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Abstract. Soil grown oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. var. oleifera M., cv. Darmor) seedlings at the cotyledon stage (one week old), were inoculated in vivo at the base of the hypocotyl with Agrobacterium rhizogenes harbouring the pRi 15834 plasmid. Resulting adventitious root formation was observable about 2 or 3 weeks after infection. Differential Ri-induced root emergence and subsequent development occurred depending on water conditions and closeness of the wounding site to the soil surface: either thin, hairy roots growing rapidly and plagiotropically at the soil level under humid atmosphere, or hairless and fleshy, slowly growing aerial roots developed. The hairy roots were highly drought susceptible, whereas aerial roots revealed some potential for drought tolerance. Unlike normal roots, none of these Ri-induced roots appeared able to give rise to drought rhizogenesis in plants subjected to progressive drought stress. However, under hardening, achieved through successive and moderate drought stress-rehydration cycles, both types of Ri-induced roots improved drought tolerance and could express the morphogenetic differentiation programme leading to the formation of short, tuberized, drought-adapted, roots. These results, discussed in terms of hormonal imbalance and drought tolerance regulation, suggest that the Ri T-DNA gene expression, responsible for adventitious root induction and growth behaviour, is further regulated through the host plant.  相似文献   

Acclimation of winter oilseed plants in the cold (i.e. at temperatures >0 degrees C) followed by short exposure to sub-lethal freezing temperatures resulted in pronounced ultrastructural changes of leaf epidermal and mesophyll cells. The following major changes were observed upon acclimation at 2 degrees C: increased thickness of cell walls; numerous invaginations of plasma membranes; the appearance of many large vesicles localized in the cytoplasm in close proximity to the central vacuole; the occurrence of abundant populations of microvesicles associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae or located in the vicinity of dictyosomes; and the occurrence of paramural bodies and myelin-like structures. In addition, large phenolic deposits were observed in the vicinity of the plasma membrane and membrane-bound organelles such as chloroplasts, large vesicles or cytoplasm/tonoplast interfaces. Transient freezing (-5 degrees C for 18 h) of the cold-acclimated leaves led to reversible disorganization of the cytoplasm and to pronounced structural changes of the cellular organelles. Chloroplasts were swollen, with the stroma occupying one half of their volume and the thylakoid system being displaced to the other half. Large phenolic aggregates disappeared but distinct layers of phenolic deposits were associated with mitochondrial membranes and with chloroplast envelopes. In frost-thawed cells recovered at 2 degrees C for 24 h, dictyosomes and dictyosome- or ER-derived small vesicles reappeared in the ribosome-rich cytoplasm. Aberrations in the structure of chloroplasts and mitochondria were less pronounced. Few phenolic deposits were seen as small grains associated with chloroplast envelopes and vesicle membranes. These observations demonstrate that plants undergo different changes in cell ultrastructure depending on whether they are subjected to chilling or freezing temperatures. Results are discussed in relation to membrane recycling and the possible role of phenolics during the first and second stages of plant acclimation at low temperature.  相似文献   

Rapacz M 《Annals of botany》2002,89(5):543-549
The aim of this work was to establish the role of factors that may trigger elongation growth in the dehardening response, namely temperature during daylight, photoperiod and vernalization. Fully cold-acclimated seedlings of winter (with incomplete vernalization) and spring oilseed rape were subjected to deacclimation under temperatures of 2/12, 12/2, 12/12, 12/20, 20/12 and 20/20 degrees C (day/night) and a 12 h photoperiod. Plants were also deacclimated under photoperiods of 8 and 16 h at constant temperatures of 12 and 20 degrees C. After deacclimation, plants were subjected to reacclimation. Results suggest that the level of growth activity induced during deacclimation affects both the deacclimation rate and the capacity for reacclimation. Deacclimation is fully reversible if it is not accompanied by induction of elongation growth. In such cases the rate of the decrease in freezing tolerance depends on the mean temperature of deacclimation. Deacclimation becomes partially or completely irreversible when it is connected with promotion of elongation growth. The stimuli triggering elongation growth during deacclimation may be the growth-promoting temperature (20 degrees C) during the day and the lack of vernalization blockage of elongation growth. When elongation growth was stimulated by other factors such as long-day treatments, rehardening was also disturbed.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR技术是探索植物基因功能和调节机理的有效手段。选择合适的内参基因是获得实时荧光定量PCR准确性数据的必备条件。ACT基因高度保守且表达稳定,常作为内参基因被广泛应用。为了获得花椰菜ACT基因,以转录组测序和RT-PCR方法为手段克隆得到花椰菜肌动蛋白基因Actin。该基因等电点为5.395,理论分子量为41.77 kD;其cDNA开放阅读框长1134 bp,编码氨基酸377个,GenBank登录号为MG598643。Wolf Psort分析发现,BobActin蛋白亚细胞定位于细胞质基质中。Motif Scan分析显示,BobActin蛋白质的氨基酸序列4~377位为Actin保守结构域。进化分析表明,同源序列基因编码的蛋白质与同为十字花科的甘蓝、芜菁和油菜同源蛋白的相似性达到90%以上,具有高度的保守性。在此基础上,设计了1对荧光定量PCR引物,分析显示,该引物具有较高的特异性和扩增效率,在花椰菜根、茎、花、花球、叶片等不同组织和低温、高温、盐处理、干旱处理、ABA处理等胁迫处理下均能稳定表达,适合在花椰菜基因表达研究中作为内参基因,为开展花椰菜重要功能基因的挖掘、表达模式以及调控机理的研究提供参考。花椰菜在内参基因方面的研究还处于初步阶段,今后可继续克隆其他内参基因,丰富花椰菜的内参基因库,从而进一步提高花椰菜基因表达分析研究的稳定性、重复性和准确性。  相似文献   

