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Six hundred and one lines from the John Innes Pisum germplasm collection were surveyed for resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora pisi). Potential sources of resistance were identified in forty-seven lines. Using the inoculation methods described resistant varieties/lines showed no evidence of infection. Isolates from recent outbreaks in the United Kingdom when screened against a representative test array of resistant and susceptible lines showed no evidence for a race structure in Peronospora pisi, although differences were found in overall virulence. The inheritance of resistance was studied in F2 and F3 families. Under the test conditions adopted the results obtained suggest that resistance may either be determined by a single dominant gene or by two recessive genes, but the lack of concordance between F2 and F3 segregation patterns was a disturbing feature despite careful control of experimental conditions. This, coupled with difficulties in obtaining large F3 families presents considerable problems in interpretation. It is proposed that inbred lines of JI 411 Cobri and JI 399 Cennia be adopted as standards.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) activity of bothPisum sativum L. cv. Bonneville andTriticum aestivum L. cv. Sonalika seedlings was influenced by the phytochrome system. Short durations of “red” irradiation (R) increased extractable levels of NR whereas subsequent short “far-red” irradiation (FR) partially inhibited the R modulated increases. Qualitatively, a negative correlation existed between thein vitro NR activities andin vivo phytochrome levels inPisum. “Blue” irradiation (B) also increased extractable levels of NR inTriticum. A partial action spectrum study made by exposing excised etiolated leaves ofTriticum and shoot apices ofPisum revealed a maximum increase in extractable NR activities and tissue nitrate level (inTriticum) at 656 nm. A partial action spectrum for the extracted enzyme ofTriticum indicated that at 700 nm the level of activity was increased (as compared to dark controls) more than by R (656 nm), FR (725 nm) or B (425 or 450 nm) irradiation, although all wavelengths used increased NR activity.  相似文献   

As a global approach to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in pea resistance to Erysiphe pisi, changes in the leaf proteome of two pea genotypes differing in their resistance phenotype were analyzed by a combination of 2-DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Leaf proteins from control non-inoculated and inoculated susceptible (Messire) and resistant (JI2480) plants were resolved by 2-DE, with IEF in the 5-8 pH range and SDS-PAGE on 12% gels. CBB-stained gels revealed the existence of quantitative and qualitative differences between extracts from: (i) non-inoculated leaves of both genotypes (77 spots); (ii) inoculated and non-inoculated Messire leaves (19 spots); and (iii) inoculated and non-inoculated JI2480 leaves (12 spots). Some of the differential spots have been identified, after MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis and database searching, as proteins belonging to several functional categories, including photosynthesis and carbon metabolism, energy production, stress and defense, protein synthesis and degradation and signal transduction. Results are discussed in terms of constitutive and induced elements involved in pea resistance against Erysiphe pisi.  相似文献   


Induction of resistance to downy mildew caused by Plasmopara halstedii in sunflower was studied after treatment with PGPR (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) strain INR7 (Bacillus spp). Treatment of sunflower seeds with 1×108cfu/ml of PGPR strain INR7 resulted in decreased disease severity and offered 51 and 54% protection under green house and field conditions, respectively. The induction of resistance to P. halstedii by PGPR strain INR7 was accompanied by the accumulation of various host defense-related enzymes in susceptible sunflower seedlings. Enhanced activation of catalase (CAT), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and chitinase (CHI) was evident at 6, 9, 12, 12 and 12h post inoculation, respectively, in sunflower seedlings raised from seeds treated with PGPR strain INR7. This enhanced and early activation of defense-related responses in the susceptible cultivar after treatment with PGPR strain INR7 was comparable to that in the resistant cultivar. The results indicate that PGPR strain INR7 induced resistance against P. halstedii in sunflower is mediated through enhanced expression of defense mechanism.  相似文献   

王巧  李守望  沈莲花  梁晨 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):290-296
明确虎尾兰水提取物对黄瓜霜霉病菌无性阶段的抑制作用及对黄瓜霜霉病的防治效果。采用凹玻片法和离体叶五点接种法分别测定该提取物对游动孢子的释放和游动、休止孢的萌发和芽管伸长以及菌丝生长和孢子囊产生的抑制作用,采用离体叶五点接种法测定该提取物的保护作用、治疗作用和持效期,并采用盆栽试验测定该提取物的保护作用和治疗作用。一系列试验结果显示,虎尾兰水提取物对黄瓜霜霉病菌游动孢子的释放和游动,休止孢的萌发和芽管伸长以及菌丝生长和孢子囊产生的EC50值分别为1.19、0.77、0.70、2.13、9.09和13.15 mg/mL。在离体叶片条件下,虎尾兰水提取物对黄瓜霜霉病的保护和治疗作用的EC50值分别为3.69 和14.57 mg/mL,持效期达14 d以上。盆栽条件下,该提取物对黄瓜霜霉病保护作用和治疗作用的防效分别为68.38%和21.33%。虎尾兰水提取物对黄瓜霜霉病具有很好的保护作用和较长的持效期。  相似文献   

