 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

The microtubular cytoskeleton of plant cells provides support for several functions (including the anchoring of proteins, assembly of the mitotic spindle, cytoplasmic streaming and construction of cell walls). Both α‐ and β‐tubulins are encoded through multigene families that are differentially expressed in different organs and tissues. To increase the variability of expression, both protein subunits are subjected to post‐translational modifications, which could contribute to the assembly of specific microtubule structures. This review aims to highlight the role of specific post‐translational modifications of tubulin in plant cells. We initially describe the expression and accumulation of α‐ and β‐tubulin isoforms in different plants and at different stages of plant development. Second, we discuss the different types of post‐translational modifications that, by adding or removing specific functional groups, increase the isoform heterogeneity and functional variability of tubulin. Modifications are proposed to form a ‘code’ that can be read by proteins interacting with microtubules. Therefore, the subpopulations of microtubules may bind to different associated proteins (motor and non‐motor), thus creating the physical support for various microtubule functions.  相似文献   

Sixteen monoclonal antibodies against isopentenyl adenosine (iPA) were developed and characterized for reactivity towards this cytokinin and structurally related molecules by use of a competition fluorescence enzyme immunoassay. Antibodies with suitable affinity and specificity were used in an immunoassay to detect and quantify isopentenyl adenosine. Logit/log plots of fluorescence vs pmol of the cytokinin indicated that the assay had a measurement range of 0.03–256 pmol (10–8500 pg) with high linearity (r =–0.98). This competition fluorescence enzyme immunoassay showed that three antibodies cross-reacted with N-6-benzyladenine and its riboside: cross-reactivity with dihydrozeatin and its riboside, cis -zeatin, trans -zeatin riboside, adenine and adenosine was minor. When an immunoaffinity-HPLC technique was used to measure the cross-reactivity of two of the antibodies in the presence of known quantities of multiple cytokinins, iPA was bound in preference to the other cytokinins. One of the antibodies was used to quantify this cytokinin in developing wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Stephens) seeds and in wheat seeds spiked with known amounts of certain other cytokinins. The use of these antibodies in immunoassay in combination with HPCL for quantification of iPA in plant extracts is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Monoclonal antibodies were obtained by the classic hybridoma technique with lymphocytes of BALB/c mice immunized with formalin killed Listeria monocytogenes cells. Among 1000 hybridomas issued from the fusion, four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs A6 A E4, C10 A F7, G4 A D6, G7 A D5) gave interesting results. By Western-blot analysis with various soluble extracts of different Listeria species, the four mAbs reacted with two major antigens of 38 and 41 kDa, with all Listeria species tested. The mAb A6 A E4 is an IgG2b with κ light chains and reacted only with Listeria antigens without any cross reaction with other organisms tested by ELISA, dot-blotting and Western-blotting. With the same conditions, the three other mAbs reacted with Listeria and with other genus extracts, particularly with Streptococcus and Enterococcus . mAb A6 A E4-reactive antigens are proteins, and glycoprotein immunoassay indicated that the epitope is devoid of carbohydrate moiety. This mAb A6 A E4-reactive protein was neither expressed on cell surface nor released outside the bacteria; immunogold electron microscopy showed that these antigens were localized in the cytoplasma area.  相似文献   

p-Coumaric acid is one of the predominant phenolic acids acylating the cell walls of grasses; p-coumarates are mainly esterified by lignins and arabinoxylans. Here we describe the production and characterisation of two monoclonal antibodies against p-coumarates.The 5-O-pCou-Ara(1 → 4)Xyl was chemically synthesized and conjugated to a carrier protein. Two interesting antibodies were obtained, hereinafter named INRA-COU1 and INRA-COU2. The specificity of these monoclonal antibodies has been evaluated using competitive-inhibition assays with different oligosaccharides and phenolic compounds. INRA-COU1, recognized free p-coumaric acid or p-coumarate esters. INRA-COU1 did not react with any of the other hydroxycinnamic acids and related compounds found in plants. INRA-COU2, only recognizes esterified p-coumarate. These antibodies were used to study the localization of p-coumarates in the cell walls of grasses. Immunocytochemical analyses indicated noticeable amounts of p-coumarate in the cell walls of the aleurone layer of wheat grain, in the epiderm of cereal straw, and in the exoderm of wheat root.The use of these antibodies will contribute to a better understanding of the organisation and developmental dynamics of cell walls in Graminaceae.  相似文献   

A Library of Monoclonal Antibodies to Torpedo Cholinergic Synaptosomes   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Abstract: A library of monoclonal antibodies was generated to the cholinergic synaptosome. The immunogen was a preparation of highly purified synaptosomes from Torpedo electric organ. One hundred forty-one hybridoma cell lines were generated from the fusion of a single mouse. Tests reveal these cells produce antibodies with a vast range of neuronal specificities. The initial screen for specificity of antibody production was solid phase radioimmune binding to the original, highly purified synaptosome preparation. Subsequent tissue specificity tests have indicated that most antibodies are synaptosome-specific amongst the fish tissues tested: brain, liver, and purified synaptic vesicles. Less than 11% cross-react with liver. Many antibodies cross-react with frog and rat CNS. Localization within the frog and rat nervous tissue has revealed a vast array of antibody staining patterns. Some antibodies stain in a synaptic fashion. A few stain a restricted set of mammalian CNS neurons. Others define a broader set of CNS neurons. These Torpedo antibodies promise to be valuable probes with which to describe the molecular cell biology of the nervous system, of neurons in general, and of cholinergic neurons in particular.  相似文献   

Following a discussion of the rationale underlying the selection of human melanoma to test the usefulness of anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies in the therapy of solid tumors, the development of the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody MoAb) MF11–30 is described. This antibody recognizes a private idiotope within the antigen-combining site of the immunizing antihuman high molecular weight melanoma-associated antigen MoAb 225.28. The results of a phase I clinical trial with the MoAb MF11–30 in patients with advanced melanoma are described. The lack of toxic effects and the minor responses in six patients suggest that these studies should be extended to a larger number of patients with an emphasis on the analysis of the mechanisms underlying the clinical response.  相似文献   

Monoclonal Antibodies to Benzodiazepines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four hybridoma lines secreting monoclonal antibodies to benzodiazepines were produced after BALB/c mice were immunized with a benzodiazepine-bovine serum albumin conjugate. The monoclonal antibodies were purified from ascites fluids, and their binding affinities for benzodiazepines and other benzodiazepine receptor ligands were determined. These antibodies have very high binding affinities for diazepam, flunitrazepam, Ro5-4864, Ro5-3453, Ro11-6896, and Ro5-3438 (the KD values are in the 10(-9) M range). However, these antibodies have low affinities for the benzodiazepine receptor inverse agonists (beta-carbolines) and antagonists (Ro15-1788 and CGS-8216).  相似文献   

Summary Eleven monoclonal antibodies that recognize membrane determinants on spermatozoa of the carp Cyprinus carpio L. have been produced. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that these determinants are uniformly distributed on the surface of head and midpiece. Most of them are also present on the outer membrane of precursor sperm cells. Although none of the monoclonal antibodies reacted with carp somatic tissue, five monoclonal antibodies were positive for surface membrane determinants of oogonia and early prophase oocytes in carp ovary. Preliminary analysis of the testis and ovary of three other species of fish showed that some carp determinants are shared with germ cells from Barbus conchonius, Clarias lazera, or Salmo gairdneri.Abbreviation WCS Wageningen Carp Sperm antibody  相似文献   

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