该研究运用生物信息学方法鉴定甘蓝型油菜RPD3/HDA1基因家族,检测了其在‘黔油早2号’和‘中双11’中的表达水平及2个品种在低温(4℃)和ABA胁迫下该家族基因的表达特征,以探讨RPD3/HDA1基因在甘蓝型油菜中的潜在功能,为早熟油菜抗逆性遗传改良提供理论基础和候选基因。结果表明:(1)在甘蓝型油菜全基因组中共鉴定到28个RPD3/HDA1基因,将其命名为BnHDA1~BnHDA28,聚类为4个亚家族,同一亚家族成员的基因结构较为相似;在该基因家族中共检测到16对复制基因,均为片段重复。(2)顺式作用元件预测统计中共发现675个元件与植物激素、环境胁迫和光响应有关。(3)qRT-PCR分析显示,RPD3/HDA1基因在‘黔油早2号’中的表达量均高于‘中双11’;低温胁迫下,‘黔油早2号’和‘中双11’中RPD3/HDA1基因呈差异表达,与‘中双11’相比,RPD3/HDA1基因在‘黔油早2号’中的下调幅度较大;ABA处理后,RPD3/HDA1基因在2个品种中表达模式不一致,‘黔油早2号’中大部分RPD3/HDA1基因表达量较‘中双11’下调幅度小。研究认为,RPD3/HDA1基因可能在油菜开花中发挥调节作用,而且可能通过激素信号通路和防御信号通路参与油菜的生长发育和防御反应的调节。  相似文献   

以甘蓝自交系‘03097’为试材,PCR扩增并克隆了甘蓝质体的trnI-trnA基因区段,利用该基因区段作为定点整合外源基因的同源重组片段,构建了甘蓝质体定点转化载体,并进行了原核表达分析。结果表明,所扩增的基因区段大小为2.7 kb。进行序列分析后,经酶切、连接和转化,构建成含Prrn-gfp-aadA-TpsbA表达盒的质体表达载体,酶切鉴定表明,所构建载体符合预期设计;gfp基因能够在质体特异性启动子Prrn及终止子TpsbA的调控下高水平表达,表达量约占总可溶性蛋白的41.0%,包涵体占菌体蛋白的38.0%。该载体的构建为后期甘蓝质体转化体系的建立和其它功能基因导入甘蓝质体进行性状改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

矮生菜豆豆荚产量构成因素的通径分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
以8个矮生菜豆品种为材料,研究了单株豆荚产量与其主要构成因素的关系,结果表明,单株豆荚产量及作为豆荚产量构成因素的主茎高、分枝数、花序数、豆荚数、豆荚长和豆荚重在品种间均存在极显著的差异;但这些产量构成因素与单株豆荚产量之间,无论是表型相关系数还是遗传相关系数或是环境相关系数均未达到显著水平。通径分析结果显示,一个与单株豆荚产量关系密切的性状。其对单株豆荚产量的效应总是由于存在一个或多个负向的间接通径系数而被削弱。从而掩盖了该性状对单株豆荚产量的遗传效应,从表型和遗传通径系数看,对单株产量最为重要的是单株结荚数及单株花序数。单株分枝数、主茎高和豆荚重其次。豆荚长则较为次要。根据通径分析结果,就矮生菜豆丰产性育种中各有关性状的选择进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用常规压片法对羽衣甘蓝花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育进行了细胞学观察,结果显示:羽衣甘蓝减数分裂类似甘蓝种,细胞质分裂为同时型,四分体以正四面体型或十字交叉型为主;终变期有9个二价体,此时可进行染色体计数;中期Ⅰ和Ⅱ少数细胞中可见赤道板外染色体,后期Ⅰ和Ⅱ存在落后染色体,四分体时期可观察到少量含微核的异常四分体;单核靠边期时花蕾长度约为2.0~2.2 mm,小孢子经过发育最终成为3-细胞型花粉并具3个萌发孔,成熟花粉中败育花粉比率为1.3%.  相似文献   