Summary Haustorial complexes were isolated from leaves ofPisum sativum infected withErysiphe pisi and exposed to14CO2 for 2 hours. The constituents of the isolated fraction were quantified and ultrastructurally described and the distribution of14C studied by electron microscope autoradiography and statistical treatment. Most (86%) of the isotope in the fraction was associated with haustorial complexes. Three classes of haustorial complexes were distinguished by degree of labelling and ultrastructure. Most of the haustorial complexes were termed healthy (i.e., they showed a normal ultrastructure) and were heavily labelled; necrotic complexes were unlabelled; and a class with intermediate labelling, modified extrahaustorial membrane and usually a normal haustorial cytoplasm was termed pre-necrotic. In healthy haustorial complexes the haustorial lobes and extrahaustorial membrane showed the highest grain densities and the body and extrahaustorial matrix were also significantly labelled. Comparison of the results suggest that ultrastructural modifications leading to necrosis were caused by dehydration which in turn determined reduction in photosynthate transfer. Other factors influencing transport into haustoria and the status of the extrahaustorial matrix are also discussed.U.V. fluorescence microscopy with acetamido-isothiocyanatostilbene salt was used to distinguish healthy and pre-necrotic haustorial complexes. It is recommended as a simple technique to monitor the functional quality of isolated haustorial complexes.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of Pseudoperonospora cubensis causing downy mildew of cucumber resulted in changes in the metabolic processes within cucumber leaves including the transpiration rate. Due to the negative correlation between transpiration rate and leaf temperature, digital infrared thermography permitted a non-invasive monitoring and an indirect visualization of downy mildew development. Depending on the stage of pathogenesis and the topology of chloroses and necroses, infection resulted in a typical temperature pattern. Spatial heterogeneity of the leaf temperature could be quantified by the maximum temperature difference (MTD) within a leaf. The MTD increased during pathogenesis with the formation of necrotic tissue and was related to disease severity as described by linear and quadratic regression curves. Under controlled conditions, changes in temperature of infected leaves allowed the discrimination between healthy and infected areas in thermograms, even before visible symptoms of downy mildew appeared. Environmental conditions during thermographic measurement, in particular air temperature and humidity, as well as water content and age of the leaf influenced the temperature of its surface. Conditions enhancing the transpiration rate facilitated the detection of changes in leaf temperature of infected leaves at early stages of infection. As modified by environmental conditions, MTD alone is not suitable for the quantification of downy mildew severity in the field.  相似文献   

Three formulations of the systemic fungicide metalaxyl were tested in various seed treatments for the control of pearl millet downy mildew in three field experiments with downy mildew-susceptible pearl millet hybrid NHB-3. Uniform, high levels of sporangial inoculum of the causal fungus, Sclerospora graminicola, were provided throughout the growth of the test crops from inoculated infector rows of NHB-3, planted earlier between the test plots. Significant reductions in downy mildew were obtained with all fungicide treatments. Best control was obtained when seed was soaked in a 0.5% aqueous solution of a liquid formulation (mean infection index of 9.8% compared with 94.8% in the untreated check). The degree of control with the wettable powder formulations was directly related to fungicide dosage, and there were no significant effects of application method. Simple dusting of seed at 2 g a.i./kg, a rapid and simple operation requiring small quantities of fungicide and no special application equipment, gave a high level of control (infection index of 12.6% compared with 78.9% in the untreated check). In two experiments grain yields from all the treated plots were significantly greater than from the untreated plots (means of 1234 and 1534 kg/ha for treated plots compared with 485 and 743 kg/ha, respectively), and in the third, the treatment with the least downy mildew gave significantly more grain than the untreated check (1228 compared with 727 kg/ha).  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for downy mildew resistance in maize were identified based on co-segregation with linked restriction fragment length polymorphisms or simple sequence repeats in 220 F2 progeny from a cross between susceptible and resistant parents. Disease response was assessed on F3 families in nurseries in Egypt, Thailand, and South Texas and after inoculation in a controlled greenhouse test. Heritability of the disease reaction was high (around 93% in Thailand). One hundred and thirty polymorphic markers were assigned to the ten chromosomes of maize with LOD scores exceeding 4.9 and covering about 1,265 cM with an average interval length between markers of 9.5 cM. About 90% of the genome is located within 10 cM of the nearest marker. Three putative QTLs were detected in association with resistance to downy mildew in different environments using composite interval mapping. Despite environmental and symptom differences, one locus on chromosome 2 had a major effect and explained up to 70% of the phenotypic variation in Thailand where disease pressure was the highest. The other two QTLs on chromosome 3 and chromosome 9 had minor effects; each explained no more than 4% of the phenotypic variation. The three QTLs appeared to have additive effects on resistance, identifying one major gene and two minor genes that contribute to downy mildew resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The cotyledon cells ofPisum sativum have high DNA contents. By appropriate culture techniques, some of these cells can be triggered into division. Two types of dividing nuclei were seen. Firstly those that were polyploid with metaphases containing chromosome numbers ranging in value from 4 x to 32 x. Included among these were unexpected numbers equivalent to 12 x and 14 x. Secondly there were cells containing giant polytene chromosomes and these progressed from prophase to a metaphase where the polytene chromosomes separated into constituent single chromosomes.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) are important plant cell wall structural components, which are also involved in response to pathogen attack. In pearl millet, deposition and cross-linking of HRGPs in plant cell walls was shown to contribute to the formation of resistance barriers against the phytopathogenic oomycete Sclerospora graminicola. In the present study, the purification and characterization of HRGPs that accumulated in coleoptiles of pearl millet seedlings in response to S. graminicola inoculation has been carried out. Periodic acid Schiff's staining revealed that the purified protein was a glycoprotein. The protein to carbohydrate ratio was determined to be 95.5%:4.5% (w/w). Proline amounted for 20 mol% of the total amino acids as indicated by amino acid composition analysis. The isolated protein had a pI of 9.8 and was shown to be composed of subunits of 27, 17, and 14 kDa. Cross reactivity with the monoclonal antibody MAC 265 and the presence of the signature amino acid sequence, PVYK, strongly suggested to classify the purified glycoprotein as a member of the P/HRGPs class. In the presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 the purified glycoprotein served as a substrate for oxidative cross-linking processes.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis was used to determine the genetic map location of er-1, a recessive gene conditioning resistance to powdery mildew, on the Pisum sativum genome. Genetic linkage was demonstrated between er-1 and linkage group 6 markers after analyzing the progeny of two crosses, an F2 population and a set of recombinant inbred lines. The classes of genetic markers surrounding er-1 include RFLP, RAPD and allozyme markers as well as the morphological marker Gty. A RAPD marker tightly linked to er-1 was identified by bulked segregant analysis. After DNA sequence characterization, specific PCR primers were designed to convert this RAPD marker into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR).  相似文献   

在黄瓜生产中,由古巴假霜霉菌(Pseudoperonospora cubensis)引起的霜霉病危害严重,影响叶、茎和花序生长发育,导致黄瓜产量及品质降低。通过对黄瓜霜霉病的病原菌检测和防御途径、影响及调控因素、抗病原菌候选基因发掘、蛋白质组和基因组分析、黄瓜霜霉病QTL连锁标记开发及其抗病育种等多方面的最新进展进行综述,以期为今后进一步揭示黄瓜乃至农作物对霜霉病的抗性机制研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

During sporulation of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucumber leaves ( Cucumis saliva ) zoosporangia are formed on the dichotomously branched sporangiophore. The mature zoosporangium has a preformed discharge papilla and the cytoplasm is uncleaved. The zoosporangium wall is decorated and the outer layer of the wall is electron opaque in ultrathin sections. As the zoosporangium is able to survive freezing (- 18°C) for prolonged periods of time (3–4 months) the zoosporangium may serve as the "resting" structure which survives overwintering in Northern latitudes in the absence of oospore formation.
Zoospore cleavage can be synchronized by placing freshly harvested zoosporangia in distilled water. Cleavage of the zoosporangial cytoplasm is by means of the fusion of small vesicles apparently derived from dictyosomes which become highly active after zoosporogenesis is induced.
Vesicles with an osmiophilic electron opaque content are the dominant type of vesicle found in the zoosporangia. The content of these vesicles undergoes dynamic changes during zoosporogenesis and during the late stages of sporogenesis the content becomes finely striated as is typical of these vesicles when observed in the zoospore. On the basis of the results presented here it is suggested that zoosporangium formation and zoosporogenesis in P. cubensis could serve as a model system for assays with obligate oomycetous plant pathogens, also in relation to fungicide mode of action studies.  相似文献   

Sugar-beet downy mildew is most prevalent in England in the sugar-beet and mangold seed-growing area of South Lincolnshire and West Norfolk. The most widespread and severe recent outbreaks were in 1957, and in 1965 when 6412 acres were reported with more than 10% infected plants. The fungus usually overwinters in sugar-beet and mangold seed crops, and in England other ways of overwintering are seldom important. Steckling beds are infected in the autumn, and the disease may increase rapidly in the seed crop in early spring. Summer-sown stecklings get more downy mildew than stecklings sown in spring under a cereal cover crop, and direct-drilled seed crops get more downy mildew than transplanted crops.  相似文献   

The internal mycelium of Pseudoperonospora cubensis has been observed in transmission and scanning electron microscopic preparations. The internal mycelium may be inter- or intracellular. Haustoria of short swollen bundles of hyphae have been observed. Actively growing hyphae contain numerous mitochondria, nuclei, active dictyosomes, low amounts of storage materials (lipid) and microbody-like structures with a laminate inclusion. Thick walled hyphae with a diameter which is smaller than the actively growing hyphae have been observed. These thick wallcd hyphae contain large amounts of reserve material (lipid) and it is suggested that they may function as resting propagules.  相似文献   

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