水稻地上部干物质积累动态的定量模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用4个不同株型水稻品种进行不同施氮水平的田间试验,于主要生育期测定植株地上部干物质积累量(DMA),并对DMA及出苗至成熟期累积辐热积(TEP)进行归一化处理,建立了基于相对DMA(RDMA)和相对TEP(RTEP)的水稻相对干物质积累(RDMA)动态模型,进而定量分析了水稻干物质积累过程的动态特征.结果表明:Richards方程能够准确描述水稻地上部干物质积累的动态模式,具有明确的生物学意义,具体方程式为RDMA=1.0157/(1+e3,6329-7.5907×RTEP)1/0.5574,r=0.9938;利用独立的水稻田间试验资料对所建模型进行了检验,水稻不同RTEP所对应的DMA观测值与模拟值之间的根均方差为0.86 t·hm-2.根据水稻地上部干物质积累速率方程的2个拐点,可将整个干物质积累过程划分为前、中和后期3个阶段,发现水稻干物质最大积累速率及其出现时的相对辐热积和相对干物质积累量分别为2.24、0.56和0.46.  相似文献   

The genetics of fertility restoration (Rf) of kosena radish CMS has been characterized. The kosena CMS-Rf system is genetically the same as that of the ogura CMS-Rf system. Two dominant genes that act complementary to the restoration of fertility control fertility restoration in kosena CMS. One allele (Rf1) is associated with accumulation of the CMS-associated protein, ORF125. The interaction of Rf1 and another allele (Rf2) was essential for the restoration of fertility in radish, whereas Rf1 alone was sufficient for the complete restoration of fertility in the B. napus kosena CMS cybrid. Received: 13 August 1999 / Accepted: 16 September 1999  相似文献   

组分Ⅰ蛋白(RuBP羧化酶/加氧酶)的生物合成系由叶绿体基因和细胞核基因共同控制,所以,被作为研究细胞质遗传的标记。本实验用免疫化学和氨基酸成分分析等方法,对水稻(珍汕97)、小麦(繁7)、油菜(湘矮早)和烟草(G28)的细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系的组分Ⅰ蛋白作了比较,同时对不同作物的组分Ⅰ蛋白也作了免疫鉴定。结果表明,细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系的组分Ⅰ蛋白差异不大,但是,四种不同作物的组分Ⅰ蛋白之间有明显差异。  相似文献   

Rhodamine-phalloidin staining of winter oilseed rape suspension cells revealed that the structure of actin cytoskeleton changes with the phase of cell growth. In small, 4-day-old cells, entering the exponential phase of growth, a dense and uniformly distributed cortical microfilament networks was seen. In six-day-old vacuolated cells, which reached the stationary phase of growth, the actin cytoskeleton was composed of thicker microfilament cables in irregular arrangements. In cells acclimated in cold for 7 days a dense, uniformly distributed and cortical microfilament network was still seen. The fine microfilament network was sensitive to extracellular freezing since the structures underwent depolymerization at −3 °C (in the presence of extracellular ice), both in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated cells. The thicker transvacuolar cables in cells of the stationary growth phase resisted freezing to −7 °C. Acclimation of suspensions at 2 °C resulted in slowing down growth of cells and in the increased freezing tolerance of cells as indicated by a decrease of LT50 from −11 °C to −17.5o or to −25 °C when determined 7 or 20 days after the beginning of the cold treatment, respectively. Freezing tolerance of non-acclimated cells decreased from −11 °C to −8 °C during subculture, showing a transient increase to −17 °C on the day 6. Results indicate that the arrangement of actin microfilaments and their sensitivity to freezing-induced depolymerization depends on the phase of cell growth rather than on cell acclimation status. Possible mechanisms involved in the freezing-induced depolymerization of actin microfilaments are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The systemic fungicide methyl-1-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamate (benomyl), is a broad spectrum fungicide. Benomyl at concentrations up to 50 mg/l does not inhibit the growth of suspension cultures ofNicotiana tabacum, Datura innoxia, Daucus carota, Glycine canescens, andSolanum tuberosum nor growth ofN. tabacum orN. plumbaginifolia protoplasts if benomyl is dissolved by autoclaving or boiling. Addition of benomyl dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide results in a visible toxicity. Benomyl, at 6.25–50 mg/l preventsPenicillium spp. growth in both protoplast and cell cultures and can be used to remove fungal contaminates after one to three transfers without visibly retarding plant cell growth. Due to the broad spectrum of fungicidal activity, and nontoxicity at high concentrations when dissolved by boiling or autoclaving, benomyl can be used effectively to control or prevent fungal contamination in plant cell and protoplast cultures.  相似文献   

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